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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.62 MB, 4030x2819, 1680119953207918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21855662 No.21855662 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for books that morally or philosophically justify violence against humans.

>> No.21855671

your diary desu

>> No.21855676

where's her goobs

>> No.21855681


The Satanic Bible

>> No.21855684

Sorel, Reflections On Violence

>> No.21855688

Tranny looking hag

>> No.21855693

Bumping for an interesting topic. I hate picrel though

>> No.21855695

that's a man right?

>> No.21855704

its a woman chud

>> No.21855715

Killing is never justified important to read The Bible: Genesis Chapters 1-12. You will pay for all of the blood you shed. You don't need a book to justify simple violence. Quit being a fucking idiot.

>> No.21855718
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>the bible says that killing is never justified

>> No.21855749
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>> No.21855833

Uh have you read the rest of the Bible? Kek

>> No.21855842


>> No.21855849
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King David
> In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land: that I might cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord.

St. Thomas Aquinas
> The life of certain pestiferous men is an impediment to the common good which is the concord of human society. Therefore, certain men must be removed by death from the society of men.

The Catechism of the Council of Trent
>Another kind of lawful slaying belongs to the civil authorities, to whom is entrusted power of life and death, by the legal and judicious exercise of which they punish the guilty and protect the innocent. The just use of this power, far from involving the crime of murder, is an act of paramount obedience to this Commandment which prohibits murder. The end of the Commandment is the preservation and security of human life. Now the punishments inflicted by the civil authority, which is the legitimate avenger of crime, naturally tend to this end, since they give security to life by repressing outrage and violence.

Pope Pius X
> It is lawful to kill when fighting in a just war; when carrying out by order of the Supreme Authority a sentence of death in punishment of a crime; and, finally, in cases of necessary and lawful defense of one's own life against an unjust aggressor.

Pope Pius XII
> When it is a question of the execution of a condemned man, the State does not dispose of the individual's right to life. In this case it is reserved to the public power to deprive the condemned person of the enjoyment of life in expiation of his crime when, by his crime, he has already disposed himself of his right to live.

Antipope Benedict XVI
> I draw the attention of society's leaders to the need to make every effort to eliminate the death penalty and to reform the penal system in a way that ensures respect for the prisoners' human dignity.

Antipope Francis
> Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes. In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state….
> Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that "the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person", and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.

>> No.21855858
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Based can you please post more?

>> No.21855882

Cute butt

>> No.21855920

Based, but only one of those is a Bible quote

>> No.21855943

who cares

>> No.21855994

I hope so fine girl that one is like nietzsche said i'd hit that

>> No.21856004
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>> No.21856007

I think a god of war is the most justified deity to believe in and worship because war was and still is the common denominator in human history. we didn't get to be the way we are through peace and harmony. it only makes sense to seek favour by worshipping a god related directly to the only victories that get recorded in history.

>> No.21856080
File: 674 KB, 1170x1217, 7DC62B7F-4B53-40F0-94CF-2AF52D701526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a trip from /lgbt/ named mel. yes she is a tranny.

>> No.21856154


>> No.21856160

I'd fuck him while calling him a faggot

>> No.21856173

Only takes 9 inch cocks, she wrote erotica about it on /lgbt/ after having anal bleeding from it. People on other boards are odd for sure

>> No.21856187
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she's a cute trans girl from /lgbt/

>> No.21856192
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only because she was a virgin beforehand. she's only taken 9 inch cocks because that's the one time she ever got dicked down

>> No.21856193


>> No.21856218

They think that somehow it’s a refutation if someone finds their picture sexually attractive. No, just because you look like a woman and in a carefully arranged picture you can successfully trick someone into thinking you’re a woman and getting hard doesn’t mean you’re a woman, nor does it make the viewer gay since he is attracted to the appearance of the female form and not men. It’s like if someone put on a realistic dolphin costume and claimed I’m “refuted” and they’re actually a dolphin just because I couldn’t tell at first.

>> No.21856224

This is kind of mean bro. I think it's cute that they want to be women. If you put on a dolphin costume and said you were a dolphin I would also find that cute.

>> No.21856226

The Bhagavad Gita
Genealogy of Morals

>> No.21856230
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>nor does it make the viewer gay since he is attracted to the appearance of the female form and not men
exactly; fucking trans girls is not gay. you are straight. you want to fuck trans girls. therefore, trans girls are girls (if they are physically attractive). QED

>> No.21856248
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>> No.21856251

You are trolling but knowingly having sexual contact with a trans “girl” (actually man) is a mortal sin worthy of the death penalty, and is in fact homosexual. What is not homosexual is being attracted to the female form and therefore finding a picture sexually arousing because it successfully replicates it. That in no way justifies treating these men as women or having sexual contact with them. (Sexual contact outside of marriage is itself a mortal sin, and even in marriage it’s a sin if you don’t ejaculate inside of her vagina).

