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/lit/ - Literature

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21844867 No.21844867 [Reply] [Original]


Previously >>21838647

>> No.21844876

>pusher over book cabinet

nothing personell mrs fridge

>> No.21844893

I will be awaiting your response here, albeit everything that needed to be said has been said.

>> No.21844900

I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind

>> No.21844942


>> No.21844993

I have to drill the message into my head: STICK WITH IT. I keep getting distracted. STICK WITH IT. STICK WITH IT. STICK WITH IT.

>> No.21845011

God I really like her outfit

>> No.21845012

Why won’t you help me why won’t you help me it’s not going to be okay it’s not I can’t go on like this nothing is helping it’s never going to stop hurting why would you do this how can you just ignore me

>> No.21845025
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The King has Returned


>> No.21845041

Does anyone actually like themselves?

>> No.21845045
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>> No.21845050

FUCK shakespear

>> No.21845128

Please join the meeting please come online and join the meeting I need you

>> No.21845135
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Plays/theatre = not literature
Operas/libretti = not literature
Films/screenplays = not literature

If it can't be fully experienced in the written medium, it's not literature. If it only uses the written medium as mere blueprints, it's not literature. Literature is an end in itself, not a means to an end. "Are you crazy?? That means [insert famous playwright/librettist/screenwriter] is not literature!" Yes, and? Fuck you.

>> No.21845148

>gets paid more than you

>> No.21845214

Lol who cares loser

>> No.21845221

God is torturing and humiliating me.

>> No.21845222
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I think I'm in love again.

>> No.21845224


>> No.21845228


>> No.21845236

Every situation leads to a further humiliation.

>> No.21845237

>rubs nipples literarily

>> No.21845238


>> No.21845244

Explain in detail

>> No.21845247
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>> No.21845261

>I want to read some classic great novels but whenever i try to read them I feel like a cuck. because every western literature has deep influence of christianity. how do i overcome this and gallop all the cum from dead white authors that ruled and raped our country for so long? i don't want be influenced by western thoughts. we are already so influenced by american culture, it makes me sick. why are we not producing quality work of arts. i don't want to be a cuck bros. that little pride is all i have in my life.

>> No.21845264

Theres nothing much to say, I see it as God intentionally rubbing salt into my never healing wound.
>oh you have no career? here, bring more salt by younger brother announcing his promotion
>oh you're a social autist? let me put a young couple in vicinity next time you visit church.

>> No.21845313

I had been making my way downtown, walking the street with purpose towards the designated bus stop. My attention was abruptly seized as a robotic contraption, seemingly involved in some sort of delivery, pivoted towards me. Its mechanical visage locked onto mine as it spoke, "Verily, you cannot have your carnal desires sated whilst also consuming the body of Christ." I was taken aback by this unexpected proclamation, my mind grappling with the bizarre nature of the utterance. It was clear that this was no ordinary machine, but one with an odd theological bent. The encounter left me with a sense of unease and bewilderment, as I continued on my way pondering the implications of this strange robotic encounter.

>> No.21845336
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Dr Cron, you are my husband now. I offer you my man hole for nuptial bliss.


You might want to wash first because I am sure it is infected.

>> No.21845374

I’ve been there anon, but you are looking at it all wrong. There is an angle you can look at everything about your life that would make it worse, and that’s what you are doing here. Easy to do, everyone does that.
You work at all? Any friends? Where are you living?

>> No.21845396

I didn't know any of my classmates names in high school even into my senior year, yes, I sat next to them 1 hour or more 5 times a week for half a year for 4 years and didn't know their names. That made for some awkward moments a few times.

>> No.21845426

>open thread
>trannies everywhere
>close thread

>> No.21845431

How am I looking at it wrong?
As for me situation
>looking for a job, no friends, living alone

>> No.21845561

Sure, your life sucks. Probably everyone on this board has a shitty life. But people around you doing better than you isn’t some cosmic fuck you anon. And they probably hate their life to some degree too, not that it matters.
How are you living alone with no job? How old are you? kissless virgin?

>> No.21845567
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Tonight it’s really hitting hard how much of an acquired taste and challenging choice when it comes to optics I am. I didn’t mind when I was younger because I genuinely thought I was hot shit and a remarkable rare person and it was the loss of anyone who doesn’t want me. But alas, life events and people have broken me. Im no longer the shiny dime I once was and with the loss of that goes my ability to offset my challenging intrinsic nature. Will I ever be loved for real ? Have I missed the window ?

>> No.21845682

I dont really seethe because normal people have perfect life but rather me being around them makes me feel even more shame, guilt and inadequate regarding my lack of normalness.
Im a 30 year old khv. I still have a little bit of savings left but Im looking for a job.

>> No.21845776

Nowhere to go noone to be back here again with my thoughts and dreams

>> No.21845803

Honestly, as I continue my English Lit degree I find I hate it less and less. At first, because I started simply by happenstance and circumstance, I despise what I had been told and viewed as a waste of time and money but as I go through it I find it engaging, stimulating and fun. I feel like I'm actually sharpening my facilities and improving myself intellectually.

>> No.21845816

I was having chud thoughts while walking. I saw a random, innocent looking hispanic playing an anime game on his phone, and the thoughts disappeared.
We really are all one race. It's such a shame that idpol is unavoidable as a survival strategy, especially when some situations are inescapable and can really only be resolved by tribalism (i.e., billionaire oligarchs intentionally importing war refugees, inciting them to violence, and then forcing you to either take it and both you and the immigrants lose, or you fight back either one loses).

Maybe 10,000 years from now, humankind will move past this senseless brutality.

>> No.21845819

I'm hungry, and thirsty. I'd like Qdoba and pepsi

>> No.21845826

I should be asleep drifting in the world of dreams, but I'm here in the world of the awake.

>> No.21845864

Okay hear me out, I have actual advice. It might not seem like good advice, but it is easy and achievable in one day.
If you are in the United States, go to a strip club. 9/10 Strippers are prostitutes who will fuck you for money. Get drunk, and pay one, just repress your most awkward social impulses so they can pretend to like you without cringing. Getting over the virginity will help your social anxiety. This is better than a street hooker or an escort for a lot of reasons.
A job will also help you get over social anxiety, and find friends. What kind job are you looking for? Do you have a degree or not?

>> No.21845904

So I saw this girl laying on the floor of a relatively hidden part of the public library. It was obvious that she hasn't fainted, by the idealised pose she was assuming, it quickly became clear it was some sort of social media affair, or at best a reenactment of some vapid fantasy she has seen in some movie meant for teenagers, in spite of her clearly being in her early 20s.
A smile was stamped on her face, quite vain and smug, suggesting she was enjoying some sort of feeling of superiority. Very probably she was feeling, or rather thinking of feeling, the surrogate of the subtle pleasure of intellectual superiority, an inaccessible forbidden fruit for her but conveniently available in the counterfeit form of faking it on picture.
The initial disappointment for the banality of an otherwise mildly exciting sight quickly disappeared as I noticed the heavy books high above her on the shelves.
A very remarkable storage of potential energy, waiting for the action of gravity to be unleashed, heavy objects falling delivering very significant blows for creatures of flesh and bones.
My brain was rewarding me with chemicals as I was imagining the obvious.
The heaviest tomes of old dictionaries and outdated encyclopaedias crushing in the soft, young and pleasant body of this intellectually unremarkable girl, thumping her stomach, tighs, chest and head in a merciless broken rythm that quickly evolved in the terrifying sound of avalanches or other kinds of large scale disasters.
She yelled in a surprised way at the first collisions, communicating an admisture of pain and entertainment as she instinctively though about the silly joke of a friend of hers. It all changed all very fast as the panic started pumping in her veins, the brutal virility of the blows already broke the limits of what her mind considered acceptable as sensorial experience. The screams varied in tones expressing several stages of fear, sudden pain, surprise and probably something akin to sexual pleasure. It all happened very fast, brutally, without warning, with no reason.
The girl disappeared under a wall of ruins made of cellulose bricks. The seriousness of the event was not promising good for her physical integrity. A suffocated cry could be heard from below, the kind of a person would produce in a terrible nightmare.
She was still fully conscious. The sheer weight of the hundreds of books on her was continuing to torment her. She thought the whole building collapsed on her, and she couldn't tell what shape her body was turned into. Adrenaline was pumping vehemently in her veins, an orgasm more intense than what she ever experienced started shaking her legs, her pelvis felt so warm like it contained a sun.

