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21844160 No.21844160 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21844167

Heaven doesn't exist in all likelihood. So no.

>> No.21844182

No, you will praise God for all eternity, own nothing, sleep in the cloudpod and be happy.

>> No.21844198

You will be with Word of God, anon.

>> No.21844589

Yes, don't worry. Don't read nothing through your life, you will be able to read whatever you want in eternity.

>> No.21844622

I hope God will let me follow an Angel and permit me to see the various Parts of Creation

>> No.21844637

Yea but there wont be any books involving pre marital sex and swearing thoughever.

>> No.21845006

This. Eternally. No sleeping, eating, no sexy thoughts, just praising.

>> No.21845179

Platonic answer: all secrets of the Universe will be available to you after death so you will not need to

>> No.21845192

>all secrets of the Universe
Does that include how to overthrow God or at the very least get my own domain go rule over like my boy Lucifer?

>> No.21845194

>muh sex
This is an perceived illusionary carnal pleasure and the only reason you don't view it as a liability is your lack of it and lack of time to worry about it's consequences, which usually is the result of uninterrupted schooling and waging. In actuality, during the frustration incurred from these, from teenage years onward you have coped by offsetting it in your very limited free time, either through intercourse or masturbation (in almost all cases, aided by pornography). If you weren't a drone, you'd have the condition to contemplate it, and would easily see how this was never your pleasure and it is simply the body reacting to the outside world and as it is indulged in, the soul becomes entrapped as ivy covers a tree. In the words of St. Augustine, lust indulged became habit, habit not resisted became necessity. If you had the means to not work for years, had ready access to women, and looked at pornography as often as you could you would notice the will and agency of it to do, is impaired. Plato wrote on this, showing out senses in this world are limited and to elevate ourselves beyond our body higher forms must be contemplated and the highest form is clearly better than all inferior forms, otherwise we are captives to a very limited environment and life. Hence in comparison to the ultimate good, and therein ultimate pleasure, everything else is base and abjectable. Ergo, eternity for the elect cannot be anything but this. Scriptures affirm this stating God himself is the reward. “I am thy reward exceeding great.” (Gen. 15:1). St. Alphonsus condemned the Islamic idea of heaven precisely because it does allow muh sex, "The Mahometan paradise, however, is only fit for beasts; for filthy sensual pleasure is all the believer has to expect there."

>> No.21845211

have sex

>> No.21845220

This post looks interesting but can i get a Tl;dr?

>> No.21845402

sex is,,, le bad,,,

>> No.21845464

muh food
muh sleep
muh freedom

Get fucked

>> No.21845477

You will know everything in heaven (all knowledge will be revealed) so there won't be any point in reading

>> No.21845478

They will be no use as your ultimate felicity shall be satisfied in the contemplation of the glory of God, and you will see how easily this world is understood, in comparison to God
>For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (by God (Divine Passive)).

>> No.21845481

Sounds depressing

>> No.21845482

You shall contemplate the uncreated truth, not the inferior created truth

>> No.21845491

Not all knowledge. You will have to be essentially lobotomized so that you'll enjoy the eternal and unfaltering bowing and praising.

If yhwh wins we all lose

>> No.21845495

I have absolutely no idea what that even means, and I don't think you do either

>> No.21845502

You seek to remain as an imperfect and hollow reflection of the perfect and greatest plan of this world, and you see this as the opposite of lobotomy? We were "lobotomized" at Eden, our bodies and souls which form man once perfectly in line with divine pattern and moprhed in a sense to perverted and twisted versions of these. The undoing of these is the true meaning of the resurrection of the dead

>> No.21845503

ok let me make this simpler
uncreated truth = (truths about) God
inferior created truth = truths about the world that God created

>> No.21845507

That sounds deeply cultish. It sounds like you're just a few steps away from mass suicide in a compound. Seek help

>> No.21845510

You become one with God automatically so no need. Your individual will gets absorbed, though

>> No.21845516

And how do you know there even is a god, if all you have access to are created truths? Wasn't your Bible created?

>> No.21845520

But Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that every Christian is a new creatyion, so how can they be uncreated (God)?

>> No.21845522

So it's like celestial communism? You' ll basically turn into a heavenly ant colony, with God as the queen?

