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/lit/ - Literature

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21863608 No.21863608 [Reply] [Original]

Approaching and appreciating the Quran as a text necessitates a grasp of what exactly it is and functions as. One, the Quran is a reminder or remembrance

>It is We who have sent down the Remembrance, and We watch over it.


It is sent to be a continual reminder of Tawheed as well as a reminder to fear Allah and the most crucial ordinances He has prescribed, what should be learned by rote.

Second, it is liturgical, it is sacred in recitation as well as reading--a man who has ejaculated is not permitted to recite or quote from the Arabic of the Quran until he has bathed and cleansed himself. The text is intended to be prayed, the salat done five times a day is made up of units wherein one recites the first chapter of the Quran, then any other chapter (or an excerpt from a very long chapter). During Ramadan in the taraweeh prayers, the entire Quran is gone through over the course of month through congressional prayers, with approximately 1/30th being recited every night.


Thus the structure of the Quran is liturgical, not the structure of an epic poem or something like that, though the Quran uses conventions of the epic such as "In medias res" and using quantative (the poetic recitation form of Homer, Vergil, and Dante) rather than qualitative recitation (the form used now even in Italian and Greek except in the Orthodox services).



>> No.21863609 [DELETED] 
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Next it is important to understand that the Quran's retelling of Biblical narrative is not simply a repeat but almost always a correction, "setting the record straight" from an Islamic perspective. Here for example Solomon was not an idolater, David did not co-opt another man's wife, Moses did not order any genocide (and indeed felt consumed with grief for accidentally killing the Egyptian), there was no plague killing the firstborn of Egypt, Noah warned his people a long time before the Deluge and they didn't heed him, Noah didn't get drunk and exposed by Ham (or raped by him, as Rabbinic commentators suggest), Satan was not a talking snake and in fact tempted Adam directly rather than Eve. Mary was not married when she was impregnated (she is portrayed as an ascetic who was elevated above all other women and given pregnancy as a miracle for that, which lead to the slander of her suggesting she had an affair with a roman soldier). There are numerous other examples, but the point is the Quran doesn't simply reiterate any of these stories but responds to how they're told.

These factors make it important that one take care in English translations to appreciate the Quran on any level. The translation that I suggest if you're going in the for time is Arberry's, since he not strives to be faithful but tries to imitate the Arabic sound and cadence (the Quran varies in cadence and rhythm in different sections at stretches). Arberry even takes the trouble to put line breaks where there are pauses in the recitation. You can find some of his translation recited here (first chapter starts at 0:33, the second chapter starts at 3:36) to get an ideahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKFBfM_aGyo&t=1089s

>> No.21863625

Man goes boom then goes rattattaatta at anyone who talks about it then goes stabby stabby at random strangers. There.

>> No.21863627
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Next it is important to understand that the Quran's retelling of Biblical narrative is not simply a repeat but almost always a correction, "setting the record straight" from an Islamic perspective. Here for example Solomon was not an idolater, David did not co-opt another man's wife, Moses did not order any genocide (and indeed felt consumed with grief for accidentally killing the Egyptian), there was no plague killing the firstborn of Egypt, Noah warned his people a long time before the Deluge and they didn't heed him, Noah didn't get drunk and exposed by Ham (or raped by him, as Rabbinic commentators suggest), Satan was not a talking snake and in fact tempted Adam directly rather than Eve. Mary was not married when she was impregnated (she is portrayed as an ascetic who was elevated above all other women and given pregnancy as a miracle for that, which lead to the slander of her suggesting she had an affair with a roman soldier). There are numerous other examples, but the point is the Quran doesn't simply reiterate any of these stories but responds to how they're told.

These factors make it important that one take care in English translations to appreciate the Quran on any level. The translation that I suggest if you're going in the for time is Arberry's, since he not strives to be faithful but tries to imitate the Arabic sound and cadence (the Quran varies in cadence and rhythm in different sections at stretches). Arberry even takes the trouble to put line breaks where there are pauses in the recitation. You can find some of his translation recited here (first chapter starts at 0:33, the second chapter starts at 3:36) to get an idea


>> No.21863683

If it’s the Word of God, what do you expect? How does the Bible or any premodern conception of religion regard those who try to incite Divine Wrath?

>> No.21864787
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>> No.21865720

Lol it was edited to not be chronological, it is changed to be in chapter length order.
Bill warner had some good books on the subject.

>> No.21865776

what's there to understand, it's shit mi5 made up

>> No.21865786

The chapters are not consistently ordered to length only generally and in fact most of the longer chapters were not revealed all at once, rather verses came down and the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم put them into the respective chapters they belonged to next to the verse they belonged to

>> No.21866114

I was thinking to send the Ramadan reading Bezels of Wisdom by Ibn Arabi. Would you suggest an alternate?

>> No.21866153

The ulema's Ramadan tradition has been, since the time of the Salad, is to drop all books for the month except for the Quran and to read 1/30th a day; some will read it completely a day, every day, for Ramadan

>> No.21866405

I have finished reading Quran a couple of times Alhamdulillah. I seek to understand now

>> No.21866432
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Postan in a glowie thread.
Remember, posting on 4chan isn't actually anonymous.