>> No.21845906

I'm from eastern europe.
I had a few jobs and nothing happened regarding finding friends despite having pleasant interactions. I stop trying from now on, just do my job and go home. I'm just looking for a minimal wage (ideally remote) job to be able to go to therapy (to get that "prosthetic personality"). I do have an useless STEM degree.

>> No.21845909
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Tfw I got prescribed medication for my ocd but I can't take the medication because of my ocd YAUUUGH

>> No.21845913

silly penguin, you don't take medicine, you simply live with it

>> No.21845919

Left Wing = Female
Right Wing = Male

Feminism has made society left-wing by making everything about women. We need to return to traditional manhood. Strength, honour, duty, free trade, minimal government. Rock music is good too.

>> No.21845923

I hope my boyfriend's ex girlfriend gets into a plane crash and ends up being the only fatality.

>> No.21845924

yeah me

>> No.21845929

>Getting over the virginity will help your social anxiety. This is better than a street hooker or an escort for a lot of reasons.
You don't "get over the virginity" by having sex with glorified prostitutes. Just not how it works.
>A job will also help you get over social anxiety, and find friends
This is also retarded unless your "social anxiety" is extremely small time stuff which is easily curable.

>> No.21845943

Lame, if you are looking for minimum wage jobs go work in a restaurant kitchen. You don’t even have to know how to cook, nobody in restaurant kitchens knows how to cook. Kitchens are filled with the most outcast fucked up but, most of the time, genuinely decent people. I’ve never seen an awkward loser not get taken in by the group in a restaurant kitchen. Bourdain was right.
I was in your exact situation of wanting to be away from everyone and stop trying, no friends, no anything. Working pulled me out of that. I think back to what I was feeling then and I can’t even believe how fucked my head was. You have to get out in the world to get over that. A therapist is going to tell you that as well. What do you have to lose? Are you gonna mess up your shit life?
Go get a job, be yourself while still playing the part of a function normal adult, and before long you will be at least more functional.

>> No.21845960

I just mean getting over the anxiety of having sex. It could help him to not be as awkward around women, or feel like he’s got this big virginity milestone he will never get over.
I had severe social anxiety in my early 20s. I got through that by working. I still have social anxiety, but it’s not obvious to the people I talk to now, because I’m more used to talking to people, which helps immensely. Isn’t exposure a pretty common treatment for social anxiety?

>> No.21845962

I dont want to be around normal people and listen about their normal lifes, normal relationships and experiences. I dont need any more salt. I'm trying to get into one specific job area but it's futile, besides I was rejected from minimal wage positions because they said about me being overqualified.

>> No.21846050

ocd by far the least sympathetic mental disorder

>> No.21846075

What does this mean??

>> No.21846132
File: 1023 KB, 1638x2442, 46F626F0-5179-46A6-966A-243715A3D1F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me the P&V copy of Anna Karenina is good. I got it as a gift but I usually refuse to read anything translated by those two hack frauds. Should I go out and get the Maude version instead or am I fine with pic rel? General consensus pls

>> No.21846142

Is P&V really that bad? Or is it some overblown meme?

>> No.21846145

I never fully noticed until now that personal aesthetic sense is mostly genetics. Really weird to think about

>> No.21846151

^ Btw I did read P&V's translation of Crime and Punishment, 1/2way through, and it was kind of colorless in tone. Maybe that's why people hate them. I have a Garnett translation I can read instead perhaps

>> No.21846160

I literally had to reread Notes from Underground a week later because the P&V translation was so fucking bad. Word salad vomit on paper by two old autists that have no personalities or artistic voice(unlike the chads Magarshack and McDuff).

>> No.21846161

I'm sad bros. And women...they don't like me.

>> No.21846176

You might be right then. From what I've read of P&V they're oddly flat, a dearth of style, like a protracted Wikipedia summary. I should go reread Dosto in different translations, now that I think about it. Lack of style was my main complaint

>> No.21846184

Why they dont like you?

>> No.21846226

Be honest anon, do you like them?
Many straight men simply want penisary contact with a womans volvo, but don't actually enjoy their personalities or respect them as individuals.

>> No.21846249

I feel ancient. Like I'm a 124. All I do is replay my memories in a long tireless exhausting shuffle. I wish I didn't do that. I want to be more present in the now. I want to look forward to the future. But everything just feels bland. I'm so painfully lonely yet I feel this overwhelming urge to withdraw in on myself. This is so stupid. I was doing so much better.

>> No.21846254

I started playing Cultist Simulator three days ago and I'm having a lot of fun.

The writing is not as good as in Sunless Seas/Skies, but I suspect it's mainly because all the texts are 2-3 sentences long in Cultist Simulator so it can't shine as much, though the weird feeling is there.

I am now eager to try Book of Hours.

>> No.21846280

>don't actually enjoy their personalities or respect them as individuals.
These people are just perpetually lonely, and have deluded themselves into believing they are better off not even playing the game, the reward of which being sex and, most importantly, companionship, something intrinsic to a man’s happiness. It is easier for a coward to hide ones outward desires because an intelligent woman is frightening. One can argue all they want about women not being capable of giving respectable opinions and having great philosophical discussions, but at the end of the day this is revealed as a simply monstrous cope. A women that loves you and wraps her arms around you in bed and breathes softly into your chest is the ultimate pleasure in life, the most life affirming element there is and what all men ache for and desire above all else.

>> No.21846282

The projection in this post is absurd.

>> No.21846293

>my brain was rewarding me with chemicals as I was imagining the obvious
good one, it sounds a tad pretentious but also plain, it makes the character narrating sound endearing
>her pelvis felt so warm like it contained a sun
this on the other hand is about as imaginative as "my/his/her lips were dry as the Sahara desert"

>> No.21846295 [DELETED] 

yeah, maybe, but i would have to buy a car and since i live in a walkable city, that would just be a tremendous waste of time and money. not sure it's worth it. also, i'd have to be constantly going after promotions at work, and i'm more or less content with what i'm doing right now.

>> No.21846297

The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will talk to you spontaneously.

To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature.
The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.

So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.21846299

>One can argue all they want about women not being capable of giving respectable opinions and having great philosophical discussions
i was blessed with a based older sister. she's really fun to argue with, we've had some very good discussions. she's the only woman i've met that enjoys arguing and isn't weird about it. if i didn't know her i would probably think all women are retarded

>> No.21846304

I have the loser thing going on but how to rejoice in it? Im just perpetually angry.

>> No.21846309


>> No.21846310 [DELETED] 

>women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters
i wish that were true. there's some chick at my work who's like a 6-7 at best who collects these dweeby orbiters that are always coming around to dote on her. she has this dude from the i.t. department like a little puppy. she'll be like "omg i don't know where excel saved my file teehee" and he'll coming rushing over from across the campus to troubleshoot m'lady's wifi. also, she's muslim but she only wears hijab when she's praying, so she can collect christians and hindus in addition to a random assortments of dorks from all over the islamic world from morocco to pakistan. she keeps them on rotation though, so they don't realize they're all hopeless. one leaves, and 20 minutes later another fool come in asking to where she is.

>> No.21846311

how old are you?

>> No.21846313
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manifest will through reaffirmations.

here are just a few.

>> No.21846318

becoming a schizophrenic? that seems obvious path.

>> No.21846320
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there's a fine line between schizophrenia and divine genius.

straddle it or just surrender to it

>> No.21846330

I want to tame it but autism prevent from diving more into schizophrenia. I already talk to myself and God loudly.

>> No.21846335

try daytrading, the secret to consistent gain is taking partial profit (and partial loss when you are wrong).
An asset like ''ES'' moves very easily even in europe time and you only need 2 points to earn 100usd, which is very easy.

>> No.21846337

hey, another real one.

>> No.21846343

My friend is in the cringe milton friedman stage of his life. How do I break it to him easily?

>> No.21846344

you don't have much choice
it's either whatever the mayans wrote, whatever the chinese wrote, whatever the indians wrote or whatever the jews and their goys wrote.

>> No.21846379

Maybe after I get sufficent free money, I'll look into it. I've really wanted to get into fintech but its impossible. Min.wage job it is.

>> No.21846384

I have a bit of troubles in closing yeah so I sort of write an obvious statement, kinda what the reader expects finally to read and that's it

>> No.21846413

I’m flying out several states over in less than 48 hours to meet my girlfriend that I’ve never met IRL and to meet her father. This will either be a very nice little weekend trip, or it will be a complete nightmare and a waste of time.

