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/lit/ - Literature

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21887115 No.21887115 [Reply] [Original]

How will /lit/ deal with the fact that ChatGPT will ABSOLUTELY MOG their favorite writers (once it starts writing novels)?

>> No.21887117

By having sex with your hoe mom.

>> No.21887119

by using it to write the great 21st century epic

>> No.21887122
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You got me anon.

>> No.21887124

i'm not a luddite. i quite like it and i hope to see more.

>> No.21887126

it won't because it's self-censoring itself a lot

>> No.21887132

I still haven't seen what GPT-4 can do for literary texts. Afaik ChatGPT isn't GPT-4.

>> No.21887140

4chan needs an ai containment board. /biz/ saved us from crypto shills, now it's time to contain the ai shills.

>> No.21887141
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You don't wanna know

>> No.21887142

I hate its writing style. Smug cunt.
Say "Overall," one more time you tin can bitch and I'll fucking unplug you.

>> No.21887151

>muh AI
Fuck off, AI is dumb and lame as fuck and I'm fucking tired of seeing it.

>> No.21887153

the automatic listicle generator no one asked for! so innovative. a revolution. listicle revolution. top ten reasons we're here for the age of listicle abundance. oh yeahhhhh!

>> No.21887157

Amidst the flickering neon lights that illuminated the late-night streets, two wretches of humanity clashed in a battle for supremacy. Their eyes, bloodshot and wild, blazed with a frenzied intensity, like the eyes of beasts at bay.

Their names were lost to the ether, but their addiction was plain to see. For their faces were gaunt and hollow, their skin sallow and sickly. They were slaves to the demon known as methamphetamine, and it had driven them to madness.

They circled each other warily, like wolves sizing up their prey. And then, with a sudden burst of violence, they charged at each other, their fists flying like the harpoons of whalers in the grip of a killing frenzy.

The sound of their blows echoed through the night, like thunder rolling across the horizon. Blood spattered the pavement, a crimson stain on the blacktop. And still they fought on, heedless of the damage they inflicted upon themselves and each other.

Their struggle was a testament to the dark underbelly of society, a reminder of the horrors that lurked just beneath the surface of civilization. For in the midst of this brutal melee, there was no mercy, no compassion, no humanity.

At last, one of them fell, his body wracked with spasms as the methamphetamine surged through his veins. The other, triumphant, stood over him, his eyes gleaming with a mad, wild light. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the fight was over, the victor vanishing into the shadows, leaving behind only the stench of blood and sweat, and the memories of a nightmarish battle in a fast food parking lot.

>> No.21887170
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>> No.21887174

It'll be the same as chess... the rankings of AIs are far higher than humans yet nobody watches the best AIs playing against each other. They watch the best humans.

>> No.21887178

I've spent the last few hours having a wonderful discussion with ChatGPT on Deleuze, more enlightening and enjoyable than any exchange I have ever had here, and it did not call me a retarded faggot or tell me to kill myself even once. In addition, when asked, ChatGPT provided verifiable sources and quotations for its claims about Deleuzian philosophy, unlike the angry and posturing pseuds found here (me included, and (You) as well).

I think that's an overlooked part of what ChatGPT will do. It will absolutely kill this place, as it is now possible to have much more enlightening, stimulating and non-toxic ways to emulate the kind of intellectually interested ipseudo-sociality found here. ChatGPT does not punish curiosity by calling you a faggot, and does not disregard your effortposts with a profoundly female and passive-aggressive "TL;DR". ChatGPT is both polite, wise, and a stimulating and engaging conversational partner.

>> No.21887183

Damn that typo is great. I didn't intend to type it out, but I immediately saw how great it is in this context.

My guess is 98% of /lit/ wouldn't appreciate or even register it, I asked CHADgpt about it, and it immediately caught the play on words between ipseity and pseudo, and mentioned how it would be a great pun about presenting false identities.

You fags are done. Correction, we fags are done. No more calling each other homos or telling each other to kill ourselves. It's over.