>> No.21845524

True statements can be made about faith that can lead to salvation, but the full perfect comprehension of God can only be found after the resurrection of the dead

>> No.21845527

its wannabe schizo drivel

>> No.21845535

nothing Schizo about it, God IS truth (John 14:6), and he is uncreated, so contemplation of God is contemplation of uncreated truth, while say learning about the history of Scotland is a truth, but is a truth that is one with a creation which is inferior to God, so it may be called an inferior created truth

>> No.21845543

But that would include whether what you believe in is true in the first place. Wasn't all the theology created, and by your own logic imperfect?

>> No.21845546
File: 453 KB, 384x400, reddit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That sounds deeply cultish. It sounds like you're just a few steps away from mass suicide in a compound. Seek help

>> No.21845553

Theology is the instrument in order to get closer to God's uncreated truth, it should be noted that even after the resurrection of the dead this shall be and is an endless process of understanding which is what we shall do in heaven, as we do on earth, to become closer to God's eternal truth

>> No.21845565

Yes, and imperfect instrument, which could be wrong. How do you know the devil didn't actually wrote everything you believe in, and is just tricking you?

>> No.21845570

Can Satan cast out Satan?

>> No.21845574

No, but I bet he can pretend to. He is supposed to be the father of lies, no?

>> No.21845593

Sounds like shit desu.

>> No.21846593

>dehumanizing a person because he is reddit or soi-boi like.
cult behavior. there are people who look like the guy without the snoo snoo, and I'm one of them. just because someone uses reddit or even looks like that, doesn't mean you can to around demeaning them and making it look like they're worth less than you because it's literally jehova witness if not Jim Jones level. you are sick.

>> No.21846742 [SPOILER] 

>no individuality
That's sad. Are the people salivating over this the same ones tossing words like npc and sheep?

>> No.21846850
File: 24 KB, 708x800, 1678007656200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cult behavior. there are people who look like the guy without the snoo snoo, and I'm one of them. just because someone uses reddit or even looks like that, doesn't mean you can to around demeaning them and making it look like they're worth less than you because it's literally jehova witness if not Jim Jones level. you are sick.
you are not human

>> No.21846856

You will be able to live books in heaven. Well... not you. If you are making threads on 4chan in your spare time you are surely going to hell. You know what you did.

>> No.21846858

He's right

>> No.21846863
File: 513 KB, 886x1080, Sk3jrjxix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dehumanizing a person because he is reddit or soi-boi like.
>cult behavior. there are people who look like the guy without the snoo snoo, and I'm one of them. just because someone uses reddit or even looks like that, doesn't mean you can to around demeaning them and making it look like they're worth less than you because it's literally jehova witness if not Jim Jones level. you are sick.

>> No.21846880
File: 43 KB, 12x16, soyjak 20 (tiny strawberrry speaking).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>muh sex
>This is an perceived illusionary carnal pleasure and the only reason you don't view it as a liability is your lack of it and lack of time to worry about it's consequences, which usually is the result of uninterrupted schooling and waging. In actuality, during the frustration incurred from these, from teenage years onward you have coped by offsetting it in your very limited free time, either through intercourse or masturbation (in almost all cases, aided by pornography). If you weren't a drone, you'd have the condition to contemplate it, and would easily see how this was never your pleasure and it is simply the body reacting to the outside world and as it is indulged in, the soul becomes entrapped as ivy covers a tree. In the words of St. Augustine, lust indulged became habit, habit not resisted became necessity. If you had the means to not work for years, had ready access to women, and looked at pornography as often as you could you would notice the will and agency of it to do, is impaired. Plato wrote on this, showing out senses in this world are limited and to elevate ourselves beyond our body higher forms must be contemplated and the highest form is clearly better than all inferior forms, otherwise we are captives to a very limited environment and life. Hence in comparison to the ultimate good, and therein ultimate pleasure, everything else is base and abjectable. Ergo, eternity for the elect cannot be anything but this. Scriptures affirm this stating God himself is the reward. “I am thy reward exceeding great.” (Gen. 15:1). St. Alphonsus condemned the Islamic idea of heaven precisely because it does allow muh sex, "The Mahometan paradise, however, is only fit for beasts; for filthy sensual pleasure is all the believer has to expect there."

>> No.21846889

No tiny strawberry headed redditor every said this

>> No.21846893
File: 125 KB, 736x351, borg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You become one with God automatically so no need. Your individual will gets absorbed, though
If you connected all human brains to form a hive mind, would that make us closer to God? Was the Borg Queen right all along?

