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/lit/ - Literature

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21917809 No.21917809 [Reply] [Original]

Explaining Blood Meridian to normies will only make them more stupid because more than half of the journey in the book is reading the thing itself.

>> No.21917817

is it not already for normies

>> No.21917828

This guys video on Dante’s inferno is trash.

>> No.21917851

he is a protestant and was seething at dante for the whole video, couldn't even appreciate his art

>> No.21917854
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When all the Kanye stuff was going on this guy had a segment in one of his videos where he was literally crying because one of the non-canonical biblical books talked bad about jews.

>> No.21917903

I don't have anything against Wendigoon but I will say he should stay in his lane. His viewers don't subscribe to his channel for book analysis and those of us that care about literature certainly aren't going to his channel for videos about books. I don't understand this or like it, but whatever.

>> No.21917918
File: 63 KB, 463x640, 8C6AC853-6F20-4344-8A51-EBD893C6C7A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried watching it but the top comments are so faggy I don’t think I want to

>> No.21917968

What did you expect? He isn't a literary critic, he just exposits information because edutainment is the new drug. He's literally popular because he talks about horror and media and isn't a pretentious edgelord or obnoxious teenager, being a pretty normal person his whole 'brand'.

>> No.21918047

Blood Meridian is already a normie reddit book. Le cowboys with le edgy violence. Nothing of value to ruin.

>> No.21918245


>> No.21918264

This guy looks like he grooms children. Video essays are slopfeed for retarded wannabes

>> No.21918267

wow weird synchronicity. I just watched a dante's inferno video earlier today. Mine was p good though

>inb4 sperg out over w/e autists will sperg about
I already read the book over 20 years ago

>> No.21918268

Is this a good video?

>> No.21918276

So which of Corncob's novels would you consider to not be normie reddit books?

>> No.21918277 [DELETED] 


>> No.21918282

>comment is just stolen from every Dante thread ever posted on this board.

>> No.21918288

I'm aware of that. It's the 10k+ likes that really disgusts me.

>> No.21918354

youre doing it right now goddamn

>> No.21918367

contrarianism isnt remarkable once youre past your 20s

>> No.21918373

Anything popular on the chans will eventually seep to the mainstream. every time.

>> No.21918382
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>> No.21918385

Blood meridian kinda already became mainstream a la Ulysses a long time ago. This is just zoomers discovering their favorite youtubers also know of it.
His No country for old men video was spammed with requests to read Blood meridian. Now it has happened.

>> No.21918414

please do not link any christcuck youtubes again op

>> No.21918437

So was The Judge some kind of convoluted metaphor or some sort of demon? Personally I kind of interpret it as him being some god of war. I’d guess Tyr or Mars.

>> No.21918448

I read him as the root of evil. Son occurs wherever he goes and he does not seem to care where he goes. Judge is genuinely one of the most interesting characters from the stories I’ve read.

>> No.21918453

no shit. I've never heard of an analysis video that wasn't trash.

>> No.21918457

I never watched but he did videos on Dante and Milton. I don’t mind the horror/weird stories he does, though.

>> No.21918468

This book has the most captivating opening chapter I’ve read so far. It’s the only modern thing I’ve read that feels comparable to the Bible or Iliad in the weight of its language.

>> No.21918478

The language will get even heavier chapter 4 onwards. The first time I read it, I had to quit it there because I couldn't keep with the long sentences without losing track of meaning.

>> No.21918506

How do you achieve this? If anything I'd expect normalfag midwits to get the point more than the tens of thousands of obsessed and intellectually insecure academics that prop up every reference as a point of history and get lost in the forest of Dante's parochialism when the most relevant parts of the poem can be summed up in five or so key cantos (generally at the start and end of each book), and their images are so universal I'd expect it's the bored-out-of-their-minds retards that pick up on the value of these.

>> No.21918532

The crossing, his greatest and most underrated work.

>> No.21918542

>Wendicoon makes horrible video
>his 4chan adjacent fans rush in
>all of them will be filtered by the prose and lack of punctuation
>all of them will then pivot and use this video to parrot crappy secondary opinions
>all of them will make BM threads even worse
It’s all so tiresome

>> No.21918550
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>> No.21918572
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He definitely appears to be a supernatural entity of some kind. Whether you interpret him as a Christian demon or a Pagan god is up to you.

>> No.21918584

Just because you were exposed to a book through 4chan doesn't mean it wasn't popular before. Just be glad that McCarthy is getting new life. You're like those dumb hipster millennials who think they knew about obscure bands from the 60s first. And you probably are 30+ years old, browsing a shitty website stolen from 2channel.

>> No.21918600

Evola and Guenon we’re literally no names until like 2018-2019 in the academic world.

>> No.21918612

Not correct, just in case anyone takes this guy seriously

>> No.21918614

>electionfag tourist electionfagging

>> No.21918637

that's why I left Protestantism for something more substantial.

>> No.21918640

post nose

>> No.21918652

They are still no names.

>> No.21918911

You say that like unoriginal posts don't get (You)'d to oblivion as a common occurrence on this site.

>> No.21918923

It is the most posted literary novel on r/books after Dostoevsky, Lolita and the Victorian novelists and has been for a while.

>> No.21918933

Hope Blood Meridian goes mainstream so you fags stop talking about it.

>> No.21919011
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>acshually they were known about before then
>acshually they still are no names
Well which is it faggots?

>> No.21919069

>random strawman that doesn't even refute the claim
>which is it?
u r big poopoo

>> No.21919085

those are literally what the 2 posts I quoted said. They both disagree with what I said but in contradictory ways which leads me to believe both are horseshit.

>> No.21919245

He said "not correct", not that they were famous. Both of them could be implying the same thing.

