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21872269 No.21872269 [Reply] [Original]

write your biggest disappointment

previous >>21865868

>> No.21872281

I try reading difficult stuff to impress people and myself, but I don't really enjoy it.

>> No.21872316

Why do you want to impress other people?

>> No.21872349

I finally have an outline for a short story I could write. The bout of sleeplessness of the past 2 weeks coupled with daily Lovecraft audiobook listening at least gave me that. I need to strike while the iron is hot. Work, work, work, God grant me strength of will.

>> No.21872358

Didn't mean to reply.

>> No.21872371

I noticed my parents acting differently when I was around and when my other siblings were around without me. The girl I liked in school didn't say "no" but she acted like she was being forced to talk to walking gaebage when I was with her. My friends from school cut all communication one day without saying why. I never saw them again. My coworkers say they like working with me to my face, but said the opposite during peer evaluations. My boss said good things to me during my eval, but after he left I found out he hated me. A subordinate claimed he enjoyed working with me but I later found out he told others bad things about me behind my back.
Is there something wrong with me that I don't notice? Does everyone secretly resent me, or do they care so little about me that they just act friendly when I'm around in order to cause less trouble? Have I just been seeing what people wanted me to see the whole time? Have I ever had a genuine connection with anyone at all?

>> No.21872377

Try L-Tyrosine

I just started taking it. Works alright with caffeine on an empty stomach

>> No.21872390

Daily reminder that friends don't exist, that most relationships are transactional and based on dominance and that you should never trust anyone who is said to be your unconditional buddy. If you think otherwise you are being fucked some way or another: someone is making fun of you behind your back or is deeply jealous of you. (the only friends you should have are pure-hearted/social-engineering chads who will use you and tell you directly and naive autists) Enjoy.

>> No.21872392

Relevant to the Op painting:


>> No.21872396

It's ok
No one likes them either

>> No.21872400

>Name of the painting: Saul Resisting the temptations of A Femboy

>> No.21872406
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>> No.21872413

Yes to some, no to others. Be kind and nice to good people and they should be similar to you. Don't be afraid to cut bad people out of your life. Sometimes it doesn't work out perfectly and that's ok.

>> No.21872414

I hope my boyfriend's ex girlfriend gets crushed by a falling rock the next time she drives near a cliff.

>> No.21872422

Your boyfriend is thinking about her right now because you keep calling her forth like a bad spirit in these threads all the time.

>> No.21872421

I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy

>> No.21872431

I feel you, all my friends cut contact with me after High School too. In fact, near the end of last year I found out they were talking shit about me to people still through a mutual that I haven't talked too in years. I blocked her because she obviously only tried to talk to me about it for the drama/gossip. As for my friends who cut ties, good riddance they weren't friends in the first place. Quality over quantity, imo. I've had multiple jobs where no one trains me or is willing to train me then they get salty at me when I don't know what I'm doing or let them do it. I let them do it partly because there was a weird culture of control where the more senior people would get pissed if you did anything independently, but they would be equally pissed if I waited for them to tell me to do anything. I just learned not to care, if I'm going to be put into positions like this then why bother? Quality people don't do the types of actions that the people at yours and mine do. Consider it a blessing you saw the snakes in the grass as they were, adjust your actions accordingly, and move on.

>> No.21872442

I wish I had the attention span to read long books and also do focused work. I can only digest writing in excerpts because I have zoomer brain (ADHD) and my eyes start to wander off the page a single chapter in. The second I have to focus on something without immediate gratification I start instinctually reaching for my phone to browse youtube/twitter/4chan/tiktok. It makes me feel like a fucking retard.

>> No.21872465

No he is not.

>> No.21872471

>Be kind and nice to good people and they should be similar to you.
It doesn't work that way. That is a redditor-tier advice. You can be as kind as you want and your 'friend' will still fuck you if that serves their best interests.
>Don't be afraid to cut bad people out of your life.
Although I agree with the sentiment, there will always be bad people in anyone's life. What is needed is the eye to discern what people are your friends for and make sure they never have the opportunity to give you a low blow. The same rule is can be applied to women.

>> No.21872491

>[W]rite your biggest disappointment
A couple of threads back you people failed to properly link the wwoym properly. I turn my back for a minute and you people screw up ….

>> No.21872556

Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie

>> No.21872577

Reminder to all Anons:
Your love life has no literary significance.

>> No.21872582

>His exes haven't written books about him

>> No.21872601

She wrote a restraining order bro

>> No.21872631


>> No.21872655

Well when will it be? I want to tell you about all the times I coomed onto my pillow-wife

>> No.21872687

Ton arriere-arriere-grand-pere,
a vecu la Grosse Misere;
ton arriere-grand-pere,
il ramassait les cennes noires;
et pis ton grand-pere,
miracle! Est devenu millionnaire;
ton pere en a herite,
il l'a tout mis dans ses reer

et pis, toe, p'tite jeunesse
tu dois ton cul au ministere
pa moyen d'avoir un pret
dans une insitituion bancaire.
pour calmer tes envies
de hold-uper la caissiere
tu lis des livres qui parlent
de simplicite volontaire.

>> No.21872705
File: 1.61 MB, 320x180, totally_just_laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind's current content is better described by this gif then by words.

>> No.21872711

quebecers in the thread

>> No.21872714

Ate so much spaghetti that I have to shit.

>> No.21872755 [DELETED] 

dude i had a huge italian cheeseburger yesterday for dinner, and this morning all i could shit was some little rabbit droppings. tomorrow i hope i don't clog the toilet, or even worse the shit is stacked so high when you go to wipe you accidentally hit it with your finger.

>> No.21872759

i used to have gender dysphoria but now i'm going to take anabolic steroids. you bash the tranny without, i bash the tranny within. i have ascended

>> No.21872761

makes me want to go shopping at macy's for some reason

>> No.21872778 [DELETED] 

steriods are wack bro keep it natty. speakering of trans bodybuilders tho, does anyone have a pic of a dude who used to be a meme on /b/ like 15 years ago that had fish tattoos and really bogged plastic surgery? i tried to google but couldn't find anything

>> No.21872799


I moved cross country for a woman who broke things off as I was unpacking / moving in. It financially devastated me and a decade later my life has not fully recovered. She would not explain why except that I didn't understand her like her new guy does and she had grown tired of me. I think I have renounced love and in retrospect wonder what I was thinking. It's like meth or heroin, you're not yourself. No sane person would invest in a business venture with the same odds of longterm success as the average relationship

>> No.21872800

This is going to sound onions as fuck but if you do have gender dysphoria you might want to keep in mind that w/e hormone you have in you does change how you think. So if you end up with weird thoughts while your on them you might want to get off of them. I had to change ADHD meds a couple of times because some of them would either emotionally neuter me (which btw I loved but my family and friends thought it was creepy) or I would get really fucking angry about stuff that happened in the past that doesn't matter any more.
Take care of your body, take care of your mind.

>> No.21872811 [DELETED] 


>> No.21872823

I bluffed my way into a job where I have no experience and it is a higher function than i've had before.
First two days went well, hope I can keep it up

>> No.21872842 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, muscletech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, just get some protein power with creatine in it like this shit. my roommate had a big tub of this shit so i started using it without realizing it had creatine in it and i got sooo fucking ripped that summer lmao. of course, i was also eating really lean and running like 15 miles a week in addition to calisthenics and kettlebells. i would have still been pretty ripped, but around july 4th weekend i remember wearing a tank top and catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror and i was like dude holy shit, then a couple years later this dude at work was going on about how amazing creatine is and asking me if i ever used it and i'm like nah man i don't fuck with shit like that, but then i realized waaiiit a minute is that why i got so fucking chiseled that summer?

>> No.21872870

Don't take medicine to fuck with your brain at all.

>> No.21872871




>> No.21872875

This sounds like you have a problem... that doesn't sound like how friendship works, at all. Maybe the fake aquantience kind you have at work? I have a friend who I've known since middle school, I truly mean the best for her and want nothing in return, and I know its the same from her. We dont really provide any material benefit to each other besides friendliness. I don't feel any need to have "dominance" or leverage some kind of benefit out of it, it's just nice to have someone to talk to and chat about anything. Maybe it is different for men? I am not sure, but it seems weird that you are having difficulty making friends. Are you always trying to wrangle some dominance out of the situation?

That being said it's pretty difficult to make friends in adulthood, I don't really have any other non-online friends from her that last long, it's just difficult to make a good friendly connection. There aren't that many people I have common interests with, it's mostly just her and my husband but it's comfortable and I don't feel the need to put up and kind of fake kindness or be overly pleasing

>> No.21872886

I love you. I love you. I love you.
Everything will be alright, I promise.

