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/lit/ - Literature

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21856419 No.21856419 [Reply] [Original]

>protagonist is a writer

>> No.21856541

>protagonist is an academic
>protagonist is a grad student
>protagonist is an artist
>literature is a major motif
>story at all centers around writing or books or literature or what art is
All into the trash

>> No.21856583

>author is a millennial foid
>it’s a thinly veiled sex diary interlaced with progressive talking points trending on twitter
>NYT bestseller

>> No.21856594

lmao like that cringy book by Sally Rooney or whatever her name is where a character is talking about marxism. Gross.

>> No.21856595

>write what you know
>most interesting aspect of my life is that I'm writing a book
Boring people make for trash writers

>> No.21856598

>protagonist is a disaffected young man

>> No.21856604
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>protagonist is a painter

>> No.21856667
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>protagonist is a writer who's writing a book with the same title as the title of the book

>> No.21856671

>heavily implied drinking problem
>sleep with a lot of women but relationships never go beyond that
>ride trains
>ponder the nature of sincerity
Couldn't tell you how many short stories I read just like this in college.

>> No.21856686
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>Chekhov play or story
>one character who's the voice of patient reason and seems above it all
>character is also a doctor

>> No.21856706
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>protagonist is writer
Why even live

>> No.21856868

>>story at all centers around writing or books or literature or what art is
The painter's chapters in Anna Karenina were kino though

>> No.21856880
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>protagonist is

>> No.21856967

Well you would eliminate half the classics if you were going to go by this rule

>> No.21857309

Okay anon, what occupation would (You) give your protagonist?

>> No.21857316

The Magus is good though

>> No.21857428

If you’re into BBC porn, sure.

>> No.21857448
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>>protagonist is iliterate

>> No.21857457

leave me alone

>> No.21857461

Don't misrepresent me, you didn't write that post originally.

>> No.21857474
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kek I've only read one millennial foid book but it fit this to a tee, pic related

>> No.21857484
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>protagonist is a neurotic Jewish artist troubled torn apart between the creation of a magnum opus and his sexual obsessions

>> No.21857727
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Most of my protagonists been detectives or people i forced into detective mode, But that's because i mostly write noir so it's fair

>> No.21857731

Is there even a single example of a true Jewish magnum opus in literary history?

>> No.21857880

In my short stories, the protagonists are typically boys going through experiences that make them young men. In my novel, the protagonists are a BBQ cook, two OTR drivers, and a disgraced pastor turned vagrant.

>> No.21857886

Magnus opus simply means great work. It’s an author’s greatest work, so yea, there are many Jewish magnus opus.

>> No.21857893
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>protagonist is a dancer

>> No.21857948

>there are many
Name some.

>> No.21857953

Opus is neuter fyi, so it's magnum opus

The plural is magna opera

>> No.21857957

It's magnum opuses

>> No.21857969

The Bible is considered quite influential

>> No.21857974

Fair enough. But there aren't others.

>> No.21858000

>writer portrays writers as useless lazy dregs of society
thank you based wodehouse

>> No.21858004

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.21858062

I hate this bitch, I am a millenial foid and I usually like fem lit but I can't believe I wasted time reading this, the whole thing is a conduit for her obnoxious lib takes wrapped in the most boring story ever in which BOTH characters main characters are obviously self-inserts. Both characters have the exact same bland non-chalant personality and most of the book is them emailing back and forth about the evils of capitalism and covid and how they are just too smart for this world. One character's whole conflict is "I am depressed because being a successful author is so hard, I only wanted enough money to write more books but now I am famous and rich, such a burden" comes across as incredibly out of touch and why do I as a reader give a shit. Write it in your diary I don't care that you are so sad about your success (you can tell she's almost bragging about it, but also wants to come across as "above" wanting fame so she pretends its so hard while not citing any negative ways this has impacted her life). Both male love interests are cardboard cut-outs with crappy jobs who only exist to feel dumb and intimidated by the successful female MCs. She copy and pasted the exact same couple twice I believe just so should could have the women email back and forth to complain about the most innane non-problems and feel so put-upon about the weight of their easy lives. Whole thing comes across extremely condescening too, like she is talking down to me with all her soapbox email speeches

>> No.21858070

Post some bad passages pls

>> No.21858071

Is she worse than Mossafag though?

