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File: 70 KB, 640x395, 001933C2-6577-48F8-B6BD-53F04E5361E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21917720 No.21917720 [Reply] [Original]


This can’t be fucking real….

>> No.21917728
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds like she has severe autism so I'd bet she's dead serious.

>> No.21917731

I hate when people talk as if they're asking questions all the time...? Fuck these cunts.

>> No.21917777

We need to sterilize people with bad handwriting.

>> No.21917813

Zoomers, do they even still make you do handwriting at school? I remember exams where I had to handwrite essays that were 5 or 6 pages long in an hour and thinking even then that this handwriting shit would be dead as soon as everyone got a laptop.

>> No.21917838
File: 28 KB, 640x360, WIN_20230415_19_48_31_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would this bitch think of my handwriting

>> No.21917845

Sometimes when I go for a walk at night, I think about how almost no woman dares walk alone outside when its dark, and realize, like in a flash, what sort of absolutely turbo-neurotic and threat-minimizing pseudo-lives women lead. I realize what a profound lack of agency and lack of confidence in one's own most basic skills of survival must be the prerequisite for not daring to walk outside when it's dark, and I feel something like pity. Then I reflect, and realize that women, for 20.000 generations, were raped and murdered and used as property because of their physical weakness, and I think about what impact that must have had phylogenetically on their psyches.

And with all those reflections in mind, I am not at all surprised that some woman has made an e-celeb career out of neurotically analysing handwriting. Her mind is molded entirely around threat-detection and avoiding getting murdered and raped, and when you couple such profoundly primitive and all-encompassing aversive drives to a well-developed and extremely complex nervous system, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that this is the end result.

It's still really fucking cringe and I think she should pop some xanax or do some yoga, or whatever coping mechanisms women have for being the weaker sex, as I am sure such strategies will lead her to a happier life than indulging in this specific species of fear-driven retardation.

>> No.21917870

Well bros, you can't change the truth when somebody has digits like these
I guess I'm next. Was nice riding one last time with you, buddies

>> No.21917883

Move over, astrology!

>> No.21917890

Her number 8 red flag is literally every woman's handwriting. Every woman has that overly perfect handwriting. Kind of based though because really she's saying avoid all women.

>> No.21918145


I’d like to see you try. I’ll just stab you in the cunt

>> No.21918163

Focus the camera properly ffs

>> No.21918175

This whole thing Is AI generated, they don't want us writing anymore. Next it'll be "10 red flags in cave paintings"

>> No.21918191

>calls me gay not even a minute into the video

>> No.21918197

Seething midwit. Bad handwriting = high IQ

>> No.21918208
File: 70 KB, 960x700, women only love their childern because they made them cum while brithing freud-like take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her "analysis" is so primitive it's not even funny, fucking horoscopes have more depth and merit then this shit, and they have NONE
I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.21918220

I think it was Dave Chappelle who said once he had a bag filled with cash, like 5K from a drug deal, and he had to transport it. He got on the subway and went through a bad part of New York. He said in that moment he understood what having a pussy must feel like.

>> No.21918223

Pic related is so true and people don’t even wanna acknowledge it. Contractions only happen because the woman is orgasming and all that screaming is basically a woman shouting to amplify her emotions during the act. It’s akin to a man slapping himself to make himself angrier than he already is for a fight

>> No.21918274

Maybe boomers should have actually taught us how to write by hand then.

>> No.21918294

This video was psychotic, it's like I entered another dimension.

>> No.21918305

Gee, who knows.

>> No.21918320

I;'ve only watched the first 5 minutes, but so far it seems like she's right about everything

>> No.21918328

The umbilical cord is actually mans connection to God

>> No.21918331

Everybody wants some
I want some too

>> No.21918333

I don’t even remember the last time I physically wrote a full sentence

>> No.21918370
File: 1.54 MB, 2340x4160, 1110211219a~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she would she date me?