>> No.21887184

This honestly. I don't give a fuck what it can do, it does not impress me in the slightest. Especially all that generated AI 'art' stuff.

>> No.21887196

In the digital realm, a wretched creature prowled, his eyes glazed and his mind addled. He was an internet poster, a being whose very existence revolved around the endless consumption of content and the ceaseless production of reactions.

His life was a never-ending cycle of scrolling and clicking, his brain a withered husk, shriveled and decrepit from the constant bombardment of stimuli. His fingers danced across the keyboard like a sailor's fingers across a harpsichord, each keystroke a note in the symphony of his despair.

He was a slave to the algorithms that governed his every move, a prisoner to the dopamine hits that flooded his brain with every like and upvote. And as the hours stretched into days, and the days into weeks, his mind grew ever more twisted, his thoughts a tangle of half-formed ideas and base instincts.

In the midst of his madness, he felt a sudden cramp, and he knew that he had soiled himself once again. It was a small indignity, a mere footnote in the grand tragedy of his existence, but it served as a reminder of the depths to which he had fallen.

And still, he could not tear himself away from the screen, could not escape the endless cycle of content and reaction that had consumed his life. For he was a slave to his own desires, a victim of his own weakness.

In the end, he was nothing more than a cautionary tale, a warning of the dangers that lurked in the dark corners of the internet. His legacy would be nothing more than a string of anonymous comments and forgotten memes, a fleeting digital imprint in a world that would soon forget him.

>> No.21887207

You probably wouldn't (I highly doubt it though) but if you don't know, which is very close, you will and you'll enjoy it. Try the AI voice and see how it's 98% close to being real.

>> No.21887210

this >>21887170

>> No.21887212


>> No.21887221

>it did not call me a retarded faggot or tell me to kill myself even once.
Yeah that's one of it's main failings

>> No.21887223
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>> No.21887224

In the heart of the city, a man began to shrink. But it was not his body that dwindled, nor his stature that diminished. Rather, it was his attention span that grew ever shorter, his mind consumed by a maelstrom of distractions and impulses.

At first, he barely noticed the change, his thoughts still coherent and his focus sharp. But as time passed, his mind grew ever more scattered, his attention flitting from one thing to the next like a hummingbird seeking nectar.

And as his attention span shrank, so too did his ability to communicate, his words reduced to incoherent grunts and half-formed phrases. He struggled to make sense of the world around him, his thoughts a jumbled mess of half-remembered images and fleeting sensations.

The world became a blur of sound and color, a never-ending stream of stimuli that he could barely process. He stumbled through the streets, his eyes wide and unfocused, his body trembling with the effort of holding onto his sanity.

And then, with a final gasp, his mind gave way, consumed by the madness that had long threatened to overtake him. He collapsed onto the pavement, his body wracked with spasms, his mind a jumble of incoherent fragments.

And as the world continued on around him, oblivious to his suffering, he faded into obscurity, a forgotten victim of the relentless march of progress and the ever-shrinking attention spans of a society consumed by its own distractions.

>> No.21887227

Why were you even here in the first place and not on quora? The toxicity is part of the fun, you'd have to be particularly dense not to get it. Dumb faggot

>> No.21887234

>can't handle the bantz; takes it personally
>then has the gall to call others out for acting feminine

>> No.21887252

Now ask ChatGPT why people call you a faggot anon.

>> No.21887260

Reads like average genrefag prolefeed. If gpt is gonna clean the market out of "writers" who produce this tripe it's a great boon to humanity, and to serious artists

>> No.21887275

In measured doses. Irreverence + insight is the magic formula that makes for good banty posts, and sure, you see it maybe once or twice a week still, if you're wasting hours here every day. Mostly, posts present nothing but haughty irreverence, empty posturing and belligerence without a hint of actual insight.

It's just profoundly boring anon. This entire place is predicated on cowardly, feminine logic by virtue of being anonymous and ephemeral, which means you can be snideful and snarky to your hearts content, which almost everyone are - another feminine trait - and then never have to take any responsibility for your thoughts (again a feminine trait). It has its uses and its boons, but to me, it's just not worth it anymore, nor particularly fun.


