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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 768x512, thesunandherflowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21814005 No.21814005 [Reply] [Original]

itt: we write poems like Rupi Kaur

Sometimes I think
the world would be better place
If we weren't taught
To hide our feelings
Because after all
Hiding your feelings
is like
trying to hide
A fully API 608 compliant
Chlorine service ball valve
behind a clear, wet raindrop.
Be incredible.

Rupi Kaur

>> No.21814081
File: 63 KB, 640x567, 1B94AC57-DC4A-419C-9730-CE9DC0ADD930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread died
For this
Don’t you
Feel silly?

>> No.21814112
File: 132 KB, 391x369, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

нe тyжил
вoдy пил
eдy eл
нo вдpyг yвидeл чтo
вoдa пpeвpaщaeтcя в мoчy
eдa в кaкaшкy
a жизнь oбecцeнивaeтcя
бyдьтe caмими coбoй дpyзья

>> No.21814120

You throat fucked me
But I did not puke
I had nothing left to give

>> No.21814136

I am legitimately so burned out mentally that I can't even write a rupi kaur style poem
so I just
random line breaks
like this

>> No.21814162

He was the ocean
She was the ship
On the waves she soared
So happy was she
Then suddenly he became
cold as ice
And her name was Titanic

>> No.21814182

When I wake up
in the morning
I don not enjoy
cleaning the blood
from the sheets
as my prolapsed anus
onto the floor.
Don't be so open-minded
that your anus
falls out.

>> No.21814186


>> No.21814191

>trying to hide
>A fully API 608 compliant
>Chlorine service ball valve
>behind a clear, wet raindrop.
You fucking bastard. Biggest laugh of the day. Nicely done.

>> No.21814256

brown and tasty
indian and smelly
taste of curry
rupi Kaur's pussy

my manhood, melanin filled
Broad and stacked
build for her
creaming her
impregnating her
more brown babbies.

>> No.21814277

I am truley sorry for your lots

>> No.21814290

I can only get hard
staring at
brown buttholes
cumming for rupi

>> No.21814298

Imagine if a guy could get famous posting himself sleeping in a bed with cum stained pants

>> No.21814307

Mock her all you want, but she's one of only a handful of living poets that the average person has an even halfway decent chance of having heard of.

>> No.21814318
File: 527 KB, 1440x600, soyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mock her all you want, but she's one of only a handful of living poets that the average person has an even halfway decent chance of having heard of.

>> No.21814322

I don't particularly enjoy her work. I just think denigrating one of the few people who's actually somewhat successfully bringing poetry back to the mainstream is cancerous and you should consider suicide.

>> No.21814332

I love you as the plant
that doesn’t bloom
and carries within itself, hidden,
the light of those flowers

>> No.21814343
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when i make water
i guide my stream to the center of the bowl
so its echoes make my organ
my body
my universe
sound bigger

>> No.21814353

You are a simp
For a poo woman
Who writes poo prose
And renders it poo poetry

>> No.21814366


>> No.21814395

>tranny general

>> No.21814415
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With good poetry,
dog-shit should not be confused.
Simps do not get laid.


>> No.21814451

Writing poetry so inscrutable and inaccessible that it can only be appreciated by other "poets" in obscure literary magazines is not writing poetry. It's public masturbation.

>> No.21814484

that's not a poem, fucking IDIOT.

>> No.21814493

This actually has potential to be a good one. It just needs to be longer and the "twist" needs to be better written.

>> No.21814500

9/10 haiku no reference to seasons

>> No.21814509

99% of people who criticize Rupi for her "simple" poems could not write a good metered rhyming poem to save their lives.

If they could, they would realize how hard it is to actually write compelling free verse. It's not just prose with line breaks. If it was, anyone could do it and clearly anyone *can't* do it because most people are not world famous poets.

>> No.21814530

I literally just came home from a date with a woman who said her favorite poet was Rupi. Any idea of a suitable poet I can introduce her to?

