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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 838 KB, 1041x1210, The_Catcher_in_the_Rye_(1951,_first_edition_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21873047 No.21873047 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21873051

The Art of The Deal

>> No.21873053

women don't read books. they read cosmopolitan and tv guide

>> No.21873119

Cosmopolitan is wild though. At least it was when I was a kid. Sexiest tricks to drive your man insane like sticking your pinky in his dickhole and giving him a hand job with a glove made of chupacabra fur and shit like that

>> No.21873126

i read this book as a 13-year-old girl and greatly related to holden, thereby disproving your assertion

>> No.21873128


>> No.21873130

whats so hard to understand about it? its mostly just a whiney teenager who doesn't grow the fuck up

>> No.21873136

>greatly related to holden
implying it is about relating to holden, missing the point completely

>> No.21873146

spoonfeed me the point then

>> No.21873150

you wouldn't understand as a woman, you either read it and get it. Or get to a farcical point like yours

>> No.21873155

why are you pretending to be me nigga

>> No.21873156

>you wouldnt get it
>doesn't have a point to provide
literal psued retard
im also not a woman

>> No.21873163

he responded to both of us

>> No.21873165

>i read this book as a 13-year-old girl
>spoonfeed "me" the point then
stop larping as that op

>pseud retard
thinks the point is "relating to holden"

>> No.21873176
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Easy. Women will never understand the love a man has for them

>> No.21873182


>> No.21873193


>> No.21873206

I am literally Werther

>> No.21873296

>Blood Meridian
>Moby Dick
To name a few

>> No.21873365

This, especially poems written after women break up with them

>> No.21873372

This is one of my favorite books... :(

>> No.21873424
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>> No.21873425

Post some pls

>> No.21873737

>Game over, white boy!

>> No.21873763
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>Madly in love with your wife so much so that you write many letters expressing how much you love her
>Wife barely writes back
>Reads your letters to her friends
>Cheats on you while you're away conquering Europe
I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.21874090
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Anything by Kafka, The Metamorphosis especially. Go to Goodreads and every 1 star review is by a solipsistic women. Their brains aren't wired to comprehend true alienation.

>> No.21874111
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>> No.21874215

Ayn Rand

>> No.21874304

>Books I'm going to pretend women don't read


>> No.21874346

Can anyone read it as an adult and feel anything other than secondhand embarrassment when remembering themselves as a Dunning-Kruger teenager?

>> No.21874352

Men only ever love the idea of a woman. How else would they love so intensely?

>> No.21874453

Neither will /lit/ users understand this book or any philosophical book

>> No.21874671

i hate women so much its unreal

>> No.21874675

>secondhand embarrassment
isn't naivety the essence of youth? why the fuck would you feel embarrassment knowing you've gone through life's stages, almost like a shitty american male rite of passage

>> No.21874700

Phony detected, opinion rejected

>> No.21874714 [DELETED] 

He was Italian, she was French. Culture clash

>> No.21874754
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It's been 12 years since I first read this book.
Does the pain ever stop bros

>> No.21874777

You are a retard, women create and consume far more books than men.

>> No.21874786

It hasn't yet.

>> No.21874789
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>> No.21874808

Long-form blogposts about exes and stuck tampons aren’t real books, bipoc lgbt ya and werewolf ceo rape aren’t literature either.

>> No.21874812

"Game over, white boy!"

>> No.21874814

Women under 30 read Dostoevsky and Tolstoy more than men do in my experience, although among Millennials men read Dostoevsky more than women do. I think there is a generational shift that’s coinciding with men dominating academia less and less, or even women dominating the humanities.

>> No.21874850

I thought The Metamorphosis was popular among zoomers because of TikTok or some shit like that.

>> No.21874867
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>> No.21874872

My mom read The Catcher in the Rye. She said that the protagonist was funny and she laughed through all the book. She really tought it was a comedy book.

Lord of the Flies. You beed to go through childhood/pre-teen being a boy to understand the desires of Jack's group.

>> No.21874880

Why are women so retarded? I still love them regardless.

>> No.21874885

I hate women so much it's unreal, especially those who reject my advances.

>> No.21874889

Read Nine Stories by Salinger and find some new pain.

>> No.21874893

She’ll love my upcoming novella. It takes places in Kazakhstan and goes really hard.

>> No.21874895

I love women but I also hate women

>> No.21874909

that's not a crew cut

>> No.21874916

I've read everything by Salinger already and the closest thing to Catcher was Zooey's story

>> No.21874927

Based, I've still got to read Raise High the Roofbeam and Carpenters.

>> No.21875005
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>which men might do me, on the fate that destiny might have in store for me, I have gazed steadfastly on the most incredible misfortunes without a wrinkle on my brow or a vestige of surprise: but to-day the thought that my Josephine might be ill; and, above all, the cruel, the fatal thought that she might love me less, blights my soul, stops my blood, makes me wretched and dejected, without even leaving me the courage of fury and despair.
>I often used to say that men have no power over him who dies without regrets; but, to-day, to die without your love, to die in uncertainty of that, is the torment of hell, it is a lifelike and terrifying figure of absolute annihilation-I feel passion strangling me. My unique companion! you whom Fate has destined to walk with me the painful path of life! the day on which I no longer possess your heart will be that on which parched Nature will be for me without warmth and without vegetation. I stop, dear love! my soul is sad, my body tired, my spirit dazed, men worry me-I ought indeed to detest them; they keep me from my beloved.
Literally me

>> No.21875077

You should feel empathy

>> No.21875083

Tolstoy maybe, solely because that fat retarded bitch Oprah promoted Anna Karenina because muh strong empowered womyn (even though the actual meaning of the book was mocking that trope and Tolstoy was rabidly misogynistic)
Dostoevsky is FAR more read by young men. Literally every guy in their 20s thinks they are Raskolnikov.

