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21873510 No.21873510 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger waste of time than this faggotry?

>Every country country has it's own form of facism and thats OK because all peoples are different and require different forms of cuckoldry
>Fuck the middle-class, they shouldn't worry so much about money
>Support and cuck out for the elitests of every form because it's good for you
>Go climb a mountain/die in war like a dumbass because it's heroic individualism

Did I miss anything? Some fucking faggot who got published because he sucked off that stupid, miserable failure mussulini's retarded overly articulate toilet thoughts have nothing to teach me. In the time it would take me to understand these fag's bullshit I could have worked enough hours to buy a new exhaust pipe for my truck and my head wouldn't be filled with his miserable, idiodic ramblings.

>> No.21873543

Yeah, it's retarded and it's promoted by kikes and glowniggers.

>> No.21873605

This is nu-4chan for you

>> No.21873611

It's the zoomers, they can't even read a wikipedia article anymore, they only get the "general feel" of something from sidereading about it in tweets or when it is mentioned by streamers

>> No.21873625

Serious question: did you not read him or are you just legitimately stupid?

I think you're a leftist fag, because you don't even show that you understand him and are obviously butthurt.

This is exactly the same as in the other thread, kill yourself shill. Evola's ideas are spreading so fast, you're a fuckin failure

>> No.21873631

Halfwit OP is obviously a left wing cuck who is afraid of the popularity of Evola here.

>> No.21873634

considering lobbying to rename zoomers
TikTok tards or something similar

>> No.21873683

>Evola's ideas are spreading so fast, you're a fuckin failure

>> No.21873711

>Every country country has it's own form of facism
Fascism is a left-wing movement that isn't discernible in any serious sense from Marxism or Liberalism, other than being slightly less obnoxious.
>Fuck the middle-class, they shouldn't worry so much about money
No idea what you're on about. "Class" is a frivolous concept that Evola never placed any emphasis on. He was only concerned with the objective reality of spiritual caste.
>Support and cuck out for the elitests of every form because it's good for you
Well the "elites" of today have no legitimacy. There's always going to be a distinction between rulers and the ruled, you may as well get used to it instead of wailing like a petulant child.
>Go climb a mountain/die in war like a dumbass because it's heroic individualism
"Individualism" also isn't a concept he placed any value on. Mountain climbing is pretty based but Evola clearly saw that war lost most of its value after WWI. What was once the province of paladins became a senseless meatgrinder.

>> No.21873800

You didnt even mention religion and esotericism which was his principal focus and the vision through which he determined all of his conclusions.

>> No.21874399

>you're a retard
We know, faggit.

>> No.21874427

OP is a tranny/pooskin

>> No.21874440

>Every country country has it's own form of facism and thats OK because all peoples are different and require different forms of cuckoldry
Well if you read him you could make accurate statements about his ideas. So I guess there would be some use in reading him.

>> No.21874489

It's extremely obvious you didn't read him.

>> No.21874531

cont. from other bait thread
>“Each moment is all being, each moment is the entire world. Reflect now whether any being or any world is left out of the present moment.”
>- Dogen From "Uji: The Time-Being"
(transl. Dan Welch and Kazuaki Tanahashi)
Imagine thinking saying all is Being even Becoming (which buddhists say is illusory) "there is no becoming" means anything in relation to this conversation, if anything this quote, Dogen, Kukai, Chinul, and other Chan authors champion the supremacy of Being the unborn Buddha-nature, the quote you have sent is not an example of Dogen championing some Being-Becoming as some sort of mixed, composite entity but the opposite.
>Evola did criticize the Mesopotamian and Assyrian mythologies as being contaminated by the Mother (p. 240).
Mythologies! and as he should, if the principle of Being has been ignored, and the cult is one of pure-Becoming, a degenerate pantheism of sorts, Traditional Metaphysics Mahayana, Zen, Advaita, and so on is about the Supremacy of Being,
the Masculine/Feminine, Linga/Yoni, Shiva/Shakti, Heruka/Vajravarahi, etc. etc. God and Goddess is just a tantric formula to establish Being as the sole immutable principle, transcending the Male-Female complementary relationship in the end.

