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21811524 No.21811524 [Reply] [Original]

Post your worst bookstore experiences.

>> No.21811540

>go to Indigo
>ask 20 or 30 something y/o employee (who is black) if they have any Harlan Ellison
>he goes to the computer
>"Hmm, nope"
>I look over his shoulder
>he's typed in "Harlem" instead of "Harlan"

>> No.21811560

Did you want to scream but couldn't?

>> No.21811597

>browse fantasy books
>notice a guy look at me
>move away
>clearly following me
>go look at YA books
>yep he's definitely creeping on me
>buy something from starbucks
>see him again looking at the magazine section


>> No.21811600

A fucking leaf

>> No.21811637

sorry i wantes to tell you ywnbaw but i was too nervous

>> No.21811644

>browsing the fiction section
>some girl starts looking at me
>ignore her
>she approaches me and tries to start a conversation
>shut her down as politely as she can
>gives me her number and tells me to call her up if i ever feel like talking about books
wth, i was just trying to get some heckin books

>> No.21811646

>Indigo (not US)
>black person knows what Harlem is

>> No.21811767
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>go to a bunch of book stores but can't find any version of the Song of Roland anywhere
>online website for McGill University says their library has it in stock
>I go to the McGill U library and look around
>after a moment I go to the person with the computer and ask them for it
>he shouts "song of what?" multiple times loudly after I try asking him what book I'm looking for
>condescendingly looks at me as I explain to him what it is
>tells me they don't have books like that there, that it's a university library
>asks me to go to Indigo or something like that after his computer yields no results

>> No.21811802

>go to book store
>look for a specific book
>it’s not there
>oh well :(
>buy boba to cheer up

>> No.21811820

Wtf is this Asian shit?

>> No.21811823
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>go to bookstore
>F. Gardner is there doing a book signing

>> No.21811825

>another leaf
Explains the state of /lit/

>> No.21811833

Why do retards in this day and age not check the website to see if what they want is available before they go in the store? They're setting themselves up for disappointment if anyone ever was.

>> No.21811835

because that spoils the fun

>> No.21811836

I’m not Asian I just like milk tea with strawberry popping pearls. Alternatively, when I want something refreshing, I would go for green tea-lemon flavor with pomegranate pearls. What would your order be, anon?

>> No.21811838

I would order coffee or iced coffee, because I'm not a simp for gook culture.

>> No.21811839

I just buy from Amazon. No bad experience. I’ve had a couple bad ones from abebooks. Some books listed as new that clearly weren’t. One even had 25% of the book underlined. Now I will never buy from a Texas seller or one that has “gold” in the name

>> No.21811844

there used to be Yu Gi Oh card days every Saturday at my local bookstore and I had the Right Leg of Exodia and this one kid kept pestering me to trade him for it. He was relentless, it was annoying

>> No.21811846

Why are all the women in bookstores hot as fuck but also extreme sjw lefties? I thought sjws were fat with purple hair, not 10/10 Stacies

>> No.21811850

>want to buy a semi-classic work of literature
>walk past tables of rainbow lit about the author's first dildo insertion, and self help books that contain the word fuck in the title
>browse fiction section
>author not there
>ask staff if they have it
>walk across store to computer
>"no we dont. But we can order it."
>yes, please order the book ONLINE for me, let me take out my credit card so you can order it ONLINE and have it shipped here, to the BOOKSTORE, and not my house, so within a week or two I can drive back here, to the bookstore, to pick up my book, which you ordered ONLINE.
>I didnt come to the bookstore to pay in cash and leave with my book TODAY, I came here so I could buy books ONLINE and wait a week for them to come in. I just thought it would be fun to drive here and waste my time, instead of using my computer at home!
>she asks if I would like a rewards card

>> No.21811854

>do you have x?
>mmm let me check... no sorry
>what about y?
>I think someone bought the last copy but let check... nope
>and z?
>oh I think we have that one, but let me confirm it... no, sorry

>> No.21811855

>simply enjoying fun things that originated in other countries
>simping for gook culture
That’s okay we can go grab an ice coffee at Starbucks too, you burger simp.

>> No.21811866

Stupid ass, you know damn well most people who go to bookstores are normies who aren't looking for anything beyond YA, Colleen Hoover-type shite as well as a coffee fix. Ordering online is so easy and if you're getting mad over B&N not having something niche you're just an idiot.
Asian culture is inherently childish, which naturally begets my disdain.

>> No.21811878

>be spring 2007
>last Harry Potter book has just been announced
>be binge reading them
>get to book 5
>local Chapters is all out of book 5 for some reason even though HP is at the height of its popularity
>they don't restock book 5 for months despite me pestering them for weeks and Harry Potter's popularity being at a fever pitch
>get my mom to order from Scholastic instead
Bit strange.

>> No.21811886

>Asian culture is inherently childish
Braindead take

>> No.21811894

Only White guys I've met irl who like Asian shit are incels, period.

>> No.21811895

>not having something niche
You think I go to B&N in search of rare books? I used to go, because I used to think that they would actually carry classic titles. They dont.

>> No.21811896

>Indigo rewards card is $40 a year
Yeah, no fucking thanks.

>> No.21811897

Day of the rake is coming

>> No.21811910

I’m a girl tho. And since it’s been said multiple times on this site that girls can’t be incels, I’m allowed to like Asian shit without any repercussions, right?

>> No.21811912

I saw Dos Passos in Barnes and Noble one time and that blew my mind

>> No.21811914
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Nah big bookstores want to resell the same public domain book with stupid art on it. There’s a reason Amazon took over most of retail because of how out of touch corporate decisions are made pandering and hell I’ll even posit further it reflects the rise of leafs at universities as well. How intellectuals are marketed toward set the standard for the rest of the economy. Bait and switch. The proctor and gamble model won in the 90s and every corporation follows suit yet they aren’t all buying brand loyalty with solid products anymore it’s all rebranding cheap dollar store garbage.

>> No.21811917

My worst is never deciding on something to buy.


>> No.21811924
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>Go to B&N
>Saw Lolita and want to buy it
>Walk around a little bit
>People saw me holding a paedophilia book with disgusting face
>Checkout immediately
Never go to bookstore ever again

>> No.21811926

>go to 2nd hand bookshop
>looking for ww2 history
>pick up rise and fall of third reich
>hardcover has big swastika on it
>two uni age girls near me start shit talking nazis
>"I'm. Glad Hitler lost!"
>"yeah nazis are total losers"
>"grandad kicked those guys asses"
>Ignore them

Not the worst but the weirdest, do you think I had a chance with them bros

>> No.21811930

I wanted to buy Don Quixote. The only copy they had was that gaudy as fuck orange clothbound flimsy hardcover that costs $30. I left with no book. Shame on me for thinking a bookstore in clown world would have a few different translations of Don Fucking Quixote to choose from.

>> No.21811940

The only niche philosophy stuff (non-scholarly publications of course) they have is Epicurean stuff like Lucretius, and I think that's because people see the word atom and assume it's the same thing as our atoms.

