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21899604 No.21899604 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Mort à Macron

Previous thread >>21893135

>> No.21899633
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First for the frogfrens

>> No.21899653

I dont know how to get over regrets.

>> No.21899664

Past is passed. Do better.
What, you believe there’s a saint in the clouds tallying things up?

>> No.21899665

Based frogbro

Just accept that it's in the past and there is nothing you can do to change it. Forgive yourself for making a mistake and use them as opportunities to learn and move forward into the future, making yourself a better man. It's okay to regret thing, but don't let them prevent you from becoming better

>> No.21899698

yet I can see the past mistakes on every corner and especially when seeing other people
I cant accept especially when I dont know why I've been punished that harsh.

>> No.21899751

Uh hu. I see mine too. They’re in the past now. Do better.
Mistakes are for learning.

>> No.21899769

Sometimes youve gotta give up on people its a stark reality considering how sucky I am

>> No.21899772

I doubt that you can recover from such mistakes. I mean miracles do happen but who am I for it to happen?

>> No.21899774
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Am I the only person who's extremely quaint, bros?
I went to a fancy place in order to read a fancy book. I might be such a poser, thinking I'm some french guy in Les Deux Magots but it feels nice

Kudos to whoever guesses the book

>> No.21899790

I am trying to be vague enough to apply to your situation, don’t try to apply some insurmountable impasse for me. You don’t know me.

>> No.21899794

Want to open a book shop but just so I can spend all day reading. I don't actually want to sell anything.

>> No.21899807

The plot line for Black Books

>> No.21899813

I know. I wish such a place was financially feasible in a post-internet world. Having my own tiny book shop like that would be pure heaven.
But I'm not Irish and don't know Bill Bailley so it'll never happen.

>> No.21899824

You dont know me either. I doubt we would ever have a conversation in real life.

>> No.21899828

Thinking about downloading discord to meet women on local servers.

>> No.21899845
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The older me and my siblings get, the more my mother keeps bringing up the topic of inheritance. She wants to sell our house bc me and my siblings hate each other so much, we can't be trusted to own anything together and this house is so old that upkeep is slowly becoming more and more unmanageable and unaffordable. The thought of random people living in the house that was built by my ancestors, that not only i, but generations of my family spent their entire lives in, is kinda fucked up to me but maybe i just need to grow up.

>> No.21899871

drinking again

>> No.21899910

Self sabotaging again

>> No.21899934

in what way?

>> No.21899952

Decided to skip class. Felt too deflated to get up for it. Missed an important quiz, got a 0/25, dropped my grade from a B to a C. Feel like such a dumb ass. Worse yet is I need this class to transfer and it's literally the last class I'm taking at the community college. Im ending on a bad note.

>> No.21899955

why did you skip the class?

>> No.21899972

That's basically how I see a book shop ran by /lit/ to be like.

>> No.21899984

Just couldnt get out of bed. Cant tell if I'm lazy or depressed. I've been in this class for over two months now and havent missed a single day. When my alarm went off I thought to myself "why bother" and went back to sleep.

>> No.21899989

It’s not so much that I’m unhappy with my life as it is right now. What I’m unhappy with is how it was. I know that has long term implications for the future, and I can never change that. I can always change the present, change the future, but the possibilities removed from the future as a result of the past can never be changed.

>> No.21899994

I think it’s a mistake for men to talk about things in terms of depression. What’s really an issue here is not some psychological disorder called depression. It’s the mental state that arises as a result of the sense that there’s nothing worthwhile to do.

>> No.21900005
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I have a strong urge to find the truth about reality and existence. I would be willing to miss major life opportunities, live alone for years or decades, become a recluse, even lose a limb or something, if it would get me closer to the truth.
What is this truth? I don't really know. A full description of existence and how it came to be, or its purpose, or of God and His relation to existence, or a direct experience of those, I guess.
What would knowing this truth do for me? No idea.

>> No.21900027

When we experience ourselves or our past with disappointment, what we are doing is comparing it with some ideal, fantasy version of ourselves that we've held in our heads. For who? When you meet ever expectation, what will have been the point? Will buddha himself come and grant you ascendency?

It's much more interesting to roleplay the exact character you are and all its complexity, instead of trying to min-max. Just live your fucking story. It's OK.

>> No.21900059

I just wanted to be a normal person but God denied me of this.

>> No.21900065

Well the professor is offering me a chance to make up the quiz, so I guess there really wasnt a reason to get out of bed. Though desu I feel disgusted with myself for being so lazy. I wont skip class again.

>> No.21900074

So you're an alien with no human characteristics? Nonsense. At the moment it may not seem clear. But it will be.

Let's say you get everything "normal" all at once, right now. Will that transform you or will you still secretly feel like a fraud?

>> No.21900085

I do feel like an alien who can pass the appearance test but not the bonding one.
>right now
That doesnt matter as the decades of emotional damage cannot be undone.

>> No.21900091

>I just wanted to be a normal person but God denied me of this.
God denied you nothing, you just had some obstacles thrown in your way and instead of sticking it out, you gave up. You can still be normal anon, its when you give up forever when you fulfill that prophecy. Also I fucking sound like kermit the frog and I was born to a family that hordes shit and I some how became normal. The obstacle is the way anon, suffer now so you don't have to later.

>> No.21900099

>You can still be normal anon
I cant, anon. I wish that could be true but it's not. Do you see a wizard as a normie in any metric?

>> No.21900125

Unless you're an actual wizard as in wandering around the woods and town dressed in a wizard cape and hat and carrying half a tree with bells on it, then yes, the virgin kind of wizard is very normal. You could probably enter any thread and hit at least two. Sorry it hasn't made you special, but you could always try being the other kind of wizard if you really want to not fit in with the normies.

>> No.21900131

Do you really think that a wizard can get into normie society as if nothing happened?

>> No.21900132

>That doesnt matter as the decades of emotional damage cannot be undone.
I'm sorry your ideal you that received love, affection, and forgiveness doesn't exist. Say goodbye to it. Tell it that you love it if you want to. It's time to choose something else more productive to do than worry about fate.

I really question what society even wants, anyway. Can we even refer to it as a singular entity? If so, then it's a disgusting materialistic creature hell bent on its own destruction lol. Better to be an alien.

>> No.21900135

I'm a wizard and 32, there is literally nothing wrong with being a virgin. Please stop thinking only about your dick, there is way more to life than sex jfc.

>> No.21900137

Yeah, they do and nobody really cares.

>> No.21900140

I'm starting to entertain the idea that the digestive system possesses a secondary, primitive form of intelligence. Gut instinct may not be a meme.

>> No.21900142

heres a new flash for you: virgin older men are the fastest growing demographic in the world. It is very normal for our times, just relax.

>> No.21900144

>Anon starts to suspect science that's pretty well established

>> No.21900145

>than worry about fate.
isnt fate everything?

>> No.21900147

your micobiome can and does actually effect your mood, how clearly you think, and can/will disrupt your endocrine system if you eat poorly. But almost all of your body has some sort of intelligence that isn't 100% linked to your brain. AND EVEN THEN, the part that is "you" is only around 10% or less of your full brain. Most of it we will only see glimpses of and never fully develop meaningful contact with it.

>> No.21900150

I must admit I'm scientifically illiterate, but at least I came up with the idea on my own. What do the studies say about it?

>> No.21900156

>there is way more to life than sex jfc.
its not about sex but rather intimacy and validation.

