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File: 484 KB, 1067x696, AdornoHorkheimerHabermasbyJeremyJShapiro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21934107 No.21934107 [Reply] [Original]

In what way do their ideas survive in the normie's mind today? Are they still relevant?

>> No.21934132
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Read Lasch.

>> No.21934172

People who suggest philosophers had any impact on the general population are clearly wrong. Vaush doesn't cite philosophers, he cites Marvel Comics and porn. And that's the left's brain.
Political theory is a meme.

>> No.21934177

> Anonymous 04/19/23(Wed)22:46:20 No.21934077▶
>File: file.png (60 KB, 718x621)
>I am almost entirely self taught but twice I've put my writing in this site https://www.codingrobots.com/iwl/ and it spit out James Joyce as who it believes I write like, including what I am going to post now.
>The attached screenshot is just an excerpt of my last completed, but not yet edited, chapter.
>I intentionally change how closely I write to a characters thoughts depending on the scene. My fights I tend to go for a more detached analysis of the violence in the hopes that the readers understand how my main character feels about killing. He dissociates himself from his worst actions, trying to avoid clouding his judgment with morals or emotions, allowing him to fight with brutality. In this case, he is speaking dryly, not only because of what he is doing and how he learned how to do it, but because the woman who is there is a teacher above him and he doesn't like being emotional around people who he isn't close with. He is also seeing himself as an artist, and I think the line about what a shame it would be if the body forgot how to breathe shows how detached he is in that moment.
>The True Mastermind is Marx
>Marx reveals the true Culprits of Normie Mind
>the Villain is False Consciousness!
>Marx Breaks the False Consciousnsess to kickstart the Revoluion!

>> No.21934185

They’re relevant but their conclusions are wrong, or rather, shortsighted

>> No.21934613
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imagine being so bad at music criticism that you get filtered by the most novel and influential music of your era because you have a latent fear of emasculation

>> No.21934622

you might wanna read those philosophers and have your mind blown about how ideology is proliferated through pop culture

>> No.21934632

>most novel and influential music
Retarded criteria for any judgement, especially music.
He's completely right, jazz is soulless, pseudo subversive, mass produced garbage at the lowest level of musical development for the emotionally and intellectually neutered masses.
You are obviously an uneducated brainlet, go listen to shallow pop about being a whore.

>> No.21934635
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Behold, the virile masculin man at its peak

>> No.21934638

his take on Wagner was idiotic too

>> No.21934640
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>In what way do their ideas survive in the normie's mind today?
> Are they still relevant?

>> No.21934644

Did they offer any program or guide to decoupling yourself from commercialised popular culture and only listening to good composers and reading good books?

>> No.21934647

>One of these weapons was the 1000-page treatise on The Authoritarian Personality. Wielding Freudianism as a bludgeon, Horkheimer first states that no reasonable person would ever believe in communism after the horrors witnessed on the other side of the Berlin Wall, and therefore the true enemy is the lurking spirit of Fascism, just waiting to find willing vessels through which it will reanimate itself. From this, one could take positions aligned categorically against fascism, such as religiosity, anti-statist sentiment, and strong belief in the right to bear arms to be indicative of some hypothetical (now debunked) Freudian complex that will inevitably manifest itself in Fascism. More interestingly, sentiments like happiness in marriage, spousal affection, or masculinity were proposed as defects inevitably leading to fascism. Fascism, as is implied through the text, is the modern allegory for Satan's rule on earth, and any sense of normality, traditional values, or positive predisposition towards capitalism in one's life is pathologized as a mental defect of the psychologically broken. The therapeutic state necessitates that such people be fixed; therefore, all traditional right-wing and libertarian values must be destroyed lest it morph into authoritarianism. Horkheimer created the infrastructure for the praxis of Gramsci’s theory. The Cultural Marxism in the erosion of unifying bonds and sentiments set the course for the reducing the German people- and the West at large- to a formless mass whose only identity is that they are an economic unit.
Is this an accurate take?

>> No.21934656

Can someone deepfake this quote with Alex Jones's voice?

>> No.21934657

He was a philistine, just listen to his compositions.