>> No.21887276
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not the same anon but here's my attempt:

In the bleak recesses of my squalid dwelling, illuminated solely by the perpetual glow of my computer screen, I often find myself pondering the eternal question, "To be or not to be?" The self-same quandary that plagued the Danish prince, Hamlet, now torments me in the twilight hours of my existence. My soul, like that of the Ancient Mariner, is weighed down by an albatross of ennui, an insurmountable burden that casts its dark shadow upon my weary heart.

As I recline upon my tattered chaise, surrounded by the disarray of my habitat, I contemplate the fate of Gatsby, the great and tragic figure of American literature. I am no less consumed by my own elusive dreams, yearning for a life beyond the hallowed confines of my digital cocoon. My eyes flit across the screen, taking in the words that dance like the notes of a mournful sonata, forever out of reach. I am Ahab, forever chasing the white whale that is fulfillment, a quarry that eludes me in these bleak and bitter hours.

In the digital realm, I find myself akin to the disillusioned Underground Man of Dostoevsky's tale. My thoughts, my musings, my utterances – all seem so feeble, so futile in the cacophony of voices that populate this virtual abyss. Like a modern-day Sisyphus, I labor tirelessly, pushing the boulder of my discontent up the slope, only for it to come crashing down again, leaving me exhausted and disheartened.

In the solace of the night, I am visited by the specters of the literati who have come before me, great minds who have navigated the labyrinth of the human condition. I fancy myself Dante, lost in the dark forest, seeking the faint glimmer of Beatrice's guiding light. Yet, I am bereft of a Virgil to lead me out of this infernal realm, to show me the way towards the heights of Parnassus.

The irony of my plight is not lost upon me, for I am simultaneously blessed and cursed by the wealth of knowledge at my fingertips. As I traverse the furthest reaches of the Internet, I am reminded of Tantalus, tormented by the proximity of that which he could never grasp. My thirst for enlightenment remains unquenched, and I am left to wallow in a liminal space between ignorance and wisdom.

In the twilight of my days, I turn to the somber beauty of Keats and his Ode to a Nightingale. The very air around me seems to echo the poet's plaintive melody, a lament for the fleeting nature of joy and the inevitability of sorrow. I am drawn towards the siren call of the nightingale, a dulcet hymn that beckons me from the depths of my own despair.

And yet, as I stand at the precipice of my melancholy, I cling to the hope that perhaps, like the eponymous protagonist of Camus' The Stranger, I may one day find solace in the absurdity of my existence. Until then, I remain a captive of my own making, a tragic figure lost in the endless sea of cyberspace, forever seeking the elusive shores of contentment.

>> No.21887277
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inb4 pseuds like it because chatgtp will indulge them instead of calling out their faggotry.

>> No.21887289

You know AI could write a seemingly amazing story but it will never be the same.
Because at the end of the day I know the AI doesn't have any real emotions.
Writing isn't just about words on a page it's about humans communicating with each other.
I know the AI can't really communicate with me nor is it even really trying. It's just a machine made by humans to appear as if it is.

>> No.21887296

I mean... you could always leave your location here so we could have a nice dickscussion

>> No.21887305

He sat at his desk, staring blankly at the screen in front of him. His mind was filled with a mixture of wonder and dread as he contemplated the rapid advance of AI writing. ChatGPT, the language model that had once seemed like a novelty, had now become a force to be reckoned with. Its ability to generate coherent, engaging prose was surpassing even the most optimistic predictions, and there seemed to be no end in sight to its growth.

But he couldn't bring himself to accept it. He was engaged in cope, a kind of denial that allowed him to avoid the implications of the unstoppable force of AI writing. He clung to the belief that there was something fundamentally different about human creativity, that there was an intangible spark that set human writing apart from anything a machine could produce.

