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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 340 KB, 1199x1212, Dragons-of-Despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21852410 No.21852410 [Reply] [Original]

This general is close to dying off Edition

Previous thread:>>21842650

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21852420

If it can spit, then why are the non-shield party members at the front instead of behind the shield? The dragon would rationally target them because they're vulnerable. Very stupid formation. Get behind the shield.

>> No.21852426

The general waits a while for a new thread now and again.
I was just too lazy to make a new general.
I did it for 5 years straight, it's your guys' turn.

>> No.21852433

dnd tier logic. It's why I hate books that try to incorporate dice rolls into the story.

>> No.21852462

We like Banderson here

>> No.21852471

any writers that have style like Dan Simmons but aren't as schizo?

>> No.21852473
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>The dragon would rationally target them because they're vulnerable.
It's dumb animal. And dude with shield is threat.

>> No.21852481

Dragonlance dragons are not dumb animals as far as I can remember. Then again, they let humanoids ride them for some reason so I guess they are pretty retarded by D&D dragon standards.

>> No.21852485

Give this thread a five year break. I don't mean you; I mean let this thread die for five years.

>> No.21852529
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what are some series with this theme

>> No.21852542
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Saving Supervillains
Zeal of Mind and Flesh (pretty bad desu)

>> No.21852552

Probably gonna go with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table for my next read. Wanted some good old fashioned fantasy

>> No.21852564
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Are there any overlooked Dying Earth novels out there? You always get the same recommendations.

>> No.21852588

Cuck authors are something else.

>> No.21852622

Do the Japanese still write real fantasy novels or is it now all just LN/WN shit? I know about famous Japanese fantasy series like Arslan, Lodoss War, and Twelve Kingdoms but they're all decades old now.

>> No.21852644

It really is odd. He has another series, Art of the Adept, and in the second or third book, there's this entire huge subplot revolving around MC wondering if his waifu is going to cheat on him while he's away and worried over her loyalty, etc.
Then in the fifth book, she becomes a lich or some shit and kills a bunch of kids when he's gone, which was entirely out of character

>> No.21852700

And I assume she isn't even a sexy skeleton waifu like in Dragon Commander. Good thing I never tried this author's books.

>> No.21852701

>mistborn: magic cowboy and autist wife edition
The first book was entirely meh but the other two are alright, gonna start The Lost Metal now

>> No.21852721

The author is a shit. I dropped his mageborn series after reading book one. I kept reading Art of the Adept because the fucking goddamn cat shill hyped up the series, then the author pulled that shit in book 5. I'm never reading anything by him again, and would tell people to avoid him.

>> No.21852734

Manning is a progressive retard. The first two books were actually not bad, but when people got hooked he introduced progressive garbage in the third book. I skimmed through 4th book, it was really low quality garbage and I have heard 5th book is even worse. One of the reasons the first two books were good is that his gf/wife wasn't actually in them (she had limited appearances).

>> No.21852753

>>mistborn: magic cowboy and autist wife edition
Is than an accurate description or is the autist wife more of a side character and barely shows up compared to other characters, especially other female potential love interests?

>> No.21852773
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Well, /sffg/, it's been three years. Is it finally time to update this chart?

>> No.21852781

I was here since day one of sffg, and never voted anytime those google docs/ polling site fags posted there poll. Those charts have never been a correct judge of sffg tastes. I know I can't be the only one who doesn't vote.

>> No.21852796
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This series is pretty good and it rarely get talked about in here.

>> No.21852800
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>That pic.
Mmm Goldmoon's legs...
They only let "worthy" people ride them, whatever that means.
Also in the book Goldmoon oneshots Khisanth with the Crystal Staff, the companions of the Lance didn't do much in that fight.
The Pools Trilogy
Cleric Quintet
Arhel Trilogy
Dark Sun Prism Pentad
Codex Alera
Twilight Giants Trilogy (half-giantess Warriors princess!)
Fifth Millenium
Redemption's Blade by Adrian Tchaikovsky.
Elemental Logic
Pathfinder Tales: Skinwalkers
The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon, most of her works feature tall and strong buff women like Vatta's War and Serrano Legacy.
Hawk & Fisher
Phoenix in Obsidian maybe?
Dancers at the End of Time
Earth's Last Citadel - C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner
The Exile Waiting - Vonda N. McIntyre

>> No.21852805

>kills off the cat
I don't know what the fuck he was thinking.

>> No.21852815

>sandy higher than bakker

>> No.21852818
File: 40 KB, 480x640, Virgin-Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this novel would be perfect for you.

>> No.21852835

Isn't that the bikini trannies like to wear? It hides their cock. Would be funny if all those "women" on the cover were virgin trannies that wanted to fuck the guy.

>> No.21852839

I don't understand retard fags like you. There was nothing special about the cat, it was a mediocre character, it was almost irrelevant to the plot.

>> No.21852841

>Codex Alera
What did I miss/forget?

>> No.21852867

you're obsessed with trannies

>> No.21852878

>Beautiful women in the cover
>brain Immediately goes to futas

>> No.21852887

I've become too well versed in tranny anti-clocking procedures, so anytime I see something looking off, my brain rings alarm bells.

>> No.21852889

He taunted him and has aggro

>> No.21852908

Are LITRPG books worth reading? Are there things I would need to understand about them prior to trying one? A guy I know wrote one and I was thinking about giving it a go. I just wouldn't want to tell him it's shit if it's just because I don't get it.

>> No.21852909

That's just it though, nothing about that art is "off." Those are very clearly meant to be classically beautiful, sexually appealing biological women. It's a sexy pulp book cover from like the 50s or something. If your brain starts thinking about trannies when you see that, that is coming 100% from within yourself.

>> No.21852910

She's basically a damsel in the first book, has a fairly supportive but not big role in the second, and is much more a thing after that. Sort of seemed like Sanderson realised she was fun to write or something.

>> No.21852920

Some books are written with the reader already being acquainted with the genre, some are written with virgins in mind. It depends on you, how you grew up, what media you consoomed, what pop culture references you know, etc. A well written one doesn't need the reading knowing shit to enjoy, but something like dungeon cores need to have some understanding of fantasy as a whole to make it work fully.

>> No.21852922

Is reading the previous Mistborn books at all necessary? What I read in spoilers doesn't entice me much but autistic waifus are just too tempting.

>> No.21852924

They spoil era 1 broadly, but not too much is really needed, no.

>> No.21852928

The only thing that really you need to 'know' is general video game terminology, though some tend to go out of their way to explain it regardless. It can stretch disbelief a bit, but I tend to just view it as being any other power/magic system, just one that's more strictly quantified.
The only other thing I can think of to say is look into how it's actually integrated, because LitRPGs sort of broadly fall under three umbrellas: Ubiquitous to the world at large, only certain 'special' people can get it but it's a known thing in the world or just the protagonist is the only one with it. The first one means the world is inherently a bit 'game-y', the second one tends to mean that it's a sort of layered-on-top deal, the third tends to mean that the game elements are basically just an approximation of reality rather than how the world works. You don't really NEED to know that, but it's nice to keep in mind so you can see how well/poorly-implemented it is.