>> No.21934675

Horkheimer's Eclipse of Reason refutes most of what happens on this board on a daily basis, it's extremely pertinent. It truly exposes trads as just another mode of relativistic pragmatism, and diagnoses the glorification of schizo shit. On the other hand, idk if many have similar enough of a cultural background as Adorno to truly gain insight from his acerbic commentaries on Western Classical Music. Read the Horkheimer book.

>> No.21934681

>another retard confuses an attempted description with a refutation

>> No.21934685
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Oy vey!

>> No.21934688

It refutes it in the sense that it exposes that these people are not what they think they are. It's apretty clear exposition of the emptiness at the heart of these cultish movements that blossom amidst the pig-shit of pragmatism and idolization of usefulness.

>> No.21934701

I strongly doubt that. Especially considering that none of them are unitary to begin with. It'd be like refuting religion in general by showing how Christianity has contradictions contained within it. Plus, all it takes is constructing a fabricated image of "what they think they are", when that is really an unknown to begin with, and then taking a mishmash of individualistic examples, which ultimately aren't particularly important to the overall idea, to show that these individuals do not suit the idea, and then incorrectly inverting the situation to show that the idea is empty because some, not all, individuals are inauthentic. Besides, arguably everything is empty at the heart of it. What criterion is he using to judge emptiness that wouldn't apply to absolutely every movement and every person? That would be subjective, in other words, "this I find personally meaningful" (full), "this I find personally empty." Again, all it comes down to is a description and subjective exposition rather than a refutation.

>> No.21934729

>Besides, arguably everything is empty at the heart of it.

See, the real trads would've never used this line of argument. You are trying to defend the validity of groups that pretend to be interested in objective truths by ultimately making appeal to extreme subjectivity and relativism, characteristics of the modern pragmatist mindset rather than Aquinas or Plato. This is obviously absurd, since to be "a real" trad this constant relating of everything to subjective purposes, and dogmatisms arising therefrom, would not be permissible. You are ironically at the heart the problem that Horkheimer is describing in your post, or what he calls the antinomy between subjective and objective reason.

>> No.21934734
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Wildly off base. Adorno doesn’t say these characteristics make someone a fascist, he says they correlate with fascism. The book is basically a long interpretation of survey data. According to Adorno, it’s likely that many people who are not fascist will share these traits. Anything about religion is just the reviewer projecting their own religion onto a secular text. Adorno is also notoriously bad at calling his readers to action — the most he ever says is to be skeptical of things that seem nice, because they can soften you up to ideology.

>> No.21934763

>the real trads
Not quoted but I don't see anyone but you mentioning the idea of "trads".

>> No.21934767

I'm not defending anyone, I'm attacking the person who tries to refute things in this weird, clandestine, underhanded fashion. As far as I'm concerned, it seems to be all about appearances (which is exactly what it is attempting to criticize, ironically) rather than substance.

>> No.21934782

Thats what the discussion was and what he was responding to.

I'm the same person. You definitely are defending groups that would claim objective truth by appealing to relativism and subjectivity. It's like a perfect example of the core issue that Horkheimer talks about in his book.

>> No.21934787

>soulless, pseudo-subversive
t. Has never listened to jazz in his life.

>> No.21934799

The critique og modernity by Adorno and Benjamin remains influential, this is readily apparent in the ubiquity of terminology such as "culture industry". Habermas is likely the most influential og them all; he's become something of a guiding star for European policymakers and officials on the subject of statecraft, democracy and ethics following German unification and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Other than that, the only other Frankfurter (haha) with any influence in the modern day is Henrykt Grossmann, whom despite his relative obscurity in the 20th century has enjoyed renewed interest as part of crisis theory; following the volatile behavior of the global economy in the past few years.

>> No.21934801

Cultural Marxism is literally poisoning 80% of western world as we speak.
LTGTQ right, Tolerance, Communism, Critical Race Theory etc etc everything.

>> No.21934813

If retards here read they would agree maybe 70% with everything said by the frankfurt school. They share the same critique of modernity with poltards here

>> No.21934816
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I watched a lecture years ago where the guy said the Frankfurt school gives a diagnosis, rarely a prognosis, but never a cure.
From what I've read by Walter Benjamin he explains how the economical, technological and social progress changed everything from the way people live to art and architecture (the whole aura and flaneur thing).