>> No.21811946

>Go to bookstore in new city, store goes by a clearly anglo surname
> Don't realize its run entitely by a Jewish family
>"Can I help you find anything?"
> "Yeah, what do you have from Celine?"
> Insane death stare until I finally leave

Why the fuck would you give your store an obviously anglophone name if that's what's up, come on how I was supposed to know

>> No.21811971

>"yeah nazis are total losers"
>"grandad kicked those guys asses"
they're right

>> No.21811979

No need to give me the side eye though

>> No.21811983

It's still weird. Only girls I've met that like Asian shit were outcasts.

>> No.21811988

Women are emotional and have the mentality of retarded losers. Imagine a guy doing that. Only the faggiest loser would do such a thing. But its normal behaviour from a woman.

>> No.21811999

>go to bookstore
>go to kids section because maybe i could get something for my lil bro
>worker comes into the section clearly watching me
>leave the store

>> No.21812007

I might not give the side eye but if I saw someone buying Shirer, Irving, or whoever, I would definitely think “this is probably one of the guys posting “goyslop” and “tranny” on /lit/. I’d be wary though and keep my eye just in case of an incel shooter. A /pol/cel with a /pol/ book in public is the same danger level as a tranny walking into a gas station with an axe. Major red flags

>> No.21812025

>uni aged girls
>having grandfather's that served in WW2
Their grandfather's would've shot vietcong.
>rise and fall of the third reich is a /pol/ book

>> No.21812030

>rise and fall of the third Reich is a /pol/ book
Yes it is

>> No.21812032


>> No.21812040
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Keeping with the Nazi theme, i remover buying pic related from Borders Books around 2007/08. The cashier was a black lady and as she was ringing me up I awkwardly tried to explain I was only reading the book for a writing project, how lame I thought Nazis were, etc etc. She didn’t even look down at the book as she rang me up and handing me the bag said “I didn’t even see what it was, don’t really care, have a nice day!”

>> No.21812052

>walk into book store, looking for stoner
>ask if they have stoner by john williams
>cashier is glaring daggers at me like i'm doing a prank video, clearly doesn't believe it's a real book
>nervously stare at her, showing no emotion
>cashier walks away and gets someone else to help me
>new person looks up title, says there's actually one in stock
>we go to the foreign language book section
>worker pulls out a japanese translation
>asks if i want it
>asks if i'm sure, because that's the last copy i have in stock
>"that's not useful to me, don't read translations"
>quickly but quietly leave the store without trying to draw too much attention to myself
>order a copy off thriftbooks on the way back home

>> No.21812079

>go to nice little bookstore with a fireplace and ladders
>browse the classic lit section
>guy roughly my age walks in, looks like one of those british zoomers that teenage girls fawn over
>he keeps looking at me (I am male)
>starts browsing the shelves next to me; whenever I'd move to a different part of the room he'd wait fifteen seconds and then move there too
>leave as soon as I sense that he's about to talk to me

>> No.21812084

How'd it feel to meet a clone of yourself?

>> No.21812086
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>I might not give the side eye but if I saw someone buying Shirer, Irving, or whoever, I would definitely think “this is probably one of the guys posting “goyslop” and “tranny” on /lit/. I’d be wary though and keep my eye just in case of an incel shooter. A /pol/cel with a /pol/ book in public is the same danger level as a tranny walking into a gas station with an axe. Major red flags

>> No.21812099

>check out a book about Hitler from my school's library
>has a giant sticker of him in the back for some reason
>"lol wtf"
>peel it off and stick it on the inside of my locker door just to be an edgy boy
>no one ever says anything about it
I have no idea why the publisher wanted to put a giant sticker of Adolf's face in the back of their book. Such a bizarre choice. It was stylized too; which was even weirder.

>> No.21812131


>> No.21812136
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>go to a half priced book store
>pass modern couple eyeing witchcraft to browse philosophy
>"no thats wicca" she tells him
>browse classic fiction as people slink around and clearly avoid the isle im in
>go to check out
>cute but blue-haired girl asks if i need anything else
>ask if they have sun and steel
>ofc they dont
>she is passing flirty glances, takes a moment to check out since i got a good haul of books
>make small talk
>beta mogged behind her eyes me with envy
>check out and we both hold the books a bit too long
>we give each other eyes of interest
>kick myself in the truck for not at least calling her cute
>order sun and steel online

>> No.21812144


>> No.21812306

Jews don't like Celine?

>> No.21812309

there's a tranny at my barnes and noble that works there and it always fills me with dread when i have them at checkout
they are so clearly a man but oh the purple dyed hair and name change to vanessa makes you a woman?

>> No.21812316

> be early 2016
> go into Barnes and noble
> browsing around the historical section
> a 4 yr old and his dad wearing a marvel shirt stop at the display at the end
> see who that is? That's Oooobamaa, he used to be our president before all this crazy stuff now

I'm not even a Trump fan, but that onions dad is engraved into my memory for being a walking meme. From the weak arms to marvel shirt and weird obsession with Obama to want to point it out to his child.

>> No.21812332

>walk into a books store
>at the front am greeted by popular books like 23 ways to dilate and Seven effective Nazi management techniques
>weird but I move on, there's the cooking section, the magazine section, the weird ass pencils/bookmarks section
>finally reach the actual books section, it's all the typical Dosto, Dumas, etc., most of which I've read
>think to myself I'm never coming back here
>turn 360 and walk away

>> No.21812335

>Waterstones opens in about two minutes
>slide-down barrier is already half-open
>decide to just go under and find the book I want
>basedboy tells me to get out and won't let me just browse for two minutes

>> No.21812429

Okay, boomer.

>> No.21812438

It’s better to forget about embarrassing moments

>> No.21812452

So many people in this thread seem ultra-paranoid that everyone else in the bookstore is either following them or avoiding them. Healthy people don’t think that way, although I suppose neurosis comes with the territory. No wonder zoomers have a nervous breakdown at the thought of ordering a pizza.

>> No.21812462

>be at the Starbucks in B&N looking at book of trad art
>woman notices and asks if I like art
>tell her yes, I love it
>she asks if she can join me
>say sure
>she sets down her copy of Coriolanus and sits across from me
>we look at the book together and she stops at a nude reclining
>very beautiful, don’t you think?
>laugh nervously and say yeah, kind of funny though for a woman to just be lounging around without any clothes
>just because it’s not realistic
>at home I do it all the time ha
>look at her and feel my face keeping a bit hot
>haha don’t look like that, I’m not a pervert or anything, I’m actually still a virgin, it’s just more relaxing
>try to regain my composure and say I think you’re just imagining you’re one of these paintings
>caught me! So, you have prostitutes posing as goddesses, can’t I pose as a painting
>say I have to go to the bathroom
>Jack off but stay in the stall for like thirty minutes and when I come out she is gone

Was both relieved and disappointed

>> No.21812468

Rise and Fall is a polemic piece written by a person who calls for germanic genocide. He presupposes Hitlers motives and it’s always to lie and he refers to Hitlers inner circle as ‘toadies’.