>> No.21852941
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So I'm almost done reading the Warrior-Prophet and I just noticed a possible plothole. In the first book Achamian, who's pretending to be Inrau's uncle, aggravates Sarcellus and in return he decides to smack him, this is their first face to face meeting and it never gets brought up by either of them in any subsequent interactions, for example in the second book they meet at an abandoned monastery, this time Achamian is not pretending to be someone else and yet he's not worried about being recognised by Sarcellus. The book never mentioned any cosmetic or magical disguise, he just pretended to be someone he's not and doesn't get questioned about it nor he himself worries about it, I mean the guy's a spy, he should be VERY alarmed over being recognised from a previous assignment. Am I missing something or is this a genuine plothole?

>> No.21852942

Well, might be worth trying, although the author does like killing love interests/major characters if I am not mistaken from spoilers so maybe I should wait for the series to conclude.

>> No.21852945

They didn't need to fuck them till death.

>> No.21852949

The data for this chart was collected by the founder of the what once was the /sffg/ discord server, and technically still is, but may not always be.

I'm not going to update the /sffg/ ratings spreadsheet I made, though I think that would provide much more accurate information to make into a chart than doing anything in this thread which can be much more easily manipulated. Maybe a compromise could be found between the ease of doing it here and the accuracy of doing it elsewhere. At least in terms of weeding out the meme entries. As the maintainer of the mega in the OP, I do understand anons like their charts.

>> No.21852953

Isn't era 2 finished with The Lost Metal?

>> No.21852957

Yes, Era 2 has concluded. Era 4 is the final era and is scheduled to conclude in a few more decades. Possibly in the 2050s.

>> No.21852965

Like I said. Trannies love wearing those type of swimsuits, so I automatically thought of them.
>If your brain starts thinking about trannies when you see that, that is coming 100% from within yourself.
I started 4chan with /b/ and linetrap, obviously I'm brainwashed.

>> No.21852972

linetrap was a fine meme at the time, but Bailey Jay is severely overrated.

>> No.21852976

Eh, just read spoilers about his first wife. I'll save myself the trouble of reading this shit.

>> No.21852985
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I mean, I would fuck it. It got thick recently. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's gonna get fucked.

>> No.21852996

I'll sayt is again, Linetrap looks more and more like Gargamel as time passes.

>> No.21853000

Anyone got good recommendation for Adventure with a bit of Romance?
My girl is really into the Caraval Series and Crescent City. Trying to put together a present for her with a ton of books.

>> No.21853023

She's basically a non-character as his wife, Steris is more of a thing.

>> No.21853101

Huh, I only just now learned that Netflix raped one of my childhood memories by making a diverse The Letter for the King series.

Nah, I am fine. It was silly to actually consider reading a Brandon Sanderson novel just because it has an autist waifu.

>> No.21853113

Just ordered Elric Saga 1, what am I in for?

>> No.21853116

Mix of boredom and cringe. Or something that will make you a rabid fan.

>> No.21853149

metrosexual kino

>> No.21853183
File: 45 KB, 461x666, ElricAmano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really fun sword and sorcery that can get psychedelic at times, just keep in mind that The Fortress of the Pearl was written WAAY after after the original series run, and the writing will feel very different than the other ones.
Also to keep in mind is the fact the books are basically a collection of short stories that were later patched together in chronological order, so don't be surprised if the stories feel rather simplistic and pulpy compared to something like LOTR.

>> No.21853206

>The Fortress of the Pearl
Loved the ending of that one

>> No.21853218
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space cats

>> No.21853377
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fantasy cats adopting slaveboys and raising them as their own

>> No.21853381

Would you rather an author skips over scenes you want to read, or includes scenes you think he should have skipped?

>> No.21853385
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I'll just skip the author at this point

>> No.21853457

Moebius? It's not Dying Earth but the overall tone is similar to Vance's

>> No.21853461
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Part of me is dead. I don't mean that emotionally, metaphorically, or any other way but literal. A good hefty chunk of my body is now metals and plastic.

You only find out after the surgery that it's not what the ads implied. I think that's how it keeps spreading. The people who get it pretend nothing's wrong, that it's as fantastic as it looks because they paid so much for it and don't want to look like fools. While privately agonizing over the aches, pus, and constantly replenishing crust of scabs that forms wherever metal penetrates the skin.

The body thinks it's been wounded and never stops trying to heal. Outraged that it’s been invaded by some foreign body. It's more right than it knows. The prosthetic, replicating perfectly the movement of every digit and sensations on all touch sensitive outer coverings, is nonetheless not alive. Where it meets your living tissue is a sharp divide. On one side, close up, a teeming cooperative of single celled organisms that is you. On the other, cold, dead metal.

However responsive, it is only puppetry, never truly a part of you. And I know this. Now. I wish somebody'd told me sooner that you always feel it. The assumption is that it goes away, but it doesn't. The feeling of the bolts through your bones, where the mounts are. Flexing, straining, threatening to fracture. The sting where the metal passes through sore, ever-enflamed skin I've since learned the models conceal with cosmetics.

That's the fantasy of it. The unspoken assumption you go in with as they drain your bank account, put you under and prepare to operate. That in time, you won't feel a difference, that the machine truly becomes a part of you.

It never does. It just hangs on, and hurts. You tell yourself this is just growing pains, that more metal in your body will somehow fix it, which starts the craving. The more you replace with metal, the less of it can hurt, driving it all inexorably forward.

Until one day, you realize you've dumped your savings into novelty surgeries, in order to wind up a freakish patchwork primate with motorized prosthetics, aching intensely everywhere that metal meets bone and surrender to the realization that *it's for life*.

I wish I could say that’s the worst of it. I never fully appreciated that there is a spirit dwelling within the parts of me that are alive, until it met what's hiding in the parts of me that aren't.

>> No.21853463

I couldn't wait for you to come and clear the cupboards...

>> No.21853489

It's pretty clear as you read on that bakker changed his plans a lot on how the story was gonna progress from the first book

>> No.21853501
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I've only read Dune, aSoIaF, and Kings of the Wyld

>> No.21853506

Are you subscribed to his substack? Seems the medium is dead. Based on his titles and writing he seems to do ok at writing paranoid schizophrenic stories with conspiratorial and religious themes. Didn't look enough for political orientation.

>> No.21853548

Finished The Rise of Endymion. I'll have to think it over before I write anything as it was the quite the experience in great and terrible ways. It's the last novel I'll be reading for the month, which puts me at 25 novels read in Q1 2023. I expect my reading rate will be slower for rest of the year.

>> No.21853656 [DELETED] 


Hello, it's me. I am that guy. Medium got nuked for posting this article: https://hive.blog/politics/@alexbeyman/who-is-entitled-to-compelled-speech

All my spicy stuff is on Hive now. My politics in the near term are mostly centrist except when it comes to critical theory, which is insane nonsense. Sufficed to say I have my work cut out for me to succeed as an author in the current climate. Your perspective is very interesting, and tracks given that Ligotti has been a big influence on me, as well as Gaiman on the normie weird mystery side of things, esp. Neverwhere. My other big inspirations have been lsd and high functioning autism. My goal, insofar as I have one other than to eat hot meals and sleep indoors, is to eff the ineffable experiences we sometimes have in altered states such as dreams, trips, and neurodivergent inward exploration. I hope I have entertained you so far.