I will not waste anymore time with you, and you can throw around single texts here and there, but I dont care, because you dont know what you are talking about. The conclusions of your conceptions of some equality between Being and Becoming presupposes that Being is the substratum of Becoming and that there is no Becoming, or Unreality about Becoming/multiplicity inasmuch as Being is the Sole Reality. Whether that be expressed in some intermediate tantric form, through an interplay of some polarity is besides the point.
There are shakta tantras too, which as I said are simply talking about Being nonetheless, unfortunately you will find no cult devote to pure phenomena or becoming, and simply because they worship a feminine deity it cant be said that they are not veiling the Principle of Being, nonetheless. But really there are cults which phenomenal patterns, and these are degenerate because they have no coherent metaphysical grounding, modern science is one of them. The Supremacy of Being = The Supremacy of Consciousness, not the Supremacy of the relative Male or the relative Female pole. Evola never said this, it is only that these Solar Male (Being-Consciousness), and Lunar Female transpositions(Becoming-Phenomena) are the Ancient Norm at least of the notable traditions, whether you like it or Not.
Look Apollo/Artemis, Shiva/Shakti, etc. etc.

>> No.21874542

also the deity whether it be male or female, as some relative personality is a meaningless almost accidental conception in evolas view.
It sounds like you are stuck on the traditional form, male or female in the grossest sense and make sweeping judgments about metaphysical views. Also when we are talking about Male and female, or penis and vagina, we are not talking about the urinary organs made of skin, or the fleshy bodies constituted by blood, feces and pus.

>> No.21874546

>, or penis and vagina, we are not talking about the urinary organs made of skin, or the fleshy bodies constituted by blood, feces and pus.
the whole reason that there is a tantric twilight language, is because of the incomprehension of pashus like you, so I will not even elaborate on the even more subtle sense of immanent forces which require an attuned psychic perception

>> No.21874561

when we talk about sun, the sun we see in the sky matters very little, or about father or phallus, the visible analogues again dont matter whatsoever, and that is the same for the moon, the mother and the vagina. All that is being expressed, are principles of difference and multiplicity (Not-I) and principles of independence, autonomy and unity (I), all the Eastern traditions unanimously attain to the conclusion that the Empirical is merely a reflection of the transcendental, or that the there is no relativity, that the Empirical is nondual to the transcendental, or multiplicity, there is no-difference, there is no otherness, there is the pure light principle of unity which is unlimited the "infinite," which is unborn or acausal, which is changeless, eternal reality. How the relative and absolute coexist at all, whether they are simultaneous, or not. Whether the Relative is "empty" as Buddhists would say, which would be a negation of your cherished Female principle of multiplicity, is another debate.

>> No.21874980

Read the chapter, "Traditional and Antitradition", from Revolt again (pp. 230-252) to see what I'm talking about. Here's a quote from p. 248:

>[Śaṅkara]... appears to be marked by the spirit of a strict and straightforward intellectual asceticism; nevertheless, it was essentially oriented to the Demetrian lunar theme of the formless brahman (nirguṇa-Brahma), in regard to which all determined forms are nothing but an illusion and anegation, or a sheer product of ignorance (avidyā). Thus we can say that Śaṅkara exemplifies the highest possibility of a civilization of the Silver Age.

While Evola considered Śaṅkara as the highest point of the Silver Age, he still considered it as contaminated by the Demetrian lunar theme.

I would say you are half right in regards to Chan and the supremacy of Being. Some teachers like Huangpo seem to align more with you, but I would argue that Dogen and the writers of Blue Cliff Record do not. In the context of Ch'an, the relative (or form) is becoming, the absolute (One Mind/emptiness/formlessness) is akin to being. Evola would already have significant issues with associating formlessness with being.

In Ch'an and from the Heart Sura, form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Being is becoming, becoming is being. Many Ch'an figures likewise talk about the "emptiness of emptiness". In fact, Dogen's dangerous trip to China, where he received Dharma transmission from Rujing, was prompted by the question, "If we're already enlightened, what is the point of practice?"
The more you look into various figures like Joshu and Blue Cliff Record and Dogen, you start to see that there is a *trend* of treating Being and Becoming as having a topsy-turvy complementary relationship (e.g., Diamond Sutra verse 5), which is what I was pointing at. In fact, Dogen calls impermanence as equivalent to Buddhanature: Dogen writes, “Impermanence itself is Buddha Nature.” And adds, “Permanence is the mind that discriminates the wholesomeness and unwholesomeness of all things.” So the permanent Being and impermanent Becoming are both manifestations of the "womb of the Buddha", and note, Evola may have serious problems with "womb" being used to refer to metaphysical Absolute.
So what this means is that both Being and Becoming exist in simultaneity in Infinitude to a lot of Ch'an/Zen sages. Here is a revised version of Diamond Sutra Verse 5 (Red Pine transl.) making my point clearer:

"Since Becoming is an illusion, Subhuti, and Being is not an illusion, then by means of a Becoming that is Being, the Tathagata can, indeed, be seen."