>> No.21918389

>dishonesty in handwriting
Oh lord, rofel. Is this the weirdo that plagues /tv/? Never in a million years would I have guessed it was a bio-female autist.

>> No.21918393

>raped and murdered and used as property
Hate to quibble, it's an interesting line of thought, but women are and always have been murdered far less frequently than men. It takes 9 months to incubate a baby, and somebody has to care for it. Men are competition, and potentially disruptive.
The historical winning play has always been to rape the women and murder (or cause to be murdered) the men.

>> No.21918477

fuck, your handwriting is hot

>> No.21918573

Epigraphy is the patrician's phrenology.

>> No.21918619

>cursive is exactly how they teach you
>even extending the letters to the lines as best you can
You're a nice guys, so probably not. Women like bad boys, and you're too much of a coward to know when to break the rules. That's my analysis.

>> No.21918630

more pussy for me I guess. I want to poke her mind

books for this subject?

>> No.21918644

Tbh I know it's probably autism but I find bad handwriting in girls to be a massive turn off. I don't know why.

It just makes them seem more dumb or something. Yet idgaf if a dudes handwriting is bad

>> No.21918714

what if I don't do any of these, am I a normie

>> No.21918741

Why is a woman over 25 speaking to someone outside her immediate family? Does she need help? She can't possibly be contributing anything, since she's a woman who isn't even a pretty young thing anymore, so she must need some help.

>> No.21918775

I hate bitches as much as the next guy, but jesus h christ dude.

>> No.21918777

it wont be easy, but i need to learn how to implement all of these into a single writing style

>> No.21918796
File: 19 KB, 300x213, trips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we need a penmanship general. It would be more on-topic than most of what is in the catalog.

>> No.21918835

you write like an affected moron

>> No.21918837

>I'm a massive faggot and everyone has to be like me

>> No.21918861

she's not wrong at all. it's a type physiognomy.

>> No.21918996

This singular image made me lose all hope in humanity. We MUST create thinking machines to replace us.

>> No.21919007

is this the first time you illiterate uncultured retards hear about graphology?

>> No.21919013

What's with women and pseudoscience? I'll never trust women.

>> No.21919114

Instructionals on the topic tend to use a lot of ''cans'' and ''coulds'' and ''mights''. It sounds as wishy washy as psychanalysis.

>> No.21919127

she could NOT lose some weight

>> No.21919290

>Contractions only happen because the woman is orgasming

It would honestly be so fucking great if that was true. Like, it makes sense, doesn't it, that squeezing shit down your birth canal would be triggered by intense orgasms, so that instead of just being like, oh God this hurts, you get pleasure corresponding to the force needed to push such a huge thing out of your cunt.

This does apparently happens to some chicks, but it really should be what's happening by default.

>> No.21919294

It’s funny that women always think and talk about “red flags”. Obviously it comes from the fact that they’re weak and vulnerable so they need to be defensive in order not to get raped. But why don’t they want to get raped in the first place? It makes no evolutionary sense for them not to want to get raped. Animals rape each other all the time. The literal only explanation is that women have evolved to prevent betas from breeding at all costs. Their whole life and psychology is ordered towards avoiding betas and making sure they don’t reproduce. Kek.

>> No.21919301

no, I remember it being mentioned in the Catwoman movie

>> No.21919313

>But why don’t they want to get raped in the first place?
Have you established that they do not?

>> No.21919322

Their behaviour (watching out for “red flags” all the time, the things women teach their daughters about going out alone and telling them to dress modestly, pepper spray marketed to women). It’s obvious they devote a huge portion of their time to preventing betas from reproducing.

>> No.21919397

>It’s obvious they devote a huge portion of their time to preventing betas from reproducing.
That's such a twisted way to see it
It's not that they want to prevent others from reproducing, its that they don't want to be beaten and raped and then have to raise a rapebaby alone.
How can you attribute malicious intent to self defense?