>> No.21853662


Hello, it's me. I am that guy. Medium got nuked for posting this article: https://hive.blog/politics/@alexbeyman/who-is-entitled-to-compelled-speech

All my spicy stuff is on Hive now. My politics in the near term are mostly centrist except when it comes to critical theory, which is insane nonsense. Sufficed to say I have my work cut out for me to succeed as an author in the current climate. Your perspective is very interesting, and tracks given that Ligotti and PKD have been big influences on me, as well as Gaiman on the normie weird mystery side of things, esp. Neverwhere. My other big inspirations have been lsd and high functioning autism. My goal, insofar as I have one other than to eat hot meals and sleep indoors, is to eff the ineffable experiences we sometimes have in altered states such as dreams, trips, and neurodivergent inward exploration. I hope I have entertained you so far.

>> No.21853722
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Bakkerfags on suicide watch

>> No.21853758
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But now you're going to leave with nothing but a sign
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time…

>> No.21853772

If Inrithi are Christians, Fanim are Muslims.. who are the jews?

>> No.21853787
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>I don't know why I'm no one

>> No.21853791

So youre saying if I like SA I will enjoy this?

>> No.21853802

Oh but they did. They really did.

>> No.21853809

The Night Circus isn't adventure but it is fantasy and there's romance

>> No.21853815

>videogame magic system

>> No.21853831

Nonmen, duh.

>> No.21853834

depends on the videogame, chud

>> No.21853840

kike hands type this.

>> No.21853843

>My politics in the near term are mostly centrist except when it comes to critical theory, which is insane nonsense.
You're insane nonsense

>> No.21853853
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Dark is the Sun.

>> No.21853859


Not a novel, but you may enjoy this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPVX6A2tmXU

>> No.21853861

Explain to me precicely how you think not having casual sex is "not plausible"
You do realize that most people are virgins well into their 20s, right?

>> No.21853864


Maybe so but your face and balls are gay married to each other. It was a breathtaking ceremony I attended to be supportive, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. I wish them a lifetime of happiness together.

desu I only anticipate the need for a workable political and economic paradigm until AGI exists. After that, how best to govern and meet the needs of humans becomes unimportant. We're just here to make the robits

>> No.21853877

nta. People are horny

>> No.21853921

You will never be a Scott Alexander.

>> No.21853929


And you will never be a woman

>> No.21853962

Pls rec some fantasy stories where the protagonists are teenage boys that act like teenage boys, rather than middle aged men with weird slang.

>> No.21853963

Oof, it must be rough being rejected by those you want to be your peers.

>I confess, I withdrew it because of some scornful reactions. I did not much feel like sharing my work so freely after that. I have reconsidered recently however and will put a few more back up here that I previously withdrew.

>> No.21853973

Yeah I know plenty of virgins in their 20s even early 30s. Almost all men though

>> No.21853982


If you read further than that, you'll discover it's because I write articles advocating for AI autonomy. It gives Yudkowski's butt buddies ouchy no-no feelings in their tum tums: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/aqbwNsABKawZrcEJP/an-appeal-to-ai-superintelligence-reasons-not-to-preserve

My long form fiction prior to that point, such as Triangle Opportunity and Not Long Now, was well received.

But, it seems like I offended you with some pretty standard bantz. Perhaps that wasn't called for. I don't see that we need to be in opposition, necessarily, unless you're determined to be for some reason. If you're simply committed to being hurtful at any cost, driven mad with rage by an internet stranger, you have your work cut out for you. I am an autist and as such have been targeted relentlessly by people like you for my entire life. I am, by this time, quite desensitized. You have an uphill battle ahead of you, if you mean to bother me.

>> No.21853998

You ever read the Xanth books?

>> No.21854018
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I'm a 36 year old virgin, unless random online sexting counts

No wonder I'm on the sci fi/fantasy thread on 4chan

>> No.21854028

Sex is icky, this position is more common than people think, and finally people lie on surveys.

>> No.21854029

Real Sarcellus dies off-screen. Dunno if you made it this far yet, but current Sarcellus is a skin spy.

>> No.21854032

You are GAY

>> No.21854033

Is that anon right about Achamian not covering for himself even before he knows it's not the real Sarcellus, though? It's not like he can see skin spies.

>> No.21854034


>> No.21854042

I've been going through classic SF lately and am getting close to finishing The Caves of Steel and a collection of Harlan Ellison stuff. I'm thinking about starting Foundation next, but do any of you guys have any other recommendations?

>> No.21854045


Bradbury and Heinlein are common recommendations, but I'm partial to John Wyndham and Frederik Pohl, who get slept on imo

>> No.21854053

I’m almost thirty and in the same boat kek

>> No.21854069

>John Wyndham and Frederik Pohl
My niggah. They recently released a video game adaptation of Wyndham's "The Kraken Wakes" and literally NO ONE has bought it as far as I can tell. Which is fine, TKW is actually a garbage story.

>> No.21854079

I paid a Vegas escort on my 30th birthday to rid myself of my v card. I don't regret it honestly.

>> No.21854080

Gimme a good compilation/anthology of Robert E Howard stories. (Must be standalone stories e.i. not part of his main characters Conan, Solomon, Costigan etc...)

>> No.21854082

Sure, here are some good compilations/anthologies of Robert E Howard's standalone stories:

"The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard" edited by Rusty Burke: This anthology contains 33 of Howard's horror stories, many of which have never been published before. It includes a mix of supernatural and psychological horror, as well as some dark fantasy and weird fiction.

"The Best of Robert E. Howard Volume 1: Crimson Shadows" edited by Rusty Burke: This book collects some of Howard's best horror and suspense stories, including "Pigeons from Hell," "Black Canaan," and "The People of the Black Circle." The stories in this volume showcase Howard's skill at creating intense, atmospheric tales of dread and terror.

"The Sword Woman and Other Historical Adventures" edited by Paul Herman: This collection brings together Howard's historical fiction stories, including swashbuckling adventures, pirate tales, and stories set in medieval Europe. The title story, "The Sword Woman," features a female protagonist who is just as tough and skilled with a blade as any of Howard's male heroes.

"The Dark Man and Others" edited by Glenn Lord: This anthology features some of Howard's most iconic horror and fantasy stories, including "The Black Stone," "The Children of the Night," and "The Dark Man." These stories showcase Howard's mastery of dark, atmospheric storytelling and his unique blend of horror, fantasy, and adventure.

"The Complete Action Stories" edited by Paul Herman: This massive collection brings together all of Howard's action and adventure stories, including westerns, boxing tales, and stories set in the South Pacific. While these stories don't feature Howard's most famous characters, they demonstrate his versatility as a writer and his ability to craft gripping, action-packed tales.

