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/lit/ - Literature

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21820780 No.21820780 [Reply] [Original]

>start English degree
>amount of reading I do a week plummets
I haven't read a single book all year

>> No.21820804

Imagine studying something as worthless and unemployable as English. If I were you, I'd take some science and math courses so you can go to medical school if this grift fails. You could try law school too. Either way English alone won't get you very far much less if you're a male. It's a generic degree for women which satisfies most corporate entry level roles but if you are a man, it will be tough to do much with it.

>> No.21820809

It never ceases to amaze me how you guys still don’t understand that the purpose of university is to train you into a profession. English is not a profession and thus it’s utterly worthless as a degree. How is this so hard to understand?

>> No.21820812
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i think its good you're studying something you like
im doing mechanical engineering and i hate it lol but it makes money so here we are yea

>> No.21820816

>making a career out of a hobby
rookie mistake tbqh.

>> No.21820826

Just because you like a topic doesn’t mean formal study of that topic is not a waste of time, particularly when that formal study comes at an insane price

>> No.21820834

>the purpose of university is vocational training like plumbing or crafting pots
Do Americans really

>> No.21820841

Amerishits are the ones with 4 year university programs filled with crap to make one "more well rounded". They're the ones with useless degrees. Sounds like a reddit knee-jerk post by an American calling something American despite being American and thinking he's less American than his fellow Americans despite in point of fact being even more American.

>> No.21820852
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>[Update] [Auto] 13
What's wrong with studying English Lit? It's academic and intellectual and it explores history, philosophy and art.

>> No.21820855

>What's wrong with studying English Lit?
Nothing I didn't say anything against it
> It's academic and intellectual and it explores history, philosophy and art.
I mean, don't blow it out of proportion here. You'd just be studying history if you cared for history and philosophy if you cared for that

>> No.21820862

You learn nothing in school that couldn't be learned by scrolling Wikipedia. It's a huge waste of money

>> No.21820876
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>privileging literary tropes like "remorse of conscience"
What did he mean by this

>> No.21820879

So you're saying all degrees are a waste of time, intellectually?

>> No.21820882

I am sorry to have caused you a seizure, but when you need to learn some tradecraft you go to trades school and become an apprentice. You come to university to assimilate culture and be assimilated by the cultured society. University never guaranteed a job in the trades, lol, lmao.
By the way, one does not need to read all the time, the cultured conversation with your betters and peers serves the same goal, though having common context and topics to converse helps. The university provides the people, the ambience and the materials, provided it deserves its name.

>> No.21820885

>>21820780 >>21820812

I think that choosing to invest in the things you love is perfectly fine, as long as you recognize that you may not be able to practice it professionally. My dad got a degree in engineering and he mostly works in loss prevention for a large company so even STEM doesn't have guaranteed outcomes.

>> No.21820888

I mean if you're a trust fund kiddy and don't actually need a decent paying job after graduation then it's fine.

>> No.21820892
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Theoretically, it's fine. But ask yourself: Does a modern university have much to tell me? The answer is no. If you haven't realized, we live in an intellectual dark age for the Humanities. All the intelligent young guys are studying STEM, so there's no real genuine talent right now in Lit departments. What's more, 20th century lit crit was a disaster for the academies and you will be fed extremely mundane theories like Death of the Author and it will be passed off as "education". Most lit people at colleges are like BookTok chicks or art hoes, the "well read" ones will be marxists or pomo theorists. Finding someone beyond that? Good luck. Maybe one of your professors.

Obviously, studying lit is a great idea. But studying lit in 2023, at a modern university, when this is the age of STEM? When all government resources and the whole job market, and all bright minds are pouring into STEM? When literature departments are filled with the dregs? No, that's not such a good idea.

>> No.21820893

Shoo shoo. Keep these kinds of posts on /int/.