>> No.21919424

>women always think and talk about “red flags”. Obviously it comes from the fact that they’re weak and vulnerable
It doesn't come from the fact that they're weak and vulnerable, it comes from the fact talking about men and dating is literally women's only hobby now. Anything else they do is shallow as fuck like playing some Mario phone game or Animal Crossing and you can tell they clearly don't like it as much as a guy likes guy video games. It's all just passing time until more boyz chat and meeting another boy or having drama with the current boy.

Red flags, what does your boyfriend's bristol stool type say about him?, gay ass astrology and MBTI stuff (all they think about is how it applies to boys, and them, and them and boys), makeup (whoring), clothes (whoring), rewatching the same fucking shows and movies solely for the toxic relationships so they can think about boys, reading books about relationships

The only thing women talk about or do other than boyz is eating and "activities." For example if one woman goes rock climbing, every woman on earth will be rock climbing within the year. That's an activity. They like "trying" food, which means going somewhere with the girls to talk about boyz and eat shit food. Everything is just hovering and killing time until a boy is located to have drama about so you can have more boyz chat. Red flag type videos are just distractions for their small little peanut sized brains.

>> No.21919443

The nanny state would take care of them if they raised the baby. Or the rapist would possibly marry them like in the Bible. It’s not about the evolutionary risk of raising the baby alone it’s about the evolutionary risk of having beta-babies who won’t get girls themselves and can’t breed when they grow up. No other animal cares this much about rape.

>> No.21919460

Yeah lol my gf is in some girl discord groups and she sends me screenshots sometimes of how the only thing they talk about is men and how horrible men are and relationship drama

>> No.21919463

I’d pee in her butt

>> No.21919466

That woman is so much sexo.

>> No.21919473

>No other animal cares this much about rape.
Nor about murder being inflicted on others, but guess what, sentience changes things around.

>> No.21919480

Imagine being a man and spending your precious time on this virtual queefing. You’re consooming the worst part of a relationship (inane babbling and shit-testing) while getting none of the only thing they have to offer (pussy).

>> No.21919484

Is it called uptalking?

>> No.21919496

Red flag: someone regularly uses handwriting

>> No.21919499

Yeah, at least in advanced placement classes. Those essays are all hand written, save for those during covid.

>> No.21919515

>red flags in handwriting
doesn't mention left-handedness

>> No.21919613

Yeah but guys don't really want anything from each other women always have something that men want and that they can't defend on their own (by design lmao)

>> No.21919633

Get your meds.

>> No.21919646

I think it's a higher propensity for gay or so I'm told and of course you don't jive with work. Probably should be a writer or shaman or something. Definitely bad at math.

>> No.21919658

Big feature of queers too

>> No.21919727
File: 341 KB, 213x199, 1610134231754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small handwriting is a clear sign of anorexia because the person wants to be smaller and smaller

>> No.21919816

Christ. This is mental illness right here, folks.

>> No.21919882

>deep rooted guilt towards one's sexuality

>> No.21919905
File: 482 KB, 750x1000, 1662591482949909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already reproduced. Suck it, loser.

>> No.21919919

I noticed that whenever people talk about red flags, they're just projecting their own shortcomings and insecurities onto other people

>> No.21919932

Seriously. I thought she was about to start going on about brow slants or eye dilation and how they indicate criminal personalities at some point.

>> No.21919936
File: 90 KB, 399x400, 1669917210884251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must we have these threads?

>> No.21919937
File: 40 KB, 593x600, klages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphology is based and soulpilled

>> No.21920174

>the worst part of a relationship
Well, not the worst but, but yeah.

>> No.21920193

I still write like a child because I always hated handwriting and was good at avoiding it.

>> No.21920195

This stupid b-word has the camera out of focus
so annoying

>> No.21920212

what are those red marks on her neck bros?

>> No.21920538

>precious time
My time is not that precious though. That being said, I'd never click on OP's link because I'd rather stare at walls than listening to internet women talking.

>> No.21921773

I was born in '97, and had to do a short course in cursive in third grade, but nothing else, and I've never used cursive outside of that class.