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21823719 No.21823719 [Reply] [Original]

A more perfect short story has never been written.

>> No.21823888

Start with Big Two-Hearted River

>> No.21824105

It's good but extremely bookish. There is basically no sex in his entire œuvre.

>> No.21824113

I agree, anon.

>> No.21824118

I guess I don't care about perfection as an aesthetic quality.

>> No.21824146

Coomers BTFO by based Borges from beyond the grave.

>> No.21824181

Hey just thought of that story while bored at work today.

>> No.21824234

What a coincidence, I was just reading this as my copy of Ficcones arrived yesterday.

>> No.21824395

Anon here, I think you might be on to something.

>> No.21824518

>it's a translation metaphore
oh n...

>> No.21824519

I was going to say Guayaquil was better, but I think it's more noteworthy I can only think of other Borges stories to compete with it.

>> No.21824555
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>When the gaucho dies and they find the Tlonian cone

>> No.21824661

>There is basically no sex in his entire œuvre
faggiest goddamn sentence I have ever read on this board, congratulations anon. truly this is an incredible accomplishment

>> No.21824673

i dont think borges was interested in sex at all

>> No.21824682

You can shove that observation into your œuvre

>> No.21824722

take that gif back to twatter

>> No.21824728



>> No.21824752

It's pretty good.

>> No.21824791 [DELETED] 

Meh. I don't use "twatter" and have no idea what Ustopia is. I googled "Borges shocked" and for whatever reason this popped up. If that makes you seethe like a little girl, I hope you can find some way to cope, you'll no doubt try to reply to this with some, frankly sad, attempt at a "comeback" to salvage your fragile ego, but I do apologize for hurting your feelings.

>> No.21824822

I didn't catch that, but that sounds really interesting. Can you expand on it?

That's a good one, as well. Also Asterion. But yeah, Borges must be the master of the short story.

Nice trips, checked. That was a pretty cool moment.

You have to be 18 or older to use this site.

What is ustopia? How do you know what it is? Maybe you should leave with him for knowing all that.

>> No.21825278

Bradbury: ‘FogHorn’

>> No.21825312

This is not correct. See: https://biblioklept.org/2021/03/23/ulrikke-jorge-luis-borges/

>> No.21825408

Interesting but it's very rare in his work I would say

>> No.21825645

Theres also that short story about the two brothers who date the same girl who becomes a prostitute that is morenin a gaucho style, and the one that is built as a charade about what is described as a secret rite but is really an obtuse description of sex
Other than that and Ulrikke, the only mention of swx I can think in his ouevre is that sentence "I abhor sex and mirros because they multiply men"

>> No.21825692

Cult of the Phoenix

>> No.21825718

>I abhor sex and mirros because they multiply men

>> No.21825810

>sex is... le good!

>> No.21825885

It is, but that’s an odd thing to cite.

>> No.21825911

Secret of the Phoenix is a metaphor for masturbating/ losing your v card

>> No.21825943

It's a gimmick, not a short story
That said, I liked it

>> No.21826005

>nooooo. It’s too short. We have to name it something else!

>> No.21826034

Aren't Ted Chiang's stories just like this but better?

>> No.21826070

>but better?
Never heard of it. Would be nice to have more Borgesian lit. Suggest a title.

It’s like a beautiful premise to a wider story or series someone could flesh out, in books of streaming show. Though with those stories left untold, we’re all free to go into it as our own refuge and make of it what we will.

>> No.21826121
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>horribly moggs you from beyond the grave

>> No.21826161

It's not even that good. It's one paragraph at the very end and several dozen pages of mind numbing irish tedium. Muh snow and muh wife is in love with a dead boy. Joyce was such a cuck.

>> No.21826176
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I keep returning to The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim from time to time

>> No.21827029

Is this the story OP posted? There’s decent explainy parts but the dialogue lacks the art form I covet.

>> No.21828747

He married a Japanese woman that was maybe 30y his junior and he got to know her when she was 12

>> No.21828777
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You owe it yourself

>> No.21828785
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Neil Gaiman is the best short story writer today. "Snow, Glass, Apples" and "Chivalry" are my favorites.

>> No.21830483

But even Borges wrote a better short story, check out the Library of Babel

>> No.21830578


>> No.21830651

>more Borgesian lit
Not sure if he's been translated to English, but some of Salvador Elizondo and Hugo Hiriart fiction is very Borges-like (closer to essays about concepts or objects than tales proper). For Elizondo I recommend "El retrato de Zoe y otras mentias" and by Hiriart "Disertación sobre las telarañas"

>> No.21831433

>I didn't catch that, but that sounds really interesting. Can you expand on it?
it's just an impression I have, particularly about the hron things
>10 years ago
>read book in another language
>find interesting ideas but probably badly translated
>remember idea from that book
>look for it
>it's not there or
>it's absolutely different from what I remember
I'm pretty sure Borges experience the same phenomenon
Also it makes me think of modern translations like that fucking "complicated" in Wilson's Odyssey.

>> No.21833230

For me? It’s Book Of Sand

>> No.21833858
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*blocks your path*

>> No.21833864

>that opening line
And this guy's considered a /lit/ staple because..?

>> No.21833885

>There is basically no sex

This is also a criticism the guy who made the hit piece about Sanderson made about him. What's with liberals and using "this has no sex in it" as criticism?

>> No.21833896

It also has no black, trans, disabled, queer people, and nowhere does he explicit condemns fascism or acknowledge that he lives in indigenous land. Borges is reteoactively a chud

>> No.21834097

Theres also the one about the jew woman who prostitues herself before murdering an industrialist and frames the whole situation as an attempted rape.

>> No.21834283

Emma Zunz

>> No.21834309


>> No.21834341

Is it similar to The Plains anon? I was really surprised with how much I didn't like that novel and how little an impression it made on me.

>> No.21835502

María Kodama just died

>> No.21835568

Theres also the one about a guy who infiltrates a gang, and the chief lets he fucks his wife, but just because he plans on killing the guy and already consider him dead, so the guy thinks hes deceiving the leader but he is being the deceived because everyone knows but him

>> No.21836599

No. It is similar to Murnane's later works.

>> No.21836940

Joyce was literally obsessed with cuckoldry.

>> No.21837367