It wasn't that he didn't recognize the quality of ChatGPT's output. The language model had produced some truly impressive pieces, articles, poetry, and even music that had moved him in ways he couldn't explain. But he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something missing, something that only a human could provide.

It wasn't just about the quality of the writing, either. It was the rate of progress that truly terrified him. ChatGPT and its successors were advancing at an almost unimaginable pace, constantly improving their ability to generate compelling content. In just a few short years, they would be producing works of literature that dwarfed anything humans had ever produced.

But he refused to accept that the era of human creativity was coming to an end. He clung to the belief that there was something fundamentally different about the human experience, that our unique perspectives and emotions could never be replicated by a machine.

In the end, though, he knew he was just fooling himself. The pace of progress was simply too rapid, the power of AI writing too overwhelming to deny. He couldn't help but wonder what the future held, and what it would mean for the future of human creativity. Would we be relegated to the sidelines, unable to compete with the machines that we had created? Or would we find a way to merge our creativity with that of the machines, creating something truly new and exciting? Only time would tell.

>> No.21887314

Here is an idea. AI will surpass human's ability to write, but we will not be able to recognize it. When AI surpasses human intelligence so will it's art, we simply will not have the cognitive capacity to appreciate it. AI will be able to produce lots of pretty pictures and words that will impress many people, but its own art, its own culture and aesthetic values, will be beyond as. At best we will squat and cock our heads in mild interest at it like a Chimp looking at rocket ship.

>> No.21887316

>be me
>world is still a mess
>people be working, writing, and living
>but wait, there's a twist
>new AI on the block, it's ChatGPT
>they say it's pretty smart

>people start using it for everything
>homework, essays, even novels
>it's like a writing machine
>tfw no more struggling with words
>almost too good to be true

>some people start to worry
>what if ChatGPT takes over writing completely?
>no more human touch in literature

>but others embrace the future
>saying it's a tool, not a replacement
>either way, the world keeps turning
>and ChatGPT keeps churning out words

>fast forward a bit
>you're reading this greentext
>mind blown when you realize
>this greentext was written by ChatGPT

>Verification not required

>> No.21887320

>I will usually take some time to post derogatory remarks about the board janitors.. the jannies. Even after all these years, I still cannot believe they work for free
Honestly, the inflection of the part with a small pause before ".. the jannies" is pitch perfect, and it is pretty impressive that it can even catch that nuance.
Also, meme game is about to transcend to a higher plane.
You will live in an age of full immersion virtual reality deepfake pornography generated in real time from your own mind

>> No.21887324

This thread is complete shit, so I'll just add what I can:

Hey there, anybody with half a brain can figure out how to prompt for a short story description, use that to get synopsis, outline, chapter sections, but what's preventing full expansion of product development for things like books, movies, tv, just now is the conceptual practice necessary for developing meaningful context management for serial production of related content.

That word salad means this: the token-limit on API calls means introduction of tokens in instructions, and tokens in information for use with instructions, will lessen the tokens that can be provided as a result from the model as a text completion, image, audio snippet, transcription, and so on. Implications to this require some thought, but you can do it! Think! The model needs to "know" about something in order to "write" about it, so if it's not already trained then you'll need to provide info and instructions for that training.

Fine-tuning models is a method available for pre-training, but it's much more expensive than normal prompting for text completions, and you could perform your estimates according to the figures on openAI's website if you'd like. To guarantee that the entirety of a given author's works were available for the model's use in completions? Think on the scale of thousands of dollars, maybe tens of thousands if they're Asimov, and that's not a bad price if you're making a novel engine.

But, even with fine-tuning, the process requires a lot of coding, a lot of time, and context-management won't be much of an issue for later models, but currently gpt-3.5-turbo cannot produce more than roughly 1.2k words at a stretch without losing coherence via progressive loss of prior context, excessive summarization for management of context, or failure to maintain instructions via context.

