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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 225x335, Jonathan-franzen-freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2188962 [Reply] [Original]

I have to write an essay about this piece of shit. What do yal nigga's think of this book?

>> No.2188970

that it's just the corrections updated with bullshit libtard anti-war pro-green crap to seem "relevant"

>> No.2188991
File: 20 KB, 339x425, Keanu-Reeves-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are somethings in this book that I can actually pick apart as Libtard faggotry? Like I noticed Franzen had one of the characters have a bumper sticker that read "I'm white and I vote," which I thought was sort of unneccessary and generalizing of an entire race. As if when white people go to the polls they go specifically to disenfranchise minorities.

Basically, how would you go about tearing this book a new asshole?

>> No.2188995

there's a 10 page essay about conservation hidden in there. i say hidden, it's not at all.

>> No.2188999

How about Joey being unable to get an erection after meeting Jessica's right-wing father? Her closeness to those politics makes her repulsive and he is also subconsciously wary of taking over the role of that man - it triggers him giving up his profiteering ways and becoming a nice family businessman.

>> No.2189009
File: 241 KB, 1400x937, the_road02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep a look out for it. Just started reading. I'm on page 36. Worst book I've read in a while. The Road was a piece of shit too... PULITZER PRIZE winning piece of shit. It's amazing cause I could have sworn I heard that story before, Omega man, last man on earth, I am legend yada yada yada...

>> No.2189021

if you didn't like the road you can go eat a dick

i'm guessing you're still a child?

>> No.2189023

No, I'm an adult. If I was a child I prolly would have been blown away by it. What did you like about the road?

>> No.2189033

the incredible power of mccarthy's depiction of the relationship between the man and the boy. it's one of the few instances in fiction where i feel the depth of feeling and the willingness to total sacrifice in a familial relationship has been accurately and moving conveyed.

that's what the story's about, not the end of the world but how love and the survival instinct can last longer than humanity. i honestly cannot believe someone couldn't like it.

>> No.2189044
File: 23 KB, 315x400, slaughterhouse5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya see, I thought the relationship between the father and the boy was Pedoish. The wife basically kills herself and the father and son are left to pursue their romantic relationship unabated. The book was basically "what if Omega man was into little boys instead of girl pussy."

Here is the road: "We walked... it was cold... the boy asked if we still carried the fire... I told him we did... there was a sound... the boy got scared... I fucked his mouth... we moved on..."

That is not Pulitzer Prize worthy literature in my opinion...

If you want to see a true analysis of the human condition in a work of fiction you should read "Slaughter House Five."

>> No.2189045
File: 24 KB, 300x205, 20101119-tows-jonathan-franzen-3-300x205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when all your Franz-en you talk shit about books that are actually okay

>> No.2189046

oh, you're trolling. should have noticed earlier but i guess your weak troll-fu didn't set of my hardened detectors.

>> No.2189050

I didnt say that The Road isn OK. I said it isnt Pulitzer Prize winning material. Its definately an ok book, but the fact it won a Pulitzer Prize speaks volumes about the amount of actual shit that exists out there.

>> No.2189052

He is so annoying in interviews. I have no idea how DFW stood being around him. Wallace was a silly bugger and Franzen is all super serious and environmental and stuff.

But fuck that book. For some reason it stands out in the literary world above the other Oprah choices. I confess to have little understanding of this.

>> No.2189053

it's the best book to win the pulitzer for 30 years, and it probably edges out confederacy of dunces too

>> No.2189054

Why does everyone always shit all over Franzen on /lit/?

Incidentally, I haven't read anything by him. Good first work? Worth it? Is it all really, ahem, 'Libtard faggotry'?

Oh, you...

>> No.2189055

>first work

there are only 2 (iirc)

i've not read any (not my scene) but i know a lot of people who loved the corrections and a few who liked freedom

>> No.2189057


Please rewrite that sentence. It makes no fucking sense.

