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21827938 No.21827938 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any authors or thinkers picking up on his ideas and adapting them to the circumstances of the 2020s?

>> No.21827953

>We're doomed! Everyone kys! AAAAAAA
>More of this!
But no, seriously, what do you mean "adapting them to 2020 circumstances"? DOn't you just apply it yourself? Is there supposed to be something one does when they seem a global psyops shoved down our throats?

>> No.21828017

He fat

>> No.21828029
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>> No.21828034

What does that even mean? double down on leftism? You mean state socialism?

>> No.21828046
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I just got one question OP: when is he due?

>> No.21828106
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Fisher was an antinatalist?
>Seemingly paradoxically, those political systems which actually want to improve conditions for people tend to underrate the value of the sheer fact of life. This is partly because having children is a more or less explicit ratification of the essential goodness of the world. But to change things - or to want to change things - entails recognizing that there is something deeply evil about the world and the worldly. That is why many of the Gnostics thought that copulation itself was evil, since it recapitulated the original act of the deranged drunken demiurge who deluded himself into believing that he had created the world. (Besides, those with children are especially prone to reactionary thinking and behaviour: 'I would, but I've got to think of the kids.' But as Richard Pryor asks in Schrader's Blue Collar, 'What makes your family more important than everyone else's family?')
>Indulging your atavistic selfish gene impulse to replicate is neither rational nor moral. The ethical choice is to adopt or foster children. There are many abandoned children already in this world who need that care. Meanwhile, if others want to reproduce, that is their choice (just as smoking should be), but the State should not be in the business of encouraging it.
>Antinatal by Mark Fisher

>> No.21829078

>as richard Pryor asks in comedy, "what makes your family more important than my family"

Eye rolling

>> No.21829091

These people are literally suicidal atheists who don't believe in God and openly proclaim that the world came about through random chance, that all that exists is material, that there is no soul, that you're just a biologically determined organism, and yet they want to talk about "morals" and "rationality". What a JOKE.

>> No.21829422

I made a video discussing and critiquing his book.


Mark Fisher's ideas are antithetical to the Berniebro's "third-way," new and improved, revamped, rebranded democratic socialism. His whole thesis is that we can't think of anything new. While bernie is trying to say we can.

As I explain in my video. The whole book is unremarkable. He uses modern critical theory to sit on his ass and complain about everything. And blame everything on capitalism

>> No.21829426
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forgot pic

>> No.21829451

Fisher's ideas were as middle-of-the-road as his appearance. One of that caste of thinkers trapped under some invisible ceiling of thought, where his current ideology is hopelessly broken, but he cannot allow himself to notice these problems because they would fracture his world view, so he instead drags the empty shell of it through the dirt and mud and splinters, writing sentences beginning with "We must..." and naively eyeing reform. Unlike most anti-capitalist leftists, he was actually intelligent enough to realize how fucked things are, to realize the ideology is broken, but never brave enough to abandon it.

>> No.21829455

Why is he popular? Is it because of pop culture references?

>> No.21829621

it ain't that deep, playa

>> No.21829645

He's a quirked up white boy goated with the sauce

>> No.21829657

>Is it because of pop culture references?
I suspect this is the case with Zizek as well. Millenial, anglophone socialists love movie and TV references.
>what if capitalism was like that Soprano scene lol

>> No.21829687

It's not Millennials, it's a leftist academic thing. They've been doing it since the 50s with Barthes.

>> No.21829707

1. Leftist academia has changed considerably since the 1950s from Marxist/progressive to liberal/neoliberal.

2. The speculation above has pop culture seeping into pseudo-socialist “thought” in order to sell it. If you can name some academics, I can show you some frauds, state plants.

>> No.21829721
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“Thinker”. Read his book on capitalism and it’s like a two hour discussion with an aging and jaded commie at your local university. Constantly referring to other people’s ideas, clearly has manlust for Zizek since he can’t keep his name out of his mouth and you’re left wondering why the fuck you’re reading some mental midget’s notes on the people you should actually be reading since he contributed nothing and wasn’t even a good summarizer.

>> No.21829734

Oh yeah I fucking hated this too. Constant references to pop culture that’s barely relevant to what he’s saying and just reveals what terminal consoomer mentality he has. Zizek too of course since the little chimp did nothing but imitate his betters. You claim to hate late stage capitalism yet you are glued to the jewtube, curious.
>sniff I merely sniff that is to say sniff to communicate with the terms of the proletariat sniff I never enjoyed a second of COUGH sniff opiate of the masses sniff murmur cough Marx wuz rite
Fuck you.

>> No.21829736

Baudrillard is better.