>> No.21856254

you are a very, very silly individual and it is difficult to believe people like you are actually real

>> No.21856266

Based /lit/izen. Study the bible instead of talking to these people

>> No.21856269

read Bronze Age Mindset by Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.21856277


>> No.21856281
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>> No.21856290

You are a porn-addicted degenerate wanker. Conquer yourself and become a human again.

>> No.21856311


>> No.21856320

kek, dabbing on the vargtist

>> No.21856437

You're looking for books that go into the ethics of self defense and security. Read anything involving law and the history of law to understand why violence is 100% justified in some situations. Read the Greeks and their history.

>> No.21856445

literature on SEX with GIRLS?

>> No.21856457

>tfw imagining the fat lumpy hairy smelly "6 months HRT" man and 29 year old gangly "femboy" behind these posts

>> No.21856471

>You are trolling but knowingly having sexual contact with a trans “girl” (actually man) is a mortal sin worthy of the death penalty, and is in fact homosexual.
I was about to write a post defending you until I read this purely cringe-worthy sentence. Grow up.

>> No.21856502

I think the problem with trannies and passing is that they don't simply look like a feminine man, so that when the illusion collapses it's like quantitative thing. They always pass as a female "type" different from their real male "type," and our brains know these different types of faces unconsciously but distinctly. So what happens is, you don't just suddenly see a feminine/masculine slider nudge from feminine passing to "ohh i see the masculinity now," you see this totally other dude suddenly launch forward from behind the mirage of a woman, and your brain starts to figure out how "tall lanky horseface guy, I've seen hundreds of these in my time" transmuted itself into "uwu~ tranny face girl mirage," and once you've done this you can perform the switch at will, like a children's popup book, with horseface femboy man lunging out at you from behind uwu-llusion

>> No.21856536

troons need to exist like a car accident needs to occur every once in a while.
Its unavoidable but you still hope it never affects anyone from your family.

>> No.21856553

Will you ever shut up about them?

>> No.21856556

>op posts pic of troon

>> No.21856570

So you're saying you're a low IQ mongrel who can't help but discuss the image of a thread instead of the actual topic. I think there's some truth to that but tranny obsession is also to blame.

>> No.21856580

Personally, I won't ever shut up about trannies until they stop shooting up schools and mutilating children. I see it as a moral responsibility. Look what the last ten years of not enough people being on guard against trannies did, it allowed them to infiltrate and pseudo-normalize being a tranny, and now you've got trannies stealing women's luggage at the airport to wear their clothes, raping children, etc.

Right now at this very moment, out there somewhere, a tranny is trying to adopt a kid. You should be doing everything in your power to spread awareness of how dangerous and mentally ill they are, to at least increase the likelihood that people in positions of authority don't let them near children.

>> No.21856585


>> No.21856589

>fucking trans girls is not gay
Yeah it is, because when you get down to fucking you find out its a dude. It's not gay to get fooled, it's gay to know and do it anyway

>> No.21856608
File: 391 KB, 1638x2048, FdUwLx-XoAEnrev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking care or hate trannies but everyone keeps showing them in my face.

>> No.21856610

But you are giving them exactly what they want, angry internet posts obsessing with them, and you even seem to be proud of it. You're obviously powerless and don't do anything aside from post aggressive cringe inducing messages on the internet. They relish in your attention, for example >>21856080. You seem unable to deduce your own flaws and realize that you're serving them.
In regards to OP's question, I think your pathetic obsession with enabling the people you hate the most is the justification OP is looking for.

>> No.21856614

>exactly what they want
what they want is unrestricted access to children

>> No.21856615

literally The Bible

>> No.21856623

>self defense
No. Justified offensive violence.

>> No.21856624

You're delving into retarded paranoid territory, and are deflecting that the attention you give them online is the absolute greatest thing you could ever gift them.

>> No.21856626
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effortlessly mogged by crowbar

>> No.21856631

"just ignore them" is a boomer-era delusion

>> No.21856636

unironically though, what makes a dude decide to pretend he is a girl and force others to play along?

>> No.21856638

That's a stawman, and you haven't said why posting angry replies on 4chan stops them

>> No.21856639

Why is it childish? Homosexuality and pornography is a social disease which must be stamped out.

>> No.21856642

You'll understand when you're older than 23

>> No.21856643

This threads active, time for some board to board discussion.


>> No.21856644

What makes a dude become a murderer? What makes a man become a pedophile? The answer doesnt matter, they are all sinners


>> No.21856645

>You're obviously powerless and don't do anything aside from post aggressive cringe inducing messages on the internet.
Hating trannies is a team effort. Each of us is but one tiny atom in the mailed fist that holds the pen that signs the bill that makes being a tranny a capital offense.

