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21862510 No.21862510 [Reply] [Original]

Should dangerous books be banned?

>> No.21862520

trannies should be banned

>> No.21862521

>sensationalist article from a random blog
a thread died etc

>> No.21862582

Daily reminder that Tolkien BTFO Hitler and called him a "ruddy little ignoramus" and /pol/ is still in denial over it to this day.

>> No.21862602

I love Tolkien and I love Hitler!

>> No.21862605

No but there should be something like a driver's license but for art.

>> No.21862618
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I don't care. Honk, honk.

>> No.21862635
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May we see this report?

>> No.21862712

No-one reads books any more. Right wing extremities would be much better served with some pithy tik-tok videos these days.

>> No.21862782

Did he think that by sucking up to the Jews like that they'd allow his comfy traditional England to survive? How'd that work out?

>> No.21862786

The slippery slope is real after all. A reminder for those from the queer book thread

>> No.21862922

It's from the UK Prevent scheme which is designed to stamp out terrorist grooming in kids, but has been so focussed on Islamic extremism at the expense of right wing extremism, that they basically did a Principal Skinner and quickly looked online to find a 4chan lit list of books every kid should read.

These people (as are most anti terrorist operatives) are a fucking joke.

>> No.21862941

No. Tolkien was opposed to violence, coercion, and industrialization, and Nazi Germany was the nation state embodiment of all those things.

The only reason /pol/ thinks they have anything in common with Tolkien is because /pol/ is filled with absolute fucking room temperature IQ retards.

>> No.21862947

1984 was written by a leftist anti-totalitarianism (but specially as a critic towards stalinism). So I don't see how it could lead to the alt-right.

>> No.21862987

No. But LGBTQ books should be banned. Not because they're dangerous but because they're gay.

>> No.21863005

Daily reminder millennials will not rest until everything other than "ADULTING IS HARD LOL" shit is banned.

>> No.21863085

Actually the thing with LOTR being "fascist" dates way far back to its early days. I'm not saying this to dismiss the whole tranny thing that's happening right now which is its own breed of psyop, but I'm Italian and the LOTR here had had been associated with the right and thought of being crypto-fascist (obviously by communists) way back during the 70s.

>> No.21863092

Tolkien was obviously conservative, but anyone who associated him with fascism is insane and/or retarded. He supported Franco, but that was purely because he was assblasted that the communists were killing Catholics. Beyond that, he had absolutely no ideological agreement with fascism, and especially not Nazism.

>> No.21863098

Yaeh Orwell was a social democrat lol. I think the whole idea was that of twitsting it into "1984 was against the Nazis" which was the go-to idea, but if you're smart enough to read 1984 you're also smart enough to understand it's based on Soviet communism, so the trannies had to find another route.
Majority of normies think 1984 is about Nazis because totalitarianism = Nazis

>> No.21863104

I know it's retarded. I'm just pointing out that the whole association between Tolkien and being a "fascist" is way older than Twitter trannies. Actually a whole lot of what Twitter trannies are pushing really hard right now has existed in some shape or form for decades. I think the reason why they're succeding is that we finally have a wholly centralized information system.

>> No.21863128

Okay sure why not
>Lord of the Rings

>> No.21863130

>I have spent most of my life, since I was your age, studying Germanic matters (in the general sense that includes England and Scandinavia). There is a great deal more force (and truth) than ignorant people imagine in the 'Germanic' ideal. I was much attracted by it as an undergraduate (when Hitler was, I suppose, dabbling in paint, and had not heard of it), in reaction against the 'Classics'. You have to understand the good in things, to detect the real evil. But no one ever calls on me to 'broadcast', or do a postscript! Yet I suppose I know better than most what is the truth about this 'Nordic' nonsense. Anyway, I have in this War a burning private grudge – which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light. Nowhere, incidentally, was it nobler than in England, nor more early sanctified and Christianized.

