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21879966 No.21879966 [Reply] [Original]

Too many books are centered around relationships between younger women and older men. What are some books that center around a relationship between a younger man and an older mommy gf?

>> No.21879973


>> No.21879978

>Too many books are centered around relationships between younger women and older men.
name seventeen

>> No.21880133

My diary 1
My diary 2
My diary 3
My diary 4
My diary 5
My diary 6
My diary 7
My diary 8
My diary 9
My diary 10
My diary 11
My diary 12
My diary 13
My diary 14
My diary 15
My diary 16
My diary 17

>> No.21880147

maybe not centered on this, but Demian by Hesse

>> No.21880155

Der Vorleser
had to read that shit in school

>> No.21880195
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obligatory post

>> No.21880203

If I had the power I would kill every single coomer on this website

>> No.21880342

Mommy gfs have appeal because they love you unconditionally like a mother should. It's a cope fantasy for losers who bring literally nothing to a relationship and can only imagine being with someone who loves them out of a pseudo-maternal instinct instead of having earned that love by virtue of their charm and drive.

>> No.21880376

It’s especially prevalent in men who never experienced unconditional love from their mother.

Also “Charm and Drive” is a cope for ugly people. If a woman’s love is conditional, it shouldn’t be predicated on something that lame. And if you took one look around at most relationships, you would see that it isn’t.

>> No.21880400

Being attractive counts as charm. Halo effect, boyo :^)

>> No.21880408

>Mommy gfs have appeal because they love you unconditionally like a mother should
Also, you need to be 18+.

>> No.21880424

Try reading the rest of the post if your zoomer add will allow it.

>> No.21880433

You are right, I'm sorry.

>> No.21880460

i just wanna be held and cuddled anon

>> No.21880467

Lmao stop gaslighting there's nothing wrong with wanting a girl that's going to be supportive and nurturing

>> No.21880584

They hate you for speaking the truth.

>> No.21880693

Supporting of what? You masturbating to chinese porn and playing videogames all day?

>> No.21880725

better than beta providing for some used whore

>> No.21880840

Is there an archive of these?

>> No.21880853

/lit/ couldn't handle this post

>> No.21880983

I hope so

>> No.21881038

If you're into the mommy gf cope, you are by definition a beta.

>> No.21881085

true mommy gf does not accept perpetually weak little bitches. true mommy gf wants the best for her sweet baby boy, and encourages him to exercise, learn, become the best version of himself, harness the masculine energy he's capable of. true mommy gf would never accept a sniveling onions boy with no want for improvement. true mommy gf wants to submit to the best version of her baby boy, to encourage his development into a protector and provider. even protectors and providers and the strongest of men need affection and to be cuddled and held, and true mommy gf understands that.

you do not have mommy gf because you have not yet desired to improve yourself.

>> No.21881109

It’s just a fetish in the same way that girls do the dom daddy shit. This over analyzing is wrong and autistic. Mothers don’t act like that, it’s a complete caricature with sex added on. These guys probably just wanna fuck a MILF, which is understandable.

>> No.21881152


>> No.21881184


>earned that love by virtue of their charm and drive.

Ahaha, this is what simps actually believe - that all you have to do is max out your stats like an RPG. You'll be in the relationship as long as it's convenient for her, regardless of how much "charm and drive" you have. Then you'll be tossed aside.

>> No.21881216

Wanting to have a mommy gf is almost gayer than wanting to fuck little boys

>> No.21881225

How did this mommy gf meme start? The incest porn? You guys have been psyopped.

>> No.21881257

>"For better or for worse, till death do we part!"
>"Or until you stop earning my love"
Ah yes, the classic wedding vow

>> No.21881342

>that pic
we're all just a bunch of affection starved mfs huh

>> No.21881344

still no book recs besides one or two. le sigh

>> No.21881375

Double dubs checked.

The Last Picture Show - IIRC it's not the main plot line, but it's important.

Myra Breckenridge - again, not the main plot, but important

The Oedipus legend - [spoiler[ literally mommy.

>> No.21881387


It's probably what you are actually looking for.