>> No.21814537

yeah, it's so hard she can't do it LMAO. Nobody of any import likes her work. tricking a bunch of dumbshits into buying your pandering shit doesn't impress anyone. stick to the self-help genre

>> No.21814539

best in this thread

>> No.21814542

Hannah Sullivan or Ada Limon

>> No.21814543

Creating poetry that resonates with millions of people is borderline fucking impossible. She clearly has a strong familiarity with what sounds good; I don't know if she's "trained" in poetry, but she at least has a very natural ear for it.

>> No.21814547

>but she at least has a very natural ear for it.
you keep saying falsehoods. Why do you keep saying falsehoods?

>> No.21814552

What is poetry?
I fart in your direction
And you think of eggs

>> No.21814559

Oh come on, even her biggest critics concede that her work flows very naturally and sounds pleasant on the ears. That, in fact, is one of the main complaints by "poets"; that she's TOO easy to read and it's not a miserable enough experience.

>> No.21814569

Thanks anon
Is this bait? If so well done.

>> No.21814571

then her critics are retards too, I don't give a shit.

Every single anon who's posted poetry in this thread is more talented than she is.

>> No.21814574

>Every single anon who's posted poetry in this thread is more talented than she is.
I assure you, they aren't. But I can only assume you don't actually read poetry.

>> No.21814577

you can't assure anything—the proof is here, in this thread. All you have to do is read it.

>> No.21814582

if love were what the rose is and i were like the leaf
our lives would grow together
in sad or
singing weather

>> No.21814583

For, example one of her poems:

>what is stronger
>than the human heart
>which shatters over and over
>and still lives

indicates a strong aptitude for poetry, even in just such a small sample. She shows assonance and alliteration, and an adeptness with nonintrusive metaphor. Despite being free verse, you can clearly see that she knows how to arrange the stresses in the syllables to create a musical quality. This alone makes her more talented than anything I've seen displayed by anyone in this thread.

>> No.21814588

0/10 bait I'm done

>> No.21814589

anon defends me
as though he's defending himself

he's nourished by my nectar
without ever getting a taste

>> No.21814590

like the wind
my cheeks spread
a gasp from across the room
noses wrinkle

>> No.21814595

I'm going to show three poems, one of them is a rupi kapur and two I shat out in two seconds. Tell me which it is, no cheating. Not going to cherry pick either I'll just grab whatever's on google images.

i whispered
as you
shut the door behind you

i reached over and touched
the heat
left over
on your pillow

its easier
to forget
than to remember
your smile

>> No.21814601

The first one is Kaur, 100%. It's professional quality.

>> No.21814603

middle one is her

>> No.21814607

deathless, I lay
on my bed at night
thinking my broken thoughts
browsing this shitty site
and wondering
what happened
back then

>> No.21814617

I guess it's a trick question, because if one of them is really her poetry it's really pathetic

>> No.21814620

I'm just
staring into oblivion
thinking of a person
loveless, godless, vain

>> No.21814623 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 971x428, firefox_i7toB8BtdE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking kek

>> No.21814626

you're pathetic
honestly this shouldn't need to be said
we're both on this site
it's not this site's fault
you are

>> No.21814630

To explain my thought process:

First of all, there's an actual conflict/contrast represented. The idea of staying vs leaving are diametrically opposed ideas. The first is represented simply by the word "stay", the latter more indirectly by the image of a closing door. Secondly, again, the flow is pleasant. The other two just sounds like regular sentences.

>> No.21814633

I have spread my dreams
under your feet.
Tread softly because you
tread on my dreams.

>> No.21814635


>> No.21814640

eat shit
of flies
be wrong

the economist

>> No.21814645

it's not the site
I just wonder
where my past

>> No.21814646

I need
150 points a game
to be scored
by niggers
to stimulate
my dopamine fried
american brain

I need niggers
to dunk
50 times a game
and flex

I can't go
with a tie
I need
to see touchdowns

I need
to see someone score
every 5 seconds
and Coca-Cola commercial
right after

>> No.21814649
File: 50 KB, 520x316, Rupi's Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


five o'clock

time to leave, the librarian
tells me (quite

but i still have two pages to go

i check my purse —
no library card

but i have
a pair of nail-scissors

back home i take out the last two pages
when i have read them i will not throw them away
i will keep them

they will be where someone
loves them

i think of it as taking two children
home from an orphanage

an orphanage where they were ignored

we can all make the world a better place

one page at a


— by rupi kaur

>> No.21814653

These anons have natural talent for poetry.
these anons do not

Despite what /lit/ claims, it is very easy to separate the talented from the frauds. Kaur is talented.

