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/lit/ - Literature

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21814384 No.21814384 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21814393

I keep hearing of them but no idea what the fuck it is they do

>> No.21814399

Please dont use the subject line like that. It gets truncated on mobile and hard to read.

>> No.21814408 [DELETED] 


I liked the interview they did with the og lit schizo writer. Still one of the best writers to come from this cesspool

>> No.21814414

juicy bait

>> No.21814419

mobile fags btfod

>> No.21814429
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I liked their oriental anthology from a while back. Had some interesting stories. At least it's unique and out there, which is what self-pubs are for in contrast to the glut of mass produced shit coleen hoover vagina or whoever the fuck is getting front row shelves.

>> No.21814442
File: 87 KB, 600x1050, unreal OCVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this since it keeps being shilled. Expected drink some goose and hate-read embarrassing garbage but unfortunately there are some genuinely well written stories inside. Ruined my evening.

>> No.21814454

Yeah some of the stories are quite unnerving.

>> No.21814470


Well the interview they did with this idiot got my rocks off. Really shows how undeserved this guy's fame is and how he's basically some sheltered rich weeb.

>> No.21814523

Gardner is great. This hate is totally undeserved.

>> No.21814553

I always try to ask people like you; which ones?

Literally nobody has suggested a story for audio narration.

>inb4 narrator quality is shit

>> No.21814647

They exist mostly to promote Gardner, they keep making threads for him

>> No.21814719

Gardner is a friend and ally, but this is a flat out lie.

>> No.21814772
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Greatest ally, I think you mean. And treated accordingly

>> No.21814812

One of the writers in that book (Zulu Alitspa) has a short story called 'Oasis' that I liked very much. It isn't in that book though. Actually fuck it I'll just post the link https://unrealpress.substack.com/p/oasis-a-short-story-from-zulu-alitspa

>> No.21814926

He's a good writer
he once sent me in my email a book called "savage green". Funny book

>> No.21814994

It's in another book we released but yes we also made it available fo free

>> No.21815009

They are out there actually having a go and doing something which is more than can be said for most of the crab bucket faggots on this board who NEET at home and masturbate to Guenon or whoever the fuck.
That said they need more Woolston content, he is clearly the most based author on this board and will one day be famous.

>> No.21815517

It is VERY deserved.
He's literally the seething schizo samefagging pseud that's been shitting up /wg/ for years.
He stupidly exposed himself some months ago.
And /unreal/'s association with him is the reason I will never, ever, EVER appear on their show or buy any of their products.
You live by the asshole, you die by the asshole.

>> No.21816655

Hey, I'll have you know that I can't go longer than 3 sentences talking with him before I am compelled to call him a mouth breathing retard.

You don't need such a broad brush.

>> No.21816975

You've never published anything so they wouldn't go anywhere near you for an episode anyway, retard.

>> No.21817682

What’s their best work?

>> No.21817734

Checked, rekt, disrespect, circumspect.
>are the any good?
Only the best.

>> No.21817938

I liked the prose in Sociopath but the story itself did get literally gay. Would read a sequel anyways because the characters are cool and writing was entertaining. Still better than most /lit/ novels, I put it up there with Eggplant, Egregore. Woolston in a league of his own.

>> No.21818001

Yes! Horror’s Call is amazing. These guys should do another interview with Gardner.
>Unreal’s association with him is the reason why I will never, ever, EVER appear on their show

No one cares. Judging by their video views that Gardner interview is the reason people came to their podcast

>> No.21818372

okay L.A

>> No.21818380

The Weird Tales homage they did recently. Spooky stuff. Especially the first 3 stories..

>> No.21818515

Every time someone speaks well of an author from here, it is them.

I'm not memeing. It's always self-shilling. There are not that many users on /lit/. Genuinely none of the books produced by this board are good enough to have proper fans.

>> No.21818540

I'm confident that when I release The Shitkickers via ebook, I'll gain some fans.

Ordering Chicken World tonight, going to read the fuck out of that shit. Despite crabs like you, this forum is producing authors and this is just the beginning. We're all going to make it, faggot.

>> No.21818558

idk about that. I enjoyed Tales and I didn't write anything.

>> No.21818596

Not naming the stories you liked and why, just vaguely supporting the group effort.

>> No.21818608

yo i'm in hongcouver let's have a beer

>> No.21818613

also thanks for the support king. i've heard much about you.

>> No.21818664

I'm in Kelowna now, it's pretty based out here!

>> No.21818667

I can't wait for your choose-your-own-misadventure novel, looks sick as fuck! I loved those Peter Jackson CYOA books back in the day.

>> No.21818674
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snap! floating hearts over my head. next time i'm in the zone i'll send up the bat signal.

>> No.21818679

Unreal Press is cool. I liked the recent book a lot and I'd be a fan and support them even if I hadn't been exposed to them on this board. This might sound pathetic but getting a story into one of their books has been a goal of mine since the last one came out. And just in case anyone from Unreal is in this thread I'd like to ask if you guys have ever considered making merch? I'd wear a dang Unreal Press t-shirt to spread the word.

>> No.21818690

Join the discord. The logo is getting redesigned because of threatened lawsuits

>> No.21818742

I'm socially so aloof, I'd like to, but I don't think I have it in me after COVID. I still have so much rage I went from a massive extrovert to a huge introvert. Will be in contact soon.

>> No.21818779

the worst thing that can happen is you're groomed by a bunch of troons until you're pressured into cutting off your dick before suffering an early suicide. it's not as bad as it sounds though.

>> No.21818780

I've never used discord but I just made an account. What's the invite url or whatever is it that I need? I'm the anon you were replying to when you said to join the server btw

>> No.21818789


>> No.21819199

I have multiple self-published novels on Amazon, you seething failed-crab.

>> No.21819209
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Taking a break from pr0n, then?

>> No.21820439

Maybe I'm an outlier (or I'm running out of shelf space) but I only buy ebooks from 4chan authors.

>> No.21821005

Nothing wrong with that. Royalties are usually higher on ebook purchases. Personally, I buy paperback but that's because I livestream and keept a bookshelf in my background.

>> No.21821056

post your works then, you're better than the gang at unreal press so lets see it

>> No.21821100

I'm working on the site right meow, once I've added enough links I have to fix the javascript so I can use HTML anchors to open my content toggles... it's going to be a much less "busy" site than PornHub. A bunch of nerds bought PornHub and the site is total shit, I want to build a site that is nicer to browse and easier to find specific things.

>> No.21821113

youre really gonna Make Canada Great Again by *checks notes* starting a pornsite?

>> No.21821184


>> No.21821303

I registered the domain in 2003, I used to make great money in porn... but I quit to re-join the "real world" once my first kid was born. Things were getting better every year until fucking COVID... no way I was going to take the vaxx, so in Canada, that severely fucked my ability to move forward in a "real" job.

>> No.21821537

Why not write a novel about that first half?

>> No.21821579

he did, its called shitkickers. he went homeless trying to shill it.
its 2023, nobody cares about the vax anymore, just go do some interviews, nobodys gonna ask or care. your kid doesn't want a pornsite legacy, he wants you to help Make Canada Great Again

>> No.21822042
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Yeah nigga

>> No.21822869

The company I work for still has a vaccine mandate.
And they have trouble hiring people.
Go figure.

>> No.21824547

Still got an offer for an interview on the press if you're down, Jason.

>> No.21825935

That'd be cool. I'd buy a hat.