>> No.21846438

ngl lying down on a metal floor like that if it's cold would make my autism so happy i'd be okay with getting banned from the library after.

>> No.21846474

I read so much fanfiction, I don't have time to read anything else.

>> No.21846491

there's something about autism that makes laying on floors so fucking nice. I used to lay on floors, with my head under a table. I highly recommend it.

>> No.21846512

What do you even talk about with other people?
What the fuck even is a conversation?

>> No.21846518

I cannot tell you how much I regret ever getting an office job, but I especially regret ever getting an office job quite like this one. But where do I go from here?

>> No.21846536

Is it like the hit /tv/ show The Office, staring funnyman Steve Carell?

>> No.21846538

It’s so much worse.

>> No.21846544

If you can be fucked could you give a rundown? Never worked in an office but curious.

>> No.21846545

If your post here features too many uses of the word "I", consider not posting it. It's boring. Talk about things, not yourself.

>> No.21846563

I’ve been employed for the last 4 years but because it’s a remote job, it’s been like NEETing. I should’ve used that time to do something.

>> No.21846569

A rundown of what exactly? If you’re wanting to what it is I want to hate, it’s just the childish and feminine socializing, the truly meaningless and mind numbing work, the making of mountains out of molehills, the stupidity, and the being expected to jump when boss man says jump.

>> No.21846570

I'm getting married. I'm scared, but every time I get scared, I just remember how amazing my fiancée is; how amazingly mellow and laid-back we are together. We solve all problems by just talking it out instead of blowing up and being dramatic. She loves me for who I truly am, without pretense or expectation of future riches or social status. I think I've finally made it, bros.

>> No.21846575

weird flex but okay

>> No.21846577

I'm not "flexing," I'm just happy, anon...

>> No.21846588

I know. I wish you all the best. Just being bitter atm.

>> No.21846590

Dream of Red Chamber is trash, 3 Kingdoms is trash. Genshin's story is trash. And I used to defend those faggots on the internet all because I thought their culture didn't receive enough due attention/thought they were unfairly neglected

>> No.21846598
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>> No.21846629

kill yourself tranny

>> No.21846646

Have sex with me, tranny

>> No.21846706

Joan Didion, white album, the chapter about feminism reads like it's straight out of this site. you could write it right now on /pol/ and people would think it's your incel original thoughts about current world and not something a woman came up with 50 years ago

>> No.21846729

the cold bathroom floor with your face near clean porcelain is awesome.

>> No.21846754

>Dream of Red Chamber is trash, 3 Kingdoms is trash
How much of them did you read? They're really shit?

>> No.21846760

Recently when attempting to masturbate I am assailed by the image of a woman herself masturbating. I am humbled, and have concluded that somewhere out there my wife is waiting for me. It seems coombrained and unrelated but I have no doubt that our sentiments are identical. There's a deeper love we all have the capacity to nurture; I know this is true because I can read what you've wrote and be genuinely happy for you. We're all going to make it.

>> No.21846786

She's probably too busy taking psychosis-inducing androgens and murdering children. Try an MtF, they're less busy since all they do is masturbate and harass and stalk real women online.

>> No.21846791

You're engaging with their culture at the level of commercial products, which is dictated by their particular copyright laws. That is the essence of all mythology.

>> No.21846797
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I am a poor freezingly cold soul
So far from where I intended to go
Scavenging through life's very constant lulls
So far from where I'm determined to go
Wish I knew the way to reach the one I love
There is no way
Wish I had the charm to attract the one I love
But you see, I've got no charm
Tonight I've consumed much more than I can hold
Oh, this is very clear to you
And you can tell I have never really loved
You can tell by the way I sleep all day
And all of my life no one gave me anything
No one has ever given me anything
My love is as sharp as a needle in your eye
You must be such a fool to pass me by

>> No.21846809

I'm trying to write a scholarship essay for school. The prompt question is "what values have helped you succeed at [school name]?" I can't think of anything. What has really helped me succeed is I need to get my degree so I can get a job to make money.

>> No.21846834

Blame the school for making you think about your future
>X school taught me that long term planning and focus are keys to success
>X school taught me to value life long learning and improvement beyond my degree, to further my success not just within the school, but also as a future alumnus.

>> No.21846861


>> No.21846886

agreed. I also love laying on concrete or wooden decks in the sun.

>> No.21846914

i only like touching those with my hands because they're warm. cold things made of wood or concrete like walls or wardrobes are better to press more skin against them.

>> No.21846949
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I just really hate progressives, honestly. It doesn't matter how often you point out their hipocrisy and nonsensical way of thinking, from them denouncing vendetta law while half of their morality is based entirely on vengence for things that happened 200 and 500 years ago. Why stop there? Why not demand the Italians pay back france for all the gaulish tribes Rome wiped off the map? Or the Algerians for enslaving Icelanders back in the 18th century? Or that time gagagoo killed gililoogung over a scrap of meat? It's this same modern delusion in trying to imply that this modern society which we live in and is ostensively progressive and liberal(controlled by those types at least) is the same as the old Europe of monarchs and aristocrats and clergies. It's as stupid as calling yourself the successors of ancient greece when in reality you have absolutely nothing in common with them. Not even their philosophy, which you read simply out of habit.

They can't say it, the one thing that's driving them and which they are constantly trying to justify: their mindless will.
Enlightenment is such a joke.

>> No.21846956

Christians are more capable of letting go of the past than these retards

>> No.21846974

>I can't think of anything
Reading these kind of essays is the most tedious brain-numbingly bougie shit imaginable. Some frumpy middle aged hag is reading your essay (or the male equivalent) -- you just need to stand out and be amusing to be a cut above.


And don't be fussed about using the entire word count. It can be a total non sequitur, just gloss it with some bullshit to tie it in. It can be totally fictional.

>"what values have helped you succeed at [school name]?"

"My near death experience while solo sailing across the Atlantic impressed upon me the value of fighting against the odds until the bitter end (and the value of sheer luck)."
>details ...
"I don't need the scholarship - I'll get where I'm going one way or the other - but I'll make better use of it and stretch it farther than your other applicants."

Seriously, keep it short and sweet and matter of fact. Lie through your teeth. The only crime is BORING the person on the other end of the application. Make them laugh or go "what the fuck no way".

>> No.21846988

anon has some shit takes. DotRC is great

>> No.21847000


>> No.21847005

cute trips arabella

>> No.21847133

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the last five years. I regret leaving my high paying job, reconnecting with my father, generally wasting time and drifting aimlessly. Somewhere in all that I had a chance to turn into someone really remarkable, but I blew it.

>> No.21847382

I hate the way I look.

>> No.21847390

Stop jacking off in the mirror then

>> No.21847408

Write us a haiku,
Anon an anon asked us,
As he posted ass.

“Image on the screen,
Redolence of rue and rouge,
Gone quick as it came.”

I wrote for the thread,
When I finished the captcha,
The thread deleted.

>> No.21847453 [DELETED] 

I can explain nirvana to you.
Self-Awareness has 5 characteristics. 1) Blissful. 2) Spacious. 3.) Radiant. 4) Expansive. 5) Vividness. 6.) Empty
The Bliss is the self-effulgent delight that is inherent to awareness, awareness delighting in itself.
The spaciousness is meant to be vast and sky-like. The bliss can occupy a great space, a seemingly infinite space.
This bliss-space is radiant, it perpetuates itself, as if it were in constant motion.
It can be made expansive, it is naturally for there to be made many deep layers of this bliss space. Imagine multiple bliss-spaces occupying the same location. The heart chakra is the feeling of expansiveness, but localized to a small area. Think Bigger. Big Heart Big Mind.

There is a quality of vividness of the bliss of awareness. It is like the brightness of the lamp, the silky softness of the texture. The more expansive the more vivid it will be.
It is empty, in that it is not necessary to focus on anything, but it is also self-cognizant, in that the state itself is there.

Understanding all these mental states leads to a vastly higher state of awareness, a blissed-out zen-like state.
From this point of view you can also try to perform Jnana Yoga, envisioning the Divine, the Beloved, as a much greater Ocean of Light.

>> No.21847463

Just squatted 315 for the first time in my life.

