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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 568 KB, 1054x1743, Average lit girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21888942 No.21888942 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I meet girls that read literature?

>> No.21888953

That's a man

>> No.21888954

If it's women (male) you're after,
and you won't be swayed by laughter,
then go where there are rafters,
and look up

>> No.21888959

Bookshops, cafes, dialectical behavior therapy sessions...

>> No.21888961

Sunning themselves with books outdoors on bright mornings

>> No.21888968

>girls who read books
>girls who read classics
pretty much college campuses only

>> No.21889017

the psych ward, mental health help meetings, etc...

>> No.21889022

I'm black

>> No.21889033

hope you get well soon

>> No.21889063

She’s ugly and has shit taste. Who cares

>> No.21889075

this lol. maybe OP is happy with a YA nerd gf though.

rude. Girls should be graded on a curve when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.21889086

>Girls should be graded on a curve when it comes to this stuff.
I don't think she has very many curves, anon

>> No.21889129

Her jawline is looking like y = x^2 to me.

>> No.21889144

In Europe.
BTW she kinda looks like she's about to pitch middle-out data compression algorithm idea

>> No.21889153

I feel insulted looking at this. God forgive.

>> No.21889170

I'd compress her middle out.

>> No.21889177

it's only a matter of time until that boat sinks

>> No.21889235

That's either a man or the ugliest girl I've seen, can't tell which one.

>> No.21889262

Wow, that's good! Your own?

>> No.21889268

Art galleries, libraries, just not bars...

>> No.21889430
File: 264 KB, 1044x1117, female-rape-fantasies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good news is, they're everywhere.
The bad news is, they read cringe "modern" romance, which mostly involves a plain-Jane being romanced by a devastatingly handsome billionaire, who then rapes her.
I wish I was kidding.

>> No.21889439

bravissimo sir

>> No.21889574

That book sucks. Where can I meet girls who read literature AND have good taste?

>> No.21889583

>Pride and Prejudice sucks
Don't think meeting people with good taste will work out very well for you, considering you have very bad taste

>> No.21889590

no u

>> No.21889764

I actually feel really bad for ugly girls these days. With trannys running amok, people take the safe route and assume you're a dude when in the old days you'd just be ugly.

>> No.21889900
File: 184 KB, 960x960, nerd-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. For a self-described fan of nerd ladies like me, I'm very nervous that any awkward-looking girl might be a mtf trans.
Oh well...it's not like my romantic entreaties were succeeding anyway.

>> No.21889908

At a library, retard

>> No.21889928
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>> No.21890027
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>> No.21890160
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The library of course

>> No.21890606
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they all just LARP
>meet girl, 8 months ago
>first date
>great time, she's smart and cute
>she's into literature
>taste a bit all over the place but has read many classics and talks about them intelligently
>really fall for her as she's reading Steinbeck at that moment
>make it official
>hasn't read a book in 6 months since

>> No.21890618
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>> No.21890634

I met my wife at a house party, lol. "Aesthetic" lit girls don't actually read much, they just talk about their four favorite novels and dress like 1800s librarians and shit. There are real women out there who appreciate literature but they're almost always just normal people. My wife is a pretty unassuming aside from her insane reading habit. She puts me to shame.

>> No.21890637

Doesn't matter if it's male or female. As long as I physically and mentally mog him/her then he/her can be my bitch

>> No.21890653


Just fuck her and if you wake up gay the next day you know she's a man.

>> No.21890753

Who is this goddess? Does she have an OnlyFans? An Amazon Wishlist?

>> No.21890766

>start a new job
>girl coworker is reading a book
>couple of months later ask her what she's reading now
>same book

>> No.21891026
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>> No.21891107

Chad's bed

>> No.21891110
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>girl reading a book that's not ya

>> No.21891813

do NOT try to hook up with girls that like literature.
My ex was into Mishima, Evola, Pessoa. She almost ruined my life before I finally got away.

>> No.21891862

someone post that DFW letter

>> No.21891876

Sauce? I wish to develop a parasocial relationship with xer.

>> No.21891930

Women shouldn't read they have cooking and cleaning and baby tending to do

>> No.21892269
File: 72 KB, 348x301, 1551409058670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like a man but if it was actually a girl I'd fuck it.

>> No.21892384

it's pretty easy if you're a chaser

>> No.21892562

Storytime, anon.
I used to date a girl who read John Green and other YA and I almost ruined her life.

>> No.21892874


>Meet girl
>She reads mostly Mishima, Evola and some real edgelord stuff
>Listens to noise.
>She's super fun but extremely impulsive
>Finds out she has bpd and a host of other issues
>Eventually she starts flipping out every now and then
>Finally threatens me with a knife and screams at me to leave and never see her again
>Live peacefully for a few month
>She contacts me desperate to make mends and wants to get together again
>I stupidly accept
>Repeat of the last relationship
>Lasts a bit longer this time before she freaks up. End up meeting all her friends and family etc.
>When she starts freaking out again I man up and actually break up with her
>She spends the next month or so screaming at me over the phone and sending me crazy messages
>Finally she gives up and leaves me alone.