>> No.21820905

My own experience. I'm doing a double degree, with Classics with my normal eng degree (i posted before). While I won't say I exactly meet the brightest people in my arts courses compared to my eng, it's not like there isn't a lack of enthusiastic and hard working people, though by nature of the course, it's a lot easier to cruise being mediocre than competent unlike engineering. I'd say some 10-20% of people are relatively competent, at least in Classics. Sure, most people aren't into it. They aren't thinking hard, and they probably aren't all too great at it. Like the people who check sparknotes and get book guides instead of reading the books critically like they are supposed to.

There is lack of critical thinking, but those who are going to be pushing somewhere in the field are not among them.

>> No.21820953

>You come to university to assimilate culture and be assimilated by the cultured society.
>By the way, one does not need to read all the time, the cultured conversation with your betters and peers serves the same goal, though having common context and topics to converse helps.
Slave morality, I have no betters.
>The university provides the people
Pseuds and LARPers
>the ambience
This being expensive cafes and pisspoor libraries.
>and the materials
At your expense.

I am more well read and intelligent than any English major.

>> No.21820956

never study what you love

>> No.21820975

That is the purpose. That’s always been the purpose, starting with the earliest days of the Medieval University in Europe. Universities train professionals and civil servants, always and everywhere.

>> No.21820980

>English Degree
fuck yeah, i love indebting myself for a degree that ensures my eternal inability to pay off that debt! Fuck yeah, homelessness, here i come!

>> No.21820988

It’s useless. Again, these degree programs are professional programs. There is no Englician profession. If you’re lucky enough to go to a good PhD program and become an English professor, then sure that’s a profession but in that case the professional program is the PhD because that’s what qualifies you to teach and research. But even assuming you’re some nepo kid and you’d get an automatic admit to an elite PhD and get a position upon graduation, do you really want to do 8 years of school just to teach and research? Probably not. English degrees are a waste of time. They used to be a fun little thing to waste a few years on. Now they’re not even that. They’re just a waste of time. Ironically, they’re even worse than a BFA in creative writing because some people actually look to hire BFA graduates and MFA graduates can teach without 8 years of school.

>> No.21820993

Mostly. That’s why you have to consider them as necessary professional programs and nothing more.

>> No.21820998
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We need to reinstitute true liberal arts education. College has become a machine to pump out worker drones instead of citizens. The kind of people who go to work, go home, and zone out to mindless television every day for years on end without a thought for their culture, neighborhood, or history.

I sometimes hate that I'm a STEMfag who didn't take his gen eds seriously enough, and I impress any young STEMfags to take their gen eds seriously and try to learn about history and culture and art and literature, especially if it's yours. Don't just care about the dollar. Care about your culture.

>> No.21821000

You’re equating trade with profession like an idiot.

>> No.21821096

All degree are worthless. Most STEM graduates don't even use their degree in their respective field of study.

>> No.21821141

The age of STEM? What are you even talking about? It’s been the age of computer nerds for 20 years and if you haven’t noticed those jobs are evaporating before our eyes. Everyone who believed in the mysterious and mystical power of an education is now finding out the hard way that degrees don’t create jobs but only fill them.

>> No.21821163

uhh i haven't read ulysses but i assume that some philosophers proposed an idea of conscience being bad and existing being suffering, so joyce in his novel disputes that. i'm not a pseud and i assume baalbuddy(the author) just pulled some random boogey sounding word from somewhere. he used to lurk on /a/, too

>> No.21821338 [SPOILER] 
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Poor ogre! This will help you understand JJ...

>> No.21821505


>> No.21821544

Write you're very worsed gramer go

>> No.21821585

I'm not studying to make money you soulless puppet

>> No.21821669

>vanity degree
>in the [current year]
I see other anons pointed it out already, im gonna point it out as well.
Same grifters who invented soap operas also invented humanities degrees. Target audience is 50s housewives who do not participate in economy. Why are all humanities degree mills pyramid schemes that subsist on student debt cattle, instead of creating entire new trillion dollar industries such as semiconductors?