>> No.21919277

based Bedhead enjoyer

>> No.21919346
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know nigger? Are you them? Suck my cock faggot I bet you'd like that nigger faggot.

>> No.21919353


>> No.21919377

look, an actual retard

>> No.21919382

bloody meridian, producing the worst threads

>> No.21919512

You know we had a lot more “serious” far right wingers here 10 years ago? Presumably you were 8 then so you wouldn’t know.

>> No.21919831

His Purgatorio and Paradiso videos are noticeably better.

>> No.21919834


Based Christian cannot even stand to read pagan nonsense.

>> No.21920652

cheers my brother.

>> No.21920704

I liked his No Country For Old Men video and I know he read The Road so hope it's good

>> No.21920726

OP himself is an insecure psuedo-intellectual you can tell.

>> No.21920758

Oh no more people are going to get into our super secret niche interest. How can we gate keep this. It’s over. Etc

>> No.21920949

The issue with these YouTube opinions is that they ARE the only opinion anyone will have from now on. The only thing this means is that any discussion over Blood Meridian from now on will be completely dead. The people who watch these videos don't "get" into the interest or cultivate any routine--they poison the well with their intellectual laziness coupled with their need to belong, and soon after move on leaving only a hollow crater in their wake. They're a plague.
It's surprising no one has written about this phenomenon before. I'm sure New York Times reviews served the same purpose and led to the same hair-splitting bullshit back in the day.

>> No.21921910

More like 16, id kill myself if I was so miserable I just wrote everything off as dumb and le reddit or whatever the fuck

>> No.21921958

>it's out

>> No.21921966 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21921972
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>> No.21921973

>5 fucking hours
You could legitimately read the entire book AND make an awful thread here in the time it takes you to watch that video
I will probably watch it either way his Waco video was alright and long-form youtube shit is good consumption material when you've been burned out on vidya / film / etc. for years

>> No.21921990

Two days later:
>Anon from 4chan's /lit/ board arrested for possesssion of child pornography

>> No.21922054

>5 hours long
holy shit just read the book at that point

>> No.21922069
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A lot of the top comments are from accounts with half-naked woman pfps. I think this dude might be botting

>> No.21922075

That's just all of YouTube. They're bots, but unrelated to that guy

>> No.21922081

read blood passover by toaff instead

>> No.21922143

what a faggot ass attitude

>> No.21922158

People are going to turn on this guy soon. He's getting too popular. The YouTube drama cycle will sink it's teeth into his generic middle American zoomer opinions soon.

>> No.21922182
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He's openly Christian and has chud guntube friends. He'll get 'canceled' eventually

>> No.21922186

That thumbnail looks insufferable.

>> No.21922188

Him being a Christian has been the biggest complaint I've seen. I've seen some comments before saying how because of that he must want to ban "the gays" or whatever.
That's most comment sections on YouTube though. They're bot accounts to steal your info. Click on their profile and they most likely will have a link to somewhere saying "I g0T @ SuPr1S3 F0r Y0u!!!!"

>> No.21922199

Even if the dude was a dyed wool red Leftist, it would still happen. Once you get to the upper echelons of YouTube popularity it just turns into crabs in a bucket.

>> No.21923502

Oh you're one of those people.

>> No.21923521

Can you post it?

>> No.21923527

Really? I thought he was catholic.

>> No.21923563

>edutainment is the new drug
Any books about this?

>> No.21923655
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Wendigoon is epic content, him and wagner are what get me through the pain of having been catfished and sucked on the penis by a man

>> No.21923657


>> No.21923681

>first 2 seconds sounds like he's talking in a bathroom
Closed. This dude needs to learn how to edit audio

>> No.21923753

im not watching any of this guy's videos but i saw he made a video about no longer human
i think gatekeeping is good and youtube videos explaining shit like this are very very bad
it leads to armies of redditors who think they understand everything when really all they know is the opinions youtubers have

>> No.21923765
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Synchronicities might be a product of quantum entanglement, at least according to this guy who might be a pseud.


>> No.21924128

I’m using it ironically. I’d probably be a chud according to some leftists

>> No.21924133


>> No.21924157

I think synchronicities are a result of causation working differently in the atemporal. Th ere is clearly a form of what we would want to call temporality within the supertemporal, but it does seem to be able to see the "whole" temporal at once or something.

>> No.21924159

Do tell

>> No.21924343

This guy has 2.5m subs and I've never heard if him.

>> No.21924376
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>> No.21924383

Stop seething over normies. Waste of your life.

>> No.21924432

I say this

>> No.21924437

>i think gatekeeping is good and youtube videos explaining shit like this are very very bad
>it leads to armies of redditors who think they understand everything when really all they know is the opinions youtubers have
That's basically the world now

>> No.21924498

Was going to mention this. The man is making six figures a month from YouTube and has the audio of an amateur blogger yelling about gamergate.
>Blue Yeti in the wrong cardioid setting
>microphone is 5 feet away from him
>entirely untreated room
>audio was recorded so low that, when boosted, you get a constant hiss from the Blue Yeti's self noise
>audio is poorly normalized. Too low for Youtube's standards
The fact that all of these issues can be solved simply by moving the mic closer to his face, flicking a single switch on the mic, and a half dozen clicks in Audacity is infuriating. Though, on the other hand, there's a profound amount of SOVL in the fact that there's still such a massive audience for these 2014 quality videos.

>> No.21924524

>I g0T @ SuPr1S3 F0r Y0u!!!!"
I wonder why they write like that? does YouTube have some sort of detection ai that shuts down channels with similar phrases or do they write in this fashion to make themselves sound quirky. echoing an ancient cultural deity from the aughts, that many worshiped and despised; à la t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. either way I find it uncanny, like a humanoid wearing the loose skin of it's victim, flailing its arm for 'help' to attract a new prey; only to just sink its teeth right in their jugular.