She was insanely hot and funny, but also quite literally insane. Pretty sure I would have ended up in a ditch or stabbed or something if I didn't finally break up.

>> No.21892993
File: 1.74 MB, 4602x1936, IMG_20220914_221908050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I meet a girl that reads Gene Wolf? Has one woman ever read him?

>> No.21893014

>then go where there are rafters,
>and look up
suicide jokes are not funny you brute
>and you won't be swayed by laughter
this line doesn't even add anything

>> No.21893096

trannies sway back and forth from the noose
learn to understand things better

>> No.21893248

If someone a tranny then they already don't understand basic reality

>> No.21893274

>this line doesn't even add anything
it means your peers mocking you should be a sign you are doing something wrong by fucking a faggot's perpetually rotting second anus

>> No.21893314

touche shitlords but check your privilege at the door next time

>> No.21893419

A few minutes into rem sleep usually works for me

>> No.21893460
File: 101 KB, 828x1019, IMG_20221216_132710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wow anon, you read Book of the New Sun how many times? I've only read it twice."

>> No.21893476


>> No.21893745
File: 221 KB, 250x250, 1664511969673839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgust for rape is lower than regular sex

>> No.21893802


>> No.21893835
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, 3E98449C-AAF9-45C4-9161-8123769755D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically go to a psych ward

>> No.21893838

there is a quote from Ursula K. Le Guin used as a blurb on a lot of his books, she compares him to Herman Melville
So clearly at least 1 woman has read Wolfe

>> No.21893839

I think you mean girls *who* read literature.

>> No.21893844

Ok but tbf who doesn't want to be raped by attractive people

>> No.21893927

That shit's straight out of a hentai

>> No.21894081 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 892x1254, 1680629355825642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If such type of girls don't come to you, you might as well give up. NGMI, incels.

>> No.21894246

anon i...

>> No.21895335

ya but lesbians/friend of wolfe does not count

>> No.21895341

Yep. Sadly most trannies are pozzed, but so are most women.

>> No.21895342


I'm glad DFW is dead so we weren't subjected to another 20 years of this inane garbage

>> No.21895889


>> No.21895928

is DFW godfather of shitposting?

>> No.21895959

it really do be like dat doh

>> No.21896592

Single moms/diivorcees Book clubs, they read good vintage books like Pearl S Buck or Somerset Maugham.

>> No.21897894


> hangs self

>> No.21897902

>read it twice
>understood absolutely nothing

>> No.21897927

I have never in my 35 years met a woman who enjoyed reading. In highschool and college reading assignments were always met with outrage and saying it was a waste of time, and in adult no woman I know would ever pick a book if her life depended on it. Is it just the normie experience?

>> No.21897936

I would agree with you on appearance alone, but there is no tranny so skilled at being a woman that he'd obsess over Jane Austen to this degree.

>> No.21898189

I want to suck his shrunken pink HRT cock in the middle of the libary

>> No.21898217
File: 207 KB, 720x801, o4n8fvy1twp31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a /lit/ bf. I'm currently reading The Secret History. Previously have read American Psycho, Call me by your name, Crime and Punishment, Catch 22, Book of the new sun, Franny and zooey, The talented mr ripley, Song of achilles, Anna Karenina, Joan Didion, Foundation, the bell jar, flowers for algernon, the diving bell and the butterfly, great circle, revolt against the modern world, klara and the sun, the count of monte cristo, the sun also rises, dracula, the three musketeers books and next I will likely read Moby dick.

>> No.21898275

Are you a girl?

>> No.21898282


>> No.21898285

Not worth it. Theyll read shit like pride and prejudice and romance novels.
Theyll have unrealistic expectations and will only want to talk about their shit fem novels.
Better off finding a mate that reads lit and chat with him

>> No.21898398

I think normies like reading but it's more like page turners and fluff you can skim? And a lot of porn.
It could be your country too. Here even drugged out junkies are likely to have a favourite book.
t. once had a literal crack whore insist I read a book on mesoamerican decorative motifs

>> No.21898404



>> No.21898408

Call me, Lucy.

>> No.21898421

Trying really hard to hide his adams apple, thats how you know its a man. There, i just did u faggots a favor by giving u this advice.

>> No.21898478

Where are you from and what's your contact?

>> No.21898499

I'm going to die a virgin and I've made peace with that. Sex is something other people do

>> No.21898623

I can attest to this
I know a few girls who read books and I lend them meditations and bell jar and they lend me Colleen Hoover

>> No.21898767

>Better off finding a mate that reads lit and chat with him
And then what?

>> No.21898795


rainbowstyle at proton dot me

>> No.21898854

We did it, /soc/!

>> No.21898896

The things I noticed first are the monkey lips, strong nose, wide shoulders, big hands

>> No.21898913

When your chin is excavating the earth at your feet I don't think you need to "try" to hide your adams apple

>> No.21898922

You sure that she wasn’t a guy in a wig?

>> No.21898929

It's called a pickme.