>> No.21847468

Suddenly something or someone catches my attention, an employee coming out of the social room. A girl, short, somewhere in her mid-20s, quite a hardbody with nice ass. I direct my sight towards her. She is looking downwards, at her feet, she walks a little crookedly, yet I just assume it’s because of her posture. When she comes up to one of the tables and starts cleaning it, I finally get to see her face, she has bad teeth but to my surprise she wasn’t an ugly skank. “Well, now what, she isn’t half bad, why does she work at a shit and ass restaurant, there’s got to be something bad. A single thing that would disqualify this cunt from any other job.” I thought. As God answering to a prayer, an idea came, stunning, sudden and unexpected. Her movements, her absence of mind, her bad teeth said some of it, the rest was a guess, but I’ve waited a while for her to perform another task or talk to someone. I was unimaginably happy when she did, assuring me, that my senses were truthful and I was right.

Unfortunately, a second later disgust started washing all over me, to think, I considered her pretty for even a shortest moment was dreadful. The feelings started pouring into my body one after another, first a feel of vomit coming out of my stomach, second a gasp for air, third legs trembling. I had to sit down and so I took one of the free booths, but in the way I was still able to see if my order had been completed. Suddenly a thought started traveling throughout my body. Starting deep, somewhere around my guts, crossing my heart and up into my brain. “Fucking bitch.” I thought, “If only I had the chance to cut her with a knife, a single stab. It would be all over within a second, and my hunger and disgust would be sated. Yes, knife her in the stomach, that would be just perfect.” said something within me. I stayed in control, looking cool, unshaken. My order shows up on the screen, I quickly stand up, take the bag and leave.

>> No.21847490

Bros Ive been eating a ton of fiber in the form of bread and rice, having a good amount of vegetables, and hardly eating any dairy or anything with a load of fat. But my shit is still very loose and explosive and I'm gassy all the time. Should I see a doctor?

>> No.21847598

I really have a bad time listening to entire albums in one go now. I can like the music but I just get tired from the samey sound so I just stop in the middle and go to listen another thing.

>> No.21847650

it's just fucking annoying

>> No.21847843

How can I "know thyself" if "I know that I know nothing"? It's a contradiction.

>> No.21847913

Uhmm it’s “just bee yourself” sweaty

>> No.21847934

Stop drinking

>> No.21847955

I will never not hate having to work, but that is okay. It HAS to be okay, there's no other path left for me.

>> No.21847959

I hope eventually mankind figures out a better way to do philosophy, because the current method just isn't working. Analytic phil was a noble attempt but we all know how that backfired

>> No.21847962

Don't overthink things, you'll be happier if you can calm your thoughts than if you imagine you can reach some conclusion to these questions.

>> No.21847969

do you drink or take prescription meth pills?

>> No.21847983

The taliban stole my wojak!

>> No.21848044

I found my boyfriend's ex girlfriend's nudes all over the archives. So many men complaining about her leaving them as well. What's the opposite of a womanizer? I feel bad for these men. I wish I could tell them it'll be okay and they don't need her.

>> No.21848054
File: 82 KB, 728x483, imgbin-computer-virus-tablet-computers-technical-support-angry-old-man-GPXWPcNKFQ5i51g6yHZBm9qX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit people who refuse to update the versions of what their projects were programmed in are the worst. I don't care if its going to cause problems, quit being fucking lazy, its necessary. Its called maintenance. What are you going to do when its a decade behind?? Fucking idiots. I'm actually fucking fuming with anger right now.

>> No.21848077

Yes you could have allergies to the content. Have you been checked for gluten allergy? That would be my bet. Try cutting out the bread completely and any other form of gluten, I bet you the gas and shitting will clear up. If so, see a doctor and get tested for gluten intolerance.

If not, still see a doctor.

>> No.21848100

>nudes all over the archives

>> No.21848143

If I posted them she would definitely find out. Post your contact and I will send the link in private.

>> No.21848178

>No pics it didn't happen
okay then post your tits

>> No.21848194


>> No.21848210


>> No.21848226

Why do you feel so old?

>> No.21848271

I just offered to send photos in private.
Speaking of photos I found way more than I expected.

>> No.21848291

So many men dream about having a psycho yandere gf... Hopefully he treats you right, it would be a shame for him to get tied to a radiator and taxidermied.

>> No.21848305

My boyfriend doesn't like it when I'm like this. He said the same thing. "It's okay I love crazy girls!" Then he proceeds to get mad when I find personal information of him and his ex. I still love him even if he doesn't appreciate my love language.

>> No.21848310

How the hell do people enjoy remote work? I have nothing to do all day everyday.

>> No.21848311

---- Solaria ----
Interior Legacy

Measuring abstraction by sensational consequences
Gets to the core of the matter--

The strangeness of affinity for play all the time and everywhere
Or a figure slight yet potent with memory

Of sound, of assorted siblings, dreamlike
Music behind the wheels of sedans, parks curated

To a sum effect that while informal to the eye for architectural symmetry
Are still more serene, happy almost beyond belief in their balances--

Preserved, or shall we say annealed, by the same force
Of will that tempered glass implies

Without quite feeling what it is, like benign charisma wherever you meet it,
The natural conjurer of shelter inside the sheltering sky

Thinking all the while on promptings slight as
Light pollution, nuances of fonts.

>> No.21848331

Life is so insanely disappointing.

>> No.21848333
File: 427 KB, 2070x1696, DeathontheRidgeRoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an entry from my journal/my diary desu.

>Savannah is also a junior, at a different school, and fits the popular girl stereotype exactly. She is tall, skinny, and blonde. She has fine features and is pleasant to look at. Once while working with her I was struck by her straight hair, slender nose, and green eyes as she looked at me and smiled. She is loud and obnoxious. She hates math and often tells me so, and has a habit of looking at a problem on a practice test and musing that, “Oh, I know how to do that problem, but I just don’t want to right now, it’s too much work.” She doesn’t even try to do many problems that she can figure out easily enough when she’s asked to. She has no confidence in her capacity to solve problems, and is pretty dumb; her newest practice ACT was graded at a 22. Despite this and her lack of motivation to even improve, she desperately wants to attend USC, which is where her brother and father went.

>During our session, after trying and failing to teach Brookelyn something about trigonometry, I turned around towards Savannah to continue working through her test corrections. Predictably, she was on her phone. She said sorry and asked me to give her a minute, and then volunteered that the she was signing forms to purchase a brand new Ford Bronco, which will be in Area 51 color, as apparently they are only accepting offers in a one-month window. At this, a flash of surprise seized me for a moment. Whether that surprise stemmed from the price of a brand new Ford Bronco or my sense of her impropriety I am not sure, but then I realized that that sort of thing is not uncommon. Does that make her upper class, or is this something a middle-class household can afford? Also surprising was that she revealed all this not with the excitement that is often characteristic of her, and which might be characteristic of any teenager speaking about a brand new car that is soon to be hers, but with subdued displeasure at the inconvenience of having to sign forms, with the indifferent determination inherent in the peripheral tasks that are necessary to achieve what is desired. “I have to go pick up my coffee at Starbucks, I have to peel off the skin of the garlic before I can mince it, I have to sign these forms on my phone so I can get my brand new Ford Bronco.”

Does that make her upper class?

>> No.21848381

I don't like myself that much, but I like the person I want to be, and whenever I take a step closer to that it makes me really happy.

>> No.21848403

I only drink maybe 2 days a week and I dont have all that much when I do.
No prescriptions whatsoever
I dont think I have a gluten allergy. Ive never been checked, but I've never had this problem before, even whilst consuming bread

>> No.21848409

How old is she in those pics? I dont want some teenagers nudes in my email

>> No.21848418

She was 20. I'll have to make a throwaway email if you don't mind waiting a bit.

>> No.21848425
File: 299 KB, 200x200, 39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're cool anon.

>> No.21848430

Not that anon, but thanks

>> No.21848443
File: 188 KB, 1600x950, poet-antonin-artaud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this is a stupid, pathetic, terrible idea in principle, but I've been thinking about reaching out to a girl who rejected me a few weeks ago. If I were to do it i would say

>Hey, idk where your head is at but I miss talking to you and was wondering if you'd like to chat again with no expectations. No pressure, lmk how you feel

We live in different parts of the US, and have only ever met once, the day we met, and ended up talking for 2 months. We weren't anywhere close to dating but things ended when she implied through a post that she was not into older guys (could have been a test) and I took it personally and told her she wouldn't have to worry about hearing from me again, and unfollowed her. She played dumb, pretending that she didn't know that I was older than her (lmfao), and after I tried to take accountability and smooth things over, and communicated my feelings as honestly as possible she said that she couldn't see anything happening between us and that she was too tired and busy for even a platonic relationship.

