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21906760 No.21906760 [Reply] [Original]

Books that will help me to get out of my current state of inaction?

>> No.21906763

What exactly should you be doing? I think a lot of people feel plagued by inaction, but they also feel like there’s basically nothing to do.

>> No.21906765

What do you mean by that?

>> No.21906775
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I should be doing what I see myself doing (in my mind). Yet I'm here wasting my time doing stuff that isn't going to improve my life.
It is what it is.

>> No.21906801

Sadly, Porn is all about why you are incapable of action and explaining that there is no solution to this problem because to become capable of action would be an action

>> No.21906816

just walk around it helps a lot

>> No.21906894
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Uh... ahn... eh... What?
Yeah, that sounds like it would help. It's the little things, right?

>> No.21906928

Do you believe in God? Your soul? The afterlife? Do you pray? If you answered yes to all of them then I'd happily discuss but my guess is you say no to all of them. I mean this seriously, go into a room with no one else, get on your knees, and ask God for help. Do it for one second or even three every day and you'll be okay.

>> No.21906940
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Own, thanks. That so cute of you.

>> No.21906984

I mean given you are asking for advice and you do not think human beings are not divinely valuable then the only reason to help you is perceived personal gain or trolling you for not being able to do the absolutely most basic of all human tasks whatsoever that even animals can do.

>> No.21907011
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>> No.21907087

How 'bout you try getting a job?

>> No.21907151

Have you considered not giving into your pedophilic appetites with loli? That might be a good start.

>> No.21907189

Take zinc before bed and start lifting 4-6 times a week, everything else will follow naturally

>> No.21907208
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Should I actually be taking zinc? Why do I keep seeing this recommended

>> No.21907215

So to review, you think your issue is that you don't have enough trace minerals and not the wisdom of millenia of human beings on why you are inactive? Dude.

>> No.21907218

What is it you see yourself doing in your mind? You can be vague if you like. The reason I ask is because when I was younger, I used to feel like I just didn’t act but eventually I started to feel like there was nothing to act on.

>> No.21907224

It doesn’t help. You’ll become a walker and then you’ll walk a lot but it won’t get you to do anything else. You have to do the thing. It’s the only way.

>> No.21907228

I’ve done this but I didn’t feel like I got help or a sign. Today I feel like I may have gotten a sign after praying last night but I’m not sure.

>> No.21907234
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Sorry, I’m a completely different anon. Just wondering if it’s worth considering.

>> No.21907244

Zinc is an essential mineral for hormone production, and if you’re an average modern man who jerks off every day you’re almost certainly deficient

>> No.21907365

Just do it every day. Don't seek signs but just keep doing it regardless of what happens. It only takes a couple seconds and that's truly all you need is one genuine second of prayer a day to sanctify your day.
You are better off taking multivitamins but often if you take them you will avoid fruits and vegetables and so they will lead to weight gain and you're better off being skinny and missing some micro nutrients that fat and having them. Overall, exercise is nice but you only need like 30 minutes of walking a day - I would highly recommend focusing on spiritual practice though but you get what I mean.

>> No.21907638

One of these might do:
a) getting a gf
b) having no money left
c) getting into an accident or having health problems

No book will help you get out of your state of inaction, because reading a book is in itself perpetuation of inaction. You can try, however, turning off all screens (phone, computer), and delving into utter boredom; your mind will look for a way out, with might lead, somehow, to action (going outside, meeting ppl, etc.)

>> No.21908121
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Stuff like like drawing, writing composing songs, etc...
I guess you'd right.
>reading a book is in itself perpetuation of inaction.
I disagree, reading it's an active task. There's lot of books that can call people to act.
>You can try, however, turning off all screens (phone, computer), and delving into utter boredom; your mind will look for a way out, with might lead, somehow, to action (going outside, meeting ppl, etc.)
Yeah, that may be a good way to do what I gotta do.

>> No.21908676
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I'm not even that far into The Anatomy of Melancholy and it's already gotten me off my ass a lot more nowadays. My previous read was The Alexiad as well, so I've been combining the two for my most recent productivity inspo

>> No.21908807
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I spent basically a whole day doing a 50km walk around my town last year, expecting that it would change me as a person or something. Going for a 2 night tech-free camping trip in the woods didn't really change anything when I got home either. Touching grass doesn't work. Guess I just need to interact with people.

>> No.21908870

The book of Proverbs from the Bible

>> No.21908895

Why do you want to draw, write, compose songs?

>> No.21908912

The single biggest problem most young people have is tech addiction. Whether it’s video games, 4channel, TikTok or something else, the reason their lives suck and they’re miserable is because all of their time is sucked into tech.

Forget walking. Forget camping. If OP wants to draw, write, and compose music, the single best thing he can do is get off the browser and get off the apps, stop with the podcasts, stop with whatever it is that sucks up all of his time.