>> No.21881397

ask chatgpt

>> No.21881476
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>> No.21881526

Read Bataille's "My Mother"

>> No.21881679

Most of this is just things that a sweet, and loving girl would do. The mommy angle is unnecessary.

>> No.21881682

at least i'm beta on my terms

>> No.21881684


>> No.21881695

In praise of old women, by Vizinczey. Annie Ernaux's latest novel (Un jeune homme) is about this, but if you don't like anything else she's written you definitely won't like this, and I do believe it's one of her worst texts.

>> No.21881732

>It's a cope fantasy for losers who bring literally nothing to a relationship and can only imagine being with someone who loves them (...) instead of having earned that love by virtue of their charm and drive.
You just described literally every single anime waifu and why these losers are so into them.

>> No.21881749

Kafka on the Shore - Murakami

>> No.21881929

Lolita the sequel
Lolita third: The revenge of Lolita
Lolita forth: Resurrection of Humbert
Lolita fifth: The final fight
Lolita sixth: The final fight part 2
Lolita seventh: The Great loli wars
Lolita 8: Between multiverses
Lolita 9 (The crossover with American Psycho)
Lolita 10: The Patrick Bateman show
Lolita 11: Lolita kills
Lolita 12: Lolita breaks the forth wall
Lolita 13: Lolita goes inti 4channel
Lolita 14: Lolita gets a trans opperation
Lolito 15: He is back
Lolito 16: Lolito gets vaxxed
Lolito 17: Lolito dies

>> No.21882256

Wanting a "mommy gf" is childish.

>> No.21882260

no u

>> No.21882280

>mommy gf

There's really nothing wrong with wanting these kinds of things, only in expecting them.

>> No.21882285

my gf is like this but younger than me. In general women act like this when they love you

>> No.21882294

based she's the kind of girl to cook you a protein dinner with chicken and shit that is actually going to taste good

>> No.21882316

I'm litteraly millionaire, I hide my wealth because of gold diggers. All I do is reading and playing video games. I want a mommy girl friend, I would kill for it.

>> No.21882412

I'm sorry to tell you this but if you're a millionaire and your lifestyle is the same as a directionless NEET, you're just a rich loser.

>> No.21882428

What else would I do? Sports? More cars? Sex? Investing? Travelling? Paying more whores, so I can shit in the hole their use feed themselves? Utterly boring. Success is a meme once you have it all, you don't suffer, nobody suffers.

>> No.21882433
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Any good mom ntr literature?

>> No.21882439

Traveling and/or investing in experiences or a passion.

>> No.21882452

Poorfag dreams. I don't need more money. And there is nothing to see around the world once you travelled around, it can be done in less than 2 years.

>> No.21882460

That's just sad. There's so many things to do when you don't have money.

>> No.21882462

Bro I'm telling you to invest in *experiences*, not gawk at landmarks by yourself.

>> No.21882464

have money

>> No.21882471

Actually, my wife is a lot like this... But is all intermingled with her being annoying...

>> No.21882516
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I used to have a mommy kink back when I was a painfully shy loser and NEET. Now that I've grown up a bit and become more mature the kink reversed from MDLB to DDLG. I infantilize women, and call them "little girl" and "little one" while we're intimate. Guess I'm just attracted to fantasies, power plays and incest, because the more a girl is willing to put up with disgusting sexual things she wouldn't want on her own volition, the more evidence she actually loves me.

>> No.21882659

Spend some of your money to become a bond villain and build a cool base in a mountain or under the sea. Then you can read and play video games alone, but in style.

>> No.21882700

That would be a billion dollar endeavor, I don't have that much but I can definitely see the appeal though.

>> No.21882724
File: 2.95 MB, 1000x780, Julia Robbie - gbp System.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Son of a Certain Woman - Wayne Johnston
Theatre By W. Somerset Maugham,
Time Enough for Love and To Sail Beyond the Sunset - Robert Heinlein
The Goddess Abides by Pearl S Buck

>> No.21882780
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>> No.21882792

Good post, just look at all of 'em seething (You)s.