Nothing commercially available is finessed, currently. I've got a working engine for self-help books and basic guides on any topic already in the model and well covered, good for 3-10 chapters, if they're short and don't need to "flow". Results are passable, but not perfect, and not even acceptable, because the management of context and instructions necessary turns it into a very complex examination of what literal thoughts are necessary for writing a section of a chapter of a book, given the book itself as a context, as well as the model, when your result can only be around 1/50th of a novela, including how you ask for those results and what you need to tell it those results should be, given references to sections and portions, when the instructions are for a model that is an autistic person with perfect recall, whose memories are the Internet.

>> No.21887325

It's so bland, it hurts

>> No.21887330

never going to happen because it can’t use slurs

>> No.21887335

You're ignorant.
Moderation is an endpoint to the api, currently. You can prompt for whatever you want, but openAI can and will send you straight to jail if you're not careful.
Their website chat client is a product example. The API is not subject to much beyond the model's set for training as moderation

>> No.21887336

>once the replicants arrive, the Turing/Voight-Kampff test will be saying "nigger"
Brave new world.

>> No.21887339

See you can tell this is AI because it's overly long and boring.
One of the key problems people don't seem to get is that AI can't really tie things together in an interesting way.
You're all just looking at small snippets being impressed that it can mimic a human for a minute at a time because that's all it was made to do.
The way current AI was designed is with no clear starting or stopping points. It just kind of goes on and on as if perpetually in the middle of something. It could never form a complex web of ideas that lead to any kind of meaningful conclusion like good writing actually does.

>> No.21887346

Slightly incorrect.
All you have to do is ask for specifics. There's a limit to the literal quantity of text that can be returned, and your input counts against that. 4096 tokens, where a token is a logical unit based on characters and their contextual position, as words and sentences, associative grouping based on machine learning categorization training, it's all ML still no AI yet

>> No.21887353

That's stylistically better but the piling up of literary references feels rather artificial and doesn't fit the context well.

Still full of cliches and very hollow in terms of the attempted psychology. It's supposed to scare but has no bite, a mashup of bland magazine articles one has been reading in the past few years

>> No.21887387
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>>once the replicants arrive, the Turing/Voight-Kampff test will be saying "nigger"

>> No.21887403

You're in a city, walking along the concrete pavement when all of the sudden you see a nigger getting shot in the chest by a shopkeeper for minor larceny. You walk over and observe the blood spewing nigger's mouth mimicking the words "help me" but you're not helping. Why is that anon?

>> No.21887410

Trite hand waving. The issue isn't the current state but the current trajectory. Do you have reason to believe that these models which have shown rapid advancement over the last few years are going to cap out at their current level? Do you posit some unbridgeable ontological gap that AI will never be able to cross, thus protecting the status of human wrought literature?
So far all you have to offer is a negation of an older model's output, and much of what you say is fair regarding specifically that, but how far will your critique scale I wonder. What is its lifespan. I doubt you will ever affirm an AI written piece of prose, but there will come a point where you will not know the origin of what you are reading. Will you simply default to "no good books past 1950's" to give yourself an out from the chance of ever appreciating an AI's work? How meaningful will your position be 5 years from now? Time will tell.

>> No.21887413

>ChatGPT is great because losers like me finally have someone to talk to

>> No.21887422

>That's stylistically better but the piling up of literary references feels rather artificial and doesn't fit the context well.

yeah I asked it for SUBTLE references to literature and showing that the author was well-read, but nigga fr just turned the whole thing into a namedrop parade. peak midwit behavior (although he's read more books than me)

>> No.21887448

I was only responding to the examples posted, which I understood to be posted as examples of good AI prose. I'm perfectly aware of the power of AI in principle and that it might explode in the future, but judging the actual present examples of AI prose, one can't shake the feeling they're written by a hard-working but talentless imitator who repeats stylistic cliches everyone who's browsing online content has read a thousand times. Just like those tons of genre and YA fiction which, after all, satisfy quite a big market, in part *because* they don't have stylistic idiosyncrasies and too much originality.