Vanity degrees, or hobbies, are supposed to be after work social clubs. Or even online communities. You can just do and discuss your hobby. For free.
Branding yourself with a humanities degree is just a radioactive low iq signalling, you will be stuck in welfare jobs until you die.

>> No.21821676

t. stemfag, too insecure to handle any disagreement

>> No.21821678

>im a special pretty princess
>gurls just wanna have fun xDDD
>muh passions, muh hobbies
>im an artsy fartsy soul
>i am entitled, privileged, and delusion tier sheltered from the real world

If you are a man you have a duty to study engineering type things. How did your father not smack this silly nonsense out of you when you were 5?

>> No.21821704

Enjoy your tiny pee pee.

>> No.21821712

Because I'm from an actually civilized country.
Why should i only study engineering

>> No.21821730

Because only engineering matters. Your country is civilized because of its heavy industry.
When Putin and Biden met to discuss Ukraine and start3 (missile treaty), did they discuss who gets away with what because of how many nice museums each side has, or because how many advanced missiles each side has?

Engineering decides foreign policy, economy, industry, spying and diplomacy, jobs, welfare jobs (what you do), unemployment, stability, home affairs, fucking hell even entertainment and gossip and (f)arts is dominated by algorithms and graphic cards today.

>> No.21821747

Is the joke that you're pretending to be a artsfag that can't handle disagreement either as proven by the existence of this post?

I accept you concession on that anon's behalf also your pee pee is smaller >:^)

tbf you probably shouldn't since it seems like you're too stupid for anything but liberal arts degree anyway. Enjoy living off of daddy's money for the rest of your life.

>> No.21821765
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Getting any job just requires working your ass off, either that or a bullshit business degree - nepotism.
I have enough money, I'm going back to university to learn Greek and Latin. You can teach yourself just about any subject, but languages are much easier to learn in a social setting. That, and the classics are a respected pillar of education, they're the original content and structure of higher education.

>> No.21821771

>You learn nothing in school that couldn't be learned by scrolling Wikipedia
wikipedia can't teach you how to get past the HR interview

>> No.21821778

Wikipedia is a meme. To actually learn anything from Wikipedia you have to follow the sources, get the studies, read the books. You can't summarize meaningfully on wikipedia, it's too prone to false conclusions.
But still you have a point in that most intellectual fields can be done with independent research. You're either a serf or you're a gentleman, no matter how debased scholarship becomes.

>> No.21821786

Yeah paying for someone to teach you a new language is legit. I probably won't be going back to a uni for that personally, but it works.

>> No.21821787

that's okay, I go long periods without reading anything at all. I also just read all 6 dune books in 2 weeks. humans are a bit strange.

>> No.21821790

None of my classes taught me shit about interviews. I didn't learn it from wiki, but I did learn lot from random internet searches and videos.

>> No.21821791

if you wanna learn a language, you need to go to prison
not even memeing
you need a french foreign legion sergeant/caporal to beat you up until your grammar and phonetics are good enough, not some 60 year old cat lady

if you ever talked to hr, this means you have a welfare job, you got filtered, you dont matter, you are an npc, you are functionally unskilled and incompetent to do anything that matters

fast food jobbers get hired by hr, real people dont

>> No.21821794

>if you ever talked to hr, this means you have a welfare job, you got filtered, you dont matter, you are an npc, you are functionally unskilled and incompetent to do anything that matters
fucking KEK. brutal.

>> No.21821797

I have a 9“ member and it's too big because I'm not a coomer and I don't have sex anymore because I'm on my way to higher things. I actually like taking Adderall because it shrivels it up and it's not a distraction.