>They relish in your attention
It's all part of the plan. By hating them we are simultaneously making hating them seem acceptable, so that everybody who potentially or incipiently hates them enters into our culture of normalized tranny hating, and on the other hand, encouraging them to be louder and more abrasive, doubling down on all the things that make them hateworthy in the first place.

Yes, that's right. Just by saying online that you hate trannies, or promoting and sharing content that reflects poorly on trannies or helps memetically stabilize disdain for trannies, YOU are saving the world. You are a hero.

>> No.21856646

the only time I miss /qa/ is when i am reminded of /lgbt/ """""people""""" existing

>> No.21856650

On Resistance to Evil by Force - Ilyin

>> No.21856652

>you haven't said why posting angry replies on 4chan stops them
you're the one complaining about anti-troon posts in a troon thread, nice attempt at reversing the burden of proof

>> No.21856654

I’m 21. You have no arguments.

>> No.21856659

That's also self-defense.

>> No.21856677

If you were hating them to real people not other anonymous people online you'd probably justify more "hate speech" laws being passed, you're not doing that anyway. People stopped having a problem with niggers and gayness over time so I don't understand why a few homophobes will make a difference.
>Yes, that's right. Just by saying online that you hate trannies, or promoting and sharing content that reflects poorly on trannies or helps memetically stabilize disdain for trannies, YOU are saving the world. You are a hero.
Are you being real or is this a joke? You sounding really weird now

You sound like an edgy teen, and probably are. Once you get older you'll realize how cringy these posts sound.

>> No.21856681

You're so fucking retarded, it's because you're powerless, you're changing nothing, and are giving trannies the exact attention they want. I'm the anti tranny poster in this thread, you're the tranny enabler.

>> No.21856684

>you're powerless
literally nothing is possible, we're all powerless. you want to silence troon dislikers while doing nothing yourself.

>> No.21856701

I want trannies to be given less attention on the internet because all it does is enable them and make them celebrate that people are obsessed with them

>> No.21856707
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For minecraft, right OP?

>> No.21856713

Don't lose faith, fellow tranny hater. You have to stay strong and hate trannies even in these dark times where it seems like people accept them. Remember, NOBODY does. EVERYBODY hates trannies by nature.

Gay liberation and black toleration logic made sense to dumb liberals, because "just leave them alone geez" and "aww poor black people :( it's probably just poverty and colonialism or something.. it's not his fault!" are very appealing and addictive lies so they spread like wildfire. But "hey this faggot man wants to dress up like a woman and touch his cock at soccer games and harass your 12 year old daughter in the women's restroom" will NEVER catch on. The only reason trannies seem even slightly normalized is because terminally on Twitter millennial women push it and terminally on TikTok zoomers are sexless depressive imps. These people can't function in reality. There are no trannies in reality - the farthest they have ever gotten and will ever get in normal reality is people shrugging and assuming all hipster coffee shop baristas are faggots with weird voices now.

Do not give up hope. Hate trannies every second of every day. You are personally contributing your force to the reverse swing of the pendulum that is coming. You are personally saving a child from being groomed, a woman from being raped, a tomboy from mutilating herself and regretting it for the rest of her life. Say it loudly and proudly, I HATE TRANNIES.

>> No.21856715

troons, like all leftists, operate by silently maneuvering into positions of "power" like 4channel moderators. if you ignore them they'll keep doing this. if you don't ignore them then they'll do it anyway but at least it's something, at least then something other than a troon voice is heard.

>> No.21856716

I literally don't care what you want. You are subhuman garbage as far as I am concerned.

>> No.21856724

>silently maneuvering into positions of "power" like 4channel moderators
It's amazing how true this is. How many online communities have been revealed to have like 80% trannies as mods? It's always because one of the trannies tries to pressure a woman into something sexual or grooms a child too

>> No.21856743

>Don't lose faith, fellow tranny hater. You have to stay strong and hate trannies even in these dark times where it seems like people accept them. Remember, NOBODY does. EVERYBODY hates trannies by nature.
Are you being serious? Is this supposed to be a satire or what?

Your hate victimizes trannies. You hatred makes you the bad guy and trannie the poor victim. The proper way to deal with them is to deny their delusions while pretending to be nice. I have been in a discussions about them and I pretend to be a retarded boomer who doesn't get the concept and just said what male and female chromosomes are. And use logic by explaining that trans ideology is sexist and misogynistic by definition. Just call them out in an indifferent way for being creeps and conflate them with drag queens.

What is you talking about how bad they are anonymously on 4chan doing?

>> No.21856749
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>What is you talking about how bad they are anonymously on 4chan doing?

>> No.21856750

Because hating trannies is a lifestyle for you, a source of dopamine

>> No.21856756

Hormone washes in utero causing slightly aberrant brain development in areas associated with sexual development. Essentially it's a type of intersex case that only presents in the brain. This area of study needs more research but has been blocked because the social movement has moved towards de-medicalizing trans people in favor of self-identification

>> No.21856761

You don’t have any arguments. Homosexuality is a contagious mental and every great philosopher and religion in the world treated it with contempt and disgust. You have no rational justification for homosexuality because it cannot be rationally justified.