>> No.21900157

You should look into Sheldrake's morphic resonance idea, which goes well with Peirce's idea of "thirds," and Gurwitsch's concept of morphogenetic fields. We are all "nested" orders of memory-fields or telos-fields, interacting and overlapping with other fields. Symbiotic relationships with gut flora, and between our "subordinate" organs and our gut flora, are no exception.

>> No.21900164

>but rather intimacy and validation.
thank god i'm a huge introvert then. I don't really need much of either. Have you ever thought of being the friend you don't have to yourself? I'm not talking about the cringe modern "oh I'm dating myself" that women say to cope about being single. I'm talking about the Buddhist way in that you should be kind and take care of yourself first. People will only love you and want to be around you if they get something from you in return, but you can give all of that to yourself in a way that other people cannot. Times change Anon, and we must change with them.

>> No.21900168

There's lots of pop articles about it even in the general press, >>21900147 has some of it, but basically the brain and gut are two systems working together, rather than one system operating the other as a subordinate function.

>> No.21900170

let's unpack that
>fate is real
then it's not your fault
>fate's not real
then you can influence the outcome and focus on something productive. you can do that anyway, if we're being honest about the plethora of outcomes available.

either way i don't think it matters much. That's why I think it's important to just really be honest with yourself about yourself and then just roleplay it.

>> No.21900184

Yes, definitely. Wizards, NEETs, these people can not only achieve normality but even achieve great success socially and economically. There are things I suspect might be closed to off to them, but having a normal or successful social and economic life is not one of them.

>> No.21900197

that seems like two different things

>> No.21900205

>acting is lying
I thought we settled this back in the medieval times?

>> No.21900218

I was a ranch hand for something like 2 months when I was younger. I was like 24 and I asked the local ranch if they needed some help. They said they did but they couldn’t pay me. I agreed to help them out. They were good people, and I didn’t mind tending the horses or the stables a few days per week for a while. In retrospect, I should’ve done it everyday and asked for a job after a few months. I don’t have any experience I can look back on and feel really proud of, but something like that would make me feel proud. To be a rancher for even a year is something that would be interesting enough for me to feel proud of. I had other opportunities like this. They only lasted a week or two, sometimes only a few days. There’s no chapter that’s particularly interesting now.

>> No.21900223

How would you dishonestly play a character that you are? I'd love to know

>> No.21900387

people are so bored and burnt out at the same time they invent fantasy issues to substitute for the fact that their day to day life is a bland dystopia

>> No.21900415

What if the real dystopia is the friends we made along the way

>> No.21900427

fellow suffering is your final sin, it is the reason you're unable to move on
it is what separates this from that, you would rather die for them than become nothing for yourself

>> No.21900487

No friends were made along the way.

>> No.21900497
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And they all lived happily ever after

>> No.21900501


>> No.21900509
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I don't want to work

>> No.21900512
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My girlfriend could beat yours in a fight

>> No.21900525

Yeah well mine's invisible so she has the upper hand

>> No.21900542

I want to work, to feel useful. But I just don't want. job. Those useless tasks that only enrich the bastards and waste fuels sending some item from one end of the earth to another. garbage living.

>> No.21900559


>> No.21900568

I tried to use Notion for the first time and even following some spastic's youtube tutorials I can't be having with this autistic pseudo-markup dogshit. It makes me want to beat my computer until it feels things.

>> No.21900591

Slow day at my wagie job. Super bored.

>> No.21900648

30 and have been living with parents for over 2 years. Wanna die.

>> No.21900668

The conflict between pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine people on /pol/ is sickening, they are posting gore vids of random 19 year olds being tortured to death and laughing about it because they were told to by their fucking FAGGOT internet streamer youtube twitter subculture that they happened to fall into when they just as easily could have fallen into the opposite one if their stupid faggot zoomer self-discovery had zigged instead of zagged. I don't know why it makes me so mad seeing these fucking glorified trannies demean real men from the comfort of their own tranny dens while watching their internet streamer father figure tell them what to think while they desperately crave his presence as a friend simulator. That's what this species is, somehow, it's always real and decent boring people off in some shithole having to do all the dying and suffering while the fattest tranniest faggot spiritual niggers eating cheese doodles a million miles away laugh about it as mild entertainment, while working at a fast food restaurant. The whole mouthbreathing faggot tranny youtube zoomer internet culture generation makes me sick. Millennials all have gay lisps and feminized faces and talk about how they're "suuuper into" hummus on naan bread, zoomer male are literally half woman half black, I don't understand why I have to see this inverted pyramid of disgusting filth with the shit slime on top every day always crushing and compressing the rare good and precious things beneath it.

>> No.21900677

You’re so obstinate and wilfully obtuse. I tried to explain to you where I was coming from so many times, but you refused to understand or just claimed that my explanations were untrustworthy and chose to ascribe the most negative or insane motivations possible to my actions. Your fucked up behaviour was the thing that drove me over the edge.

Regardless of what I said or did, you were determined not to hear me and not to communicate. I would never have felt compelled to do what I did if you hadn’t decided to be so avoidant and autistic and stoic and cold about everything and refused to even try to come to any kind of resolution. You claimed to have been concerned in July, but you never expressed concern of any kind. You were never concerned about my sanity and welfare—you were only concerned that my actions might pose you some kind of inconvenience. You simply went out of your way to be as cruel as possible because it was the most convenient option for you, and you couldn’t be bothered to deal with the potential discomfort of having a conversation and trying to be kind. I wasn’t delusional back then—it was more that I’d half-convinced myself it was true because I wanted it to be true so desperately. I even acknowledged that I might be wrong and said that I had been questioning my own sanity over the whole thing. A truly delusional person would’ve simply been confident about it.

Did you actually believe that I didn’t know you were aware throughout October and November? It was painfully obvious—I’m not stupid. The fact that you were convinced I had no idea that you knew is quite honestly embarrassing for you. Even other people involved with the project who had no idea what was going on pointed out that your tone and attitude had changed and said that you seemed hostile and clipped.

You do look like the bigger sperg in all of this. But it wasn’t just cluelessness—it was callousness on your part. Keep closing yourself off and stay stoic. See how that works out for you.

>> No.21900692

you came all this way just to blame the final drop on someone else, if you're looking for a reason to end your life do it of your own will instead of looking for a excuse that someone said a mean thing to you, your blood is on your own hands if you decide to do something permanent, no one else's

>> No.21900700

when you gaze into the abyss long enough the abyss gazes back, i saw what you were too and i wasn't planning on walking my entire life on eggshells for someone so soulless

>> No.21900703

you’re the soulless one

>> No.21900705

*an excuse

>> No.21900707

I had a massive superiority complex until I was 20. I still do in some respects. But everything from 20-30 was a non-stop blow to my confidence. I worry about what I’ll do if that trend continues to 40.

>> No.21900708

Humans are not meant to live in a sea of information. Maybe not going on /pol/ is the fix to your issues.
>Millennials all have gay lisps and feminized faces and talk about how they're "suuuper into" hummus on naan bread
I wonder whose fault is that. WHO put oestrogens and hormone-like plastic chemicals in drinking waters, huh?
>I don't understand why I have to see this inverted pyramid of disgusting filth with the shit slime on top every day always crushing and compressing the rare good and precious things beneath it.
You don't so stop bothering with that shit. It's not even your fucking war. (yet)

>> No.21900711

then stop chasing and move on, i did so why can't you

>> No.21900712

the fact that you wouldn’t care if they ended their own life says more about you than it does about them. your actions affect other people, you sociopath. stop trying to act so innocent. it’s obvious that your hands aren’t clean.