>> No.21821799

Bad things happen when I get behind bars.
>J'ne un criminel

>> No.21821805

you need to talk to HR before getting to the HM in any decent company with generous pay that isn't a doomed-to-fail startup. if you don't have the degree >you got filtered

>> No.21821830

hr is a fucking meme, meme made by women for women
its not a real thing
there is no hr at real jobs
there is no hr in heavy industry
hr is for gossip bitches in the service sector and welfare jobs made by politicians and tax burdens, not by the market economy

you dont become the head of fuels and lubricants by being interviewed by fucking hr, you dont get interviewed by fucking receptionist girl to become a director of a nuclear reactor on a submarine, you dont even fucking interact with any female feminism graduates who work in the hr if you have a real job

jesus christ we need a fucking war economy to sort all this shit out, how many hr jobs are there in bakhmut ukraine right now? how many hr jobs are there in mariupol, that place had 400.000 people living there in 2022

>> No.21821853

You are a shining example of what the Russians call a learned idiot.
The Russians say the German Empire first discovered, after its first batch of mass-produced engineers arrived to build all the glorious imperial military industry in the late XIX century, that STEMlets - when devoid of culture due to sacrificing liberal education for moar maths and science at the engineering institutes that leads to moar and fasta engineers outpup - they become people driven by most banal and inane passions with nigh zero social savvy. Aside from being generally uncouth, unexpected of people of their new level of earnings - or being toxic, as the current parlance has it - they were very vulnerable to enemy propaganda, one that would teach the learned idiot to undermine his own society for goals and reason both uncultured and refined people would find either ludicrous or cretinous.
Yes, le midwit meme - an echo of the very trouble the Russians had discovered as their students, sent to Germany for studies in engineering and natural sciences, would return as learned idiots. A steep rise in higher education, mostly engineering schools, during Nicholas II would exacerbate the problem, with young people emerging with hurr-durr levels of Marxism. Not even the semi-tolerable katheder socialists of Germany and Austria.
Those very learned idiots, while staying bright in their area of expertise, were social cancer that contributed to the downfall of both Russia and Austria-Hungary, and nigh turned the German Empire communist. No problem, same people were okay with Nazism.
You are one of those people. A learned idiot, aka a social cancer cell - a social unit overoptimized to serve Technics and Economics so much it becomes a danger to itself when not corralled and shepherded by a caste of people with actual human education.

Naturally enough the United States of America excel at Technics so much that in their behavioristic frenzy they have even outsourced human dignity and decency to SSRI for the mids and opiods or meth for the lows. The Americans may be too uncivilized to live properly and too uncultured to have the ability to express their anguish - but they can feel how unworthly their lives are alright.

>> No.21821866

The world needs all types. Good engineers are highly paid, good engineers don't get out much, good engineers think like, well, engineers. That's why you shouldn't listen to them, but their crafts make money, and society worships money right now. These episodes in history don't last forever, imperial money has a tendency to eat itself alive.

>> No.21821869

most nations are not third-world shitholes where you're only relevant if you can contribute to the war effort
>real job = heavy machinery
stay neet

>> No.21821895

Your post is basic ad hominem and humanities mysticism that is the real cancer plague of society if you think about it.
>we humanities fags, we are needed
>we need to control others
>we humanities fags need to be paid and even respected too!
>just trust me bro
>i have my mysticism reasons bro
>i am totally useful, you just dont get it because you dont have my divine right of kings-erm, divine right of humanities faggotry
>no i dont use measuring instruments
>no, my 'intellectualism' has no predictive power
>no, i didnt use math or formulas anywhere
>no, none of my shit is testable or empirical, its all gossip
>but you NEED to pretend we are also useful bro, trust me, i am enlightened entitled, mystical humanities faggot, i am totally needed bro, just like you

Humanities faggots are the new jew. Grifting parasites oy veying at stem lords, thinking they are gods chosen people, and that there is something wrong with the 'system' when they end up serving fast food instead of realizing there is something wrong with them when that's the only use society can find for them.

>> No.21821898

This is the most pro-wagie post I have ever seen. Worse than that one guy who walks through shit and has is own TV show. Mike Rowe I think his name is. Also, go back to /sci/ you sound like one of those types.