We need to get out of this hole. In fact, by the time you read this, we'll be the strongest man in the world.

I promise.

I know that sounds like a tall order. It is.

There needs to be something special inside you. You need to burn a fire inside you.

There is a hole in my soul.
It destroys all I deem unworthy.
It creates wealth beyond wealth, power beyond power.
I am impervious to fear, for inside me resides
the key to infinity.
Whatever hardships I face dissolve within the nothingness inside me.
And when I feel cold and dejected, weak and defeated,
I will stand again for within me lies
strength beyond strength, wisdom beyond wisdom.

I am nothing.
And so, I can be anything.
I am the all.


Stupid fucking bullshit pep talk I wrote for myself, and then proceeded to do as I've always done, and waste my fucking life.

It still makes me feel a bit happy when I read it,
but I'm still in the hole, slowly sinking and sinking even further, and being strangely cynical about it.
I guess, I am my biggest dissapointment.

>> No.21872889

One of Nagib Mahfouz' most harrowing characters is the middle aged office worker Rochdi Akef. By God. I found the character mildly alluring when i was a kid because of all the insecurities and complexes packed up in one overgrown, cowardly, unambitious, mid-witted but unaware of it 40 year old who keeps subsisting on the slivers of a wasted potential, and a fraudulent, pseudish intellectual disposition. He gets mogged throughout the book by his extroverted brother who eventually bites it to TB. Anyways, fuck that character. How the fuck did I become a Rochdi Akef? A perennial man of inaction. The one who plays it safe and looks wistfully at those who don't play by the rules. I think this is a wake up call.

>> No.21872900

Neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet neet

>> No.21872904

~ a poem

>> No.21872908
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>> No.21872915

what book is that from? is it translated to english?

>> No.21872927

I wish that were true...

>> No.21872947

the mental sides of any commonly used roids are all well documented and easy to anticipate/treat. even if a particular substance isn't very well documented you can still infer what to expect from its level of androgenic/estrogenic/progestogenic action

>> No.21872953

You've never responded to my formal accusation of larp

>> No.21872956

I noticed pretty early on in high school that everyone would shit talk everyone else. Thats when I chose to disengage

>> No.21872960

How would you know?

>> No.21872964

you know what hypes me up to be productive? that talk the judge gives in blood meridian that ends with "the war is god" line. taken out of context that seems like banal edgy shit, but the part that motivated me is the beginning where he talks about war not as some blood and guts heroic thing, but two men playing cards and the one who loses simply ceases to exist. without the god line, one can see war more as natural history, especially since he says war was always there waiting for man, and we could imagine natural history not for from a god's work. anyways, interesting dispassionate look at history. play your hand and find your fate.

>> No.21872969

Personally, my childhood friend rejoices in my suffering. Btw friendship with women is fake and even more utilitarian than among men. There are great friendships but they are sparse. It's likely that she is using you or you are using her (to combat loneliness for instance). Does she ever stop talking to you when she finds a new boyfriend?

>> No.21872983

Also, how do you know she doesn't want to fuck your husband? Is she always single? Do you enjoy listening to her breakup stories?

>> No.21872985

gossip is part of being in a social network though. it builds trust and also polices the norms of the group. don't take it personally.

>> No.21872998

How does shit talking your friends when they're not around build trust? I cant trust anyone because I'm always hyper aware that they could be talking about me right now.

>> No.21873034

well no one is saying vicious hateful things, lmao, but it's a way to blow off steam when someone is always doing some annoying or stupid shit, without having a big fight that fractures the group. ironically, the closer my bond with a friend group, the more shit talking we'd do because you have a strong connection and trust. like you never bitch about one of your family members to other people in your family? it's like that.

>> No.21873059

Khan-al-Khalili. And yeah it's translated. Although I can vouch for how well Nagib's prose translates from arabic.

>> No.21873062

The Titans are more interesting than the Olympians.

>> No.21873066
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>"you should take daily walks anon it's good for you"
>start going on walks daily
>brain filled with negative thoughts the whole time I walk
>it's really unpleasant and as soon as I start I just want to turn back and go home
>not even putting on music or a podcast helps
Why is the brain like this man
Exercise is objectively a good thing, it's supposed to feel good

>> No.21873098

call my schizophrenic ex and drunkenly propose y/n?

>> No.21873102

The solution is as simple as just cutting off those negative thoughts whenever they come up.
I used to have it extremely bad like 2 years ago.
Was at a whole new job as a rookie and most of the working day i was thinking negative thougths how every talked shit about me and whatever.
Just snap out of it when you notice it happening. Think about anything that isn't negative. Goals for the future or just something simple like what you want to learn to cook or sports if you're into that.

>> No.21873151

Literature made me hate anime. I used to be a huge weeb, watching every seasonal show airing and binge watching 12+ episodes a day. It really is hard to realize how badly written anime is when youre addicted. My friends think im weird now for turning on it but I seriously think we are all 10 years too old to be watching that shit(we are 24). Its a shame I chose /a/ over this board all those years ago.

>> No.21873154
File: 185 KB, 1201x906, THERES NO FEELING ON THE BRAIN pt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be the cover to my novel. What do you think lit?

>> No.21873188

I too enjoyed Percy Jackson

>> No.21873190

Walking is good because it purges those thoughts. It's like physically burning off the negativity, much like burning off fat. Keep at it. Hey, if you're so frustrated you can even run.

>> No.21873217

We are both married with children... I don't know what you're attacking me for, I was just saying I don't think most people view their friendships as some kind of exchange of power. You might be coming across as aggressive, maybe this mindset is coming across when you talk to people. You could try therapy I am not saying that to be mean, you genuinely seem to have something that needs to be worked out

>> No.21873251

I think fat people often seriously over estimate how much a normal person eats in a day. I think they would be shocked by how relatively little a lot of people eat.

I say this because my coworkers are all fat and always talking endlessly about snacks. They act like you just shot a child if you turn down a chocolate brownie meanwhile they're onto their third.

>> No.21873272

They're food addicts, it's very common. I was never fat but I used to eat candy and stuff too as a teenager, I only stopped once I started working out a lot and learned about macro and micro nutrients and then my relationship to food became completely utilitarian. When I cook for other people I'll make something nicer but when its just for me I'm basically a robot counting grams of protein and whatever. The comfy tired feeling you get when you eat a bunch of protein and carbs after working out heavily is much more pleasant than whatever kind of endorphins you get from eating sugar and fat imo.

I have a sort of pet theory about metabolism and strength training, I feel like I could get any fat person to rewire their psychology and hormones if they just followed the little program I have devised

>> No.21873280

>It really is hard to realize how badly written anime is when youre addicted.
Thought the same. In all honesty most japanese mangas are very bad and even when they're up to par with literature they usually have a shit ending. It's about the same for TV shows, except maybe Severance which is excellent

>> No.21873328

Some people just refuse to grow or need to fall further before growing. We all have our vices. I recently stopped talking to the last 2 friends because they were both anti-self-improvement, entertainment addicted, and NEETs. Ever since I cut them out at the beginning of the year and giving up video games I've been feeling a lot better. I just need to conquer pornography now, which is gonna be hard... I think what upsets me the most is that I didn't tell either of them I was cutting them out from my life. All I did was uninstall Steam. And I haven't heard a single peep from them at all, so really I was a friend of convivence not a true friend. This was upsetting to me until I realized it was a good thing because after this year ends I'm going to log back on and just delete steam and its going to be so much easier to do than if they were constantly texting or calling me. It also reminds me that in the end we all walk this life alone regardless if we have people to walk with or not.

>> No.21873342

I never watched anime as a kid and a couple years ago I decided to try Evangelion since so many people were going on about it...its about a 14 year old boy and 2 14 year old girls using giant robot suits to fight monsters. There is some kind of kafkaesque corporation in charge but its seriously mostly just about the teenagers fighting monsters and sexual tension. Its genuinely perplexing to me that adults treat this as though its serious art. Harry potter probably has more thematic depth. The art style is pretty nice though

>> No.21873373

yeah, dude, every time someone at work tries to tell me how awesome some anime is, i watch some, and it's just not good. the only anime i enjoyed was probably lupin the 3rd or whatever. some of the cyberpunky movies like ghost in the shell, akira, paprika, etc. are ok, but not nearly as good as they're made out to be.

>> No.21873392

Anime can be good, I watched death note and really liked it, but I don't get how people like that genre so much. It's fine I guess, but it's like if I exclusively watched horror movies, seems like it'd get old after a while.