>> No.21863138

Are /pol/lacks actually appropriating LOTR as a "right-wing" thing?I'm the guy who mentioned the 70s before, but I have never heard this side of the discouse. Generally, Tolkien fans were just Tolkien fans, nerds. It was generally hard leftists who called people fascists for reading LOTR, not fascists (I mean actual fascists/neo-fascists here) who appropriated the book.

>> No.21863139

>Are /pol/lacks actually appropriating LOTR as a "right-wing" thing?
Yes, lol. They've been calling black people orcs for several years now.

>> No.21863165

>They've been calling black people orcs
That's 100% an American leftist thing. It's leftists who are the most racist whites on the planet. They saw that orcs were dark skinned and insisted that because African Americans are also dark and evil it must be an allegory for orcs, because if you read LOTR you're a fascist and evidently, EVIDENTLY it has to be about American blacks. I mean haha who else looks like orcs?

>> No.21863171

No, you're misunderstanding me. They don't say orcs are black people, they call actual, real black people orcs. It's like an exceptionally nerdy way of calling someone a nigger.

>> No.21863173

Are you sure you're not confusing /tg/ shitposts with reality?

>> No.21863196

Excuse me but what the fuck? In what universe does LOTR lead to right-wing racism? It was first adopted and read by hippies in the 70s, which is why it was so popular.

>> No.21863268

The only thing I got out of 1984 was Orwell's desire to have sex with a rebelling women. I also think that Winston was only turned on by the sex because he was doing it against the state.

>> No.21863285

the whole anti-sex thing was really the only thing he was wrong about. He underestimated the pacifying power of coom

>> No.21863294

Pornography is produced by the state in the book. The goal of state policy in 1984 is to turn men into incels who rely on porn

>> No.21863298

Really? I didn't remember that. I remember that the Party forbid anything sexual except for the sake of making children.

>> No.21863306

No, the party does officially but unofficially they produce porn for the proles who do not know it is supported by the state to keep them complicit

>> No.21863312

Well fuck me. I'll have to re-read that. He really did figure everything out then. Winston's still a cuck tho.

>> No.21863325

Winston is supposed to by an English Everyman. Don’t forget even James Bond is a cuck in the books, in Moonraker his love interest from Diamond are Forever dumps him for a U.S. Marine and his other love interest in the book tells him after saving her live at the end oh my boyfriend will love you and he just fades out.

>> No.21863372

Why don't they ever look at left-wing extremism too? Left-wing extremism is fairly bad for society too.

>> No.21863381

Leftists are feeble and weak so they don't do much if any

>> No.21863395

All books are dangerous. Knives as well. And things you could use to make fire.

>> No.21863419


>> No.21863444

No. I think left-wing should be banned in white countries. The left exists to kill White people.

>> No.21864123

Read it for yourself.

>> No.21864128

Are "they" in the room with us right now?

>> No.21864188

In the UK, they came down hard leftist extremists.

Get this...

Lefties started sitting in the road to protest the lack of insulation in housing, that could prevent millions more falling into energy debt. It caused chaos. People were hours late for appointments. Hours! For reasons that weren't the usual idiots crashing and roadworks. The horror.

So govt made protest illegal and locked them up.

Then energy prices went through the roof due to Ukraine (exacerbated by same govt that sold all our gas storage capabilities, and cut green energy funding like insulation grants, to cushion vertical rises in price), and suddenly people liked the idea of insulation, and the party in power is looking to be wiped out at the next election. From 80 seat majority able to pass any law they like, to independent candidate levels.

>> No.21864227

>Should dangerous books be banned?

The "screenshot" is faked.

But no, don't ban books. Debate them.

>> No.21864239

> they call actual, real black people orcs
Omg how can they do that just attack and denigrate a whole people? Besides orcs are what we call ruzzians, right? Slava ukraini!

>> No.21864246

Yes. Especially your children's fantasy books.

>> No.21864280

LOTR isn't associated with the right for being "fascist" it's because it's unapologetically white and simply existing as a white person is considered far-right terrorism now.