>> No.21821903

If you're in a degree to make money it would be economics or finance. Stem isn't worth it, you'll either end up some grunt hunched over a computer in a cubicle or, if you do well because you're smart, you could have done even better in the financial sector.

>> No.21821911

Humanities are important, but society would be absolutely fucked without mystics (it is).
>predictive power
Humanities are definitely more concerned with the past, the advancements in archaeology and linguistics is actually staggering when you get into it. They still have "predictive power", hypothetically reconstructed words have been discovered in digs several times.
There's new fields of study that are opening up, just barely tapped, like archeo-chemistry. But that admittedly involves chemistry. The range of historical knowledge available now is absolutely staggering, and interpretations can be wide open. Physics, on the other hand, is struggling to make serious advances. Some of that is trickling slowly into engineering, but technology feels a little stagnant right now, at least to me.

>> No.21821916

>lose chess game
>t-the game is rigged

>cant bench
>m-my weights are heavier! gravity worked different when it was my turn!

>lose jobs game
>f-fucking wagies! fucking economy types! you all suck!

all you can do with economics and finance is be a middle man to engineers and the first rule of business is to cut out the middleman
business/finance retards use highschool level math and you can program a 50$ pentium computer from 2000s to babysit an excel file better than any mba graduate

>> No.21821929

>physics, on the other hand, is struggling
physics gave us a trillion dollar industry called semiconductors just the other day

humanities fags subsist on 80 iq student debt cattle, and average self employed electrician/welder in my city makes mogs average (average, not ivy league) humanities professor in income

the newest field humanities gave us, is becoming a homeless junkie with green hair

>> No.21821930

>The world needs all types
No, it really doesn't. Notice how we humans have three ideas - too much, too little, just right. Notice also how free people abhorred overspecializing, as it made of a human a tool that lived for someone else's plans and just that, thus becoming a slave. Being a slave is not cool. Even an engineer, in a sane society, is expected to be cultured as according to his salary and social status.
Like, living with little money sucks alright, but to extract self-righteousness from one's being a paragon machine servant is just some Protestant stale meme, a work ethic of basically a bugman with something to prove to his Invisible Sky Overlord.
The Soviet Union basically annihilated the humanities within itself, so even its local Marxism was stale and lame compared with, for example, French developments. But its kept the imperial engineering corps, in a somewhat acceptable shape to be exploited, yet numbed by what can only be described as induced boorishness.
The Soviet Engineer was, more often than not, a social cancer, an uncultured swine, and proud at that - because just a tiny bit of culture would make him immediately question his life choices of serving this vile regime's war machine and in so go full dissident.

>> No.21821938

>Adderall... shrivels it up
thought it was just me.

>> No.21821939

can humanities fags even prove that they are more cultured and that their farts smell better than those of some engineer? average humanities student is an intellectual vegetable, they are all on twitter debating genders or whatnot all day and having mental meltdowns in public over child cartoons or bubblegum or whatever the fuck, absolutely subhuman behavior
forget job security, humanities fags arent even in the same galaxy as stem, give me a concrete example of humanities fags being better at these new goalposts please

>> No.21821951

This phenomena is from scam colleges, even ivy leagues can be scam colleges
>have no idea what you want to do with your life
>but you were told to get a degree the whole time
>no real initiative, ambition, goal
>take the path of least resistance and go to university
>just to go to university
>party and cheat your way through
>wind up with nothing in the end
It happens in STEM too, just much less often. Your gripes are valid, humanities has a surface level that's intellectually undemanding. Hard work brings prosperity, while STEM degrees are rigorous and demand perfection, people can sleaze their way through "social studies" and learn nothing.
I generally agree with you
>Notice also how free people abhorred overspecializing, as it made of a human a tool that lived for someone else's plans and just that
Society loves hyper-specialization. The concept just breeds obsessive morons, that are typically anti-social. Some people are great for being hyper-specialists, but applying that model to everyone leads to insularity, discontent, stagnation. Professors should be able to communicate to different departments, but they can't. Likewise, their students.