>> No.21924821

Lying retard. He wasn't crying about Jews being insulted. He was crying about Jesus saying "Father, forgive them", which any Christian would cry about.

>> No.21924828

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.21924862 [DELETED] 

>white race is dying but we must gatekeep the last vestiges of literary culture to the white masses because I'm a perpetually angry tranny embittered by my lack of accomplishments and self-worth
Divide & Conquer bullshit. Sage

>> No.21924912


I like this guys. He has a good interpretation of the ending although I think it could be refined a bit more

>> No.21924917

I don't use youtube as much as you do zoom zoom fucking sue me

>> No.21925040

Good video.

>> No.21925047

Why the fuck would anyone watch/listen to some faggot's video essay? What do you have to gain?

>> No.21925054

entertainment, intellectual equivalent of popcorn. Passing time.
I'd listen to this guys five hour dissertation in the dead of summer with the air conditioner on and some actual goyslop while doing whatever.

>> No.21925198


Well for one he can help people understand why an adaptation of the story has been very difficult to get right, as he mentions that aside from the violence the messages and themes of the book would be really hard to get right in a faithful adaptation.

Which would be a lot more appreciated if someone manages tk get it right.

To be able get a lot of people in the same page is not nothing.

>> No.21925241

I see him as a manifestation of humanity itself. All our traits, positive and negative, cobbled together into one horrific, supernatural being.

>> No.21925386

evangelicals in america are slaves to jews

>> No.21925660

But protestants are not Christians.

>> No.21925665

The canonical books talk bad about jews. Do protestants actually read their bibles? lol. No. Do they even use the right bible? No. How many books are in your heresy?

>> No.21925715

I'm watching the video right now and he is just narrating the story. I'm enjoying it. If I had picked up the book I would never be able to enjoy it in the same way. English is not my native language and it is incredibly easy to get lost when reading. I'm Portuguese so I would guess it would be similar to someone reading Saramago while not having Portuguese as a native language. Some books are hard, not to read, but to capture and comprehend. A lot gets lost in translation, and when someone breaks down what was just said I am able to fully understand what actually happened. That being said I do plan on getting the book and reading it.

>> No.21926165

Lol, king charles has been banging on about guenon for years.

>> No.21926250

I like wendigoon, his videos are comfy

>> No.21926277

I'm not protestant. He was doing a video about the non-canonical books.

>> No.21926286

boy, when you get older you'll realize that everyone can take a shit but it takes a real man to say something beneficial

>> No.21926304

link to video pls

>> No.21926399

I found it myself:

>> No.21926403

The Lost Books of the Bible

>> No.21926441
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psuedo intellectuals are gatekeeping words by faggots.

call me a PI call you want, i still am going to do some cool shit.being labeled a "pseudo-intellectual" is often used as a dismissive insult to discredit someone's ideas or intelligence without actually engaging with them

>> No.21926485

>noooo, please stop treating catholics as evil and ungodly creatures, we've reformed I sweeear

>> No.21926491

I don't read books but I watch pewdiepie review them

>> No.21926530

>almost a million views in 24 hours
now that the normies are discovering Blood Meridian, what will be the new 2edgy4you book for /lit/ to circler endlessly?

>> No.21926588

Big Dimes McCarthy was always famous. This is no big deal. Probably will have to deal with a few more bad normie takes but nothing too much i guess.

>> No.21926609

normies had their own McCarthy book (The Road) and were contained, now they are going to post about this book without having actually read it.

>> No.21926676


You realize the 5 hour runtime is gonna filter those who were never gonna read it in the first place?

You can rest easy knowing your sense of superiority is safe from the "normies"

>> No.21926784

bud, blood meridian is shit anyway:

>the gang shot the man
>and then the blood spilled
>and then they scalped him
>and then and then and then
>and then rape and dead babies, damn we just got edgy in this bitch. too cool for school
>and then they dead guy got up and did the Harlem shake
>and then the judge said "how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"

>> No.21926786


Yeah man you could write a better book.

>> No.21926876

Why do they talk like that?

Watch it in 1.5x or 1.75x speed.

>> No.21926930

I've thought a lot about all the synchronicities I've personally experienced and came to the conclusion it's just a bias of noticing something you've seen recently. There's millions of bits of information you see constantly, so there's bound to be some bits that match, thence synchronicity. It's just a matter of us not understanding the boatload of information being streamed into us. We're good at filtering and pattern matching the noise. I'm sure there's a word for this human error.

>> No.21926938

>the 5 hour runtime
Yeah that will filter most normalfags luckily.

>> No.21926941

Clearly you don’t know about the zoomer and it’s hyper-autistic ability to multitask

>> No.21926946

Wow you watched the most popular transmission medium of the third most popular book in the world. What a coincidence

>> No.21926954

We NPCs all marched into a Wal Mart yesterday at about 3:09 PM the crowd was a door 2 door wall buster. God must be with us. Clearly this isnt a conapiracy by the banking system to turn the sabbath into a day to praise moloch. Noo its just an awesome mandela! ebola !! schizo !!!kawaii!!synchronicity maaaaan

>> No.21926963

>It’s the only modern thing I’ve read that feels comparable to the Bible or Iliad in the weight of its language.
Embarrassing post. Just proves /lit/ has nothing over this guy.

>> No.21926966

Go seethe somewhere else midwit

>> No.21926972

How long will it take for its goodreads ratings to drop now?