>> No.21814656

That one is some copypasta from /sp/ you mongrel.

>> No.21814657

>Kaur is talented.
Only a little bit

>> No.21814659

Said the cage
The tiger was out

>> No.21814662

>Not including the throat fuck one
invalid opinion

>> No.21814665

I know things
have been hard for you
pain stays
even though he left.
Let's not rush
We have time.
We'll start slow.
Taco Bell and a handjob
in my car
I want to get to know you
Because you are a beautiful soul.

>> No.21814666

you wonder where the past went and waste
all the time you have now

get yourself outside
walk in the grass and look at the trees
listen to the birds and the songs they sing
life and the future

>> No.21814669

There's no such thing a "free verse"; there's good verse, bad verse, and chaos
>t. Elliot

>> No.21814676
File: 39 KB, 1061x345, firefox_IvO8CdRQc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the ones you liked is literally william butler yeats

>> No.21814682

That just proves me right. You don't need to see the name or reputation to tell that a good poem is a good poem.

>> No.21814683

I suppose not but what does that have to do with your original assertion that the "anon" had a natural talent for poetry? kind of a lol moment in my opinion

>> No.21814687

If anon had written that poem it would have indicated natural talent, or, in this case, genius (in my defense it was not a large enough sample to tell that a poetic genius had written it.)

>> No.21814688

You just picked the ones that didn’t outright mock her style, you unctuous simp.
You can read merit into her 30 half-baked verses along side doodles, sold at full retail price, all you want, but no one else is going to waste time on it.
She appeals to young girls who don’t have attention spans, knowledge of poetry in general, an who just want to hear the same narcissistic Instagram philosophy about their ex and periods.
Fuck off.

>> No.21814694

You're just buttblasted because I didn't like your poem.

>> No.21814698

dear satan,

I walk around and see
all the microplastics in the sea
they scream out at me
"please come and set us free"

I cannot help the damned
as I walk throughout the land
closed, it is like a clam
I do the best I can

>> No.21814699

what picture would have been painted
with her toes
as brushes

>> No.21814705

>implying you need knowledge to enjoy poetry

>> No.21814722

As a wind in the mountains
assaults an oak,
Love shook my breast.

>> No.21814724

i love keeping my doctor
its worth paying monthly
four-hundred dollars
while still paying
fifteen-thousand in

>> No.21814729

I look to history
was it always this bad?
yes, I conclude
it probably

>> No.21814739

if sleep is death just being shy
is it still so wrong
to wish
to die?

>> No.21814752


>> No.21814854

nobody really finds
indians attractive
I know this might
upset you
but they are simply

>> No.21814862

Not rupi-esque

>> No.21814866

do you think
I really care
about some poo
who refuses
to use
the loo

>> No.21815008

I need validation. I think I might try to have it published

>> No.21815018

Rubi Kaur is the type of person that does not deserve to be happy

>> No.21815149

and yet I would pee in her butt

>> No.21815164

>that resonates with millions
>bringing poetry back to the mainstream.
Jesus /lit/ has really fallen. I don't know what Twitter hole you people came from but please leave and don't come back.

>> No.21815198

you came to me like in a dream
then you came in me
it was a dream no more

>> No.21815208

cut out the last line and it's a 10/10

>> No.21815221


>> No.21815316
File: 107 KB, 768x1095, 190414__EW_Rupi_LP_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rupi Kaur


>> No.21815345
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the first one is too famous (this meme)

>> No.21815375
File: 313 KB, 1120x444, Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 9.50.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL she's a microcephalic. No wonder she can't write.

Despite what certain women in this thread would have you believe, more goes into real poetry than smearing hallmark card pap on a page with line breaks where you should dramatically pause.