>> No.21821987

The goalposts moved from job stats, but how do humanities people demonstrate this whole 'my farts smell better, we are totally more cultured' thing?
Trying to approach it in good spirit so how do I make it not sound like a colossal cope? How is your average humanities guy 'not a slave, unlike stem guy' as he cleans floors or serve fast food (stereotypical humanities jobs)?

To me it sounds like debate is concluded when it comes to job security, so now we have humanities side strawmanning this strange, ethereal cope and buzzword fueled 'muh enlightened, muh cultured, muh not-slave' rhetoric and it just flies over my head.

>> No.21821999

You are literally only helping TPTB fool

>> No.21822002


>Get a STEM degree
>f-f-fucking NEETS and ARTS majors Im SO MUCH SMARTER THAN ALL OF THEM because... because.... I JUST AM OKAY
God, some of you are so fucking insufferable. Automation, alongside outsourcing of coding to third world shitholes cant come soon enough.

>> No.21822004

pretty much yeah. meanwhile people with real degrees that are actually interested in these things as a hobby are far more "cultured" than the art degree dregs anyways.

>> No.21822033

>outsourcing of coding to third world shitholes cant come soon enough
This happened years ago, web developers get around twelve an hour now.

>> No.21822039

with the right degree and competency you can reach financial independence by 40 and retire while the art degrees slave for another 30+ years until they die because they'll never have enough to stop working. but at least they're cultured slaves right?

>> No.21822044

Automating engineering disciplines will take centuries. Hell, automating plumbers and mechanics would take trillions of dollars and decades of nonstop hyperintense research and development.
Do you know what it takes to build a terminator that can grip a wrench with one hand, pipe in another, climb the stairs, and fix your toilet? Meanwhile Bob over here is going to do it for 20$. Are you gonna start saving trillions of dollars to automate this, or are you gonna call Bob? You also feel like taking a shit today btw.
Automating a plumber is economically impossible, and engineers are plumbers on steroids.

Automation cope is for journos, lawyers, office people etc etc. Because their terminator is a pc. If you sit on your ass, you can get automated. If you move, oh boy, good luck automating that process.

>> No.21822060

School isn't about teaching you things you couldn't learn on your own. It's focusing your studies so that you learn your subject in an efficient manner, as well as preparing you to do independent research. You're paying for the professors who know their area of study well enough to help get you to the same point. I don't really understand how so many people don't get this and continue spouting the autodidact meme

>> No.21822063

Based Bob.

>> No.21822065

>started life with enough money for financial dependence
>my family's retarded advice was to follow the money
>drop out because it sucks
>wind up a writer with cozy income
Working hard gets it done, but you always have to think for yourself, and good decisions often take time, after mistakes are made.

>> No.21822067

>he went in debt for his bachelors degree
Don't assume that everyone is in the same boat you are, anon-kun. There are also plenty of things you can convert an english degree into in grad school

>> No.21822078

true, most english majors are going to school on daddy's dime.

>> No.21822100

I cheated in a STEM degree and wish I had done the humanities instead. That being said, it's sad that the humanities are economically useless, but I do think that in terms of degrees, they're better than doing a business admin degree. Trade school is good too. Most of the larping is dumb--the humanities are actively dying as a discipline and it's just not good sense to study them unless one aims to be a teacher or something.

t. cheated in Math degree, now wishes he had majored in Philosophy instead

>> No.21822116

>Hard work brings prosperity, while STEM degrees are rigorous and demand perfection, people can sleaze their way through "social studies" and learn nothing.
That is because "predictive power" in social science equals political power. Social tech is real, and so are social weapons (see what they did to Russia and East Europe in general for the most blatant example). This gets especially tickling for the regnant powers, since people that actually know how society works and are actually allowed to tune it can as well overthrow the ruling class and install themselves as overlords. The managers thinking of usurping the world from the owners - so the owners put checks and balances in place, of at least the Manhattan Project level of secrecy.
This is why connections matter way much in the humanities than they do - the humanities specialists decide in what world - political, social, economical, religious - the tech specialists will live in and for. So one gets a bogus degree if one was not vetted to be allowed into the real deal.
At best he would be a political commissar, what amounts to a modernist cleric, preaching the current thing in the local hooman coop the way a techie maintains a mainframe