>> No.21864289

Lies. Speaking of which, list some books that explicitly call for white genocide

>> No.21864319

What do you mean lies? It is no secret that Tolkien set out to "create a mythology for England" or whatever, which is problematic because that entire thesis rests on the assumption of a (white) national identity.
Furthermore his work has clearly delineated races, each with their own racial characteristics, which is another big "right-wing" wrongthink.
Tolkien has to be canceled because like it or not he represents a white England, and to a broader extent, a white Europe, and we all know that can't be allowed.

>> No.21864426

They gotta ban F. Gardner. That guy's a dangerous renegade.

>> No.21864436

Yeah, you sound upset. Calm down, incel.

>> No.21864482

Both those books are used by leftist and the right. Obviously there must be some way they transcend that dichotomy. That would be I think by being critical of the bureaucratic government. Ironically the government is being fascist in this case.

>> No.21864627

god help us all

>> No.21864639
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I wonder why the glowies don't want people reading 1984?

Not sure why they wouldn't want people reading LoTR though?

>> No.21864649

We live in world of universal deceit, universal truths like goodness, holding on to hope is subversive just by existing.

>> No.21864752

>Cares about environment and poor people freezing
I don't think any incel would fit the above criteria.

I am upset. You would be too if you weren't suh a flaming edge lord. It's ludicrous, and people keep voting against their best interests to kill worse off people than themselves.

The pandemic killed the wrong people.

>> No.21865858

>book that exposes all the tricks of authoritarian government
>government doesn't want people to read it
Mind == blown.

>> No.21865895

>Not sure why they wouldn't want people reading LoTR though?
Because it's anti-industrialization. All the work to prevent an opposing empire from prospering and they return to find their homes destroyed anyway in the name of progress.

>> No.21865896


Lord of the Rings deals with very clear themes of "good vs. evil." You know who the good guys are, and their virtuous qualities are obvious. You know who the bad guys are, because they are evil and slimy and are trying to destroy the world.
This ability to instinctively and intuitively be able to identify evil and badness are qualities that they don't want the average citizen to have. Because people who are able to identify evil are usually the ones who understand that politicians are fucking them over. And knowing how bad things really are is a no no.
Also LotR is bad because it's very white. Like turbo white. It's borderline white supremacy.

>> No.21865906

Also I should add to this that that's why you've seen so many "morally gray" characters in movies and TV shows in the last decade. Precisely because of this. Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Joker, etc. They want to gaslight people into thinking that objective morality doesn't exist. It makes it so that their evil is harder to spot.

>> No.21865957

Daily reminder that Tolkien was a Traditionalist Catholic monarchist who would be considered a radical rightwing extremist today.

>> No.21865962

Why are you so obsessed with /pol/?

>> No.21865966

Because this entire fucking board is obviously swarming with people who post there and I'm tired of you fucking retarded faggots playing dumb and being like "/pol/? what is this /pol/ you speak of?" every time someone brings it up.

>> No.21865975

>itt: redditors learn about things posted on pol 8 years ago

>> No.21865984

This is true they should ban The Lord of the Rings and 1984. They both made me a Nazi. I love Hitler so much and I love those books. Plz ban thnx

>> No.21865985

I'm a right wing Traditionalist but I never use /pol/. I know people offsite who post here and are the same. Just because you disagree with someone's views, doesn't mean the evil nazis like you see in your jewish hollywood movies are "swarming" the board. /pol/ is full of low IQ meximutts and indians, white people usually post on other boards unless they're new.

>> No.21865996

Idk about 1984 but LOTR does promote "problematic" or "dated" beliefs about different superior or inferior races. For example, orcs are seen as a violent feral race of faceless masses only capable of destruction, unable to lead their own people. Elves are a superior ancient race with magical powers, described as tall and pale with blonde hair, taking care of Middle Earth.

Then there are "darker" men from the South and East who work for Sauron, as opposed to the White men of the North and West.

>> No.21866002

What's wrong with that? Races exist. They will always exist. There are races in real life too and they have different qualities. Europeans are different from Africans. Why can't fantasy reflect this?