It’s not history but it’s a good book. Recommend

>> No.21812484

I was there. I saw it all.

>> No.21812489

he wanted to suck your ween

>> No.21812490

You pronounced it wrong

>> No.21812491

There is one real universal in life that other things that appear universal merely participate in. That universal is this: Not all crazy women are hot, but all hot women are crazy. Why do they hang out in book stores I don't know. Instagram probably.

>> No.21812497

Literally everyone knows Harlem, you fucking stupid burger. You're projecting your own ignorance about other countries onto the rest of the world.

>> No.21812519

Sounds more like you're too retarded to understand how a book's Call Number and the shelf it's located on works.

>> No.21812540

>Visit a popular independent bookstore
>Crowded as fuck but that's to be expected
>Hot as fuck since I was in the upper levels of the place
>Books are dirty from the constant touching+humidity combo
>Selection is hit or miss, lacklustre with a few hidden gems
>Coffee corner has good pastries but shit coffee
>Cute girls at the checkout but honestly retarded
I had a fun time but I can't stand dirty books. The filth was comprised of normal stains from being handled so much and dark spots from the shelves they were on. Got a few pristine examples and left so all was well in the end.

>> No.21812542

The guy's name? Albert Einstein

>> No.21812555


>in a bookstore
>walk through a narrow isle
>two kids are sitting in the middle, legs splayed
>they are completely blocking the isle, reading manga
>walk up to them, assuming they'll pull their legs in
>they don't
>stare down at them
>they stare back
>nobody moves
>finally groan and just step over them
it was really bizarre. even an unrepentant asshole would move even a fraction. teenagers really are the fucking worst.

>> No.21812556

>losing a starting contest to a teenager
Holy fuck, anon, how autistic are you?

>> No.21812557
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>it's another /lit/cel social anxiety thread cloaked in impotent rage

>> No.21812559

starting staring contests with weird strangers is the most autistic thing a person can do. are you stupid?

>> No.21812561

>justifying his losing attitude

>> No.21812563
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it always blows my mind how that guy ripped off a korn album cover. i had assumed it was the same artist but it isn't!

>> No.21812571

If that's what you want to call it. I don't have time to waste getting into confrontations over annoying but ultimately harmless things. I have things I want to do.

>> No.21812594

> going to visit relatives
> browsing websites for local used book stores on the way there
> find a cheap set of churchill's history of english speaking peoples, a 4 vol set
> call beforehand: 'yes we have it'
> go there
> old man at the counter looks at me angrily
> decide to look around a little start picking up books asking for a price
> after the third one he tells me to stop asking him so many questions and just come back with a stack...
> fine
> come back with 5 books. He angrily asks me if that all im gonna get.
> annoyed reply with something snarky
> he intimately stands up and calls me a son-of-a-bitch
> it almost comes to blows, but somehow resolves itself
> we agree on a price and i ask him for the churchill books
> he pulls out 3 books
> where is the fourth volume ?
> he looks up at me
> he got fire in his eyes
> 'this is what we have'
> sigh ...
> pay for the other book and leave.
> feel angry enough to write him a bad review

My relative later said he was arrested for getting in a fight with someone. fucking cunt.

>> No.21812614

You should have gone full retard mode.

>> No.21812629

sadly, those days are behind me

>> No.21812639

> walk into book store
> it’s all manga, toys, and “How to Unf*ck Your Life” and Democratic Party candidate memoirs
This happens pretty often

>> No.21812642

Clearly not

>> No.21812645


>> No.21812648


>> No.21812649

>walk into gun store
>it's all toys, flags and "The Holy Bible" and Republican Party candidate posters
Is this how a republican version would look like? I'm not Murrican, so I'm going on popular stereotypes.

>> No.21812664

gun stores are full of guns. maybe some flags on the walls and a t-shirt or two but mainly guns and ammo

>> No.21812668

No. Because a gun store would only sell guns and gun paraphernalia.

>> No.21812681

>be on roadtrip
>ereader broke so I need something to read
>go to bookstore in godforsaken Plovdiv, Bulgaria
>find a nice relatively lightweight copy of Crime and Punishment in English
>consider stealing it
>would be fitting since the book is called Crime and Punishment
>really consider it
>consider it some more
>pussy out and pay for the book

>> No.21812685

Celine was a Nazi enjoyer

>> No.21812697

>>would be fitting since the book is called Crime and Punishment
The book is called Crime AND Punishment

>> No.21812701

>home for the holidays
>back in the murrican burbs
>go to Barnes and Nobles for the hell of it
>attached Starbucks is filled with loud gossips
>rainbow dildo books on front table display
>back fifth Legos and DVDs
>side fifth children's
>shelves full of tripe as far as the eye can see
>philosophy section is an endcap
>zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
>manga/comic section huge
>foreign language section small and nothing more than Teach Yourself tier drivel
>food section massive
>staff communicate by shouting to each other across the store and right next to each other
>loudly chatting about social lives and nothing pertaining to books
>check out bookmark stand
>visibly cheap ugly chinkmade crap
>walk away after 20 seconds or so
>instantly fat short female manager makes a beeline for the bookmark rack while giving me the stink eye
>looks it over while I browse a shelf not 10 feet away
>still staring daggers at me she unhinges her jaw
>casey is on the other side of the store
>fat manager is still glaring at me with murderous intent
>I'm wearing a tailored jacket and slacks and this fat hog is accusing me of stealing $2 bookmarks
>leave and realize I will never return
not sure if it is rose-colored glasses or just the inexorable march of time but it was nothing like I remember it being 20 years ago

>> No.21812714

not him but I'm 22 and my grandfather only narrowly missed wwii, so he occupied japan instead
if anon's story happened a few years ago it's absolutely possible for many college girls to have had grandfathers who served in wwii

>> No.21812717

>not sure if it is rose-colored glasses or just the inexorable march of time but it was nothing like I remember it being 20 years ago
Just the march of time. Most of these brick and mortar stores of any kind, who could have the guarantee of customers even with shitty service, because few people would travel to another city for a store, have been hit hard with the advent of internet and online shopping. Why would you travel to a book store 5 miles away and hope they have your book, when you can order one from the other side of the world and have it delivered tomorrow? So with less customers and revenue, they were forced to innovate or perish. Adding cheap Chinese shit for some profit, diversifying into what's hot and sells well, like mange/comics, luring people in with coffee, etc.