>> No.21822138

This isn’t even true. Every boomer who says English isn’t employable is retarded

>> No.21822150

So all your pride is built atop of your being a good servant to some people who never worked a day in their lives and simply leech off of trust funds while studying Medieval Arabic Philosophy for fun lmao.
Read the parable of the Beaner Fisherman and Burger Banker. Read anything but work manual and prescription ffs.

>> No.21822151

Nah it's true. Those boomers are actually right, you are the retard here.

>> No.21822157

You know for an english major your reading comprehension sure does suck. Anything to cope with your low iq though right?

>> No.21822158

>muh debt
I’m literally just not going to pay it back unless I somehow become rich.

>> No.21822162

No it’s not. There are plenty of avenues where an English degree is useful and makes you more employable.

>> No.21822167
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>pay for higher education
Why not take a degree in an actually civilized country. Bonus for giving locals Burger English classes.

>> No.21822173

If you don't have to pay nor worry about getting a decent paying job after graduation, then sure enjoy adult daycare. Mutts have no excuse though.

>> No.21822218

Yes, wagies, real education is useless. Wikipedia will teach you all you need to know! Now, back to work.

Good post

>> No.21822227
File: 24 KB, 387x353, LMAO 2 PLATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english major
>real education

>> No.21822229

yes anon, the guys with real degrees that can retire in their 40s are the wagies, not the philosophy major that's forced to flip burgers until he dies.

>> No.21822247

No one retires in their 40s, anon. Unless you somehow are a 10x programmer, or make lots of money doing something else, no one I know of retires in their 40s.

Plus, Philosophy is like, a meh tier degree in terms of employability. You can always go to law school, even if that's overcrowded and such.

>> No.21822278

>You come to university to assimilate culture and be assimilated by the cultured society.
You've never been to university or you're a real pseud

>> No.21822305

In terms of meme degrees, is English Lit really that bad a choice? It is considered academic

>> No.21822317

Yes it's pretty fucking bad.

>> No.21822334

Like most humanities degrees, you need to have a plan for what to do after. And no, becoming a professor is not a legitimate plan. Becoming an English high school teacher is kind of a legitimate plan, if you can handle the low pay and ass work conditions. Paralegal work is there. So is copywriting/editing, though that requires internship experience. None of these pay very well, mind you, and they're also open to most humanities majors.

>> No.21822362

>Paying thousands of dollars, potentially tens of thousands of dollars, to learn a language
On /jp/ we do it for free

>> No.21822376

Basically, don't go into the humanities unless you have a plan of what you're going to do with that degree. I only wish I had majored in Philosophy because I could've done that and ended up where I am now, basically praying for a teaching program to give me steady, if shit, work. If you can do STEM to any reasonable degree, go into TE, not S&M, as those are about as employable as the humanities anyways.

This isn't to make you feel bad about your choices, and those with humanities plans can make a life if they stick with it and have something actionable at the end. It's just that all the opportunities are in Engineering or CS, and that's about it.

t. cheated through math degree, lived to regret it

>> No.21822378

Because some of us have to work for money. Nigga.

>> No.21822379

It's at the very bottom.

>> No.21822425

Untrue. He could be studying anthropology or art history instead.

>> No.21822436

Not convinced that's really worse.

>> No.21822445

Total waste of time and money but if you want to learn that the hard way go ahead.