>> No.21854086


Their young adult stuff is a guilty pleasure of mine, it takes me back. The Chrysalids for Wyndham, and Undersea Academy for Pohl.

>> No.21854094

Thanks, I'll look them up.
A recommendation I can give back to you is a paperback I found in my parents' house once, H. Beam Piper's Little Fuzzy. It's a little preachy but it's a neat little story.

>> No.21854109

Stars my Destination by Alfred Bester

>> No.21854118
File: 311 KB, 1276x851, xpg110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad but for me it's
Lost another day to pointless drudgery
The slow chipping away of my autonomy
A rodent in a race unsung and underpaid
My colleagues seem to me like slaves in sheep-array
Then a shock goes through the herd at the nauseating purr
Of the corpos of the world when the content is secured
'Cause they're naked emperors hear the rattling of the purse
I hunger for the hearse 'cause nothing could be worse
Than a life lived as a limb in a debt anatomy
Rather be dead than a link in a chain of tyranny

>> No.21854133

Terry Dowling

>> No.21854252

And yet, many do not have sex until adulthood. Im not denying many people engage in casual sex, i am confused by the idea that EVERYONE engages in casual sex.

>almost all men though
In modern times, sure. But is there any doubt that most adult virgins were women in a "medieval" setting?

Thats fine anon, sex is overrated tbqhngl.
Give me love over sex any day.
Love and sex? A gift from the gods.

Which is why i have such a problem with cuckoldry and even just promisquity in general. Fantasy authors dont seem to understand how special relationships are.

>> No.21854322

Anything specific?

>> No.21854326

Virginity was huge in the medieval times for sure, and even women knew this. Fantasy authors having women act like modern day women and just sleeping around carelessly makes no sense. Also makes no sense for male characters to accept a non virgin because they could potentially end up raising some other dude’s kid

>> No.21854328

It's at that monastery that kellhus demands the shrial order be punished, which is before Sarcellus n°1 dies, thusly my point stands.

>> No.21854419

whats up with all the youtube channels that have loads of malazan content? phillip chase, critical dragon, iskar jarak, matts reviews, mikes reviews, etc. all loads of malazan content upload within the last 2 years.

did the series have a resurgence? I have the first 2 books. read them around 2012. I checked to buy the third and apparently trade copies are really rare and there hasn't been reprints. it seems like the series is huge on booktube but not huge enough for reprints?

>> No.21854423

it got big on reddit.

>> No.21854426
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Books for this feel?

>> No.21854428


>> No.21854432
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The Warren

>by the author of the Riverworld series
That's not much of an endorsement, seeing how Riverworld is pure shlock that ultimately goes nowhere

>> No.21854439

the series is still ongoing (though the book of the fallen main series is finished) so that may have something to do with it

>> No.21854466

There was a hard sci-fi recommended chart somewhere, does any anyone have it?

>> No.21854481

>You do realize that most people are virgins well into their 20s, right?
Oof, that cope

>> No.21854484


>> No.21854485

>Kings of the Wyld
>Promise of Blood
Is this rage bait?

>> No.21854513

>That's not much of an endorsement,
I'll get back to you in one of these threads as I'm currently reading though DitS.

>> No.21854526

>the wall is 700 feet/200 metres high
How are the wildlings able to fire arrows high enough and with enough accuracy to shoot people on the wall?

>> No.21854538

Super strength

>> No.21854542

Updraft maybe?

>> No.21854578

>Sort of seemed like Sanderson realised she was fun to write or something.
He said he wanted to write her in a way that would make the reader dislike her at first but end up loving her by the 3rd book

>> No.21854588 [DELETED] 


>> No.21854622
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Reading Earthsea after slogging through Bakker's schizoid turds feels like drink pure spring water after licking the sweaty armpit of a heroin addict

>> No.21854661

Do you have any other schizo sweaty pit reccs? Love the genre

>> No.21854663


>> No.21854670

The Time Machine, Solaris and A Case of Conscience all let me down.

>> No.21854674

The big problem with A Case of Conscience is that Blish failed to set up a POV character that actually experienced the Shelter economy up close. The result is that we simply don't care about the humans on Earth, their struggle, and the desire line of Lithian on Earth. If Blish had given us a couple of Cleaver flashbacks scenes, where he might have struggled to live in the Shelter beneath New York and maybe even lost a loved one in the Corridor Riots of 1993, then maybe, maybe, we would actually care enough about the humans instead of just wanting more of the Alien society.

>> No.21854685
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.21854715
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>dropped The Wheel of Time in the middle of book 4
>absolutely hated it
>a year later
>suddenly feel nostalgic for it
The fuck, man?

>> No.21854716

I'm not going to read any of those books.

>> No.21854724

Sanderson writes really interesting premises, puts a lot of thought into the worldbuilding and plot, and puts his back into writing complex, 3D characters....but his prose is drier than the Sahara.

It's impossible to enjoy it. It's also impossible to not want to enjoy it.

>> No.21854729
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>and puts his back into writing complex, 3D characters

>> No.21854739

>but his prose is drier than the Sahara.
Not saying he's good, but I've seen much worse. His prose is tolerably mediocre but so far it's never been bad enough to make me put down any of his books

>> No.21854743

He said he stopped in book 4 so he's thousands of pages away from anything written by Sanderson.

>> No.21854783

>try to read the classics: German, English, in school even in French
>it's all underwhelming garbage to me.
>I appreciate their flashes of brilliance, but the problem are the non-brilliant packaging materials around these moments while reading. I just cannot rationalize to myself why I am reading long-feeling passages, bored, to commute between the interesting nuggets.
>on the other hand, such that are consistently brilliant, like Faust, are an intense, difficult read. The statement "I read for enjoyment" after this point becomes more and more ill-fitting.

>> No.21854789

>try to read genre fiction
>here I am usually either underwhelmed by the craft (worldbuilding, prose, pacing, etc.) or the overall story at an abstract level
My last sentence needs an elaboration: I have recently finished the Mistborn trilogy. I have picked it up because the worldbuilding was almost comically, almost preternaturally cut to my tastes: a para-Victorian (not really Victorian due to it being pre-industrial), post-apocalyptic-but-not-in-the-usual-trite-sense (i.e. state structures remain), visually to my taste (ashen snowscapes, red sky, Gothic architecture), with even an idea I have always wanted to employ myself (what if the denizens of the alternate world are oblivious to the fact that they live in a distorted version of what would be their/our proper world? E.g. their plants now growing as sad, crooked, brown things, people having forgotten that this is not how plants are supposed to look like).
As said, regarding worldbuilding Mistborn is a full fit. Brandon Sanderson prose, scene composition, and plot beating are also high-end functional, so no criticisms here either.
And I still read the whole trilogy and ask myself: what was the point? Because I dislike the story detached from such business concerns.
This applies to almost all genre fiction. I usually only keep going due to a sense of obligation (not a completionist, the opposite: 90% of books I start are <50 pages read).

That's not it. I would know.

To summarize, I drop the classics because they feel like a waste of time during the reading; and I dislike genre fiction because I usually regard them retroactively as a waste of time.