>> No.21882843
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>Mommy gfs have appeal because <...>

Mommy gfs have appeal because they are completely imaginary, and can be whatever. They are not real, it's a totally imagined state. It's all cartoon porn:
"Le [X] gf" is an expression of terminally online brainrot. Late Millennials and Zoomers have been so immersed in anime and internet porn, and so distant from actual women, that they come up with simulacra that have no reference to anything in reality. This is Baudrillard's stage 4 of simulation for coomers.

>> No.21882867

You should stop replying to the rich moron. 90% of Rich people only have aspirations to either lounge around until their kids or family can repeat the same cycle with their inheritance or become so powerful theyre arent even considered human in a traditional sense. Theirs no way this rich loser cares for experiences, he probably thinks those are worthless when really its invaluable

>> No.21882875

Bernhard Schlink - The Reader

>> No.21882894

being tall
good jawline
canthal tilt
ayo cicero go back to rome i heard it's in civil war or something we live in 2023

>> No.21882902

>Theatre By W. Somerset Maugham
if you're a dude don't read this. the milf is a disgusting human being, which was most likely made to appear to women

>> No.21882985

>the MILF is a disgusting human being
Just like in real life.

>> No.21883338



>> No.21883472

The best answer is
Chéri by Colette
All other answers btfo

>> No.21883486
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> Theatre By W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.21883699

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to be loved unconditionally.

>> No.21883732

Childhood is being mommygfpilled.
Adulthood is taking the cunnypill.

>> No.21883734

>no prequels

>> No.21883786

You are a loser

>> No.21883824

You're not 5. Grow up.

>> No.21883841

anon, the only person who will 100% love you unconditionally is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Look I like women too but their love is always conditional, that's just how it is I'm afraid. Like that Marine's wife who pity-married him after he was disfigured from an IED and then divorced him soon after.

>> No.21883843

>Look I like women too but their love is always conditional
The final redpill is that everyone's love is conditional, from your parents to your spouse and even your children.
>the only person who will 100% love you unconditionally is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Based and truthpilled.

>> No.21883955

This probably has to do with how parent's raise their children. If a boy is largely independent and is confident in his ability, he is less likely to have this fetish than for a boy who was sheltered and always wants to be guided.

>> No.21884009

embarrassing pseud post

>> No.21884033

For me it's mommy ASMR.

>> No.21884078

>Wrong and autistic

>> No.21884079
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For me it's 50min pov virtual sex mommyvids where it's 45 minutes of build up and 5 minutes of loveydovey sex.

>> No.21884215
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>"He loves me unconditionally!"
>"If I refuse him he'll cast me in a lake of fire for eternity"
Christcucks are truly the most retarded souls in existence

>> No.21884380
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>> No.21884629

>ow the edge

>> No.21884897

I know it didnt stop at 17 but I appreciate you stopping at 17.

>> No.21884902

Ivenever met my mom but I would like a mommy wife to care for me.

>> No.21884930
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nothing beats nabokov

>> No.21884959

Why yes I was neglected by my mother when I was a kid, how could you tell?

>> No.21884971

No prob

>> No.21885010
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He's right, i was raised by an overprotective widowed mom, i literally get aroused whenever i hear the words "mommy" or "mama" even in non-sexual situations, fucked me up for life.

>> No.21885123


>> No.21885134

For me it's the Madonna-whore complex.

>> No.21885218 [DELETED] 

I was raised by perfectly good parents and this shit still gets me off.
I'm just really into women showing signs of maturity and 'adultness'
I guess.

>> No.21885521

yes I have deep-rooted mommy issues, so what?

>> No.21885535

I have charm and drive and yet I still feel like a loser if I am not currently in a relationship with one

>> No.21885551

If your desire for a girlfriend as mother outweighs your desire for a girlfriend as innocent victim then you are a genetic dead end and need to be put down.

>> No.21885577

Unconditionally is a tricky word. Because if someone loves you unconditionally you're worth being loved, but would someone worth being loved really have an abundance of disgusting or negative traits (obviously more than looks)? Would they ever get to the stage of being loved unconditionally? One should simply say true love is being loved unconditionally but one should not expect to find true love if there is nothing appealing about you.

