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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 435x580, tales book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21821782 No.21821782 [Reply] [Original]

What am in for with this shit?

>> No.21821784

letters, words even.

>> No.21821796

probably tales of the unreal if I was forced to guess

>> No.21821827
File: 104 KB, 522x1024, UqbSAbdAXrWW6Pu5SercBC4WSIFiVKXH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is any of these self pubbing /lit/ books actually worth reading? I realize this is a shill post n all but there is a metric fuck ton of classic literature that I COULD be reading rather than this thing. So is there any reason to actually sacrifice time I could be spending reading anything from the Greeks to Flaubert to Palahniuk and instead read this?

>> No.21821840

I contributed a story to pic rel. At the end of the day it all depends on if you like horror/ high concept weird tales. If you're the kind of person to pick up a Stephen King book or Bradbury or any of the writers that came out from Weird Tales mags, ie. Lovecraft, then you might enjoy this because it has that vibe but with a modern sensibility and freshness ig. But if you're the type of guy to collect Greek plays or in Moliere then no you wouldn't find more merit in this than in anything else horror related.

>> No.21821849

H.M.S Marriana is a fun read. Richard Matheson-esque.
Traffic stop is enjoyable
Not My Problem is great. Feels like something straight from an old pulp mag. Funny in parts.

>> No.21821857
File: 18 KB, 400x400, DXf3xFDj_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These mr krabs ass fuckers need to implode already. Hope the cia grinds them into nutmeg

>> No.21823305

A lot of spam and artificial hype.

>> No.21823752

Start with Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.21824328

>pulp horror
prepare yourself for reddit

>> No.21825641

>Not My Problem is great. Feels like something straight from an old pulp mag. Funny in parts.
That one and Silver Pasture stuck with me. It was implied Ray had committed some kind of serious betrayal against his comrades in the war, but it doesn't seem like what happened to them was his fault.

>> No.21825719

It is fucking weird that you people keep reposting my picture.

>> No.21825725

Am I the only person who read HMS Mariana and noticed that some of the crew just abandoned ship and presumably survived? With no consequences other than being in Africa?

>> No.21825767

An anon in as different thread posted this link to a story by one of the writers involved with Unreal and I thought it was great so Im paying it forward for any other interested Anons
I'm not familiar with the guy other than from that story and a story he has in the book in ops pic but I really enjoyed the one in the link I posted. It was inspiring in a 'man this is interesting and good, but not so good that it's outside of what I'm capable of as a writer so I should grab my pen and get busy' sort of way. I mean that with no disrespect to him btw.

>> No.21826233
File: 44 KB, 500x765, Tales Penguin res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main guy survived too right? I doubt anyone would believe them anyway. Or at worst the disease spread to their boat too and they died.

>> No.21826238

That story is dogshit. None of the plot would've happened if the characters weren't braindead retards.

>> No.21826241

People repost images. Surprise.

>> No.21826256

These guys need to accept they don't have the voice or the personality for podcasting, at least without any planning ahead of time. Also the British(?) guy's interjections are fucking annoying.

>> No.21826312

fuck you crab asshole

>> No.21826319

>becomes a podcaster
>gets into a hissy fit after a single criticism
Why are zoomers like this

>> No.21826321
File: 223 KB, 413x395, 13929g64345078 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see what you did there.

>> No.21826324

My point is that like, 50 people died because they wouldn't abandon an obviously cursed ship but three people did because apparently they could just get off the ship and row to shore??

That implies the crew was retarded, which means the story was dumb.

>> No.21826340

Or three dudes were willing to risk starving at sea as opposed to staying on the cursed ship, and there's no indication that their midnight flight was wise or that they were anywhere close to shore.

>> No.21826349

There's also no indication that they were in the middle of the ocean rather than following Africa's coast until Sierra Leon or thereabouts

>> No.21826399

Maybe if they planned it it wouldn't be so bad. I listened to the episode with the Brandon Sanderson article last night and it was excruciating. There was also no need for one of the guys to be painting a warhammer figure with hsi fucking mic picking up all the ambient noise while the other guy mumbled. The only one that's even ok at what he's doing is the one that sounds black, and he lets himself get distracted too much. Stop reading nonsequiter comments out of nowhere.
What they should have done is all read the article ahead of time, and then discussed it. Better if they had different opinions on it too, although you can't force that.

>> No.21826436

They were apparently "like really close dude trust me" to circling back and reaching port at Africa. So, considering they still had sugar or whatever to eat and a whole goat then I don't think anyone at that point saw it as a foregone conclusion the ship was doomed. If anything, taking a rooster between a bunch of men and braving the sea alone is a much more retarded idea. Also, who's to say they even had another boat? It was just the hunting party.