>> No.2189066

I wasn't particularly impressed by the novel. It wasnt as bad as Freedom is proving to be, but it definately didnt leave an impression on me.

>> No.2189072
File: 20 KB, 490x488, genie-herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friends an'

it's not hard, damn

>> No.2189074


Must've been thinking of The Marriage Plot. Eugenides, Franzen, Chabon &c. all kind of blend together.

And wikipedia says Franzen came out with two books before The Corrections.

>> No.2189077
File: 103 KB, 487x700, PlagueDoc_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franzen is the Cancer that is killing /lit/ avoid his shit like the plague

>> No.2189081


This thread is now about The Marriage Plot?

>> No.2189086
File: 43 KB, 275x295, tinkerbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lololo, where is my mind?

>> No.2189128


>mfw something a little less hyperbolic, por favor.
>mfw I'm not going to put my face on a public networking site, what are you, loco? por cierto, por cierto...

>> No.2189134



>> No.2189148


Stop samefagging and give me a real answer.

>captcha: gnifirs Freedom

>> No.2189165


>> No.2189196

i dont understand what this means

>> No.2189214

Why not?

>> No.2189221

I don't know what it means either.

>> No.2189231


>> No.2189235

how did i do it do to myself?

>> No.2189239

you tell you, you'll let you have you know

>> No.2189244


>> No.2189255

>Must've been thinking of The Marriage Plot.
that's at least his third one

>Eugenides, Franzen, Chabon &c. all kind of blend together.
together, they very, very, very, very, very ineffectually and wussily fight crime

>> No.2189259

>together, they very, very, very, very, very ineffectually and wussily fight crime
My suspicions exactly.

>> No.2189273



>> No.2189281

gently, gently; always gently

>> No.2189304

Eugenides and Chabon make Franzen look butch by comparison. He'd have to be the muscle of the operation because he sure as shit ain't the brains.

>> No.2189313

Franzen does seem to have a general King of the Effetes vibe about him.

>> No.2189317

Which would make Eugenides and Chabon Queen and Slave, respectively.

>> No.2189437
File: 61 KB, 500x250, tumblr_ltfc1fZk4b1qcoev6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it back!

>> No.2189449

Pretty much all American writers of today are sissy little morons drooling out tryhard crap with thesauruses in their laps.

Pynchon and McCarthy are just about the only exceptions.

>> No.2189481


he looks like shakespeare

>> No.2189493


sounds like you're a bit entry-level in your tastes and/or knowledge. Try some Harry Crews, faggot.

>> No.2189497
File: 70 KB, 399x516, PaulAuster_credit_LotteHansenblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read some Paul Auster

>> No.2189620
File: 23 KB, 470x294, louisck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He looks like the Louis CK and Will Oldham's secret lovechild.

>> No.2189621

he looks like a professor/working poet who tries to get his cutest students to let him pee on them

>> No.2189623

No *the*.
You guys knew that.

>> No.2189625

Louie CK is old and soft but he's got the swagger of a champion while Jeffy E just looks like a dork. Chabon is my fav thesaurus-barfing sissy, though.

>> No.2189647

No hate meant.
CK's broken but he makes light of it while he hangs in there like a bastard.
Eugenides is wearing a leather vest and a floral shirt.

>> No.2189656

posted up in miami with colombian cartels
fan base wider than eugenides lapels

>> No.2189670


I'm 100 pages from the end and as far as I can tell

Every character in the book undermines the motives of every other character by subjecting them to Freudian analysis. So every character becomes overly competitive and shallow.

except for the red necks, who then become the most sincere characters. So it is safe to say that franzen is stating that blind prejudice is the only sincere way of existing

>> No.2189675


Yup. Or to be more precise, he's saying that only people who think that too much thinking gives you wrinkles are to be trusted, are, when you get right down to it, good folks. These being, of course, the same people he's trying to sell to. It seems fair to call this pampering of ignorance an evil act.

>> No.2189727

love u anon