>> No.21875102
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Bar none.
Bar fucking none.

>> No.21875108

ew toxic incel ranting

>> No.21875114

Honestly, not weird at all. Pretty sure you're supposed to both hate them and love them. Like 95% sure.

>> No.21875117

Essentially, yes.
Which is why women will never get it.
>he's literally me
etc. etc.

>> No.21875159
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>Here's your GF that reads bro

>> No.21875166


>> No.21875176
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Too subtle for the feminine mind

>> No.21875472
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>> No.21875480

I know there are at least a minority of women who still browse this board. Ladies, I dislike you soooo much.

>> No.21875508

I like how the opening line in German and presumably any direct translation never says he turned into a cockroach

>> No.21875509
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it needs to be illegal for women to talk except in the home for like 100 years just so we can detox from this fucking nightmare

women DO NOT have the same natural shame men feel at spouting off with no qualifications, they think the entire world is one big party where people are wandering around babbling and smooching and eating candy corns

>> No.21875642
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>> No.21876350

Zorba the greek. I can't imagine reading 20 pages of that as a woman.

>> No.21876758


>> No.21876793
File: 272 KB, 275x154, 1679432274758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw some random 4chan moid dislikes me!!! NOOO!

>> No.21876794


>> No.21876805
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, weininger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be aware, if you're not a tranny that is, you will never be respected as a person and every dude who acts like he respects you and your opinion, does that because he likes the feeling of his dick in you and he wouldn't want to jeopardize that by showing/telling you how retarded you are. There's nothing you can do about this really, since men despised women with very good reason since the dawn of time. All thinking men did.

>> No.21876812


>> No.21876814

at least they read the book. my fried zoomer brain can barely get past the first page.

>> No.21876831

>Expecting me to read that
>Expecting me to give a shit about moid opinions
nice try, scrote, I am too busy outperforming men in college and not commiting 97% of violent crimes

>> No.21876834
File: 278 KB, 1030x685, womenthoughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but we already know women don't read, that's what the thread is about.

>> No.21876847

>Expecting me to read that
No one expects you to read femoid

>> No.21876856

>once again expecting me to read that
when will they learn

>> No.21876864

the part where he’s at the pay phone and can’t think of anyone to call hits hard

>> No.21877185

Jarvis, pull up race statistics

>> No.21877199

Holden raped his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.21877215
File: 256 KB, 1261x776, 1575310156379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get to women by saying they have no soul
What's the point? They don't care or know what that is. Hit them where it hurts: their youth.

>> No.21877399

>"b-but you will get older and I will not longer find you attractive!!"
Oh no... my entire self-identity/purpose was based on random men finding me attractive
I am already a mother, that ship has sailed long ago lmao

>> No.21877672

Go back to cafe

>> No.21877681

I think it's a problem of mostly Western society, specifically American

>> No.21877701

post tiddies or gtfo

>> No.21877715

I genuinely feel sorry for your kids

>> No.21878953

Explain this meme

>> No.21879408

Its self explanatory

>> No.21879410

show your tits

>> No.21879711

Nobody cares about your age dysphoria and your gender dysphoria.

>> No.21879761

The only reason this book has survived being tossed in the trash and forgotten is because the author is part of the (((club))).
It is not profound, it is mediocre.

>> No.21879798


>> No.21881030

It's already in the trash as far as normal people are concerned. Only incels like it. Only a matter of time it's removed from school if it hasn't already.

>> No.21881692

what did you take out of it?

>> No.21881941

>be a mother
>kid enters room
>"Mom, I'm hungry, and my brother shitted in the sink again"
>"Don't bother me, I'm arguing on 4chan"

>> No.21881948

Dude, its the child rape.

>> No.21882988

Filtered. Did you at least understand the core theme of the book?

>> No.21883009

>Did you at least understand the core theme of the book?
He rapes his sister, Phoebe.
His dad rapes him 20 times on page 1.
He's in a psych hospital.
His older brother is a male prostitute.

>> No.21883232

I read the book and got absolutely none of that.

>> No.21883242

>I read the book
obviously not.

>> No.21883267

>i guess i thought it was neat that mr antolini went and picked him up even though he was covered in the cum and blood of seven unlubricated forced entries, one right after the other.

>> No.21883377

It's funny because of the comma.

>> No.21883436

There is a retarded reddit interpretation of the book that thinks that when Holden dances 4 songs with her sister it actually means that he fucked her 4 times

>> No.21883439

You'll want to check the archives, son.

>> No.21883468

sir this is a wendy's

>> No.21883492

I have already but I never found anything. The only thing I found on the internet was that retarded reddit interpretation

>> No.21883726

Ah. Redditors. They're so privileged they got nothing to do.

>> No.21883736

This is a book that everyone should read at least once, but not everyone should take too seriously. Salinger’s prose is crisp, colloquial, and conversational. It offers a sardonic, biting portrait of the American experience. But he also indulges in some cheap tricks, like the mysterious disappearance of Holden’s brother Allie, the ambiguous fate of Holden’s sister Phoebe, and the abrupt ending that leaves us hanging. He wants us to care about Holden, but he doesn’t give us enough reasons to do so.

>> No.21883753

I’d still hit it

>> No.21883883

>I can't use 4chan.
You can't write either.

>> No.21883899

robinson crusoe

>> No.21883904

According to Wikipedia this is Bridget Hennessy's favorite book

>> No.21883959

Brainrotted retard lol

>> No.21883972

Nigger do you have any friends? Or male older relatives even?