>> No.21908924

You mean procrastinating? Use the pomodoro tecnique

>> No.21909163

Tech addiction is a huge part of it, but also because they have no purchasing power. What used to afford a house, a housewife, 3 kids, a dog, and a station wagon now gets you rent for an apartment.
>stop buying new phones and netflix
This seems to be a gen X thing because millenials tend to pirate everything and usually hold onto their phones for awhile from what I've observed.

>> No.21909182

>Tech addiction is a huge part of it, but also because they have no purchasing power. What used to afford a house, a housewife, 3 kids, a dog, and a station wagon now gets you rent for an apartment.
This is more real for a very very specific type of man but not for most men. I would also say that if you are masturbating and or fornicating and or using the Lord's name in vain and you feel like you don't control your life you are totally correct because you have enslaved your soul to the devil.

>> No.21909585


>> No.21909649
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It’s an anti-meme book written by the greatest blogger of all time the infamous Last Psychiatrist. If you try to read this book you will get mad and give up. Only real niggas will read Sadly Porn and they will not enjoy it. For a more normie friendly book try Rene Girard.

>> No.21909652
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This book might help you if you are a Peter Pan type

>> No.21909680

How much money you have doesn’t have so much to do with how you spend your time. Most people under 30 have literally wasted the majority of their lives on screens.

>> No.21909797

Do you like philosophy? If so, Being and Time is likely to help.

>> No.21910121

>Sadly Porn
It was a huge, deflating letdown.

>> No.21910129

TLP was a massive one trick pony

>> No.21910178
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How do I become able to focus on one thing at a time again?

>> No.21911125

I've had this problem of inaction, procrastination, and lack of focus for a long time but I'm getting better at managing it.

Write the things you need/want to do, then break them down into smaller tasks. Do it a few times until you get to the point where it's silly, like "pick up a pen" or "open ms word".
Then pick one of these tiny tasks and do it, them write a check mark on your list.

>Write a short story about Pepe the frog pushing a boulder up a hill only for it to come back down.
>>Write a 2 page outline
>>>Write a 1 paragraph synopsis
>>>>Write a sentence logline
[X]>>>>>Open ms word

Don't allow yourself to play video games or watch TV or scroll through this site or other social media until you've done at least 2 tasks. I find I'm usually able to get a rhythm going once I've done two small things. Find a quite place where people won't interrupt you too. Also eat proper meals, not fast noodle shit. I was shocked how much more focused and energized I was once I ate better and drank more water. Literally it's better to just get some spam and cabbage, cut em up, throw them in a pan and add some salad sauce or spicy sauce with a bowl of rice. Not vastly healthy but better than pasta, fast noodles, and other junk that won't give you energy to focus or act on things.

>> No.21911637

I literally went mad halfway through the book and wound up in a psych ward. 9/10

>> No.21911651

stop jacking off and do things you're not comfortable with. no book is magically gonna solve your problems.

>> No.21911860

I liked it more than his blog content tbqh

>> No.21913170
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Eat tha Frog! was able to make me create a list of things I have to do.
Because I like the idea of creating stuff.
>get off the browser and get off the apps, stop with the podcasts, stop with whatever it is that sucks up all of his time.
I already used it some time ago, and it worked, but I didn't stick to it. I might try again.
I might have the Peter Pan syndrome so that looks interesting, thanks.
>Do you like philosophy?
Not a fan of reading philosophy (even though I haven't read much of it).
Yeah, I learned about that method reading Eat that Frog! and it really helped me to focus on what I had to do, for some days. I also need to try it again.

>> No.21914173

Have you read Faust OP?
Might help ye

>> No.21914551

No. Maybe I'll read it, someday...

>> No.21914883

I believe in an afterlife and in the soul. God, well, it depends. Which God? Can I entrust my spiritual development and prayers to a nebulous creating figure or must I follow dogma?

>> No.21914896

this artist...
God damn are they schizophrenic.

>> No.21914909
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>> No.21915627

Doing Good Better

>> No.21915632

I stopped believing in God by 11th grade. Arguments from K-complexity and perceived simplicity just made it easier to reject the existence of any gods more robustly.

>> No.21915639
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Read this culture-jamming masterpiece. It will change your life.

>> No.21915644
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What do you think of this "steelmanned" argument for the existence of God? A technological singularity is a plausible mechanism for how gods could come into existence.


>> No.21916372

Moving your body helps, undoubtably, but don't get too enthusiastic about HOW you move your body. That might do you some harm.
Treat it like an obligation – like the Jews treat sex. Call it an "onah."

>> No.21917091

science is fake and gay

>> No.21917217
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Read something that gets you to reflect upon life. Not necessarily philosophy but something with philosophical elements.

tl;dr, read Yukio Mishima, I recommend Confessions of a Mask and The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.21918829

science is very real, scientists are fake and gay

>> No.21919109

>drawings depicting high-school girls
America-kun, I...