>> No.21829784

Recently read through most of Byung-Chul Han’s books for class. He is more interesting and engaging than Fisher. He is more philosophically inclined, as well. Fisher has his moments and there are a few good K-Punk articles. Fisher flourished due to: the blogosphere ecosystem having a revival, his writings on music and popular music culture, and the rise of accelerationism.
Xenogothic or Matt Colquhoun was one of Fisher’s last grad students, and he wears his Fisher influence on his sleeve. You might like Adam Curtis documentaries.
You can always check out Zer0 books or Repeater books for some more lukewarm leftism married to cultural theory. If you want more acceleration, Urbanomic is a good publisher. The Accelerationist Reader is a good start, as well. If you are more into music commentary, Bloomsbury’s 33 1/3 or 333SOUND series has some gems. Bloomsbury’s Object Lessons series also has a few good non-academic cultural criticism books.
This is the real answer. Just read Baudrillard. Put all the other shit down. You don’t need Fisher or Žižek.

>> No.21829979

I certainly hope not. Where is he buried?

I have some gastrointestinal business to take care of

>> No.21829986

This is the only correct opinion in this thread

>> No.21830007

This is also a correct assumption

>> No.21830077

His understanding of Gnosticism is okay, but our only knowledge of it is from its critics and since the original version didn’t work it needs to adapt to the current era to be workable. The thing is with him is he’s not the kind of guy to want to fix anything so he doubles down on nihilism. We cannot go backwards, only forwards. Fascism was created out of the ashes of failed anarchist movements because many of those prior engagements ended up being dead ends so it had to adapt to the current zeitgeist (I refuse to use the word “material conditions” because I’m not a pitiful atheist). The same thing with this whole inkwell thing

And I quote

No one would expect back then that a man was fit to serve his countrymen if he wasn’t provided in turn with basic needs however in today’s society its considered impolite, even verboten to think that men should be provided such necessities because “women are wonderful” I guess.[/quote]

Which leads to, quoting again

hence I get the idea that its important for this contract to exist if and when a man is given something back for his loyalty, unfortunately its more of a matter of genetic fitness that these men are being selected against rather than for than the provisions being in place for him acquire such properties, being that women now have freedom of choice in the matter of pair bonding whereas in history they did not have such a choice, so adaptation must be necessary, much in the fashion that classical Fascism took its form, from adopting the revolutionary materialist springboard into an aesthetic appropriation of all things religious and ancient.

I apologize for bringing this up in this thread but the same thing applies to revitalization of old ideas in a new lights, which Fisher was somehow incapable of doing and just used his position to piss and moan. Actions speak louder than words.

>> No.21830131

Hes so overrated bros
Os there anything more pseud than following Marx? Limiting your worldview to a book that was written not even 200 years ago? Thats the reason our elites today dont have the universal kind of culture that founded our civilization, it restricts itself to a very recent and very narrow worldview
Now is there anything more pseud than applying that marxist thought to, of all things, post punk music? Hes just an eternal teenager seething about how the 80s and 90s are gone and how its capitalisms fault, with some stupid metaphors thrown in
No real insight or enlightment by reading this whining bitch

>> No.21830144

>His whole thesis is that we can't think of anything new. While bernie is trying to say we can.
What you call Bernies "new" way is just the old left wing way of before the 70s, before neolibearlism took hold of both sides of the political war, and before the left became liberal

>> No.21830186
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He might have used too many pop culture references, but he was right about one thing: his students were lazy retards. Look at this thread: no mention of any millennial thinkers or ideas. Capitalism won, what alternative is there? The only option I see is the nihilism of Uncle Ted supporters or accelerationists. Everyone seems to be waiting on WWIII/Civil War for some post-apocalyptic rebirth. What is clear is no one has a way forward.

>> No.21830195

If people cannot conceive of life beyond capitalism, it is because they lack imagination.
The only thing you need to live outside Capital is a strong enough military.

>> No.21830215

I think they mean realistic alternatives. We could all become strict catholics and refuse to lend money for interest, and capitalism would end that way.
That probably won't happen though. Homogenised into Consumercorpgloop it is then

>> No.21830241 [SPOILER] 
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What wires are plugged into where to get such *accurate* data??

>> No.21830258

We have some of the strongest militaries in world history. China, at best, is capitalism without liberalism. Best Korea is possibly the only country non-capitalist, but no one wants to move there, and without foreign assitance they would fall.

>> No.21830301

fisher called what you're describing "interpassivity"

>> No.21830341

I'm not well-read on political theory, but current Marxists believe both USSR and Mao's China never stopped following the laws of Capital, right? If so then Marxism itself has no right to be declared dead, at least given some concessions. The real question is how a state could be allowed to exist truly independent of Capitalism. Although this sounds impossible on the surface, doubtless impossible for any major nation, some small nation on the periphery could perhaps escape, no? North Korea is ostensibly this -- they truly seem mostly independent of Capital, and (from what I understand) the only reason they're so unstable is due to being sandwiched between China and the West.

North Korea is authoritarian, but they don't have to be. Tacitly, they have the freedom to adopt whatever system they like. The real question is, can the NK experiment be repeated? I think that's what all political theory needs to focus on right now.

>> No.21830382 [DELETED] 
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>Having children is le... go-ACK