>> No.21900716

>even now they continue to guilt trip despite it being over ages ago
i don't envy whoever you rope to be with you next, i'm staying single and a long long way from you

>> No.21900717

This place is a nightmare just stop coming here and live your life youll only be fighting your own reflection here

>> No.21900718

i don’t know why but i need closure or resolution or some kind of reckoning, even if it ends up being an argument that doesn’t end well. stop being such an avoidant coward

>> No.21900720

Same boat. I guess you just reach equilibrium and a state of self-knowledge at 40. You know who you are and, if you're not stupid, you'd have compensated your weaknesses by surrounding yourself with people who can complete you by this point.

>> No.21900723

One of the most depressing things for me over the last few years is realizing just how far gone many, maybe even most, people are.

>> No.21900732

I tend to think I know who I am now. I’m pretty lucky in that regard. I just don’t like the way things have gone, or are going.

>> No.21900733

>stop being such a coward, i need an excuse to kill myself over a debate
the entire reason i'm avoiding you is so you can't bleed on me as you final act and try to pin your own bullshit on me

>> No.21900734

you’re staying single because you’re a pervert with commitment issues who is incapable of maintaining relationships due to your own selfishness

>> No.21900735

Not doing a short stint in the military while I was young and before it was pozzed is a big regret of mine.

>> No.21900736

if you say so, now go find your prince charming so you can make their life miserable

>> No.21900740

Looking at stupid people arguing anonymously with people who can be anyone I am quickly realizing im doing the exact same thing as them and not wasting my time looking at this absolutely asinine bullshit. Say it with your chest say it to my face say it like you care pretty please cause noone knows how I type muffugah

>> No.21900741

there was no debate because you fucking refused to talk to me. if you just fucking talk to me tonight then i’ll absolve you right now of any blame for anything that i do afterwards. if you refuse then it’s only further proof of your cowardice

>> No.21900744

>the fact that you wouldn’t care if they ended their own life says more about you than it does about them
Not him, but it is their life. They know best if they want to end it, and nobody else's opinion should matter. I mean, it's a dick move to do it in a way that involves other people witnessing or participating in it, because people are affected by deaths and seeing deaths anyway, and just because your life sucks isn't a reason to traumatize someone else. People who jump in front of trains because they don't give a shit about the driver or who overdose in hotels because they don't think the hospitality staff finding them is as bad as their family or friends finding them are making choices which fuck other people because they don't give a shit about their feelings should probably think a bit harder about not turning a personal choice into a dick move.

>> No.21900749

i am not giving you the satisfaction of bleeding on me, go find someone else to blackmail with suicide and force them to walk on eggshells because of your own issues

>> No.21900757

im not trying to bleed on you or blackmail you or force you to walk on eggshells. fucking talk to me you coward. i’m not going to allow you to walk away from this

>> No.21900760

Am I just showing my scientific illiteracy or did science decline as well? It feels like 1820-1920 was a much more dynamic period in the sciences practically in every discipline of science there is than 1920-2020 was. Besides computers allowing scientists to throw a lot more muscle around for calculations it feels as if conceptually we're living in a stagnant period for science. When was the last time we experienced a massive paradigm shift?

>> No.21900763

the fuck you gonna do, smear me some more? have at it my reputation is already ruined

>> No.21900772
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>> No.21900777

i wouldn’t try to blackmail you anyway because i know that it wouldn’t work because you don’t care. the time that i actually tried to kill myself you didn’t do shit, and boasted afterwards that my expression of my feelings was just a weak attempt at manipulation. offing myself is obviously something that wouldn’t move you anyway, because you’ve made it obvious that you don’t even give a fuck

>> No.21900786

there are other things i could do to get the confrontation that i want. since i have nothing left i have nothing left to lose.

>> No.21900788

you are so oblivious to your own inner workings as always, i am not your therapist and you are as always a soulless emotional manipulator
why do you think you are the one chasing after it all went down? because i figured out what you are and stayed gone
you're not slick if you wouldn't be so riled up you would realize you're trying to blackmail and guilt trip this very moment
but you're oblivious to it

>i am done guilt tripping and blackmailing, now i will resort to alternative methods
well at least you're showing something real for once, soulless as ever

>> No.21900795 [DELETED] 

the thing that's really fucked up is the "perceptron" which is essentially "neuron" in modern artificial neuron nets was first developed in like the 50s as you can tell from the hokey name, but due to academic politics and funding feuds got sidelined until the late 90s, so even all the hoohah about ai is built on cold war era theory.

>> No.21900796

nothing went down because you refused to fucking talk to me or give me anything at all. you like the silent treatment act because you’re obsessed with being the one who is in control. let’s not forget that you yourself have a long history of manipulation

>> No.21900798

>long history of manipulation
verily, so did you get your closure or do we need to drag this along?

>> No.21900804

you’re the soulless one, not me. you drove me to do everything that i did with your constant silence and withdrawal and avoidance and refusal to show any kindness at all. if you had even once attempted to have an actual conversation and resolve things healthily, i would never have been driven by desperation to do what i did. not that it makes what i did right, but you refused all attempts at healthy communication.

>> No.21900812

verily, we do need to drag this along. i want to actually talk to you and hear what you have to say, not read this vagueposting. call me.

>> No.21900813
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let me give you a hint for the road, the only thing you can truly ever be in control of is you yourself and how you react to things
that is why i was able to move on and why you're still yelling into the void after someone you project on everyone willing to take the role

there was nothing healthy about what we had, come to terms with the fact that it is gone and try your luck with the next one is the best advice i can give you

>> No.21900815

>people own me kindness and conversation
White girl spotted

>> No.21900818

It emptied out into skepticism. Categories like quantum physics were really the canary in the coal mine.

>> No.21900823

no i won’t fucking let you do this. i won’t let you refuse to communicate and leave me with nothing.

>> No.21900826

>i demand satisfaction
as always, what do you want to talk about you needy dove

>> No.21900827

Humans are getting stupider at a lot of basic operations. The only things powering the Flynn effect at this stage is essentially a pop culture quiz and the rampant grade inflation since the 70s that means nobody's flagging that as a decline in the results.

>> No.21900834

you boast about your self control while being fully aware that your refusal to communicate was what drove me to lose mine. i maintained complete self control for over a year. then something broke and i couldn’t anymore

>> No.21900836


>> No.21900839

you know what i want to talk about. and if this is really you then stop hiding. call me and find out

>> No.21900845

>call me
we're not playing that game anymore, that ship has sailed, say what you came to say and get your closure

>> No.21900851

The decline's been going much longer than 3 days or the 1990s, anon. It's so fucked that people who should be able to tell it's fucked are like
>Looks fine to me

>> No.21900854

The world ended in 2012 and we are living through it's death throes

>> No.21900855

no. i want an actual conversation, not this anonymous bullshit. if this is really you then at least text me from your own phone number so i know it’s you and there’s no ambiguity. maybe it was a game for you because you were indifferent, but it was never a game for me. it drove me fucking insane

>> No.21900866

i am quite obviously not a person who has your phone number anonymous poster, did you get your closure through projecting the roles?

>> No.21900869

Am I just imagining things or does it truly feel as if the 2020 riots got completely memory holed? I remember watching streams on youtube, seeing the burning buildings and cars, the rioters fighting the police and looting stores, and reading about the capitol hill lunatics going full lord of the flies with warlords and all in like less than a week, but after 2020 passed it completely stopped being a point of discussion or reference. As if it never happened to begin with.