>> No.21885601

I don't think you have ever actually watched anime if that is what you actually think.

Most anime girls within the narrative have pretty high, very particular standards.
It just so happens that the MC usually has exactly what she is looking for or gains it within the story.

They just usually aren't the standard real world reasons gals go for guys.
Like instead of being rich and especially hansom, the guy would be the greatest swordsman of their generation with a heart of gold who saves the day and eventually gets the girl.
Or a dude who happens to have absurdly high magical potential in a world where magical potential can be passed down genetically, thus making him by default desirable to people who covet that sort of thing. With the narrative being more about their view of him becoming more nuanced as they come to see him as a complete person rather than just a means to political and magical power for their families.

And so on and so forth.
There is very rarely ever a storyline involving unconditional love in the relationship sense. With the ones that do tending to ether have odd, intentionally dysfunctional, or "problematic" dynamics.
That or things are oversimplified to the extreme for the sake of other aspects of the story. Like the love between the hero and captured princess is taken for granted since that isn't what the story is about. It's about larger than life boss of the week battles or whatever.

>> No.21886486
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lol mommy approved

>> No.21886535

How did the Stand get on this list but not Devil in the Flesh?

>> No.21886778
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I hope this helps you.

>> No.21886782

>the milf is a disgusting human being
If she was a disgusting human being then she's wouldn't be a milf

>> No.21886810
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larpagan's law

>> No.21886839

Mommy gfs are gay. And Icm surpsised thus sight isn't more into eife husbandry all things considered. All I want with an older woman is just to be the kid that got with the cute babysitter.

>> No.21886848

Lower your BF%, build some muscle and get your hygeine in order and you will shoot up the rating scale. What he meant by charm clearly wasn't the art of fedora tipping but attractiveness, which you have to cultivate so is put out passively by simply being attractive looking, sounding, etc. That's being Charming.

>> No.21887759

time enough for love.

Also mommy 'i love you sweety' relationships are creepy

>> No.21887789

Norwegian Wood isn't centred around it but it does have a younger man-older woman sex scene. It's less pathetic than a "mommy gf" though.

>> No.21887796

this is why trans is so prominent IMO.

Bring nothing to the table and just want to be loved unconditionally? That's basically being a woman in many cases.

Unwaivering devotion from someone who brings in everything you want to an ideal condition is the fantasy of a girl.
Thus, these men basically want the unearned rewards of being a woman. Becoming a tranny isn't too far off from that which is why a lot of trannies also love anime since Waifus are similar.

There's some daily wisdom for you, and yes I take tips in Bitcoin.

>> No.21887968

>Mommy gf

Just a phase before you come into your latent homosexuality

>> No.21888027

Is that how many points I have to pay or how many points I receive?

>> No.21888937
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>Is that how many points I have to pay
Yes, so you better be a good boy or she will fuck your friends instead

>> No.21889341
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>> No.21889879

non-fiction books for this exact feel, text and pic?

>> No.21889958

Wow, imagine having this much of an adult women fetish

>> No.21890048

>me stealing all daddy's surrealist art before bedtime
It was my imaginary friend, I swear

>> No.21890075

You really thought this post was a zinger huh

>> No.21890277

You're projecting a whole lot of your own neuroticism into a fantasy that is basically just abut sucking on a pair of big tits while a woman massages your scalp and calls you a good boy.

>> No.21890281

>t. divorced parents

>> No.21890431
File: 28 KB, 304x499, 51KBvFTuokL._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Belong to you Forever and Ever - Tara Tainton
It Can Happen So Fast When Its Your First Time - Tara Tainton

>> No.21890804

Age of Reason has Boris and Lola. It's by Sartre so Americans might seethe too much to read his books.

>> No.21890818

Madame by Antoni Libera

>> No.21891263

Im already familiar wit the oeuvre, I was asking about literature

>> No.21891545

Good. The truth was spoken.

>> No.21892069

i'd rather have a daughterwife

>> No.21892151

Also kino
A sweet tiny young thing who views you as a loving authority figure snuggling up to you against the cold of night

>> No.21892162

Coomer thread

>> No.21892257

I'm like this except I want a mean, mentally unstable mommy gf with sanpaku eyes and neck tats who smacks me around and pulls my hair when we bang.