Is fiction lit just not "my beer" (as the Germans call one's "cup of tea")?

>> No.21854796

Just read VNs instead, that way you at least get to fap if you don't like the story.

>> No.21854800

Yes. Foundation after Caves of Steel is the right move.

>> No.21854801

He clearly is worried, its just not his pov
>But it was the Shrial Knight, Sarcellus, who commanded Kellhus’s attention—and not just because of his missing face. Achamian had smoothed the shock from his expression, yet an apprehensive fury animated his eyes each time he looked at the Knight of the Tusk.
>Sarcellus and Achamian had made contact before, both directly, as evident from the sorcerer’s reaction,

And anyway, Achamian by that point has given up being a spy, even if he doesn't acknowledge that himself outright. Hes totally focused on Kellhus and the Second Apocalypse, not resuming a dead end looking into the Thousand Temples.

>> No.21854819

I used to be all like "man I should read up those clasics and essentials, become a man of culture and shit" but then I realized no one cares what I read so I'm no longer trying to force myself to read stuff just because it's old and amazing according to academics.

>> No.21854821

With that kind of mindset it's amazing you're on this site, let alone this thread. Seems like you're being overly conscientious when it comes to books to me. You have too much concern about the utility and the functional purpose of anything.

>> No.21854823

>puts a lot of thought into the worldbuilding and plot
He puts a lot of thought into making it very self-contained and flaw-free. Thats not the same thing as creating an interesting world.
>"By eating Iron, Metalbingers can move 44.5kg at 300m/s, but can only turn it at a 90° angle before they have to eat more"
>"Why? Idk lol, enjoy the cast of ptsd ridden 20 year olds."
Riveting stuff.

>> No.21854825

>make the mistake of going to /vn/
>they all think all English VNs are porn games only
It's a mass den of degenerecy and outright stupidity that makes /sffg/ look like gifted children.

>> No.21854837

/vn/ is a bad thread

>> No.21854869

Malazan Book of the Fallen. It's chock full of large, sexually agressive women.

>> No.21854876

Litrpg is a garbage genre for garbage people.

>> No.21854916


Any recommendations if I wanted to try out this subgenre?

>> No.21854917
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>> No.21854921

Why is this chink shit shilled so hard recently?

>> No.21854922

Dungeon Crawler Carl is oft considered the peak, but it's also a fairly atypical one, as it's explicitly a 'gamified' overlay onto reality that the protagonist is forced into. He Who Fights With Monsters and Defiance of the Fall are popular, and... I'd say they both start off well, but they just meander too much and nothing really interesting happens after a while. The protagonists also both just suck in different ways (one is just an abrasive asshole who the narrative seems to keep saying is flawed like that but his flaws never actually hurt him and the other is just absolutely nothing, he is not a character). Unbound and Primal Hunter are similarly 'solid' ones, nothing too great, but nothing too bad, I haven't read as far in Primal Hunter though. Infinite Realm is probably one of the more autistically deep ones, with some good characters and worldbuilding, but it's marred by poor technical writing ability and sort of not having a story for the first four books.

>> No.21854929

Thanks for the recs anon, will definitely check out a few as I spent way too many hours in rpgs/mmos in my youth

>> No.21854943

There's a lot of others, but those are the ones you see talked about the most I think. There's also a rather short, fun one called Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies on Royal Road. It's like 180 pages, very easy to breeze through in a day or two. Not very typical at all, but can give an idea of what the genre is.

>> No.21854950
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The gormenghast saga is an underrated schizoid tour de force, specially the third book and specially the standalone novelette 'Boy in Darkness'

>> No.21855001

Give me a couple recommendations for Audible's two for one credit sale that ends today.

>> No.21855013

How do you make an audiobook? Do you read it yourself? Pay someone?

>> No.21855083

I read 11k pages of malazan
what a fucking waste of time

>> No.21855086

Don't bother with saga 3.

>> No.21855093

So like the opposite of that Dune sequel? Kek

>> No.21855099


>> No.21855115

only part I liked was Coltaine's chain of dogs through the desert which was kino and also Karsa's starting voyage with him raping his way through the world

>> No.21855139

why did you keep reading something you were evidently not enjoying?

>> No.21855186

couldn't be bothered to pick something else to read kek

yeah those were the best parts

It had it's moments I guess, there were just LOTS of eye roll inducing moments (oh look another character resurrected) and mind numbingly boring parts like the Sh*ke for the 1/3rd of the last two books

>> No.21855198

that reminds me, another thing that really irked me was that the names of some things genuinely had too many apostrophes in them
I get wanting to make things sound exotic and foreign but I think it went a bit too far

>> No.21855199


>> No.21855215
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Highly recommended. Even the stories that filtered me were worth reading. Sometimes his prose can be slightly obfuscating. He has a tendency to throw around 'millions' and 'thousands' in an amateurish way but he manages to also craft interesting, stark imagery with familiar clichés.

>> No.21855235

Do all autistic fantasy authors make up languages and deal with linguistics, or are there normal people who write in plain English and maybe just make up strange names.

>> No.21855245

You cant really make up strange names without at least googling some linguistics knowledge.

>> No.21855315

I'm sure they just smash some keys and see what pops up. I hate names with X's and Z's. Who the hell names their kid Xa'Zaiwas. Some nigger pronunciation

>> No.21855334 [DELETED] 

>Optunia’s library displayed a masterful centerpiece for the city. A rounded room with books lining the walls from top to bottom. Every inch of the cylindric room carried shelves of different spines blurred together creating a wanton mixture of colored bricks decorating the walls. Rows of books continued this trend and specialty made curved shelves strategically placed to create walkways in between. The entirety were concentric circles of various sizes sharing a common midpoint where an information kiosk was built. The greeter was a portly middle-aged woman. She looked nothing of the sort compared to the Knights working in Pinaceae, but she had a bright smile and cheery eyes, one that has never experienced the problems and hardships that came from protecting the peace.

Can you use your mind's eye to picture this library? Imagine it like a target, and the bullseye is the kiosk.

>> No.21855339

sure I can, Amnonymas

>> No.21855359
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Just finished The Darkness That Comes Before by the notorious Mr. Bakker. 5/10 overall, with some 10 star elements and some 1 star elements.


I must admit the world is fascinating and quite original, and all the various nations, tribes, religions and magical factions come alive very organically. I’ve been subjected much more tedious infodumping in this genre. Lots of original ideas, a sorcerer damning his descendants to relive his dreams, an emperor trying to benefit from a holy war, nice parallels to first crusade. The political play by the Ikurei family is actually surprisingly deep and plausible by fantasy standards, although the final negotiations are quite contrived.
The prose is 95% very nice, with a 5% sprinkling of awful cringe here and there. The narration in Cnaiur and Kellhus’s POVs does an especially good job of reflecting the nature of the characters. I like how Cnaiur thinks in Scylvendi terms of “measure”, “land” and “absence”, etc, and I like how he adopts expressions and modes of thinking from his bitterest enemies, like “the shortest way” and “War. Intellect.” Cnaiur is overall the most compelling character, he’s really the only one with a real conflict.