>> No.21900875

>lover's quarrel in this thread
>neither of them know what blackmail is + never experienced it
Ah, this world never changes

>> No.21900882

it gets easier when you rip off the band aid and come to terms with the fact that it is over, it's unhealthy to cling to someone who has already moved on
the stoic mindset is that you can only control your own body and emotions

Emotional blackmail is the process in which an individual makes demands and threats to manipulative another person to get what they want. It is a form of psychological abuse, causing damage to the victims. Their demands are often intended to control a victim's behavior through unhealthy ways.

>> No.21900886

verily, fuck you

>> No.21900889

hey if you're expecting to be speaking to someone who has your phone number i'm not that guy

>> No.21900891


>> No.21900892

>emotional blackmail
This essentially means nothing until you become a scapegoat to everyone around you + also get blackmailed (legitimately)

>> No.21900899

who are you then? why the fuck would you do this?

>> No.21900900 [DELETED] 

yeah, i remember watching livestreams of the shops around herald square in manhattan getting looted by a swarm of hoods. they even locked citibike across all of nyc as if stopping me from biking home in the evening was going to calm the hoards pillaging midtown. the crazy thing is the democrats were supporting it and making sure the people being arrested all got bailed out. now we have to pretend it didn't happen.

>> No.21900905
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Not sure if lover's quarrel or actual schizos

>> No.21900906

M8 if the silent treatment lasts forever and you have to try to contact them through 4chan, it's not a manipulation tactic, you're just stalking someone who doesn't want you in their life. They're not trying to change you. They just don't want to know you.

>> No.21900908

fuck you you don’t know anything

>> No.21900909

>you have to speak to your ex or else you're abusing her
what a wonderful world

emotional blackmail can be something as simple as saying you can't live without them

some guy posting his thoughts in this thread to vent

highly unlikely the person i thought they were

>> No.21900913
File: 62 KB, 800x698, rage-comic-internet-meme-trollface-laughter-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.21900915

Pretty sure I know they don't want to talk to you, not even through 4chan.

>> No.21900917

your use of the word verily seemed targeted

>> No.21900922

i use verily every now and then and my typing style is distinct as fuck, that's why i assumed you're someone who knew me

>> No.21900923 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 21219_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit: I have been stalking both of you. This game has gone on long enough

>> No.21900924

fuck you fuck you fuck you leave me alone you don’t know anything about it you have no idea don’t call me that you don’t know anything about me

>> No.21900932
File: 75 KB, 400x350, 455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Targeted individuals report in

>> No.21900938


>> No.21900939

here is an easy way to find out if you're talking to the wrong person or not, i'm a bisexual guy

>> No.21900943
File: 690 KB, 1447x1665, Thomas_Pynchon,_high_school_senior_portrait,_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.21900953

you’re not him, he claimed to be immune to homosexuality

>> No.21900957

Okay but hummus on naan and pita bread actually is really good

>> No.21900958

well there we go mystery solved, you really should probably move on from them though not healthy to cling to someone who is deadwalling you

>> No.21900962
File: 261 KB, 565x347, pennywise-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be looking for..
This guy

>> No.21900971

Funny you post that after I finished reading about a "headless meditation" from a Zazen master. He, an English man working in India after WW2, started meditating in the mountains every day after work because it was something that many of the locals did. That is when he reached what some say is enlightenment but he discovered that we are all "headless". I'll post the video because it does a better job explaining it than I do but I thought it was interesting either way.

>> No.21900974

forgot the video...

>> No.21900975

None of this would have happened if you had just posted your butt hole

>> No.21900982

I love to play dress up. I like going to the goodwill and picking out tons of outfits, getting weird off beat clothes and trying to make them work, swapping stuff around, just getting a look together. I work from home so I don't go out often but sometimes I will work from a coffee shop just so I have an excuse to dress up. I have always felt very male on the inside except for this hobby, but I think if most men looked like girls they would also like to dress up in cute outfits.

>> No.21900984

Fuck off you retarded troll. Why don’t you post your own butt hole?

>> No.21900990
File: 5 KB, 300x165, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21900998 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 474x367, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new steve book just dropped this morning. i was reading it at work, it's mad comfy ngl. definitely one of the greatest to ever do it.

>> No.21901000

The anonymous troll demon's butthole.

>> No.21901008

I got into making my own clothes so I could wear something close to a costume every day and cut down on consumption. I don't have to work though so I have the time to hand sew or knit something how I want it.

>> No.21901017 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21901018

It's not anonymous if we all know it's nick

>> No.21901026

Songo tongo
I feel a lot better today than yesterday.
I have a feeling tomorrow will be a bad one though :O
Things have been fragile lately, I wonder how much is I'm injured, how much is I'm lonely, and how much is I'm bored.
I better make a map or something or I'll never get my shit in order.

A map's the thing (ba-ding, ba-ding, ba ding)
wherein I'll catch the conscience of the Ding

>> No.21901031

what gave it away?

>> No.21901033

I was born in this world to fulfill some kind of absurd destiny I have no clues about. I feel like some GTA character given life, except I know I am a GTA character. I could go all day long playing subroutines all the while being elsewhere in my head. Even my comedic timings are GTA-like, except I don't laugh at my own jokes anymore. What's the point of all of this? I'm just playing a stereotype all day long. Sometimes in the role of a friendly salaryman, another in the role of a goofy friend or a talented work colleague, I don't really exist at all. I think the only times I was sincere with another human were with my exes, and they don't exactly fill corridors.

I am not happy in my life, and I fucking hate how I keep being 'erased' to fill these roles whenever someone else is involved. It's not something I can even control.

>> No.21901035

It being nick?

>> No.21901040

I wish getting a gf wasn't hard. lol

>> No.21901046

i admire your ability to identify assholes

>> No.21901049

I've dated a few people for a long time and it's not that hard. The hard part is finding someone who aligns with your principles. Tell me exactly, what's the point of dating if she leaves you after five years? If you get in for the long-term, you only have a few shots at dating before someone just fucks up your whole life and you're too old to build your life from zero.

>> No.21901061

enjoy your vacation from posting

>> No.21901074

none of you idiots are worth talking to anyway

>> No.21901080

It's incredibly how much superior bowls are to plates. You can use a bowl as a plate, but you can't use a plate as a bowl.

>> No.21901088

Uhm... That's rude?

>> No.21901093

My thread on philosophy of mind got bumped down. Oh well

>> No.21901094
File: 47 KB, 512x512, 1677262447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've so busy with shit I just realized Ryuchi Sakamoto died few days ago.

>> No.21901099
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 413E7F27-7E8F-483A-90D9-67382F0D29A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These deep plates/shallow bowls are the superior dish.

>> No.21901101

you can't easily cut things or cleanly break bread in a bowl.

>> No.21901103 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 830x827, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah someone should like make a plate that has a bowl in it then you can have the best of both worlds call it a plowl. like you know those weird cocktail glasses that are like an unholy synthesis of a shot glass and a wineglass? but just make it big and porcelain. btw pass the bong, xi.

>> No.21901104

I keep trying to tell this to my coomer ex roommate but he won’t listen and calls me gay for not being extremely into sex

>> No.21901111
File: 106 KB, 960x731, 1606055853564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the keys, the locks, and the dance of desire,
Singing the song of the world entire,
I see in their union, a reflection of life,
In the mingling of metal, a story of strife.