>> No.21892260

Try your local trailer park.

>> No.21892279

No u

>> No.21892923
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Kino thread*

>> No.21893148
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n-name please

>> No.21893887

Name pls

>> No.21893941

I'm not into the mommy thing but I want that. If a woman's love depends on my actions instead of some internal inherent quality of myself then I can never fully relax and let my guard down around her, because if I ever lose all those things then she'll go away too.

>> No.21893957

That's just the way it is. I think women used to be able to give you that maternal love in key moments, like when you're sick and helpless for a while. But these days women are all big confused scared children who want you to be their dad. I've never been able to just be truly myself or be weak and vulnerable around a woman unless it fit into a larger narrative, like she enjoys playing the maternal role for a weekend when I have the flu. But they'd never do it beyond the point that they enjoy it, and somehow you always know that, so you always know you're still in control of the situation ultimately.

I wonder what being totally loved and cared for is even like. I can't imagine trusting a woman to do that, they're too erratic and selfish. She'd make it about her somehow and then if you had a problem with that she'd cry and make THAT about her too.

>> No.21894265

Good girl

>> No.21894363

>motherly love is bad because... it's bad!

>> No.21894423

>I think women used to be able to give you that maternal love in key moments, like when you're sick and helpless for a while
hahahahahaha when my dad was in hospital with a brain injury my mum just straight up fucking left him and hooked up with a pot dealer. When I asked her why she bailed on him she just went "oh we were two different people. LOL I don't talk to her anymore.
Women were always whores like modern women, there were just expectations and consequences tailored to women to control (mostly the outward signs and obvious negative externalities of, women were still whores on the downlow) whoring

>> No.21894491

You just described nisekai specifically. Take some harem anime with real-life setting and MC gets all the pussy for a simple reason like "he's so kind". I mean, nowadays it's probably a rare thing in people but IRL simply being kind won't be enough for someone to love you.

>> No.21895445


>> No.21896171


>> No.21896209

This is the truth

>> No.21896235
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Mommy gf: cringe
Cunny gf: based

>> No.21896524

>If a woman's love depends on my actions instead of some internal inherent quality of myself
It does.
>then I can never fully relax and let my guard down around her,
You can't.
>because if I ever lose all those things then she'll go away too.
She will.
All that said, sometimes you can take actions that imprint yourself so drastically into a woman that she will end up pseudo-unconditionally loving you by way of obsession, dependency, or some other unhealthy-in-the-long-run mania. As someone living that though, I'm not sure if I can say I recommend it. It's comforting to know she'll pretty much never leave me, and won't do anything intentionally that would jeopardize my interest in her, but things can be difficult at times still anyways.

>> No.21896573

Not in my case. My mother is a cunt, no doubt but I like em young

>> No.21896594

hang yourself you subhuman

>> No.21897005


>> No.21897205

You make daddy VERY proud :)

>> No.21897284

^v^ [shows you all the creepy drawings of her teddy bears]

>> No.21897296
File: 1.05 MB, 640x640, Mommy Larkin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe, take the mommypill

>> No.21897307

I'm so horny.

>> No.21897335

The female is the home, the core of the ape tribe, the male is the explorer that patrols the tribal lands and maybe even takes women from other tribes to start his own.
Mommy gf symbolically means home and comfort, it's a static thing. The young woman crushing on an older man means almost the opposite, something like exploration or revolution. The male fantasy is being the hero of the revolution / werewolf king. The female fantasy is being the ruling queen but still wanted by the hero of the revolution / werewolf king.