>> No.21812720

>be Christmas time
>go to Indigo
>the entire SFF and manga sections (which are adjacent) are completely taken up by dozens of little Chinese children splayed around reading manga, presumably while their parents shop
>makes the SFF section unusable
>go up to employee, ask her to ask them to leave so I can browse
>employee just shrugs and tells me there's nothing they can do because they've gotten complaints before
>be like wtf, ok whatever I'll come back later
>do some more browsing, go to other stores
>come back over an hour later
>same children are still taking up all the space in the SFF section and reading manga except now they're playing music on their phones (over the store's PA music and the general hustle of the season) and have taken their jackets off to sit on them
>I go up to employee, different one this time
>tell them I'd like to browse the SFF section and have been waiting several hours to do so
>be told, rather laconically, that there are simply too many of them to ask to leave
>leave defeated

>> No.21812725
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>> No.21812726

>>the entire SFF and manga sections (which are adjacent)
kek bookstores think SFF are on the same level as manga

>> No.21812743

>churchill's history of english speaking peoples, a 4 vol set
Highly recommend looking at ebay
Got a hardcover set from there

>> No.21812753

I understand the product angle but not the horrible customer service. It seemed like they went out of their way to make the shopping experience as unpleasant as possible. Open boxes strewn about, nonstop full volume blabbing, rude behavior, one person on the register with a long line and 4 or 5 milling about chatting. To top that off treating me like some common criminal. There was a homeless looking guy in the cafe muttering to himself, a stringy haired creep hanging out in the children's section, all kinds of suspicious looking teens but I get singled out in a sport coat and loafers.
I remember going there way back when and finding really interesting books, things like Tacitus' Annals in Latin, tons of philosophy, classic novels etc. This time they hardly even had Plato and no Kant.

>> No.21812760


>> No.21812775

ok Simpy,now fuck off

>> No.21812783

>Go into Indigo
>Need to take a piss
>Go to washroom
>Some guy squeezing out a massive log with all the associated sounds
>Bathroom smells to high heaven
>Get to the urinals
>Piss all over the floor and walls
>Go to stall
>Clogged with someone's dump and bird nest
>Say fuck it and hold my piss in and go to food court restroom (which was only marginally better)

>> No.21812842

Litty experience tobedesu

>> No.21812855

i got molested in borders when i was 7

>> No.21812904

This has to be fake. I honestly can't believe you're so fucking weak-willed you're afraid to walk down an aisle with other people in it.

>> No.21812912

>be 20 years ago
>no Internet, living in non-Anglophone country, but want to read something in English
>go to colossal bookstore in the city centre with the biggest foreign language section
>Check our English language history books
>that's it
Only go to bookstores to buy the cheap second hand shit nowadays. Love picking up obscure, yellowing books from the 70s for 50 cents.

>> No.21812913 [DELETED] 

pussy. you're supposed to say "didn't your mother teach you any manners? what is she, a crackwhore?" or something.

if you don't have muscles big enough to say that to a teenager you should buy some dumbells

>> No.21812920

>check the website before you go to a store
Then I might as well order it online in the first place moron.

>> No.21812922

>one person on the register with a long line
Those employees are obligated under the threat of being fired to
1) ask if you're a rewards member/card holder, and then when you say no to try to sell you the store card/membership;
2) make small talk about the books you're purchasing in an attempt to drive the conversation towards "recommending" you a recently released book or forthcoming release which they've been told to shill by their manager who was in turn told to shill it by the publisher.
That's why checkout takes so long. Imagine if every time you went to the grocery store the lady scanning your items tried to sell you a different food item that would be just perfect to pair with the one you're purchasing.

>> No.21812924

> but want to read something in English
Serves you right for not wanting to immerse yourself in your local customs.

>> No.21812932

The implication being that somehow they believed you had bought a pro nazi book? Rather than one about nazis. Just casually considering the relative probability they were retards.

>> No.21812937

>anime is asian culture

>> No.21812939

>anime is culture

>> No.21812940
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>> No.21812949

>6 registers
>1 person working register
>4 others wandering around not working register
That is why it takes so long. I shut them down quick with their dumb questions about rewards cards. "no, not interested"
Even if it were the case that checkout takes so long because of their spiel doubling the number of people on the register would halve the total time for all customers. Instead there is a line of at least 6 different groups, not people, all waiting while the other staff mill about and the manager plays mall cop with the bookmarks. Hey Brenda if LP is so bad on those items why not move them to the front of the store, maybe right in front of the register? Why not get your fat ass behind a reg and help out with this long ass slow line?

>> No.21812958

apparently the number one issue with book stores is that they don't carry the titles people actually want to purchase. This can easily be fixed if bookstores printed their own books. They could keep a digital catalog far bigger than the actual size of their store allows them to carry.
>Hey do you have a parallel text of Moby Dick in Japanese and Swahili?
>let me check our database. Yes, we have Moby Dick in 800 different languages.
>great, could you print that out and perfect bind it for me?
>Yes, would you like to pay $1 extra for a Moby Dick cover image?
>Nah, I don't need the cover to look pretty.
>ok, your book is currently printing and will be ready for pick up in five minutes.
Boom. I just killed every brick and mortar bookstore and possibly even became a competitor with amazon since I'm faster.

>> No.21812973

>be me
>banned from local bookstore for three months for putting bibles in the fiction section
>my brain is larger than average so I can not be sated by the mindless frivolities of television and internet memes
>I hunger and thirst for knowledge, enlightened by my intelligence
>WWEDD? (What Would Edmond Dantes Do)
>think of solution
>assemble disguise
>heavy wool coat, brimmed and tattered hat, fake Twain-esque moustache, walk with a cane
>enter store
>store manager who banned me is working that day, observing the store from his meditative perch behind the counter
>go to philosophy section
>select Lawrence Krauss’s ‘Universe from Nothing’, Dawkins’s ‘The Selfish Gene’, and Hitch’s ‘The Portable Atheist’
>discreetly move one of the Bibles to the fiction section…my calling card
>approach counter slowly with a limp. Young woman is cashier. Manager eyes me curiously.
>“Hello young lady. Might you ring these up for me?”
>“Certainly, sir.”
>“Interesting selection, sir.” The manager speaks softly from his perch, his arms crossed, eyeing me suspiciously.
>“Indeed. I like to expand my horizons with other ideas.”
>“Noble.” The manager says, tilting his head slightly.
>I pay and take my books.
>As I reach the exit, I turn to the cashier and the manager.
>I remove my hat and moustache and let my coat fall to the floor
>“It was I all along. God is dead. And now I must bid you adieu!”
>I pull on the door handle but you have to push for it to open
>manager almost catches me
>As I flee I hear the cashier say ‘He cute’

>> No.21812985

Bro doesn't know bout dat harlem shake

>> No.21812997

>harlem shake
TikTok dance before TikTok existed.

>> No.21813003

He has no mouth with which to scream.

>> No.21813059

I weep for the kid’s future.

>> No.21813060

Well don't just let those dubs sit there, tell us about it.

>> No.21813068

She was basically asking you to fuck her, you complete dimwit. Assuming of course that this isn’t just bait.

