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21867959 No.21867959 [Reply] [Original]

How come no one ever argues that this book should be in the hands of kids?

>> No.21867961

bc thats retarded

>> No.21867981

Not much more retarded than giving kids that genderqueer book that's all over every list.

>> No.21868068

Because "banned books" is really just marxist dogma lists.
They spent generations making it "cool to rebel" so if you want to rebel, here is a bunch of things you can rebel against. We have really cool Rebellion(tm) music, Rebellion(tm) shirts, and so on.
Hey kids, do you guys wanna rebel against something? Here is a bunch of things THEY don't want you to read? Oh, who are "THEY"? The BAD GUYS, of course! Who are the bad guys? Get the fascist out of here.

>> No.21868069

It is so boring that no one ever reads it. It bans itself.

>> No.21868091

t. never read it, probably doesn't even know the main characters names without looking it up

>> No.21868792

pretty sure it's illegal in germany

>> No.21868833

We live in an ocean of noise, capsized by our ignorance, clutching and grasping at the flotsam and jetsam of passing conversation. Why would anyone start a conversation about a book they don't want anyone to read?

>> No.21869473

Where is it banned, specifically?
I'm not willing to do any research, but I'll say that for-profit entities refusing to stock something is reasonably treated diffferently from banning it from public institutions (eg schools and libraries)
If it IS banned from public institutions, it by definition IS on the "banned books" list, or no there one would know they weren't allowed to stock it. Not accurately relaying that list to some more visible "spotlight on banned books" type of display or article listing would depend on the entity responsible for the summary, which are many and diverse in their reasoning. You might reach out to them directly to get their reasoning.

>> No.21869506

This. "Banned books" just means that a school library decided carrying a book was more trouble than it was worth, not that the book was actually banned by a major country.
>People got upset because the local library spent tax dollars on softcore porn? Censorship!
>The postal service will confiscate your package if they think it contains a copy of that book? I sleep.

>Where is it banned, specifically?

>> No.21869544

Do most people even know about or remember this book today? It was talked about a bit after the Oklahoma City bombing, but not much after. I'm talking about average people who aren't terminally online.

>> No.21869692

Exactly. Things forgotten are things lost. Why would you send an exile to the gallows? Why censor what isn’t seen?

>> No.21869753

Back in the day before Internet, releasing books like the turner diaries was the main way to spread white supremacism and TND. With the advent of modern social media, it's much more profitable for racists to spout their propaganda online rather than pamphlets or novels. If william Luther pierce were alive today he'd be a twitch streamer, a podcaster (which he kinda was) and a discord admin

>> No.21869756

Books were banned because they had sex and obscene content not retarded ideology

>> No.21869765

liberals fear even uttering the truly banned books

>> No.21869965
File: 43 KB, 324x475, unintended-consequences-john-ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually read it.
I thought it was poorly conceived, juvenile wish-fulfillment.
If you're looking for an actual good book that's loosely in this genre, try picrel.
You can find free PDFs of both books online. I did.

>> No.21869981

its cheesy but kind of fun. The only way to get the full experience is to listen to the audio book. Worth throwing on while driving

>> No.21869982

>poorly conceived, juvenile wish-fulfillment
that's what gives it soul. nobody but pierce was capable of putting aside their own doubts to write such an honest and virile book. you hate it because it insists that something is possible, but you know that nothing is possible.

>> No.21869991
File: 192 KB, 900x779, mirthfullifter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are exactly the kind of emotionally stunted smoothbrain he was trying to pander to.

>> No.21869994

No, that's what makes it pseud.
Have you read "Unintended Consequences", or are you speaking out of ignorance?

>> No.21869996
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>> No.21869999

>>21869996 i have not read either book

>> No.21870005
File: 221 KB, 480x350, Screenshot from 2023-04-04 10-41-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's "banned books..." and "banned books!"

>> No.21870044

I read it and I can only remember his last name is turner.
The hangings of all the people really stuck with me. Especially the woman who looked like she was standing there.

>> No.21871285
File: 721 KB, 768x549, Day of the Cope well regulated melitia edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>juvenile wish-fulfillment.

This one is even more escapist cope than Boomer`s Diaries. But its worth reading if you like odd gun history bits.

>> No.21871340

it's great for getting insight in the deranged mind of a white nationalist, not for much else though

>> No.21871357

>The United States government decides to launch an invasion of the Organization's stronghold in southern California. The leaders of the Order now inform Earl Turner of his punishment for having failed to resist his Jewish interrogators during his captivity: he must pilot a crop duster equipped with a nuclear warhead and destroy the Pentagon in a kamikaze-type suicide-strike, before the invasion can be ordered.

>> No.21871459

It's banned on Goodreads, Amazon and eBay. No publisher carries and no self publishing service is willing to print it for you.
>Oh just start your own publisher then
No bank will accept your as their corporate client when you print that stuff.
>Oh just start your own bank then
Government won't allow it

Just because you refuse to touch the walls of your cell, doesn't mean that you are free

>> No.21871513
File: 68 KB, 640x550, 1618342107522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. He was supposed to kill himself if he was about to be captured.
He failed to do so because of wall falling on him or something similar.

>> No.21872492

Thanks, that made it easy to verify and I found a cool resource about it.
Technically that is A banned books list, and a pretty sincere one. But it's sure not one of the popular listicle format or any library/bookstore display because those do indeed pick relatively uncontroversial or push titles for the sake of generating interest or moral posturing. Taking a genuinely unsafe stance would scare the fuck out of those guys.

I get where you're coming from but I think there is a meaningful distinction between the legal status of "banned" and the de-facto corporate stance that associating with the thing would be too financially disasterous to be practical.
>No bank will accept your as their corporate client when you print that stuff.
I suspect that's true if they do their research properly, but a sufficiently enterprising person could probably secure a starter loan if they were vague enough. Or maybe find one a rich patron whose political leanings align sufficiently. Hell, if you could convince them it's sufficiently destabilizing, you could probably get a loan from Chinese investors.
But sure, I understand it's effectively like censorship anyway. It's just a matter of who is exerting the threat and what kind of threat it is.

>> No.21872664

Payment processors are a huge bottle neck.
I also don't agree with the distinction between corporations and the government now.
You have seen how twitter was getting leaned on by twitter, and how the dhs had a portal into Facebook.

>> No.21872749

>Oh just start your own publisher then
Or just, like, use the internet.

>> No.21873257

I tried reading it, couldn't get past the first chapter. Just not a very good style.

>> No.21873449

This irks me immensely, I see the term “banned books” used to describe all the dumb shit they forced us to read in school. Maus? Catcher in the Rye? 1984? Give me a break. Even in a supposedly free country, youd be amazed how well they can hide books that put forth a truly inconvenient truth.

>> No.21873565

The style is supposed to be the diary of a man of action who wasn’t a prose stylist, so it suits the book well. If you’re incapable of understanding that and getting into it, you may be hopelessly autistic. Try Hunter instead maybe.