>> No.21934831

Absolutely based. Jazz was created by feminine negros. Look at all the nigger sympathisers seething at chad Adorno.

>> No.21934845

>they would agree maybe 70% with everything said by the frankfurt school
Like what?

>> No.21934848

Where did this ridiculous meme come from that Frankfurt School was "based" and chud-adjacent? I see this talking point in any thread and nobody ever explains further

>> No.21934849

>in any

>> No.21934883

Basically, from what I understand, it was all self-fullfilling prophecies
>accuse them of what you're doing
Negative dialectics being a black hole: the unrelenting criticism, this
>everything being problematic
of nowadays, everything being (de)con(structed), the con at the center of the destruction.

>> No.21934885
File: 2.48 MB, 5000x6210, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21934891

lol what is this freudian quackery

>> No.21934899

>(de)con(structed), the con at the center of the destruction.
How much kabbalah do I have to study to gain the ability to decode occultic messages such as this?

>> No.21934902

>let me just put a star on them just like the nazis did, this surely will help spreading something that's supposedly true

>> No.21934909

Just having fun with a pun, merely cohencidence.

>> No.21934918

Every kind of study that has the prefix "critical" is in some way derived from these dorks.
Not in the way they intended, but philosophical reception rarely allows the luxury of letting someone be understood on their own terms.

>> No.21934926

>ON APRIL 22, 1969, SHORTLY AFTER BEGINNING a lecture in his course on dialectical thought before an audience of nearly one thousand students at the University of Frankfurt, the eminent Frankfurt School sociologist and Marxist cultural critic Theodor W. Adorno found himself in an unusual situation. A student in one of the back rows interrupted him, demanding that he engage in "self-criticism." Another student silently walked up to the blackboard and wrote the following words: "He who only allows dear Adorno to rule will uphold capitalism his entire life." After Adorno told the class that they would have five minutes to decide if his lecture should continue, three female students dressed in leather jackets rushed the podium. They showered him with roses and tulips, exposed their breasts, and tried repeatedly to kiss him. Incensed and humiliated, Adorno stormed out of the lecture hall.
>be Adorno
>be defeated spiritually by nubile tits

>> No.21934935

Pattern recognition at its finest

>> No.21934943

The Frankfurts most significant contribution to modern philosophy is probably the concept of critical theory, which is a broad term for a framework commonly used today to analyze various concepts and social issues. They're not related to a nefarious "cultural marxism" plot centered around subverting the west. This is a Nazi conspiracy theory that was used to attack the Bolsheviks under the term "cultural bolshevism" and later adapted to smear any progressive or leftist movement by American right wingers. Critical theory is a complex and diverse field that aims to understand and transform society through dialectical and interdisciplinary methods. It is not a dogmatic or monolithic doctrine that can be easily dismissed or caricatured by its opponents.

>> No.21934958

The Frankfurt School’s main goal was to emancipate humanity from the forces of oppression and create a more just, equal society through the process of inquiry, dialectic, and reflection. They did not seek to destroy Western civilization, but rather to improve it by exposing its flaws and potentials.

The right wing attacks on the Frankfurt School can be boiled down to fear and hatred of anything that challenges their narrow worldview. The right has consistently shown they are unable to comprehend or appreciate the contributions of the Frankfurt School and since they have little argument to offer or knowledge of the texts will resort to lies and slander to discredit them.

>> No.21934993

>They're not related to a nefarious "cultural marxism" plot centered around subverting the west.
> Critical theory is a complex and diverse field that aims to understand and transform society through dialectical and interdisciplinary methods
>it is not
>but it is

>> No.21934997

Is argue it totally dominates the normie-sphere, though I’ve seen WLC say it’s irrelevant in popular thought.

But basically the Frankfurt school has distilled down to
1. a somewhat religious attraction to a watered down Marxism

2. The general idea that everyone’s point of view is correct and not worth debating or opposing it’s Christianity or fascism (interestingly both ideas that are despised by Jews) lgbt, Islam, confuscianism, Chinese treatment of workers etc etc etc. it’s your truth! Nobody can take it away.