>> No.21813077

beta cuck

>> No.21813079

>What Would Edmond Dantes Do

>> No.21813105

audible kek

>> No.21813112

I got to McGill University and I fucking hate that deaf fucker at the front desk, literally one of the reasons why I only use the self checkout
Bonus points: we have the book, the deaf fucker probably didnt want to show it to you

>> No.21813115

>be in library, randomly browsing
>some teenager boy is dumping his gf
>"its not you, its me"
>turns out to be pleasant white noise for reading

>> No.21813134

Perhaps but these don’t exist

>> No.21813147

>At bookstore Indigo in Vancouver
>Unable to find Metamorphoses
>Ask employee if they have any Ovid
>She goes to look it up in their system and asks for the author's full name
>I stare back at her blankly, equally as embarrassed for myself as for her

>> No.21813234

>you’re expecting a bookstore to sell books?!

>> No.21813246

Publius Ovidius Naso

>> No.21813314

Half the time when I'm in B&N I'm looking for public domain classics that everyone has heard of, not niche esoteric literature or books from contemporary periods decades/centuries ago. Like yes, I understand why they don't have "The Way of the WASP" in store, but you really mean to tell me there's no demand for any theological works beyond Joel Osteen self-help books?

>> No.21813319

>look for edgy and unknown authors on 2 local libraries
>can't find anything but only mainstream stuff

>> No.21813325

College girls are not hanging out talking about WWII in bookstores, their at the in-store Starbucks taking pictures of YA novels for BookTok

>> No.21813334

Well he was a virulent anti-semite who supported the Nazi puppet state in France and was convicted of collaborating with the Nazis by a military tribunal, so I would presume that Jews aren't too fond of him

>> No.21813346

I have never walked in a gun store and seen toys or even airsoft/BB guns for sale. That may even be illegal depending on the state you live in.

>> No.21813351
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>Nazi book, black lady cashier, I awkwardly tried to explain, she didn’t even look down at the book
lol. Black people give no fucks about what you buy. They don't "know you" or whatever. Really it's just a job.


>So many people in this thread seem ultra-paranoid that everyone else in the bookstore is either following them or avoiding them.
Heh. One thing I learned working one of these types of retail jobs is that you realize that no matter how weird you think you are, or how weird you think the thing you're buying is, there's a thousand people who came before you who were way weirder or bought something weirder. The weirdest people, or most memorable people in a negative way, are the ones who show up and *don't* buy anything, because they're there for other, more disturbing, reasons.

>pick up rise and fall of third reich ... two uni age girls near me start shit talking nazis
I suppose they were uncomfortable with the subject. That happened near me too while browsing military history, not about the Nazis specifically (I wasn't even looking at that stuff) but just the whole war-is-icky thing. They were like "ugh!" I wanted to say something like "if you don't like Nazis, you should probably read this guy's book" and show them the Red Army memoir that I bought as a gift for somebody. But nah.

>Celine was a Nazi enjoyer
Incidentally have met a Jewish literature professor who liked Celine (sorta), like "shame because he was such a great writer."

>> No.21813373

Honestly, as a progressive, anon wasn't wrong. Non-used bookstores are all full of bullshit toys, self-help, and either democratic party memoirs or fox news pundits'. The self-help pivots along the same axis as the memoirs.

>> No.21813381

>mfw employees at high end makeup stores were far more down to earth and friendly than employees at bookstores
>mfw makeup store employees didn’t even question why I, as a man, was doing there and helped me find the best products
>mfw bookstore employees just give me the coke shoulder

Well, I wasn’t expecting that. I always thought it would be the other way around. I dreaded going to makeup stores because I thought they would all me narcissistic and rude

>> No.21813390

Why the fuck would you buy those when they’re on Gutenberg? You don’t even have the moral dilemma of piracy

>> No.21813396

I have the money and I hate staring at screens

>> No.21813404

Probably a nice place to work

>> No.21813414

I mean, nicer place to work at, happier employees: they treat the customers better

>> No.21813435

Publishing companies would literally saw off your head with a boxcutter

>> No.21813500

Reminds me of a time I bought Rabelais at one of those antique stall shops.
>Mom forces me to go to this antique outlet with her
>bribes me into going by promising lunch and saying they have a pretty good book section
>I manage to find Urqhuarts's translation of Rabelais' complete works
>go to check out
>the woman at the counter reads out the titles and prices of each book I pay for (this is because prices are written on the flyleaf and they tally up your total with a calculator)
>she gets to Rabelais and pauses for a moment
>"Uhhhh and The Complete Works of...Rub-belly-us? for $3.75
>I don't correct her and just smile awkwardly at her and nod in agreement
I felt embarassed for her and it never occured to me that someone wouldn't know how to pronounce Rabelais. But I guess I should've seen that coming because some coworkers of mine didn't know "Montagna" was pronounced Mon-tan-ya. They all thought it was a hard g.

>> No.21813513

I think that is possible which is partly why dropping the ball makes me regret it as a bad experience, but also she made my stomach turn over and too nervous to come out of the bathroom until I was sure she was gone

>> No.21813517

Just print out the pdf at Staples. They'll collate it for you.

>> No.21813520

I don’t think this is that bad. I know a lot of writers but I’ve never heard their name spoken and can’t be bothered to look up a pronunciation

>> No.21813521

Why were you going to the makeup store? You a poofter?

>> No.21813527

Maybe he just likes to look nice?

>> No.21813536

makeup is for actors.

>> No.21813546

>no demand for any theological works beyond Joel Osteen self-help books
America is a protestant nation...so yeah, there's no demand for theological works beyond The Bible and Bible study guides written by Billy Graham and Billy Grahamites

>> No.21813559

The girls saw him pick up a book with a large Swastika on it. The implication is they were trying to shame him for being a Nazi (women do this. They will loudly comment on someone's actions in public to shame them). The joke is the girls were too dumb to realize it's not a pro-Nazi-Ja-Mein-Führer-Zieg-Heil! book.

>> No.21813575

And according to Tom Hardy all actors do gay stuff.
>When asked if he'd ever had sex with a man, Tom Hardy responded, "I'm an actor. It comes with the trade."

>> No.21813598

You are gay

>> No.21813662
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I'm not a leaf I'm Québecois
well I did just end up reading the moyen français version online with a modern translation which was nice

>> No.21813764

The only reason I know how to pronounce Rabelais is because of The Music Man.

>> No.21813833

You will never be independent.

>> No.21813922

I went to a bookstore at the mall, skimmed through a dozen of books and then realized what a colossal fucking faggot i was for not being here more often, the end.

>> No.21813973
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how do you know you're replying to a leaf? lit doesn't have flags like pol

>> No.21813980
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>> No.21813986
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>charity bookshop in red brick university town
>paying for Utilitarianism, Wealth of Nations and Of Civil Government
>skinny twink boy serving at the counter snidely remarks "why do people even read this stuff? What are you a history student?"
>visibily shaken I scuttle out of the shop
>I was studying history
>never forgiven the gays

>> No.21813991
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>> No.21813992
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>> No.21814023

>go to barnes and noble
>two hot girls behind desk
>ask if they have Terry Brook's latest Barer of the black staff
>laugh in my face instantly
>lose interest in literature for a while
I deserve it for being an ugly dumb loser who likes fantasy

>> No.21814031

>>worker comes into the section clearly watching me
Hate this shit on any store I pass by.