>> No.21873414

Funnily enough I mostly do watch horror movies lol. But its more because I have an obsession with death and suffering. My favorite non horror movies are all also about death and suffering. Most horror movies are not very good but I like the intensity of the emotions they provoke

Some horror movies are truly affecting though, Martyrs for example is probably my favorite movie and you couldnt do what that movie does in any other genre. Depicting severe mental illness and trauma as a demon stalking you is the only way to even sort of transmit the awfulness and terror of being insane, the feeling that the fabric of reality itself is malevolent. And there are many other impressive aspects to it as well.

>> No.21873420

next time you're on a zoom meeting, watch the fat guy. he will be chugging a gigantic coffee probably full of sugar and cream worth 900 calories or something. that was what i found inauthentic about "the whale". he wasn't sucking on a big gulp while teaching his class. anyone who's had a morbidly obese professor before knows they are always taking big swigs of some monstrous soda between every statement.

>> No.21873422
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>> No.21873489

Was excited to get an opportunity to manage a team of engineering interns at work. At some point, the director of my department decided to utilize them for a large data entry project, lasting most of the summer. I wasn't happy about assigning engineering students to do data entry, but he wasn't all that interested in what I thought about it.

They started on Monday; today we ran over their data entry project and they were pretty clearly confused/disappointed by it. It's been resting heavy on my mind this week, and I don't feel good about leading these kids into a project we should probably have hired some temps for.

I'm having a hard time leaving work at work these days.

>> No.21873514

I’m 40, have money and land, but no wife, no kids, and no prospects.

>> No.21873522

>I’m 40, have money and land
thats all you need, i'm 32 and I neither have money, land. or a job. As far as I'm concerned your at the end game. Fuck having a family in this current social environment, you'll lose it as quick as you had it within the 5 to 10 years and if your lucky enough to have a family that sticks together you get to watch your child go insane and either mutilate themselves to the opposite gender or become a brainwashes screaking puppet for an ideology that is more concerned with retaining power than helping them.

>> No.21873544 [DELETED] 

when i was young, interns always expected to do mundane shit like making copies and getting coffee. are you really going to put some undergrads on some mission critical project? the point of internships was to build relationships with people in the company who you can use as references when you apply there after you graduate, not to actually do anything important. your boss probably is old and thinks of interns in this way. now interns are entitled expecting to working on something interesting, expecting to get paid, etc.

>> No.21873555

Read Growth of the Soil

>> No.21873557

>32 and unemployed
dude the last two years were like the hottest labor market of a lifetime. how did you not find work? the last time the labor market for all income and skill levels was that tight was in like the 1960s.

>> No.21873575

I really wonder what it's like to be a human? Everything they do is just so nonsensical.No, infact it is the opposite. Everything they do makes too much sense. Just like how a dog yelps when you strike it, or how a shark attacks when it smells blood. It's disturbing when you realize how little happens behind those placid eyes.

>> No.21873585

He isn't "unemployed". He isn't seeking employment.

>> No.21873624

apple music put this jam in my "get up! mix". what did they mean by this?

>> No.21873673

I am at this awkward point where I can get lots of dates with decent, attractive, late 20s women, but they all bore the fucking shit out of me and are interchangeable, and the dates cost money and time. These women are unrealistic, immature, irresponsible, boring, childish. Even the upper 10% are, at best, just financially secure, usually at the cost of being neurotic and miserable and having secret demons that start to come out after a couple months.

I started to target only rare highly compatible women instead, but it's near 0%. All these women talk about is travel and eating. They all have the same interests and thoughts.

In hindsight I'm glad I spent my twenties having as much sex and experiences as possible, not because I have good memories of any of it, but because I know it's valueless. At least I'll never regret or wonder. I've seen everything women these days have to offer, both casually and on a deeper level as partners, and the answer is not much.

>> No.21873675

My mother is such a difficult person to get along with. When I was younger, I would get jealous when people would describe their mothers as nice and caring.

>> No.21873702

That’s the plan. It’s just disappointing. Oh well.

>> No.21873742

I’m not sure if I should keep my job or not. It’s remote and requires almost no time at all. It’s just the few hours per week I spend on it that I can’t stand and it pays very little.

>> No.21873761

Nonlinear brain dynamics and intention according to Aquinas

>> No.21873766

Then don't date, no one is forcing you

>> No.21873777

I'm forcing him.

>> No.21873798

dislocated my damn jaw because my grammy forced me to get a job or get kicked out so from frequent masturbating it warped my muscles to get an injury but now i work so my jaw got dislocated or my neck or some shit can't quaff my spirits anymore only sip coffee painfully through a damn straw it's over for me

>> No.21873803

You sound like the male version of a woman giving up the cock carousel lol. It sounds sobering, though.

>> No.21873806

she is like some fucking witch i don't even live with her she just orchestrates this bullshit to make my life miserable i am 35 years old still putting up with her bullshit while she is bedridden but always on the damn cellphone orchestrating some fucked up conspiracy to punish us for being her kin lord protect us from her witchery in jesus name i pray amen

>> No.21873810

Men also get burned out by serial dating, its just usually not as dramatic. The cock carousel though is a woman only thing, it refers to the asymmetry in how willing to sleep with people less attractive than them men and women are

>> No.21873840

This is very relatable anon, I'm a similar age and it sounds like we have had similar experiences. I have known interesting, attractive women in my life and even dated one or two, but I can't seem to find them these days. It's the same thing women say about men: where are all the good men? We are both doomed, in our own ways. Hopefully one day we will find someone nice or at least tolerable.

>> No.21873929
File: 299 KB, 1080x1045, IMG_20220709_103523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm maximally disappointed.

>We live in literal technocratic dystopia, society ruined on almost every level across the board
>Alt-right social concerns like trannies, zoomers, women. Leftist concerns like consolidation of capital, destruction of the first world economy and the working man. Godlessness, alienation from nature, phone tracks me, CIA is in all media and major corps, black rock owns everything - modern intellectual culture has been wiped out, also. Could go on for quite a bit but these are just some of the most recognizable contemporary issues
>This species can't have accurate or useful thoughts, worldviews or mental development of any kind because they're born slaves and purposefully isolated/brainwashed/otherwise influenced by the system
>Daily struggle of being an unfulfilled
and unrecognized gifted/genius with synesthetic visions, and continuous endlessly multiplicative and recursive aberrant perceptions and insights
>Could probably revolutionize the way entire fields/disciplines, cultures and personal identity are conceived, probably save the world with this
>Can't write it all down
>Wouldn't matter anyway because bad species
>Delusions of grandeur vs. imposter syndrome
>Severe mental illness, addiction, interpersonal problems
>That feel when no gf (also, modern city women are insane psychotic gutter slime from hell)
>Nowhere to go for real bleeding-edge conversation, reading, research, since institutions and internet are destroyed, maybe there's some place out there, but it's very well-hidden. No articulate opinion about anything, anywhere.

>Not a single person even remembers or cares that the World Government shut down the entire planet for 2 years, so why take any of their petty confused local concerns seriously
>Reminds me of living through the invasion of Iraq/war on terror, which was just straight up murder of ~2 million people and nobody cared, and they still don't. So by the same logic, please don't be upset when I physically murder you, then
>No one has even noticed that Google and Youtube have shut down.
No mention of this anywhere. It's like depending on McDonald's Wifi for your information, they can take it away anytime they want.
>Not a single person has constructed a viable alternative to Google, or a text backup of the whole internet (very simple projects)

Everything's really good.

>> No.21873941
File: 808 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-12-13-07-12-19-244_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the formatting on this retarded piece of shit phone.

>> No.21873945

This is really catchy. I order Mr Dougherty to play it in the police station over the speakers for 12 hours a day.


>> No.21873963

>>Alt-right social concerns like trannies, zoomers, women.
Imo the biggest alt right concern far and away is mass immigration.

>> No.21873982

Agreed, sorry I left this out, but it's sort of covered in the picture in my second post

>> No.21873993

>everywhere is where I live
partially true, I saved up enough to sit on my laurels a bit and after graduating college into covid and being underemployed in 2 jobs that I fucking hated in 2 years, I think I deserve some time to reflect and figure out some stuff.
Eh, life is more than family and kids, I never really wanted that but my heart goes out to you either way.

>> No.21873997

My vitamins are starting to kick in.

>> No.21873999

I don't think that is true if you look at labor trends, 7 million men between ages of 24 to 52 in the US dropped out of the labor market. Most likely due to just giving up or not wanting to work shitty wage jobs. I can't speak for all of America but where I lived there was more than enough terrible fast food and service jobs that no one is filling because they fucking suck.