3. There is no sin, just offense against society. So If you cut your dick off or smoke weed or get fat it’s not a sin. If you denounce someone else’s right to do what they see fit it’s a sin or if you steal it’s a sin

>> No.21935001

>t. ChatGPT

>> No.21935004

Transform society doesn't necessarily mean "subversion" or transforming in a negative manner, it could be seen as a way to improve, adapt, evolve, and overcome previous shortcomings

>> No.21935018

too optimistic, name the 20%
>hardmode: no east of poland, inclusive

>> No.21935019
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>I hate jazz I am da alpha male

>> No.21935022

If you're boiling things down to a right-wing/left-wing dichotomy, you've already lost my attention. People need to learn to tackle subjects without turning it into flanderizing tribal bullshit

>> No.21935030

The left right divide is the single most potent political and civilisational force in the west for 300 years, if you don't understand that you understand nothing about politics.

>> No.21935037
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>> No.21935044

Physiognomy never fails

>> No.21935049

The nukes should have been dropped on Germany.

>> No.21935059

Simplified versions of philosopher thoughts, many times uncredited, influence the masses

>> No.21935078

It really isn't though? Or if it's true, it's true in such a meaningless way that it's laughable you hyperfocus on it. The tribal divide between an undereducated minimum wage worker on the Bible Belt and a college educated citygoer is not even remotely the most critical part of politics in the modern era. The pandering done on the political aisles to both of those demographics is 99% theater, so it's a waste of time and just misleading to interpret modern politics in light of it. Seriously, that's a twatter tier take. If we misunderstood each other in terms of our position, I apologize for oversimplifying, but all I was trying to say initially was that categorizing genuine, complex thought into a right/left dichotomy is to dirty and distort the complex thought into something simpler and stupider. It's an actual psy-op to kill actual critical thinking and discussion based on real thought by turning it into an ooga booga caveman divide. And no, screeching about right-wingers is not a sign of your erudite understanding of potent political machinations in the modern world, it's you falling for the psy-op like the sophomore you seem to be.

>> No.21935093

Have the Frankfurt Schoolers ever defined "fascism"? What exactly does the term mean to them if they even saw Beatles songs as fascist?

>> No.21935112

You are not wrong, but also not entirely right.

>> No.21935127

Not even Gottfried would go that far and he is their biggest fan on the right.

>> No.21935166

He wrote a pretty interesting article recently


>> No.21935200
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>> No.21935215

Marx wasn't woke, but wokism arose from Marxism

>> No.21935278


>> No.21935412

1) Marx literally argued against of co-temporal for him woketurds
2)modern wokies made by CIA and is antimarxist

>> No.21935424

>Are they still relevant?

>> No.21935436

I'm utterly convinced that when leftists say that "fascists" have insecurities about masculinity or "daddy issues" to latent homosexuality as was a fun propaganda tool of the bolsheviks they are 100% projecting and some just come to terms with themselves by literally castrating themselves/transitioning.

>> No.21935446

I love how people think these guys are the heirs of Nietzsche when they go on parading the corpse of god and pretend objective values still exist on mediums such as music. They are absurd

>> No.21935489

I'll try to guess though. "Consumerism" as explained through magical critical theorist drivel, because they can't just say what's really on their minds: they don't like it.
Instead they'll go on to say that serialized consumer exchanges in an economy causes commodities and bodies to become interchangeable and indistinguishable or something. Because they apperantly can't tell the difference between a car and a person. As if modernity is the only time in history where humans have been sorted into numbers. It's fucking stupid freudian nonsense with the sole purpose of being entertaining to students who desperately like to *feel* like they are being oppressed, to be a part of some romantic struggle. The Frankfurt school doesn't even have any coherent foundation, like people said, all they ever did was critique trends.

>> No.21935499

You wouldn't be entirely wrong.

>> No.21935502

Yes, I'm sure that you are very self-aware. I'm sure your values are the objective values that exist in the objective world.
It's funny, but critical theorists never actually criticize their own ideology, and if they do, it's just on the grounds that it's not progressive enough, that some group like TERFs are betraying the movement by not falling in line or that some rando criticized someone else without following accepted guidelines.