>> No.21814032

That's fine with me, Canada, and by extention Quebec, are failed states. I just really like to piss off *nglos.

>> No.21814055
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>enter local Generic Chain bookstore
>go to mystery and thriller section
>see pic related

>> No.21814062
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the youth have no vital spirit for adventure

>> No.21814326

>Be me.
>Just had a mocha from Waterstones café with my shopping, which is located on the third floor.
>Move down to second floor.
>Browsing bookshelf for books on politics and economics 15 minutes before store officially closes.
>The whole store is virtually empty.
>Nobody on second floor.
>Feel a sudden urge to release my bowels.
>Remember that mochas don’t compute with my body.
>Run to bathrooms on second floor.
>Realise that the bathrooms are locked.
>Feel like if I move upstairs or downstairs for help I will crap myself.
>Quickly huddle towards corner with no CCTV present.
>”It’s now or never!”
>Open up shopping bag.
>Lets it rip.
>Poo squirts from my anus into shopping bag.
>Bites on hands to stop me screaming in agony.
>Can’t wipe, just very quickly walks out of store after doing my dirty business.
>Goes home on 2 hour train journey back.
>People stare and point at me.
>Nobody wants to sit near me because I smell of shit. My side of the carriage is empty.
>Gets home.
>Puts new and current clothes in the wash at 20:30.
>Goes in the shower.
>Goes straight to bed.
>Cries again.

>> No.21814355

Didn’t actual Nazi officers tell him to literally cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks?

>> No.21814363

>be a kid
>check out one of the eragon books
>parents are slightly hoarders and house is a mess so it gets lost
>forget about it anyway
>fast forward 15 years
>one day go back to the library since it's less than 10 minutes away
>try to get a library card
>these niggers want me to pay 15 years worth of late fees on a book I can't even remember having checked out
needless to say I turned 360 degrees and walked away

>> No.21814370

>5 years worth of late fees
what did they amount to?

>> No.21814378
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I don't remember, I just pirate books and audiobooks now. haven't read physical in a while. also I just realized that OP said book store and not library.

>> No.21814389

I went to a very small secondhand shop that had a tiny shop dog that barked a lot. I don't like barking dogs, especially tiny dogs with sharp barks. It stopped eventually. Unfortunately I didn't find much I was interested in, and the books were mostly vintage hardcovers in pristine condition so they weren't cheap. I felt bad about not buying anything but I wished the shopkeeper good day and parted.

>> No.21814403
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there were black "people" in it

>> No.21814456

Do people really travel two hours by train to do shopping in the U.K.?

>> No.21814499

Yes, I live in a very rural area.

>> No.21814534

Actually anon, they laughed because you misspelled 'bearer.'

>> No.21814638


>> No.21814644

I don’t really see the Fox News pundit books anymore. I only see those at Goodwill.

>> No.21814650

why don't I just algorithmically solve my life and go sleep in a tube?

>> No.21814677

no you are not. This board has almost no women.

>> No.21814684

elaborate on book store and the P&G model

>> No.21814691


>> No.21814695

> pay 15 years worth of late fees on a book
Is this even real or just a Seinfeld thing? I lost a book once and they just had me pay a replacement fee. The idea that there’s some ticker that runs forever is ridiculous.

>> No.21814701

I swear to god it literally happened to me

>> No.21814727

>just moved
>go to small neighborhood type bookstore
>literally walking distance this is gonna be great
>looking for a book by keynes but have other books in mind
>browsing around
>whole bookshelf for "sex and love"
>true crime takes up the entire back wall
>there is no economics section
>ask cashier if they have anything by keynes
>"not sure but you can check the Revolutionary ideas section!!"
>next to wall to wall sci fi and fantasy section
>revolutionary ideas section is entirely commie shit
>basically a whole shelf just for kropotkin
>endless meme books about muhhhh capitalism
>im not even some gay ancap but this is excessive
>couldnt find any of the other fairly popular books i was looking for
>not even baudrillard or barthes who i feel like trashcommies would be okay with
probably the only time ive left a bookstore empty handed. sorry i dont need endless books about sex positivity and true crime and sci fi

>> No.21814733

you probably have the skull shape of a criminal or untrustworthy person

>> No.21814759

Not a bookstore but a library. My city has a ridiculous amount of homeless people, more than I've ever seen anywhere else.

>Walk into library, have to take a shit
>Walk to women's room, open the door
>wall of shit smell, I literally am disoriented for a second
>There's a man in a safety vest bent over in the middle of the room with his butt facing the door, shit is smeared along the crack
>He starts to turn around
>fucking slam the door and leave, decide I'll just use the restroom next door

Same library

>under the stall I see the edge of a sleeping bag
>not unusual, I ignore it
>Slurred voice from the stall, "hey I really need some cash"
>Stay silent, piss faster
>"hey, hey I really need-"
>finish and leave quickly, don't even wash my hands

This city is so fucking bad. The subreddit is filled with posts about the one homeless guy who chases people and "let's please be kind and empathetic to our houseless neighbors"

>> No.21814769

its hard to do a decent binding on the spot. plebs like me like hardcovers with fancy binding. I've had print shops make me books, but its often quitye expensive.

>> No.21814776

joel osteen is a brilliant mind

>> No.21814792

>Go into an empik.
>It’s mostly a bookstore but they also have music and stuff like that.
>They have a computer that you can use to check their inventory.
>Unfortunately some drunk guy is hogging it listening to music and slightly wiggling.
>Also from time to time he makes the rock’n’roll hand sign.
>Whatever, go looking manually.
>See security drag him out.
>Wonder back towards the screen.
>Some kid wearing the AoT cape swoops in and proceeds to struggle to input ‘attack on titan’.
>Give up and leave.

>> No.21814800

my library did away with late fees entirely. The fees appear on your account, but vanish if you bring the book back after it's declared to be lost

>> No.21814806

>Fiancee and I just had our engagment pictures taken in a little used book store.
>Elderly woman who owns it was thrilled that we would do that, said one stipulation.
>We weren't allowed to get nude in the store.
>Apparently a couple once came in for pictures but tried to get naked for some of them.
>Bought a copy of guy de Maupassant short stories on the way out.
>They had a cute cat.
>Fiancee and I look fat in the pictures, because we are fat.

>> No.21814809

why would you be going in the women's room?

>> No.21814811

stop being fat

>> No.21814815

Good advice, I'm trying.

>> No.21814826

>be me
>bookstore near my house claims to be "fiercely independent and progressive:"

>> No.21814837

why not

>> No.21814886

I wanted to buy a book, so I went I 5o a bookstore. But they didn't have the book I wanted. So I had to go to another bookstore to buy that book that
I wanted to buy.