>> No.21846897
File: 58 KB, 340x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga are you nuts

>> No.21846898

pseudo-platonic slop

>> No.21846972
File: 16 KB, 723x600, plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cult behavior

>> No.21846986

I’m a Muslim and I don’t look at porn but sex is definitely a pleasure if the woman is your woman and not one you share. Outside that context it is definitely not worth it so “porn maxing” (watching a woman you like having sex with another man is a cuckold fetish) is not meaningful neither is having a bunch of sex with sluts

>> No.21847021

>I just used a synonym buzzword that has negative connotations to describe you, that means you're bad!

>> No.21847050

Incel says what?

>> No.21847055

/qa/ lost

>> No.21847068

No, having mindless obedience to some kind of magical entity that you're require to give up everything for is just genuinely cultish. It's not a buzzword if you show all the classical signs of cult-like thinking

>> No.21847111
File: 375 KB, 768x719, smugACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>21845546 #
>>>21846850 #
>>>21846863 #
>>>21846880 #
>>>21846897 #
>>>21846972 #
>/qa/ lost

>> No.21847351

Thats a lot of words to say: I'm an incel

>> No.21847354 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 304x354, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/qa/ won

>> No.21847367

306 words of cope

>> No.21847430
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, markiplierjak smoke rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cult behavior. there are people who look like the guy without the snoo snoo, and I'm one of them. just because someone uses reddit or even looks like that, doesn't mean you can to around demeaning them and making it look like they're worth less than you because it's literally jehova witness if not Jim Jones level. you are sick.

>> No.21847441

Heaven exists, that's a fact. Maybe not how you think.

>> No.21847533

No it doesn't. Keep coping, keep seething

>> No.21847553

It does thoughever

>> No.21847617

Okay then, demonstrate it

>> No.21847801

real-aristotelian gourmet albeit

>> No.21847855

>Heaven is not Fairyland (alas!)
>This world seen in a magic glass;
>Gingerbread houses but without the witch;
>The joyful bark of my dead dachshund bitch;
>A glut of carbohydrates that never make you fat -
>No, Heaven, they say, is not like that.
>The holy souls, like the Angelic nation
>Have neither senses nor imagination;
>While pierced by intellect and pulverized by fact,
>All dreams expire in God, Pure Act.
>God, God, God, nothing but God! How can we stand it?
>We can't as yet, I fear, but when we've safely landed
>We may find Fairyland, with all its tales come true,
>Lying quite close to walk into.
>The happy ending of an old love-story
>Is what is meant, the Saints have found, by Glory.
Hope Mirrlees

>> No.21848432


>> No.21848510

If you believe you will wake up in a paradise theme park after your death, you are the ultimate child. Not only that, but you are an idiot child, since heaven by definition is infinitely better than your normal life, so logic would dictate that you kill yourself, or at the very least wish for death every single day. This is the crux of the eschatological element of religion and what makes belief in an afterlife unequivocally evil. You have a life to live here, now. Make the most of it and quit fantasizing about a magical bullshit dreamland of white clouds and angels. In short, grow up.

>> No.21848519
File: 17 KB, 220x220, no-bugs-bunny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up.

>> No.21848520

>can’t comprehend ultimate felicity higher than a roller coaster
who’s the child here?

>> No.21848527
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>> No.21848533
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>> No.21848560
File: 49 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you... feeling demoralized?

>> No.21848594

There is no time in heaven, it is just a state of the soul, not a physical place you hang out forever.

>> No.21848612

Well there is a general resurrection, bodies will be united to souls, so it will be a place, the books revelation even gives us its dimensions

>> No.21848614

>All these incels calling him incel to feel better about themselves

>"I might not get any action but at least I celebrate those who do!"

>> No.21848624

You are not supposed to interpret most of the bible, let alone Revelations, literally.

>> No.21848772

>no wait this part isn't literal
dusty, musty, expired cope

>> No.21848900

Where in the Bible does it say this?

>> No.21849000

>small green talking snake... LE REAL
>big red dragon... LE METAPHOR
most of people saying Revelation is a metaphor is pseudo atheism because they can't admit there will be meteors made of wormwood and massive 7 headed beasts in the future because heckin science says there won't be

>> No.21849673

>You're not supposed to take it seriously!
It's supposedly the literal word of God, how dare you say it shouldn't be taken directly?