>> No.21935507

Maybe, but going by the divide at the origin point, there is no "right" since all the actual reactionaries are dead.

>> No.21935526

>modern wokies made by CIA and is antimarxist
I love this pathetic attempt of internet teen marxists, who still think we live in the 19th century, unlike their Eurocommunist brethren, to shift culpability of the rise of new social movements, anti-discrimination movements, LGBTQ rights etc. on the Chicago boys and the CIA.

>> No.21935540

that's a fun way of saying "Louis XVI should've executed all the revolutionaries."

>> No.21935551

Revolutionnary, progressive, conservative, reactionnary are all situational and relative to the actual mover of history, the question of equality, or blank-slatism.

>> No.21935611

Every woke element comes from a different Cold War Marxist strategy
>POC identity politics comes from Thirdworldism
>Race denialism from Lewontin
>LGBT bullshit from Mieli and Reich
>feminism from underfucked Jewish spinsters

>> No.21935659


>> No.21935780

How do people not see that wokeism is the greatest trick capitalism has ever pulled? It atomizes society, destroys the family and replaces it with the service economy, where everything that was freely done by relatives/friends/nice neighbors turns into a paid service that goes to push up the GDP. The individual as fully "liberated", emancipated consumer is Capitalism's ultimate dream. You can't really be pro free markets and contra wokeism; at least don't complain that millions choose the latter in perfectly free transactions and activities.

>> No.21935815

Because it is , dumbfuck.

>The State Department, the CIA, and the United States Information Agency, as well as an assortment of foundations from Rockefeller’s to Fulbright’s, all dedicated themselves to painting a positive picture of America abroad. This was big money; by the late 1950’s the USIA alone spent over $2 billion of public money a year on newsreels, radio broadcasts, journalism, and international appearances and exhibitions.

>The problem was that the image of America that these agencies projected to the world wasn’t the image many Americans had of their country. Information agencies were busy trying to make us look like an open and free society, as sophisticated and cosmopolitan as any European one.

>Congress...passed a compromise called the Smith-Mundt Act in 1948. The law made it illegal for the USIA to release any of its propaganda within the United States. Ostensibly, this was to protect Americans from the potentially manipulative propaganda it was spreading abroad. Information is a form of PSYOPS (psychological operations), after all, and we are not going to use such weapons on our own people.

>So in 2012, Smith-Mundt was repealed. Concerned netizens saw a conspiracy. Did this mean the government would now be free to use its psychological warfare on U.S. citizens? Perhaps. But the real intent was to relieve the government’s communications agencies from trying to hide their messaging from Americans in an age when hiding such programming is impossible.

>> No.21935914

Interesting read, thanks.

>> No.21935924

Capitalism is Marxist

>> No.21935926

Though I should add it precisely shows how the woke is a a post-marxist movement grown out of rejection of the soviet union by the new left and which substituted minorities for the new proletariat.
CIA analysts writing notes about that doesn't mean it's a CIA plot.
All in all it's just modernized marxism >>21935611

>> No.21936370

They have no understanding of masculinity or of inner strength because it is utterly foreign to their own being. This is why they frame their enemies as "insecure", the gayest most effeminate projection possible. Although to be fair anime pfp rw manchildren definitely are insecure but those are the rw equivalent of trannies.

>> No.21936650
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The thing about the early USSR is that -- whatever you think of the theory and reality of it (which can be two different things) -- it wasn't just about a self-proclaimed belief in liberating "the working class" in a narrow sense like a 19th century radical labor movement socialism (although it was that), but also liberating the oppressed peoples of the world from imperialism and colonialism, and they believed it was the responsibility of workers in more advanced countries, if they considered themselves comrades, to ally with these people if they wanted to be part of this, to make sacrifices to help that happen. This is one reason why this ideology spread in Asia, some parts of Latin America, the Middle East, Africa. It's not just that workers are oppressed by capitalists, but that whole nations (which would include African-Americans) are oppressed which is a means by which capitalists exercise their control over the world. That's what they believed. Racism is the enemy and an assault on all working people. "Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite" was the Comintern motto. So it was highly "woke," but not liberal here, as if politics as such is about personal validation or egoistic competition. It was about duty and sacrifice and a mission.