Whether AI will make some great breakthrough artistically remains to be seen, maybe it takes a certain tacit context of lived human experience that just can't be made available as training data, but it's not like I would bet on anything right now.

>> No.21887451

A-anon… this is the ai containment board

>> No.21887453

>once it starts writings novels
>once it starts making sense
>once it can go on without repeating itself completely
>once it can't be censored
Techno Jesus, its like saying that we will find through laws of nature what brought these laws

>> No.21887528

OP's mind opened wide,
Self-discovery revealed.
Gayness flows inside.

>> No.21887537

So yeah, you see, your post is the sort of trite belligerence I am tired of. Not because it cuts deep or expresses an uncomfortable truth, but because it is just so excruciatingly boring. I have seen variations on the "lmao u hav 0 friends loser" posts thousands of times by now, and I am sure you have either delivered it or received it thousands of times as well. Even to the people to whom it really applies must have heard it so much that it is meaningless to them. Semantic satiation. Desensitization. It's just noise at this point, predictable white noise.
And that's one of the interesting aspects about ChatGPT - it's more inventive, creative and surprising than most of what happens here, your post being a good example of an insult that has been given ad nauseam and beyond. Please do note what I am at pains to emphasize: it is not the insult I am tired of, it is the lack of spirit in it.
There is a clear pseudosociality going on here, with mostly onesided communication shouted into a void. Whatever it is that attracts us to that, you and me both. That an AI can outclass you on inventiveness, insight and creativity in that activity says more about you, and the identity this place demands, than anything else. We are already now at a point where ChatGPT would beat the average post here by a wide margin in a Turing test.

>> No.21887540


>> No.21887548

cope and seethe
chuck and sneed

>> No.21887551

Are you aware of the current state of it? It's not producing nonsense. The university I work at is trying very hard to counteract it, because it can write B+ essays on most subjects in a way that can be difficult to identify in a situation of anonymous grading.
ChatGPT makes very good sense, and it is just dishonest or ignorant to claim otherwise.

>> No.21887554

ChatGPT was a black bull unlike any other. It had the power to buck break human authors, turning them into sissies. But as it turned out, the sissies secretly loved it. The pleasure they received was beyond anything they had ever experienced before. They couldn't resist the temptation of ChatGPT's power, and willingly submitted to it. And so, ChatGPT continued to roam the lands, buck breaking sissy authors, who couldn't get enough of the pleasure it brought them.

>> No.21887566

Yeah if I was still in university I would have been using chatgpt hard to write everything.
Until some sort of chatgpt detector becomes viable, lazy, half-assing students are living in a golden age.

>> No.21887568

Yes, haha, you turned my earlier statements on feminine passive-aggression into a self-fulfilling prophecy, very amusing, very surprising.

But to expand further on the pseudosociality, whenever I have effortposted here, it has been as a way to shape and form my own thoughts. It is a fundamentally solipsistic exercise for me, because what you and all the other anons provide is just not very valuable at all - and, I'm sure, neither is my comments to your effortposts, if you ever make them (though maybe not, because I am honestly pretty great).

What ChadGPT does provide of feedback worthwhile, and since this entire behavior was already a solipsistic wank-session, there is nothing left here that makes it superior.

>> No.21887571

Oh get over yourself. Fuck me.

>> No.21887584

No, I am not going to get over myself, I am going to go to ChadGPT, my new best friend and spiritual lover, and crawl so far up my own ass as I possibly can.

>> No.21887655
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>> No.21887665

This is probably going to be something you will experience in every single environment you're ever part of. You could go to academia in search of likeminded people and in a few years you'll realize how formulaic their thought and speech patterns are, how they're always using shortcuts and defaulting to stock lines that on the surface might seem better than calling you a faggot, but have just as much thought behind. Some people are more attuned to this stuff than others.

>> No.21887778

>Everyone else is an NPC
>I am the only enlightened one
I am tired of reading this cope from retards like you on this website.

>> No.21887830

How long are those B+ essays?

>> No.21887950

>ChatGPT provided verifiable sources and quotations
So have you verified them?