>> No.21850032

Sounds like hell

>> No.21850162

It doesn't.

>> No.21850198

Books are just the shadow of knowledge. There are no shadows in heaven, you won't need books to get knowledge, you'll simply have the knowledge.

>> No.21850205

>eternal consciousness
That wouldn't drive you crazy? How good would your memory be? Would you want to remember everything? What's there to remember? Is sleep necessary? If any of these eternal scenarios is true, then your "you" right now won't the same "you" in the alleged afterlife. So you're definitely gonna die bro.

>> No.21850259

good bait anon

>> No.21850517
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03/28/23(Tue)23:12:19 No.21845565
>>21845553 #
Yes, and imperfect instrument, which could be wrong. How do you know the devil didn't actually wrote everything you believe in, and is just tricking you?
>>21845570 #
03/28/23(Tue)23:14:54 No.21845570
>>21845565 #
Can Satan cast out Satan?
>>21845574 #
03/28/23(Tue)23:16:06 No.21845574
>>21845570 #
No, but I bet he can pretend to. He is supposed to be the father of lies, no?
03/28/23(Tue)23:24:40 No.21845593
>>21845510 #
Sounds like shit desu.
03/29/23(Wed)06:44:36 No.21846593
>>21845546 #
>dehumanizing a person because he is reddit or soi-boi like.
cult behavior. there are people who look like the guy without the snoo snoo, and I'm one of them. just because someone uses reddit or even looks like that, doesn't mean you can to around demeaning them and making it look like they're worth less than you because it's literally jehova witness if not Jim Jones level. you are sick.
>>21846850 # >>21850259 #
03/29/23(Wed)07:34:06 No.21846742
>>21845510 #
>no individuality
That's sad. Are the people salivating over this the same ones tossing words like npc and sheep?
03/29/23(Wed)07:56:50 No.21846850
25 KB
>>21846593 #
>cult behavior. there are people who look like the guy without the snoo snoo, and I'm one of them. just because someone uses reddit or even looks like that, doesn't mean you can to around demeaning them and making it look like they're worth less than you because it's literally jehova witness if not Jim Jones level. you are sick.
you are not human
>>21846858 # >>21847055 # >>21847111 #
03/29/23(Wed)07:58:28 No.21846856
>>21844160 (OP) #
You will be able to live books in heaven. Well... not you. If you are making threads on 4chan in your spare time you are surely going to hell. You know what you did.
03/29/23(Wed)07:58:43 No.21846858
>>21846850 #
He's right
03/29/23(Wed)07:59:02 No.21846863
514 KB
514 KB PNG
>>dehumanizing a person because he is reddit or soi-boi like.
>cult behavior. there are people who look THOUGH

>> No.21850523
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>> No.21850531
File: 32 KB, 255x255, spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words words words

>> No.21850776

Why did sharty invade this thread

>> No.21850887

If you kill yourself, you go to hell.

>> No.21851132
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, uiAYeZEuSv2LtyvhkMym4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another plothole in the religitard rulebook desu.
>murder someone else and have time to repent later
>murder yourself and it's just straight to hell

God is low iq.

>> No.21851881

Why are you dismissing the body in favour of the mind? Your thinking-self is just a small part of your body. It is your body that controls you, not the other way around. Your mind is a byproduct of your body.

>> No.21851887

Riddle me this, if you have kids, the instant they accept Christ into their hearts, you should kill them. Then you can pray to God for forgiveness, but at least you've ensured your child is 100% in heaven and no chance of missing out like if they grew up and might reject Christ later, right? What, do you not love your kids enough to guarantee them getting into heaven? Are you so selfish that you wouldn't sacrifice yourself to hell to ensure your kids eternity in heaven? Just think logically here.

>> No.21851943

According to what verse?

>> No.21851954

Best post on lit ive read

>> No.21851965

You only go to hell if you haven't accepted Jesus as your savior, thus rendering your sins moot. If you are truly saved, not even the sin of suicide will send you to hell because
1. All your sins were paid for at the cross
2. God understands your situation and accepts that you just couldn't handle it anymore
Don't kill yourself, but also don't be afraid of hell if you, because you won't go there
Source: this was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.21852031

Their eternity is their own responsibility. If God wanted them to go to heaven without any of the hardships of this world, then he would send them there himself.