>> No.21866009

troll or sjw. Burn in hell. stop trying to tear down the world because you feel bad about your own existence

>> No.21866016

you dont call Kenyans "African Supremacists" just because their country is majority African. You don't call Japanese people "Asian Supremacists" either. Get fucked and stop using the term "White Supremacist" because it makes you sound either like an asshole or a cuck

>> No.21866020

Because jewey no likey

>> No.21866039

who cares what Jews think

>> No.21866044

How am I trolling? The views expressed in LOTR are considered problematic or dated by the current paradigm. The current paradigm is anti-white, anti-truth, anti-beauty and anti-human. Praise the Lord.

>> No.21866046

I'm just explaining why retards associate LOTR with the far right

>> No.21866047

>The current paradigm is anti-white, anti-truth, anti-beauty and anti-human
Why are you passively enforcing it? Literally NO liberal I know would possibly consider banning LOTR. In fact hyper liberal people typically have Harry Potter and Lotr on their bookshelf. NO ONE THINKS LOTR IS PROBLEMATIC you paranoid freak.

>> No.21866052

They don't associate it with the far right. NO ONE has a problem with lotr. That article is just clickbait. the news also claimed that the Office was canceled. It's just clickbait. ignore it and move on.

>> No.21866061


>> No.21866062

I'm not passively enforcing it, I'm just explaining where LOTR sits with respect to the current paradigm. The average liberal would be ok with banning it if the TV told them it was racist and had to be banned. In the garbage Amazon released, they shoehorned a bunch of blacks and browns, just expecting people to turn their brains off. Anyone who criticized the nonsense was obviously a far right troll.

>> No.21866070

No shit. I'm saying why they are banning it dumbfuck. And the reasons they will use to justify it.

>> No.21866073

They have a problem with Tolkien's LOTR, since it is "too white". I can show you professors and other leftists whining about how LOTR is problematic and racist.

Jk Rowling is now an evil transphobe and likely an anti-semite, according to the brainless mob. You think they won't come for LOTR? They already are. These people hate not just whites/Europeans but they hate everything that has any hint of "Traditional" or just normal human value.

>> No.21866074
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Low effort shill thread detected

>> No.21866087

Termites gunna termite. Lord of the Rings is nowhere near being banned in reality. Just ignore inflammatory clickbait. You sound like a bot frankly or someone trying to agitate. God says "be not afraid" 365 times in the Bible. So don't be afraid of noise. It's just noise

>> No.21866178

The guy you're bloviating to was just answering a question. I see nothing that indicates he's afraid, or giving the article too much credit, or any of the crazy shit you keep typing up, so calm down.

>> No.21866190
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have you even read LOTR bruh? that and narnia are both basically christo-fascism about a dystopian world where dirty swarthy skinned muslim proxies help races of dirty ape-men rape and plunder 'the west'

>> No.21866276

It's a good idea in principle, but you absolutely can't trust the type of people who'd design the tests. If you think there's agressive politics-based gatekeeping now, establishing an office that controls who's allowed to produce art immediately makes it an object of significant opinion-shaping power that absolutely MUST be locked down at all cost.

>> No.21866503

They already came for LotR. LotR is now a leftoid tv show. Harry Potter is now a based and redpilled video game.

>> No.21866597

I know you badly want to dunk on the little /pol/ chuddies, but they're still more right than you are.

>> No.21866611

Because left-wing extremists are stooges for governments and corporations. Why crack down on your own guys?

>> No.21866617

This is the direct opposite of reality. Every time a right wing organization bombs somebody, it comes out later that they were being assisted/entrapped by the FBI/whatever national agency.
Meanwhile, left wingers get assassinated (see: Fred Hampton.)

>> No.21866624

It ain't the 60s anymore grandpa, that shit stopped after Hoover died. Lefties are, to the man, jackboots for the regime. Only those rightoid incels are actually rebellious.