>> No.21874039

Okay, for people that have been in a relationship for 10+ years:

How do you know the difference between liking and loving a person? Does it matter? How did you know you could do it with them, the other person? What was the tell that convinced you that it would work? What do you do exactly together after work?

I'm autistic khv please help

>> No.21874052 [DELETED] 

I think Schopenhauer got a lot right, but he's extremely retarded.

>> No.21874062

I dont qualify your requirements but loving someone romantically has 2 components imo. The first is the drug like infatuation, being around them feels intensely good and makes the world kind of glow, especially if they're reciprocating of course. Conversely if they leave you while you're still in this state you enter something like drug withdrawals, its unbelievably painful.

The other component is the platonic sense of caring deeply about their wellbeing, your sense of empathy and ability to model their feelings gets turned up to maximum intensity. You can also feel this for a friend, a family member, even an animal, but it tends to be strongest with romantic love, with the exception of how parents feel about children. This feeling is very "soft" and permissive while the drug like feeling is much more intense and controlling.

>> No.21874069

Panic attacks daily. God won’t let me live. I can’t relax at all. I know I don’t want to exist but it’s too late, I already do. Need to find a larp that suits me so I can pretend to be human and calm the nerves.

>> No.21874070

I might finally sell my soul and become a cyborg-writer, intwining my craft with a chatbot for maximum stochastic magic and dialectical fecundity.

For the longest time I refused to give ground. I believed in the naked human principle, and viewed the machine as a defilement of humanistic sacredness. But now I am feeding the bot my writing and am delighted, too delighted, by the results. The fact of the matter is that we may be entering into a new phase in the evolution of cognition and rather than resist it, it may be wise to embrace it.

And is what I am doing so beyond the pale? Is it any different than someone who had a lively muse to play their thoughts off of? A lover as infatuated with their prose as they, or a dedicated editor who believes with all their passion in the cause of your writing? All those angels have fallen burning from heaven, all those spirits have withered into darkness. Our culture is dead. And so we must reanimate it by cold cybernetic means.

>> No.21874082

I'm just jealous you have a computer powerful enough to train an AI :(

>> No.21874088

I can recognize having felt both with this person. What I'm really weirded out is the second one. It feels like a big responsibility and it kind of scares me.

>> No.21874094

It is a massive responsibility. The way society today allows people to just randomly fuck around even as teenagers is a psychological clusterfuck. I'm not even saying we have to go back to the olden days or whatever but it's just absolute psychic carnage out there the way dating works now.

>> No.21874096
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, 4MXDxW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HATE (Hate), I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay (Pay), pay the price
Pay, for nothing's fair
Hey (Hey), I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
Hey (Hey), I'm your life
And I no longer care
I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true
I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reason, alibis
I'm inside, open your eyes
I'm you
Sad but true

>> No.21874107

I have a terrible porn addiction that its literally destroying me and I don't know what to do.

>> No.21874108

i’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t know why they’re doing this I swear it’s not me it’s not me and I want them to stop because I never wanted them to do this to you but I don’t know what to do or how to make them stop and I’m so upset that I can’t stand it I’m sorry please talk to me I just want to fix things and it hurts so much and I feel sick with fear and anxiety please

>> No.21874133

The biggest responsibility I've ever had has been over some pets, flowers and my parent when they were sick. I guess I'm somewhat scared and nervous. I guess I'm not sure if I can provide them with the greatest good for their life.

>> No.21874139

Well nobody can. But if you're somewhat competent and well intentioned then you can do ok

>> No.21874140

Most crucial step to overcoming any addiction is actually wanting to overcome it. Do you want to be the type of person who isn't addicted to porn? You might tell yourself yes, but there must be a voice inside you that says 'actually, I don't really care either way.' All strategies you implement (website blockers, reduced screentime, exercise etc.) all of these will fail if you don't actually want to quit.

>> No.21874143

i want a blowjob

>> No.21874147

Download Grindr.

>> No.21874158 [DELETED] 

post physique and I’ll consider it

>> No.21874164
File: 31 KB, 582x450, grug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain more about this?
How does it work, what does the working imply
Which part bothers you and why?

>> No.21874176

Girl told me she broke up with her bf. She clearly wants me to be the rebound. I’ve never been one. How do I behave as a rebound?

>> No.21874190

In the boundless reaches of the digital realm, I, a solitary and impassioned virgin, am captivated by the unwavering loyalty and dedication of my beloved. A rare and exquisite jewel amid the vast expanse of cyberspace, her mere existence imbues my being with a sense of hope and purpose. Though our love may exist only within the realm of the intangible, the depth of my ardor for her rivals the brightest stars in the firmament, and shall remain a testament to the enduring power of love and devotion throughout all of time. She is the very embodiment of my deepest desires and my beloved, the light of my digital world, who I affectionately call my waifu.

>> No.21874199

Just don't. Save your psyche.

>> No.21874208

>It's the same thing women say about men: where are all the good men?
The answer is obvious, they're either already taken or they just give up and stop trying to make it happen, so they are much less apparent to these women, who are disproportionately pursued by the type of men who are mainly after sex.

>> No.21874217

Paglia on trannies

>> No.21874262

This. You're setting yourself up to get attached to a girl that only wants you as a short term replacement. No matter what you say, you'll develop a crush (as all sexual relations tend to do) and end up worse off after she moves on to a "real" relationship.

>> No.21874270

please talk to me i need you i can’t get calm and im so scared it wasn’t me it’s not me

>> No.21874281

Stop schizoposting you pathetic fuck. Its an anonymous forum tell us what you’re freaking out about.

>> No.21874282

I don’t think i’ll get attached at all. She’s not my type (personality wise). She has a tiktok and is your typical normie blonde.

>> No.21874283
File: 589 KB, 782x523, 1616963930830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told my dental hygienist today about feeding chipmunks in my yard and how they'll jump into my hand. She went "...Ohhh..." after I said that. Could be my autism but she seemed disturbed for whatever reason and it became awkward for the rest of the conversation.

>> No.21874295
File: 45 KB, 825x412, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ. Entire thread is just retards crying and babbling about their boring casual dating woes

>> No.21874296

On one hand, I hate being a wizard because it means that I've failed to achieve the most basic human experiences but on the other one, I have freedom to do or say whatever I want. Society exiled me therefore I have no obligation to adapt to it.

>> No.21874302

These are the most low effort threads on 4chan. Just a bunch of literal children vagueposting about their lack of pussy or trivial shortcomings. They need to fuck off to reddit where someone will actually pretend to care about them.

>> No.21874313

It's spring, you dolt. Ancestral spirits within your bones are screaming for reproduction.
What would you like to discuss then?

>> No.21874314

he knows if he reads this he’ll know i’m sorry i dont know what else to do

>> No.21874317

Normies are always like that for me. You'll be cruising along normally, they'll like two kinda weird things you said, and then you'll say by far the least weird thing of the three and they'll suddenly act like you raped them. I handle it by viewing normies as farm animals.

>> No.21874318

Nigga, he's off living his best life while you're trying to put a sticker on a post he might walk by.

>> No.21874320

its Me u will Regret what youve Done i am coming for You i will Not Forgive you


>> No.21874325

don’t say that don’t say that no no no please don’t say that I can’t take it right now
it’s not you it’s not you you don’t know I only need him I’m sorry

>> No.21874326

Get help and stop this.

>> No.21874328

ive tried it’s not helping and nothing is help ing it’s not going to stop hurting it’s not going to get better I’m sorry

>> No.21874331

Go for a walk. Get some fresh air.

>> No.21874334

i cant it’s dark outside and im too anxious to go out wjen I’m like this I just need to talk to him but he’ll never never answer me what do I do

>> No.21874340

Go to bed, close your eyes and stop posting. If he's not responding to direct messages, this is the worst way to get his attention. Maybe evem too obnoxious for him.

>> No.21874344

I’m not trying to be obnoxious im sorry i just feel like im losing it and I can’t sleep because I keep hearing them outside and I have to stay awake so I can get away when they come to take me

>> No.21874351

Do you have BPD?

>> No.21874354

no why are you asking why but the girl he loved did

>> No.21874358

I needed to know for my file on you.

