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21865940 No.21865940 [Reply] [Original]

I am reading up on ancient skeptics and one theme among them is the rejection of science as a form of knowledge, for various reasons, but one is that matter belongs to contingent things that are not a necessity and to things that are changing, so is scientific knowledge. And you know what, they are right, science is changing and it was wrong in the past, can be wrong now. So with this, can anybody tell me, why the fuck people believe in science or why they base their opinions on science, when it can change? What are theoretical foundations of science then? Why isn't it considered futile? Help my brain which is in great distress.

>> No.21865963
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Rene Descartes wrote the same thing - we can't follow science, because it is changing, so we must follow moral certainties. So why are people following science?

>> No.21866352

All knowledge is fallible, even mathematical knowledge since we can make mistakes, or knowledge recording what we sense since empirical psychology as demonstrated our senses are also fallible. But induction is convincing, and certain types of induction are not fallacious (that is, capable of a formulaic rebuttal that destroys their convincingness), and the success of science brings further credence to it's name.

>> No.21867476

I can't get on the bus because it's gonna move somewhere else. So I must sit here waiting for the bus

>> No.21867609

“Believing in science” is wrong even when you’re not a Pyrrhonist, science is just the act of figuring out repeating patterns observed in phenomena in order to navigate them. They’re a working hypothesis at best, but that is not at odds with scepticism. Pyrrho still navigated the world after all. He still ate food despite not making statements about its ontological nature. Likewise, you can still use science without believing in it as a religion. You’re doing so right now with the device you’re reading this on.

>> No.21867624

Suspend judgement in order to alleviate your stress. The goal of scepticism is ataraxia through epoché.

>> No.21867665

Sceptics are based and one step below transcendent theological realization. Keep going.