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21848162 No.21848162 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21849354

Looks like the "last known photo" used to identify their twisted corpses.

>> No.21849407

> In the distant past of 2002, 5 long time friends, Carissa, Nathan, Jane, Hannah, and Allan were expecting to have a rocking summer vacation, but all that would change one day when they became haunted by a decapitated wheelchair bound ghost. Held together by the unbreakable and eternal bonds of high school friendship the group would set out on a dangerous and perilous journey to help the unsightly ghost find peace, as well as to cut Allan's retarded hair.

>> No.21849749

"Like, y'know, whatever!" exulted Nathan.
"Fr fr!" Allan rapped, snapping his fingers for emphasis.
"Totally, fer sure, no way!" added Carissa.
"It's, like, y'know, just, so...y'know?" declared Jane.
"Like totally!" gushed Hannah.
"Ugh! For God's sake, shut up!" Nathan suddenly yelled.
"Get down, like a clown, Downtown Julie Brown!" rhymed. With a shock, she turned toward Nathan. "What...?"
"You all sound like a bunch of clichéd illiterate morons!" Nathan thundered.
They all stared at him in shocked silence. Allan sniveled and started to tear up.
"Like, don't oppress me with your judgment!" Jane shot back. "Negate the hate!"
"No guys, he's right," Hannah admitted. "We're boring and derivative, and should be ashamed of ourselves."
"*I'm* not derivative!" Carissa sputtered. "How can you call *me* derivative? I'm a nonconformist, just like everyone else!"
"Are you even listening to yourself?!" Nathan boomed. "You've never had an original thought in your life!"
"Yes I have!" Carissa asserted. She paused, her eyes flitting nervously. "I...I like ponies."
Nathan cursed under his breath. "Yeah, you and every other girl your age. Try again."
Her mouth hung open, her breathing suddenly audible.
Jane sobbed lightly. "I admit it. I can't think for myself. I wear this yellow coat just because I like ducks. But they smell terrible."
Allan's tears now flowed uncontrollably. "Why'd you have to say that, Nathan? We were all perfectly happy being one-dimensional stereotypes until *you* had to say something about it!"
Nathan stared back at them, arms crossed. "We have to be better than that. We have our whole lives ahead of us! What are we going to do with it?"

>> No.21849756

OP posted the image presuming people would think that each child was actually a transvestite. In actual fact it was merely 1991.

>> No.21849758

"Like, what do you mean?" Carissa puzzled. "Can't we just hang out and trade vapid one-liners for the rest of our lives?" That's what they do on TV!"
"But this isn't TV!" Jane protested. "This is real life!"
"It's not even that," Nathan revealed. "It's a 4chan shitpost."
Hannah looked uncomfortably toward the reader. "So...none of this is real?"
"It's worse than real!" Nathan seethed. "Tell me, where do you all see yourselves in 10 years?"
In their nervous silence, one could hear the hum of auto traffic outside. "Hanging out with you guys?" Allan offered.
"No," Nathan cringed. "Much worse. We'll all be sitting, alone in our rooms, still living off mommy and daddy, with no prospects, no job skills, and no social skills." He looked them all in the eye. "At this rate...we'll be pathetic 4chan NEETs."
"Nooooo!" Hannah began crying inconsolably. "What the doohickey am I supposed to do on 4chan?"
"You'll have to post your tits or GTFO," Nathan explained.
"But what if they never come in?" Hannah sobbed. "I've been waiting for years, and I'm still a beanpole!"
"I could go trans," Allan suggested. "I could have surgically implanted tits. Then other gays could fuck me in my shit-stinking axe wound!"
"Gays want to fuck guys, not girls," Nathan corrected. "And straight guys want to fuck girls, not guys. Literally no one wants to fuck trannies."
"Oh." Allan hung his head. "I see." His sobbing increased.
"So what should we do?" muttered Carissa. "Explain it all!"
"The answer is obvious," Nathan saged. "Learn what we can in school, be honest, decent, and hard-working, and grow up to be actual adults instead of pathetic adult-sized children."
No one spoke for a few moments. "That sounds like a lot of work," Jane warbled.
"Yeah," Allen challenged. "That sounds like something our parents would do."
"And all they have to show for it," Carissa pointed out, "are a bunch of ungrateful brats like us."
"I mean, look at our photo!" Hannah groused. "We knew our picture was being taken, but we couldn't even be bothered to look at the camera! And I'm the *worst* offender!"
"Then we have to do something about it!" declared Nathan. "Today, we stop being idiots, and we actually try to make something of ourselves!"
"Yeah!" they all cheered before going their separate ways.