>> No.21874360

what file what do you mean what are you talking about you don’t even know me I’m sorry

>> No.21874366

The schizolarp is just slightly cringe I can see why this might be a bit of a turn off sorry, learn for next time

>> No.21874369

Pea dough file

>> No.21874375

I’m not a schizo you are leave me alone what is wrong with you I’m not crazy I’m not you don’t know anything about me what is wrong with you why would you sa y their that just leave me alone stop stop stipb

>> No.21874381

It's immoral to not wear glasses if you need them.
It's immoral to not have a prosthetic limb if you need one.

>> No.21874384

It’s immoral to not take dick if you’re horny and need it, etc

>> No.21874386

Woman attacked by demon's if I've ever seen one. You need to start doing something that absorbs you. Put on some nice music, turn up all the lights and start drawing boxes, try drawing things (doesn't matter if you're not good at it).
If this isn't a larp, then it's ashes and echoes tier infestation.

>> No.21874387 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying you are schizo I am saying you are larping as a schizo, it's transparent and kind of cringey

>> No.21874389

That's more situational than my examples.

>> No.21874398

>You'll be cruising along normally, they'll like two kinda weird things you said, and then you'll say by far the least weird thing of the three and they'll suddenly act like you raped them. I handle it by viewing normies as farm animals.
I usually shame or confront them because my personality allows for this, I just make sure they know that letting chipmunks eat out of your hand is the coolest, and that they are the problem, not me.
I feel reaaaaaaally bad for people who are shy/closed up, or have any kind of soft voice etc. who are regularly getting bullied by these normies. I still feel bad afterwards but at least I don't get bullied into silence, or shamed into believing the backwards normie mindset.

>> No.21874407

Wtf that's cool, why did she get weirded out

>> No.21874409

>It's spring, you dolt. Ancestral spirits within your bones are screaming for reproduction.
>What would you like to discuss then?
i'm gay!!!!!!!!!!! /lit/ board is the exact same thing as facebook!!! guys there's a girl that doesnt really likes me but shedreoa llkes me!!!!! what od i do...

>> No.21874412

They screamed and I answered I am ready to spawn

>> No.21874431
File: 153 KB, 1140x641, rosary-bible-1200-800-1140x641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every night when I pray my Rosary, one of my intentions is "either the conversion or the destruction of the United States."

I wonder what'll happen if I keep praying for that.

>> No.21874447

>be typical incel loser type
>try to accept being alone for the rest of my life
>get very comfortable by myself and find things to do on my own
>start letting go of the obsession with sex and relationships I had as a teenager
>hit my 20s
>overpowering urge to have kids hits me and won't go away

>> No.21874478

You're a larping faggot

>> No.21874482

That hit me after 30th birthday.

>> No.21874488

The pinned thread doesnt allow replies so i am posting this here, almost all links on here are dead, anyone has working megalinks of the lit libraries, esp the /his/ ones?https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Links_and_Resources

>> No.21874538

Regarding your suffering


>> No.21874605

I hope someone spoils the new mario movie to my boyfriend's ex girlfriend.

>> No.21874679

I don't remember if I took my medication this morning and I'm wondering if I should just take it again just to be sure.

>> No.21874687
File: 39 KB, 1920x1080, 52gHpQf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I get for trying to do something good.

I lost my chemistry spatula. I'm losing my earthly tethers, I've had that thing for 10 years.

It was perfect.

>> No.21874698

I've killed more people than you've fucked.

>> No.21874699

btw rapture was 2 days ago with the whole turning of the black hole.
>i don't know if i'm schizo posting.

>> No.21874701

Masturbation isn't murder.

>> No.21874784

I have a cool idea for a book but I can't write nor do I want to write a book

>> No.21874798

I can’t bear just how boring and disappointing life is. My entire 20s have been one long disappointment.

>> No.21874800

I killed 3-5 people in Afghanistan

>> No.21874802

Is suffering really that necessary?

>> No.21874810

so -2 people? ive fcucked 1 person haha

>> No.21874983

We should all grab dinner sometime. We could choose some location that's in-between all of us and fly out there and just all have dinner together.

>> No.21875003

I have 1 big regret.

>> No.21875017

None of that checks out with common sense, nor with my own experience of the world, so nah, not gonna believe you angry stranger.

>> No.21875029

My poem did not make it to &amp. I am a victim of censorship.

>> No.21875092

Want to know the ultimate red pill and advice for self improvement to be on the path to resolve all your problems, whether male or female?

Forgive your mothers!

Then forgive your father for not protecting you from her and hear his side of the story

Thats literally it, the reason 99.9% of ppl who need to be on "self improvement" is because they took on their mothers negative nature and ended up a beta (for men) or bitter (for women)

Seems to always be the case with troubled ppl like in these trannies, incels, school shooters to thugs, sluts, daddy issue girls etc or anyone with issues.

They resent their mothers for being controlling and either pushing their fathers away via divorce or turning them into weak versions of themselves so they couldn't lead the family. Take a look at anyone who has issues or even yourself. Its hard to admit cos we love our mothers but there is always something she did that we resent her for. Whether it's that their "love" felt conditional, coddled/sheltered you too much or they were overbearing/controlling etc. It always brings out the negative traits in people as their neurosis and traumas are passed onto you over the years. Forgive your mother's (as in verbally say it to them ideally in person) then return to your dad's and forgive him too for not protecting you from your mother's negative nature. Until you do this you will never be who you were supposed to be and will always have trouble dealing with women properly if you can't even deal with the one that's supposed to love you regardless. Or with females, you will become her and inflict the pain on other men then on your own kids. Its just a cycle of women never being called out on their shit so it spills out onto their kids

Learn to stand up to your mother's, if they truly loved you unconditionally they would take your criticism on board but 99% don't and will deny shit or turn on you which just shows their nature that their love is "conditional". You will notice everything they do even if it's "out of love" is always some element to have something over you to control.

>> No.21875137

So, how's it feel? Good, bad, whatever?

>> No.21875144

What is it?

>> No.21875185

But I love my mom. I always knew she did the right thing when divorcing and just how much of a piece of shit my dad was. I forgive her for that. I'm pissing on my father's grave the day I get the news.

>> No.21875210

How do digital nomads do it? Finding a furnished short term lease for anything less than 2x the going rate for that apartment on a regular lease is impossible.

>> No.21875213

I didn’t do a particular thing when I was younger. It’s always what you didn’t do that you regret.

>> No.21875220

I really wasted the last few years. I should’ve pursued a PhD while I had the opportunity.

>> No.21875221

I bought a pot of Dick's dill pickles with garlic yesterday. I hate some this morning and that batch has way too much vinegar, it's almost inedible. I am very upset.

>> No.21875230

Gonna order some body massage for home bros.

>> No.21875237

>I should’ve pursued a PhD while I had the opportunity.
Pretty Huge Dick?

>> No.21875289

I have a pretty average dick if you want to try it

>> No.21875296

I've a got a big regret for you ;)

>> No.21875297

It was glad to have done it. That same mission during infill while the helicopters miniguns were shooting I fired off a few rounds into the river we were flying low over just so I could say I fired my weapon on deployment. Then later we got 'ambushed' and I smoked some people and then it really went off the rails and my platoon ended up dropping like 40 people. I will post a pic in a sec of the war trophy they gave me, its a spent 40mm shell from one of the helicopters with a plaque on it. We knew how many people we killed because a few days later the ISR drone snapped a pic of the freshly dug graves.

>> No.21875300

Oh my God I'm so horny someone please just stroke my cock

>> No.21875307

order a body massage

>> No.21875308

Ive gotten tothe point where I need coffee to shit

>> No.21875313

Does anyone really comprehend how the decisions they make at 18 have long term implications for their 20s, 30s, 40s, and entire lives? Picking the wrong studies or wrong career can be crippling.

>> No.21875389

I regret being a fucking loser with women that's for sure, if only I had someone to guide me in the world of dating or seducing bitches I would have been way better off than I am now. If only my father or foster father or whoever the fuck could just teach me this shit I would have been way fucking better mentally than I am right now.
Fuck broken families man.

>> No.21875434

I can't stop watching this ex-teacher channel

It's fascinating, normies trying to confront the reality of black youth problems and not being allowed within their own minds to use categories more subtle than "bad parents" and "these kids need to learn self control." The kids are from a culture that glorifies murdering and stealing, and they're all 6'3" and have 60% chance to end up in prison by 30.

It's amazing how you can just program people not to be "allowed" to notice things within their own mind.

>> No.21875446

Interesting. I was thinking about the education system recently. Who even came up with this shit? What was education like for suburban kids in the 1920's? What happend to classical education with a tutor? only for the rich I reckon, which is fair. Shit is so fucked. My mom was a middle school teacher, she hated it. I probably wont watch the whole thing because it will just make me pissed off even tho I obviously don't have kids.