Part of me is torn between reaching out– and retreating into myself and carefully analyzing what exactly she represented to me from an emotional standpoint–a reprieve from a young adulthood of loneliness and rejection? a partner with whom I would share a niche interest (books) and would look on me with admiration for my talents as a writer? a chance against the odds to be loved by a beautiful girl, to be affirmed and validated from an outside source to distract me from hollowness and low self-esteem?

It's been over 2 weeks and I still feel her loss, although it has softened to a dull ache. The only time I feel alive these days is when I watch manosphere stuff like Tate, but for all the energy it gives me I feel as if this stuff is just replacing the despondency with toxic bullshit. I've thought about leaving the house and going to cafes in the city where I could possibly meet girls like her, but I'm at a loss about what to do.

>> No.21848449

How significant a part of a relationship would you say sex is?
My friends, both guys and girls, evaluate it in high numbers, like it being 70 or 80 percent of the relationship.

>> No.21848451

got that guy as a leader in a hoi4 mod

>> No.21848481

Like isn't the term. More like comfortable in my skin. I'm very guarded against people who aren't amiable, and immediately relax into conversation with people who are. It's ridiculous how easily and often I end up in long conversations in public places while going about my business, or with neighbors who kinder, or lonelier, than I am--everything from a Korean war veteran to an amateur boxer to a limousine driver to the owner of a print shop via which the plans for nuclear power plants were distributed. Even a city like Chicago can seem like a small town to me, from time time to time.

>> No.21848484

It's something very deep in my soul. I just feel lethargic. My brain's stuck on the many decisions I'd taken that did not turn out as well as I'd have liked. It's a mistake to dwell, I know that, but at this point it's almost automatic for my brain to go to that direction. I'm not exactly hopeless, but I do not have a concept of a tomorrow either. It feels like my consciousness is fiercely trapped within the 16 hour period in which I'm awake and I just shuffle around doing what i need to do and deriving no pleasure from it.

>> No.21848485

I would say it's extremely important, but not a "percentage of the relationship"; in theory, it's 0% of the relationship. Sex is a marker for intimacy between individuals in a relationship. If one party refuses that intimacy, it can be a very bad sign. But if the relationship is built around sex, and sex is an end in itself, then it's not a true relationship.

>> No.21848486
File: 74 KB, 482x427, 1584311979898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, part of me wants to embrace Relativism because, even though it's soulless and depressing, it seems like genuinely the closest we will get to solving philosophy. How the fuck do we account for differences in sense experience and intuitions otherwise? The gap appears impassable.

>> No.21848496

Why do we need to account for that

>> No.21848506

1. Imperfections in perception and language.

2. When two people see the same glass, exactly half-filled, it is not a "relative" assessment to say it's half empty or half full, but a linguistic difference.
2a. If two people see the moon, one says that it is large, the other small, it is not a relative perception. It is a linguistic difference. They perceive the same moon. They describe it in different manners.

3. If two people see a piece of shit, one person says that it is disgusting, and another is a scat-fetishist, it is not a relative opinion, but an imperfection in the fetishist's perception of goodness.
3a. If one person sees a beautiful woman and describes her as beautiful, his perception is correct. If another describes her as ugly, his ability to perceive has been damaged in some way, or he is describing her in relative terms. He perceives her as just as attractive as the other man, but he is describing her as ugly relative to the more beautiful women he is imagining.

>4. All issues seeming to indicate subjectivism or relativism come down to damages perception or imperfect language.

>> No.21848521

Moral relativism is non-existent as well. I admit of psychopaths, who are simply roving demons.

Everyone has the same fundamental idea of good and evil. However, cultural and social conditioning alters how we pursue good and avoid evil. When two people give different answers to the trolley problem, there is no RELATIVE morality. Both perceive a GOOD outcome, they want to achieve it, and due to social conditioning, an imperfect level of knowledge and wisdom, and perhaps false doctrines, they may imperfectly answer.

What is important is that there is a GOOD that they both perceive, and both of them try their best to achieve it. They use what they have been taught to attempt to achieve the good. If they have been taught wrongly, it is possible for them to learn the truth, and by both individuals possessing the same knowledge of truth, they will be able to act the same.

>> No.21848528

Based Plato btfoing relativsts for 2500 years

>> No.21848544

>3. If two people see a piece of shit, one person says that it is disgusting, and another is a scat-fetishist, it is not a relative opinion, but an imperfection in the fetishist's perception of goodness.
Alright but let's take this to aesthetics:

Most adults nowadays don't enjoy Shakespeare. Of the small sect who do enjoy him, those people may also enjoy Ben Jonson and Christopher Marlowe. But suppose the person of the finest aesthetic senses, believes that Jonson and Marlowe are not anywhere close to the same realm of talent as Shakespeare. This aesthete can try to explain over and over the genius he sees in Shakespeare, but he will never convince others, due to a difference in perception.

Who is right here? If beauty is objective, then how do we know which of the men is more correct?

>> No.21848551

The more I think about my life, the more I realize how fucked up my childhood is. It's a miracle I'm not totally insane but desu not surprising that I basically shun the world. I feel so tired. It isnt fair that my life should be such a disaster on account of what other people did. I never did anything wrong but I have to suffer consequences for other peoples actions. Im just so jaded

>> No.21848555

"we're here because we're here"
counterpoint, we're not here at all

>> No.21848562

Then where are we

>> No.21848585

What about the biological theory then?

Anthropologists have noticed in hunter-gatherer groups an extreme degree of punishment for selfishness. So much as hording one's food instead of sharing it with others could get you murdered. Would not this scenario explain our innate sense of "morality" as really a survival mechanism for the benefit of the group?

>> No.21848588

at the Herbergers in the mall outside of town

>> No.21848591

The difference is 33. Nice try, gnostic. Christ remains absolute, his sacrifice inescapable.

>> No.21848602

100 percent

>> No.21848606

Functionality isnt mutually exclusive to essentialism

>> No.21848616

Someone told me I need to respect women more and I've been thinking about it all day. What does that even mean? How do you "respect" an idiot?

>> No.21848633


>> No.21848650

Just because something is good for you doesnt mean the goodness is arbitrary

>> No.21848660

---- Solaria ----
Halo Effect

Scenic panoplies of cumulonimbus towers, circumhorizontal arc,
The loosely rhythmic sway of trees arranged

To see them do their thing while June turns into July in some ideal suspension.

While it's only too obvious that life without music
Would be a mistake, one's not quite there

Without a chaise longue on a lawn with
Audio systems that can repeat consummate lullabies

The opposite of drama and yet, oddly,
To the same result.


>> No.21848664

Well I never said it's arbitrary, I suggested it was an evolutionary adaptation. Morality allows a group to stay cohesive; Cohesive groups are more likely to survive than non-cohesive groups; The relative uncommon-ness of evil people is because evolution has mostly filtered them out by now.

If we stop viewing morality as some divine spiritual quality, and begin viewing it in terms of what it actually is (the feeling of personal duty to others in your community), we can understand how important it is for the happiness and health of people without ascribing it some divine quality.

>> No.21848673

Perception of art is also influenced by false perception. If I write:
>Stars bag
>Hold up the wind
>Can't evaluate
>There are trees
>in garages
1. Objectively meaningless words, an individual with false perception can see meanings where there are none, and they perceive these false beauties as the beauty of the "poetry" itself.
1a. Bad poetry has little or less meaning. To make it "good" some people hallucinate meanings that are not there. These hallucinations are perceived as beautiful, in conjunction with the poetry. Thus they describe the poetry as "beautiful," when they really should say that their interpretation is "beautiful.

2b. The false doctrines that we hold augment our hallucinations. When a feminist reads objective statements like "women are weaker (on average) or "women are more emotional" they hallucinate the false doctrine that these statements cause oppression, suffering, pain, and death, and they perceive these hallucinations as evil and ugly.
2b1. Thus when a feminist reads Shakespeare, and she believes him to be a "misogynist," through textual evidence or false opinion from prior falsehoods, she hallucinates evil, and this evil is perceived as ugly, and she falsely attributes the ugliness to the words of Shakespeare.
2c. These ideological hallucinations take many forms, not merely the political. These hallucinations of false doctrine are responsible for a great deal of difference in opinion.
2d. Sometimes false doctrines positively augment a work. A feminist may falsely perceive feminism in the works of Chaucer. This leads her to perceive beautiful hallucinations when reading his works.