>> No.21814898

>be me
>go to Barnes and Noble
>browse for whatever catches my eye
>really beautiful and ornate KJV bible
>reminds me of the old one my grandfather has
>I envision myself reading it to my kids by the fireplace someday
>I'll read it to my grandkids too
>when I'm gone it will guide my descendants to heaven as well
>pick it up and proceed to checkout
>lady is shopping nearby
>she smiles at me...until she sees what I'm holding
>her face changes from smiling to the most inhuman expression of anger I have ever seen
>the eyes were worst
>looked like Bilbo during that jump scare in the LotR movie when he tried to snatch the ring back from Frodo
I will never, ever forget that interaction. I am 100% convinced it was a demon.

>> No.21814921

This made me lol, nice

>> No.21814923

it's just a little gay idk

>> No.21815082

>I am 100% convinced it was a demon
It was. I have had similar experiences but strangely without any thing to provoke them at all. No Bible, no visible cross, no mention of religion at all and they had visceral reactions spewing blasphemies. They also attacked white people, heterosexuality, masculinity, among other things. The memes are real but it's not "sjws" it's demons using resentful and impassioned lost souls. They will hate you on sight.

>> No.21815089


>> No.21815090

You are like Elijah in the wilderness

>> No.21815119

>go to bookshop
>employee talks to me
>leave and never come back

>> No.21815129

>walk into bookstore
>get raped
Why did this happen to me

>> No.21815195

bloody hellfire

>> No.21815207

He's a legend. Did you make the thread crying about him and posting 1 star Yelp reviews a few months ago?

>> No.21815242

Wait are guns inherently republican in the usa? Why would anyone pass on the privilege on having a firearm just because of their political alignment.

>> No.21815245

Which bookstore is this, I am on my way

>> No.21815273

You will never be French. Continentals mock you when they’re even briefly reminded of your existence. Souvien de ca, cherie

>> No.21815291

is your IQ in the 70-80 range or is it even lower?

>> No.21815299

Not the same guy. The guy you're referencing has a cover charge and follows you around the store as you browse.

>> No.21815311

I knew an old man in Tokyo who owned a small local bookshop. About once a month he would close for an entire weekday seemingly at random. Turned out he had an arrangement with a porno company to film there. He said it brought in more money on that one day than the entire rest of the month selling books.

>> No.21815313

Because guns are politicized in the USA.
>White Racists have guns!
>Racist cops have guns!
>Racist Republicans have guns!
>Incel school shooters have gun!
>Omg America has horrible gun crime statistics! (DO NOT LOOK UP THE INTERSECTION OF PERPETRATOR RACE AND GUN CRIME)
>Life is worth more than property or money!
If you ask any Democrat if they have a gun, they would act really shocked and start loudly proclaiming "Of course I don't have a gun!".

>> No.21815319

Why would you go to a chain bookstore that only sells new books? Its all shitty paperbook mass produced pulp, itll crumble in five years. And the books are bad too. Imagine walking into a barnes and noble when there are still actual bookstores in many cities. Who the fuck are you people?

>> No.21815321


>> No.21815324

asserting dominance with sheer autism is peak masculinity

>> No.21815338

He wouldn't say

>> No.21815378

Half-priced-books is pretty good, but the selection is pretty location based.

>> No.21815386

There are multiple bookstores in my city still requiring masks. I feel like walking in and sticking a finger in my throat to puke on their floor. Draconian bastards.

>> No.21815393

based and ungovernable

>> No.21815396

We Rape U Bookstore

>> No.21815398

It’s okay Anon I like fancy tea too philistines have no taste.

>> No.21815444

Is bookstore JAV a thing?
I might have found a new niche

>> No.21815449

>went to a bookstore
>didn't find what I was looking for

>> No.21815450

The big twist is it's all the same book.

>> No.21815457

New York City?

>> No.21815464

t. Seattle resident
>go to library
>suddenly meth addict busts in, accosting all the library patrons to see if anyone has a lighter
>screaming and screaming that she needs a lighter
>wranglers show up
>drag her out as she's screaming that anyone with a lighter should come by outside like it's the most important thing in the world and the whole city has to stop what they're doing and provide the meth addicts with a lighter
>wranglers come back in, start discussing the meth contamination levels in the bathrooms being too high from their last inspection
>check out books and leave
>small homeless camp out front, get a whiff of crackpipe
>try to hold breath, probably laced with fent

>> No.21815466

Nigger the B&N I go to literally has a poster of V by Thomas Pynchon hanging iver the register, a huge ass poster. They've never had that book in stock for over a decade. Not. Once. And they have a poster of it. Faggot.

>> No.21815476

Oh yeah the guy who got arrested for check fraud? Were you the guy who was trying to spin that as a chad move?

>> No.21815483

>Stay silent, piss faster
Title of my autobiography.

>> No.21815490

I would be put off at this and like "wtf" 3 months ago but my life is in shambles now, i also feel like im reading too much, i need a friend. why cant this happen to me. should i.... it was me anon, PLEEAASSEE BE MY FRIEND

>> No.21815547

>Go to Half Price Books
>Hi im looking for a certain book by this person
>See them spell it wrong
>Dont have it
>Correct spelling
>They actually dont have it.
>They never have it
Every goddamn time

>> No.21815554

This question is a great signifier of age. The hunt and surprise among innumerable books is an activity that i genuinely cherish

>> No.21815564

>working 7 days a week at my store
>economy's really killed the book shops lately, i try to stay open for the sake of humanity, even though it's harder to pay the bills
>sick of people expecting massive discounts on expensive rare books
>punk bitch with a lisp calls up, sounds like he's retarded and a queer, spends 5 minutes trying to pronounce 'Churchill'
>some faggot walks in wearing bell bottoms and a womans top
>smile politely at him
>watch him wander around playing on his tamagochi toy, even talking to it, picking up random books and asking the price


>eventually i say 'fuck this' and break out the poolcue wrapped in barbed wire
>beat the faggot with this until he's cowering in the corner
>"what are you looking for" i ask


>finally left the store, i made $5 from this

>> No.21815568

who cares. quebec has its own charm. france is better provincially but montreal blows any french city out of the water

>> No.21815575

Oolong milk tea with low sugar. I can't stand sweets.

>> No.21815581

You should have just sucked his dick honestly

>go buy a coffee
>make a lighthearted subtle joke at the barista
>get escorted out for some reason by some jacked faggot cops

Bookstores should be nuked

>> No.21815583

>be me
>visit bookstore alone because my fiancé is out of town
>across the store I see my girlfriend but she doesn’t see me
> she’s with a nigger

>> No.21815586

Why because you’re afraid of them applying their knowledge? You are a pussy and deserve rape

>> No.21815587

>Bookstore date
>Spill my spaghetti on the introduction by mispronouncing her name AND my name
>Cannot come down from that embarrassment and stumble through conversations
>The time passes quick, brain fogs
>She thought I was just sick and told me to go home.
>Hours pass and she plans another date "when I'm healthy"
Surprisingly, we are still together. May even get married someday. I'll never tell her that I was just retarded that day.