For a key that can open a multitude vast,
Holds in its grasp, the power amassed,
A symbol of freedom, a friend to the many,
Its worth and wonder, worth more than a penny.

Yet a lock that succumbs to the keys that surround,
Finds itself weakened, its purpose unwound,
Its secrets now public, its mystery unveiled,
The sanctity of its chambers tragically derailed.

But listen, dear friends, to the words that I say,
For in the marriage of one, lies the truest display,
A lock and a key, entwined as one soul,
Their purpose united, making each other whole.

In this sacred union, a truth we may glean,
A testament to the worth that lies between,
For the key that can open just one sacred lock,
Holds a power unmatched, a foundation like rock.

In the vastness of keys and the world of the locks,
The truth of the dance, like a whispering fox,
Embrace the union, the oneness that's found,
In the perfect alignment, the love that's unbound.

>> No.21901113

Love in general is hard to find, but worth it.
This isn't exclusive to dating, it will happen with career, living situation, injury, at some point almost everyone will have to pick up the scraps of their life and rebuild. You lose more by living in fear of it and avoiding risk than by taking risks and embracing that its all very transient anyway.

>> No.21901114


>> No.21901115


>> No.21901196

It was a Nikacado Avocado shitpost, you didn’t miss anything

>> No.21901243

Wasn't that last month?

>> No.21901261

Going to take up beekeeping.

>> No.21901265

>Georgics has another casualty
I'm sure you'll do apiculture more justice than Virgil

>> No.21901292

thanks i'm going to make a lot of yummy honey

>> No.21901300

Scout the area to diminish the chances of mad honey and be very careful spraying the hives and you'll do well

>> No.21901383

My favorite Greek hero is Odysseus.

>> No.21901405
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1607738859769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the land of the /lit/, where the real fags dwell,
A curious story, I'm now going to tell,
An autist with poems and quads in their hand,
Wasted a chance, oh, it wasn't so grand!

With digits repeating, oh what such luck?!?!,
A moment of triumph, but, oh, what the fuck?
A poem of locks, and of keys that was pretty shitty,
Was posted by anon, thinking he's witty.

An explanation would really help put me at ease.
Are women the locks and are men the keys?
Is it really so simple? So open and shut?
Is a really bad lock the same thing as a slut?

Are gigachads opening every door?
Do their chiseled jawlines leave locks yearning for more?
Is your metaphor this terribly simple?
I can't fuck this door because my face has a pimple?

The board-goers groaned, and the facepalms ensued,
As the wasted quads their attention unglued,
But in this silly saga, a lesson, I say,
For we all make mistakes, in our own Walt Whitman way.

So let's toast to the anon, who botched up a chance,
To celebrate quads with a victory dance,
For even in blunders, a lesson we see,
Poo poo pee pee, poo poo pee pee.

...also, Walt Whitman sucks. immajustputhatoutthere

>> No.21901408
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>> No.21901447
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>Poo poo pee pee, poo poo pee pee

>> No.21901489

These threads are just /r9k/ tier

>> No.21901506
File: 430 KB, 828x1285, 1AEE2914-DC8E-4FE1-AAFF-F2C2D27A787E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing this poem because I find it strange, not strange for imagery or meaning, but the kind of litany of images and how they’re done beginning with “a sight that piercing” it honestly resembles Chinese poetry very much and doesn’t remind me of euro stuff.

Curious verse t b h

>> No.21901566

I thought you were leaving for religious reasons

>> No.21901584

Gone from discord, irl social media with actual friends, much technology usage gone in general. /lit/ is slow, low stimulation and doesn’t cut into time, it’s more so concerned with cutting social ties and relations, and over stimulation, it’s not a kind of ludditism.

>> No.21901601

Fair enough. Thanks for trying to help me the other night anyway.

>> No.21901698
File: 23 KB, 474x509, woj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have gotten my parents to drive me to the hospital today./ stupid stupid stupid. now im not so sure if im getting better and kind of afraid of what will happen through the night, but its late now and im alone. i do feel better than i did before, but still, ive never experienced anything lasting this long and im spooked. if i call an ambulance it will cost more money than I have and will make a big scene and i will feel silly if i end up getting better naturally anyway

>> No.21901715

poems message is hollow. painting melancholy as sweet is the hallmark of the self absorbed depressive

>> No.21901738


>> No.21901739

great poem

>> No.21901769

I am becoming a celibate, even though I am married with a child. My wife has lost all sexual interest in me. I feel like I’ve entered a period of mourning. Allowing our children to cosleep with us has been the nail in the coffin for our sexual intimacy. It is no longer my marriage bed but the bed where I sleep at night. I am done watching porn because all it does is remind me that my sexuality has died because of my relationship. It is not a vital essence in my life any longer. Is it voluntary or involuntary? I am not sure. I wonder how many married incels are out there, having made the greatest commitment to their wife, only to have their touch rejected and advances spurned at every turn. She’s always too tired, but she is always awake on her phone at night. I do the cooking, the cleaning, most of the childcare, and I work, but it’s no longer the 50s so she isn’t obliged to spread her legs for me. Who wants that anyways? I remember making my baby with her. It was electric. But even that is a farce - she has never been on birth control except for the first six months of our ten years, so I don’t get to cum in her. Why did I do this to myself?

>> No.21901889

Why dont you just call your parents and ask them to take you

>> No.21901895

Just rape your wife

>> No.21901919

Why did my seed burst through the heavy duty paper towel? It got on my shirt and floor and all over. That's annoying.

>> No.21901930

Start jerking off into the sink instead.

>> No.21901932

First things first.

You’re getting old and you’re married with a child, stop worrying about yourself and worry about your child, consider how sexuality will fade but you have something better, you have a long held caring successful relationship, which is what that sexual drive is even there for.

2= don’t make it an argument, just talk to her and be sensible and tell her how much you miss doing so and so with her, she won’t be mad unless you frame it in a negative way, if you really explain you’re burning in lust FOR HER, she will probably appreciate it, and if you make clear How important it is to you, I’m sure she’ll satiate you.

Don’t be shy about this, it’s your wife man, just don’t be weak about it either, don’t make it passive aggressive, just be blunt about it.

>> No.21901933

>I do the cooking, the cleaning, most of the childcare
stop doing it

>> No.21901981

>I want to work, to feel useful. But I just don't want [a] job.
I've said this a lot of times. So much fucking time and energy wasted. Not to mention how the higher your rank in the world of "jobs" the less work you actually do.

>> No.21902009

tragic society turns white flowers blood red
>unhinged sobriety, mourn for the undeserving dead
I binged on the hate, on genealogies of sin
>god woke up too late, men only respect the primogeniture of kin
thoughts grow like weeds in the garden of my mind
>blow my head off today, so the vultures can dine
Still the red sun rises and a golden sun sets
>take your neighbors life in your hands, taste his regrets
i miss the innocent me, the always loving kid me
>back in the time when my mother hugged and kissed me
walking down my city streets, dont turn up the heat
>Back in the day even the thugs prayed to jeezy
walking down my city streets, now turn up the heat
>back in golden years when old men would plant a tree
I cant blame em, its my civilization too
>fuck it man, shame em, they ruined it for me and you
young men grind and hustle, taking the bus and working hard
>old men laugh at em from green lawns and nice cars
live life in an apartment block, some in mcmansion flocks
>nobody winning when we all eating the same old slop
every day a childs born, destined to work in a shop
>never play a mild game, fuck society with all that you got
tragic society would see you bleed out to white
>your blood feeds the flowers of sinners, all right
if god sleeps in the plant and wakes in the man
>nothing that has happened is part of any plan
a dreamer trapped in the death throes of an endless nightmare
>bleed out slowly, shed a tear, because the world dont care

might clean this up and get my friend to make a 90s style beat for it, pretty off the cuff tho.