>> No.21926993

Your 4chan buzzwords don't fool me newfag

>> No.21927204

Hating Blood Meridian is the most newfag thing on /lit/, retard

>> No.21927224

We need five maybe seven threads of Blood Meridian at any one time. Now look at the name field.

>> No.21927646

nigga you gotta accept you're gay, embrace it and carry on

>> No.21927677

Even well read people don't get it. Get ready for more "le judge raped the le kid" spam.

>> No.21927745

What /lit/core book will he normify next? I’m thinking either Brothers K or Moby Dick

>> No.21927829

Those two are already normie novels.

>> No.21928602

>Sun Kil Moon playing
Yep you definitely have a restraining order or two

>> No.21928794
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I haven't watched Wendigoons video on it but what is the general consensus of Blood Meridian on here anyway?

I always thought it was a decent book, admittedly filtered me due to how it's written but I appreciated the ending and sort of understood some of the subtext.

Still think like The Road, that it's super overrated

>> No.21928823

its just Reddit Guntube. Thank Christ people like Paul Harrell exist

>> No.21928856

>the general consensus of Blood Meridian
like all Cormac McCarthy books it does an amazing job at capturing a certain feeling and mood in his setting but the actually substance of the story is lacking. At least thats my view of it after I got to chapter 12 I basically had to force myself to keep reading it. Mind you thats not because of the graphic content but because I was so immeasurably bored and didn't care about any of the characters.

>> No.21928902
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Never read this book, but watching Wendyman video made me realize how much the SomeGuy2000's series of New Vegas mods took from it.

>> No.21928911

>SomeGuy2000's series
>tells me not to take my companions into new area
>ah fuck it whats the worst thing that happens I break the balance?
>take them anyways
>quest deletes my companions
>npc tells me he told me not to bring them and that they are now all dead
>ends my New Vegas playthrough

>> No.21928968

This woman represents 90% of all female American readers

>> No.21928971

I think Jarhead was just about done with modding when he made New Vegas Bounties III, so he tried to make it "meaningful and consequential". later he realized he still had a bunch of loose end so he rushed out The Better Angels, which was an awful way to end the series, but I get it, modding is hard work for no pay.
Too bad bethesda didn't hire him like they did to so many worse modders, but his writing takes so much from other media that they might have avoided him just because of it. Hell the villain in Russel is called Glanton and he's a merc that scalps natives for caps.

>> No.21928975


>> No.21929119

Not to mention NVBIII is very heavily based on The Great Silence. That final entry had it's issues for sure, but I'll always be thankful it introduced me to that gem of a film.

It's my favorite book, but I can completely understand why some might not like it as much or at all. Aside from the prose and graphic content, it does have a very barebones story (aside from what one gleans under the surface) and has a lot of repitition. Personally, I find these to be strengths, but they understandably don't appeal to some.

>> No.21929185

>NooOOoOoOOO don't listen to the bible. listen to a man instead

>> No.21929557

>So was The Judge some kind of convoluted metaphor or some sort of demon?
I think The Judge is a personification of what modern man believes deep down, but refuses to come to terms with. Even if the average person lags behind, we live in a world which has internalized Materialistic, Atheistic assumptions and reduces human behavior to a clash of arbitrary wills. Educated people have contempt for anyone who rejects Darwin as an explanation for man's creation, but then try to smuggle in Christian values, or a Post-Christian Liberalism, never addressing the contradiction between how they behave and what they believe.

The Judge accepts all the insight and power of the world he lives in, but ditches the rationalizations. He stands naked before an uncaring, material universe and feels at home, because he understands and accepts the terms of the game: a direct conflict between human will and material reality. He is the natural conclusion of the mentality he represents, and calls out the reader's hypocrisy, because it is impossible to challenge him morally while sharing his core beliefs.

>> No.21929588
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He lacks a frenulum, if you know what I'm saying.

European explorers in the age of sail didn't wring their hands or clutch pearls or question their faith -- if they scalped, they got it back ten times worse even if it took a few generations; if they performed cardiac surgery with obsidian daggers on a mass scale to pagan gods, they were put to the sword and it was God's will, especially the one who was supposed to return. Things are only going to get more hairy and primitive and violent in a world with a closed frontier -- without the release valve of virgin territory, without making the leap to space to walk among the stars with God (or like unto gods ...) the human version of Mouse Utopia is walking toward systematized mayhem, "Man made horrors beyond human comprehension."

>> No.21929604

Wendigoon is profoundly mentally ill and had a troubled upbringing; that's the mimetic wellspring drawing differently abled 'normal'fags in, the para-lumpenprole dregs that will be obsolescent between automation and AI and their own godless godforsaken anti-natal nihilism

>> No.21929631

>you are like the english lit professor i never had
this is so psychosexually telling. these women are so miserable its actually kind of heartbreaking

>> No.21929641

I would hardly call the future king of England part of mainstream academia

>> No.21929648

Pa. Why are eggs breakfast.


You can put bacon on lunch.


But if you put eggs on stuff it becomes breakfast.

The man spat and said the eggs are not for this world or from this world they come from the chicken but the chicken knows it not.

He wiped his chin and spat.

>> No.21929656
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You are all downers.
I enjoy Wendigoon a lot, he is very likeable and his conspiracy iceberg was kino.
I did watch this and was disappointed it was a beat for beat take on the story, but that is okay.
He adds in his thoughts and opinions on topics that I didn't spot, even though I read BM 4x times.
He is a good lad and a real fren, and his BM video is super comfy, if a touch paint-by-nubers.