>> No.21822457

>he’s never seen a frat or sorority
>his professors don’t push agendas in class
>his university doesn’t have fail classes for students from low-income low-quality high schools
>his university doesn’t have a well defined party/bar scene with its own traditions/rules
>his university doesn’t have large campus-wide events to “have fun” as a thinly-veiled attempt to push ideology
>his university doesn’t have sports
>his university doesn’t have entrenched professorships especially in the humanities
You must have went to an online school. Literally 90% of what colleges spend their money on nowadays are direct attempts to promote conformity to a select set of college-specific traits so when they leave they aren’t just graduates but *alumni* so that they’ll continue to come back and spend money with them until their poor midwit deaths.

>> No.21822465

If you could plot the rise of the humanities degree and the actual artistic merit of a culture on a historical x axis, I bet you’d get a near perfect X. The point where they intersect is the only reason anyone thinks a humanities degree has any value at all. At least in Asia and elsewhere something like a humanities education was prerequisite to being an effective civil servant. In the West, it’s just worthless. Hell, it’s worthless in modern Asia too. This is not a defense of any other field by the way.

>> No.21822468

that could not be farther from the truth, retard.
I studied engineering and I regret it. engineering and trades have no place in academics.

>> No.21822471

What sort of cope is this?
> physics is struggling but great strides are being made in archeo-chemistry
You’re serious?

>> No.21822480

If you’re in the 20% of engineering graduates who regret their degree and not in the 80% of humanities graduates that regret their degree, you suppose they’re the same.

>> No.21822486

same. I should have studied philosophy or lit

>> No.21822506

No, if you're good at it then it's pretty difficult to do correctly. If you learn how to think and apply yourself then there are tons of things you can do with it, like law school, editing, publishing, writing, etc

>> No.21822510

>they aren’t just graduates but *alumni* so that they’ll continue to come back and spend money with them
Yeah what the fuck is up with that? My college NEVER reached to me while I was studying, but as soon as I graduated I started getting calls from them to donate? Donate for what? What the fuck do they even do? They surely did nothing for me.

>> No.21822511

I don't that's correct. I know more engineers who get tired of it and go back to school for humanities than I do people who thrived in humanities. I'm not talking about art hoes and people who use spark notes.

>> No.21822514

With an English degree, you can teach. That's like, again, not the best, but it's still a career path.

>> No.21822517

I don't think you do.

>> No.21822521

Ironically you'd probably have an easier to landing jobs in those fields with a completely unrelated STEM degree than an english degree.

>> No.21822528

you are the problem. this is your brain on capitalism and materialism. No one gets these degrees because they want to get rich. It's because it's worth it to them to study what they love deeply.

>> No.21822529

With art history you can work in museums.

>> No.21822535

In other words, it's for privileged trust fund kiddies living off of daddy's dime. Everyone deeply loves literature and art btw, you aren't special because you paid daddy's money to get a piece of paper that says as much.

>> No.21822550

who gives a shit? why are you here? You want every person alive to be in CS and engineering? Fuck that shit. The modern fast-paced world can get fucked. For the most talented and passionate students, it makes sense to spend several years studying these things in depth.

>> No.21822553

There's no museum curator shortage. There is, however, a teacher shortage. Like, if you do well in your English degree program, you can *maybe* have a job doing what you want, or you can go for even more security and just specialize again into Special Education.

There is doubt there. I've never heard of anything besides technical writers requiring STEM degrees. And again, they tend towards TE, not S&M. An English Lit degree and a Philosophy degree is worth about as much as a Physics degree or a Math degree (without coding experience), that is, not very much.

>> No.21822555

I know 3 engineers who are tired of it, and I don't know any humanities majors who regret their choices.

>> No.21822558

Most engineers in my class were borderline illiterate. probably half of them couldn't write a decent paragraph, and 90% were linguistic dullards at best. There is no way any of those people would get hired for anything where writing, expression, or personal hygeine are important.

>> No.21822570

Humanities degrees are the epitome of capitalist materialism retard. It’s literally selling you the image of being artistic or cultured without actually creating anything.

>> No.21822669
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>On /jp/ we do it for free