>> No.21856763

No, you have to hate them. Make them feel unwelcome. Remind them that the world is a hostile and forbidding place for them. Make them go home and think "do I really want to do this? Do I really want to be a fag and a freak? Why? Because the other fag freak on discord with the cool lowercase username and the incredibly unstable, sleazy lifestyle is making me feel a little less lonely at a trying time in my life?"

When you act like you don't "get" it, they think there's something to "get," that they're in a special club and part of a new wave of social change sweeping the nation, and this reinforces their delusion. Instead, you should pummel them mercilessly with absolute disdain for their faggoty behavior, and then hold up models of acceptable behavior.

This is even more true when it comes to tomboys. Tomboys need to be shown and told that it is okay to be an ordinary woman, that there is no one right way to be a woman. But they also need to be mocked mercilessly for thinking that cutting off their tits is anything but a retarded solution to a problem every woman has to deal with in her life.

>> No.21856769

Thank you for this anon, I can proclaim my tranny hatred (which I’ve always had ever since I was a young boy, when I seen one walk into a women’s restroom at mcdonald’s and terrorize a real woman) with a clear heart now

>> No.21856777
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>Homosexuality is a contagious mental and every great philosopher and religion in the world treated it with contempt and disgust.
Citation needed.

>> No.21856785

I've explained a few times why posting angry posts on the internet is useless. You have no arguments.
>You have no rational justification for homosexuality because it cannot be rationally justified.
I do not want to justify homosexuality, learn to read

Openly hating a group of people like that will make a social pariah, just about every single person knows that people who do not socialize like yourself. Keep being obsessed with them, keep giving them exactly what they want you useless retard. Expect more smug posts like >>21856080 and for yourself to get more angry.

>When you act like you don't "get" it, they think there's something to "get," that they're in a special club and part of a new wave of social change sweeping the nation, and this reinforces their delusion.
And if you hate them it will give them that exact same thought but also the bonus of victimization

>> No.21856791

>that people who do not
except people

>> No.21856796

Just gonna throw out there that the only people on earth who care about the victimization are a Slim group of Western Europeans and Anglo countries, the majority of the world works on even more violence and hate than what that anon is saying, and that doesn’t martyr the tranny, it works pretty well on most of the earth and throughout history such measures have worked. You can disagree for various reasons but it seems pretty clear that even the Western Europe and Anglo countries are, a lot of them anyways, running out of sympathy for the average tranny, in practice group bullying of them online and off is probably the most effective preventative measure that the average person can do.

>> No.21856806

is he in jail?

>> No.21856813

>Western Europeans and Anglo countries
The word you're looking for is "the west"
I don't know what you mean by the majority of the world working on violence and hate

>running out of sympathy for the average tranny
I don't think that's happening, I think it's beginning to reach it's height and then it's going to slowly die off and become niche. They'll still exist, but won't be demanding everyone revolve around them.

>> No.21856818

The only problem is that they're mentally ill and never healthy.

>> No.21856825

Not him but western europe + anglo countries is not the same as the west. Poland is not western europe but it is the west, same with baltics

>> No.21856841

> I don't know what you mean by the majority of the world working on violence and hate

I’m saying if I go to almost anywhere in Asia they will insult and beat a person into conformity, most of the Middle East is the same, I go to the Balkans it’s much the same, etc. the bullying of homosexuals, trans, other ethnicities and the performance of actual violence upon these is pretty common and absolutely at minimum forces them to go into hiding, again if many anons really do irl go around and bully them both online and off, i do think it’ll force them to quiet and hide it.

> I don't think that's happening, I think it's beginning to reach it's height and then it's going to slowly die off and become niche.

Ya think? I’ve been spending some time on Twitter and i seem to see a constant flood of people angry at trannies out in the open, with the recent shooting it’s reached an incredible amount of people publicly willing to say they want to do violence against them, using their real names. I’m not sure how something like that settles down, feels like the division will only keep getting bigger.

>> No.21856843

Poland is in central Europe and is ex soviet, being western means having high living standards and opposing the soviet union. Switzerland is an exception. No one would ever call Poland western.

>> No.21856854

Read Rising Up and Rising Down (7 vols.) by William Vollmann, or the abridged edition published by Ecco Press.

>> No.21856864

>I’ve been spending some time on Twitter and i seem to see a constant flood of people angry at trannies out in the open
>on Twitter
That is not reflective of real life, normalfags are mostly indifferent to LGBT stuff, the least supportive just question it and wouldn't be happy for someone to rant about how much they hate faggots. Did you never even read about how much of twitter is actually bot?

>> No.21856887

Large majority of sources on google show Poland as being part of "western" world in maps.