>> No.21815698

You put
in a roaster
I put
in a toaster

>> No.21815707

Yet she’s a bestselling poetess, and here you are seething on /lit/. Awfully curious…

>> No.21815726

If you’re going to compliment her, compliment her on the thing she’s actually good at (social media marketing) and not on the thing she’s bad at (poetry).

>> No.21815732

you don't know who i am

>> No.21815734

I still haven't been proven wrong that anyone in the thread could write better poetry than her. Not that that invalidates any critique of her work, but it certainly puts a dent in the idea that her poetry is just "Prose with random line breaks."

If that were the case, anyone would be able to write comparable poems.

>> No.21815735

>Point out that a person being criticized is a celebrity
>Point out that person making the criticism isn’t a celebrity.

This is the sort of observation that children and brain dead adults make.

>> No.21815737

>I still haven't been proven wrong that anyone in the thread could write better poetry than her
everyone already fucking has you delusional shitter

>> No.21815741

They really haven't. The fact that you can't tell the difference between Kaur's published poetry and the absolute drivel posted in this thread speaks more to your poor taste than it does to her skill.

>> No.21815742


>> No.21815743

That no one in this thread can write better poetry than her doesn’t mean that her poetry is worthy of the attention it gets. Not that it matters because poetry is basically dead as an art form anyways, and people like her are responsible for it being so.

>> No.21815746

Only a poet is permitted to criticize a poetess

>> No.21815747

>>21814120 shits on everything. Stay in denial you whacked out hole.

>> No.21815749

>penis in roastie in exchange for her burning your cash
not bad really

>> No.21815750

Why is Nael always posted when the falling leaf girl is much better?

>> No.21815752

I agree she could still be a bad poet even if no one in the thread could beat her. But there's a difference between being a bad poet and being a charlatan like people claim she is. In poetry, charlatans are very easily spotted because they have no sense of the natural beauty of language.
It doesn't. Ignoring the content, it sounds ugly. Try reading it out loud. It's unpleasant.

>> No.21815753

I'm over here stroking my dick
I got lotion on my dick right now
I'm just stroking my shit
I'm horny as fuck man
I'm a freak man like

>> No.21815786

>Try reading it out loud. It's unpleasant.
It isn't just because you insist so. It sounds great. Great punch that lends itself the meaning behind it. And why are we ignoring the content? It's considerably more clever than anything this microcephalic poo-in-loo has ever done.

Listen to this dumbass poem: >>21815345
>as you
is a horribly un-rhythmic line. There's not even a semantic reason for it to be unrhythmic.

For example, in Carmen, while she is taunting a police officer the music is written with parallel fifths. Parallel fifths are considered an error in traditional counterpoint—but in this case the artistic choice is justified. Carmen is breaking the rules of music while she is breaking the rules in the play. Very funny.

You, however, know nothing about music, you know nothing about rhythm, and you know nothing about art.

>> No.21815788

According to whom exactly? If other poets are reluctant to criticize her work, it’s probably because they simply don’t want to engage in mud slinging.

It’s like this: imagine we’re all criticizing one of the worst players in in a particular sport league. Their shot percentages are bad. They frequently show that they have no understanding or appreciation of the fundamentals of the game. They don’t break any records. They’re generally a worse player than their peers, but they’re famous because of public marketing. Then fans of the game come along and point all these things out, but are subsequently shouted down and told they have no right to critique the player in question because they don’t play the game professionally themselves.

We’ve been witnessing the death of high art for some time now, and this woman’s poetry is just another example of how that’s happening. If you say her poetry is good, then I can only say you haven’t read much poetry.

>> No.21815797

I guarantee I can write better poetry than both of you.

>> No.21815803

not without a brain transplant

>> No.21815834

Beside her home confessed his love:
Blue eyes, blonde hair, smooth skin, white teeth
Her makeup done, and ivory gloves.
His secret in the ground beneath.

Let's see YOU try.