>> No.21897370
File: 241 KB, 1000x800, 1675292810987197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all have a mother complex. This is hardly surprising given that our mothers are literally the matrix, knitting us together into bodily and psychic being. On the bodily level, our mother gestates us from the moment of conception, bathing us in her chemical signals, carrying us as her oxygen and nutrient-rich blood pulsates through us, her hormonal cascades keeping us in sync with the stages of intrauterine development, and finally tuning us exquisitely to the momentous event of our birth. After birth, her oxytocin bonds us to her in a state of blissful union. Slowly she awakens us to the world around us, infusing it with magic and wonder, so that everything around us is lit up by her love and pleasure, the flowers that she points out to us, the moon, all become aspects of her. For the rest of our lives, we will long to recapture that first romance, the lost paradise of her love.
same but only for mature women

>> No.21898060 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 615x800, honore-la-belle-et-la-bete-2r09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's my adorable little girl?

>> No.21898066
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The perfect woman does not ex-

>> No.21898069

What is this supposed to be?

>> No.21898070
File: 470 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230411_032040_com.android.gallery3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets even better

>> No.21898072
File: 173 KB, 1200x800, leon-the-professional-get-the-look-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita 11: Lolita kills
This one was kino

>> No.21898073 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 1600x900, cover6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chat between a man and a woman where the man asks if he can call her mommy and she says yes

>> No.21898076 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 1108x474, 1668454880550104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on talking to a woman on the internet. Was it your cousin? Are you still socially awkward?

>> No.21898390

Me ^_^/ it's me ^v^

>> No.21898808
File: 23 KB, 300x214, laBelleEtLaBete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's you. To me, you are the most innocent and adorable little girl in the world and nothing can ever change that <3

>> No.21898813

Milfs are so sexy. Makes me completely forget about the wall meme.

>> No.21898826

They just don’t know how good it is to have the sub slave yourself. I once met a girl with a daddy fetish and it was weird at the time but I went with it, the head was insane. She was crazy though, too much for me at the time.

>> No.21898852

An unsurprisingly popular thread. Nerds love dommy mommies.

>> No.21898897 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.56 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230411_120936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beast looks sick in this one, you should show him the rabbits that live under my bed at night, beasts like fat rabbits

>> No.21899239
File: 2.32 MB, 1313x2000, 1663504040219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't?

>> No.21899341

The beast is sick because he misses the comfort of being held in the arms of his sweet little girl.

>> No.21899357

[Nods] snuggles and kisses do make everything better <3

>> No.21900214


Still waiting

>> No.21900272

>someone took the time to write this
This is why I come to the this site.

>> No.21900333

The wall is no meme. It’s funny to fantasize about milfs when you’re a teen, but the hot mom or teacher will become a living corpse by the time you reach your physical prime. Imagine having to put up with grandma in your 30s when there’s plenty of young and tight pussy out there.

>> No.21900466
File: 97 KB, 717x1024, 1670565869499060m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine having to put up with grandma in your 30s
believe me i do.
>Tfw no granny mommy gf

>> No.21900557

this post is so naive
only a /lit/ boy could have produced it

>> No.21900565

you are reading too much into this,i believe

>> No.21902000

fake asses are disgusting

>> No.21902006

The basest of things have the profoundest of meanings, as they are produced by the deepest parts of the mind. You can tell a lot more about a man by what porn he consumes than his thesis

>> No.21902297

My fetish is having a gf who loves me

>> No.21902520

She doesn’t love you

>> No.21902638
File: 52 KB, 768x1024, 1679248136967032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring nothing to the table
completely wrong, I want to help out mommy and for her to be proud of me as well.

>> No.21902667

>The basest of things have the profoundest of meanings, as they are produced by the deepest parts of the mind.
Wow, connecting three superlatives really give the impression of a coherent thought.
The most superficial of things have the most profound impact because they most efficiently cheat our desire for grammar into a misperception of meaning.

>> No.21902677

How is he wrong, though?
>The most superficial of things have the most profound impact because they most efficiently cheat our desire for grammar into a misperception of meaning.
This is less meaningful than his statement. There is nothing superficial about what he said.

>> No.21902683

Not him but if you're genuinely having this much trouble with anon's sentence, English lit might not be for you.
He's essentially saying that your lizard brain will take over when you're hungry, tired, frightened, horny, and so things like food, sex, things that eat little humans will fascinate humans better than say, calculus or architecture or anything that comes higher up Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

>> No.21902684

>How is he wrong, though?
He isn't. It's neither false or true, it's nonsense.
If you disagree, elaborate what it means. What is the deepest part of the mind? What does that mean? What is the profoundest meaning? What does that mean?
It's gibberish, fairly well-designed to appear parsable and semi-profound, but it means nothing.