>> No.21902019

This is pretty good, great job

>> No.21902021

This world is made of losers and beggars and ugliness but I will rip it apart and show its core, my works will not be written in poetry but in blood in my knuckles and the smashed windows of luxury cars and import houses and the carefully scrambled pieces left at their feet.
It's funny that the more literature I read the less I like writing, the less I feel I want to say, or that I feel confident in speaking about. So I'm going to give up on using words to communicate.
With time I'll sharpen my tools and hone my craft, every month my work seems just a bit more refined, seeming less like a drunken hysteric and soon something more.

>> No.21902038

you forgot the last line:
"I coom at night in despair"
Now Its /lit/erature

>> No.21902039
File: 38 KB, 530x598, 1640968805042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To your shades Fronto, and Flacilla, this child
I commend: she was my sweet and my delight.
Little Erotion shall not fear the darkened shades
nor the vast mouths of the Tartarean hound.
She’d have completed her sixth chill winter,
if she’d not lived a mere six days too few.
Now let her frisk and play among old friends
now let her chatter, and so lisp my name.
And let the soft turf cover her brittle bones:
earth, lie lightly on her: she lay lightly on you.

Translation by A.S. Klyne

>> No.21902087

so true anon
thanks revised it in my notes just now probably gonna record a riff on my guitar and see if i can pull 90s rap over an acoustic, if you have any lyrical alterations pls let me know so i can better my flow, also if anyone has ideas for a chord progression that might match it lmk
literally who cares, if you dont write you may as well be an animal, write and write often and about anything you even vaguely care about because iron sharpens iron and the best iron to sharpen yourself with is thine own critical eye

>> No.21902089
File: 16 KB, 645x770, EEFC3CC6-7E19-42D9-AB00-422DBB65BA60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s spring and I want to have degenerate sex. How do I do this as a chud? I want it to be a learning experience. (Girls think i’m hot but also think i’m not into them because pic rel is me)

>> No.21902096

Whenever a contemporary writer does those literary glamour shots where it's black and white and they have this look of laboured pensiveness and smugness on their face I know before I read a single word from them that they have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.21902114

Is there anything better than a good suicide? There's nothing better in life than pumping that barrel hard into the side of your head, no safety (who uses safeties anyway? It ruins the entire experience) and shooting all of that hot lead deep inside.

>> No.21902117

Ghost of Ernest Hemingway or Kurt Cobain, go to bed, its late.

>> No.21902123

congratulations, you married a modern woman as her safety net, pray that the child you are raising is yours and be glad she isn't cheating on you, your life will consist of being a involuntary celibate simp because your wife sniffed out your spinelessness and already had her "wild experimental era" of era sexuality with multiple other men
have fun being straight incel bread winner with none of the perks, if you divorce her she will take half your shit and the kids so you're pretty much stuck there unless you want your(?) children to be raised by a vengeful retired whore

>> No.21902127

you're not a chinlet, not a real chud.

>> No.21902141

I don’t look like a chud. But I have the soul of one.

>> No.21902144

You can't have a normal social life if you're autistic.

>> No.21902151

For me it's easy. I notice women staring at me, and as soon as you realize they like looking at you, you start making casual eye contact back and force them to be the first to look away (if they even look away). If they don't look away after a few moments of direct eye contact, then they're basically inviting you to talk to them. If they do, then you know the dynamic is going to be one where they are submissive and you have to take the lead role in starting conversation. Is your problem with conversation? This is something trickier to advise on. My personal strategy is being cool, relaxed, appearing kind of humble (= non-constipated personality), but like a tiger be ready to spring into assertion and even aggression when you find the right moment. Not the chud kind of aggression, because it always has to have an element of humour or comedy which is not self-deprecating. Basically you never want to treat anything too seriously when you're trying to flirt, or at least only on certain occasions. For whatever reason women really like this non-chalantness and playfulness, a man who is solid and firm but at the same time hard to pin down. They do love seriousness too, but being too serious the first time you meet them is probably not going to work out because they don't know enough about you yet. Also all of this assumes that you are as you say you are, i.e. good looking, it's probably not going to work otherwise.

>> No.21902183

I dont get any of this. Im probably too autistic to get it.

>> No.21902208

>Is your problem with conversation?
It is. This girl who clearly wants to have sex with me is such an airhead. I don’t know what to even say. She is so talkative as well but it’s all nonsense. I close up because I find it hard to pretend to care or be as perky as her. She is so self assured while being a complete airhead. We are going to have sex. She told me she wants me to sleepover and said casually “I want to suck your dick” while drunk calling me lol. I also worry that when the time comes, I won’t get it up because I know how degenerate this all is. She is super hot, and any young man would die to sleep with her. I should feel lucky? But my chudness is telling me not to do it. She is an airhead that will sleep with anyone just because they are attractive. Which is what I’m trying to do. To be like her when i’m not. She can do it easily and freely. While I feel when the moment comes, i will get morally castrated. Idk I’m so conflicted. I wish it was easy for me like it is for her.

>> No.21902217

It sounds like you already have all of the essentials there in place to attain your goal. Also, she does not sound like the kind of person I would want to sleep with personally, but that's your choice. Just drink a little bit of alcohol, or find some viagra if you're worried about your manhood. Airheads are so easy to deal with in terms of conversation that I'm not really sure how you think conversation is a problem. You can say almost anything if she is into you.

>> No.21902224

>I find this immoral and degenerate
>but I want to do it anyway
Pick one. Either your moral standard in this regard is important to you or it never mattered.

>> No.21902232

Yea but I just get so upset at the retardation that I hear coming from her mouth that I begin to detest her. And I don’t feel like talking to her at all. Can’t even pretend.
>does not sound like the kind of person I would want to sleep with personally
Why not? Are there “better” sluts than this? Kek. Does viagra really work well? I can’t get it in time anyway lol

>> No.21902239

My moral understanding is not perfect, so I feel like I’m missing out on things because of just “muh feelings”. I want to experience this, even if it is immoral, so I can know for certain. Maybe i’m just missing out on happiness?

>> No.21902242

>Why not
NTA but some people want sex to be about an emotional connection, others want it to be a purely physical act. I prefer the intimacy of an emotional connection but its to each their own.

>> No.21902255

>emotional connection
Yea but we’re talking about degenerate sex. I wouldn’t call an emotional connection degenerate. I’m talking about literally fucking an airhead kek

>> No.21902264

OK then do it? Why are you coming here for advice "muh morality" idk just fuck if you want to, I don't know what you're shitting your pants about

>> No.21902278

Bros, how to transform suffering into something greater? I have the raw material but lack tools.

>> No.21902285

>who cares?!? Lul
You have to have the soul of a chud to understand this.

>> No.21902290

>I find this immoral and degenerate
>but I want to do it anyway
That's how original sin comes into play.

>> No.21902340

Does sex cure depression?

>> No.21902344

No, only love and intimacy. Sex in and of itself just provides a temporary amount of excitement and pleasure, like drugs.