Also, I recommend you learn to write in a less smug way.

>> No.21875705

>Being is becoming, becoming is being.
>"Since Becoming is an illusion, Subhuti, and Being is not an illusion, then by means of a Becoming that is Being, the Tathagata can, indeed, be seen."
Yes sure, sure, this is not just a case of trying to dignify "Using" the non-entity unreal Becoming, to establish the infinitude of Being, as to "coexistence" in simultaneity as infinitude, that does not follow, there is one thing, and one reality.
> Dogen writes, “Impermanence itself is Buddha Nature.” And adds, “Permanence is the mind that discriminates the wholesomeness and unwholesomeness of all things.”
>They are both "manifestations" of the Buddha
Sure, so the Buddha nature is not unmanifest, and we will pretend there is some sort of symmetric relationship or equality between Impermanence and Permanence, the only reason Becoming is given the status of pseudo-dignity in all these texts is because these sages see Being, in it.
>"Emptiness of emptiness"
Oh great point, what about the emptiness of emptiness of emptiness, or are you trying to make a point that there is am emptiness split into two, a greater and lesser emptiness.
>form is emptiness, emptiness is form
I'm sorry, but Form doesn't survive in the final analysis, this is like saying "water is water" "being is being" Becoming does not exist and not course doesn't have some correlative relationship, where compared to Being it is inferior. But I appreciate the quotes.
>Evola would already have significant issues with associating formlessness with being.
He later rescinded the criticism of advaita, towards the end of his life. So these texts you are excerpting whilst it is a commendable effort do not really get to the crux of the matter.

>> No.21875746

>Evola may have serious problems with "womb" being used to refer to metaphysical Absolute.
You are absolutely wrong, infact evola was literally representing more or less the perspective of a shakta, I can understand your misconception here if you've only read revolt, read hermetic tradition, and especially yoga of power.

The hilarious thing to me, is that these Chan/Advaita/Buddhist texts are the ones which literally dismantle any sort of femininity about the absolute, you think a reference to womb means something in relation to the gross reproductive system? Lol, you are literally dealing with the ,ost hyper-schopenhauerian type traditions, if anything evolas point of view represents a sort of gynolatry compared with the clinical misogyny/pure metaphysics of advaita/chan/dzogchen

I laugh whenever I see online neopagans, who have converted to Buddhism, totally unaware of the natural conclusions of their traditions. Also Lamaism and some aspects of Tantrism wherever that be, Japan, China etc. literally engaged in institutionalized sacrifices (sometimes involving their consumption aswell) of women as part of higher initiatic rites. But keep larping as if you are fighting evolas misogyny.

>> No.21875757

>Sure, so the Buddha nature is not unmanifest, and we will pretend there is some sort of symmetric relationship or equality between Impermanence and Permanence, the only reason Becoming is given the status of pseudo-dignity in all these texts is because these sages see Being, in it.
If you're going to say that appearance has any value whatsoever independent of Being, them you are lying, and really if you are going to say that in light of Being appearances are nothing but Being, then the "sage" has been misunderstood

>> No.21875763

>Being appearances are something other than Being*

>> No.21875770

Question, I only finished Hermetic Tradition and I was wondering which of his other books are worth reading before I tackle the trio

>> No.21875773


>> No.21875828

Bro Skip Evola and Migrate to Gruppo di Nun, Kenneth Grant, Nick Land, Lovecraft, Dr. Daniel Barker and Andrew D. Chumbley
I recommend you start With Deleuze, Coldness and Cruelty Then Venus in Furs by Masoch
After this you're ready for Spinal Catastrophism,
A Secret History
Evola was brought to suicide by Michelstaedter's
Persuasion and Rhetoric, and larped his way out of it
Take high doses of DMT and unlock the ossified libidinal energetics of the repressed inorganic, and experience tectonic jouissance today.