>> No.21849764

They tried to help each other with studies, but their mutual stupidity kept them from being actually helpful. They finally realized that, if they weren't being vapid airheads, that they had nothing in common with each other, and slowly drifted apart.
Nathan ended up getting a degree in biology, and spent the rest of his life running boring experiments for a large corporation, or synthesizing small amounts of chemicals for sale. He was able to buy a house in a nice neighborhood, but had no one to share his life with. He became a sad, lonely old man, and died from metabolic complications of alcoholism three weeks after he retired.
Carissa gave up on studying quickly, and started going to college parties, until the morning she woke up in a pool of indeterminate bodily fluids, realizing soon afterwards that she was pregnant and riddled with venereal diseases. Genetic tests identified her father, a 19-year-old fratboy from out of state, and he decided to do his best to take care of her, letting her move into his frathouse. Unfortunately, her baby succumbed to her sicknesses and was stillborn at five months. He kicked her out soon afterwards, leaving her alone in a strange city, hundreds of miles from anyone she knew. Having hit rock bottom, she became filled with a grim determination to make something of her life, but instead died five months later from an aggressive case of drug-resistant chlamydia.

>> No.21849773

Jane ended up getting a degree in journalism, but struggled to find paying work, and got by writing derivative listicles for online blogs. She became unemployable after the generative-AI revolution, and tried to connect with Nathan, but he didn't remember who she was, and she realized she wasn't attracted to him at all. She tried to become an Instagram influencer, and scored big when she met a tycoon in Greece. She ended up marrying him, despite him being three decades her senior, and stayed by his side until he passed away. His adult children successfully cut her out of her inheritance, but she embezzled so much from the deluded old fool that she was able to live comfortably for the rest of her life, even though she had to move to Czechia and freeze her ass off nine months out of the year.
Hannah bumbled through high school, barely graduating with a D, and continued with the ice-cream-parlor job she'd had for the last two years. Six months afterwards, she was confronted by some raging incel that'd seen her topless pictures on 4chan, declared his eternal love for her, and demanded she marry him. When he refused, he stabbed her seventeen times, then slit his own throat, his corpse collapsing on hers. Both had closed-casket funerals.
Allen couldn't afford to transition, so he tried to do it cheaply. He bought some estrogen pills in a dark alley, but they were laced with fentanyl. He became addicted immediately, and spent the rest of his short life strung out. He died nine months after graduation from an accidental overdose. His body, indistinguishable from garbage, was placed in a dumpster and taken to the landfill.
The moral of this story is...don't be an idiot hipster. Make something of your life. And don't do drugs. Nathan would have been fine if he hadn't been such a drunk.

>> No.21849936

Hannah used to look up at Allen, admiring her rough and tumble nature. By the time she turned fifteen, however, she found herself constantly looking down at Allen’s braided locks and puffy cheeks. Allen was half her size, despite them being the same age. Hannah was disappointed. It was like seeing a childhood hero fall from grace, or like watching a doctor become ill. But as Hannah observed Allen attempting to appear tough despite her small size, a new urge erupted within her.
She placed her hand on Allen’s narrow shoulder, sneakily brushing the back of her hand across Allen’s soft cheeks. The skin was as smooth as a baby’s bottom and twice as soft. Hannah shewed her lower lip, attempting to resist the urge to shower Allen’s lips with kisses.
Later, at home, she stared at her lanky frame clad in boy’s clothes in the mirror, wondering if she would look good with shorter hair and a little more muscle.

>> No.21851030

Wait...Allan is a chick?!