>> No.21856891
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Jesus Christ. What Aletta Ocean did to herself is a fucking crime. I can't even wrap my head around it

>> No.21856893

Then that is all wrong because Poland is an ex soviet state

>> No.21856905
File: 346 KB, 933x739, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality is an abominable crime that subverts the natural order and subordinates the sexual drive (whose end is procreation) to the pursuit of mere pleasure. It is worse than regular sexual immorality because it does not even tangentially aim towards the natural end of the sexual faculty, but is more akin to having sexual contact with beasts or children.

The acceptance of this in society is an outrageous detriment to the social order, since, unlike other mental illnesses, homosexuality is contagious. The more it is shown, normalised, accepted in society, the more people become homosexuals. Thus 20% of Generation Z in the USA now identify as LGBT. That is 20% of people who, barring a reversion to normality later in life, will never have families, never reproduce, and will forever wallow in their pornography and filth.

>The pleasure is to be deemed natural which arises out of the intercourse between men and women; but that the intercourse of men with men, or of women with women, is contrary to nature, and that the bold attempt was originally due to unbridled lust.

>Other [deformities] result from diseased conditions or from habit -- for instance, plucking hairs, chewing nails, and besides these sexual intercourse between males. For in some people these result from a diseased nature, in others from habit, as, for instance, in those who have suffered wanton [sexual] assault since their childhood.

>Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination.

1 Kings:
>And Asa did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, as did David his father: he took away the effeminate out of the land, and he removed all the filth of the idols, which his fathers had made.

St. Thomas:
>It is evident ... that every emission of semen, in such a way that generation cannot follow, is contrary to the good for man. And if this be done deliberately, it must be a sin. Now, I am speaking of a way from which, in itself, generation could not result: such would be any emission of semen apart from the natural union of male and female. For which reason, sins of this type are called contrary to nature.

Pope St. Pius V:
>That horrible crime, on account of which corrupt and obscene cities were destroyed by fire through divine condemnation, causes us most bitter sorrow and shocks our mind, impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal.

>Therefore... we establish that any priest or member of the clergy, either secular or regular, who commits such an execrable crime, by force of the present law be deprived of every clerical privilege, of every post, dignity and ecclesiastical benefit, and having been degraded by an ecclesiastical judge, let him be immediately delivered to the secular authority to be put to death, as mandated by law as the fitting punishment for laymen who have sunk into this abyss.

>> No.21856930

Wow this thread sucks. There were like two serious on-topic posts.
Let this be a lesson OP, don't post pics of tranny faggots

>> No.21856938

Why would OP need a lesson? He didn't violate any rules, you did by posting off topic.

>> No.21856943

This is just a barely-subtle Current Propaganda Point thread anyway, this was OP's intention

>> No.21856974 [SPOILER] 

>Antipope Francis
>Antipope Benedict XVI

kek sedes cant be this delusional can they

>> No.21856987

You're a fucking retard if you don't understand why

>> No.21857012
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Half of this list is retarded faith-based christcuckery so it's not even worth replying to.

>> No.21857014

>My desert jew demon says conflicting things about murder!
Don't care

>> No.21857019

I want to kiss this bitch. Does she smoke weed?

>> No.21857033

never thought i’d see mel on /lit/ lol
t. another /lgbt/ mel

>> No.21857035

I don't, why don't you tell me why and make me look stupid? :^)

>> No.21857054

Read the American Crisis by Thomas Paine. He advocates for war and killing of home invaders/theives

>> No.21857120

>trans girl
so a man - a mentally ill one at that

>> No.21857205


Start with St. Thomas of Aquinas. For someone more recent, Abbie Hoffman was no pacifist.

>> No.21857264
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>you will never be a dolphin
why live terrestrial mammal bros

>> No.21857296

I think less of people who like to get fucked. I can't help it.

>> No.21857480
File: 387 KB, 401x662, wretched-of-the-earth-cover-e1430995724241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More specifically the chapter 'Concerning Violence'


>> No.21857534

That book was shit.

>> No.21857715

>He is a moral realist
You are pathetic

>> No.21857833
File: 18 KB, 318x458, 277950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further. Violence is justified because killing and dying are simply man's business. In dying you fulfill your purpose and awaken from this rude dream. It's not even important if your violence is effective, the point is to act promptly and without regard for your own life (aka cowardice).
No idea if that's a compelling justification to you. What more fundamental values were you hoping to justify it in terms of?

>> No.21857845

Why does aesthetics require ethical justification?

>> No.21857885

Great question. I'm not OP but I have a Christian moral framework

>> No.21857888

Whats is horrific in my eye is this semi feminine look will fade in ten years, and gone by 40. They do all the work, kill their liver just for it to fade in time, just furthering their identity issue further. Being a tranny is a sad fate, my heart goes out to them.