>> No.21866634

How could you look at the way the Democratic Party absolutely ratfucked Bernie, a moderate social democrat, and then turn around and say they're on the same side as communists and left-wing revolutionaries? There is quite literally nothing on Earth the American police state loathes more than a communist.

>> No.21866650

Because all the fervent, true-believing Bernie supporters proceeded to kowtow to Neoliberal social and economic policy, boosting and witch-hunting dissidents to such positions including but limited to: foreign energy import, enriching pharmaceutical corporations, promoting the transgender industrial complex, importing more members of the cheap labor caste, and warhawking for foreign conflicts.
Let me ask you this, what is more likely to get you kicked out of a DSA meeting today? Suggesting that an economy that isn't Centrally Planned is viable, or that a transwoman isn't a woman?
>There is quite literally nothing on Earth the American police state loathes more than a communist.
Except for a white supremacist.

>> No.21866654

*but not limited to

>> No.21866666

>Because all the fervent, true-believing Bernie supporters proceeded to kowtow to Neoliberal social and economic policy, boosting and witch-hunting dissidents to such positions including but limited to: foreign energy import, enriching pharmaceutical corporations, promoting the transgender industrial complex, importing more members of the cheap labor caste, and warhawking for foreign conflicts.
You have very valid complaints about the country and world, but you're allowing a section of the bourgeoisie you are blind to (namely, the most reactionary of the police and security state) mislead you into racial politics when the actual issue underlying all these conflicts is the class war. You simply need to ignore the liberals, the SJWs, and the "progressives." They are middle class intelligentsia propagandists and have no understanding of socialism or what it represents for us and the world.

>> No.21866723

He was clearly just explaining why the SJWs might find it "problematic", are these posts fucking bots?

>> No.21866774

>explaining why the SJWs might find it "problematic"
What to do their job for them? Why is the "right" so obsessed with labeling things that might be problematic. Enjoy something or don't. It's so gay to be thinking about sjws all the time and what they might or might not think. They aren't worth a moment of your time. If they actually ban LOTR, then yeah sure get mad but they aren't and never will. So don't worry about what some loser thinks.

>> No.21866782

kill yourself psy-op cunt

>> No.21866808
File: 337 KB, 1908x1146, 24996124-0-image-a-20_1582235326274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more bourgeoisie than politicians?
We work to pay their living, all they do is promise but no delivery.

Take a look
Is there more disparity and a more important class warfare than between those that have political power and those that have not?
Is Bernie just selling me Socialism?
Politicians and tax-payers, I've never seen worse surplus value.

>> No.21866883

Meanwhile, back in reality, these people actually wield an enormous amount of power in virtually every major institution throughout the West.

>> No.21866887

I'm not a Sander supporter. He is a Democrat shill. I was merely using him as an illustration of the American political system's immense hostility toward even modestly left-wing political proposals.

>> No.21866907

>modestly left-wing
>also ignoring everything else I said

>> No.21866908

its based on a uk government report you tried though

>> No.21866910

I don't understand what other points in your post you expect me to respond to. That politicians are bad? Obviously I agree, otherwise I wouldn't be a left-wing extremist lmao

>> No.21866934

>Tolkien BTFO Hitler
tolkien wasnt alive long enough to see his nation today to change his mind

>> No.21866943

jews are creating new speak and banning old ways of thinking so if you head 1984 it will cause anti semitism

>> No.21866945

Narnia and LOTR are pretty much polar opposites.
>constant struggle against unsurmountable odds, succeeding doesn't fix everything
>theme park ride with GMPC covering your ass, merely going along with it guarantees eternal happiness
It's the difference between a smart Christian (Tolkien) and a pleb who probably didn't even read the Bible (Lewis).

>> No.21867057

The amount of cope this post has caused, holy shit.

>> No.21867075

Social democrats changed a lot.

“the horrible, the really disquieting prevalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw toward them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.”

>> No.21867165

Unfortunately the context of the report has been lost through media reporting. Let me clarify.