>> No.21929676

>pewdiepie gets zoomers to read dostoevsky and mishima
>/lit/ complains
>wendigoon gets zoomers to read paradise lost, divine comedy, no longer human, and blood meridian
>/lit/ complains
wow it's almost like no one here actually reads and uses high brow literature as an identity or fashion statement like narcissistic women do
fuck you charlatan queers and your bookshelves
you fags buy literature like millennials buy funkos

>> No.21929679

Know something about Lizzie's corpse you ain't telling us anon?

>> No.21929682

>I enjoy Wendigoon a lot, he is very likeable and his conspiracy iceberg was kino.
I don't think the problem lies with Wendigoon it lies with the influx of people on the discussion of the topic and the usage of his video as a replacement of actually read the book.
This was extremely apparent in the Divine Comedy discussion following his video where you basically had lots of
>le Dante put all the people he disagreed with in hell
and completely disregarding its content on that basis alone
>gets zoomers to read
I'd wager out of the millions of people that have watched that video maybe triple digits will read the book and for those that do good on them.

>> No.21929709

Why don't you lick pewdiepie's balls zoomer

>> No.21929737

Fair. But what are we to do? Not make videos if that is our passion because it will cause a wave of pseud shit elsewhere? I thank him for shitting up this train wreck board some more for 6 weeks and then maybe getting a few dozen young men to try and read one of the greatest works of American literature. A worthwhile trade.

>> No.21929741

Look, I don't know why no one ever says this. He is the personification of the Western White Civilization. It's very simple and very clear

>> No.21929795

No, he wasn't. He went on a 2~ monologue about how antisemitism is wrong and not Biblical.

>> No.21929807

>blood meridian
>ending with kid getting raped
so epic and deep

>> No.21929981

I'm steadily realizing the only reason long-form essays are even popular is because it subconsciously justifies not engaging with media. It's anti-discourse, calling it background noise just distracts from this truth and you can see its effects as more fanbases become rife with secondaries. All their opinions are paraphrases of what the youtuber said, all their criticisms are based off someone else's assessment instead of their own experience.

>> No.21929990

long-form video essays exist because we trained an entire generation of Americans to write essays and this skill has no purpose outside of school

>> No.21929993

Essays are a great format for 4chan posts and literally nothing else.

>> No.21930016

Am I stupid or something? I don't understand why people suggest the judge rapes anyone throughout the book when he's constantly naked and displays eccentric or deranged behavior. There's no real reason to believe he raped anyone unless I just didn't fucking pay attention?

>> No.21930074

His contempt for Christianity suggests otherwise.

>> No.21930076

There are naked and/or murdered children wherever he goes, for a start.

>> No.21930091

Chistianity is a non-White religion.

>> No.21930109

Please explain this in the context of the pagan Ottomans taking Christian white slaves.

>> No.21930158

I must've missed it.
Can be done without rape

>> No.21930210

The most obvious example I can remember is that when the natives raid the camp at the river crossing, the Judge has a naked young girl in his tent.

>> No.21930237

The historical character was a child rapist

>> No.21930425

>must've missed it.
It is subtle and not in your face. Like the other anon said the most obvious is when the natives raid and he, the idiot and a girl are all naked in the room with the howitzer and the howitzer quickly takes the reader's attention away from the off mention of the girl.

>> No.21930433

Lmao i made a thread because of this video. Best go delete it

>> No.21930456

I like wendigoin but always wondered if he was a shabbos goy. Guess so.

>> No.21930471

Outer Dark

>> No.21930486

Is it true the book has no full stops and commas?

>> No.21930514

They enjoy it for the wrong reasons. Completely unironic.

>> No.21930519

I actually download my literature. I told zoomers about it and /lit/complained and got the websites taken down. Now thatswot i corl faggotry

>> No.21930772

i still don't think he was raped, he's to old. and the point is the contest. and the victor dances.

>> No.21930986

I was planning on listening to this on the job. It's just that I have so many books that I plan to read all stacked up at home, but little time to read

>> No.21930996

>Not make videos if that is our passion

>> No.21930997


tri-stan I sold sissee narr to ecko

>> No.21931042


>> No.21931111

why do you care what other people read? The book should stand or fall on it's own weught independent of if it is a fad.

>> No.21931180

Yeah for real. He's just a content regurgitator, but at least his true crime and paranormal stuff is tolerable. The videogame, book and AR horror stuff makes me wonder what I ever liked about the channel

>> No.21931701

If this is true I can appreciate the subtely, just confirms I wasn't paying attention. Thanks for clarifying

>> No.21931913

Got tired of shilling to /x/ and realised /lit/ was nascent, huh Wendy?

>> No.21932672

>wait you actually read the book? Don't you know wendigoon made a video about it

>> No.21932739

This "paralumpenprole" is the majority of people in modernity. As the importance of the humanity has declined in an effort to overly concentrate on science, the values of the lumpen have been generalized to every facet of normal society. Lack of effort is the norm, and creativity will decline. There will be bastions of these higher values, but their strength as was before, won't recuperate unless destruction takes place. Ironic considering we're the most powerful nation in all of history, that what we value is inane and frivolously pathetic.

>> No.21932836

>We are about to achieve a rise of pseudointellectuals
dude that video is 5 fucking hours long, there's no way a normal dude sit trought all of that

>> No.21932917

No, but they are sparsely used in the text. Not as stripped down as 'The Road' iirc.

>> No.21933114

The video currently has 1.7 million views

>> No.21933257


>> No.21933263

it's fucking stupid because the rape part is a null point. it adds nothing to the ending, it's just something edgy fags decided to add to the likely scenario of the kid being killed. the whole ending is the kid accepting his faith, whatever that means getting killed by the Judge or him and the Judge killing the little girl.

>> No.21933333

actually you would be far left to them and they wouldn't like you either

>> No.21933336

checked and rekt

>> No.21933419

>him and the Judge killing the little girl.
What? There is an interpretation that the Kid and Judge join together and the horrible thing found in the outhouse is what they did to the girl?