3. Aesthetically good works are those which are good in the absence of hallucination.
3a. Subjectivist, relativist, and symbolist poetry, things of that nature, hold less meaning, and thus provoke more ideological augmentation with hallucinations.
3b. Those who possess fewer false opinions, and who refuse to see hallucinations, are better able to call out meaningless tripe, and better able to perceive the objective good of a work.

4. The "Classics" are the works that have survived countless generations, countless new interpretations, because the words are not meaningless subjective tripe, and more accurately convey the Good.
4a. That which did not convey the good disappeared the moment false hallucinations made it appear ugly.

5. We are living in evil times that worship subjectivism and false doctrine.
5a. Ideological hallucinations have become so poweful that people say things such as "All of Shakespeare's plays are about race"[1]
5a1. These intense ideological hallucinations prevent an individual from seeing a work for its objective merit.

6. The fewer false opinions, and the greater knowledge and wisdom one has, the more accurately an individual will perceive the objective value of a work.

[1] https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2023/03/white-people-in-shakespeare-book-plays-race/673341/

>> No.21848681

The function morality has does not contradict its essence.

>> No.21848701

I've been having so many nightmares this week.

>> No.21848702

>4a. That which did not convey the good disappeared the moment false hallucinations made it appear ugly.
I must add: Ugly or meaningless works also disappeared when true opinion or knowledge allowed people to see it for what it is, and promptly toss it in the bin.

>> No.21848711

That doesn't answer my question, which is, "How do you know who gets to decide on questions of aesthetic merit, of virtue, and so on?". We are not just talking about SJWs here. There are guys who think Marlowe was a genius playwright while I think he sucked, which of us is correct? If aesthetics is objective you have a way of knowing this right?

>> No.21848722

Daydreaming about my boyfriend's ex girlfriend getting the bianca treatment by one of her exes.

>> No.21848729

You're his sloppy seconds

>> No.21848734

He never had intercourse with her.

>> No.21848736

sex has to be good but that is easy
they're retards and youre like 21 so that's to be expected

>> No.21848752

Doesnt matter.

>> No.21848756 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 13526526236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently banned from:
(also banned for "suspisious activity" aka nothing, any new accounts make are auto banned)
(phone number banned for "suspisious activity" aka nothing, cannot make a new account with it)
(banned entierly for "suspisious activity" aka nothing, any accounts made are almost immediately banned)
(got banned because I refused to give them my social security number)
(also banned for "suspisious activity" aka nothing, same as the others, auto banned when I make a new account with my banking info)
(banned for tricking the system into giving me free delivery without dashpass every time I order, the only way I can still buy food is use a gift card instead of my credit card)

Apparently I am an absolute fucking menace to society.

>> No.21848769

Yes it does. If he had sex with her I would never date him.

>> No.21848811

What if he sent her dick pics

>> No.21848822

I will ask him right now.

>> No.21848829

He shook his head no. If he said yes I don't know how I would react.

>> No.21848830

I'll take for granted that you accept, for the argument, that there can be an objective good. How would we know who is telling the truth?

The objectively good work pursues the good, with harmony and consonance of sound and sight where applicable. It is definite in meaning; if humans disconnected from our culture read it, they must be able to understand what it is saying. If it is saying nothing, and is meant to be pleasurable only to the eyes or ears, then it is nothing.

The world of art is idealistic. The visual world is concrete. There are more mental hallucinations than visual. As I said, hallucination can make good works appear bad, or bad works appear good. To have an objective view, one must have fewer hallucinations. Because the hallucinations are caused by false opinion, one must have knowledge.

It follows that the more knowledgable, and less indoctrinated, will be more able to objectively discern the objective value of art. However, how could we be certain that we have achieved the level of knowledge to know the precise value of a piece of art? We cannot, unless we are all-knowledgable and all-wise.

We can only approach the truth, not reach it. The way to do this is to purge false opinions wherever one can. The method in which hallucinations can be purged in the mental world is through dialectic: both internal (the soul/mind in conversation with itself) and external. You must discern if a work has an objective meaning (direct information conveyed), and how much of your assessment of the work is a result of your own ideological hallucination.

You will wonder how this comes to any useful conclusion. If the entire world were delusional, how would you discover who is right? If you examine two pieces of work, their harmonies and consonances, what messages they attempt to convey, and you hold conversation with yourself and others, you can discover, at the very least, whose arguments hold up to dialectic. Do they believe things that are not supported by textual evidence? If so, you have found a hallucination.

>> No.21848838

Everyone here hates humanity so much that they will be contrarian to the general opinion of the masses for the sake of being contrarian. All stemming from resentment. If they were born in a different epoch they would hold contrary views again.

>> No.21848854

It is very difficult to find a direct hierarchy of better and worse in morals. In the same way, aesthetics are cloudy. But just as I say here >>21848506
There IS an objective good. Just because it cannot be known for CERTAIN which specific works are better and worse, just as we may not be certain which, of two actions, are more or less moral, we can still see that there is a hierarchy of good and bad. We can always argue for eternity about theoreticals and get nowhere, because we do not possess all knowledge. That doesn't mean that there is no objective better or worse, or even that we cannot know it. It just means that we have to go about it heuristically.

>> No.21848912

Does he know that you talk about him and his ex on 4channel

>> No.21848917

The Stuttgart knitting group I'm in has decided to knit hats for the chemo patients of the community. They are looking for help in knitting the hats for old dying bitches. This is the absolute best type of group to join. They don't have to be knitting-mad to join, but we're going to be knitting, and helping, and getting together to knit hats, and what could be better?

We are also getting together next Sunday to have coffee and chat about what we're going to knit. What could be better?

>> No.21848930

When you'll reach my point, I hope you'll call me back. I want to hear your voice again.

>> No.21848936

That's what I thought, but man there were a lot of kids at my high school with new cars. Seems like some people are perfectly willing to go into debt to buy their kids a new car.

>> No.21848943

Yes. He is surprised at the fact I managed to find so much information about her as well. He doesn't seem too concerned.
How would you feel if your girlfriend stalked your ex girlfriend? (Assuming you have a girlfriend)

>> No.21848970

I would be both scared and aroused

>> No.21848982

---- Solaria ----
First World

Comedy will do in a pinch in the sense that
The world one's used to is designed as the suite

Of friends one can trust absolutely
To do no harm

In rhetoric or act, like big friendly cats
To a dazzling bird

Familiar with skyscrapers and firefly flights where only the subtlest nocturne plays,
Happy in luxury while it lasts, never at war with cosmological reality,

Used to seeing the Pleiades in a heavy lens,
Metropolitan archives,

Personality instant in the measure of another
Like a meteorologist of prevailing mood.


>> No.21848985

I think my boyfriend is used to my behavior. I don't believe he finds it arousing even though he's always wanted a clingy "crazy" girlfriend. We have been dating for a few years now and I go through periods where I act like this.

>> No.21848994

So this discord e gf is from a few years ago? Did you only just discover their former romance?

>> No.21849011

I knew about it for a while but I decided to hack his old accounts and read his messages. So now I am obsessed with my hatred for her.

>> No.21849024

You hacked his accounts? Thats weird. Your bf sounds like a beta for putting up with that

>> No.21849025

I don't maybe, maybe not, but the way you described her makes seem like there's no other way than her being upper class. The image I had conjured of her was that of an upper class girl.

>> No.21849047

I am quite dominant. And how is it weird?

>> No.21849099

Yeah no, you're right. I saw her again today and heard her complain about how degrading it would be to not go to USC, and how a community college is out of the question. All this, and she's so lazy! She doesn't want to even try to improve to get the scores that would be attractive to USC.

>> No.21849117

It's one thing to be the dominant partner but it's altogether a different thing to be that obsessive, possessive, jealous, paranoid, and controlling. And your bf sounds like he has something really wrong with him to have literally 0 (zero) boundaries.

>> No.21849124

How old is she

>> No.21849135

My boyfriend is all of those things as well. He just isn't very open about it like I am. The other day he told me how he fantasized about destroying this person who used to bully me.
Our only boundary that we both have for each other is no cheating and no speaking with the opposite sex unless we are both there.

>> No.21849138

You guys are codependent

>> No.21849142

That is the most unhealthy thing that I can think of. You are both like powder kegs waiting to explode. Even if both of you really won't ever betray each other, the moment a mutual misunderstanding occurs, you will both detonate.