This report has a legitimate basis, not because the noted literature itself is has some inherit right wing property, but how the literature & other items were group together. Like a product. "Like a product? Whatever do you mean?" You ask. The answer is closer to home than you would expect. We're all familiar the various /lit/ recommendations reading lists, correct? This is the same.

A recommended brit/pol/ reading list was the basis for some of the points in the report.

>> No.21867214
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Old timey socialists are considered alt-right now. Just like Stalinists considered Trotsky "right wing perversion". Modern day leftists are stalinists who do not hold in power (yet) outside of twitter and internet and media, but where they hold power they behave like stalinists indeed.
Reminder that Orwell wrote article about people misusing word "nazi" as curse word against their political opponent and claimed the next dictatorship will be lead by the people who call everyone else nazi and calling all your oponents nazis is actually nazi-like behavior.

>> No.21867248

>It's from the UK
After Brexit, they do not know how to harm themselves.

>> No.21867313

The part where he talks about the party erasing the power of the orgasm. If we want to grab our tinfoil hats there is an increasing interest, I’ve noticed, in the bizarre BDSM fetish sissy hypno. If you haven’t ever heard of this stuff it is the fetishization of 1984 style totalitarianism, utilizing and sexualizing new speak, double think, forced chastity, and humiliation rituals, mantras, and self-brainwashing. Now as far as I know there’s no evidence that this is anything more than a strange internet sex cult, but it’s still something that exists and is less and less niche every day. If we want to get really crazy with it then is not transgenderism itself something like doublethink? Men are women. Women are men.

>> No.21867947

>jews are creating

The devil can't create. So don't worry about it.

And I'm not saying Jews are the devil, but their impulse to change reality using language is definitely evil and demonic. Language will always adopt new colloquialisms if certain words are outlawed. language never stops reflecting reality... no matter how much they try to bully everyone. Just ignore their pissing and moaning about words because they're acting like cunts. It's just an effeminate shit test meant to be scoffed at. Have some balls and ironically they'll like you for it. Being a pussy and giving into a shit test NEVER works. It means you've failed the shit test and they'll look for another man, a Chinese or Russian man

>> No.21867978

I dunno about tranny shit but I have literally become averse to porn because no matter where you look you'll see these goddamn niggers, it's like nigger on white girl is 95% of internet porn and I fucking hate it. at some point I had to quit because trying to jerk off only made me disgusted. Holy shit how can women fuck niggers, they literally look like they're made of shit, thumbnails with blowjobs look like they're eating a turd, it's fucking disgusting

>> No.21868027

>double think
Jewish sarcasm

>> No.21868032

whenever there are cities there will be gender inversion. This happened in Ancient Egypt (read Herodotus). This happened in Rome (Read Juvenal). This is nothing new.

Orwell, a gay communist freemason, wants to think they've cracked some special code, but this just naturally happens when you have population density. You're going to get eunuchs and submissive people.

>> No.21868043

this post absolutely reeks of tranny

>> No.21868046

>Did you just call my source a sensationalist article from a random blog? Oh yeah. Well here's the link no one will click

>> No.21868048

No matter how much power they have, they can't change reality. Just politely ignore their bullshit. If they outlaw retard, kids will just use "sped".

>> No.21868054

They really don't. They have more money than they used to, but they don't know what to do with it. They can barely hold a country together for more than 50 years. They're a mess, an absent father. Even if they wanted to deliberately destroy the system (which seems to be the case), the system has so much momentum it'll be around for another 200 years. so just dont worry

>> No.21868059

>just dont worry
post nose

>> No.21868060

how? it literally doesn't. Trannies are just eunuchs. Eunuchs have always been a part of civilizations

>> No.21868061

God says don't worry repeatedly in the Bible. This is Christian, not Judaism. Judaism wants you to worry; thats why they have so much anxiety

>> No.21868126

>If I dismiss everything, you'll stop talking about it
This is why that guy said your post "reeks of tranny". Everyone knows how you guys (Marxists) work lol

>> No.21868238
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>>Cares about environment and poor people freezing
>I don't think any incel would fit the above criteria.

