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21921406 No.21921406 [Reply] [Original]

At least Christianity and Judaism build resentment and are revolutionary.

But Islam is pure slavery. The religion of nothingness - the purest form of nihilism.

>> No.21921419

Nothing will ever be as cucked as a religion that is a cargo cult of another religion that literally worships a Jew famous for being beaten and brutally executed. The story of Jesus Christ is really the story of the west's addiction to cuckoldry, by far the worst of the Abrahamics. I hate Constantine like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.21921421

Obvious Muslim post.

Christianity does not build resentment. It is not against hierarchy and authority. It is not revolutionary.

>> No.21921548

All the abrahamic religions are slavery but the degree is different.

Christianity is the religion of resentment. Even more than Judaism, well maybe not, but equally.

>> No.21921697

Christianity has nothing to do with resentment. It’s about self-denial, asceticism, and virtue. Hierarchy and authority are not incompatible with Christianity: the Christian view is simply that rulers have their authority from God and must act justly, secure the social good, and inculcate virtue in their subjects. Resentment — the idea of holding a grudge against a group of people — has literally nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity, you dumb fucking sandnigger.

>> No.21921716

>Hierarchy and authority are not incompatible with Christianity
Tell that to the Romans. Put 2 +2 together - when you self deny you build up resentment.

>> No.21921724

> has literally nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity, you dumb fucking sandnigger.
Calm down your resentment christcuck.

>> No.21921737

Christianity was not a revolutionary force within the Roman Empire. It did not seek to topple the emperor and nowhere in the New Testament is the Roman Empire derided as something evil. In fact both Jesus and St. Paul commanded Christians to be subject to earthly authorities since they are given their power by God to, as St. Paul put it, “enact vengeance on him that does evil.” It is clear from the Gospels that the Romans wanted to release Jesus and Pontius Pilate even washed his hands of Christ’s blood. It was the Jews who were demanding his death: “let his blood be upon us and our children.” Christianity took over the Roman Empire by a process of natural conversion; baptism was never forced or coerced like in Islam.

>> No.21921827

Judaism is resentful towards power and revolutionary. Christianity is just like Judaism. In every Christian is a Jew.

>> No.21921829

>Submission to the One is... le bad!
>Submission to the Many is... le good!
To worship something unfathomably perfect and be ruined in the love you both share is a feeling I wouldn't expect even the most well-meaning of hylics to be drawn towards.
To be wrought of one's body and become one with the Lord is well beyond the nihilism your materialist principles allow, but you'd much rather be multifarious and trust your senses in the hands of those that'd see you never transcend.

>> No.21921832

>the One
Imaginary. It's a delusion.

>> No.21921835

You’re a dumb sandnigger and I’ll save your shit thread go fuck a goat you understand nothing about Christianity

>> No.21921839

Islam is Jewish too. now have some self-awareness slave

>> No.21921841

Jesus was the biggest sandnigger in all of history. It literally destabilized the Roman empire with its petty squabbles with other rabbi.
The first terrorists in history were Christcucks in fact.

>> No.21921857

All three are terrorists. Each has its own brand of resentful slave morality.

>> No.21921861

Jesus was God. He was not a revolutionary. The Jews expected a revolutionary messiah but the irony of the New Testament is that Christ was the anti-revolutionary.

Here is St. Paul literally condemning revolution and telling people to be subject to the princely powers:
>Let every soul be subject to higher powers: for there is no power but from God: and those that are, are ordained of God. 2 Therefore he that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, purchase to themselves damnation. 3 For princes are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good: and thou shalt have praise from the same. 4 For he is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God's minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. 5 Wherefore be subject of necessity, not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake.

He literally says revolutionaries damn themselves. You know nothing about Christianity Mustafa.

>> No.21921863

Islam is a cargo cult of Judaism. Mohammed saw that jews fast on yom kippur, so he simply said we should do that too and thats why muslims fast on ashura. There is no deeper reason. Many other examples like that exist.

>> No.21921872

God as a slave?


>> No.21921888

Allah isn't perfect lmfao. I mean, come the fuck on, he's only got one hand, and no arm!

>> No.21921899

He is the personification of nihilism.

>> No.21921904

Good thing I'm a Israelite so I actually follow the Bible, unlike those 3 religions

>> No.21921913

You are incapable of understanding sacrifice kino, you are literally a barbarian nigger who cannot understand anything beyond animalistic impulses. Neopaganism will suit you well, as expected from another nietzsche retard

I will keep following the Bible and you can fuck a dildo like your god Odin did

>> No.21921923
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>I will keep following the Bible

>> No.21921925

I agree. I am a Mahayana Buddhist.

>> No.21921930

>jesus's crucifixion
holy fuck just tate out already you trend hopping cakeboy

>> No.21921954

That's just as bad for you.

>> No.21922014

It's literally kino you dildo sucking retard, he literally overcame death and saved his people

>> No.21922060

Far, far better to be deluded by His magnificence than to stand eternally terrified by your own conscience.

It is to be expected that an anti-theist would merely joke around than to engage in dialectic pursuits. You are not the figure of Diogenes you imagine yourself to be.

>> No.21922091

The Holy Spirit is a daemonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim.

>> No.21922097

No retard Christianity is about faith in God and Jesus the messiah, thats it.

>> No.21922106

>Obvious Muslim post.
How is he a Muslim if he hates Islam retard? Do you understand how religion works or are you just a seething /pol/tard yelling at clouds?

>> No.21922148
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