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21925810 No.21925810 [Reply] [Original]

The observation that many ideologies and religions tend to, when examined, either hinge on or are directly built upon some absurd proposition or claim or assertion is a revelation to some, but the far greater revelation is the consequence of this in the mentality produced by such absurd beliefs:

The individual is, as consequence of being sold on some hilarious and obvious idiocy, turned entirely against All Logic in all forms, as: the deductive processes of their own mind (a thing inherent and fundamental) have been placed in a kind of rat-trap where if they move forward in any manner they will trigger the trap; the disposition or habit they have acquired is that of self-preservation of what could be termed "ego" but is perhaps more properly termed as "pride" in that they do not wish to seem foolish or fallible. As there is so little documentation on this process it must be my conclusion that the sequence of events are unconscious and occur unspoken within a persons own mind, although not merely is it I think that pride alone can or would account for this, rather: such huge social enforcement of absurd notions with threat of physical violence or social alienation or punishment in some way or another instead can be shown to be the real driving force of such things and certianly the creation of an individual so full of fear that they will, of their own then conscious accord, philosophize upon the absurd thing and utilize sophistry in order to rationalize for themselves why and how a thing that is obviously stupid is a kind of "profundity" or "mysterious truth".

I am spaaeaking here mostly of religion but political ideologies are identical in their manner of operation. Indeed a rather good demonstration of "inability to grasp All Logic" is displayed in our own times where an opponent of an absurdist ideological cult who subscribes to an absurdist religious cult, or in the past an opponent of an absurdist religious cult who subscribes to some other absurdist religous cult, cannot in either case in their own mind or in words conveyed to others explain the operation and flaw of the cult they don't like without having to explain the operation and flaws of their own cult. As a result, therefore, both are unable to contend with each other as both hold absurd positions which cannot be refuted by one party without that party undoing it's own errors at the same time.

>> No.21925813

As Cassius Dio mentions of "mob democracies" which drift from disaster to disaster beyond anyones control that it is certainly this absurdist cocktail which saps the energies and stokes enmity of all involved - the entire governing body in this case, recruited from such screaming pits, as well as the broader polity at large who are caught as it were like a grain in a millstone being crushed between the propagandistic efforts of one faction and the next. The element or consequence of disaster is, in my opinion, simply that all whose nominal careers are established for the administration of the polity have their entire intellectual output consumed or subsumed by this process to the effect that their attention is adverted from focus upon the business of the day and, more importantly, the business of tomorrow.

The disasters, therefore, come in rapid succession and whilst anybody can examine a series of causes to predict the outcome and prevent disaster long in advance, it is far more the case - and has been for centuries - that the least intellectually able to fulfill the role of stewardship are those who occupy such desks. I mean here that absurdism is to dogmatism as ideology is to religion; that cult members who are intellectually subsumed by fantasy narratives of fiction that they enjoy proclaiming amongst themselves seem as what they are when we observe them in religious attire but seem as if they are normal persons when their chants and rituals are portrayed in a secular context; when they dress as if they were normal people. I observe them as being identical in the formation of their thoughts and the operations of their social interactions, anyway, as being not too far removed from their religious counterpart.

>> No.21925819
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Indeed, in order to understand Voltaire one must scan back through time to see the mentality of absurdism when it came in the language of Theocratism before nominal Secularism: one will observe that the main constant is the proliferation of fictional narratives, once one has understood this then one can scan even further back in time and cite recent historical dramas in order clearly observe in religious and ideological dilemmas that two bands of abject lunatics are always the heart of it, one absurd and the other absurd and both, resenting logic due to their intellectual position, demand "faith" instead and so succumb in all their affairs to insanity. Byzantium is perhaps the best example of this, or, that is: the persecution of early Christians by other early Christians, these vicious cannibal feeding frenzies go on within the protected walls of a state and gradually but quite openly they eat the state from the inside out until a fragile shell remains that is empty on the inside; falling to outside enemies yet clinging bitterly to authoritarianism though now their total reach only extends as far as the nearest border and relies upon the pay of foreign mercenaries to maintain that power as no Men within the state are physically or emotionally fit to constitute a guard force- even if they were not, from abuse by their leaders, merely waiting for the opportunity to cut the throats of their officers, burn down the palaces of justice and throw the future leaders off spawn onto greased spikes. As Wu Zhi Ji Zong wrote, almost 1,900 years ago, this is the constant condition of such states who are subsumed by such things.


Fake Influence, contd.

>> No.21925830


sorry reader, this draft copy was written on a telephone machine.

>> No.21925951

oh, previous thread, context:

>> No.21926023

That’s precisely why people who quote him should have their skulls smashed against a tree

>> No.21926045
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>impotent threat of violence from an ideo-religious factionalist
>(proving the hypothesis)

And that's precisely why religion and politics must be destroyed entirely before any society can progress.

>> No.21926050

Lol. Good luck onions boy

>> No.21926172

not an argument.

C'mon, you [faction you hate]ist, you, at least try to defend your dumb ass culture.

>> No.21926183

better question is this: why are you, as a right wing christian (probably american), the only person on the planet standing in the way of ridding the world of jihadists, pedophile priests, homosexual liberals and economic fraud ... when your entire culture is to complain about those things? (apart from the priests)

>> No.21926187

I’m not arguing with you, I’m insulting you. But I guess you’re too stupid to tell the difference. Well played.

>> No.21926200

I’m not, that’s the thing. You see, you might mistake me for someone that turns the other cheek, but at the same time, God also said not to tolerate abject evil, either. To do so, would mean I would be complicit in their crimes, putting me on the same level as they are. And yes, I’m from the states. To be frank, I really can only stand foreigners at arms length and don’t wish the best for your kind, since you think that you stand on some kind of moral pedestal. Remember, pride comes before the fall.

>> No.21926232

>I’m not arguing with you, I’m insulting you.
I know, anon, I'm trying to squeeze an argument out of you for the sake of having someone actually refute the case. I'm trying to be intellectually honest.

When you said you wanted to smash my skull against a tree for pointing out the massive flaw in your brain, you became a spokesperson for every person in the future who would raise a hand against logic. And we want to know why.

Well my point was that you don't realize that you 'are' - like I wrote; if you really wanted to end the cult of ideological crazies who've taken over society today, you'd have to study their origins in human behavior, this would lead you to studying religious cult behavior in the past and you don't want to do this because
, so you can't defeat the ideological crazies.

I don't mean to say that you're supporting those things; you hate them and i hate them, but you're not willing to do the work to actually extricate yourself 'from' them, that's the problem.

>> No.21927422