>> No.21857892

Let's see who we think should have authority here...

Jesus, John 8:7
>Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

God, Ezekiel 33:19
>When someone evil quits sinning and does what is right and good, he has saved his life.

Paul, Ephesians 4:32
>Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Jesus, Mathew 6:14
>For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

Colossians 3:13
>Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Jesus, Matthew 18:21-22
>Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.'

God, Isaiah 43:25
“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more ..."

>> No.21857898

Historically you would have to wait for God to command you then. He made a blanket statement that was anti-murder on those tablets, and He was kind of down on it with Cain too. But He's definitely made a fair number of exceptions, but if you want to be sure, you have to wait for Him to actually give you the word.
Still, the debt for your sins is paid already, so you're probably golden as long as you believe in your heart and want forgiveness.

>> No.21857926

Didn't Christ also say in Matthew that people who lead others (especially children) into sin should be killed?

>> No.21857936

Thanks for answering but you're wrong on that last part.
What you're describing would be the sin of presumption. We don't have free license to sin just because we know God can forgive us.

>> No.21857979

Why pity them? All they needed to do was log off.

>> No.21857997

the tranny cult is a primrose path, it preys on all the things young desperate men are most vulnerable to: horniness and porn ubiquity, craving for community, terminal onlineness, autism hugbox spaces to shield them from the horrible outside world and its retarded normies, a completely unfulfilling predatory society with no reasons for young men to check in and participate

all you have to do is go a few steps down the road of trannydom and it becomes exponentially more difficult to turn back, until turning back is impossible (self mutilation through chemicals and surgery, and generally going too far into being a freak)

most young guys are already a few steps down the road to begin with, for instance porn addicts are already likely to have a few fetishes that bridge into bisexuality, and bisexuality opens up a whole new world of "ERP" with your new internet friends on trooncord, and being autistic makes it so you feel more in common with trooncorders than normies to begin with. if you have any one or two elements of this recipe it's easy to get the others,. and all it takes is a few more steps after that, and you start making life changes that are irreparable. if youve already spent 2 years coming out to your poor family as a troon, it's easy to think youre in too deep to ever turn back. at that point it's even easier to think to yourself, well at least if i stay a troon i can still go into the trooncord hugbox every night with my other fucked up friends. and we're all horny so we can all coom to eachothers programmer stockings. you see how each element reinforces the others.

you can't remember how stupid and gullible you were in your teens, all the dumbshit phases you went through, we tend to suppress those memories, but trannies are wiping out whole segments of the autistic young man population. there is a roblox to tranny pipeline where there once was just hanging out with your friends playing blackops. when you were 15 and going through some incredibly cringe phase, nothing happened and you went into a different phase soon after, but now kids going through the same bullshit are groomed by coomers into fetishes and predatory social networks they can't easily get back out of with their childish brains. there are 15 year olds reading our posts right now, these kids are all online and trying to construct identities out of what they find here and elsewhere.

>> No.21858008

Your sentiments here moved me. I think I would have been at least friends with likely victims were we all young today. But I must insist that the cure is simple. Log off.

>> No.21858032

i enjoy that, while there are arguments in this thread, everyone seems to be in agreement on one thing: trannies are bad and disgusting. the rest of the internet views 4chan as a place for weird hate-filled people to gather, but we have a comfy shield from delusion; normies don't have that luxury. they have to act like they're ok with things they're not ok with.

>> No.21858158

None of these say you shouldn't kill

>> No.21858168

"Sex, Discrimination, and Violence" by Stephen Kershnar

>> No.21858177

de Sade, but dont expect it to be coherent.

>> No.21858230

Poland is Western. Being Western is not about having lots of money. Being Western is not about the Cold War. Being western is about history and culture.

But you think being poor is a culture, I guess.

And for what it's worth, Poland hates the USSR.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21858245

It was already said.

>> No.21858264

I almost took the tranny pill when I was 19 because I had many fetishes and I fantasized about being a girl. What changed my mind was when I saw how necrotic and depressed the trannies who took hrt became, only few ever made it. The majority lived in a state of never ending cope. I realized it was a fetish and basing my identity around gender bending is a horrible cringe idea. I'm glad I did not take it, that would of sent me into a path of hell that I doubt I would recover from. Also you age better in your mid to late 20s, than how you look when your a teen.

>> No.21858282
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Literally just read the Greeks nigga

>> No.21858293

Here you go big guy.

Also "Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21858301
File: 12 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't attach and it named me Tamara wtf?

>> No.21858308

You didn't read it

>> No.21858319

with not much to go off of, the things we have available such as the upper face, hair and right arm are scant evidence, but enough to clearly see this is a man.

>> No.21858320

It's modifying/taking over people's actual posts now?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21858321

Always has been.

>> No.21858325

kek it definitely is, I made this post and I'm not a bot. That is actually really funny, the April fool's joke isn't just ChatGPT posting, it's randomly making actual human posts/posters into ChatGPT to blur the lines between fake and real.