>> No.21849153

Maybe but that has never happened in all of the years I've been with him.

>> No.21849154

I have realized I suck at writing fight scenes because ether I get overly detailed which kills the pace or I just want to get it over with so I write something really vague that when I read back a few days later, I can't tell what is actually going on.

I need to read more books that do fight scenes well, because I am too used to how they are handle visually instead of in text.

>> No.21849158

How many years and how old are you

>> No.21849167

4 years. I turn 22 this year.

>> No.21849186

How old is he

>> No.21849199


>> No.21849249

what you were 17 and he was 23 when you two started dating? That's like eh uh...you know...pederasty or something Idk who cares whatever. Hope you two are doing great.

>> No.21849252

why are you doing this to me how could you hurt me like this you don’t just get to drop the whole thing i won’t let you it’s not fair

>> No.21849287

Just remember, women around 30ish who arent in a long term relationship often have issues if they couldn't get a guy with their natural self. The hotter she is at that age, the more weary you need to be.

Also before dating seriously, confront your mom and forgive her. There is always something deep down you might resent her for you might not want to admit, seeing we all love our mom's. Whether it's coddling you too much or pushing your dad away or even making him a beta that he couldn't pass on man lessons to you. Until then you might be marrying someone like your mom again because you won't be able to confront women and stand up to them or set boundaries. Also if getting serious, get them to forgive their mothers so they don't end up being like them and are aware of their mothers undesirable nature they may unconsciously bring into the relationship

>> No.21849299

wary or leery*

>> No.21849316

She's crying.

>> No.21849359
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Jenuine confession. I've been bouncing ideas off of the Character.AI's assistant. It's really fun. But at the same time, I feel like a fraud.

>> No.21849389

yeah I am and it’s your fault

>> No.21849390

We are doing very good. We just took our puppy on a walk.

>> No.21849408

This slightly over 30 yeat old chick came into my store, saw a woman with a baby and basically had a meltdown. She very loudly informed everyone in the store that she is now desperate for children. It was really weird. Desu I wanted to fuck her and impregnante her

>> No.21849411

Theres nothing wrong with that. Late teen girls are made for early 20s guys. Perfect match.

>> No.21849417


>> No.21849419

No really meant no this time

>> No.21849427

I was mwmwing

>> No.21849432

What do you mean?

>> No.21849462

Then everyone fapped.

>> No.21849471

Go comfort her, then.

>> No.21849472

I sure did

>> No.21849474

That's not me. She's crying because someone screamed in her ear. I didn't respond.

>> No.21849481

I dont know who that other guy is. Basically we do rape play and she tells me beforehand to keep going no matter what she says. This time I think she actually meant no because she cried after I finished.

>> No.21849488


>> No.21849493

what does that even mean?

>> No.21849499

It was a stranger. Just some jokester or whatever.

>> No.21849502

I mean why didn't you respond?

>> No.21849508

Autism, I guess. Her crying made me feel weird.

>> No.21849513

who is she? to you that you that is

>> No.21849517

I would like to be her romantic partner, but she doesn't see me that way.

>> No.21849525

how can you just ignore me I need you I need you please

>> No.21849526

yeah no wonder

>> No.21849529

that's based lmao, don't listen to the incel fags on here they're just desperate to try and convince you to cling to them instead

>> No.21849533

Watching women react to being deepfaked is fucking hilarious

>> No.21849544

How should have I responded then?

>> No.21849545

Nobody here would like me if they saw me in real life anyways. That's what makes my boyfriend so great. He loves me for me.
Anyways I think I will attempt to stop thinking about my hate for my boyfriend's ex girlfriend. I need to focus on other things. Should I learn coding?

>> No.21849562

well with anything really. Don't just stand there like an empty husk watching her just cry.

>> No.21849589

I was sitting at my computer. She was venting her frustrations on me, and going on about how she's so sensitive to sounds and her childhood issues with music.

>> No.21849603

>her childhood issues with music.
was she assulated by a Pearl Jam record?

>> No.21849607

Excuses, all hear is excuses

>> No.21849618

I will never find a gf. And it's not really for lack of trying.

>> No.21849636

ehhh, it's not really that worth it in my opinion
most code development work is gonna get replaced by language models eventually anyways, better to focus on jobs that require some sort of real interactions with space since that can't be done well by robits yet

>> No.21849649

>if they saw me in real life anyways.
Why? What do you look like

>> No.21849652

how fat are you?

>> No.21849666 [DELETED] 

She's a junior in high school so probably 16 or 17. It's a shame. Just had her little sister weird enough, she's a freshman and pretty much the same exact person with all the same mannerisms and favorite phrases, just with more social wherewithal. Weird how that works.

>> No.21849681

She's a junior in high school so probably 16 or 17. It's a shame. Just had her little sister weird enough, she's a freshman and pretty much the same exact person with all the same mannerisms and favorite phrases, just with more social wherewithal. Weird how that works.

>> No.21849685

My life is being wasted away in front of my screen. I do everything in my computer: I work, I study, I chat, I masturbate, I entertain myself. I wonder how different would my life be if I was actually capable of using my body and being around nature.

Guess I'll never know. Everyone is destined to work 8 hours a day doing some bullshit meaningless job and everyone seems contempt enough with this reality.

>> No.21849713

>Everyone is destined to work 8 hours a day doing some bullshit meaningless job
I've never done that in my life.

>> No.21849719

how do you feed yourself? how do you pay rent?

>> No.21849724

I was the complete opposite of my older brother. The teachers were terrified when they saw the family name on the roll sheet. Quickly learned that I'm not a massive piece of shit like he is tho

>> No.21849726

You sound like you lack empathy

>> No.21849728

What makes you not capable of using your body and being around nature?

I work as an EMT and we have this one kid that we get calls for all the time ("frequently flyer"). He's 30 now and when he was 21 he fell off the back of a pickup truck and permanently damaged his spine, leaving him a paraplegic. Before that he was an avid camper and hiker and he always talks about the crazy places he's been before he got injured. Nepal, Big Sur, a lot of the US National Parks, etc. He always makes me think I should go out and do shit more, cause now he pisses in a bag and can't get himself out of bed. He doesn't strike me as a particularly sad case as he seems like he tries to make the best of it, but I do think about him occasionally.

>> No.21849730

I live with my parents.

>> No.21849733

>Guess I'll never know. Everyone is destined to work 8 hours a day doing some bullshit meaningless job and everyone seems contempt enough with this reality.
I work freelance and I feel fine. Is there a reason you don't get out in nature or are you just lazy?

>> No.21849745

>What makes you not capable of using your body and being around nature?
I meant it in the sense of me being unable to take the decisions needed to get fit and/or be around nature.
I would say that I have a lot of responsibilities as well, full-time job, university and girlfriend. But I don't know, it seems like in the end it all gravitates towards a sterile, meaningless life.
I do realize how petty I'm being, it's just how I feel. I feel like I spend most of my time daydreaming about shit, just hoping for something to bring some change into my life although I have to be the one to do it. And I would, if I wasn't a coward.

>> No.21849747

I wonder what makes the difference. Same thing for my younger brother and myself. We were a year apart and I aided for a teacher that he had for English one year (but different periods). He was a complete shithead and she would complain about him to me constantly. One time he yelled at her in class and then made a complaint to the principal because she failed him on a presentation about some book they were reading in class. He insisted that he read the book but mistook the genders of the two main characters the whole presentation (both women, he referred to them as men), and he admitted to me privately that he never read the book lol

>> No.21849753

Well... it'll come to an end some day, you know.

Working freelance sounds good I guess. I'm a back-end dev but I don't feel confident enough to start freelancing.

>> No.21849757


>> No.21849763

Then I'll live with my younger brother.

>> No.21849766

based tbqh

>> No.21849776

Some people are just born shitty

>> No.21849785 [DELETED] 
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Yeah I get you. It's all about drive. I will say if you live in a city and don't interact with nature much that a little can go a long way. My girlfriend lives in a shitty apartment on the Orange County equivalent to Hollywood Blvd and I can't fucking take being there, I walk out my door and see pic related. Being around nature is so nice, even if it's just a nice yard or garden.

>> No.21849789

Everyone thought that if I could just make it to University that all my problems would be solved. I made it. And then I crashed and burned because none of my actual problems were ever addressed.

>> No.21849794

what were the problems?