>> No.21858091
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I want to lick your ass hole. I want to lick your feet. I want to lick your arm pits. I want you to sit on me like a chair. I want to listen to you talk about your day while you sit on me like a chair. I want to feel your warm fat thighs and ass compress as you sit down on me like a chair. I want to put my tongue in the hole of your ass. I want to see your naked breasts. I want to smell chairs you sit on. I want to smell your shower towel. I want to hang up your shower towel so it dries properly. I want to learn to bake bread with you. I want to buy you a flower. I want to suck on your nipples. I want to turn on the rotating fan and aim it at you so you get the most cool air because I love you. I want to smell your shoes. I want to show you my geodes. I want to marry you. I want to bring you smooth rocks. I want to smell your panties. I want to smell your pants. I want to watch you bend over. I want to carry your bags. I want to smell your bags. I want to listen to your makeup brushes clack inside your small makeup bag. I want to smell the palm of your hand. I want to listen to you urinate. I want to smell your socks. I want to protect you from harm. I want to drive you to meet your friends. I want to bring you things while you work. I want you to sit on my face while wearing pants. I want you to sit on my face while wearing panties. I want you to sit on my face while not wearing pants or panties. I want to watch you write a letter.

>> No.21858100 [DELETED] 

Just gonna grab a few screenshots, just found examples of what I'm talking about but trust the whole thing is written like this

Male characters only exist to ask the women about their lives and mental problems and feel intimidated by them. They don't have a personality because the author didn't bother to give them one, all they do is ask questions or react

>> No.21858105

Thanks. I like to see examples of bad writing alongside stories of why the books are bad so I can have an opinion on the author without needing to read their books. And it's just interesting. I wish there were more contemporary crap excerpts threads.

>> No.21858106
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Just gonna grab a few screenshots, just found examples of what I'm talking about but trust the whole thing is written like this

Male characters only exist to ask the women about their lives and mental problems and feel intimidated by them. They don't have a personality because the author didn't bother to give them one, all they do is ask questions or react

>> No.21858119
File: 145 KB, 515x505, capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when it is time for the fucking emails, (every other chapter is an email) She turns on this awful pseudo-intellectual tone and muses on the most innane shit. This was the first email one I could find but they're all like this "wow isnt human sexulity so strange" like we are animals and have sex literally what are you fucking on about

>> No.21858121

Wow that's awful. More please

>> No.21858128

It's magna opussy

>> No.21858133

If Stephen King were reading this thread right now, he'd be very unhappy

>> No.21858137

This actually just reads like some random idiot woman journaling her "deep thoughts." What's the context?

>> No.21858157
File: 100 KB, 527x584, another AUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another conversation. 50% of the story is conversations in which everyone smokes and is impressed by her books and fame while she acts non-chalant. She never asks questions back and no other character has any personality whatsoever

>> No.21858166

Serial killer

>> No.21858171

This is honestly quite a bit worse than I expected lol

>> No.21858170

Context is that every other chapter is written in an email format in which she muses about different topics. 90% of the time she says nothing of substance, just rambles in this awful intellectual speak that just serves to make her point more confusing

>> No.21859386

Inspiring stuff.

I heard of the internet the man said.
Not the cool internet for famous people she replied with her mouth.
That's true I'm a lower caliber person but at least I smoke in a a cool way the man said.
On the internet you can do sex stuff with your computer she said. It's free.
That's my wife's son over there he said, you don't have to look at him if you don't want to he said.

>> No.21859390

>thing I don't like
>disapproving image
human-tier post

>> No.21859400


>> No.21859406

> “She must have read something of mine,” I found myself musing: “the Jenkins story perhaps. It must have been the Jenkins story; they gave it a good place in their rotten magazine. She must have seen that it was the real thing, and....” When one is an author one looks at things in that way, you know.

>> No.21859440

The Map and the Territory is an exception to this.

>> No.21859443


>> No.21859451

American Pastoral

>> No.21859517

>Protagonist is a writer
>I cannot depict him honestly without cutting out hours or even days of his life, or proving that he is NOT a writer by never saying that he takes time to write
This is a trap.
>protagonist is an academic
I've seen this done okay a couple of times (usually when the protagonist's academic background was just that: their background, or their day job).
A lot of academics in book are written, either purposefully or not, without the finishing, knowledge, and skills that I would expect from a graduate.
I would suspect part of that comes from the fact that the writers didn't take college seriously, or never went and are just writing a stereotype of a typical 'sixteenth grade graduate' (someone who went to college out of obligation and treated it like high school
>grad student
Never seen this done.
Could be done well. Seen it done once.
>literature is a major motif
>story centers around writing/books/literature/or what art is
Sounds stupid as fuck.

>> No.21859543
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>Agatha Christie novel
>one character who's the voice of patient reason and seems above it all
>character is also a doctor
>turns out to be the murderer

>> No.21859563

Some professions (writer, teacher, detective, cowboy, soldier, prostitute, doctor) are wildly over-represented in fiction. Which ones are the most under-represented? Are there any mainstream occupations which have NEVER appeared? I can't off-hand think of any bartenders but there probably are some.

>> No.21859578

Bartenders appear very often as supporting characters (especially westerns and noir).
I wouldn't say they're overrepresented.
Writer and teacher are definitely overrepresented given the lack of interest in their professions. Whoa, I wrote for eight hours today how exciting. Wow, Little Susan didn't bully Little Timmy today, that sure is great.
Detective, Cowboy, Soldier, and Prostitute all can work in interesting fields and usually don't have one day the same as the other if you play your cards right.

