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/lit/ - Literature

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21841408 No.21841408 [Reply] [Original]

What do I read after this?

>> No.21841432


>> No.21841444

Dante or Goethe

>> No.21841449

I'm asking for early influential Christian texts, if you were to take a tour of Christianity from Jesus to now through books what would go next?

>> No.21841462
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St Irenaeus
>On the Apostolic Preaching
>Against Heresies
St Justin Martyr
>Dialogue with Trypho
St Ignatius
>Various epistles (Ephesians, Magnesians, Smyrneans etc.
St John Chrysostom
>On Repentance and Almsgiving
>Homilies on John, Paul's epistles etc.
St Papias
St Athanasius
>On the Incarnation
>Against the Heathen
>Sayings of the Desert Fathers

That should get you started

>> No.21841526

Apocryphal Gospels, Summa Teologica, Divine Comedy, Faust, Master and Margarita and European a history in general

>> No.21841535

And Paradise Lost.

>> No.21841647

You've read the Deuterocanonical books?
I ask this because some KJV books do not include them.

>> No.21841702

St. Augustine
>De libero arbitrio voluntatis
>De Doctrina Christiana
>De Trinitate
>De civitate Dei contra paganos

Dante Alighieri
>The Divine Comedy

St. Thomas Aquinas
>Summa Theologica

Martin Luther
>Three Treatises
>Von den Juden und ihren Lügen

John Calvin
>Institutes of the Christian Religion

John Milton
>Paradise Lost
>Paradise Regained

John Smith
>The Book of Mormon

>> No.21841710

Can someone recommend me texts about via negativa?

>> No.21841773

No one mentioned it yet so:
>Meister Eckhart
>John the Scot Eriugena
>Jacob Boehme
>William Blake
>Neville Goddard

The Unknown God by Deirdre Carabine

>> No.21841796


>> No.21841897

Add in Tertullian on Man, Clement of Alexandria Protrepticus, and Origen Against Celsus and On Prayer.

>> No.21841959
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Since it's King James' version you ought read upon King James and what was happening in those days, he might have made it all up for all you know.

>> No.21841965

*Paradife Loft.

>> No.21841970
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The big dog's book.

>> No.21841971
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Not sure what the Imperial Church of the Roman Empire has to do with your Catholicism, anons, as I'm sure none of you are Roman Orthodox yet quoting men who were subservient to the Emperor in Constantinople.

Verily, see attached. This should save you from a decade of misdirection, Opie, >>21841408 for 'tis plain enough which way the wily wat had walked all that while.

>> No.21841988

>Nibba The VII decided to separate the Church of England away from the Pope, so that he could divorce his wife
>Scholars spent hundreds of years justifying this decision, hurr the Rome was corrupt anyway

>> No.21842029
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Unfortunately the nibba is not the reformers or restorers; upon becoming literate person and learning the origins of the Papacy and the Schism one cannot help but realize that all Catholics have followed a lie, handed down to them from a time when they were illiterate, based on faulty geographical knowledge of where the capital of the Roman Empire actually was. It would be silly if not for the extreme violence that the Catholics carried out against Man, for near five hundred years or thereabouts, to prevent such realization from being recalled - to the extreme of forbidding even local language translations or local language sermons of the bible from taking place, lest the magnitude of the lies become apparent.

Notice that this forbidding of translation did not exist in the original Latin and Greek amongst the populations of the Roman Empire, and so the same deception cannot be attributed to them in any manner.

>> No.21842112


>> No.21842157

You read it again

>> No.21842174
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Save yourself the trouble with picrel
>This JW cultist again
No one is interested in worshipping a god who's incapable of physically manifesting himself. No one is interested in your debilitated false-god.

>> No.21842212
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>>>21842029 (You)
>>This JW cultist again
>No one is interested in worshipping a god who's incapable of physically manifesting himself. No one is interested in your debilitated false-god.
That's good because I'm not even a yahweh cultist, I'm just laying out the reality against the catholic saboteurs who infest the west to this day.

>> No.21842220

>You read it again
and again and again and again, >>21839982

>Mother lathered up an upturned stool and made us sit upon the legs
>whilst we read aloud the bible verse and anything else she said,