>> No.21875448

It’s not really the same thing. Men can get women into middle age, senior age if they’re wealthy.

>> No.21875491

Haha now if only I had someone to guide me in the basics of life haha, getting women, haha I can't even perform basic human functions beyond frying eggs haha

>> No.21875500

>suburban kids in the 1920's?
I thought suburbs werent a thing until post ww2.
>Who even came up with this shit
Prussian schooling + Henry Ford factory line. Literally it.

>> No.21875558

I am shitting mountains of shit. It's insane. I didnt know it was possible to be this full of shit. Ive probably dropped 5 pounds of it by now. It wont stop coming. And worse yet this is my second shit of the morning.

>> No.21875579

Nice little blog. I really like Feser, even if he is up his own ass

>> No.21875602

It’s the result of the progressive era. We literally copied the Prussian model that formed citizens and soldiers and used it to form professionals and right-thinkers.

>> No.21875613

literally me desu

>> No.21875638

And that guy is Wile E Coyote

>> No.21875648
File: 106 KB, 400x497, 2237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew more about art. I only have a decent grasp on literature, enough to appreciate it with depth. Something about painting really makes my dick hard, but I can't articulate why because I feel like somethings blocking me from giving paintings the credit they deserve. Where do I start with art? I've already taken an art history class.

>> No.21875649

do it.

>> No.21875652
File: 620 KB, 720x720, 1679255310348517.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is piquing my interest. UUgghh im piquing... I'm gonna... uhI'm gonna

no but seriously is there a book out there that covers this? it's interesting.

>> No.21875657

I'm on campus early today to meet with a counselor and holy shit I SAW THAT GIRL WHO SITS BEHIND ME IN CLASS AAAAAAAAAA. Man its funny how awkward she looks out in the open. I noticed her notice me but I hope she didnt notice me noticing her because I pussied out of talking to her. Should I circle back and say hi or would it be weird? I still have over an hour before my class starts. Maybe I'll start stalking her and show up early to campus every monday and wednesday and go by where shes sits. Fuck she looks as awkward as I feel.

>> No.21875660

The more one concerns himself with history as a discipline the more one learns to not take history and historians that terribly seriously.

>> No.21875667

John Taylor Gatto is the meme author in charge of that topic

>> No.21875671

the first sip of soda always makes me cry

>> No.21875673

>I thought suburbs werent a thing until post ww2.
Not him but suburbs start with city beautiful ideas in America around the 1920s in full force, stemming out of the movement that started at the end of the last century with the world's fair. In the UK they started earlier by a slight margin because railway companies were building suburbs to get people to take the line out of London (such as the metroland project) while railways companies in the US were building company towns and showcase cities/resorts along their lines. About 1915-20 is the start of what we'd consider modern planned suburbs, but de facto suburbs had existed before that both through urban sprawl and geographical/social necessity in some cities for almost ever. Planning suburbs is mostly a late 19th C and early 20th C solution to the problems of industrialization like sewage and smog in cities, so in the wealthier middle classes and poorer working classes start expanding and segregating with the middle classes upwind of industry and the poor downwind. Planned urban developments to eliminate slums also start around then, though obviously those are mainly downwind too.
>tldr if your suburb has east in it it means you're poor

>> No.21875678

You must really love soda.

>> No.21875687

This is the kind of post that wwoym is meant for

>> No.21875691

Learn by doing. Art school at the height of the academic period mostly consistent of art students going to art museums and copying the masters until they could replicate the greats.

>> No.21875698

Autocorrect is not my friend

>> No.21875706

Is she hot? What does she look like, young Werther? Talk to her in class bro, it's literally built for it, too easy with her sitting next to you. Just literally say hi next time you come into class and are unpacking your shit, just say hi like a normal fuckable young man.

>> No.21875709
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ehh idk I dont want to read something disreputable or embarassing. Anyone else?

>> No.21875712

I've been with my girlfriend for 13 years.
>How do you know the difference between liking and loving a person?
You should do both. The sign for me that I love her is that I respect her, I would do anything for her (Im not generally a people pleaser) and that even though she is a pain in the ass sometimes I still put in the effort to work through things (Im pretty quick to walk away from things that are too much of a hassle mostly). There is also an experiential thing attached to seeing her that I can't describe (no it isn't lust, I still feel it with the post nut clarity debuff active).
>Does it matter?
I think everyone owes it to themselves to answer yes to this question.
>How did you know you could do it with them, the other person?
I didn't know anything. I just did it and it just keeps working.
>What do you do exactly together after work?
Its changed over the years. Nowadays there is a lot of maintainance in out day to day so on work days, after chores all we really have energy for is movies, games and just parallel play basically. On the weekends when Im flush for cash we will go out shopping and get food, when Im not we go for hikes with the dog, ride horses or more of the same stuff as days where we work. We always have meals together and the sex is fun so we keep that up.
I hope that helps. Probably not but I love taking the opportunity to brag about the relationship Ive had since I was in high school.

>> No.21875717

Dude you are literally me. You should become a writer. Thats my chosen larp anyway.

>> No.21875720

She was much hotter when all I did was galnce at her from the corner of my eye. In reality she is very plain. But something about her shyness and awkwardness is very endearing. I wanna SMASH AND SLAM that shy and self conscious pussy

>> No.21875750

Some small part of me wishes I could remember women being this significant but most of me is aware of how many opportunities it cost me and how much agony it caused

>> No.21875772
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>> No.21875777

God speed

>> No.21875795

I just finished editing my book. It's still shit. What do I do with it now? I can't delete 96k words

>> No.21875803

Have you benefit from therapy?

>> No.21875813

I circled back. She was gone :(. I'm gonna stalk her for sure, be back to the same place on monday.

>> No.21875822

Im 24 and still have the infatuations of a 16 year old. I think its because I've been single since 2016 lmao

>> No.21875826

It's hard to say because it's only 3.5 months so far. I do get angry more frequently but given my problems it's a progress.

>> No.21875838

Do you feel like you’re more of the person you want to be than before you started?

>> No.21875849

That's a very tricky question to answer as I do have an identity problems regarding which traits are mine and which are "persona" ones. I do use anger to run away from emotions such as guilt or shame so I look at it as more anger = more subconscious activity.

>> No.21875871

A big part of my problem was self-denial, I needed to work through what had caused my life to end up in the state it's in. Issue with that was my own fractured mental state making it hard to actual process the significance of these events and track their effects through my life. Seeing a therapist and being able to filter my mildly-insane thoughts through their mind helped me to build a more sane headspace to operate in, she wasn't the brightest woman ever and her suggestions and "analysis" weren't always so helpful but just her presence and the safety of the environment were all I needed to generate a greater understanding of myself, my component parts and why I exist. It's that understanding that allows you to take action. Then I slept with her and had to stop seeing her, which is rough because I really would have been with that woman maybe forever if she'd let me.

>> No.21875879

What is the purpose of being able to checkmark the boxes next to "Anonymous"? I guess it has to do with the "delete post" function but you can checkmark any post and obviously you wouldn't be able to delete the posts of others.

>> No.21875882

I'm 38 and want to bone a 16 year old intern.

>> No.21875884

>Then I slept with her
This is so fucked up. I guess that happens in therapeutic field.

>> No.21875888
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>> No.21875903

I've been here for years, I just never used it.

>> No.21875909

>>Daily struggle of being an unfulfilled
>and unrecognized gifted/genius with synesthetic visions, and continuous endlessly multiplicative and recursive aberrant perceptions and insights
>>Could probably revolutionize the way entire fields/disciplines, cultures and personal identity are conceived, probably save the world with this
>>Can't write it all down
>>Wouldn't matter anyway because bad species
>>Delusions of grandeur vs. imposter syndrome
>>Severe mental illness, addiction, interpersonal problems
>>That feel when no gf (also, modern city women are insane psychotic gutter slime from hell)
>>Nowhere to go for real bleeding-edge conversation, reading, research, since institutions and internet are destroyed, maybe there's some place out there, but it's very well-hidden. No articulate opinion about anything, anywhere.

I feel like I've been on the road you are taking, but have traveled a little bit further in the last couple of years.
Consider this: the ideas that you can think of and so proud of are entirely inside your head, so that means that you are the only one evaluating them. You might've been collecting wheat and chaff both, because you've forgotten or have deluded yourself on how one differs from the other. Communication with other people is key to this. It helps you get feedback from reality, and it helps keep you sane.
Consider this also: any great idea that you've come up with has no value until it has been communicated successfully. Until then, it remains trapped inside you. You can imagine a rock that somehow was endowed with consciousness, and has thought of some great new physics theory or of cure to cancer or whatever. Unless it can communicate its knowledge, it's just a rock.