>> No.21933475

it's one of the theories. I personally think the Judge just killed the kid. all we have to go off from is that the kid was dissatisfied with this life after the gang ceased to be and wanted a taste of violence. The Judge knew the kid would surrender to him eventually and that's why he embraced him.

>> No.21933484

Both are retards who incapable of forming a substantive thought. They pretend to read because they know their illiterate zoomer fanbase will think it’s quirky and unique

>> No.21933595

>The Road
Was trash. Something tells me blood meridian wouldn't be any better

>> No.21933717

Well we also don't see the Kid at the dance unlike the Judge so I conclude from that he is at least dead. If he had joined up with Judge Holden then I would expect him to be at the dance. His absence is what leads me to conclude that his corpse is what shocks the person at the outhouse. As for the rape, it really doesn't make much of a difference in exactly how horribly the Judge tortured, mutilated and killed him. Just that he did.

>> No.21933774

I've never watched a single video review
of anything
and don't think I'm missing out.

During the pandemic I was tempted to
buy a camera and, heaven help me, film myself
saying shit.


Thankfully the madness soon passed
and I was spared entry into
that particular vestibule of Hell.

>> No.21933817
File: 178 KB, 750x1240, 1668129350678524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already happening. This came from a twitter thread that was just saying YIKES multiple times and being surprised he's an Appalachian trad-zoomer. I'd give it a few months before people try baiting him into saying some stupid shit about the fags or race relations and then do callouts on him like they did for jontron.

>> No.21933912

I can't stand faggots who act like Native beliefs are somehow sacred and important when you know damn well they have no problem mocking Christian beliefs. If you have no issue mocking the pope or Jesus, you should have no issue talking about some dumb woodland cannibal spirit not a single Native actually believes in anymore. Good on him for not giving a shit about it.

>> No.21933933

You mental midget. Guenon and Evola were always known in academia but were dismissed as being idiotic and completely focused on their own spiritual fascism than any sort of reasonable political or philosophical idea. And they still are.

>> No.21933944

>dumb woodland cannibal spirit not a single Native actually believes in anymore.
you'd be surprised. The protestants in the North didn't proselytize as hard as the Catholics did in Central and South America.

>> No.21933947

Wendigoon is a little bitch Evangelical. He would definitely care if someone offends Jesus or God in a way that is not RC to him.

>> No.21933975

Yeah, probably. If he ever goes after someone for having God or Jesus in their channel name, then he'd be a faggot too. However, I can understand someone getting upset at their beliefs being mocked more than I can someone getting upset over something they don't even believe in. Like he said, none of the fags complaining about the usage of the Wendigo even believe in that shit.

>> No.21933988

I agree, but it feels off. It is not just in his channel name; his entire business approach is commodifying and simplifying religious and spiritual beliefs for a young, impressionable and ignorant audience. So by HIM naming the channel "Wendigoon" there seems to be a sort of fetishization of the Wendigo as a strange and harmless object of novelty. That's the spirit of his channel in my opinion, which is why I am taken aback by him being a devout Christian, albeit a Protestant.

>> No.21933992

>spiritual fascism
lmao wtf. academics sure are retarded.

>> No.21933995

Evola is seen as an eccentric person, who let his own strange experiences of masculinity and so on, form his traditionalist ideas. However, he is in no way a serious writer of thinker, even among fascists. Spengler is a much more respected equivalent.

>> No.21934021

First of all, you mentioned Guénon earlier as a "spiritual fascist". Don't back pedal on that.
Secondly, Evola was not a fascist; he was never a member of the party and was a major critic of them. He was proven in a court of law to not be a fascist.
Thirdly, Spengler was not a fascist. He hated hitler. Academics like to call the German Conservative Revolution "non-nazi fascism" but in reality they are threatened by anything that deviates from their own leftist agenda. That's how Pat Buchanan gets to be called a "nazi" when he's just an ordinary conservative pre-neocon takeover.

>> No.21934070

A fascist is not a Nazi or a politically active member of the Fascist party. Evolas ideas were fascistic, not in a Nietzschean misreading way, but in a logical conclusion of their ideas way. Spengler was not a fascist, but is an example of a respected, pre-eminent right wing figure which was around at the time of Evola. Academics would care about Spengler but not Evola and certainly not Guenon.

>> No.21934134

I was still on Spengler when I referred back to academics. Of course no one outside of the academic study of western esotericism would have an interest in Guénon and Evola since that is their domain. They are apolitical figures and described their stance as such. As for the
"spiritual fascism" thing, idk man. Is Plato a fascist? How about Moses? I'm not sure what you mean here.

>> No.21934148

Evola was a state-sanctioned philosopher, lived and wrote freely in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, was a virulent racist and supported Italy's racial laws, was considered a Fascist but most people in and outside of Italy and was heavily involved in the Republic of Salo. Don't think you can just say something and make it so. Evola was a fascist, and an active one at that. To claim he was apolitical is ridiculous. Plato was not a fascist; he existed before it was even conceived. He believed in monarchy by an enlightened ruler (i.e himself).

>> No.21934154

>shitty eceleb thread
Even /lit/ is not immune to this faggotry.

>> No.21934188

>one of the non-canonical biblical books talked bad about jews.
Lmao there's tons of stuff showing the Jews to be a bad breed in the Bible - not even just the explicit stuff /pol/ likes to point out.

