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/lit/ - Literature

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21811627 No.21811627 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom found the Boethius commentary

>> No.21811658

>Mom found the stream of consciousness memoir

>> No.21811676

>dad burned the epicurean verse manuscripts
>calls me a wimp for laying down and eating lentils all day

>> No.21811687

>Found Dad’s juvenalia. Still a better sex scene writer than Orwell.

>> No.21811808
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>Encolpius found the rites of Priapus

>> No.21811892
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>Dad found the Papyri Graecae Magicae

>> No.21811966

Go scream at the movies, Ignatius.

>> No.21813293

>Grandpa found the Chaldean oracles

>> No.21814116

>grandpapi found the goetia grimoire

>> No.21814142
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>Crush found and deciphered the geometrical demonstrate of Daoist Tritheism and commentary on its relation to a hypothetical post-Kantian Parmenidean epistemology

>> No.21814151

>step-father son in law sighted the eunuchs guide to erogenous allegiance

>> No.21814476
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>sister found my post-manichean prose reconstruction of the akashic records

>> No.21814491

This thread is so funny.

>> No.21814522

>Augustus found the Papyri Graecae Magicae

>> No.21814562
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>Pope Leo undusted the Vulgata revisions

>> No.21814712
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>mom found the Voynich manuscript and is reading it right now

>> No.21814777
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>Eunuch found the Kletorologion

>> No.21814824

>brother found the copy of lolita with the sticky pages

>> No.21814861
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>autistic nephew found the chaos emerald tablets

>> No.21815725
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>mum found the scribe I hid in my closet after telling him of my chivalric vows to abstain from internet and vidya until I have risked my life in battle against the French

>> No.21815733
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>grandma let the AGI out of the box

>> No.21815824
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>oneitis found the Sorrows of Young Werther rewrite with our names replacing the main characters'

>> No.21815847
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>mom found the sacred calculations of Ma'at inherent to the conceptual geometric framework of reality

>> No.21815860


>> No.21816214

Y8>mom found my notes on samsara
>dad found my notes on samsara
>I found my daughter's notes on samsara

>> No.21817323


>> No.21817548

>daughter found the stromata with the dialogues between salome and the lord highlighted

>> No.21817593
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>Mom tried to describe the Tao

>> No.21817683
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>couldn’t weasel a good deal on some books so the bitch who owned them burned half of them
I hate sibyls so much bros

>> No.21817686

I love our little jokes here.

>> No.21817697
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>son found the crocodile

>> No.21817717
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>mom found the "Babyfucker" pdf file

>> No.21817831


>> No.21817846

>tfw mom opened the large blue sketchbook

>> No.21818465


>> No.21818477
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>Father found the secret Gnostic stash

>> No.21818493
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>dad found the signed and accepted Thebes-to-Memphis transfer request scroll

>> No.21818930
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>Brother-in-law found the theurgical devotion poems to Hecate

>> No.21819042 [DELETED] 

>mother found the Ugaritic tablets complaining about Egyptian and Hittite globohomo influence

>> No.21819419
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>mom found my Lord of the Flies rewrite but it's with characters from Cartoon Network

>> No.21819572
File: 67 KB, 1000x736, 236740D8-BF60-4929-8A5A-B0487FBCF7E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom found the divine revelations hastily etched in crude symbols during the apex of gnosis on mushrooms

>> No.21819582

The Ed’s
Kids next door
And at least dexter

Are featured right?

Please post

>> No.21819591

Not him, but it should be Scooby Doo, Muttley, Courage the Cowardly Dog, etc.

Call it Lord of the Fleas

>> No.21819676

Yep, the eds, KND and dexter would be there. I'd include other EEnE characters because remember it was multiple schools of choirboys. I realise I'm goung to habe to add the rugrats and hey arnold cast along with disney's recess.
Originally it started out as an Infinity Train Book 3 fanfic

>> No.21819681

A low-power Jenny and Co would be included too then of course I'd add in the simpsons Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight and Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie and Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi The Genie Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader. Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger. Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan

>> No.21819688
File: 21 KB, 250x216, 6EA70B31-EAEB-4723-8DFB-945672BC5C0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plumber found the flushed fanfic erotica of Thomas the Train

>> No.21819693

It's tank engine you pleb

>> No.21819726

probably why it was flushed

>> No.21820713
File: 140 KB, 1024x646, 7B03ABB9-05BC-4A78-9489-E116D672B572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can’t believe he just got the nuclear codes

>> No.21820942

>mother found the Sumerian disputation poem between Sneed and Chuck

>> No.21821065

>formerly Enki and Enkidu

>> No.21821075

here's a real one
>mom found the marijuana revelations "i need to be nicer to others" tablet (pizza box)

>> No.21821112
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>mom found the Averroes bunker

>> No.21821138
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>police found the Dante Alighieri cosplay

>> No.21821151
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>Klaus Schwab found the pocket copy of the US Constitution