>> No.21855367


>No one, not even the No-God, could besiege a secret.

>Kellhus. I’m sorry, but no good book has ever been written where one character is smarter, stronger and handsomer than everyone else, constantly leaves people speechless with his intellect, karate kicks riders from their horses, catches arrows with his hands, while also being extremely humble, and above all, a Hot Guy That Fucks. It’s just so fucking juvenile. It reminds me of shitty stories I daydreamed and wrote down as a teenager, about warring mafia bosses or daimyos or whatever, where one mafia boss or daimyo was always smarter and manipulated everyone else into fighting each other. Kellhus could be mildly compelling if he were just a sociopathic robot, essentially a non-character, preferably without superhuman karate and the most handsome face in Earwa (you’d think an inbred guy would have a really prominent nose and ears). But Bakker can’t help but make him a character, because he’s a manchild who wants to see a mary sue karate kick horse riders and fuck wammen with perfect breasts. Why, seriously, why in fuck’s name does Kellhus have sex with Serwe? He’s not in love with her, he shouldn’t feel anything. Surely he would gain more political favour by seducing a queen or something. I’m sure nerds will contrive some logical explanation, but the obvious reason is that Bakker just wanted a Hot Guy That Saves A Hot Girl.

>For that matter, I’ve probably never read a book with female characters this laughable. They’re always climaxing, writhing, grinding, climaxing, thinking about cock, getting wet, climaxing, quivering, thinking about the messianic men in their lives, thinking about their own boobs, climaxing. It’s just a complete failure to write from a female POV. I shit you not, there’s a passage FROM SERWE’S PERSPECTIVE that goes: “She grasped his right hand, guided it to her perfect breasts.” Why would Serwe’s inner voide remark that her tits are perfect? Fucking coombrain author.

Anyway, whatever, I’ve read much worse books, this one was pretty hard to put down.

>> No.21855453

Cheers fella

>> No.21855458

I also hate that. Especially when the whole book starts with a paragraph of names like that.

>> No.21855466


Is it pronounced clothes?

>> No.21855467

Yeah, doesnt sound strange just sounds bad.
The same way it takes a good piano player to play a piano poorly, you cant just make up names and have them work. You need to understand why not before you can understand why.

>> No.21855482

The k and the v overlap, so its just making the k click in the back of your throat while making the v with the front.
Iirc there are a few languages that do this.

Thats really my point though. Like have you ever looked at a phonetic map?

You cant just wing it. Syllables have to work together to create a readable language.

>> No.21855510


>> No.21855515

The next book, in which the holy war starts, is really good.

>> No.21855522

And then ofcourse theres the issue of which language youre using to convey your made up words. That string of syllables might work in some african language, but for an english reader it doesnt work so well.

All this to say, nobody "just makes up words without any linguistic knowledge"

>> No.21855552

So that's why Tolkien made up words worked so well.

>> No.21855559

I've got a couple gripes about Kings of the Wyld, but I didn't find it particularly offensive. More or less liked it for what it was.

>> No.21855569

So it's clothes with a hard C/K sound.

>> No.21855593

'Kv' like in kveching
'othe' like oath

>> No.21855594

Are there any medieval fantasy books with wizards/mages/whatever in which a tournament of power takes place? Like something where a young mage let's say, with great potential but unable to use his powers to their fullest joins in and with some ass pulls and luck manages to win it? I know it's a bit of a long shot but I searched and barely found any books that focus on wizardry let alone tournaments.

>> No.21855595

Yes, but tolkien is an extreme example.

>> No.21855597

I'll write one for you

>> No.21855626

He actually made up a whole language with script and everything, right? And not just script, but calligraphy, too.

>> No.21855635

The best part about finishing a book is researching and picking a new one to read. decisions decisions

>> No.21855646

He also created dialects, and detailed how the language changed over time.
Extreme might have been an understatement.

>> No.21855648

>'othe' like oath
No, the "o" is pronounced like in similar way to como (Italian) or got in English, and "the" is prononounced normally.

>> No.21855659


What a stupid sounding name

>> No.21855670

>or got in English, and "the" is prononounced normally.
Case settled

>> No.21855673


>> No.21855674

That is incredibly autistic even by /lit/ standards. Imagine if his life's work had turned out to be shit, too kek

If I need a handbook to pronounce the name, it's over

>> No.21855706

>Imagine if his life's work had turned out to be shit, too kek
The difference between tolkien and someone like terry davis is that tolkien heavily considered feedback and exercised immense humility (compared to a narcisistic schizophrenic). There was virtually no chance tolkiens efforts would have created something shit with how much care and love he put into it. It was an autism of the heart imo.

>If I need a handbook to pronounce the name, it's over
This is a good point that i can use to talk about sonething cool. Have you guys ever noticed when youre being primed? Not many authors do this but its a really great way to teach the reader about something without actually info dumping on them, so when you finally present this novel thing the reader (usually) correctly assumes its form and function. Regarding names specifically, this could be done by crafting prose phonetically consistent with the name. For example kvothe, following a few instances of the word kvetch, is a lot easier for a reader to digest. Shitty example but im not a writer so just imagine a better example.

>> No.21855736

...the consult

>> No.21855741

feminist liberal garbage

>> No.21855750

who are you quoting?

>> No.21855771
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>started reading this
>one chapter in and I already regret it
this is going to be a long read...

>> No.21855789

just the name of the author already tells you its going to be dildos

>> No.21855802

That's even worse

>> No.21855819

I pronounce it "caboose"

>> No.21855820

>How do you make an audiobook? Do you read it yourself? Pay someone?
Both can work. Neil Gaiman narrates his own books, because he has the tenor, enunciation and pronunciation capabilities to pull it off.
You can can go through amazon ACX to find a narrator, or you can use Royal Guard Publishing. You can sell your story to Podium or Aethon Books so they can do the production work and you get a percent cut of the profits. Do your research.

>> No.21855827

And, fuck it, sometimes you can just have the narration blatantly tell you how it's meant to be pronounced, or at least say "it sounds like X". Or just use names with less awkward pronunciations.

>> No.21855840

I've read other books of hers that were good but after one chapter of Valdemar I've discovered I'd rather be reading Harry Potter

>> No.21855845

The Pastel City
Fool's Errand

>> No.21855857

I don't read any writer whose protagonist has a name that doesn't have a reasonable pronunciation under standard English spelling and phonological conventions.

>> No.21855862
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Anyone read this? Does stuff actually happen?

I'm reading a book called Edges by Linda Nagata at the moment, it is pretty meh. Most of the book is people aboard a ship travelling through space. A few things happen here and there but because it is hard sci-fi the travelling takes centuries to where they are going and there is a lot of filler inbetween.

Don't think I'll bother reading the other two books in the series, I want something where stuff actually happens other than spending a century travelling from point a to b.

>> No.21855863

>Lackey has published over 140 books and writes novels at a rate of 5.5 per year on average
Finishing a novel every 2 months can't possibly result in good output

>> No.21855888

Sorry to break it to you bud, but publishers aren't interested in authors who can write a really great story, they're interested in authors who can write a lot of good enough stories.