>> No.21875835

Fun fact: this is what every tranny has to say before they spin around 360 degrees and kick the stool out from under them

>> No.21875839

>>Fuck the middle-class, they shouldn't worry so much about money
This one is based though. It’s as Nietzsche said: When one is not rich one should at least have enough pride to be poor.

>> No.21875852

I was a guénon/Evola tard before I discovered the wonders of modern psychoanalysis, it goes further beyond anything you can imagine, I had built up too geotrauma :( the inorganic is a cruel mistress

>> No.21875883

I am sorry the mind parasites got to you and "healed" you by turning you into a From Beyond guy

>> No.21876044
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 174626511931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know anything about what Guenon and Evola were writing about you would already know that psychoanalysis is entry-level esotericism. But you probably didn't even read either of them, since you're unironically recommending a group of pozzed antifa trannies who reject supra-mundane realms because they are "oppressive symbols of patriarchy". Do you know how fucking stupid that is, dumbie?

You aren't my bro, dumb shitskin.
>Migrate to Gruppo di Nun, Kenneth Grant, Nick Land, Lovecraft, Dr. Daniel Barker and Andrew D. Chumbley
This is all garbage, nothing spiritual about it. It's fine if witchcraft is your thing (not really, but do whatever you want, even destroy your soul), or shitty pointless mental masturbation (Dick Land). But I don't know how you can accuse anyone else of LARPing when you unironically recommend garbage like that, along with Lovecraft lmfao. Do you like Necronomicon?

But Gruppo di nun is utter shit, I was honestly shocked by how bad it was. It's unironically a bunch of SJWs in their 30s butthurt about the "patriarchy" and calling all forms of Western esotericism fascism. I'm not joking. If you want to make your life even shittier read and "practice" this book, because I guarantee the only results you will get are somehow becoming even more of a loser faggot.

But don't think that means they are actually saying anything of substance. They use a bunch of fancy words to hide the fact that their material is forgettable, amateur-ish, activist pseudo-philosophy/pseudo-science. They don't write about Traditions, because Traditions are fascist, racist, patriarchal, etc., and because I don't think they could even if they wanted to, they are profane morons.

They are also obsessed with Evola (his name appears nearly 100 times in the book) but they can't refute him, even in the profane philosophical sense, which really is the only sense they are able to pretend to stand on at all. They obsess over Michelstaedter's influence on Evola (very minimal) and incorrectly claim that he turned to fascism after reading him.
>Take high doses of DMT and unlock the ossified libidinal energetics of the repressed inorganic, and experience tectonic jouissance today.
You sound like a retarded 15 year old, worse than Joe Rogan. Why I am not surprised?

>> No.21876319

All of this reminds me of the Lankavatara Sutra's notion of "non-arising":

“The Buddha then repeated the meaning of this in verse: 1. “Non-arising means nonexistence / existence includes samsara / who sees these as illusions / doesn’t give rise to projections of form.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary

You're an immensely intelligent person.


Unlike the person above, you are an edgelord and stupid prick, and I recommend necking yourself. I'm not opposing Evola's misogyny, and I've never mentioned that before either, illiterate faggot. My review for Revolt is here:


I'm tired of you appearing in Traditionalist threads, yelling shitskin and berating others. Genuinely kys, narcissistic icchantika prick. I won't be able to respond after this due to network issues.

>> No.21876321

>Gruppo di Nun
I looked these fags up and it's a hilarious larp. How can they be taken seriously?

>> No.21876512

Ok I will read Ride and then skip to Deleuze, should I start with D&R or Anti Oedipus? Forgive me I'm still not well acquainted with them other than a few yootoob vids

I did read Lovecraft but I just don't like him that much maybe I will try again

Also wth do I actually need to read all of them before SCatastrophism? I just started with a couple of pages a few days ago lmao

>> No.21876534

Dont listen to that retard unless you want to expose yourself to antitraditional influences

>> No.21876571

Evola's """ideas""" aren't spreading anywhere expect in the fringes of your korean basket weaving forum

>> No.21876662
File: 177 KB, 1025x2048, autistic fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola's """ideas""" aren't spreading anywhere expect in the fringes of your korean basket weaving forum

>> No.21876667
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, king nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21876855

>all peoples are different and require different forms of cuckoldry
thinking otherwise is communism