>> No.21902347

Muh muh muh chud soul
At the crux of it, you are afraid your weenie won't get hard, no amount of "morality" and "this airheaded SLUT hot BABE wants my cock but I'm LITERALLY SICKENED INTO IMPOTENCE" will obfuscate this fact. What are you going to say in the moment? "Sorry baby, I am soft because I was turned off by the degeneracy of this act" there is no woman on earth who isnt going to see through that thin veneer. If you are that worried then don't jack off for a couple days and pack a viagra. Or just skip it and act later.

>> No.21902457

You better pray that I never get total control of this country because if I do I am going to go apeshit.

>> No.21902654

>former hard opioid junkie (heroin, oxycodone, hydromorphone)
>6 years clean
>"relapse" on tramadol (lmao)
>eat upwards to 800mg daily for 5 months straight
>decide to call it quits
>day 5
>"withdrawals" so far is quite literally one night of poor sleep and some serotonin fuckery with just a bit of tremors and airy headspace, not even unpleasant
Is this my inner junkie trying to seduce me into thinking I've found the silver bullet after all these years, and can get as high as I want as long as I want without any consequences, as long as it is tramadol? Why am I not being punished harder for this abuse? What the fuck. Literally what the fuck.

I know tramadol is a weak as fuck opioid, but supposedly the morphine equivalent of 800mg a day is 80mg a day, which in turn should be equal to 50 mg of oxy, and I fucking felt the pain of jumping off 50mg of oxy back when I was a junkie.

>> No.21902689
File: 87 KB, 680x618, chudjak rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hookup with a single woman is
>degenerate sex

Yoour chudness will be the instrument of your own demise.

>> No.21902693
File: 100 KB, 750x675, kirac 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes basically an hero of vid rel.

>> No.21902700

No one will reply to my posts, and most of the threads here are absolute shit. I'm feeling kinda lonely.

>> No.21902707

god, I hate the joker so fucking much.

>> No.21902709

those are pretty

>> No.21902714

I would hurt a fly.

>> No.21902716

cuntboy vash the stampede

>> No.21902745

I haven’t met a new friend or romantic partner in probably 5 years. I’ve been living in suburbs and small towns and I’m not on social media or dating apps. I’m not even sure how I can meet someone in this sort of environment and climate.

>> No.21902753

did you see the new trailer?

>> No.21902759

I actually try not to. I'm still traumatized by the 98 anime. I want to watch Stampede, but I just don't know if I'm strong enough. "I didn't want to die like this" still haunts me to this day.

>> No.21902796

You can.

>> No.21902877

How? The missing social intuition is what causes autists to become wizards and NEETs.

>> No.21902881

pretend you're in a video game, and talking involves timed dialog trees. it unironically works.

>> No.21902909

Video game dialogues are all prepopulated by the developers. The problem with being autistic is that there is no prepopulated dialogue to begin with, so there is nothing to say.

>> No.21902920

yeah, but autistic people can also extrapolate based on previous data. imagine 4 dialog options, and timer, so you don't make weird pauses. I don't do it all the time, but it works when I do.

>> No.21902959
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1579805390573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you start when you have 0 attention span?
what are some easy to read books?
will it get better over time or should i just stick to movies?

>> No.21902968

>but autistic people can also extrapolate based on previous data
That's called being a normie

>> No.21903010

Here's your (You).

>> No.21903077

Get a book with short chapters

>> No.21903084
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social democracy + Christian who respects cultural tradition is the key to democrats winning for a life time

>> No.21903097

Poems or short stories, novellas/novels with short chapters,

>> No.21903211

> writers before 1980
His parents were poor. He joined the war effort, became a colonial officer, traveled the Southwest on horseback, lived in a shack in the mountains, abandoned his wife, became a sailor, shipwrecked on a desert island, published his first book at 26
> writers after 1980
His parents were investment bankers. He went to college, taught there, and published his first book at 33.

>> No.21903288
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how did you find a girlfriend? How do I?

>> No.21903307

What about the readers though?

>> No.21903340

The same I assume. I just turned 30 and the combination of looking back on my 20s and the 20s of everyone else I know, and reading old biographies has been severely depressing to say the least.

>> No.21903343

zoomers don't read

>> No.21903371

My mind is on those two cute girls

>> No.21903379

This is what I’m worried about. That I may be wrong and am missing out. Going to give it a go. Probably will embarrass myself
Kek. Yes. But I’m worried I can’t pull it off when the time comes and I will instead vomit.

>> No.21903381

Nah, it is fucked up. Learn to live with your siblings, in the end they'll be all you have. A house divided and all that, your mom made a threat, not a promise.

>> No.21903405

I was reading Hegel earlier and something he made me think of was that we're only at the beginning. To him the beginning was simply the notion, the idea of some movement, what was needed to make it more than a simple notion was to literally burn itself in the singularity of suffering and make the simple a whole. Knowledge. To me it seems as if the whole world were on the precipice of a beginning yet unwilling to burn, thus the eternal boredom of the simplicity of the notion, there, yet non-factual, merely familiar. We have become Peter Pan unwilling to leave Neverland (in a sense.)

>> No.21903413

is it ok to buy used books?

>> No.21903415

>If you are that worried then don't jack off for a couple days and pack a viagra
I won’t and I honestly don’t masturbate often already. Maybe once a week at most. But now I’m really anxious over the moment arriving. Feel like I psyched myself out already. I might take a benzo to calm down the day of, but that might make me soft.
>save it for later
There probably won’t be another opportunity like this for me in a while desu

>> No.21903424

I didn't. You don't.

>> No.21903449

Once upon a time, in a humble homestead nestled in the heart of the countryside, there dwelt a family of tillers who tended to a tribe of hens. Amidst the fowl throng, there existed a cock, a majestic creature with vivid red plumes and a resounding caw. His christening was Rusty, and he reigned as the favored of all the chickens.

The clan's cropland was renowned for its abundance of lemon trees, which they exploited to concoct an array of mouth-watering beverages and other delicacies. One day, whilst the household was harvesting lemons, they espied Rusty evincing an avid interest in one singular citrus.

Over time, Rusty began exhibiting erratic behaviors. He would stay awake until ungodly hours, crowing ceaselessly, and the family observed that his feathers were sprouting at an alarming pace. The other chickens were sprouting too, but Rusty was outgrowing them, and his eyes radiated an otherworldly incandescence.

Then, one day, when the family was out laboring in the fields, Rusty vanished. The household searched far and wide for him, but he was nowhere to be found. That night, they heard a peculiar sound emanating from the neighboring woods, a sound unlike any they had ever encountered before.

As they neared the forest, they bore witness to a spectacle that left them dumbfounded. There, towering above the arbors, was Rusty, now towering over 30 feet, his once-beautiful plumes now encrusted and smeared with crimson.

The family apprehended with horror that Rusty had been feeding on human flesh. The mangled remnants of their compatriots were strewn all around him. They comprehended that they had to act expeditiously before he turned on them.

With quivering hands, the household amassed their arms and assaulted Rusty. But it was all for naught. His feathers were too resilient to pierce, and his might was too formidable to vanquish.

As the days passed, Rusty grew even larger and more savage, wreaking havoc on the countryside and devouring any soul that crossed his path. It appeared that nothing could impede him.

Then, one day, the household recollected the lemon that had piqued Rusty's interest. They surmised that the lemon had somehow triggered his peculiar growth.

The household hastened back to the farm, gathered as many lemons as they could muster, and squeezed them into a colossal barrel. They then coaxed Rusty into the town square, where they drenched him with the lemon juice.

To everyone's amazement, Rusty started shrinking back to his original size. His feathers regrew, and his once-luminescent eyes dulled and expired.

The hamlet returned to normal, and Rusty, now just an ordinary rooster, returned to his station among the other chickens. Nevertheless, the villagers could never forget the terror that Rusty had unleashed upon them, and they vowed to always be wary of the potency of lemons and to never let them fall into the wrong hands.

>> No.21903511

I remember seeing the link for this episode on /lit/. Does anyone still have it?

>> No.21903546

imagine taking a pill that significantly altered your brain chemistry such that it could literally change how you perceive and respond to the world around you, imagine a whole industry designed to extract as much profit as possible from this practice such that once you had taken one pill you are now on the ‘pill conveyer’, you’ll need another to help you taper off, another to help with the side effects of the first, and so on and so on, and finally imagine how this whole practice retards the development of people, retards the development and constitution of their moral fabric, of their soul and personhood, and how in turn this stunts how these people understand and come to identify with the world around them, now they need another pill because of the aforementioned ‘shortcomings’ of the first.

>> No.21903565

A random nobody born in galilee ranting about the hipocrites and authorities of his day became the world's largest religion
It is pretty fascinating when you think about it

>> No.21903587

It is if you leave out that he is/was the Son of God. And I don't mean that in a snide way either, but even when Christianity was at its height it still struggled to dominate the known world. Sure its principles have trickled down along with Western Culture in general, into other countries and institutions that are traditionally not Christian. But Christianity is in decline and it will be interesting to see what the future holds and what religion will take its place and how it will try to shape the world.

>> No.21903588

>hate school
>hate work
>hate hunger

my existence is a joke

>> No.21903594

Mohumid wasn’t from Galilee

>> No.21903603

What you did on Monday was incredibly avoidant and cowardly. Do you not understand why I would have been upset with you after what you did in January? It wasn’t clueless on your part about how to deal with it, it was callousness and willful obtuseness. By choosing to call them instead of just talking to me you unnecessarily escalated things and made me feel so scared and humiliated. The dropping personal details was an attempt to provoke you because I felt so hurt and frustrated and powerless, and in some way I wanted to feel like I had a little bit of power over you and control over the situation.

Agreeing to talk and clear the air in December and then abruptly going silent was your way of excercising control—you knew it would upset me, but you did it anyway and then when I predictably got anxious and agitated you used my reaction as evidence of my craziness to affirm that your decision to ignore me was the right one. We could have resolved things amicably at any point but you just refused to even try to talk. Maybe it wouldn’t have ended well, but you don’t know that for certain. You just decided on that because it was the easiest course of action for you, and once you’d made your decision nothing would change your mind.

From when this started last January, my intention was never to violate your privacy. I just felt confused and was questioning my own sanity over what had happened between us, and was desperate for answers that would alleviate my hurt feelings. You initiated things with me, expressed interest, knowingly led me on for months because you were bored and liked the attention, were willfully obtuse and distant instead of communicating your disinterest, and then abruptly cut things off. Then later when I reached out to you about what had happened, questioning whether I’d done something wrong, you simply ignored me and refused to even dignify me with a response. And in July you went out of your way to be cruel and inflict maximum emotional pain, immediately assuming the worst of me instead of even attempting a conversation. It wasn’t that you were incapable of handling it with kindness, you just couldn’t be bothered to try. The way you treated me was selfish and shitty. But you’ll never acknowledge that—instead you’ll use what I did afterwards as evidence that your unkind and dismissive treatment of me was always justified because I’m delusional. Your refusal to speak with me and clarify anything was what caused me to desperately look for answers, so anxious that I was losing my grip on reality, convincing myself that there was meaning where there was none.

You’re an adult man. Grow up and stop hiding behind others because you don’t feel like dealing with things yourself. You’ll justify yourself by saying you don’t owe me anything, but that’s a selfish and shitty way to approach life. Talking to me would help me massively and cost you nothing.

>> No.21903630

what does a nursing handjob feel like? I feel like asking my gf to do it but it might weird her out also she has small breasts

>> No.21903650
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"No one posts like you anymore..."

>> No.21903657

Why is Minesweeper so hard?

>> No.21903777
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>> No.21903807
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Bing ChatGPT wrote following poetic story

>> No.21903811
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Continuation of above:

>> No.21903815
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Continuation of above:

>> No.21903856 [DELETED] 

My uncle nicknamed me "my Sholi." Wiktionary says it's "yellow tumeric" in Sanskrit. I'm not Indian, and I don't think my uncle knows Sanskrit. I don't know why he calls me this.

>> No.21903859

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.21903864
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>Want to write
>Everything I write is shite

>> No.21903865

Quite bad

>> No.21903868

Just ask him

>> No.21903878

It's too late. I can't take the bluepill. I will never be a normie

>> No.21903887

me too. I dont have social intuition

>> No.21903925

You probably know that every writer feels this but just keep on writing and keep on sharing. If you feel embarrassed about it, write things that are divorced from you or only show fractals of you.

>> No.21903952

It's got psychological depth

>> No.21903990
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Marcus Aurelius said poems are gay and a waste of time

>> No.21904145


>> No.21904146
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Check that time

>> No.21904166


>> No.21904276

I struggle getting things done. Just wanna lay back and sleep all day.

>> No.21904281

it isn't

>> No.21904309

Just suck his cock already

>> No.21904319

I really despise atheists will every fiber of my being, and Neoplatonists with their obtuse view of the demiurge

>> No.21904322

It’s a good time waster but nobody plays it to be good

>> No.21904326

Looking back on my childhood and adolescence. Man it was fucked up. Every year goes by the more I realize how fucked up it was. I guess I repressed a lot of it. With all that in mind, is it really so surprising that I ended up like I did? I think the real wonder is that I'm as functional as I am.

>> No.21904327


Does anyone think jumplinks are the future for web browsing?

>> No.21904330

What was so fucked up about your adolescence, anon?

Worst part of mine was watching a classmate get hit by a car at 100 kph, she flew through the air, hit a telephone pole, and her head exploded. It was seriously nightmare fuel for months and months. I dropped out because of it.

>> No.21904333


>> No.21904353


Do you like the one-page site design?

I'm using webp images for all the thumbs, they are about 4k each, I have about 600-700 adult websites listed and plan to have every single porn site listed on one page.

Logically, think about it... if you're already surfing for adult movie content, you must have the bandwidth, right? Why focus on lightweight, ultra-fast loading pages when a couple of seconds of adult movies will already be the same size of my one-page website?

Pornhub has been bought by the biggest fucking group of nerds ever, just look at them.


What a bunch of fucking nerds.

>> No.21904401

I’m extremely depressed.

>> No.21904407

>Neoplatonists with their obtuse view of the demiurge
Are they wrong?

>> No.21904415

not anymore

>> No.21904481


>> No.21904568


>> No.21904633
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I refuses to believe that is real :^)

>> No.21904645

Cope, not even my best time

>> No.21904650
File: 121 KB, 789x1097, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't blame you, 2023 is ridiculous compared to the environment I grew up in!

>> No.21904659
File: 347 KB, 1280x720, 23439687.155000005_CharaStudio-2022-11-03-09-50-05-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a better time then

>> No.21904662

I swear I became retarded during the pandemic.

>> No.21904664

At least its not "The Emoji Movie: The Book, Vol. 1"

>> No.21904881