>I am upset. You would be too if you weren't suh a flaming edge lord. It's ludicrous, and people keep voting against their best interests to kill worse off people than themselves.

>The pandemic killed the wrong people.

>> No.21868250

I'm not Marxist. I'm Christian.

My views: Trannies are Eunuchs. Eunuchs have existed in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, China and now the U.S. has them. That's literally all my point is.

Any claim that I'm gaslighting or a Marxist is just silly and shows how bad of a writer you are.

>> No.21868252

>Except for a white supremacist.
people who frequent this website become very desensitized to racial bias and forget that your average "normal person" would rather carry out a crucifixion on a child than be branded a racist

>> No.21868261

it's really fascinating how telling someone he can't get sex has become the go-to universal dismissal in online arguments.
I don't think there's even been an era in the history of mankind where someone would make an argument and the other would reply "but look: you're ugly", all with a straight face and this would actually work. Like the whole incel thing is not just a joke on 4chan, it's actually a real thing people say. I'm pretty sure also that soon enough there will be some kind of pre-emptive program where if you don't look happy or whatever or you make a chud face when you see the gay parade you can get arrested because it probably means you'll shoot up some place
I can definitely see it happen
Obviously someone will now quote my post some kind of tranny/polchud face, I dunno which is coming anymore it's getting all blurred

>> No.21868264

just stop being afraid. They want you to read 1984 because it puts your head in a state of fear. The reality is that we are nowhere close to a 1984 situation. The only people enforcing that stuff are scared ratty office type people who have no power. They want to think the government is oppressing them because it will give explanation as to why they aren't doing anything with their life. It's just an excuse. "THE GOV IS OPPRESSING ME" is just a fucking excuse to give up and be a loser. so shut the fuck up. Orwell was a communist faggot who liked fantasizing about being dominated.

>> No.21868272

this has to be a false flag / bait post

>> No.21868292


>> No.21868308

I started fapping a year ago after a lifetime of abstinence and porn was a real shock to me, but what came most as a shock was how real the meme of the pushing of interracial shit is. The first time I loaded up any of these websites, I counted easily 50% or more of the suggested vids being black male on white female. The fuck is going on there.

>> No.21868312

easily verifiable fun fact: jews own the porn industry

>> No.21868351

Uh oh. Good thing the Jews have been pumping out so many Star Wars and Marvel movies lately so I can stop reading books!

>> No.21868366

Stop now. Why would you even start? Porn is a weapon. At the very least go dress up like a homosexual and just have sterile sex acts with women in any big city. It's short king summer this year so you don't even need to be 6"2 anymore. If I had to recommend anything though I'd say don't even act like a homosexual and engage in sterile sex acts with women but try to form a bond.

Pornography is the worst of both worlds, it's the polar opposite of sex. It's abusing yourself for a quick orgasm with none of the love-bombing feeling after sex. It's horrible. There is a lifetime of regret in front of you the minute you start engaging in a porn habit.

>> No.21868494

There's proto-wojaks published in 1800s newspapers, the good old "come out ye cvckold" banner from 1640-something, endless attacks on politicians' virility in both ancient Rome and Athens...
They're insults, not arguments: they're working as intended.

>> No.21868537

>try to form a bond
>in 2023
that how you get suicidosis, you don't wanna get suicidosis

>> No.21868559

The attack has merit when they're saying
>you're only saying that because you're ugly
If they are correct then the implementation of the ugly person's ideas would be ugly - even if they are factually correct about some particulars.
The well that they drink from is poison; their motivations are impure.
Sometimes it's better to be wrong for the right reasons than it is to be right for the wrong reasons.
(everything I've said also applies to (insert other tribe here) who are motivated by ugliness)

>> No.21868566
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that only makes me glad his work and nation of disgusting judaeized pirates is being sharted upon lol

>> No.21868570

>Did he think that by sucking up to the Jews like that they'd allow his comfy traditional England to survive? How'd that work out?

As opposed to picking a fight with the entire world like Hitler, truly helped Germany stay Aryan.