Now, talking about new social movements in the 60s or a divergence between the left and the "working class," I think something got split in Western countries, particularly the United States. I think it's true that the CIA did encourage a "compatible left" for strategic reasons, but this is exaggerated by some on the far left, that was more specifically a social-democratic left (Dissent magazine types) hostile to the USSR, but that wasn't the Black Panther Party. My belief is that the traditional organizing base for the left, organized labor, had basically sold-out and been coopted, the communists had been purged from the unions in the 50s, and the unions had been more or less depoliticized and focused on narrow trade union ideas (better wages, benefits, which is fine, but not going on strike to halt the movement of war supplies or something). But it's obvious why the U.S. wanted that to happen, they didn't want communist-controlled unions sabotaging war production in the event of a war with the USSR. Yet it seemed like new social movements had radical potential, but the radicals who participated in them failed to achieve the revolution they wanted, yet these movements also had an effect on society and were absorbed / recuperated in the following decades and thus lost the revolutionary potential (if they had any) which they were perceived to have at the time. Meanwhile, organized labor, having already disarmed itself (speaking metaphorically here), was effectively dismantled starting in the 1980s.

Thing is, too, capitalism had reformed itself in the aftermath of the Depression and WWII. It's kinda like the Borg, it's capable of assimilating whatever it needs into itself for an expansion.

>> No.21936688
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Also, forgive the sci-fi references, but think of capitalism itself as like an intelligent machine (as an analogy), instead of the human (or in this case, WASP guys who post on /lit/) being in charge of the means to decide what and what not to produce. The sole purpose of capitalism is to duplicate more capital for eternity so anything that can bring efficiency and generate more capital is capitalism's target, including drugs, guns, sex, identity, religion, and junk food. Capitalism is not necessarily making everything better (although it can make some things better), because it only needs a minority (1%) to be intelligent enough to run it... or make them think they're running it while they are actually being run by the machine.

Capitalism itself is a bit like Event Horizon's ship that returns from a black hole. It's the ship instead of the captain or crewmen that are running it. The ship "alienated" the men on board to shape them into whatever way it wants. Whether you’re a "Proud Boy" who's for the ship or a "woke" person who is against it, it doesn't matter, because your fate is alienated and then "deconstructed". BTW the concept of alienation is one of the key points in Marxism.

Following this logic further, assuming that we believe in in the concept of Eurocentrism and white / male supremacism and put them in the context of capitalism, we treat Blacks, Asians, Browns, women and etc. only as instruments or resource inputs into the machine to produce more output. What does this mean exactly? It actually means that capitalism, despite WASPs who drink Bud Light being its biggest fan, is actually deconstructing "WASP" itself because because their flesh and even soul can no longer feed the machine's stomach. The "good old days" are gone and will never return. Family is being deconstructed and gender is being deconstructed and more diversities and inclusions and multiculturalism and etc. because they can create more profits for capitalism than WASPs do.

I'm still referring to capitalism as a rather abstract concept, not the material part in the base, and not to dive too deep into it, but this doesn't mean that the "woke" are winning the battle because they, in their own central narrative, are also the losers like WASPs because, at the end of the day, everybody has been played. But basically the thesis-antithesis-synthesis, or the unity of opposites in dialectical materialism (or Yin/Yang), or the singularity discovered in the black hole each point to the contradiction in the universality, which is "what makes you rise is going eventually to make you fall." The most capitalist country is going to be destroyed the most by capitalism itself from within and from outside, completely erasing everything one can cherish.


>> No.21936760

>optics fagging in the CY + 8
I'm afraid it is too late for you

>> No.21937079

Travel to France and, or Germany, you *nglo pig.

>> No.21937153

I am unintentionally majoring in this field currently (did not pay attention at the beginning of college, ended up severely behind on credits and this was all I could do for the sheet of paper) and my god is it awful. I have professors that spent their twenties getting a doctorate in this junk. Starting from the Frankfurt school, this area has just built on itself but there is no reason to care about it if you are not within its academic orbit. It is all a jumble of nonstatements and "takes" that are make up this code language that is extremely simple to understand once you decipher it. None of this 'criticism" is actually saying anything. I am actually working on a project about that castration concept and the more I think about it the more angry I get. You are correct in saying it is not one specific dogma, I do actually have respect for the field but man do I not care about learning it.

