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21836597 No.21836597 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any philosophical value in French philosophy?

>> No.21836606

There isn't even any value in the *French*

>> No.21836619

If we pretty impressed by their protests recently. Anglophones could learn something. We really are a bunch of cucks

>> No.21836666

Nothing to learn. Rioting is part of the French national character. This is why the mass immigration from Africa into France has been so seamless and non-disruptive of the social fabric, as the social fabric was already built around smashing shopfronts and setting cares on fire.

>> No.21836671

Imagine the smell

>> No.21836679

Eat the bugs
Buy the blue tick
Work 70hr weeks till you're 80
Live in a pod.

>> No.21837014

>Is there any philosophical value in French philosophy?
Plenty! But as >>21836619 observes the problem is that it translates praxes into a bourgeois ideological terrain and makes it comprehensible to organs and states. The point isn't to philosophise the point is to BURN MORE POLICEMEN.

>> No.21837033

Antifa is the new fa
Freedom is slavery
War is peace

>> No.21837053
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>> No.21837402

I told my teacher god didnt love the french as a joke
She called it rude

>> No.21837407

All those retards rioting now voted for Macron who's cabinet introduced the reform they are rioting against now, instead of voting for a real reactionary like Zemmour because they're dumb fucking libs who are afraid of being called heckin racist

>I never thought the leopards would eat MY face

>> No.21837416
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Of course you just have to look beyond the meme'd ones. Try Emmanuel Mounier.

>> No.21837554

>french people will protest en masse if taxes go up or their cushy retirement age goes up
>do nothing when their cities turn into arab-african ghettos
France is dead