>> No.21815865

you might think this

collection of words

is just a tedious run-on sentence

not a poem

but you're wrong it's a poem

live laugh love

>> No.21816183

>Try reading it out loud. It's unpleasant.
I think the sprung rhythm and alliteration of the first half contrasts very nicely with the more flowingly iambic punchline. The run of 'u' sounds in fucked - puke - but - because, the short anglo saxon syllables, sets up the long more feminine line

>> No.21816205


>> No.21816584

I tried reading your posts out loud, they were unpleasant.
how can you "prove me wrong" about that, little nigger?

>> No.21816616

That hard 'k' sound in the first three lines adds to the effect.
We all went to college. We can all do some bullshit close reading of a text and make it sound profound, even a tossed off parody like this

>> No.21816772


Tedious "poem."
Come out and say what you mean—
just write, "live, laugh, love."


>> No.21816985

This is like saying "I'm not gonna denigrate Brendan Schaub because at least he's producing stand-up content."
If the content is complete shit, it damages the medium by increasing the number of people who don't know its purpose.

>> No.21816998

this better be bait

>> No.21817138


fucking KAUR

Grab a scimitar
And chop, chop, chop

And then

I will consider

literary work

>> No.21817144

I offered you protection
a shelter from the storm
you redeemed
even though
I told you not to

>> No.21817193

2 girls 1 cup is one of the few scat videos the common man has seen. Is this a compliment?

>> No.21817728



>> No.21817867

through spyware I watch
the old lady
as a burglar peeking through a hatch
what I'm doing is clearly wrong
but my conscience is clean
I'm screaming crying and begging
as I tell her:

>> No.21817919

soft curves of your lips
contradict your cold hard heart
i know; i've held both

>> No.21818019

May I offer my humble insight?
Your redemption was a transgression
against all that is sacred and dear,
against our moral values and honor.
You should have never

>> No.21818052

i reached over and touched
the heat
you left
on the toilet seat
- Poopi Shapur

>> No.21818127

im smoking on that Bhutanese
shadow garden grown
dark evil pack

shits so purple
itll make you say;
wheres ronald?

>> No.21818405

you left soo on ago
but your fragrance
still lingers
in my home
in the air
in my couch
in my heart
in the bench
I knee down
I sniff the stench

>> No.21818407

this is perfect

>> No.21818414

how is babby formed?

how is babby formed?

how woman get pregnant?

>> No.21818417

We should all feel
When the people scream
Why do we cry
For silence?

>> No.21818440

there once
was a paki
named rupi

who liked
to squat down
and make poopy

her excretions
were brown
and they made
awful sounds

and when she
too much spice
they got soupy

>> No.21818445

you left
for a moment
I thought
to never wake up
from the coma

I wonder
what is like
to be a woman

>> No.21818521

They need to do way instain mother who kill their babbies because their babbies can’t frigth back?

>> No.21818530

It was on the news this mroing

>> No.21818559

>they would realize how hard it is to actually write compelling free verse
Nobody makes fun of her for being somehow "uncompelling". There is obviously something compelling in her poetry, because she is famous and we are making fun of her. People make fun of her because the "compelling" facet of her poetry has nothing to do with the quality of her writing itself. It's kind of like how a crudely-drawn picture of a woman fucking a dog would be compelling... and if a dude drew only these pictures (like an F. Gardner of dog-fucking) then maybe he could gain some notoriety for it if the social winds happened to be blowing in that particular way. But he wouldn't be impressive because he creates fantastic works of artistry that took a lifetime of dedicated, focused acumen. He just drew weird fetish pictures at a point in time where the whimsy of the public happened to favor that one, specific thing. Rupi Kaur basically just draws crude dog-fucker pictures and is famous and notable for purely extraneous reasons.

>> No.21818611

A good game. "People" who don't subvocalize won't even notice what's going on.

i'm totally
with rupi (i follow her

round like


i get her alone
i will feed her

my bone

and i'll do it
she goes


>> No.21818655

we went to the beach
to renew our wedding vows
there were about 30-40 indian men there
shitting in the open like cows
the smell didnt bother you at all
for me it was quite foul
but i knew there and i know now
the shit smell lingers
but love is eternal and for all

>> No.21818747
File: 840 KB, 1024x1024, heroin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture on Santa with an axe.

