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21913801 No.21913801 [Reply] [Original]

Let's post our 14 most recent Kindle books and ruthlessly judge each other. I'll start. Summaries optional.

>5 Love Languages
Pretty interesting. I thought mine was touch, but based on how my last relationship ended I'm pretty sure it's quality time.

>The Ultimate Sales Letter
Copywriting stuff I picked up over the years

>The Tactical Guide to Women
Great book. I brushed off way too many warning signs and paid the price for it. At least I didn't marry her.

Long time fan of Roosh's work but still haven't read this yet for some reason.

>Atlas Shrugged
"Wait a minute, this isn't as fun as Bioshock at all!"

>What Matters Most
My mom is fat, old, and sometimes dumb so I need to make sure we have shit handled because my birdbrained younger sister isn't gonna do it.

>Can't Hurt Me
Great audio book. Every time I complain about my life I need to think of this guy.

>Nomad Capitalist
I'm not rich enough to finish this book yet.

>America's Cheapest Family
That's more like it.

I need to stop being a mouth breathing neanderthal. Not read yet

>Who Not How
Business book I haven't opened yet

>Atlas Shrugged Sparknotes
why the fuck am I studying on my free time? Why did I start this book 5 years ago then RESTART it because I forgot where I was? what is wrong with me?

>The Natural
This was free a while back and now it's in ebook form

>Magic Bullets
Read the old edition a while ago and this is an update. If you want to know if I'm super successful with women now, the answer is no. Shit's hard.

>> No.21913819

> ayn rand
> tax dodging
> deep breathing
> "tactical guide to women"
> "how to attract women"

neoliberal psychopath reading list

>> No.21913869

I still have no idea what neoliberal means.

>> No.21913883

>Kindle books
why. if you're ok with reading digital then just pyrate

>> No.21913974

I doubt I can find all these for free. And how do I load them onto my Kindle? I also try to buy the audiobook at the same time when I can.

>> No.21914391

Libgen and zlib, fool.

>> No.21914534

You can pirate Kindle books.

>> No.21915049
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Based improovanon.

>> No.21916110
File: 951 KB, 4032x1530, digitalfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. To be honest I've read more than I've actually put into action. Trying to fix that.

What's the risk of bricking my device?

>> No.21916189

I don't think it's great if you go about the process properly.

>> No.21916214

Probably won't take the risk then. I don't even buy books that often. Too busy playing video games

>> No.21916224

Markets good; borders bad; green line go up. The only meaningful human group is "the market".

>> No.21916245

i want to murder you

>> No.21916301
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>The Tactical Guide to Women

What was some major points in this books?

Tbh as I got older, I realised that women overall just have this nature in them to want to control things. The problem is, although they can get control very easily they more often than not responsible with it. Or they misuse it that it leads to destruction.

It always starts in the homes, where they destroy the husband by making him a weaker version of himself just to survive her, or they end up leaving. Then they free reign to impose their nature onto their kids and control them in someway. Sometimes it's done covertly, throguh excess coddling which they claim is "love" but then destroys the kids long term. Then the cycle continues where the daughters become like her, and the sons marry women like her thinking it's the normal way to be or striaght up become incels.

Seems to be the reason why a lot of issues in society stem from absentee father's or weak father's. I feel there really needs to be a balance of energies. Women need to be self aware of their nature and men need to be strong enough to be able to HANDLE that nature so that it doesn't ruin their kids.

>> No.21917672

>What's the risk of bricking my device?
Zero, they're books FFS.

>> No.21918674

There's so much going on in this post lol.

All I'm going to say is, one of the best things I got from the book is to make sure you're picking the right person. It's a great checklist. If she has any of the issues listed, know what you're getting into.

It's also not just a book of red flags, there are green flags too. I feel like in this field there's so much focus on the negative and not enough on the positive so that was refreshing.

>> No.21918678

i read paper books, also you're a fag

>> No.21918682

Didn't know there was such a strong cult for paper books here.

>> No.21918740

At least personally, I like paper books because with digital it's just too easy to tab away to something else, which makes it harder to focus on what I'm reading because I have to expend more mental effort on resisting that temptation.

>> No.21918743

But I'll add that if ebooks work for you, more power to you. (I need to stop waiting until after I've already posted my comment to think of these postscripta.)

>> No.21918748

0/10 trolling

>> No.21918778

i get what you mean. its why i got a kindle.

>> No.21918795

Even then isn't it still pretty trivial to switch to any of the other books on the Kindle?

>> No.21918818

Then just delete them off the device.

>> No.21918821

It's not very convenient only being able to have one book on there, at that point I might as well just use paper books.

>> No.21918836

- "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides - A total banger, it left me guessing.

- "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah - Emotional af desu, intense, and so well-written.

- "Educated" by Tara Westover - Kinda inspiring, and will make you think.

- "Circe" by Madeline Miller - Beautifully written

- "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot - Fascinating af exploration of race, ethics, and the history of medicine.

- "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins - Thought it was action-packed, thrilling, and mind-blowing.

- The House at the End of the World by Dean Koontz - Page-turner, it kept me on the edge of my seat. Was not expecting much from a 2023 book, but anyway

>> No.21919821

A modern day Patrick Bateman

>> No.21919840

>exploration of race, ethics
pharma has never given a shit about people, regardless of their race.
You seem to only enjoy propaganda based on this reading list.

>> No.21919848

>ruthlessly judge each other
I'm certainly doing that right now, good call.