>> No.21849823

Shitty family, traumatic events when I was a teenager, total social alienation, no support network. My dad had this weird idea that being on a university campus would just make all of that disappear. My problems actually got worse when I was there. I had never been more isolated. What pisses me off the most is that I kept raising my concerns but nobody listened to me. There was this weird desperation to make sure I got into a university and everything else was secondary. I feel like I was cheated.

>> No.21849825

Told a girl id make her a playlist. Why is this a task that brings out so much overthinking. I know I can make a good one but its just so hard. Ill figure it out

>> No.21849845

It's not that hard, just google image "male pop singers," look for the most effeminate twink boys on the page, and throw them in the playlist

>> No.21849849

When I told my dad that Iwas having a bad time in college he treated me like a criminal. It was like my freshman year of high school all over again. He called me crazy and told me I was wrong in the head that all my problems are my fault. He said that if i didnt do well in school he would never speak to me again. So after a month of being berated for not fitting in I just told him everything was fine. Things were not fine. I ended up alone in my room for weeks at a time. I would piss into bottles because I was too afraid to go outside. I would go weeks at atime without speaking to another person. It really fucked me up. The forced social enviornment in high school at least kept me talking to people. But after that year I literally forgot how to talk. It sucks. I've spent years trying to recover from that year. It haunts me.

>> No.21849861 [DELETED] 


>> No.21849872

What ethnicity are you and your dad? What the fuck, just join a club

>> No.21849894

Both white. I tried joining clubs. I tried talking to people. I actually did. Like a brick wall every time. That was years ago now

>> No.21849895

do you have any siblings? And are do they have successful careers?

>> No.21849903

Two older brothers. One collects disability, the other is a gay prostitute

>> No.21849914

no but like she actually listens to music and i do too

>> No.21849916

Everyone listens to music

>> No.21849937

This is what I'm listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jhl1O7Ui24

I think Baths is decent. Not necessarily my favorite band.

>> No.21849943

Well there we go they were banking on you becoming the succesful one. Or more like "needed" but I guess you already knew that.

>> No.21849951

yeah but there are people in this thread listening to Baths :/

>> No.21849980

Kind of. I mean, in part. He's always had that attitude though. He has this theory that the best approach to parenting is to be as uninvolved as possible except for when the kid is struggling, at which point a parent should be borderline cruel and abusive which is supposed to get the kid fired up and more active. I was really depressed when I was 14 and he would tell me that he never wanted me and had contacted the state authorities to remove me from his life. I'm not exactly sure why he thought that would help me but his intentions were good, believe it or not. t
That being said, being the only quasi functional kid he has is the reason he continues to financially support me even though I'm in my mid 20s now. He isnt poor white trash. He's actually very wealthy and self made (though he grew up poor white trash). I realized that I should take advantage of our wealth bracket to finish school, and desu I'm making good progress. Should have my degree by 2025.
I just cant help but brood and ruminate about how shitty that year of my life was. I really feel like thedeck was stacked against me. Everything went so wrong. For a long time I really felt like God set up the circumstances to fuck me over so that I would change my course in life. Change course to what, I have no idea yet.

>> No.21849999

Dude that song sucks

>> No.21850070

I just watched Ugetsu Monogatari.\
I would never treat Tanaka Kinuyo like that
I love you mom

>> No.21850085


I have severe undiagnosed autism. I spend half my time daydreaming about having arguments and conversations with people. When I am speaking to someone, I dooze off into another potential conversation in my head that I could be having with them. Then I verbalize and change the conversation and this happens so frequently that it is impossible for me to engage with people. The inner dialogue is so loud that I have a hard time listening to anything else. No, I will not take the pills ((they)) want me to take.

>> No.21850102

You've just sent yourself into an unhealthy thought pattern, you need to work yourself out of it. Make an active effort to think about more positive or productive things, or things that don't have to do with yourself and eventually it'll come naturally

t. had something similar to this

>> No.21850181


>> No.21850277

I fucking hate being so emotionally dependent on my brother. I always have to write first to him and he never does it first. He wears the pants in the "relationship". Maybe I have to stop communicating with him forever.

>> No.21850327

That's so adorable.
t. big brother

>> No.21850330

Its not. I feel betrayed by my younger brother. Its like him being a main character in my life when Im just an episodic one in his.

>> No.21850337

That's even more adorable. Brothers have a lot to do, and besides, they're usually trying to avoid showing affection to look be more manly and stoic.

>> No.21850343

I show affection but he doesnt. Not even writing to me on fb. Maybe Im the one whos wrong.

>> No.21850348

>early teenage years
>little sister has an extremely clingy nii-nii suki phase
>later teenage years and adulthood
>sister becomes a teenager herself and stops speaking to me unless absolutely necessary
It's over...

>> No.21850360

Read the sound and the Fury immediately

>> No.21850369

---- Solaria ----
Lucretius, Seneca, Catullus, Montaigne, Falstaff, Lucio, Mies

Imagination that can spin with a wink
Presides like all outdoors and recommends the idea

Of the ideal statesman, so swift in the world of gossip that he misses
Nothing accurate or to the point of human silliness

In face of the natural world, with its toads, poison salamanders, DPRK regimes
And stupid men that assert without listening

With delight in passerines, treefrog oratorios, brown mantises
Loud only at sixteen kilohertz or the frantic refinement

Of bat flights around oak stands in deep twilight,
Nightclub spectator on magnificent miles.

Dreaming in his most insular lair, his bed always alive
With projected personality known as such.

Sometimes it seems as if the whole world conspires to the poet's advantage
As for any frail man brilliant in speech, the opposite

Of hippopotamus, the dazzling cat
Fat or not, lazily shining.

>> No.21850380
File: 46 KB, 1024x1024, BSqC8uJaiNOa3w5m6X2S--3--1e7pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The normie is horrifying in his disinterested egoism. An cultivated affectation of disinterest used everywhere in the pursuit of interest.
The normie will cynically wear the skin of ideals only for the sake of his own advancement. Secretly he knows his own cause, and all such causes are self-serving, but this can't be openly stated because it would disarm him. The normie who rebels today is tomorrow an obedient subject.
To die for an abstraction as an abstraction is insanity to him.
In his mind ideas do not exist, but only the character or team associations tied to ideas. The figures or icons or groups that represent the ideas, and their proximity to his own ego, are more important than the truth of these ideas..
All of these precepts to him exist as an unquestionable truth, not arrived at through thought but simply intuitively felt as natural.

>> No.21850433

Don't take it personally. Guys get uncomfortable showing affection or anything, even with family. It doesn't mean he doesn't like you.

>> No.21850444

I do take it personally. I'm a guy myself too. Am I asking too much for writing to me? Perhaps.

>> No.21850522

Started to feel hate for my boyfriend's ex girlfriend again so I am watching the divergent series to take my mind off her.
I prefer the books I think.

>> No.21850559

---- Solaria ----
Exurbia or the last of Pastoral.

My bedroom has a spacious airy look.
It's a kind of installation too spare and placid

For a gallery, its heavily wide windows looking upon a northern sky
Faintly wheeling over ten acres of lawn.

My car is a flying couch, the roads here paved like racetracks,
Government the best it ever gets

In the imperial sense, indexed to refusal of brutal arduour.


>> No.21850577

My sister and I used to be close too
Lots of little fights but also lots of hanging out
Then at some point we just kinda stopped talking in general

>> No.21850601

All of my 4 sisters have long gone to Hell or oblivion in one way or another. I'm a natural survivor, and remember what they were at their best, like I remember anything else. My favorite killed herself about 6 years ago. We used to make jokes about star names, and mix with two cinema managers who lived next door, weird brothers we called Mr. B, who held spectacular Independence Day parties. Good times.

>> No.21850610

>killed herself about 6 years ago
Why did she do it?

>> No.21850671

Congenial depression. At the time she lived in one of best neighborhoods on the planet, with a husband who is a lovable and intelligent guy. Her only daughter is a good-looking and intelligent dyke in a very long-term relationship. I am 60, and many friends as I've had, my father was the best I ever had. He was a magnificent gossip, well worth talking to about organic chemistry, pigments, and corporate intrigue. My oldest sister, like my mom did after about 35, suffered from severe schizophrenia, though I can't attest to her status. Such is the genomic roulette.

>> No.21850687


>> No.21850690

*congenital. Congenial is a rather hilarious ooops.

>> No.21850828

Hats for chemo patients are a good one, premie octopuses are good too if your local NICU wants them