>> No.21902692

>Not him but if you're genuinely having this much trouble with anon's sentence, English lit might not be for you.
Dispense with the insults or make them less boring.
>He's essentially saying that your lizard brain will take over when you're hungry, tired, frightened, horny, and so things like food, sex, things that eat little humans will fascinate humans better than say, calculus or architecture or anything that comes higher up Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Good job mobilizing all your pseudo-Freudianism and cheap pop-sci psychology. However, that is clearly not what he is saying - his claim is not that "sex is fascinating" (painfully banal), it is rather that:
>The basest of things have the profoundest of meanings, as they are produced by the deepest parts of the mind
Not everything that fascinates has meaning, so your reading is gibberish as well.

>> No.21902703

So, how's middle school going for you, anon? The other kids being nice to you? Where's the attitude coming from? Shame you needed help to parse a simple sentence? You should really refocus your social shame to spazzing out like this, because people won't mind if you're ignorant, but they will point out you're an arrogant dick to people who help your dumb ass when you don't understand shit as a much much greater flaw in your ability to socialize.
Was that tailored enough for you?

>> No.21902728

Yes, very good, good to see some effort, now keep seething etc.

Now, if we can return to the matter at hand:
>The basest of things have the profoundest of meanings, as they are produced by the deepest parts of the mind
This is said in the context of a fetish somehow revealing something profound about a character. I point out it is nonsense. You say that it is essentially about how we find sex fascinating. Your misunderstanding basically consists in putting the cart in front of the horse - rather than explain how on earth the most primitive can PRODUCE profound meaning about a well-developed psychology, which is what the claim is, you are telling me, banally, that we think sex is interesting. That we find sex interesting has zero relevance to a discussion about what revelations a "mommy fantasy" has in store to enlighten us on a well-developed psyche.

So I'll be a bit pedagogical. Try to read your own words in relation to the original claim, expressed less pretentiously:
>You can tell a lot more about a man by what porn he consumes than his thesis
This somehow has something to do with Maslow's hierarchy of needs according to you. Elaborate.

>> No.21902731

When I get in power all of you adult baby diaperfur freaks and getting the wall.

>> No.21902733

Your curiosity sounds like a (you) problem, tbph kid. Good luck with that.

>> No.21902751

Thank you.

>> No.21903641
File: 123 KB, 867x867, hot nazi sexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. Its about German shota falling in love in ex-Nazi mommy. Being written by a bergjude lawyer its cucked to the extreme ofc (mommy gets imprisoned, occupies rest her life with reading hollowcost literature, finally donates all her meagre shekels to ze juice and khs), but at least the shota scores sexo with Kate Winslet looking she-wolf from SS

>> No.21903659
File: 131 KB, 551x800, la-belle-et-la-bete-3hpm (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*strokes your hair* Are you actually a girl?

>> No.21904216

You faggots need to quit larping on the thread and go to email or discord or irc or wherever the fuck. ERP elsewhere.

>> No.21904266

You honestly, like truly and really, believe you’ve been talking with a girl and not an obese neckbeard stuffing his face with Chips Ahoy! while shitting into his adult diaper? I thougt this whole yime you were a faggot getting off on it because anyone with a half functioning brain would’ve known you’re talking to a 400 lb. hairy ape-man.

>> No.21904939
File: 92 KB, 800x902, 1677440860046584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of DDLGfags

>> No.21905004

[Spoiler]yeah but unlikely to be in same country and I think we're pissing off the on topic freaks. You're sweet though[/spoiler]
>Pls no more Grimm illustrations
But they're pretty. Fair point though on thread relevance, Gordon or The House of Sleeping Beauties etc won't fit in here.
>tfw 23" waist in country which doesn't make cookies from fire retardants and corn
Please don't let your mother feed you American shit if this thread works out for you, you don't deserve that, not even if you're American