>> No.21937162

Student from last post again, this guy gets it. It's become even less coherent with the massive amount of academics contributing literature to this so called discussion

>> No.21937169

What if I told you best way to preserve a worldview is converting it into a religion for legal reasons

>> No.21937172

I dunno it’s kind of cute actually

>> No.21937180

man, i still don't know what the fuck any of these people believed.

>> No.21937186

Dont tell the plebs.

>> No.21937194

everything invented during and after the enlightenment is a method of control and a stepping stone to fascism

>> No.21937221

He's obviously correct. When's the last time a jazz appreciator orchestrated a genocide? Because we can find in Beethoven a dozen examples of more.

Americans can't appreciate this because they fetishizes a fucking slave race but it's the truth and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.

>> No.21937297


>> No.21937317

good thing nothing before the enlightenment was a method of control at least.

>> No.21937393

They were thinkers that employed philosophy, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines to investigate and critique modern various systems such as liberal capitalism, fascism, marxist leninism, etc. and their various consequences on human society and culture. Essentially what critical theory was focused on was investigating the dialectics of society, the contradictions and conflicts, and opportunities to achieve social transformation and human emancipation, with a particular focus on causes of violence and human suffering due to their status as Jewish Marxist intellectuals and persecution at the hands of Nazi Germany. If you are familiar with Hegel and Marx the concept of dialectics would make more sense, it's essentially the Hegelian dialectical method applied to analyze the modern institutions.

>> No.21937438

so hegelian commie gobbledygook

>> No.21937443

Sheesh. Typical goyishe answer.

>> No.21937450

Basically everything say about the Enlightenment and Liberalism being evil is correct and everything they say about fascism is mind-blowingly stupid. Even to leftists their doomerism is irrelevant.

>> No.21937469

Marxism had flaws
conquer through culture

>> No.21937491

Fuck you

>> No.21937496

No. Go ask your mother. That shiksa whore will tell you that circumcised dicks feel better.

>> No.21937526
File: 2.97 MB, 2992x2650, Frankfurt School - assorted anons posts collage for lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, have a pic of random related stuff I found
not saying I agree, just posting anons explaining

>> No.21937535

>if you steal it’s a sin

>> No.21937541

Vaush is also not representative of the intellectual left by any means

>> No.21937544

>The contradiction between mockery of the victim and self denigration is also a definition of Wagner’s anti-Semitism. The gold
grabbing, invisible, anonymous, exploitative Alberich, the shoulder-shrugging, loquacious Mime, overflowing with self-praise and
spite, the impotent intellectual critic Hanslick-Beckmesser— all the rejects of Wagners works are caricatures of Jews.
>Oy vey, the gold-stealing dwarf, subversive traitor, and the idiotic intellectual are really jewish!
Holy kek

>> No.21937547

>Have the Frankfurt Schoolers ever defined "fascism"?
This is a good question. It's all spaghetti on the wall until terms get defined.
>they even saw Beatles songs as fascist?
Songs from before or after influence from Charles Manson?

>> No.21937567

Not him, but I look at it differently. Capitalism and Marxism are simply different critiques that share the same nexus of materialism. They both draw the same conclusion - concentrate capital in the hands of an oligarchy. The rest is window dressing.

>> No.21937628

So the actual answer is everything and nothing.

>> No.21937747

lmao even

>> No.21937756

>to emancipate humanity from the forces of oppression and create a more just, equal society through the process of inquiry, dialectic, and reflection.
So nonsense that is used to justify importation of third worlder work force.

>> No.21937758

Is it? I'm mostly a liberal racist. I don't fit with left or right.