>> No.21818812

Check these dubs
you fucking nigger

>> No.21818943

This is really, really bad anon. Please never brag about your poetry “skills” ever again.

>> No.21819576

>entire thread is one dude ironically defending Kaur because he's lonely, depressed, suicidal, and wants attention
Was it worth friend? Did you get the dopamine rush you were looking for?

>> No.21819645

It was worth every second. And also it wasn't ironic

>> No.21819666

She sell sex
On sea shore
Tongue Twister
Five dorrar

>> No.21819672

i sit here, self absorbed
like a sponge soaking in
my own divine menstrual fluid
yeasty, sour, raw like my heart
as it bleeds for you

>> No.21819706

Good God, now I desperately want to find where I put my copy of Omeros to purge my mind of this stupid cunt poet influencer’s existence.

>> No.21819710

That's sad

>> No.21819728


>> No.21819787
File: 10 KB, 375x323, handful.of.stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21819793
File: 33 KB, 333x540, It's not my fault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21819795

2 real

>> No.21819798
File: 51 KB, 681x383, for the sake of argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21820263

Based knower. For me, it's Tiepelo's Hound

>> No.21820856
File: 115 KB, 329x566, Screenshot - ruby dhal Tears in Rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21820868


>> No.21820886

It might've been that colour yea

>> No.21820889


>> No.21821033
File: 5 KB, 334x227, Spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21821050

Best one

>> No.21821055


>> No.21821062

I hope she sees
The effort you put in
Defending her work
and sits on
Your face
And dick

>> No.21821092

Just because I can't fly a plane doesn't mean I can't call a pilot crashes into a mountain by accident a retard, retard

>> No.21821105

Imagine the utter rogue's gallery of white men who have fucked her

Now she's 30 and nobody wants her. Everyone's done with her. She's left afloat. Time to flush

>> No.21821137
File: 58 KB, 299x450, 73733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know some punchable little shit like pic related has rudely fucked Rupi, Amanda Gorman and that Moshfegh chick, and he'd do it again

>> No.21821152


>> No.21821183

I could not
Let the tiger out
Because it was
Deep inside me

>> No.21821358

Your meter sucks.

>> No.21821449

This is obviously a derivative work, but it does a very good job of capturing the emotive force of the original. Also, girls like cats.

>> No.21821458

I couldn't take your shit
So I left our house
Our home
And when i was on the street
I took a shit

>> No.21821463

I was inspired by this one, though I went somewhere different.

May I offer a humble insight?
Don't look down
from your tower of instagram hearts
And twitter retweets,
lest you should spy
the shit on your feet
from the times you
squatted, pants at your ankles,
on a public street

>> No.21821467


>> No.21821471

how is this thread still up

>> No.21821479

how is this thread
still up?
he said
i've been dilating
for over
three hours

>> No.21821492

Big White Male Manipulator Penis
tiny brown vagina
it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes
to art school
just like my asshole
but my pussy is still in the 7th grade
Happy Ramadan to all my niggas
I'm buying new toilets for all my homies
With a sig sauer in the tank
I'm Rupi Kaur
I bought the fattest bitch at Magic City
and made her do handstands
I'm Rupi Kaur
my pussy tighter than a limousine on prom night
I'm Rupi Kaur
I sell AK-74s on Etsy

>> No.21821546
File: 21 KB, 397x593, The Rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a gem from her spoken word/rap phase. Always a delight.

>> No.21821649

I don’t have a
Small dick
You just have
Big hands

>> No.21821936


>> No.21821966

an old pond
a leaping frog
sound of water

>> No.21821984

Can we get some chat-gpt entries, already?

>> No.21821995

How would that even go? Does Chat-GPT have a distinctive style?

>> No.21822160
File: 46 KB, 600x450, 1596614604900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaf girl is my favourite as well, but pic rel rivals Nael

>> No.21822220

The man
He destroyed his penis
He is not a woman

>> No.21822230

I don’t want
Another pretty face
I don’t want
Just anyone
To hold
I don’t want my love
To go to waste
I want you
And your

>> No.21822235

I hate that I recognise this

>> No.21822243

*snaps fingers*

>> No.21823047

It's the end
I can't
take any

>> No.21823450

It starts with
One thing,
I don't know why.
It doesn't even matter
how hard you try.

