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/lit/ - Literature

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21856929 No.21856929 [Reply] [Original]

How did it go?
Today I submitted my short story to my university's yearly competition.
Can't go back now, I really hope they don't laugh at me for being an engineering student...
Share stories from times you tried to publish something, or shown something you had written to someone.

>> No.21856970

In elementary school I wrote a short story that was a Captain Underpants ripoff. But instead of being in his underpants he was just fat. I called him Fatman and had him eat mayonnaise-filled donuts. This story won first prize at my elementary school and got me first prize in county as well lmao. It was basically Gargantua and Pantagruel, but written by a fourth/fifth grader. Lots of fat jokes, fart humor, and vomit humor.

>> No.21857001

It went well.

>> No.21857039

Do you mind elaborating?

>> No.21857163

Just got a poem rejected a couple days ago. It's happened to me on several occasions and it hurts every time.

>> No.21857188

Is trying to get a poem published even viable nowdays? I don't see new poetry around in labraries except the usual feminist stuff, it seems to me like the whole medium of poetry is currently stagnating, probably because it doesn't sell nearly as well as literature.

>> No.21857190

I wrote 7 screenplays and nobody even know i write

>> No.21857197
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I sent this to my highschool crush but she ignored me.

>> No.21857201

I write speculative poetry, which there's actually a pretty healthy market for at the moment. A lot of online magazines and journals are hungry for it.

>> No.21857211

I want to assume this is a meme, but I also know at least 20% of the people here are legitimately autistic enough to send a message like this.
Please, anon, for my peace of mind: You did not actually text this to a human female, right?

>> No.21857212

Some kind of scene extract from a novella I wrote. It was about a woman sorting hidden letters and finding out her husband is a closeted homosexual on the day of their marriage. Then she cries in her BFF's arms, wipes her snot on his sleeve and they kiss because fuck it why not. I showed it to my (now ex) girlfriend at the time and her friend, and I don't remember their reaction but I read it again a while later and it was okay. Perhaps a bit more elaborate in spirit than wattpad-level stories but it was only a short scene so, heh. I cringe thinking back of all of this but that's life.

>> No.21857218

Yes I did lol I sent it on Instagram years ago but she never responded.

>> No.21857219

Probably a meme but definitely something I would write, minus the drunk part, the formal tone and the "meek" precision. It works sometimes. I guess that makes me autistic too.

>> No.21857226

She showed that text to all her friend and everyone laughed. Good job. Now are you not only undesirable to your crush, but to any female that she knows.

>> No.21857228

Oh jesus, you poor unfortunate soul. For future reference, please never send an unprovoked confession of your undying love to someone you (I assume) barely know.

>> No.21857230

That looks similar to several messages I have sent before. But at least the girls ususally replied and tried to not make me feel bad about them being about to reject me, which mad eit even worse.

>> No.21857232

For fuck's sake, why not just say hey and ask if they'd want to meet for lunch or coffee? This isn't the 18th century, you don't need to "woo" m'lady.

>> No.21857234

Don't give a shit. It was therapeutic for me in the end because it allowed me to stop caring what others think about me so much.
Fuck her. The more you engage in ritualistic self-embarrassment the freer you are from people's hatred and scorn. I spent all my childhood in fear of people, having no friends, never expressing myself, because I was afraid of judgement. Sending this message was a breakthrough moment in my life.

>> No.21857235

To be fair, it was already over when I tried to force her to debate me on the bus and when I showed her my dnd music folder the epitaph was written.

>> No.21857236

I too ripped off captain underpants and put my own spin on the alien toilet invaders lol

>> No.21857240

>why not just say hey and ask if they'd want to meet for lunch or coffee?
"Hello, I've seen you in [xxx] and I think you are beautiful. Do you want to hang out next week?" is basically what I say. I don't think there is something wrong with previous png except the what I've underlined and the confession.

>> No.21857241

I'm not saying don't pursue her, I'm saying that there are more effective ways to go about it. But, you're likely a hopeless romantic so I guess we probably approach the subject differently.

>> No.21857242

So you overcame your fear of socializing by texting?

>> No.21857251

That's a fine message. I personally think calling someone beautiful right out the gate is a little intense, but I've seen it work so it's at least not nuclear autism.

>> No.21857253

>don't pursue her
That was years ago, she ignored me, fuck her. I found an autistic gf now who is like me.
No, I still haven't overcome it fully. But it was the first step.

>> No.21857258
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Yeah I got feedback for my essay recently. You think my teacher wants to fuck me?

>> No.21857260

Guys, I love feels threads about our unfortunate encounters with women, but I was really hoping this would be about stort shories and poetry, not anon's DMs to instagram thots

>> No.21857265

>the first part about presenting the opponent at his strongest
the bitch never read Plato clearly.

>> No.21857280

The trick is to be the only historical source of your opponents, so nobody knows you're caricaturing them until much later when tertiary evidence suggests as much.

>> No.21857281

I wrote a piece for StorySlam and read it in front of a bunch of tranny liberals and boomer academics. I regret nothing.

>> No.21857287

I post stuff anonymously or under a pseudonym.
I am under no illusion that the stuff I shit out ain't worthy of being published or payed for, but writing for a audience is more fun then just telling a story to myself and going through the extra step or writing it down.
Writing is for communication after all.

Anyway usually the response is mild interest, with occasional praise or criticism. Which is enough to justify the effort of writing shit down.
I tend to be pretty lazy when it comes to proof reading though. So that is usually where most of the criticism comes from. My limited audience isn't doing in depth literary analysis or dissecting themes within the narrative.
The praise is often too generic to really be useful other than to make me feel good.
Stuff like
>I liked it
>That was good

At my low level of competency it's good enough for me.

>> No.21857299

If /lit/ counts, then I post my poetry here all the time, and have sent some stuff to &amp

>> No.21857301

Would you say they liked it or you intentionally did it to provoke them?

>> No.21857358

No. Your teacher completely wrecked you with that feedback. Her entire criticism was this "stop söyjaking your ideological opponent and stop writing like a smug tranny". Her last sentence sent you to the shadow realm
>If it was so obvious, then what is the achievement or your defense?