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File: 478 KB, 1170x1032, C18E9BDF-0C64-4AC9-AB7E-6B4F510202B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21823040 No.21823040 [Reply] [Original]

A bunch of /fit/izens who I presume to be ESL are claiming that this is the correct use of the word "hyperbole"
Is the sentence in picrel correct?

>> No.21823046

It's in the same vein as "a joke of a man" etc, so yes. Coherent meaning with language that doesn't detract from it

>> No.21823056

Hyperbole is exaggeration and in that sense, you could say no.
But to say someone is a complete exaggeration could imply someone is being dramatic or stereotypical and so figuratively hyperbole could work.
It sounds more of a comical sense of the word because no one would use it that way but you instantly get the sense of what he means.

>> No.21823058

what a waste of a thread.

>> No.21823060


>Is this sentence grammatically correct?


>> No.21823067

Grammatically, yes. Semantically, I don't understand what he is saying.

>> No.21823072

he's calling her a caricature of a human.

>> No.21823076

I think he's trying to say she exaggerates her mannerisms in an obviously forced and artificial manner

>> No.21823122

Not a normal usage of the word but a correct metaphorical usage.

“What a disgusting (person who is so over exaggerated they are akin to a human equivalent of a) hyperbole of a person.”

English is relatively loose as a language, if you can extract the meaning of a sentence even if it’s missing core bits, it’s more or less fine. I wouldn’t take the line as standard but I would definitely interpret it as an attempt at a creative insult.

>> No.21823123

Hyperbole ! de ma mémoire

>> No.21823371

bit ironic don't you think? calling other people ESL when you don't know whether or not the sentence is correct

>> No.21823424

the sentence is not correct and I know its not correct, I just wanted to get people to agree with me
even if syntactically correct its not semantically correct, I just forgot the word for "semantics" and said "grammar" instead, which tbf the definition if grammar is very vague and some definitions of grammar include semantics
so yeah a little ironic, but I know quite confidently its an incorrect sentence

>> No.21823441

>image of the thumbnail of the video
>picture of the image of the thumbnail of the video
>look of the picture of the image of the thumbnail of the video
>appearance of the look of the picture of the thumbnail of the video

>> No.21823446

Genocide prescriptivists

>> No.21823465

grammatically correct and i understand what he's saying but it's still a stupid fucking usage of the word. but you RETARDS will still defend it just to be contrarians

>> No.21823475

i dont get it

>> No.21823531

die jew

>> No.21823542

I think it's fine. Same thing as saying what an exaggeration of a person

>> No.21823558

/fitlit/ is the best board combo, don't @ me

>> No.21823617


>> No.21823739

"PHONEPOSTERS could be here" he thought. "I've never been in this thread before. There could be PHONEPOSTERS anywhere." The mayonaise felt spicy on his tongue. "I HATE PHONEPOSTERS" he thought. Next Level reverberated his entire basement, making it pulsate even as the 2$ mountain dew circulated through his fatty thin veins and washed away his (merited) fear of majorities on his computer. "With a laptop you can post anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.21824064 [DELETED] 

His question was so vitriolic,
It's fair he was called hyperbolic —
The girl in the gym
Is a monster to him
Because really he just wants to frolic.

>> No.21824072

His question was so vitriolic,
It's fair he was called hyperbolic —
The girl in the gym
Seemed conceited to him
Because really he wanted to frolic.

>> No.21824158

I'm going to disagree with the threadly consensus. This is not grammatically correct, as hyperbole is not a countable noun.
>that's hyperbole
is a normal sentence
>that's a hyperbole
is not.

>> No.21824174

>filtered by /fit/ ESL

>> No.21824185

You understand exactly what it means and therefore it is correct.

>> No.21824197

Lmao at all the people saying this is incorrect. Didn't know /lit/ was full of clowns.

>> No.21824203
File: 28 KB, 430x512, Quite Correct Sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point. This is the underlying logic which explains why the comment feels "off" when you read it.

>> No.21824210
File: 113 KB, 668x578, chatgpt agrees with fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what ChatGPT says about this sentence.

>> No.21824253

It doesn't matter if its grammatical. "Joke of an x" is a common idiom, "Hyperbole of an x" is simply playing with the form of an idiom.

>> No.21824281

Good one, I laughed

>> No.21824762

The steroids are going to their heads.

>> No.21825682
File: 1.50 MB, 640x640, 1676933336472603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /lit/
/fit/anon here.
I'll be leaving now.
Have a nice day!

>> No.21825690


>> No.21825720

Histrionic is the more perspicuous term