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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2187278 [Reply] [Original]

This board's not getting any better, is it?

>> No.2187281


Except you just did, and bumped the tjread, you knob.

>> No.2187280

1/0, OP
C/lit/izans are better than to respond to a troll of your low desperation....

>> No.2187284

2/0, samefat. I'm onto you.

>> No.2187287

You're all gonna pay you motherfuckers mark my words

>> No.2187290

It wasn't me. BTW not op.

>> No.2187295

Come on, samebro, you can do better than that.
Titties or gtfexit, amicorrect?

Negroid of mine!

>> No.2187300
File: 9 KB, 170x135, 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now everyone be nice or old Annie Oakley here is

going to get out her six shooter out and cap your asses

>> No.2187301
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five star posts yo

>> No.2187312
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I'm probably breaking a law somewhere.

And I can't use the insanity defense.

>> No.2187324
File: 364 KB, 444x736, 1320661124548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop raiding/shitposting/trolling /sci/ and it will.

>> No.2187332

Stop trying to hijack my 2nd-order troll thread for you own bullshit

>> No.2187344
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 0870987078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has become us that we don't see the beauty in all of god's lovely children?

>> No.2187422

What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.2187482

How did this board start sucking so badly?

I haven't been on here for a couple of months.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.2187502

It's really only been this bad for the last three days or so, after that bullshit Deist and D&E argument or whatever the fuck happened Saturday night.

This board does tend to be better in summer, though.

>> No.2187511

You people have it good. I remember days when /sci/ was halfway decent. /tv/ wasn't a pedophile haven. /lit/ has attitude. The tides shift and things always happen. It isn't boring if you're open to people having their good times.

>> No.2187512


It definitely was better in the summer, more of the threads actually had to do with books.

>> No.2187533

>whatever the fuck happened Saturday night.

What happened on Saturday night that made this board suddenly suck so bad? I haven't been here for a month or two, so indulge me.

>> No.2187545

I don't really know. I was posting that evening, and it was okay, but there was an argument brewing - the usual D&E stuff about subjectivity and quality and whether ASOIAF is literature. I came back that night after going out with friends and everyone was flipping their shit, tons of people were masquerading as Deist or D&E, copy-pasta everywhere, and since then it's been a non-stop troll marathon.

Doesn't help that satan decided to troll /sci/ on Sunday, I think, and they've been lightweight trolling us since then.

>> No.2187683


>satan decided to troll /sci/

I hate the fact that this actually makes sense to me.

>> No.2187739


Yeah and because of satan's troll, D&E's trip got leaked by some angry dude from /sci/, now there's a troll war between the two boards, lots of hate going around, and frankly im angry at myself for even writing this.

>> No.2187747




>> No.2187766

People refused to filter tripfags because they were newfags.

tripfags overran /lit/.

Everybody smart and/or interesting left.

Simple as that.

>> No.2187778
File: 53 KB, 378x226, sci_fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly don't even know what to do with a tripcode.

How did /sci/ get D&E's? Is it cos of science?

>> No.2187777

hurr durr

>> No.2187783


>> No.2187794
File: 272 KB, 1610x1218, Dragonsandcars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it had something to do with science and/or scientific

>> No.2187807

I'm surprised this didn't happen years ago.
D&E tripcode is only a single !, which means it's unsecured.

PROS: Making custom tripcodes
CONS: Relatively easily figured out

!! = secure
PROS: Secure
CONS: Not customized

>> No.2187812


what hurts me the most is why should anyone give a fuck about any of this?

>> No.2187815

Like it or not, D&E is an iconic part of this board.
D&E is dead.
Long live D&E

inb4 his tripcode is banned to preserve his legacy and stem trolling

>> No.2187823

he used to use a secure tripcode too, he might switch back to that 1

>> No.2187827

I wish he wouldn't. I've been visiting /lit/ on and off since its creation, and whatever he did to get people to begrudgingly respect him must have happened during a period when I wasn't visiting, because honestly I've never seen him do anything good.

>> No.2187835

Hey! I've been here since Saturday! Well, technically, Friday night.

And incidentally, these are all me...but I don't think they're related.

And my thoughts exacry.

Also: up all of your asses with the Pope's mitre gently, gently; always gently.

>> No.2187845
File: 88 KB, 700x436, AYN_RAND_1_fs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets discuss

Ayn Rand

>> No.2187844

It's basically a fault in the composition of the /lit/ crowd. We've got a ton of hispiters who actually believe they are "deep & edgy". Thus they identify with him, because he spouts whatever bullshit his lecturers spouted that morning in his undergrad courses.

It's a clusterfuck all around.

>> No.2187854

And as always, fuck Deist

>> No.2187868
File: 77 KB, 554x740, 1318183643745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously this have gone way down hill, what the hell happened.

>> No.2187873

That guy is hardly the issue. I don't need to remind you of the dozens of abominable tripfags that went before him.

>> No.2187885


>implying we will be ever rid of that cancerous faggot

he posts as D'averc now

>> No.2187897

No I'm doesn't.

>> No.2187899

In all seriousness, it's probably the best board here. Mind you, that isn't saying much.

>> No.2187906

I prefer /b/, unfortunately
Prolapsed colon cancer of the internet or not, it's a hell of a lot funnier than /lit/, but it's hard to post in because it moves so goddamn fast.
Easier to ignore trolls, too, because erryone's a troll

>> No.2187917

Your posts are incredibly insightful. Please adopt a trip so that I might grow more familiar with your brand of thought.

>> No.2187922

I use a couple of different names, because fuck Deist.
And because I like to write insightful, serious stuff sometimes and like to troll sometimes and like to write batshit crazy throwaway fiction and poetry at other times.
But seriously, I do think you're trolling.

>> No.2188561


No, it's really not. There are several boards which are orders of magnitude better.