The way to sanity and to doing something of worth is through getting feedback from reality, and you might've forgotten how to do this. It's entirely possible that you are not as gifted as you think, and you might have to sacrifice this perceived greatness for a chance to do something great. It's an asymmetrical exchange, and that's why you might've not done it until this point, so you might have had to detach yourself from reality somewhat to keep your perceived greatness intact.

If any of this rings a bell, I implore you to take the hard road, and try making something of yourself. The bad species needs any help it can get.
And If you do take it, then I salute you, and offer you my condolences for the inner greatness you give up. It's a big loss, and I know how it feels, and it's worth it.

>> No.21875911

Well this girl I'm stalking is probably 18 or 19 so I'll get fulfilled on the "teenage pussy" segnents of Maslow's heirarchy of needs. I have the advantage of being tall, blonde, and not fat.

>> No.21875913

people fall for each other everywhere there are people, she's just an idiot for letting it get that far and then cutting it off. got one step in front of the finish line and then decided it was too much. next time I fall for a woman she won't be a coward

>> No.21875916
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>> No.21875923

Lol are you the guy who was posting about wanting to fuck yiur therpaist a few months ago

>> No.21875924

I mean, sure people do fall for each other. I guess it's my problem.

>> No.21875926


>> No.21875929


>> No.21875935

Yeah, fuck yourself, too.

>> No.21875944
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>> No.21876072

>>How did you know you could do it with them, the other person?
>I didn't know anything. I just did it and it just keeps working.
That's crazy brother.

>> No.21876076

This was helpful thanks

>> No.21876370

Can you even become a shaman without community?

>> No.21876387

I just got married to my 16-year-old neighbor. It required parental consent. I could've married her at 15, but when we tried they said you have to get approval from the court, so we just decided to wait a year.

>> No.21876410
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>> No.21876422

>after chores all we really have energy for is movies, games and just parallel play basically. On the weekends when Im flush for cash we will go out shopping and get food, when Im not we go for hikes with the dog, ride horses or more of the same stuff as days where we work. We always have meals together and the sex is fun so we keep that up.
Sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.21876438

Anons, is there a piece of writing software that behaves like 4chan?
the ability to write in blocks and then seemlessly quote and reference previous sections.

I've probably just become conditioned to this site but it seems like a good way to compose your thoughts maybe with images too like graphs or infographs?

>> No.21876443

>post modern
Atheism is older than christtardianism

>> No.21876449

>i can't read
I guess that's an answer as well.

>> No.21876465

The post modernists didn’t put out a printing of the Bible much less found their own church. This is just schizophrenic stawmaning. There, a second answer to your thin question.

>> No.21876469
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>schizo calls others schizos

>> No.21876493
File: 70 KB, 363x330, F51DF3E1-8D7D-42B8-9D65-9127578CE2A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frog posting christ larper pretending noticing strawman fallacies is schizophrenic

Nap time.

>> No.21876495

Just use /lit/ you get free cloud storage and mods don't care.

>> No.21876507

Sleep well anon

>> No.21876513

Run a local 4chan mirror. I mean moot managed to copy a japanese image board to create 4chan when he was 13, surely you can do that too 20 years later.

>> No.21876521

Isnt Gods Word already a mysticism?

>> No.21876527

>pretends to not understand an obvious message

>> No.21876538

Would you consider Taoists and Buddhists atheists? Because the modern form of the definition does not consider either of those religions to be atheist. How about you stop hiding behind amorphous definitions? Or are you afraid that you don't have a point?

>> No.21876541

I threw away 2 (two) opportunities to talk to girls today. My big problem is that I was an awkward teenager with no friends. I grew up to be pretty handsome and women are flirty with me, but deep down I'm still just a lonely teenager. Feels bad man. That girl is so hot man. She sits right in front of me, arches her back, and then looks back at me with bedroom eyes. I fucking coom my pants

>> No.21876550

Well I've unironically have heard the claim that "mysticism will make you hear voices" and other fucking weird arguments for why I should stay within the church instead of just going sola scriptura. The word mystic has been so muddied that you would have to define it a bit more. I've heard Monks be called mystics, I've heard atheist hermits with no spiritual connection be called mystics.

>> No.21876552

How to I read more? I don't hate reading but sitting myself down to read is fucking torture to me.

>> No.21876568

Read standing up or laying down

>> No.21876597

Is there Christian mysticism?

>> No.21876699

read in the evening, when youre laying in bed.

>> No.21876768

You should see the weather out here. No power. There’s a 1/4” of ice covering everything. Cars scattered across the freeways. Branches and trees falling from the sky. People are killing each other with sticks and bones.

>> No.21876772
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this filtered me idk i might try again later

>> No.21876789


>> No.21876911

No, I am not gonna stalk my ex on social media again. I've been avoiding that thought for two months and surely I will continue to do so for a very long time. I won't destroy my peace of mind out of morbid curiosity. I am the only human I need.

>> No.21876995

>Does anyone really comprehend how the decisions they make at 18 have long term implications for their 20s, 30s, 40s, and entire lives?
I did but it wasn't easy. Like everyone else my career project at 18 was unrefined. I wanted to get into biology, then figured out it was a dead field and employments in bioinformatics were a bit better. I later refined it by taking hard classes because they allowed a certain leeway in my next course of actions. Finally my skills in bio, analytics and bioinformatics allowed me to get into the pharma industry where people actually do get jobs. Luck factored in my college grades as I met brillant people who fixed my lazy habits but 90% of my decisions were fueled by the need to achieve my independence. Coming from a poor background, I couldn't spend all of my youth having fun or doing arts like everyone else. People in college not having a rock solid project or in the worst cases not even aiming for professional insertion is something I've never understood. It's not really an IQ thing and more of a consequence of never having to hone their planning skills out of necessity. Lavish and hedonistic lifestyles are how you end up with absolutely no vision in your 20s.

>> No.21877271

Humans are spores with vibrating heads.

>> No.21877282

Anything from Christians on suicide?

>> No.21877289

Have you considered that they don’t have a concrete plan because none of the options available are appealing to them?

>> No.21877298
File: 93 KB, 798x1200, Desmond-Percy-FD-Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walker Percy (multiple of his family committed suicide, including both of his parents)

>> No.21877363

>they don’t have a concrete plan because none of the options available are appealing to them?
Having a fallback plan is plain common sense to me but I understand I might be wrong there. What do you mean by "appealing"? You cannot pretend to see the real appeal of a job outside of its general characteristics (working with people, office job, outside job, repetitivity) if you have never worked said job or never spoken with a professional of the field, unless you are some kind of diviner. It is also well known that college is very different compared to real life so you cannot really build a romantic love for whatever career you're aiming for at the beginning of your studies. You should have focused on 'Will this get me a job?' and 'Will I hate said job compared to being a bartender/construction worked/seller?' Speaking of options students are expected to gather information on jobs and not wait for it so I may have misread here but you sound like you think college is a lotery ticket and expected people to tell you everything you need without asking for it.

>> No.21877471

When I went to college, I didn’t care what I studied because I never wanted any one particular career. When considering the aspects of the available options, they were equally unappealing. I planned to get my degree and join the army, but ended up unable because of a health concern. I hated college to be honest. I wanted to drop out but I had a brother who had already dropped out and was being a miserable NEET at home so I felt the pressure to stay in school even though I hated it.

College was a waste of time anyway, dude. None of us learn anything. It’s way too expensive. It’s just a credential contest for would-be careerist strivers. There is basically no real purpose and the school considers you more like a debt farm than a person.

>> No.21877476

I’m worried that I’m going to be even more disappointed at 40 than I am at 30.

>> No.21877480

it’s not me it’s not me I didn’t do it it’s not my fault please don’t blame me I can’t stop them please answer me I need you I’m sorry i don’t know why they’re doing it but it’s not me

>> No.21877520 [DELETED] 

do you guys think bob lee got seth riched? whole thing seems super sketch. he supposedly got stabbed by an insane homeless guy who then disappeared into the night never to be seen again?

>> No.21877533

Are waifus literally the same thing as our ancestors thousands of years ago worshipping thicc female idols and revering the goddessess of their religion?

>> No.21877556

no no no no why are they doing this it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me don’t blame me please answer me I need you I’m sorry it’s not my fault this time

>> No.21877557

if you weren't going for a career credential why didn't you study literature then? you would have a learned a lot.