>> No.21937766

>it's essentially the Hegelian dialectical method
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.21938545
File: 586 KB, 410x745, ellul8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right.
>But every time these forces attempt to assert themselves, they are flung against a ring of iron with which technique surrounds and localizes them. Moreover, technique attacks man, impairs the sources of his vitality, and takes away his mystery. We have seen that one of the objectives of certain human techniques is to rob him of this mystery. And men must and do react instinctively and spiritually to the aggression of technique. When Henry Miller utters his anguished wail against the modem world, he is appealing through his fundamental eroticism to man’s most primitive instincts. When the American Negro was still a slave, jazz meant release from despair and chains. But it is questionable that eroticism and jazz really represent a purposive reaction to technical aggression. We cannot settle these problems by appealing to a purely verbal idealism. Jazz is one of today’s most authentically human protests. Let us trace it back to its origin. The Negroes were hopelessly enslaved. The story of their toil, punishments, hate, and crushed rebellions has been often told. The terrible black emperor of Santo Domingo was now no more than a dream. In their extremity the Negroes discovered song, which likewise answered the needs of faith. Music expressed for them at once the despair of the present and the hope for salvation in Christ. Its culmination in delirium brought deliverance, but only as opium and alcohol did for others. Marx’s celebrated remark that nineteenth-century religion was the opiate of the European masses is equally applicable to the jazz of the Negro slaves. In jazz they created a true art form. But with it they also shut every door to freedom. Jazz imprisoned the Negroes more and more in their slavery; from then on, they drew a morose relish from it. It is highly significant that this slave music has become the music of the modem world.

>> No.21938615

>he cites Marvel Comics and porn
I don't follow the faggot but does he use bbc and tranny porn to inform his opinion about racial and gender relations?

>> No.21939034

>When's the last time a jazz appreciator orchestrated a genocide?
Mussolini liked jazz and promoted it as a form of futuristic music

>> No.21939120

The true horseshoe theory is that both left and right wing idealist philosophy is equally based on sexual pathology

>> No.21939309

What a load of bullshit.

>> No.21939354

Mussolini never committed a genocide and actually the Italian fascists went out of their way to protect their Jewish populations. Italy under Nazi occupation did more for their Jews than France did, and even their invasion of Abyssinia was done under the pretext of sexing cute black girls.

Italian fascists were downright based and more progressive than most progressives today.The point still stands.

>> No.21939361

>Mussolini never committed a genocide
He declared Slavs an inferior race and sent them to concentration camps

>> No.21939362

who cares about that brainlet.

>> No.21940367

if thats the case then thats Freud 101 filtered through neocolonial theory, like Franz Fanon. extremely disgusting jewish stuff.

>> No.21940373

it literally doesn't matter what women want.

>> No.21941605

I think their biggest legacy is libtards who are obsessed with fascism and see it everywhere. Adorno thought the radio was fascist, later Sontag thought ballet was fascist...

>> No.21942751

The Bump of the Thread

>> No.21942886

He thinks the thought-boradcaster capable of generating consensus beyond any physical bounderies and the art genre of super wealthy Nordic elites expressing their physicality to the sounds of Wagner and Co. aren't fascist.

>> No.21943681

>Fascism is when you have media. The more media you have the fascister you are. Also when rich Europeans dance to le evil 19th century composer that is also fascist.
- Mussolini

>> No.21943991

ah yes, because generating a consensus is of course the essence of fascism, or whatever. As is Nordic people. As Mussolini said, nords are a fascistic people. oh no, wait, that was the Japanese.
>super-wealthy nordic elites
pretty sure the rich in europe compared to America is poor.

>> No.21944000

I liked when Mussolini ended slavery in Ethiopia.
no, he was just insecure about the fact that he was the opposite of the virile male.And religion was never the opiate of the masses.

>> No.21944008

>human emancipation
lol. You will thankfully always be subordinated. the only problem is that subordination isn't emphasized enough.

>> No.21944031

whenever I see these leftist types and other libertarian-minded people espouse their values as if they were objective and real, as if their beliefs weren't beliefs, I feel like the people there all just missed Nietzsche.
They even think they can infer the objective values that all people must hold through reason. That there are real objective interests we must adhere to according to our real position in society. Their fear of "contradictions" is only their fear of the irregular, only a problem because they choose to make them problems. they confuse their quick changes of heart with real forms and enduring beings, but anyone will be able to perceive a thousand flaws in beauty and think of a thousand different things more beautiful.
They worship intelligence so much to the point where they forget the will behind it.