>> No.21868592
File: 44 KB, 841x526, tolkien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I get out of this thread is that most people whining about /pol/ never actually read the board and just engage with an idea in their head.

As for Tolkien, pic related.

>> No.21869057

No, pornography will lead to suicidosis. There are dozens of young, single and quite beautiful Catholic women at my church dying to just meet a good man. Poisoning yourself with pornography is making you sick and unmarriable. Even if there is no dating market anymore, this condition we are in is unsustainable and artificial. You are going to miss your opportunity, because every time you watch Jewish garbage you become less and less attractive to women.

John Oliver literally bounces up and down on his show and squeaks with happiness every time a young male slips into a pornography habit. The same guy who constantly demands we force little boys to wear dresses.

Quit making him happy.

>> No.21870083

I call my mother a whore all the time doesn’t mean I don’t love her.

>> No.21870094

>British are far more violent
>British was China before China
>Wales kickstarted the Industrial Age
3/4 of all modern problems come from Britain.

>> No.21870109 [SPOILER] 

>Orcs are based off Mongols. Asians have a gene that makes their jaws jutt out over their lips and makes it look like they have Down syndrome.
Also have you been near or lived next to blacks before? They act like toddlers with muscle.

>> No.21870116 [SPOILER] 
File: 136 KB, 600x1000, D84F72FE-18F9-43F3-A5F8-AD90FDB78B8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You said it first.

>> No.21870144

Wasn't LOTR written from an anti WW2/Nazi Germany pov

>> No.21871069

Gravitation towards "right-wing" ideas is as psychologically inevitable as the development of mental illness (I don't mean this in a pejorative sense).
It's 100% natural, only a neurotic creep would be bothered by it, or try to minimize it.

>> No.21871317

>/pol/ bad /pol/ bad /pol/ bad /pol/ bad!!!

Such insightful posts. People who have never read the Turner Diaries and don't understand the reality of our world are so intelligent!

>> No.21871320

>/pol/ bad /pol/ bad /pol/ bad /pol/ bad!!!

Such insightful posts. People who have never read the Turner Diaries and don't understand the reality of our world are so intelligent!

>> No.21871353

Isn't it your fashie prime minister's favourite book?

>> No.21871362

I like them both :)

>> No.21871378

I mean, what is the problem with inviting an army of orcs in to Gondor?

>> No.21871380

>as a professor i say the purpose of aryan mythos was to become semitized
>y-you ignoramus

What a little queer.

>> No.21871402

/pol/ is just an easy boogeyman for these leftists who are incapable of understanding that people think differently from them. It used to be Fox News

>> No.21871450

Trannies really do it for free huh...

>> No.21871869

Brainwashed little unpaid shills that don’t see themselves as shills.

>> No.21872354
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>Modern day leftists are stalinists who do not hold in power (yet) outside of twitter and internet and media,
Modern day leftoids are closer to Lev Bronstein (Trotsky).
Trotsky was a big supporter of feminism and homosexualism, whereas Stalin was against those things.

>> No.21872365

Just like how Stalinism died with Stalin, leftism will die with left.

>> No.21872416
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People forget that one of the reasons Tolkein stopped being friends with CS Lewis was because he couldn't stand Lewis's Jewish wife.

>> No.21872868
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>fabian gradualism is........ le bad

>> No.21872881
File: 79 KB, 429x450, 1419281357609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it really is.

>> No.21873115

They certainly succeeded in destroying /k/. It's indistinguishable from reddit now.

>> No.21873141

Being against the literal military enemy of your country at the time is not wrong, retard.

>> No.21873167

Sounds like he was just following orders

>> No.21873506

you people will call anything fascist

>> No.21873519

Obviously yes. Ban every book outside the King James Bible.

>> No.21873552

>learning about the evils of industrialization and government control could lead to extremism
Only if you consider stopping evil and oppression extreme. Who might believe such a thing?

>> No.21873569
File: 7 KB, 255x159, 1653972652834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol good