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File: 65 KB, 415x739, 168169172135378173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21922131 No.21922131 [Reply] [Original]

>have a great story idea
>can't start

How do I make myself just like, write?

>> No.21922144

nursing assistant
nurning annintant


>> No.21922146

Don't start at the beginning? A story is usually a beginning, middle, and end, and not necessarily in that order. You can just start writing literally wherever along any kind of timeline. "Jus write" just means to do something. Use your stupid fucking ape brain and mannish tranny ape fingers and slap some Shakespeare on a typewriter you fucking bonobo.

>> No.21922151
File: 580 KB, 599x434, 1435311119767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine how good your life would be if you had a twenty-nix-year-old nurning annintant by your nide

>> No.21922153

by your sneed?

>> No.21922164

I feel like I remember seeing this image once and then getting it but I try and think about it now and I very much do not get it.

>> No.21922210

You shouldn't have said that. You made me spend 15 minutes trying to figure out the meaning and I still have no clue.

>> No.21922215

I want to write stories set in Russia from the 11th century to the early 20th century
But I don't have any ideas nor do I know anything about Russia
feels bad man

>> No.21922221


>> No.21922222

if you were to write this out in a comment on tiktok, you'd be boosting their engagement.

Now you know

>> No.21922223

You could do research

>> No.21922224

holy checked

>> No.21922229

It's about credentials, if you replace the N in her credentials with an S you get Mrs. It's meant to be a joke about how good she'd be as a wife.

>> No.21922234

Write a paragraph or a scene. Then write the one before or after it. Write a few outward like that.

If it all sucks ditch it. If you like it go back and fill in all the blanks.

>> No.21922262


>> No.21922267 [DELETED] 

hey dude why did all the tate and peterson threads stop? their marketing spend dried up with the recession or what?

>> No.21922566

Twenty Six
Twenty Nix

Nix = Nothing


Twenty year old nursing assistant.

She ain't 20 though.


>> No.21922610
File: 36 KB, 622x408, FC17F7AC-1661-4AE8-8CEF-810D4D5C6728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a 26yo burning annintant by your side
Why live?

>> No.21922681

i kneel

>> No.21922711

>imagine how good your life would be if you had a 26yo nurning annintant by your nide, now replace n with n

I really don't get it

>> No.21922766

>this is a 26 year old in burgerland
Women sure do hit the wall at lightspeed over there.

>> No.21922791

You just have to block off time and chip away at it. You don’t want to be 30 and still have never finished your first book, let alone published it.

>> No.21922996

lol no
need at least another 10lbs of makeup for that

>> No.21923033

Yeah. I can be dogshit on the first pass and be recoverable.

>> No.21923041

just post the idea and I'll write it for you

>> No.21923045
File: 12 KB, 474x474, digits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21923098

Failed get.

I don't know

>> No.21923766


>> No.21923770

>get chat gpt
>edit it

>> No.21923826

3 realizations that should help you start
1) You can start anywhere. No need to think of the perfect opener or anything like that as your first move. That kind of thing can just bog you down.
2) Style can come later. If you really like the idea and you want it down you can just put it down in plain terms and turn on the style during revision.
3) You don't have to judge your plot harshly when getting it down initially. Plot holes can be ironed out once you flesh out the idea, and the best way to flesh out the idea is to write it.
Bonus) You don't have to hold on to the thing if it doesn't feel like it is working while you write it, but you have to start writing it before you can know it doesn't work. So go for it!

>> No.21924237

I've been pretty active in this thread and just now I'm noticing there's
a post about writing alongside that meme

>> No.21924272

So good, no good. It's not an iq thing. We've retarded the english language so much you're either too fast or still too slow to understand womenspeak. They still can't use double negatives correctly.

>> No.21924280

Half of it is literally the make-up, you can show all the proof but they will still cake their faces every morning.

>> No.21924511

By your nide, even.

>> No.21924592

I don't get it either.

>> No.21924617

Kek these boomers are amused

>> No.21924782

trips of truth.

>> No.21924820

write the interesting part first. You can go back and write the beginning afterwards.

>> No.21924837

Explain pic related to me and i will give you an unironically good tip on writing

>> No.21925231

She said replace S with N.

>> No.21926215

Is there a new zoomer trend that involved not checking digits?

>> No.21926257

who the fuck wants an over-the-hill 26yo lmao

>> No.21926302

I make a tough outline and then just start writing the interesting scenes relating to those points on the outline. Even if it's out of order.
Then I write transition parts so it fits together as a narrative.
I read over the whole thing, then I basically rewrite most of it in order, mostly by memory as a coherent narrative rather than the initial collection of scenes.
After that it's just the matter of polish, line editing and proofreading.
Though I should point out I never wrote a book. I use this method for short stories and scripts.
It would likely turn into quite the mess if you used my method for a full book unless your organization was super on point.

>> No.21926313

>Imagine how good your life would be if you had a 26yo nurning annintant by your nide.

I think I misunderstood the assignment.

>> No.21926633

I struggle with writing out of order too, so I just force myself to go in order. Part of the fun is having characters that are strong enough to write the story for you. I know the major plot points, but the in between and how they get there, I leave up to chance. And if I skip around, then I feel I am constraining what comes before it. Doesn't feel natural to me. So if I'm in a rut, I usually just do the shitty thing to do and rewrite the paragraphs above me and then that usually gets me in the flow of things.

Writing is two steps back, one step forward a lot of the time.