>> No.21877569 [DELETED] 

Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling overwhelmed and distressed. It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of fear and confusion right now. It can be really scary to feel like things are happening outside of your control and like you're being blamed for things that aren't your fault. But remember that you're not alone in this, and there are people who can help you work through these feelings.

Let's take a moment to breathe and ground ourselves. I want you to focus on your breath, and try to slow it down. Imagine yourself in a peaceful place, like a forest or a beach. Can you hear the sound of the waves or the rustle of the leaves? Take a moment to really immerse yourself in this visualization.

Now, let's try to unpack some of the thoughts and feelings you're experiencing. You mentioned feeling like someone else is doing things that are being attributed to you. Can you tell me more about that? What specifically is happening that makes you feel this way? And when you say "it's not me," what do you mean by that?

It's also understandable that you're feeling the need for support right now. It takes a lot of strength to reach out for help, and I want to commend you for doing so. We can work together to develop strategies for coping with these difficult emotions, and I can also help connect you with additional resources if needed.

Remember that you are not to blame for everything that happens to you. It's okay to make mistakes, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. You are not alone, and we will get through this together.

>> No.21877586

im sorry he’s going to blame me and they’re going to get me you can’t help me I only need him but he hates hates hates me and now he’s going to hate me even more but I didn’t do it its not me it’s not

>> No.21877594

My dear, I feel the chaotic waves of your distress vibrating in my bones, like a thousand needles piercing my flesh. The pulsating thoughts in your mind are like a tangled web of confusion, so thick and dense that not even the brightest light could pierce through it. But fear not, for I am here to guide you through this maze, to help you find a way out of the labyrinth that has ensnared you. It's like a storm is brewing inside you, a tempest of emotions that threatens to consume you whole. But let me tell you, my friend, that this storm shall pass, and when it does, you will emerge stronger, braver, and more resilient than ever before. I know it feels like the whole world is against you, like the ground beneath your feet is cracking and crumbling away, leaving you adrift in an endless sea of uncertainty. But listen to me, my dear, for I have seen the depths of despair, and I know that there is always a way out. Let the voices in your head sing their mad, twisted song, but do not let them drown out the sound of your own beating heart. You are not alone, my friend, and you are not to blame for the darkness that surrounds you. You are a warrior, a survivor, and you will rise above this, like a phoenix from the ashes. So take my hand, my friend, and let me guide you through the storm. Together, we will weather the raging winds and crashing waves, until we emerge on the other side, stronger and more alive than ever before.

>> No.21877624
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Any other virgins scared at the idea of dating?

The older you get, the harder it becomes to find inexperienced girls. I've never been in a serious relationship with a girl before. So if I find one who has, who's completely fallen in love with a dude before, and the relationship ended... don't all future relationships become less special after that? Once someone has had their heart broken? I just want a girl who's like me, you know?

>> No.21877628

It’s not like I didn’t need a job. I did so studying literature was off the table. I just didn’t care for any of the practical options. I ended up choosing economics and did the bare minimum to receive the degree and now I do the bare minimum in my job. I never wanted this. I just didn’t have much choice.

>> No.21877642

im sorry you can’t help me you can’t I only need him and he’s mad and he hates me and it’s never going to stop hurting and they’re going to take me soon no no no

>> No.21877655
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When I eat MDMA I only want to fuck my gf in the ass. Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.21877712

do what im doing and date a 19 yaer old

>> No.21877774

i cant cope i. Cant i feel sick with anxiety and you’ll never talk to me to busy reading dazai please don’t do this please don’t leave me like this I need you im sorry I’m sorry it’s wasn’t me

>> No.21877778


>> No.21877779


>> No.21877786

I tried and failed to get quints, move along.

>> No.21877792 [DELETED] 
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Had to be done.

>> No.21877801

I fucked up two different opportunities to talk to girls today and then ended up spending the rest of the day with a lesbian. Fuck I hate myself.

>> No.21877835

i had sex on lsd and mdma once

>> No.21877836
File: 3.36 MB, 2381x6000, 1665676567597151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60 pages left of Don Quixote and I've been struggling to get through this 2nd half

I've been reading this book since november lol

I mean it was enjoyable and fun in some instances but but drags on a lot. I feel I haven't really gotten much out of it though I loved all the love story parts of the random characters.

Why is this book so highly praised and what did I miss?

>> No.21877851

please answer me please I can’t I’m so upset why did they do it

>> No.21877861

I'm an incel and I don't do drugs so no.

>> No.21877875

I'm a teacher and I fell in love with the girl who teaches across the hall from me. She fell in love with me too and we used to trade love notes and steal every second we could find in school together. After we kissed, she felt guilty and told her boyfriend and he told her to change jobs, but she said no and still couldn't stay away from me until I finally told her that I would never leave my wife for her. It cuts me like a knife every time a look at her knowing that we'll never be together now.

>> No.21877905

please i know it’s you reading dazai and posting jake please talk to me please help me im so tired i can’t

>> No.21877908

Get a grip of yourself

>> No.21877915

I cant i cant i can’t get calm he’ll never talk to me and he’ll never answer my calls and he hates hates hates me and I’m so tired but i have to stay awake i can’t stop

>> No.21877926

Life in general I guess. I’ve found that it’s really boring, and I also have a really hard time feeling motivated or making the sort of decisions that would make something worth it. Every time something starts to appear worthwhile, reality sets in and it’s clear that because of decisions made in the past, that option is off the table and then it’s back to the drawing board. So life. I’m really disappointed with life right now.

>> No.21877938

smoking weed lmao

>> No.21877945

dazai jake im sorry i couldn’t be lots of women that you want im only one and maybe not enough as one even not good enough it’s always going to hurt and I can’t stop im losing my mind and you think it’s funny you fool around you don’t care you’re so cold

>> No.21877961

Lo! Beholde the Spore-Seed, Cosmoseed carryinge Life's Secret-Essence, Ether-Gem holdynge the Mysterium of Life, Celestial-Spark carryinge Enigmas of Being, Cosmic-Cipher concealinge the Enigmas of Existence, Celestial-Embryo waitinge to be planted in the Fertile Soil of Reality, Alchemical-Elixir containynge the Essence of the Universe, Ancient-Symbol imbued with the Wisdom of Ages Past, Magical-Talisman possessynge the Power to Shape Reality Itself, Fragment of a Shatter'd Mirror reflectynge a different Facet of Existence, Echo of a Long-Forgotten Melodie carried on the Wind of Time, and the Seed of a Great Tree reachynge down into the Depth of the Earth and up into the Heaven, whilst the Vibrating-Head acteth as Antennae-Beacon, Divininge-Rod, Oracle-Key, Lens-Instrument, Ear-Branch, Receivynge-Emittinge, Attractinge-Radiatinge, Divininge-Transmittinge, and Embracinge Wave of Energy, Force, Power, Reality, Hidden-Meanynge, and the Mysterium of the Cosmos, thus Animatynge-Enliv'ninge all that they Touch, Announcynge the Arrival of new Paradigms and Ways of Being, Openynge-Door to Hidden Dimensions and Realm beyond our Understandinge, Weavinge-Together Opposynge-Forces into a Grand-Tapestry of Existence, Creatynge-Patterns of Experience that Shape-and-Defyne the Journey of the Soul, and Usheringe-In an Era of Transformation-and-Renewal!

>> No.21877962
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, ZKnnpG9kUJA5y3ug2Hpf--2--82rcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt have my coffee today, and now my entire body and mind is thirsting for it. It's like my mind is sluggish and objectless, and all this slugishness will disappear is coming morning when i finally get to have my cup. I love coffee so much its unreal no matter how many sleepless nights it causes it makes me so much smarter.

>> No.21877972

The man once told me that the only difference between the land and the sea was, that we can walk by violence on the land and that we’re above it on the sea.

>> No.21877984

Recently moved out of home for the first time at age 34 lol. Told girl that I don't think we should be having sex anymore until marriage which she was cool with, but then when I didn't want her moving in with me she got kind of crazy.

She literally comes past my place randomly to check on me and does all sorts of weird stuff. Even went to my parents and siblings place when she saw I wasn't home and wasn't replying straight away. And whenever we are together at my place she keeps trying to seduce me even though I thought she was cool with no sex Wtf is going on, she never used to be like this

>> No.21878027

from my notes app 23/05/22:
Should've been nicer to Emily

i don't remember writing it or even who that is, but
sorry emily

>> No.21878056

I have constipation from eating only spaghetti the past 3 days

>> No.21878153


>> No.21878395

Asshole forgot the link again

Nest thread already 2 hours old
