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21884841 No.21884841 [Reply] [Original]

The entire Old Testament is basically Jews pissing off God and God punishing them

>> No.21884867

Pretty based I know

>> No.21884919

yeah it's pretty repetitive

>> No.21884952

You missed the hot traps.

>> No.21884962

Yes and the New Testament is basically Jews meeting God face to face and then murdering him. I don't know how the "judeo christian" meme came about, they're called the synagogue of satan for a reason.

>> No.21884979

Yeah pretty much. No wonder he calls them "Synagogue of Satan" multiple times in the final chapter

>> No.21885062

the wrath of the gods has always been used as a whip to get the masses in line.
the idea of the afterlife is demoralizing if you think about it. oh, don't worry about all the suffering you have to go through, there's a reward waiting for you after you die. for now just give us all your money and life in this box.

>> No.21885072

God? more like desert demons

>> No.21885076

The term Judeo-Christianity was coined by Nietzche and popularized during the Cold War to foster support for the then-provisional rebel government of Jews in Palestine. This isn't a conspiracy, it's official. It was "necessary" to build ties in the middle east to combat soviet expansion.
Yes, Judeo-Christian is a retarded oxymoron.

>> No.21885181

Ecclesiastes is my favorite book from Old Testament. Maybe from the whole Bible.

>> No.21885403

don't forget the part about how Christians took an ancient Dionysus/Osiris cannibal ritual and revamped it with Jesus.
>eat this bread and pretend like it's my body.
>drink this wine and pretend like it's my blood.

And just so Jews don't feel left out: They're worshiping Ba'al/Moloch/Jupiter/Zeus and whatever other of thousands of names he went by. That's why there's so much reference to human sacrifice in the OT, because the Jews practiced the same "pagan" demonic religion as the rest of the ancient world. They just got the brilliant idea to edit their holy books and pretend like they were never like that (this happened during or just after the Captivity)

>> No.21885846

the romans killed christ

>> No.21886031

>Christians include the entire Hebrew bible in their own and call it "the old testament."
>Christian priests frequently cite stories from sections of this Hebrew bible for sermons
>Why is Judeo-Christian a popular term?
Y'know I really can't figure that one out...

>> No.21886079

kike dishonesty
pagancuck kvetching
by that logic you should also add islamo but you won't subhuman reductionist troon.

>> No.21886104

The connection between Christianity and Judaism and Christianity and Islam is a difference in degree. They're all still fairly similar, but the differences between Christianity and Judaism are closer, and the ways in which Judaism is still embedded in Christian practices, especially in the Western world, make it a much more cohesive moral force than Islam which was typically at odds with European culture from its inception until now.

>> No.21886143

>let the blood be on us, etc.

>> No.21886149

the last based man on /lit/

>> No.21886162

It's not over yet

>> No.21886215

Based, I always smile when I see a tireless crusader in a thread taking the fight to the trannies

>> No.21886279

"Judaism" wasn't even a thing until hundreds of years after Christ anon

>> No.21886342

No, the New Testament is basically everyone being disappointed at God being a whiny bitch

>> No.21886378

Ah, you're right. One day it just popped into existence.

>> No.21886407
File: 69 KB, 900x750, lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, people feel compelled to sacrifice to the Other because that way they can feel like the Other desires what it is that they sacrifice. The act of sacrificing captures the Other's desire.
Rather than a unknowable and terrifying universe, the Torah posits that misfortunes are the result of God's actions and that by following God's commandments (a recipe for sacrifice) God will be pleased. Monotheism was a novel way for the human organism to cope with its anxiety by dragging the Other's desire out of the unknowable and capturing it within a linguistic system.

>> No.21886425


>> No.21886469

Don't even bother dude, christtards are just eternally cringe, and 4chan christtards are the unique combo of chud and cringe.

This whole 'judeo-christian is fake!!1' stuff is pretty damn laughable. Why include the Torah in your Bible then.

Anyway, 4chan Christianity is just one giant pathetic attempt at trying to make Christianity the European equavalent of Islam. I noticed this when cringelords on here tried to force 'Deus vult' as a meme chant, clearly trying to make it the European version of 'Allah ackbar'. The only problem is that Christianity is pacifistic, so larp crusaders on here need to perform some quite bizarre mental gymnastics to try and turn Christianity into some war doctrine. The most painfully cringy example of this is trying to turn Jesus' anger at the money changers into some kind of epic hardcore declaration of war. They will usually spout the phrase 'flipping a table' in terms of being TRVE KVLT and FUCKING METAL LIKE WHOOW, but most of this just confirms what permanently online Christianity actually is, one giant pathetic larp

>> No.21886791

The Old Testament on more than one occasion specifically says not to worship Moloch. Outright by name God decires his rituals.

>> No.21886801

Who were the Levites and why do they seem to get special attention when God gets angry?

>> No.21886802

the last based man on /lit/

>> No.21886866

no, the pharisees sect who killed Jesus wrote a new holy book called the Talmud, and the new spiritual dogma that followed that text was referred to "Judaism"

>> No.21887570

>"King of the jews" creates new religion
>need to establish that your own is not subsumed within his
The naming convention makes sense, doesn't change the fact that pre-christian morality is still highly present in Christianity and Judaism

>> No.21887746
File: 1.92 MB, 3000x2000, sonic crucifixion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what I think of when I hear "4chan Christianity"

>> No.21887774


>> No.21888061


>> No.21888080
File: 456 KB, 1300x1218, moses-breaks-the-tablets-of-law-by-julius-schnorr-von-carolsfeld-1794-BM35M2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews debasing themselves over and over again is not "based". Moses goes up the hill for 2 seconds and comes back to all his Jewish brethren sacrificing babies to Moloch. The Jews in the old testament are specifically not based. Esther is about a Jewish prostitute who infiltrates the Kings quarters in order to whisper in his ear and allow the Jews to slaughter thousands of people. The Jews in the old testament act just like they do today. They are the furthest thing from based on this earth.

>> No.21888092

Because the Jews are cowards and lied to the Romans that Jesus was leading a revolution

>> No.21888093

Bruv, I was saying how based it was that god was murking then left and right.

>> No.21888104
File: 86 KB, 900x720, 3gciu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i use popular lingo, I can totes own the Christians
shut up kike

>> No.21888108

Pax Vobiscum my nigga

>> No.21888115

Et cum spiritu tuo, brother

>> No.21888144
File: 9 KB, 326x240, Data+comes+up+inconclusive+_98ec8ad7ac8c4baa4dec8c169375c879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebbit spacing
>unironically uses chud
>afraid to say jews so uses money changers
>purpusfully ignores the crusades to make the retards think christianity is a religion of peace
hahah just coincidence
be a good goy and keep scrolling