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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.21914927

Yea but a lot of fat millennials read her shit, whose disposable income made her rich. At least gen-x had some self awareness and requested an "adult version" where the cover makes it seem like you aren't reading a story for kids. But now, if you go to one of her theme parks, you will see stereotypical patrons of a renaissance fair. Depressing desoo.
Just the perfect consumers.

>> No.21914931

Fantastic Breasts

>> No.21914940
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In hard times people have traditionally sought refuge in fantasy and escapism.
Suddenly your bowl of goyslop doesn't seem so bad when watching Rick and Gang eat dogfood or etc dystopian zombie nonsense.
Rowling's stuff is honestlyb one of the least badb of the options as far as mainstream media escapism goes.

>> No.21914948

>requested an "adult version" where the cover makes it seem like you aren't reading a story for kids.
Ayy, you gotta have a problem of narcissism if you're going to be embarrassed for just reading a really good kid's book and then, on top of that requesting an adult version of a kid's book cover while seething over millenials who comfortably reading them.
Self-awareness? Are you self-aware about how insecure you sound?
Look, Idk what's going on for Gen X but they always seem to have image issues. The people in this age regions are much more stricter in their interactions, insecure, always gossips about their female friends, gossips about people younger than them. I don't like most of them. I remember them being school teachers and how psychotic some of them are and by looking at what you write, it didn't help to improve their image.

>> No.21914952

>Yea but a lot of fat millennials read her shit,
i'm an '80s baby, read one of her early harry potter books and wondered what the fuck is this mess, then the series got insanely popular and i didn't quite understand how that happened. maybe it's true that millennials are just retards?

that they are, anon.

>> No.21914953

I know it got massively popular during the 00's, or even more famous anyway. Escapism isn't bad but I'm just saying that a children's book author could only have become a billionaire because of a loyal fanbase that kept buying her shit as they grew older. Children don't have the disposable income to achieve this afterall.

>> No.21914957

See? Another Gen X who hate millenials inexplicably.

>> No.21914964

Idk how to explain to you that being an adult in the 90s and reading a children's book was seen as silly. It's not me projecting, it is what happened and why the "adult covers" exist lol. No need to try and psycho analyze me.
And how you described them is how every generation is seen once they reach adulthood. Just human nature.
If you don't feel like the way I described a whole generation, that's good enough on it's own.

>> No.21914981

They are not necessarily retarded, it's just that they can't imagine an obsession that isn't fueled by nostalgia. If you were an adult in the 60's, it's fun to buy the comic you used to buy as a child once in a while, but you weren't obsessed by the franchise anymore. At the most you would buy them for your child. That has obviously changed and now you have these hypercorporations. DC/MARVEL shit has only now been able to push out movie after movie. All because millennials keep giving their money to them.

>> No.21914993

>Fantastic Breasts
and where to find them

>> No.21915443

>feeling self conscious regarding a book cover is a good thing

>> No.21915445

Could you give a quick summary?

>> No.21915449

I skipped to 3:54 and thought it was kurt cobain

>> No.21915474

>Millennial doesn't feel ashamed of reading a kid's book out in public
How surprising! You don't know how fast nerd shit could get you ostracized lol.

>> No.21915681

if you don't want to get ostracized for reading children's books then maybe just don't read children's books

>> No.21916026


>> No.21916148

She could give me a million pounds and she quite literally wouldn't even notice it was gone. Should we really live in a society where one one thousandth of someone's wealth can completely change the life of someone else?

>> No.21916162

That would all be true, if HP were YA or even borderline adult fiction. But if you’ve ever read the books, you know they’re written for junior high schoolers.

There’s no shame it though. Grown men read comics for kids in Japan. The concept of literary fiction really did a number on Western storytelling.

>> No.21916172

No, but it’s the result of technology. She can write a book, print it a billion times, sell a billion copies. It just is what it is. Realistically, there’s nothing ethical you can do to stop it. In pre-modern times, she would’ve been able to make a lot of money, obviously, but she’d have been limited by technology which simply could distribute so many copies. Aristocratic patronage fell away and the novelist relied on the printing press, now the computer and they reach millions of people with them rather than a select few of aristocrats.

>> No.21916195
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If she didn't notice, then how did she give it to you?

>> No.21916196
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Sorry troon, no money for you. Go take out a loan out for that fag surgery to chop ur dick off.

>> No.21916233

>maybe it's true that millennials are just retards?
The core fanbase was always younger Millennials who were the same age as the characters (more or less) and grew up with them.

>> No.21916268

The Harry Potter fanatics are largely older millennials who did not even read the books as kids. I know two people I’m their late 30s to early 40s who say Harry Potter is their favorite novel.

>> No.21916393

I do feel ashamed but that just makes me a faggot, and so are you.

In the Netherlands the Harry Potter covers have always been more "mature". I loved that as a kid and thought the English covers were an absolute joke. Nowadays I think both styles are slightly ugly but have their own charm.

>> No.21916804

You frame this as some sort of late stage capitalism disease but I'm sure every feudal king and Caesar and hegemon had "net worths" so to speak of MILLIONS of times that of their poor peasants. Your standard of living isn't as bad as you think it is.

>> No.21916838

Reminder she had to sell her soul to do so
a.k.a. freemason

>> No.21916845

A million pounds? Fuck, 25k would be life changing for me.

>> No.21916876

Yes what of it
Children's media is always the most profitable
Are you surprised by this or something

>> No.21918527


>> No.21919869

why is she actually kinda hot?