>> No.21934270

>more than 4 full days later
>to repeat for the 2nd time a point in-thread
tourist alert

>> No.21934407

You've changed the goalposts for every post you've made. You called Guénon a fascist and then dropped that. You called Spengler an "equivalent" but then said he's not a fascist. You said a fascist is not a politically active person, which is absurd, and then in your next post you claim that Evola was in good with the fascist party and state (in reality he was regarded with suspicion as an ambiguous, fringe figure and he did not influence policy). Which is it? But it doesn't matter, you've made up your mind. I'll just leave off with the fact that in Ride the Tiger Evola advocates for total apoliticism and that's his final word on politics.

>> No.21934420

He isnt white.

>> No.21934431

creativity was never a too big thing, most people always were peasants without an internal monologue (as am i)

>> No.21934666

Really? That's how it ends? That's it?

>> No.21935108


>> No.21935132

>5 hours
No, thanks.

>> No.21935152

That is definitely bait, likely posted by yourself.

>> No.21935158

>this guy who might be a pseud
I don't know if he's a pseud, but he gives me incredibly bad vibes. His eyes are completely empty. Kind of reminds me to that freak Thought Slime.

>> No.21935248

>Be me
>Hear of Blood Meridian with the "War is my 'Bidness" quote
>Hmm, funny meme book, lemme read wiki outline to the end
>Big white man representing pseud writers cynicism towards humanity rapes cowboy on a stool
Oh okay.

>> No.21935275

A view in the social media world is watching a video for 5 seconds. The fanbase of this retarded e-celeb appears to be people with down syndrome who anime pfps.

>> No.21935386
File: 157 KB, 498x364, zoomer-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see them as kind of like Tolkien's orcs. In the same way that the orcs were once men and elves who have been corrupted and turned grotesque, these are millennials and zoomers who are clearly able to comprehend complex information, and they were once able to read and decipher this information by themselves but social media has eliminated their ability to read and think critically and thus they can only rely on memes and gay youtube videos for information.

>> No.21935388


>> No.21935565

I didn't deny he was complaining about antisemitism. I denied he "literally cried" about it. Because he does literally tear up in the video (or one of his other Christian videos, I forget) but it's not over antisemitism.

>> No.21935575

>one of the non-canonical biblical books talked bad about jews
But the canonical books talk bad about the jews too.

>> No.21935578

Aside from what other anons said, there's also the fact that the real-life Judge Holden was a child molester/murderer as well.

>> No.21935580

I prefer this video

Never figured McCarthy was a Spenglerian

>> No.21935585

I thought he was going to discuss about the themes of the novel, but he's just retelling it. Why would anyone watch this instead of just reading the book?

>> No.21935594

>Never figured McCarthy was a Spenglerian
Wasn't Spengler name-dropped in Stella Maris? I seem to recall McCarthy was kind of dismissive of him.

>> No.21935677

>to deny that Christ was jewish is to deny the old testament and the teachings of Christ himself
But jews didn't even exist during Jesus' times. There were proto-jews that followed the oral tradition, which later became the Talmud, but everything in the text points out that Jesus was very much not one of them.

>> No.21935685

A Jew is a member of the Tribe of Judah. Jesus was a descendent of King David (who was of the Tribe of Judah), which is how he fulfills the messiah prophecy and has a legitimate claim to the title of "King of the Jews". So Jesus absolutely must be a Jew, otherwise the Bible is wrong.

>> No.21935702

I bet this guy thinks the English exist because of Locke

>> No.21935757

Your content is alright. but you need to improve your clickbait and thumbnail game.

>> No.21935814
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>> No.21936146

game theory the judge is aleister crowley

>> No.21936331

Aaand another great book being destroyed by a youtube video "essay"

>> No.21936337
File: 87 KB, 600x1059, 1656364278874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so heckin true Dante did le epic marvel crossover

>> No.21936448
File: 184 KB, 585x370, ssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cultural appropriation

>> No.21936682

As a frequenter of /x/, I can assure you that Wendigoon visits 4chan all the time.

>> No.21936700

He just seems to have problems staying there.

>> No.21936710

Bet you thought you sounded hard when you quoted whatever faggot book/movie you stole that from

>> No.21936713

Hey Wenditroon, if you are read this lose weight

>> No.21936725

Hello sirs.

>> No.21936737

10 chapters in and don't get what the big deal is about the Judge yet. He's a barely side character so far.

>> No.21936882

You'll get it. He gains much more of a presence as the book goes on.

>> No.21936969

McCarthy is a fan of Decline of the west, but not Spengler in general.

>> No.21936994

>everything mysterious about the universe is actually explained by le quantum physics
why are midwits like this?

>> No.21937099

Have you heard how Southern he is?

>> No.21937595
File: 22 KB, 860x160, chudmac btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh chudbros.. this book has already been cancelled

>> No.21938699

My first read gave me the impression that he's meant to be a Cain like figure, but on further reflection, i see more of the biblical antichrist and pale horseman about him. He is the antithesis of Jesus come to remake the world in his own image.

Another way I look at him is as a spirit of modernity and industrialism. He is all at once the smiling face and the hidden knife, he forsakes all traditional values in place of his own.

Of one thing I am definitely certain, he is not the man that can make a machine to make a machine but he is certainly the intent or
Geist behind the man making the machine

>> No.21938703

Protestants are just hicks these days. Total joke. Frankly as far as I'm concerned Abrahamic religion is a joke. It's all going to shit.

>> No.21938706

This guy is such a dumbass. His videos are the most surface level takes and he can't help but bitch endlessly about his personal opinions even at the expense of getting information out. Just another hick with a megaphone.

>> No.21938751

As if true intellectuals in this day and age are really worth writing home about

>> No.21938866
File: 20 KB, 300x410, 7170128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a proposition.