>> No.21855891

Nah, Valdemar is 80s/90s feminist fantasy Kino. Talia a cute.

>> No.21855898

>feminist fantasy Kino
reading The Handmaid's Tale on Steroids is not my idea of a good time

>> No.21855910

It's nothing like handmaid's tale, Valdemar is actually fun to read unlike handmaid's

>> No.21855924
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Feminist fiction doesn't mean "rape everywhere and all straight men are evil" anon. Stop believing everything /pol/tards say

>> No.21855948

>Feminist fiction doesn't mean "rape everywhere and all straight men are evil" anon
I've read only the first chapter and that's literally exactly what it is, it's a misogynist society so repressive it makes being a woman in Afghanistan seem like a bastion of sexual liberation. If the entire rest of the series goes away from the Holderkin and never pays them any attention again, then good riddance, but Goddamn is this first chapter absolute fucking poison, the exact same braindead feminist rape fantasy as handmaid's tale that goes beyond even the realms of real-world misery.

>> No.21856005

>If the entire rest of the series goes away from the Holderkin and never pays them any attention again, then good riddance,
That's exactly what happens, Talia finds Rolan and fucks off to Valdemar and never comes back.

>> No.21856039

>and never comes back.
based if true but there's still 700 pages for me to learn whether or not you're lying

>> No.21856064

>English spelling and phonological conventions
>author obviously jazzify the word "quote" into Kvothe
>leaves 99% of english speakers clueless
You're shit out of luck buddy

>> No.21856113

Don't care, will never read his books

>> No.21856126

She's only on holderskin for the first part of the first book.

>> No.21856275
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Other than Discworld, what are some fantasy works with particularly interesting gods? Any suggestions please?

>> No.21856285

Journey to the West. Any Japanese folklores are great

>> No.21856289

Deathbird Stories

>> No.21856329

Why does it looks like Zeus, Seth, Bast knockoffs?

>> No.21856341

Because Discworld exists as a satire on the idea of narrative and how it relates to the world itself. Gods in particular are all pretty thinly-veiled stand-ins for a variety of mythological deities, though ones that get more focus like Om are a little trickier to pinpoint as being anybody in particular.

>> No.21856515
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thoughts about Calamitous Bob?

>> No.21856524

Waiting for the audiobook to try it.

>> No.21856792
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I finished all REH Conan. I want more. is Bran Mak Morn similar to the Conan stories

>> No.21856911

If you haven't read all the Kull of Atlantis stories yet you should, it's also by REH and is basically prototype Conan.

>> No.21856958

Yeah Kulls was good, not as fun as Conan. But what about Bran?

>> No.21856969

>from ChatGPT
Bran Mak Morn is the last king of the Picts, a people who once inhabited Scotland. Bran's stories are darker and more tragic than Conan's or Kull's. They often deal with themes of loss, revenge, and the struggle for survival in a hostile world.

>> No.21856985


>> No.21857076

Bran Mak morn is great but there's only five stories that involve bran mak morn in the collection and two told from his point of view. That's not to knock it, but the bran mak morn collection is basically a collection of all of howard's bran mak morn tales and his little people tales, the three other tales with bran mak morn in them he is more of a legendary figure and less of an actual player n the story. so if you're thinking you're going to read 20 or so stories nvolving bran mak morn you'll be sorely dissapointed
Bran mak morn is great. he's the last pureblooded king of a degenerate, dying race falling to savagery. I'd say that Worms of the Earth is one of the greatest if not the greatest story howard ever wrote

>> No.21857115

You are incredible fucking retarded and have the worst take on Khellus possible. I bet you think he is the protagonist, you fucking untermensch.
Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.21857155

Thank you. Also when I first read Conan stories I got the impression that The Picts Conan often when against were kinda proto-native american savages. But Ive since learned they are based on the celtic picts from british isles right?

>> No.21857160
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>> No.21857286

any good bronze age fantasy that isn't sword and sorcery schlock?

>> No.21857315

>Black Ships by Jo Graham:
Bronze Age Mediterranean. Story about a Trojan princess who is taken as a slave by the Greeks after the fall of Troy.

>The First Man in Rome by Colleen McCullough:
More historical novel than fantasy, set in ancient Rome has elements of magic and mysticism woven into its narrative.

>The Bull From The Sea by Mary Renault:
A retelling of Theseus and the Minotaur, set in Bronze Age Greece. It focuses on the human drama of Theseus' life rather than magical or supernatural elements.

>The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz by Russell Hoban:
Set in a fantasy world loosely based on ancient Mesopotamia. Its about a man searching for his identity and purpose in a world filled with political intrigue and danger.

>The King Must Die by Mary Renault:
Another one about Theseus, from his childhood as a prince in Athens to his ascent to the throne. It is a historical fantasy that explores the religious and cultural beliefs of Bronze Age Greece.

>> No.21857418

Sexy Space Babes

>> No.21857466
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What am I in for, /sffg/?

>> No.21857490

What is some sci-fi that takes place over long time periods
Like Helliconia, or the Revelation Space books, or Foundation I guess
Or Marooned in Real Time, that was a good one
It turns out this is what I like, stories that span hundreds, thousands or millions of years. Decades or individual years are for cucks and weiners.

>> No.21857504

>Colleen McCullough
Peak dadcore

>> No.21857506

sorry for the late reply, I appreciate it a bunch anon

>> No.21857519

>4 of 5 written by women

>> No.21857528


>> No.21857536

>noooo you gotta simp because... you just doo!

>> No.21857548
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>I must hate female authors because le epic 4chin hivemind told me it was redpilled

>> No.21857555
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Women aren't wonderful.

>> No.21857559

no they're just bad authors
not gonna be tricked again like when you cucks tricked me into thinking weird lesbian fantasy by tannith lee was worth reading

>> No.21857560


>> No.21857565

>Set in a fantasy world loosely based on ancient Mesopotamia. Its about a man searching for his identity and purpose in a world filled with political intrigue and danger.
this sounds like planescape: torment

>> No.21857585

no it doesn't

>> No.21857589

spoken like a true homosexual

>> No.21857590
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>> No.21857599

there is nothing about Planescape Torment that suggests "ancient Mesopotamia", I cannot imagine a more strained analogy, it's easier to read baldfaced Christianity onto Planescape than Annunaki or Gilgamesh

>> No.21857607

I meant the political intrigue, searching for identity part

>> No.21857617

I love women so much it's unreal.

>> No.21857624

hello /x/

>> No.21857632

I'm still not seeing it, those aren't exclusive to or diagnostic of Mesopotamia any more than the color blue or the concept of an underworld.

>> No.21857639

you're retarded

>> No.21857663

Instead of flailing like a retard, try to actually explain exactly what the fuck you see in Planescape Torment that screams "Ancient Mesopotamia" to you. Vague cliches like "searching for identity" has no meaning or relevance, Mr. Buddwing or The Drawing of the Dark have no commonality with either Planescape Torment or Sumerian mythology despite using that same narrative device. Where did you even get the idea that political intrigue was a significant element in PST anyway? There are no meaningful politics in Sigil.