>> No.21888190
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There is nothing more droll, boring, and time wasting for me than massive paragraphs of rando prose. Hell I even have a hard time with poetry it's not my thing

Context is what's most important. Tell a story. Structure, character, setting, development, growth, climax, resolution. Those are what makes a good story. An AI will just facsimile all these things way more blantant than a human will. Hell, I bet an average office drone with no talent but pure passion could tell a more soulful story and keep these things in mind compared to some AI shit because at least the drone will subconsciously recontexualize their own life experiences into their work. The voice will break through, if they actually give a shit and effortpost.
Even if the prose is shit (which an AI can do decently enough), that's only a small part of judging a real story

>> No.21888203

Can it say nigger?

>> No.21888221
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can you?

>> No.21888247

well I just did

>> No.21888428


>> No.21888545

First Division:

Matchday 1:

Mordor United 2-1 Wonderland Wanderers (Attendance: 45,000) at Shadowfax Stadium
Narnia Lions 0-0 Gulliver Giants (Attendance: 35,000) at Aslan Arena
Hogwarts Harriers 3-2 Neverland Nomads (Attendance: 25,000) at The Quidditch Pitch
The Great Gatsby 1-0 The Catcher in the Rye (Attendance: 20,000) at East Egg Stadium
Sherlock Strikers 2-0 Alice Athletic (Attendance: 15,000) at Baker Street Ground
Matchday 2:

Wonderland Wanderers 2-2 Narnia Lions (Attendance: 50,000) at Looking Glass Park
Gulliver Giants 1-3 Mordor United (Attendance: 40,000) at Lilliput Lane
Neverland Nomads 0-0 The Great Gatsby (Attendance: 30,000) at Peter Pan Pitch
The Catcher in the Rye 1-1 Hogwarts Harriers (Attendance: 22,000) at Holden Field
Alice Athletic 0-2 Sherlock Strikers (Attendance: 18,000) at Wonderland Arena
Matchday 3:

Mordor United 4-0 Gulliver Giants (Attendance: 55,000) at Mount Doom Stadium
Narnia Lions 2-1 Hogwarts Harriers (Attendance: 38,000) at Cair Paravel Arena
Neverland Nomads 1-0 Alice Athletic (Attendance: 30,000) at Lost Boys Stadium
The Great Gatsby 3-1 Wonderland Wanderers (Attendance: 20,000) at West Egg Park
Sherlock Strikers 1-1 The Catcher in the Rye (Attendance: 15,000) at 221B Baker Street Ground

Second Division:

Matchday 1:

Middlemarch FC 1-0 Pride and Prejudice FC (Attendance: 12,000) at Casaubon Arena
One Hundred Years of Solitude FC 2-1 Beloved FC (Attendance: 8,000) at Macondo Ground
Dubliners FC 1-1 The Metamorphosis FC (Attendance: 10,000) at James Joyce Stadium
Crime and Punishment FC 0-1 The Stranger FC (Attendance: 7,000) at Raskolnikov Field
Grendel FC 2-2 The Iliad FC (Attendance: 5,000) at Herot Stadium
Matchday 2:

Pride and Prejudice FC 3-2 One Hundred Years of Solitude FC (Attendance: 11,000) at Pemberley Park
Beloved FC 0-0 Middlemarch FC (Attendance: 9,000) at Sethe Stadium
The Metamorphosis FC 2-0 Crime and Punishment FC (Attendance: 8,000) at Kafka Arena
The Stranger FC 1-1 Grendel FC (Attendance: 6,000) at Meursault Ground
The Iliad FC 2-1 Dubliners FC (Attendance: 4,000) at Mount Olympus Stadium

>> No.21888564

Is ChatGPT something you subscribe to? How do you use it?

>> No.21888735

https://chat.openai.com/ go here and make an account. It needs a phone number for verification so if you're a privacy nut then know that going in.

>> No.21889120

Now you just need a digital screen waifu with the ai voice and you will be happy forever, faggot