That's a smart way of simulating how an attack using this technology will probably destroy 4chan and other sites soon. But especially 4chan since it has anonymous posting. There is already some thinktank that proposed doing this.

We should use this as an opportunity to simulate the conditions of the inevitable ChatGPT raids on 4chan.

>> No.21858351

the bhagavad gita, unironically

>> No.21858406
File: 209 KB, 711x633, 1660877420200097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banned for using an off topic image in op
>this thread is still up

>> No.21858498

What the fuck am I seeing here

>> No.21858516

Jannies make these threads.

>> No.21858528

>The Bible: Genesis Chapters 1-12
The Bible imo doesn't give a consistent message vis a vis use of violence. The OT is full of gratuitous violence. Anyone trying to argue Christianity is inherently pacifist is full of shit.
In the book of revelations we find countless gruesome descriptions of the ways enemies or heathens will be killed by God in the 2nd coming.

>> No.21858529


>> No.21858556

The violence in the OT is never arbitrary, and God never contradicts Himself. Even Jesus Christ was crucified.

>> No.21858570

I bet she is really soft and pathetic
If I punched her arm it would bruise easily

>> No.21858979

>Forgive the sinner
>But that means still kill him
>Let him strike you not 7 but 77 times bro, but that really means execute them
>"Thou shalt not kill."

The Bible doesn't exclude the role of soldiers and self defense. At times it appears to allow for executions but Chris's teaching show the flaws in such legalism and the need for grace.

I think it is not a stretch to say the Bible, taken as a whole, is against capital punishment for vengeance, but not self-defense or capital punishment meant purely to stop future violence (e.g. executing a terror leader so that followers don't kidnap people to try to get them freed).

The Bible is even nuanced of self defense, as it is promoted as a duty one has to others, especially if a soldier, but not ideal merely for protecting oneself, since the truly faithful has nothing to fear in death.

>> No.21858997

You are wrong and this is exactly why the Church withheld the scriptures from the laity for so long. You do not possess discernment and cannot understand them.
The teachings on mercy and forgiveness do not preclude the state from carrying out vengeance on evildoers and ensuring the good of society. The church has always taught that for very serious crimes the death penalty is a necessary and just punishment.
St Paul
>For he [the prince] is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God's minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil.
This is apart from the myriad quotes I already provided here (>>21855849).
The Church, as well as the Bible, supports the death penalty. It is only the Vatican II antipopes who are against it.

>> No.21859010

This might be childish but the idea of the death penalty and the civil authorities having the right to execute citizens as well as the right to have a police force could all be three types of murder. The first is a long imprisonment followed by murder, the second is immediate killing, and the third is policing - I see a world where these are all correct but just in a more nuanced sense.

>> No.21859015

>Church withheld the scriptures from the laity for so long.
>then cites Scripture

>> No.21859023

120 days of Sodom

>> No.21859026

I'm siding with the guy who is quoting the bible, not your satanic psyop of hangers on

>> No.21859032

I quoted the Bible mongoloid. The Church has the authority to interpret Scripture, not mongoloids like yourself and your gay lover.

>> No.21859078

>Myriad quotes
>Almost all from functionaries of what we know to have been an incredibly corrupt organization for much of its history.
>Only one from the Bible is David speaking, but we know that David strayed and did "what was wicked in the sight of the Lord."

David was righteous but he was not perfect. Ezekiel 34 speaks of the bad shepherds of Israel who muddy the waters and trample the ground. It promises a new shepherd, the one who appears and names Himself in John 10.

No authority is higher than that of Christ himself. Did Christ come demanding that man exercise judgement and vengeance? No. He said that Christ himself had come to judge, not man.

Deuteronomy 32:35 - "Vengeance is mine, I shall repay." That is vengeance is the Lord's. Lest you think I misinterpret, see how Saint Paul, one of the Apostles, interprets in his letter to the Romans.

>Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

See also the author of the letter to the Hebrews:

>"For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.”

See also the Prophet Samuel in First Samuel:

>May the Lord judge between me and you, may the Lord avenge me against you, but my hand shall not be against you.

>> No.21859098

You are ignorant and your retarded interpretations pit scripture against itself. Again, the Bible does not teach anarchism or lawlessness. Vengeance is God’s ultimately (because he will judge us in the Final Judgement) but that does not preclude the existence of the state, the police, or lawful vengeance against the degenerate criminal.
>For he [the prince] is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God's minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil.

>> No.21859146

What an absolute strawman. Nowhere did I imply that the Bible teaches anarchism. If you have to resort to attacking ridiculous positions that no one has put forwards you should consider the strength of your own position.