>> No.21859599

Maybe...tradesmen? Carpenter, Electrical Lineman, Plumber, Mason, Bricklayer, Unskilled/Semi-Skilled Laborer, etc?

>> No.21859620

The Magus was trash.

>> No.21859625

Interchangeable office worker

>> No.21859654
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Protagonist is a writer is often tedious. But, narrator is a writer/teacher/creative type makes sense, especially in first-person perspective. Most everyday people don’t have the elocution or vocabulary to construct a sensible narrative of the world around them. A generous interpretation would give the author grace for using this contrivance as a means for conveying a more complex narrative. A more cynical perspective would say the author uses this narrator as a crutch to compensate for their inability to form different narrative voices.

>> No.21859697

List examples. I'll wait.

>> No.21859716

It's not a magnum opus though. Except maybe for Moses.

>> No.21859726

Is /lit/ the most incel board on 4chan?

>> No.21859734

>What do you be crying about?
I love it when upper-middle-class white authors try to do ebonics.

>> No.21859769

Clearly quotation marks are for the little people, who have less burdensome subjects to ponder.

>> No.21859777
File: 342 KB, 1024x863, too easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friend recommends me The New York Trilogy, by Paul Auster
>Main character pretends to be Paul Auster after a wrong phone call
>Main character meets real Paul Auster later in the book
>And a bunch of pseudo-intellectual bullshit about language and literature and identity in the rest of the book
>Including a bit about a writer who disappears and his friends attempts to get his work published and going mad from trying to find out more about his friend
>Halfway through part 1 get suspicious
>Check Paul Auster Early Life
>Every fucking time

>> No.21859779
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The post you quoted is supposed to be low class Irish, but yeah it's hilarious when self-conscious artsy writers try to branch out of their comfort zone.
Pic related, Adam Soto (Iowa MFA) trying to write real niggaz from the Chicago hood<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21859817

If teacher includes tutor / governess, it appears all the time in Victorian novels because it was basically the only job a respectable educated woman could get.

Yeah, although Raymond Carver stories involve this sort of bluecollar thing a bit.

>> No.21859825
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>protagonist is a BOOK that is the same book you're reading, but from an alternate reality.
My worst dick experience ever.

>> No.21859911

>You have some big fans out there on the internet
>Yes, I believe so

I almost want to watch a movie of this, played right it would be a perfect awkward comedy.

>> No.21859940

I hate that its basically book 3 of 1q84

>> No.21860794

Tutor/Governess is interesting since they had to actually teach something rather than regurgitate lesson plans.
I don't read a lot of Victorian (that doesn't involve the battlefield, anyway) but I'm familiar with the period to an extent.

>> No.21860809

All of it is a magnum opus.

>> No.21860826

>when Martin Amis decided he wanted some of that postmodernism shit and wrote himself into Money where hes the voice of reason and he schools the protagonist at chess

>> No.21860830

what the fuck does that have to do with being Jewish? you don't think gentiles write metaliterature?

>> No.21860851

You don't know what a magnum opus is, do you?

>> No.21860873
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You better reconsider your tone, young man. Or I will be forced to magnum your opus, shall you be caught running your mouth like that again.

>> No.21860960


>> No.21861064

That sounds pretty cool actually.

There's nothing wrong with pomo and metafiction people. This is the era you're in.

>> No.21861070

The Bible is not a jewish book. It is a Hebrew book. Then, it is a Christian book.

The edomites of King Herod are canaanite larpers that worship moloch and hate our Lord, Jesus Christ. So you are wrong.

>> No.21861080


>> No.21861082
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it's an artist's or an author's best work.

>> No.21861083

>protagonist is a writer with alcoholism

>> No.21861085

One of the protagonists in my novel is an eroge developer. Is that better?

>> No.21861098
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>> No.21861128
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This feels like a minor gripe, but where the fuck are the quotation marks? Is this whole dialogue happening in the protag's head?

>> No.21861140

I'd always assumed he was copying Auster, but it was the other way around<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21861169

Student residence manager
University of Anywhere Dean of Whatever
Male prostitute
911 attendant
Teen firefighter who cleans up the truck
Chemistry lab technician
4chan NEET
Professional writer of YouTube comments
Internet Service Provider technician who peeks at the clients' browsing habits
Indie game reviewer

>> No.21861397

War criminal hiding out in a country that hates the country he war crimed against.

>> No.21861473

So is she like a driver for crooks or something?

>> No.21861628

I call that Holden Caulfield Syndrome.

>> No.21861783

The only people I know who read books irl are women and soys so that is what you'd expect.

>> No.21863022


>> No.21863062
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The owner of six Cadillac dealerships

>> No.21863990

Could be an interesting crime empire, since Car Dealerships are basically a government supported mafia.