>> No.21852051

>You only go to hell if you haven't accepted Jesus as your savior, thus rendering your sins moot
Which means you repeat of your sins, and would not be filled with despair to the point you die in them.
>If you are truly saved, not even the sin of suicide will send you to hell because
If you are saved there is no need to kill yourself ever as nothing in this world could bring any eternal harm and further suffering would merit further glory.

>> No.21852165

>don't house or feed or shelter your children

>> No.21852195
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x768, 1670822790568488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ status in shambles

>> No.21852256

Their temporal welfare is my responsibility.

>> No.21852298

Absolutely based.

>> No.21852798

>temporal welfare
But this affects the likelihood of them leading a life worthy of getting into heaven. It's the same shit you drooling cunt.

>> No.21852973
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1582240546272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because NDErs talk about how we can do anything we want to do there. If you can think it, heaven has it in infinite abundance. So you can read every single book that exists not just on Earth, but also in the multiverse and all divine realms.

>Heaven doesn't exist in all likelihood.
False, because NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. And while the Bible and the Qu'ran convinces few people who do not already believe, the book in pic related is known to convince even hardened skeptics that there is an afterlife.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.
>b-b-but NDEs are dreams or hallucinations somehow!!!!!!!1!
This has already been thoroughly refuted in the literature on NDEs you likely have not read.

>> No.21852982

>>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."
Its always something like this kek, never any tangible proof of any kind like knowledge the person didnt have before

>> No.21852986

stop spamming this garbage please

>> No.21852990

Not him, but for that you have to read people like Ian Stevenson and JB Rhine

>> No.21852998

>Not him
yeah right

>> No.21853003

Which books in particular?

>> No.21853022

ok tolstoy

>> No.21853203
File: 231 KB, 593x517, 1635214226949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>die as a good christian and an avid reader
>go to heaven
>go to the heavenly library
>every book is about the bliss of singing glories to God for all eternity

>> No.21853209

They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.21853326

No because reading implies a separation if ego which would not exist in a hypothetical afterlife were each are united to all.

>> No.21854060

There won't be any books in heaven.

>> No.21854192
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1673670270914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the Christian heaven so boring sounding?
Compare it to the Islamic heaven where you can have actual fun and definitely be able to read books there.

>> No.21854334

>interrupted bliss that transcends fine bodily dependant attachments like novelty seeking, boredom, and fickle drives like hunger and lust.
>why would you want to be free from the chief causes of your miseries bro
If God created me to be a glorified animal, not a rational soul, then I would have preferred to have never existed. I would prefer all of creation to have never existed. I would prefer no eternity. I would prefer absolutely nothing.

>> No.21854348

Why are you so constrained by physical reality when it comes to imagining heaven?

>> No.21854353

I'm not. The other poster is.

>> No.21854406

I’m going to hell where there will be plenty of Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts.

>> No.21854968

>Heaven is literally just a heroin drip

>> No.21855388

Its better.

>> No.21855390

>no apostrophe
i'll stick with atheism

>> No.21855398

Midwit moment.

>> No.21855399

How so? Bliss has no meaning without suffering.

If anything, Christians are the ultimate nihilists, not atheists. They view a world where their needs aren't safisfied 100% of the time as completely unlivable. I have no idea why you would ever want to live in such a world. It would make any satisfaction completely meaningless

>> No.21855402

>buzzword in lieu of an argument
i'll stick with atheism

>> No.21855405

Suffering merits eternal felicity. It's that simple.

>> No.21855408

>no apostrophe is an argument.

>> No.21855426

cope and seethe tradfriend

>> No.21855431

>eternal felicity
I dropped Arrow because of that.

>> No.21855609

It's not a valid argument.

>> No.21855639

how so
I'm judging you as a person, as a representative of your religion.

>> No.21855663

What zero pussy does to a mutherfucker.

>> No.21855678

there's a huge banquet with jesus every day according to revelation

>> No.21855679

>no body

>> No.21855737

>literal bodily resurrection
>"no body"

>> No.21855784


>> No.21855971 [DELETED] 


>> No.21856222

The real question, OP, is not whether or not you can read books in heaven (to that, the answer is "no", though I've only been there once).

The TRUE question, and you didn't pic that picture by accident, is the following one: Do dogs go to heaven?