>> No.21939033

legit, this completely summarises how I feel about shit like this. People basically just adopt the appearance of being into something and then move on in two weeks, it's kinda a social zombie problem.

>> No.21939058
File: 589 KB, 1080x1461, 1679305673143363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are american christians like this?

>> No.21939627

>Why do jew worshippers love jews.
It's a mystery.

>> No.21939702

their entire religion is a ripoff of judaism. it's truly insane to watch people deny this when you can't even begin to discuss the bible without getting into jewish bullshit.

>> No.21939719

they don't know about the talmud

>> No.21939763

Nothing to top off my Friday night like a new Wendi vid, and 5 hours at that!!! Got my vaseline and Funyons ready. Buckle up boys it's gonna be a long night!

>> No.21939789

Right or wrong, I'm sure Cormac McCarthy has no clue what you're talking about.
>muh death of the author
McCarthy's subconscious is not full of /pol/ internet philosophy.

>> No.21939968

I don't think Protestants especially evangelicals know why they believe the things they do. Multiple times have I overheard conversations amounting to "we're all just interpreting the Bible differently, that's why I believe in X social view." They themselves act as though their religion is not objective but subjective, that it is literally just a "fairy tale" that they believe to make themselves feel better like that atheist meme.
in short I've come to realize the logical conclusion to American Protestantism is atheism.

>> No.21940257
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>> No.21940264
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>> No.21940268
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>> No.21940277
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>> No.21940284
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>> No.21940298


>> No.21940314

Isn't it better than normies get introduced to real literature rather than Sanderson-Marvel comics shit?

>> No.21940333

Blood Meridian, if a good book, is too much of a meme to be reasonably considered an "introduction to real literature."

>> No.21940471
File: 18 KB, 687x216, cor mack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so THIS is why everyone is talking about Blood Meridian all of a sudden. I have seen over a dozen posts/statuses over the last few days, many of them the SAME few quotes. At first I thought I was going crazy, then I thought there must've been news released of them finally making it into a series or movie.
It's hilarious, because this will either a) dissuade people from reading the book, as they can just get the story spoon-fed by their parasocial friendo,
or b) spoil the story and ruin the first-reading experience of those who do decide to read it

>> No.21940478

Your friend made an EXCELLENT post, please leave him a <3 emoji reaction on my behalf.

>> No.21940489

That video is either going to make people NOT read the book, as they've already been told the story in 5 hour detail, or it will ruin it for those who read it, as it has already been spoiled.
He's basically taking away the best part of McCarthy, which is his writing style, and making it more about what happens rather than how it is told.

>> No.21940508

His horror movie iceberg video was poorly researched and suffered from the fact that he himself never watched the movies he was discussing

>> No.21940510
File: 27 KB, 350x288, le weird scary face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wendigoon fans don't read literature they read reddit creepypastas

>> No.21940520
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apparently he hasn't read it and is only a few hours into the video, yet he's quoting it like it had some profound effect on him.
everything good has been boiled down to fake social media points and material to pad out their fake personalities

>> No.21940538
File: 254 KB, 1122x714, Screenshot (57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the McCarthy subreddit has had enough

>> No.21940549

>yet he's quoting it like it had some profound effect on him
That's hilarious and TMB fits very well. It's exactly the kind of stuff Vince would do. Or the blonde guy from Peep Show if he thought quoting books could help him to get girls.

>> No.21940607
File: 836 KB, 1400x788, jazz funk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol too true
>"So he's like this big demon baby, right? He's all powerful and says profound things about creation innit"
>"you've not even read the book, have you?"
>"yeah, well, I watched a bit of the video on it, didn't I? It's dark and profound, like me. I think I'll buy a cowboy hat and boots, the dark country cowboy look will definitely be coming back in"
>"Dark country cowboy? You're not a cowboy, you're a soft French duke, sir!"

>> No.21940613


>> No.21940635
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>> No.21940638

Hard N noumena

>> No.21940673


>> No.21940760
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>> No.21940765 [DELETED] 
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>gold sparks

>> No.21940788

wait so why did the judge turn against them after the yuma thing? i don't get it.

>> No.21940789

I've had this on my backlog for ages and if I read it now ill be outed as a redditor lol. Not that I will let that stop me.
Yeah wikis and cliff notes should be to refresh the memories of people who have already read the books not replace them wholesale.

>> No.21940807

lol at him keeping on saying The Kid is 14
He's 16 before the end of page fucking 3. It takes him two years just to walk/ride/boat to Nacogdoches. All these people picturing a 14yo throughout the whole book

>> No.21941024

Do you understand what a meme book is, newfag?

>> No.21941029

A book that's a meme or has notable meme qualities.

>> No.21941446

I have yet to see Rance gain netwide attention (outside of Japan of course)

>> No.21941456

What do you people who read this book get from it, is the prose good, are the themes great, is its message good?
I'm just curious, want to see if I give it a read or not.
I don't want to drag myself through several hundred pages of bleakness for nothing.

>> No.21941466

Pointless bleakness at that.

>> No.21941566

Ok, watching the video the prose is pretty good.

>> No.21942088

In the Purgatorio video he said Nimrod was a giant and i had an actual brainfart

>> No.21942414

>Implying the Judge was ever truly with them.

>> No.21942475
File: 526 KB, 764x558, hotmom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perhaps the true judge was the acts of horrific violence we committed along the way

>> No.21942495

seething turbovirgins polluting this thread, i thought it was excellent.

>> No.21942552

I don't mean he wasn't with them physically, he was. I mean he was never on their side. They were amusing to him, and then they weren't. There's a reason only the Kid, Tobin, Toadvine, Davey, and the Idiot survive the massacre, and that's because they are the only ones who still interest the Judge.

>> No.21942582

you need to go back