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21907616 No.21907616 [Reply] [Original]

Look what came in the mail. What am I in for lads?

>> No.21907644


Being brown

>> No.21907650

The most significant progress in philosophy in the past 150 years. It makes the deep state so worried they send their feds (Fuentes, milo, Richard spender) to relentlessly attack its author on Twitter.

>> No.21907652

>twitter eceleb garbage
>posted from my iPhone
Notice all these "men" visiting us from Twitter are iPhone users, a product literally only women use

>> No.21907670
File: 268 KB, 1263x609, buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, probably the most Jewish book ever written?

>> No.21908497

iPhone is the white mans phone and a superior product.

>> No.21908577

Being a subhuman turd worlder. You reek of shit. Do you know what a fucking loser you are?

>> No.21908581

Superb bait

>> No.21908618

Fuck you. Your brown hands shouldn't even be touching a book like that.

>> No.21908647
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>Jewish writer

>> No.21909437

Nice bro you’ll love it

>> No.21909443
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>> No.21909592

homosexual jewery

>> No.21910028

It’s homosexual especially at the end where he admitted to ejaculate himself for not touching it while looking at a roman statue.

>> No.21910058

Jewish propaganda. Enjoy!

>> No.21910130

Schizophrenic shitposting of the highest degree

>> No.21911129

Becoming gay (closeted heterosexual) by way of being tricked on 4chan into thinking webms of a cute girl with short hair are actually a greek boy, if the threads on here are anything to take data from.

>> No.21911136

I liked it. Disagree with some of his takes, but found the masculine energy of it very appealing. Also funny

>> No.21911146

If Greek boys all looked like Gio Scotti then I totally understand why the Greeks were all fags

>> No.21911197

the dream

>> No.21911261

I know it's hard for third worlder poorcels to imagine, but in America like 95% of the people have iPhones.

>> No.21911382

Plenty of people below the poverty line do too; poorfags cling to luxury status symbols like the drones they are.

>> No.21911419

Youthful energy and vitality

>> No.21911444

>Streetshitting Mindset

>> No.21912690


>> No.21912703

Shitty writing by a homosexual. It’s like if my diary was published. Only better written because I’m a hack.

>> No.21912721
File: 197 KB, 746x374, bap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even mentioning the more speculative stuff like how Israel is the nation with the highest density of people with his ("""alleged""") surname