>> No.21826451

The coast of a continent has a million ports, harbors, and shores to ram a cursed ship onto. The lack of physical location to the story meant I couldn't contextualize the actions of the characters well.

>> No.21826454

Their destination was Bimini which is on the other side of the atlantic ie the bahamas. Also did anyone pick up that Bimini is the supposed location of the mythical fountain of youth? Thought that was clever considering what goes on on the ship.

>> No.21826461

Ships don't sail in direct lines

>> No.21826463

Where was it ever said they were travelling on the coast and not through the ocean?

>> No.21826467

Oh this is a troll post I get it

>> No.21826482

The path is left unstated, which is the problem.

>> No.21826565

Apparently the stream EQ filter wasn't enabled. So you got at least one thing improved anon.

>> No.21826603
File: 19 KB, 339x500, cover shot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do one of those covers for me please

>> No.21826616

Look up the location of Bimini my chigga.

>> No.21826619

They came out of South Africa, didn't they?

>> No.21826635

I listened to an episode with LA Labuschagne or w/e and some other guy (Alitspa, maybe?) And whichever one has the strong accent annoyed he. He seemed pretentious and overbearing. I liked the other guy more but he wasn't really given much room to speak.

>> No.21826646

Author here. South Africa (Cape of Good Hope) to Bimini which is modern day Bahamas.

>> No.21826663

Which is why I assumed the ship was following the coast until Sierra Leon. These kinds of independent ships travelled with marines and an open authorization to capture any foreign merchant and get paid to do so, even if they are transporting something on the King's orders. They would have stuck reasonably close to the coast where they could catch a prize. By reasonably close I mean less than a day's sailing until after departing the ivory coast. It wouldn't make sense to sail directly there with no plan to resupply anywhere.

>> No.21826664

Do it yourself lazy bastard

>> No.21826703

I see. That's a reasonable assessment. I can't say I thought of that personally. Though in any case I struggle to see how the characters wouldn't be in deep trouble once they're far enough away from the coast. They'd have to eventually traverse the Atlantic and at that point no matter what port they choose they'd be weeks of travel away.

>> No.21826716

To this point, who's to say the Cape wasn't simply the last point of resupply before heading into the atlantic, rather than being the first and only point of departure?

>> No.21826799

Yes, you could have unfucked your story rather easily.

Did I miss any form of explanation as to WHY the curse was there in particular?

>> No.21826818

Are these actual plot holes or more like worrying about who airs up the batmobiles tires? Not the author btw

>> No.21826831

The ship course is a genuine plot hole in my opinion. The tension of the story is that they are trapped at sea but there doesn't seem to be a particular reason that they're trapped.

"Why is the plot happening?" isn't exactly a plot hole, but it's a rather standard element of genre fiction.

>> No.21826854

"why is the plot happening" is a question deliberately ignored by plenty of fantasy horror and every single episode of the Twilight Zone

>> No.21826858

I think they’re nitpicks. The ship’s route may bother someone intimately familiar, but that’s so rare. The why of the curse being there is sort of just retarded. It’s not a novella. I’d never ask that question of a Lovecraft piece. The origin of the mystery is less important than why the mystery is afflicting the characters. Why did the rot curse afflict a 19th century clipper coming from the African Coast? I intuited that as a reader, but leaving it up to speculation is honestly superior to the narrator suggesting in plain English that the natives cursed the vessel.

Mariana gets the most discussion and seems to be the general favourite, although I wouldn’t appeal to popular opinion.

>> No.21826875

Sounds like the story filtered ya buddeh. The captain outright says it doesn't matter why the curse is happening and that the cause is unknowable. Apparently even this explicit lamp shading is too much for your midwit brain. Consider Dr Suess?

>> No.21826882

Just becuase there's stylistic justification in not including it in story doesn't mean I'm not going to ask the author when I have a line of contact to him. It allows for analysis of what the story could have been.

Cope harder

>> No.21826903

I didn't put in any explanation, you're good. There was quite an interesting and elaborate reason for it all, but I have since forgotten it on account of not writing it down.

>> No.21826927

Funny how that happens. I don't remember how the monster was supposed to work in the last horror piece I wrote.

>> No.21827272
File: 110 KB, 1280x1267, baitpole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey are you my ex or just a hater? because she said that about me too and it wasn't funny then either

>> No.21827294

Just a hater at the moment. I'm also a supporter, so hopefully it all balances out.