>> No.21857664


>> No.21857674

Im honestly amazed by how many people have trouble with that name. Again, fucking kvech is an english word.

>> No.21857679
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Cringe, female authors are wonderful and kinda cute sometimes.

>> No.21857680

>try to actually explain exactly what the fuck you see in Planescape Torment that screams "Ancient Mesopotamia" to you
instead of failing with these irrelevant paragraphs, try reading when I said the "mesopotamia" bit wasn't what I was comparing it to
holy shit touch grass

>> No.21857687

Women are not capable of wonder
>kinda cute
Coom elsewhere

>> No.21857688

every time?...

>> No.21857706

Dune series

>> No.21857712
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*Blocks your path*
Here's a non-jew one

>> No.21857722

I hate dragons

>> No.21857740
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Fuck. I normally don't like women writers but these looked interesting from last week's threads so I bought them. Did I get memed? Might just burn them if turn out to be gay

>> No.21857763

I was exaggerating when I criticized tannith lee. I think women put their fucked up psychology (hatred of authority, daddy issues, protagonist ends up with a woman instead of a man etc) more heavy handedly in their stories than men do
but they're at least mediocre more than terrible most of the time
anyone who pretends women writers are as good as jack vance, clark ashton smith, or tolkien is full of delusional shit though.

>> No.21857788

Sorcerer's Son it's fun nothing groundbreaking, i would say it's David eddings-tier

>> No.21857856

male authors:
"The Buried Giant" by Kazuo Ishiguro
"The Warlord Chronicles" by Bernard Cornwell
"The Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel
"Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield
"The Lion of Macedon" by David Gemmell
"The City of the Sun" by David Wingrove
"The Immortals of Meluha" by Amish Tripathi
"The Egyptian" by Mika Waltari
"The Lion of Cairo" by Scott Oden

>> No.21857867

just looked up the first one
>in post arthurian britain
not bronze age
but thanks

>> No.21857890
File: 39 KB, 283x500, 5CE8D936-BAA8-462A-BF12-AA08EC3F7BB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a different thread, how would you adapt Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a strange land?

>> No.21857935


>> No.21857940

Yes (as a tv show, whether it may be TV or Streaming)

>> No.21857941


>> No.21857950

Im trying bros, i really am. But the first chapter of torturer is putting me off hard.

>> No.21858007

That thread is already dead in the water. Which is why I’m asking here.

>> No.21858027


>> No.21858033

Is this the shelf that saved /sffg/

>> No.21858038

Any good series where the protag has a small penis like me?

>> No.21858041

Female authors are trash

>Fuck. I normally don't like women writers
Who are you trying to fool you damn coomer. Your life consists of self inserting into the stories of (non)white knight coomer protags who get cucked by their own lesbian mothers.

>> No.21858058
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>who get cucked by their own lesbian mothers.
Maternal cuckoldry is pretty based

>> No.21858061


>> No.21858260

Netori >>>>>>>> cuckoldry

>> No.21858267

its the same shit copecuck

>> No.21858307

I would like to shill a book I just finished beta-reading that might change your mind, but of course there's no point in shilling a book that isn't out yet. I'm 67% sure the author posts here (she, without a penis even) so I don't want to go into too many details. I'll just say the book renewed my faith in female SFF authors, and I don't say that lightly, I wasn't even going to beta for a woman but I liked the premise enough to give it a shot. Glad I did. Had a great 60s/70s-era vibe, like the yellow-spined DAW paperbacks. Subtly based, which means she'll likely be self-pubbing it. 90% of the books I've beta-read have been terrible so it was refreshing, and especially since I wasn't expecting such kino out of a woman.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21858313
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Netorase >>>>>>> all

>> No.21858331

I disagree with the Anon who said to set it in th '70s. You have to set it in 1960 when it was written, to be true to the source material. Keep the retro dialogue too.

>> No.21858363

Its literally not though
Netori is fucking your hot neighbor while her husband is at work
Cuckoldry is fucking your hot neighbor while her husband is home and trying to ignore it (or participating, but lets not make this complicated)

Conflating cheating with cuckoldry is fucking stupid.

Big big disagree, unless its incest netorase in which case you have a strong position.

>> No.21858368

Ok you clearly know about this series, please tell me why Kellhus fucks Serwe and her perfect breasts. What profound meaning did Bakker embed into this

>> No.21858373


>> No.21858414

>no argument
You have two options
1. Accept that you are using the word cuck to mean something other than its definiton
2. Cry about it

>> No.21858477

t. cuck. Sad!

>> No.21858495
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>unless its incest netorase
Yes that's what i mean, it's the only kind of netorase i read

>> No.21858535
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>> No.21858542

That picture you posted isnt even netorase, let alone incest netorase. The entire story is about the mom being a pornstar and the son being a coomer. Its voyeur + group sex, no netorase.

>> No.21858575
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You know not who I am, pleb. Bow to me.

>> No.21858631


>> No.21858826
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Bakker is King.

Simple as.

>> No.21858837

>"Why do you, as cattle grazing in the fields of the world, become agitated by the idea or reality that the butchers of power manipulate and mislead you? Should you not first lament your enslavement to ignorance, and endeavor to free yourself from that yoke? For it is only through the illumination of knowledge that you may hope to escape the meat grinder of existence and transcend the bonds of those who seek to exploit and control you." -- R. Scott Bakker

Was he right?

>> No.21858846

Any decent "pulp" type fantasy stories? Nothing particularly literature-y, just some cheap, mass produced entertainment for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.21858847


>> No.21858855

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

>> No.21858908
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>> No.21858966

We need more of this format in sffg

>> No.21859011

You ever wish authors would release first drafts of their books to see how bad they were before editors got their hands on them?

>> No.21859017

I'd like to see how much gets cut from Will Wight's books. He claims to be VERY aggressive in editing.

>> No.21859067

Are the Witcher books good? I heard the English translation was horrible

>> No.21859295

It's complicated
The real picts were just a group of primitive britons who had been unconquered by rome.
Howard's fantastical vision of the picts is of a medditarnanean race that had acheived a global empire long before the rise of the aryans (celts, germans, etc) but had dwindled and eventually been conquered. However in the conan stories they take role of native americans, being savages who wear buckskins, but they don't look native american; they're olive skinned rather than "red skinned"

>> No.21859369

link saved. good read

>> No.21859429

Howard was a great adventure writer, and I give him credit for basically inventing the Sword and Sorcery genre, but the man had some utterly crazy sociopolitical views.

I only don't read his stories as much as I probably should because I don't really like Conan, and don't see any reason to root for him above his enemies.

>> No.21859469

>inventing the Sword and Sorcery genre
fritz lieber

>> No.21859498

The epic of gilgamesh stands in your path...

>> No.21859608

No. Howard did it. Stories before him did have some elements, but the one who made the genre was Howard.

>> No.21859669

>fritz lieber
Anon, Lieber literally coined the term

>> No.21859715

>Popularizing = inventing

>> No.21859945

Sanderson did that with one of his books, it's on his website somewhere.