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21887837 No.21887837 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21887861

I could never figure out what's going on with the cover.

>> No.21887862

Can a book really blackpill someone? I think that would require a brutal event to occur IRL. Words don't have that power.

>> No.21887875

It's from a victim of a satanic ritual
I believe so after i read the first 5 or so chapters and it made me want to vomit and lost a bit of humanity. I get home in 3 hours i'll post some lines from the book.

>> No.21887899

The first part of the book is all about how governments cover up for sex traffickers and CP producers, it does make you feel hopeless and show you what kind of people are ruling us

>> No.21887905

Take courage. Our rulers are ill. We can keep our heads cool and overcome.

>> No.21887906

But is it credible? Let’s play devils advocate, what would good shabbo goy mainstream media types say to debunk it?

>> No.21887917
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Ephesians 6:12
>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Praying the Psalms is always a good idea.

>> No.21887996

Not OP but I've read the book. Some of the things he says are verifiable, some I was unable to verify, and some are contested. The pedophile stuff seems to be the most easily verifiable. There are a lot of disturbing facts and strange coincidences in this book that make you double take but overall I think its research is often specious. With that said, I'd love to read more about the alleged Hand of Death cult and its connection with murders in Juarez.

>> No.21888026

It talks about Mcmartin case, the finders cults being cia related, Mark dutroux (REALLY fucked up shit here), and other cases that have been verified. This book also came out years before the Epstein shit came out. I highly recommend it, it's like $17 on Amazon. The only real problem is that if you're looking for a why do they do this or who exactly is behind these rings? Theirs no real answer, the book is full of statements and how some of them are connected and points out weird coincidences. Like the other anon said some can be verified others you have to dig more to find what he's claiming

>> No.21888488

a book can certainly push someone across a line if the book reinforces dormant ideas or concepts they had in their head

>> No.21888596

>I get home in 3 hours i'll post some lines from the book
We're waiting, OP. Bump.

>> No.21888599

is that a penis part way inside a chest wound?

>> No.21888770
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Just got back. Sorry I didn't i want to disappoint so I went through the book to look for this specific page that made me want to throw up. I can post more if you guys are up for it. I just gotta take a quick shower

>> No.21888803

It's a guys chest with a partially drawn pentagram scar

>> No.21888854

McGowan does his due diligence when it comes to initial research and digging up primary sources, etc. But then he just throws it all at you and makes some sophomoric guesses at connections which are entirely impossible to substantiate. It's a pretty jarring contrast within the writing.

>> No.21889118
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The mcmartin preschool case

>> No.21889126
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The victims talked about tunnels under the school.

>> No.21889143

Theirs ALOT more stuff but it took me a while to cut and merge these photos. If anyone wants me to keep going lmk

>> No.21889567

...so the satanic panic was right all along?

>> No.21889580

You should read his stuff on the Lincoln assassination and on the dc sniper.

>> No.21889595

The Christian Right were right about everything. Other than their support of Isn't-real the White Evangelicals were and are the "good guys".

>> No.21889599

That's a good one.

>> No.21889621
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Ummmmmm, EXCUSE ME, what’s this? SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE accusations? Don’t you know this is QAnon and Pizzagate-style accusations, which have been DEBUNKED? It doesn’t matter if startlingly consistent claims of such abuse from wildly separated locations, countries and points in time have been going on for decades even before “Q,” “Pizzagate,” and Blumpf-supporting Nazis were a thing. It’s all debunked QAnon far-right white supremacist domestic terrorist nonsense. Ummmm, Epstein’s island, him and Maxwell, and their ties to Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and countless Western leaders and figures of Hollywood and the music industry??? UMMM SORRY SWEATY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS EPSTEIN’S TIES TO TRUMP AND ACCUSATIONS OF PEDOPHILIA AGAINST MATT GAETZ

Marc Dutroux? Who’s that?

Ummmm, you’re not vaccinated?

Haha, yes, I heard of Project MK-Ultra in “Stranger Things.”

What do you mean, people are radicalized enough to start putting bullets in our heads? I bet you’re not vaccinated, either?

>> No.21889625

Iirc these were medical sexual abuse cases. Some nut thought they'd invented a test for anal rape that involved them looking at and touching kid's assholes to see how they responded, and then claiming the majority of all children who had the test were raped. It's the equivalent of having an asshole psychic guess if you're a rape victim in terms of medical evidence, except the asshole psychic is a paedo.
So yeah, lots of abuse cases, but no, wrong perpetrators, it was quack doctors who were into kid's buttholes like Michael Jackson was into sleepovers.

>> No.21889629

>Other than their support of Isn't-real
Yeah kind of a big thing to ignore.

>> No.21889632
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>> No.21889638
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>> No.21889640

If you mention anything about Jews and their new world order being the inevitable plague that devastates humanity then sure you can easily blackpill someone

>> No.21889651

Does the book ever mention the Montauk Project?

>> No.21889683
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Craig Spence who loved to throw lavish parties at his mansion was involved with a call boy ring that supplied young boys to the elite of both political parties. Much like epstein he had cameras and wiretaps around his mansion and committed "suicide"

>> No.21889690


>> No.21889710

I remember reading something to that effect too in We Believe the Children

>> No.21889753


>> No.21889767

>I believe so after i read the first 5 or so chapters and it made me want to vomit and lost a bit of humanity. I get home in 3 hours i'll post some lines from the book.
I find the more of the evil side I learn of humanity, the more I'm attracted to the Bible, or the good side of things. I'm not the only one in this

The more you learn, the more nonsensical and crazy other people seem to be for not seeing the Bible as you do. That is, the more lost and confused the outside world seems like, and the more sane, clear and good the Bible looks, and by Bible I also include the "old" testament like death penalty laws for murderers, rapists and kidnappers, which the world today seems to hate because it would be to "inhumane" to actually follow the law of God.

>> No.21889778

Thanks i'm going to look into that to be certain. However that doesn't explain the tunnels found under the school that was exactly how the kids described. The FBI released a bunch of documents related to the Finders cult 3 years ago and interestingly enough they had a couple of pages dedicated to the Mcmartin case. In the pdf it's revealed that there were underground tunnels and even a map is included. Check on page 47
I think the whole rape test is just a cover up but i'm gonna go do some research to make sure.

>> No.21889785

>it does make you feel hopeless and show you what kind of people are ruling us
Read the Book of Maccabees (1 and 2l and you'll get to see even more what the ruling people REALLY are like (read what the greeks did to Israel and the people of Israel), and what WE should be doing right now.

Basically, there is no secular solution, you can't remain a degenerate or an atheist and expect to fight an evil that rules your society, you need actual divine help like the Maccabees had due to their zealousness of the law (at some point Jonathan fights thousands with only 2 army officers at his side for example). Secular people will continue to be blackpillef as long as they try to rely on their own individual power and rationality instead of using either the correct way.

>> No.21889805

>Praying the Psalms is always a good idea.
Yes Christian but you know what's even better? Actually following the Bible

Stop being cowards giving excuses that nothing in the Bible applies to you and throw all your traditions of men in the garbage (like Sunday keeping, celebrating Christimas and Easter). Remember the part of seeking your things and having it all in common, to live separated from the world? You're actually supposed to do that. Much more actually, like building your own houses and growing your own gardens like it says in Jeremiah 29:5. How many christians are doing that? Most don't keep the dietary laws, let alone the 7 biblical festivities.

If Christians followed pastors like Pastor Dowell instead of the seminary theology garbage from Carl Rogers' of unconditional love, there would be zero pedophile rings and satanic governments, you know why? Because for one polygeny, which is biblical, would ensure we would have the numbers to defend and sustain our communities. Children would not be in government schools or daycares, virginity would have it's importance known and whoremongers would be shunned. Marriage would be taken seriously and money wouldn't be a problem because people would help each other inside the community. This isn't a pipe dreams, it still exists in small pockets.

>> No.21889813

>that doesn't explain the tunnels found under the school that was exactly how the kids described.
They didn't find tunnels though. They excavated the site of the daycare and the closest they found was plumbing. So, unless they're rat sized humans, the idea of tunnels is pretty disproven. Weirdly nobody who wants to believe mentions the witches or the hot air balloon part of the story, kind of like they might think those things a bit sus.
The sad thing is the kids were abused by authorities who thought they were on the trail of Satan, including their own parents in some cases. Imagine your mom trying to convince you if you don't tell the officer you were raped then the witch will get you and the only way to be safe is telling stories about your junk. That's some fucked up shit and it's common even without satanic panics, because some women do that just to apply some leverage to the divorce settlements.

>> No.21889822
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>> No.21889825
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>unless they're rat sized humans
Maybe they are...

>> No.21889837

But the hot air balloon is sus right?

>> No.21889847

I found that to be the most credible part of the story personally.

>> No.21889850
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This is a lot more than plumbing...

>> No.21889856


God bless John Derbyshire for going full tilt "Really now, everyone sucks except whites and asians" after his NR ouster. He even wrote some math books that I enjoy. Great guy, I hope he's well and doing fine.

Now that I double check his wiki, he openly says that human females peak between the ages of 15 and 20. Just simple truth bombs that everyone fucking well knows to be true, all day.

>> No.21889862

thanks anon was just about to post this.
This is on the fbi website. Not some crazy schizos ramblings. Check it out yourself
page 48

>> No.21889864
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Seems like it was a far from harmless group...

>> No.21889872

Yes it seems to be plumbing and some garbage.

>> No.21889874 [DELETED] 
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Kabbalah of the Crocodile and it’s not even close. It’s F Gardner’s new horror novel where it’s about how Jews really do control the world and that they created Christianity to control the gentiles and want to kill us all. I’m not even making this up. Here’s page 1.

>> No.21889877

Anon literally posted it. The link is up already and I even looked at the map. It's basically evidence of rats, and running utilities.

>> No.21889880
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>> No.21889883

Hand dug tunnels that the children reported being taken into?

>> No.21889889

How do you hand dig through concrete? Even if you do, how do you fit a child and an adult into a 30" tunnel? How anorexic were these mfs?

>> No.21889890

>why do they do this or who exactly is behind these rings?

That's easy. Satan.

>> No.21889892

that anon's rat sized human theory becomes more probable

>> No.21889894

Weird how the kids never mentioned that but I suppose everything seems bigger when you're four

>> No.21889896

Anyone remember this

Anyone remember how she made a followup video a few months ago saying IT'S OKAY I'M ALL FINE NOW!! and not addressing the fact that she was clearly being casually fucked by her 50+ year old Jewish producer, who is also a producer for many other teen and preteen girls in Hollyweird?

Anyone remember how people treated it all like "wow what a pervert that guy is" instead of wondering why it was so normalized and casual, what we caught a glimpse of and how it is clearly just one piece of a much larger picture?

>> No.21889986
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The defence conducted their own excavation on site BEFORE the parents could for a year and a half. Why would the defence have to excavate the site if there were no tunnels as the defence claimed why were they allowed to look for any? The archeologists weren't even allowed to check around the primary lot even though they picked up two anomalies they picked up with their remote sensing survey. In all that time you don't think it's even possible that the tunnels were filled in? And even then when they discovered the tunnels they weren't allowed to continue their excavation

>> No.21890000

Here's the full report of the excavation process and what they found.

>> No.21890017

The parents paid the archaeologists to do ground radar and look at doodles. The time constraints are how much the parents were willing to pay. The order of "investigations" is different too, because it's actually longer between the first investigation and the parents getting their team in. In 1990, the parents pay for ground radar, which is that report you're really hot on that proves there is plumbing and some holes have been dug in the ground at some point. In 1995 another investigation happens. It's someone looking at a concrete floor and saying, yup that's concrete where the only entryway is plumbing, and dating the concrete. If you're going for a theory they filled it over to hide the tunnerls, they went to great lengths to get period concrete for the job to disguise it as from decades earlier than the kids were born. But then there's a third investigation in 2002 which actually excavates so we can see what that radar shit really was up close and not just through an imaging screen... and it's rubbish and rats and plumbing.
I don't see why you're choosing the report which outlines the tunnels being 30" though. Haven't you seen the parents' experts' actual report where they claim a 5'11 man could stand upright in the tunnels that excavating didn't find? https://web.archive.org/web/20061130192656/http://tesserae.org/tess/prose/tunnels2.html

>> No.21890033

Yup you're right, apologies. I'm really tired right now i didn't look at what i posted the first time like a retard.

>> No.21890298

Probably Pentti Linkola - Can Life Prevail. It affected so much so I completely turned my back on deep ecology and think of it as cringy

>> No.21890335

That’s why I’m afraid to read and I own it. This coming from a guy who used to collect books about serial killer cases.

>> No.21890373
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Enjoyed the book for the birds and the slight bit of genocide. Baudrillard causes some black pill feels, as did Crash by JG Ballard. Now that’s a pretty fucked read. Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich is rough, that one was a hard read.

>> No.21891226

>The only real problem is that if you're looking for a why do they do this
Some people get a high or kick out of doing evil things. They know it's seem as something reprehensible and repulsive, and that's what triggers their dopamine. Porn addiction can also lead you to that point.

>or who exactly is behind these rings?
People like this

>> No.21891250

Pentti Linkola kicks ass, loser.

>> No.21891299

Bataille's poetry turned me into a Francophobe.

>> No.21891540

Linkola was the guy who refused to become pen-pals with Kaczinsky because he thought Uncle Ted was too moderate, right?

>> No.21891649

>It's like $17 on Amazon
It's free on libgen. Retard consoomer

>> No.21891667
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Pentti was based.

>> No.21891685

It gets worse
>Gary Hambright, a Southern Baptist minister who was accused of molesting dozens of children at the Presidio of San Francisco, has died of AIDS.
>Hambright's death has rekindled fears among the parents of more than 60 children, who said they must now deal with the threat of AIDS in addition to problems stemming from the sexual abuse.

Reminder to never let children alone with christians or any adult really

>> No.21891699

Whatcha doin, rabbi?

>> No.21891701

I really wish I could unlearn what I know about Peter Scully.

>> No.21891788

Nah, it's just USA people are totally degenerated. The most pervert catholics are from USA.

>> No.21891797

>Other than their support of Isn't-real
Israel is a real country and a legitimate one, it's one of the few resistances against globalism today

>> No.21891806

Check this out:


I think interdimensional beings were summoned through Satanic rituals.

>> No.21891810

I don't like books like this that don't provide references to the statements in the text thougbeit

>> No.21891829

>da joooos
Mate you're retarded, drooling level retarded if you believe in the jew boogeyman meme. Klaus Schwabs isn't a jew, nor is bill gates, the Rockefellers or MANY of the globohomo actors behind the nwo. The irrational hatred of and compulsion with making ALL jews being somehow the evil villains behind everything is something I don't know where it comes from. Is it because americans get circumcision so they end up hating jew because of it? Or is it because you feel the emotional need to think the nazis were good people and thus everything they said was right?

>> No.21891844

I couldn't even finish reading that. It's probably better to live your life not knowing anything like that goes on in the world.

>> No.21891854

Your Judaism is showing.

>> No.21891858

Shut up cunt

>> No.21891870

you know as someone who's seen this back and forth 1 billion times. has no one ever done the research already? just sit in front of a computer and go down the list of top 100 usa company board of directors or something? you'd think it would kinda be like the "despite being 13% of the population" blah blah blah thing. where's the catchy infographic? it's lazy

>> No.21891908

You know nothing about Judaism

No you shut up

It would be much more sane and productive to simply say it's evil people vs good people. But those retards have a compulsion with labeling ALL jews as the evil incarnate and ALL whites as dindu nuffins that were just brainwashed into being evil or complacent. It's the same rethoric leftists use to label all whites to be guilty of shit they never personally did or the rethoric feminists use to label all men as "potential rapists".

>> No.21892919

It’s probably a psy-op deliberately done for this exact reason (taint all discussion and speculation about the corrupt power-structure and various conspiracy theories as “antisemitic”). However, a few key players like the Rothschilds, various Jewish families who helped start and held important posts in the Federal Reserve (also had close ties to the Rothschilds), Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Israel’s intelligence agency (the Mossad), and the ADL to cover stuff like this up definitely plays one big role in it. Again, though, neo-Nazis play into their hand (because now they can say, “See, all our enemies are Nazis!”)

Very simple concept which I repeat so much I almost get sick of saying it, I sound like I’m on auto-repeat, and futilely, too, because it won’t get through anyone’s head who doesn’t want it to get through their heads.

>> No.21892925

LOLFIELDANDLOVE on YouTube has some interesting videos surrounding that book. His old videos are better than what's he been putting out, but if you want to go down that conspiracy more, check it out.

>> No.21892926

Epstein and Maxwell being Israeli intelligence assets, too.

>> No.21893039
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>> No.21893346

Yes but the same christians that sold you that are in on it. Only they misdirect by telling you people with less power over you are the real ones making your life miserable.

The satanic panic is real only worse than anyone cowardly enough to blindly follow tradition will admit.

This is clear with Dahmee who got away with so many murders and rapes of black gay men because cops don't care about violence against us, our violence is the same one that constitutes their everyday.

>> No.21893370

Yeah yeah that's why you got kicked out of how many countries? Nobody believes a fucking word you say.

>> No.21893467

people just don't want to understand how horrible the world really is, they want to hear none of it.
if there ever was a satanic panic it would've had to been those crazy teenagers and young adults that dress cartoonishly evil.
no way white upstanding christian adults are bad people.

>> No.21893485 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21893502
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Why do I have a feeling that I have knowledge that I shouldn't have

>> No.21893596

There is a legit Zionist faction within the Western Ruling Elites, but also, what I think most RWers get tripped up on, Jews are often used as middlemen by the ruling class. Jeffry Epstein, for example, was hardly a reptilian overlord, but he provided a service for the actual blue blood n-th generation types and could be easily disposed of if needed. I'm almost positive that George Soros was just a Nazi that assumed a Jewish identity when he was brought over to the US under operation paperclip. There's the five Jews who were filming the towers fall, but were they working for uniquely Zionist interests or was it something bigger than that? Jews are a convenient fall guy, and they are often willing to play the part as well in exchange for money and power. Think about it, if you where an X ethnic group peer network, would you use your friends and family members to carry out your dirty work, or would you hire someone else to do it with the understanding that if they were caught it could be deflected onto something else?

>> No.21893631

Jews were absorbed by the Leviathan like anything else was. The Leviathan uses each group that is useful to it by letting them think they are using it, that they are its dominant class or its vanguard. The Round Table society's aims are different from the mostly WASP / rabidly anti-communist early CIA under people like the Dulles brothers, and both are different from the post-Dulles neocon CIA, and all of those are different from the Israel lobby which wantonly kills Americans (USS Liberty), and thus sometimes comes into conflict with the true blue old-CIA / WASP anti-communist patriot types. Early 20th century Zionists and Jewish financiers, Frankfurt "cultural Marxists," and the "New York Intellectuals" (Trotskyists and left communists fleeing Stalin) all hated each other, and were all used while being allowed to think they were using the system (except Adorno who realized the situation, and tried to convince Marcuse of this). Marcuse was used by the system. Modern Jews are just another diluted class and another resource for the system to draw on, they are useful because they are cosmopolitan atheists who hate white people and will do anything to dissolve any nation state if asked, as useful idiots. But they are hated by, and hate in turn, the ultra-Orthodox Jews who are not very useful to the Leviathan, except insofar as they weaken "national conservative" neo-Zionist Jews who are often just as afraid of the Leviathan as white nationalists are.

Jews are a big part of the problem but the problem itself is the Leviathan.

>The question of the role of world Jewry is not a racial question, but the metaphysical question about the kind of humanity that, without any restraints, can take over the uprooting of all beings from being as its world-historical 'task.'
Martin Heidegger

>The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew.
>The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
>Bourgeois society continuously produces the Jew from its own innards.
Karl Marx

>> No.21893642

You know, they put it out there pretty clearly. I mean, if you actually watch their elite seminars (WEF, Club of Rome, National Security Council, etc.) they pretty much lay it all out in the open with the bare minimum of plausible deniability. Then they also drop hints in popular media, national television, sporting events, etc. There are entire publishing houses established by the CIA just to leak slightly shit coated books detailing exactly what's going on. If you do stumble into something you shouldn't have they'll generally even give you a fair warning. If they were completely evil we'd never hear about this stuff at all, but they put it all out in plain sight for anyone who knows how to read between the lines. If anything I blame the people who aggressively enforce a status quo of unquestionable obedience, which is fucked up because they're the ones who stand to gain or lose absolutely nothing but they do it anyways out of some sense of moralistic hubris I guess.

I'm just jealous I'll never get to chill on a yatch discussing geopolitics with Jeffry Epstein after running train whatever MK ULTRA sex slave teenybopper is the 'hot new thing', but I really can't find it in my heart to hate them. If they weren't so debased they'd be pretty based desu.

>> No.21893746

the issue is no one has the time to connect the dots, and there is not a lot of actual evidence, but plenty of he said she said.

>> No.21893757

Pointing out that trying to distract from the fact that doctor and those parents really liked those kids getting their buttholes touched. Why, what are you doing, pedo? Trying to push the blame for the actual child abuse onto fictional entities so nobody prosecutes you for feeling up kids? What a mensch.

>> No.21893773

You'd do everyone and yourself a favor leaving out the second paragraph. Of course, most intelligent people want access to the corridors of power and to be recognized as equals to those who gatekeep it.

At the point that you admire them, especially with such miniscule provisions, you lose any and all moral credibility. What, in your opinion, have they done wrong, and why does it matter?

>> No.21893877


>> No.21894170

Because that sounds cool and thrilling and you want to feel special.

>> No.21894193

This is a nonsensical post that somehow relies upon objective morality to function while also projecting subjective morality.
In other words, nigga you dumb. Even if you wish to take his obviously facetious commentary as a literal, it still changes nothing. Likewise, on a board of words, surely you must recognize the difference between them and actions.

>> No.21894342

Schopenhauer probably

>> No.21895974

>actual fbi documents
>oy vey it's just plumbing and some garbage.
Kys pedo kike

>> No.21896026

Secuestrados by Julio Scherer is one of the bleakest books I have ever read and it drove me quite mad with fear.
It's about Mexico's kidnaping industry, as in, you torture someone for weeks until their family gives you everything they got. Maybe you'll get your raped and tortured relative back missing several body parts, maybe you won't ever find the body.
The police won't help because they are in on it as well as every single political party and drug cartel. Things were looking bad back in the 80's, now the problem has escalated to horrendously insane proportions.
Even if you aren't Mexican, the book offers a nightmarish look into a world were demons dressed in human skin hunt and torture men, women and kids for profit and amusement. This is just a lil bit of it too, there's no mention of the gigantic network of child sex trafficking, or the town populated by large families of sex slavers who have been forcing girls into prostitution for DECADES, or the way narcos kidnap entire towns and force people to fight their wars for them, or even how kidnaping has become so insanely profitable that there are numerous gangs who hold up to 50 people hostage at any given moment. You'll have to read some other books for that.

There is no god.

>> No.21896163

>Secuestrados by Julio Scherer
No english version ?

>> No.21896234

>serial murders
>Charles Manson

>> No.21896306

>The FBI is like smart and shit bro you should trust them
>Please ignore the doctors actually touching kid's buttholes
You're fucking retarded, no wonder you like kids, you dumb pedo freak

>> No.21896427

sad but true

>> No.21896929


>> No.21896962

this book get shilled way too much to be worth reading. This is just tinfoil general

>> No.21897428

how did mexico become the worst country on earth? does it really take a couple narcos and a couple corrupt politicians to destroy a country forever? it seems some countries are simply doomed because their racial composition.

>> No.21897473
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You stupid fucking retard.
>it was just plumbing
End yourself
>please ignore the doctors actually touching kid's buttholes
How else do you want to see if a human has a damaged rectum?

>> No.21897583

it's a zone. winners and losers are picked by third parties, it's all rigged. and all that empty desert in the northern states helps some. they've also had a long, tragic, fraught history with their own government which has made provisional arrangements with local bosses who have access to things like economic inputs and building permits a necessity. it really is that simple to knock over a federalized third world government if you put your mind to it. more of a geographic problem than anything. maybe if european powers didn't use their colonies primarily to dispose of bread thieves and surplus men they wouldn't have been fated to be such shitholes down the line

>> No.21897691

Literally the first ten or fifteen pages into the book I was so disgusted I stopped reading.

>> No.21897737
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Oh boy this thread is really quite horrific isn't it

>> No.21897754

>The Greeks were based, the McDonald bees were murderous

>> No.21897786

>Not a single mention of the Qatari faction nor Muslim AlQaeda propaganda fueling Jew Hate.

>> No.21898187

I'm not even done reading the first chapter and it's just horrible, i don't think i can finish this book.

>> No.21898302
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Not as horrific as some stuff ITT, but pic related is a very fascinating read for people interested in cover-ups/weird incosistent bullshit that was sold to the public as fact.

>> No.21898337

Okay, I'll bite your schitzo bullshit. Just what EXACTLY does getting vaccinated DO in your eyes? Mind control? Tracking chip?

>> No.21898349

I can't for the life of me understand why ANYONE would ever set foot in Mexico, not even the resort areas like Cancun etc. it seems like a horribly pathetic risk.

I wish we could just nuke the entire country.

>> No.21898358

>no, u!
Why are you running cover for pedophiles? Does the fbi need to give you a visit?

>> No.21898369

Lemming identification marker

>> No.21898992

Just wait till we find out what russians and chinks have done.

>> No.21898996

what the anon above said. And you lose your soul but I doubt you had one to begin with if you accepted the vax

>> No.21899002

>getting vaccinated
Which one of the mystery juices are you getting at? If corona vaccines, then its really stupid to put untested things into your body. The pharmaceutical industry hasn't been about improving health in a long time.

>> No.21899057
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It's a prototype for the real biopolitical measures coming soon, to normalize that you do not have sovereignty over your own body and that "being nice" and conforming to consensus comes over everything

>And [the second beast] doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast ...
>And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

>And from the earth will well up terrible created beings ... between metal and plant [in soul/consciousness], as automative beings with super-natural intellect, an immense intellect. When this development takes hold, the earth will be covered, as with a web, a web of terrible spiders, spiders of enormous wisdom, which however, in their [organic complexity] don’t even reach the level of plants. Terrible spiders, which will interlock with each other, imitating in their movements everything humanity has already thought up, with their shadow-like [pseudo-]intellect that is not rooted in by a new [authentic] imagination [like a real living being's] ... The earth will be covered ... with terrible metal-plant-soul [hybrid] spiders ... Man will be forced to unite with these terrible metal-plant-soul spider creatures. ... There are even now those who are quite consciously allies of the intention to en-web human existence.

>Ahrimanic powers prepare the evolution of mankind in such a way that it can fall a prey to Ahriman when he appears in human form ... Ahriman will appear in human form and the only question is how he will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized, or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance?

>in order that his incarnation may take the most profitable form, it is of the utmost interest to Ahriman that people should perfect themselves in all our illusory modern science, but without knowing that it is illusion. Ahriman has the greatest possible interest in instructing men in mathematics, but not in instructing them that mathematical-mechanistic concepts of the universe are merely illusions. He is intensely interested in bringing men chemistry, physics, biology and so on, as they are presented today in all their remarkable effects, but he is interested in making men believe that these are absolute truths, not that they are only points of view

>> No.21899186

Alright, time to migrate to a different website. You motherfuckers are legitimately insane and belong in a fucking asylum.

Holy fucking hell you people are beyond batshit.

>> No.21899197

>If we accept that the fundamental principles of the State can be suspended today in the name of pandemic management, we must understand that we are setting up a future in which the taking of paths other than democratic ones, in the name of any other threat that may arise, whether of human or natural origin, is a possibility.
Giorgio Agamben

Begone faggot totalitarian

>> No.21899202

Why do Christians elicit these reactions?
Catholicism is the one true church btw.

>> No.21899209

>Schitzo quotes other schitzos
Keep it up. You surely DON'T sound like a fucking nutter.
>ThE sOuL iS a PySiChAl EnTiTy ThAt CaN bE ReMoVeD vIa InJeCtIoN oF A LiQuId

I sincerely hope and PRAY that none of you fucking loony tunes reproduces.

>> No.21899212

Attacking Christianity is the only way the leviathan has left to divide and conquer those who believe in a transcendent One that is all-Good. They are terrified of an alliance between Christian and non-Christians of all kinds who share this metaphysical commitment, an alliance that can also lead to partnerships with other faiths against materialism and the tranny death worship ideology.

I have the same respect for Christians that I have for Druze, Bahai, and Krishna worshipers.

>> No.21899215

I wonder why you feel this triggered over, in your mind, obviously wrong and silly ideas? Is there a strange splinter that makes these ideas stand out to you? How very strange, is it.

>> No.21899224

Why are you ignoring the people actually feeling up kids' asses? What's that get you, pedo?

>> No.21899234

No need to get antisemitic.

>> No.21899267

He looks like he's the epitome of cringe, you mean?

>> No.21899368

Oh, would a rabbi be better?

>> No.21899374
File: 105 KB, 647x1000, 4271C49A-215C-4130-9CD5-3E093500E90D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a very similar vein

>> No.21899403

That dude in the picture is not Linkola it's Häyhä.

>> No.21899404
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Be gone, NPC
You refuse to see the truth because you are blind.

>> No.21899424
File: 12 KB, 157x210, E84F9454-A9CA-46F7-9DFA-6ACBAB809423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not this poster >>21899057 although I highly like his first paragraph, namely:

>It's a prototype for the real biopolitical measures coming soon, to normalize that you do not have sovereignty over your own body and that "being nice" and conforming to consensus comes over everything

As well as his quotes (the Steiner bits are strikingly prescient of modern AI, the computer age, and transhumanist ideas).

The thread isn’t mainly about the vaccines, nor is this board mainly supposed to be the place to discuss that, apparently, but I just brought it up as a mean-hearted satire of modern political and social conformity (i.e., the same people who are going to scoff at or viciously attack these far-out ideas as being “dangerous and evil conspiracy theories” are also probably going to automatically lump you also in as being “anti-vaxxers” and believing any host of ridiculous ideas — which you exactly played into my hands by bringing up tracking chips/the microchip conspiracy theory, which I didn’t even mention —while also having gotten the mRNA medical experiments themselves).

I don’t think it’s “mind-control” (except perhaps for the methods they used to make us get them, namely, weaponization of the mainstream media) or a “tracking chip” in them, I think it’s just the spike proteins themselves they make your body’s cells produce are toxins which spread throughout the body (not just remaining in the injection site), can remain there for a long time afterwards (some study put it to being found in the bloodstream at least 80-90 days after, at which point they stopped the experiment, so we don’t even know how long they stay), and probably has a host of assorted bad side effects the full extent of which are being censored or not discussed by the MSM much, from strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks (or the much milder-sounding “heart inflammation”/myo-pericarditis), menstrual cycle changes in women (effects on fertility?) as well as neurological/autoimmune disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome.

>> No.21899435
File: 23 KB, 218x346, 78669F7F-6930-4C20-90A7-1B7C8A2F2919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it’s worth, I’ve been a “conspiracy theorist” (apparently now a “far-right” one, too, at that) for many years before Trump, the Pizzagate debacle, Q, and the publicity around Epstein. I don’t say this as a badge of honor, but rather to mention that I’ve believed in (at least some aspects of some) “kooky shit” as is brought up in the OP before any of this stuff arose and gained traction — and furthermore, it seems clear to me, that something like the Q-movement also was very likely an intelligence-agency-funded psy-op, to discredit ideas like these, and perhaps even entrap enemies of the state at the 1/6 honeypot. Trump clearly wasn’t our guy, so “Q” painting him as if he were some type of savior set off some alarm bells in me, and it was probably a good way to defuse heat from the publicity around Epstein.

Pic related is another good answer to OP’s question about blackpilling books — this one by a woman who claims to have been a victim of MK-Ultra experimentation, used as a sex-slave and intelligence courier by wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very famous people, the book itself published in 1995. Even brings up the Clintons and Bohemian Grove, among other things.

>> No.21899450

Somehow spamming these faggot frogs and dead memes to make incredibly reductive points which could feature on jewed ass news is not "NPC“ in your mind. Cringe as hell.

>> No.21899457

You and your ilk lost the culture war. Cry about it some more you esoteric schitzoid fuckwit. You think you're smart and "in-the-know" but you're really just an insane shutin and everyone is laughing at you.

Go ahead and use more religious/esoteric cope books you fucking psychopath.

>> No.21899474

>you lost this rigged game we invented to entrap and distract impressionable retards who post online
poggers bro good luck on the next range day challenge coin

>> No.21899494

>Vaccines erode the concept that is the "soul"
Spew more nonsensical bullshit, you schitzoid fuck.

>> No.21899496
File: 73 KB, 900x750, simo-hyh-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face, not online and see what happens

>> No.21899504

I've heard of this book before I'll give it a read. I started looking into conspiracies about 2 years before pizzagate. My history teacher was an Infowars watcher and actually told us about 9/11. He blackpilled the class and for assignments we were allowed to research cia or military projects ex mk ultra, the phoenix project and could present it to the class. I think the q anon stuff was a psyop too but the sad part is they did mix up the pizza gate stuff with q anon so now no one takes pizza gate seriously.

>> No.21899746

I know of at least 2 such cases that are active online, one on YouTube one on TikTok. Both suffer from severe DID (aka MPD).
The YouTube one is an American ex porn actress now in her 30s that posted a lot of videos of her trying to cut ties and deprogram herself between 2016 and 2018. Then she disappeared and returned as a devoted Christian in 2021.
She also began to speak a lot about MKULTRA, SRA and pedophile circles in great detail, she then began to drop some name in late 2022. Then she was visibly in fear and told many times "if I disappear search be here there etc". Then she disappeared for a few days, deleted all videos and returned, still a Christian but basically saying it was all bullshit and she wouldn't do other "fear based content" and stopped talking about it.
The other one is a 20 something Belgian girl on TikTok that seems to have been in a pedo circle, but she is very vague about it all, her story isn't clear and she speaks French which I comprehend only a bit.

>> No.21899901

so upset. Demons are real

>> No.21899956
File: 238 KB, 1194x600, 61VpIR4TtxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.21899973

>Lists books written by a fellow schitzo that confirm his own personal delusions.
Truly shocking.

>> No.21899995
File: 179 KB, 1080x1440, il_1080xN.4738826965_qof5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still doesn't know
>More than fifty years ago the Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both. The purpose was not to destroy ... or take over but was really threefold: (1) to keep informed about the thinking of Left-wing or liberal groups; (2) to provide them with a mouthpiece so that they could "blow off steam," and (3) to have a final veto on their publicity and possibly on their actions, if they ever went "radical." There was nothing really new about this decision, since other financiers had talked about it and even attempted it earlier.

>Pg. 950: There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the ... Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.



>The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
Lord Acton

>Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the Continent and seek their successors from their own milieu.
Walter Rathenau

>Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.
Heinrich Heine

>> No.21900007

This faggy shit encompasses your entire existence and you will NEVER be happy. You have no one but yourself to blame for obsessing over this bullshit.

Continue to wear your tinfoil hat and endlessly twitching worrying about some shadowy international cabal of Satanic Jew overlords. Healthy people don't obsess over shit like this.

>> No.21900020
File: 58 KB, 1000x1024, 1680983825705431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and die bitch

Watch this video to realign your chakras and cleanse your aura of fag vibes

>> No.21900037

YOU are not happy. YOU are not healthy. YOU are gay

>> No.21900047

>Paranoid schitzophrenics call me unhappy and unhealthy

El oh el

>> No.21900053
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Shut up faggot.

>> No.21900078

>I will post some heckin' ebin jerkoff cope for le ebin esoteric nazi chaderinos
Why are most conspiracy fags nazi sympathizers?

>> No.21900106


>> No.21900123

>Jews are scum
I never said they weren't.

>> No.21900343

>doctors determining if a child has been anally raped is now pedophilic
Why are you ignoring fbi documents and legitimate evidence? Why are you protecting pedophiles? If a child is sexually abused, is a doctor not allowed to care for them? You seem to be ok with children being sexually abused and not receiving medical attention. That's very jewish of you. You better have a damn good answer to every single question or you out yourself as a pedo kike.

>> No.21900407

Why are you getting into your feelings like that? I reckon you're bit of a snidey little pussy IRL.

>> No.21900468

sorry but he's right, and so are commies: an international plutocracy controls the world economy, and by default heavily controls many of the worlds governments, most especially America's. rightoids hyper fixate on the jews who carved out a niche in the wide structure/system of power

>> No.21900865
File: 410 KB, 777x602, 04f286c9771acc4f90eb599cee21ce7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one by a woman who claims to have been a victim of MK-Ultra experimentation, used as a sex-slave and intelligence courier by wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very famous people, the book itself published in 1995. Even brings up the Clintons and Bohemian Grove, among other things.
And it was published? As a book? A physical book? And allowed to be sold? In US? And an author is not killed by a suicide by 1488 stabs to a stomach? I don't get it. How?
t. Russkie

>> No.21901766

if you sound crazy enough they'll let you publish anything you want and then point to your visible mental problems to discredit whatever you wrote, no matter how factual. this is called "shitcoating" and why they like using occultic groups as intermediaries for everything

>> No.21901799
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>> No.21902334

It was published because her co-author was a CIA spook and it's a poisoning the well psyop for Amerischizos

>> No.21902452

How “blackpill-ing” can all these books really be? Especially the ones about “the big government” and their evil deeds. I mean, if it was something that would genuinely threaten exposure of the underground works, they’d never let it reach the publics eyes. Right?

>> No.21902494

They can just find and/or create ways to discredit the work and author to make sure they're never a problem again. They might even coopt them.

>> No.21902608

Suppose that the majority of things revealed in books like this are real. Has the exposure changed anything? The only people who believe in this stuff are "conspiracy theorists", you know?

>> No.21903063

>with (((Abraham)))
>meme Illuminati eye instead of a star of david
I can already tell it’s trash.

>> No.21903282

Problem with shit like this is that authorities can’t just arrest some guy because they are accused of something and some medical examiner says X happened to a individual. Authorities need direct evidence that person A is in fact the individual who did X to victim B. And given the fact that forensic evidence was still in it infancy at the time it would only makes the authorities’ job harder. And like >>21889625 said even the “evidence” found by the medical examiner, which would be the reason to start investigating, is suspect.

What you mistake for conspiracy is just the typical case of authorities failing to find direct evidence to substantiate claims beyond a reasonable doubt. No doubt there are evil people in this world but cops just can’t start locking individuals up because people start saying bad things about them.

>> No.21903373

Deboonked. Nothing to see here folks. Trust your local authorities. If they weren't trustworthy they wouldn't be in a position of power.

>> No.21903557


>> No.21903561

I'm not stupid, sir. I read an article debunking this subject from a trustworthy source. Since a trustworthy source provided information contrary to a conspiracy theory, that means the conspiracy theory isn't true. Move along.

>> No.21903567

> Since a trustworthy source provided information contrary to a conspiracy theory, that means the conspiracy theory isn't true
You say this sarcastically but it’s the truth. If a source isn’t trustworthy then there is no reason to believe it, not even a little.

>> No.21903581

I agree. I can know a source is trustworthy if it's approved by other trustworthy sources, such as my local government. My local government is trustworthy to identify trustworthy sources which indicate that my local government is not engaged in any sort of criminal activity.

>> No.21903932

How it feels to have so many replies from verbose schizos?

>> No.21903941


>> No.21903959

What I don't understand about this book is why strech so much the thesis of the book with occult/satanic panic shit, when the Gacy case and murders where a result of just good old fashioned local Chicago political corruption.

>> No.21903962

>How “blackpill-ing” can all these books really be? Especially the ones about “the big government” and their evil deeds. I mean, if it was something that would genuinely threaten exposure of the underground works, they’d never let it reach the publics eyes. Right?
big governments are an individual, they are a group of many people some who absolutely are evil and many who are not. Obviously the schizos who get in there dont have full control (even if they are powerful) so shit leaks out.

>> No.21903964

>*big governments are not an individual
oops my bad

>> No.21903988

Actually, it's one of the few conspiracies that has absolutely ZERO basis in reality. It is a provable fact that these allegations were the result of "pioneering" therapists who were planting insane ideas in their patients heads using hypnosis and trance like states.

>> No.21904086

Don’t get the sarcasm. Just because one person is lying to you doesn’t mean others aren’t also lying to you for their own gain. Many of the smoothest brained retards around can grasp the simple concept that multiple bullshitters who want you as a useful idiot can exist at the same time. Ex. Shitty parents manipulating their children against the other parent.

>> No.21904579

He is simply not like other girls, you see, he's not a part of the sheeple.
It's ironic how this devout contrarianism holds there retards in captivity of the same narrative they are trying to reject.

>> No.21904716

for many people the bottom of parapolitics is just misanthropy and dejection. you start thinking everyone's either a scumbag or a stupid scumbag that gets taken advantage of and there's no realistic solution to any of our problems as a species. it paints a very bleak worldview

>> No.21904749

If you have a poisoned will this is the case. People who aren't totally bereft of their own will can see the blackpills as instructive on what parts of society to disengage with.

>> No.21904893
File: 44 KB, 395x500, B19E6480-8158-4C0B-8F94-65CFD7AB0750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s the phenomenon known as the “Streisand effect” worth knowing. Luckily, when the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were being drawn up, some relatively wise and freedom-loving people (or Satanic Masonic conspirators creating the US as the next step in the centuries-long Hegelian-dialectical-move towards the New World Order, depending on what conspiracy theorist you’re listening to) included the First Amendment, which makes it a bit harder for the US government to openly and obviously prosecute such whistleblowers without giving them more attention, although in cases like Snowden and Assange where “the cat’s already out of the bag” they can weaponize politicians against them and go after them as “threats to national security” and “releasing state secrets that harm our nation and help our enemies” (which, some of what they did and released indeed helped play into this and set up such a reaction, unfortunately ).

This is another book which is WAY less insane-sounding, less of the lurid and insane details. About Candy Jones, once-popular “pin-up girl” who claimed to have been used for MK-Ultra-type experiments and as an “amnesiac courier” (hypnotically programmed to carry out certain missions while in a trance state than forget about them, but she claims eventually disturbing and traumatic memories started “leaking back” into her consciousness, the “programming” breaking down), after she agreed to work with the FBI and CIA at their request out of a “patriotic” sense.

Note, that before coming out with such claims, she was, again, a model, and radio talk show hostess. So clearly putting her reputation at risk of seeming like a loon. Not only this, but MK-Ultra only gained public disclosure in the 1977 Congressional hearings on it — Jones was speaking about it in the years just before this, with her husband Long John Nebel.

>> No.21904920
File: 23 KB, 219x346, CFE92422-4EB2-4690-9AB2-6C2FCCBA37A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Hell, a Republican Senator, John W. DeCamp, even released a whole fucking book on “The Franklin Cover-Up” a few decades ago — a bizarre story, which even included witness accounts of being taken to Bohemian Grove, which also happens to be mentioned as a location in this book >>21899435 of Cathy O’Brien’s.

True Detective/Stranger Things/They Live are probably closer to documentaries by this point than works of fiction. (OK sure, I’m “Reddit” for bringing up pop-culture references, shoot me).

>> No.21904972

just because the object that you consoomed was free does not mean you are not still a consoomer