Romans 13 continues:

>Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

>This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

>Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”[a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

The fulfillment of the law is when one recognizes the self in the other and does not commit any offense against him. The Bible is not "pro-violence," and it does not give unlimited authority to rulers. The death penalty can be misapplied just as there can be unfair taxes. Don't the authorities behead John the Baptist and crucify Christ?

If it was not wrong to kill God's prophets, to torture Christ, to do all the infamies of Jeraboham, since doing so was done by the state, that would be a very different message. But in context, we know Paul doesn't think that.

The state is necessary because it is through the state that we are protected from abused, negative freedom, and through it that we can become educated and rational, reflexive freedom. Romans 7, where Paul "dies" to sin, as instinct and desire lives through him, and later is "resurrected" to personhood by Christ, who is the Logos, is one of the most beautiful statements of reflexive freedom every made. One is free when one knows what one does and the inner self is self-actualized. The quote Hegel, when the "free will is willing itself."

The state is essential for this organization and freedom, and so it is incumbent on us to respect the law. It is through the law that we are taught abstract right, that we might understand God in the world. The entire Bible is filled with stories of God changing the world through historical processes, using kings and nations to drive the progress towards freedom and salvation.

But this is neither an absolute endorsement of kings nor an endorsement of whatever vengeance is wrought. It is the ideal. If the Law is fulfilled, there is no need for vengeance. The state is an important part of the progression towards this point.

>> No.21859172

What sophistry. Of course I don’t believe that every single application of the death penalty in the history of mankind was right and just. That does not refute the justness of the death penalty in principle.

Your posts did imply anarchism because you used the fact that “vengeance is God’s” to argue against the death penalty, but this interpretation argues against any sort of punishment whatsoever even if you don’t realise it.

Again, the Bible commands the death penalty multiple times in the Old Testament. God himself destroys degenerate cities like Sodom and drowns the whole world. King David rejoices in the psalms in removing by death certain evildoers from his country; a psalm which is divinely inspired and was sung to praise God. Christ implies child abusers should be drowned. St Paul says that princes wield the sword to enact vengeance on the evildoer. St. Thomas argues for the death penalty. All the Popes (until the Vatican II apostasy) taught the death penalty. The Kings of Christendom, some of whom were saints, enacted the death penalty.

You are a heretic.

>> No.21859175

The Bible pits itself against itself because there are contradictions within it. This is obvious. It is obviously the plan that we learn to resolve these. The Bible can mean different things to different peoples through history. That is how contradictions are resolved historically, which is something we see in the Bible itself.

Note that when the authorities tell Peter and the Apostles to stop preaching Christ in Acts V he does not take their authority as absolute.

>Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

See also:
>"Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

Is the realm of righteousness and ethics not the realm of God, the things that are God's? The temporal ruler is the realm of duties, but not the realm of righteousness.

>Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”

>> No.21859181

Ah, so when was the last time you stoned someone to death when you saw a store open on the Sabbath.

>Exodus 31:15 Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.

>> No.21859204

So, the death penalty is good sometimes but bad other times?

Would this be because sometimes it is carried out for just reasons and sometimes not?

If so, then isn't justice what is good and the death penalty only good in relationship to its possessing justice?

But God's wish is that everyone is just. If everyone is just, then they are not unjust, which means it would not be just to kill them. Thus, in an ideal world where everyone follows God and is just, the death penalty is always unjust, since it cannot be just to punish the just.

Any virtue related to the death penalty exists only insomuch as it is just, but if justice prevails everywhere, then such a penalty is never just. Thus, the Bible does NOT support the death penalty as good. Indeed, death is represented as bad, the result of sin, from the beginning through the end. Death itself only exists in the context of sin.

Punishment is only just if there is sin, only good if there is evil. The death penalty being "good" is simplistic at best. What is good is justice, which can take many imperfect forms in this world, through the exercise of fallen man.

>> No.21859208

This was in the context of a theocratic regime before even the Israelites had a king. I do not believe that this applies to Christian monarchs, although the state does have the right to prevent heretics and infidels from preaching in public and setting up their places of worship like medieval kings did.

>> No.21859213

Yeah tranny thread up in this birch that's someone's son and I'd fuck the faggot all night

>> No.21859216

Also in the medieval era the Jews were forced to go every Sunday to hear the preaching at Church and by that means to be converted. This was the most similar law Christendom enacted to the one you cited.

>> No.21859242


>> No.21859248
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You’re right that God does not desire death and killing but the definition of the death penalty is killing of condemned men who have committed grave evils. The death penalty, justly applied, is good because it aims at the elimination of evil and protection of life.

It is easy to talk about this in abstract terms and not see the truth. But let us consider a real case. Pic related is a prisoner who tore his cell mate apart. Tortured him to death, cut his throat open, beheaded him, chopped off all of his limbs and butchered him. This was allowed to happen because the state did not accomplish its duty to protect life and did not put this degenerate to death. Such a man does not deserve to live. He has forfeited his life, and God hates him and rejects him unless he repents.