>> No.21823466

a mother in ar who had kill her three kids.

>> No.21823499

I once knew
a really hot indian girl
in one of my classes
I wanted to fuck her
while wearing my pith helmet

>> No.21824247
File: 89 KB, 679x522, 1674626162422611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rest the tip of my penis firmly upon her lips. Then I wish her to go "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" and buzz her fat luscious lips upon my frenulum. When I cum, I will glaze her skin with a translucent white sheet like the top of a cinnamon pumpkin muffin. I hope she smells like curry leaves, jasmine, and sweat.

>> No.21824336

where the FUCK are your line breaks

>> No.21824441
File: 35 KB, 770x1154, 7741894-HSC00001-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poo poo daddy
pee pee poo poo pee daddy
poo poo daddy
poo poo pee
poo poo

>> No.21824481

there must be a recurring thread of silly poetry for now on
I demand

>> No.21824501

I fucking hate threads like this.
>Hurr durr don't post and bump it then
/lit/ is going down anyway. My posting here won't make a difference. Chicklit shouldn't matter at all to you all but i see how that other thread on that Persian-jew women went down well. Drama-loving losers who don't read beyond meme trash.

>> No.21824540

He's absolutely right. Everyone, let's go back to making trite observations about the same old post modern tomes

>> No.21824727

No, i apologise. Let's be drama queens and talk excitedly about chicklit and how we're above it.

>> No.21824733


>> No.21824734

take it easy "bro." Men like to joke around.

>> No.21824780

didn't even realize until you pointed it out

>> No.21824828
File: 83 KB, 1024x572, BE1D286F-39A7-4792-A258-2E1B51DD4259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21824844
File: 22 KB, 620x413, 1488743153944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anons

>> No.21824863
File: 30 KB, 650x650, dildo go brrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21824965
File: 197 KB, 556x610, 1660735886930559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done anon
Actual IRL kek

>> No.21824980

Relax anon, we're just having a laff

>> No.21825211

>>Hurr durr don't post and bump it then
>/lit/ is going down anyway

>> No.21825219

A mental illness
That leads to
Genital obliteration.

Genetic aberration
Compels its host
To vilfully commit
Irreversible castration.

Alone and confused,
It's desperate to put a veil,
But destined to always fail,
Be laughed at and refused.

Will it always be
Unmistakably male?

>> No.21825428
File: 59 KB, 752x875, I envy the female has every part I want desperately want to have tits hit by the shame small penis time to pop the hrt watch moe till i am woman - anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy the female
has every part I want
desperately want to have tits
hit by the shame small penis
time to pop the hrt
watch moe till i am
- anon

>> No.21825972
File: 117 KB, 596x620, cocky paur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed you.
With a knife at your throat
Your life ended,
Still innocent.
All your dreams unfulfilled
Will remain, and
A hole in my life
Where you used to be
Will forever remind
Of my crime.
How I killed you,
My dear cock.

>> No.21825989

I didn't read your first paragraph and thought they were all one poem.

>> No.21826230

you take yourself pretty seriously anon

>> No.21828076

Farewell, frens.

>> No.21828724

Requiem for a Chicken Nugget

>> No.21828728

>the flow is pleasant
this was the tell. don't worry anon you're a daisy in the weeds.

>> No.21828802

Actually I was writing about >>21825219, but cleverly concealed it with word magic and a rooster picture.

>> No.21829732

Yes, we know. ''Requiem for a Chicken Nugget'' acts in exactly the same spirit.

>> No.21829857

You managed to outclever me one time.
No longer will I allow for this to happen.
With shitty poetry by my side
I'll make an effort to see you perish.

>> No.21829861

imagine you cum on her face AND hit her with a baseball bat

>> No.21829888

your seed on her face,
making it whiter,
more humane.
as a baseball bat
it is no more