>> No.21815615

Even in the 90s my library would just charge the replacement cost for the book and not let you borrow shit, and only that because I loved in a poor area that wouldn't return shit

>> No.21815621

I went into a bookstore where someone had vomited on the floor, I stepped over it and browsed for like 30 minutes, found a couple books I liked and went to pay and nobody had cleaned it up. Fucking stunk like shit. Do they not have a mop in a book store?

>> No.21815625

For mw it was Texas libraries that constantly had meth head homeless everywhere

>> No.21815686

My worst experience was the opposite. I saw a girl with Kingkiller 1 & 2, obviously looking for the third book. I struck up a conversation about the Rothfuss situation and it led into a whole session about fantasy books (which I'm not the most knowledgeable about, even though I knew more than her) and what I could recommend. We had a nice, semi-flirty conversation, but it petered out and I gently tried to leave, only for her to follow me and ask about another book. This happened four or five times, and I assumed she was prompting me to get her number. I asked, and she stammered out something about how she didn't date, although as I left she asked me to repeat my last rec, so I told her "Sandman" was on the corner kiosk. She literally just wanted my /lit/ wisdom.

>> No.21815687

Unironically wholesome. She seems like a keeper

>> No.21815748
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It's sweet tea with tapioca balls or popping jelly at the bottom. There's flavors like lychee and mango and durian. If you haven't tried it, you're missing out.

>> No.21815766
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>Asian culture is inherently childish, which naturally begets my disdain.

Incredibly based. I too only drink obscure beverages from masculine countries like Honduras or Iran. No sissy baby tranny juice for me.

>> No.21815814


>> No.21815826

>no books interest me
>feel the need to buy something to avoid suspiciously walking out without paying for anything

>> No.21815839

You forgot to turn around 360 degrees

>> No.21815849

Tell me what the Fr*nch have invented that wasn’t just debased perversion

>> No.21815856

Because democrats have a fear of anything masculine. It’s Freudian in nature

>> No.21815893
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Say, is Archambault still full of the poop novels?

>> No.21815895
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Keep coping. Paris is a living museum, albeit with too many blacks and North Africans. Montreal is filled with niggers and you sound like retards

>> No.21815922
File: 69 KB, 629x711, 1626923913800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to random bookstore in san diego
>store is owned by old jewish guy who is loudly arguing about baseball with his friend
>random normie comes in and asks for normie book. Jew turns him away rudely
>spend hours browsing the shelves. Get 'the tartar steppe', 'critique of pure reason', 'the black notebooks', 'the ruling class', a book by elizibeth hardwick and a couple other things.
>go to buy the books
>the jew engages me in conversation. says he's a fan of Hardwick.
>sideeyes me for buying the black notebook
>reccomends me Joseph McElroy (no joke)
>I tell him that I want to read women and men
>we have a half hour conversation about 20th century literature
>he give me a good deal on the books
>step in dogshit on the sidewalk outside
>fucking kikes

>> No.21815946

its over

>> No.21815952

So, books by Miguel Serrano?

>> No.21815965

yes no one cares about Asian culture outside of it change my mind

>> No.21815970

I have that and the second volume.

>> No.21815981

>Go into water stones.
>Snatch a book I want and put in my coat pocket with the bottom cut open.
>Return a month later.

They never catch me and it's starting to make me feel invisible. I've taken 30 + books from the same store.

>> No.21815996

>go to bookstore
>books are too expensive

>> No.21816025

careful anon. I would cut that shit out. I stole $300 of kava from the store and stopped then when I went back to get groceries they had the kava locked up and a cop guarding the entrance and he followed me out and talked to me like he knew it was me. This country is really hard on shoplifters like us lol

>> No.21816036

they really love baseball for some reason

>> No.21816048

It's because they know they could never play something like football because it's too violent and demanding but they could fantasize about being a big slugger. Also they like Americana and baseball is very American

>> No.21816064

I'm gonna pretend that she was just spilling her spaghetti and for your sake I hope you do the same.

>> No.21816068

I bet they require shirts and shoes, too.

>> No.21816087

A large black girl asked me out at a Barnes & Noble once.

>> No.21816093

>Why the fuck would you give your store an obviously anglophone name
standard shapeshifter behavior

>> No.21816132

Do you remember the title of the book? I'm curious about the stylized sticker.

>> No.21816133

why cant this ever happen to me, i need my dick sucked by emotionally damaged twinks

>> No.21816147

Why would youse walk into a bookstore to purchase a specific book without having checked online to see if they have it first

>> No.21816151

>walk into Dymocks
>they want $28 australian dollarydoos for a SF masterworks copy of Stand on Zanzibar
>turn around and leave

>> No.21816155

its cos american jewish culture sprung from NYC, where baseball is king

>> No.21816176

Finally a story about a woman spilling spaghetti that’s actually plausible.

>> No.21816184

Eh depends on the gun store but you also get gun accecoires like ear protection or ammo, or could be hunter store and there are bino's, or camo jackets

>> No.21816201

Probably have to work with publishers. I dont think they'd care so long as they get their cut of whatever goy story they're selling.
You're right, but pretty much all modern novels are just crappily glued together softbacks. So long as it's not spiral bound the average joe wont care how poor the binding is. Look at how often /lit/ has to tell people not to buy the Barns and Nobel clothbound hardcovers.
OP said worst experience, not best

>> No.21816243

white fragility on show right here boys

>> No.21816511
File: 87 KB, 900x459, 41BCB569-4993-4C68-984F-E277F76BAFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a city library
First mistake. But yeah its seriously disgusting how libraries are basically homeless shelters in some areas. Plus half those guys go there to either shoot up drugs or jerk it to porn on the public computer
Imagine being a little kid just wanting to read some books and you have to be within 15 feet of a dozen smelly mentally ill perverts
And librarians are hilariously underequipped to deal with this. They’re already more impotent than the average grocery store “security agent,” but their playbook for all disasters is the same.
>Is there a screaming man jerking off in the Children’s Fiction Zone? Please be empathetic and wait until he settles down, do not call the cops or attempt to remove him.
Literally just let the homeless walk all over them kek

>> No.21816554

I would have bought that in a heartbeat.

>> No.21816557

I don't go to bookstores a lot because they won't have what I want anyway so there's nothing crazy to report. For context, I had this "support local businesses"-phase for a minute some time ago.

>Go to lokal book store
>Ask for Julius Evola
>Hmm no I don't think so, maybe if you want we can order it?
>Didn't think you would have it here, ordering is fine
>Alright let's see...oh here we have something but... it's in italian?
>No, I don't speak italian. German or english only.
>Hmm I don't seem to find anything....but here are some other books by people called Julius :)
>B-but I wanted a book from a very specific Julius not just any one of the many different Juliuses
>Hmm no I can't seem to find it, Sorry :(
>Tfw I looked it up myself before I went there and it's easily available on many websites
>Tfw I even could have gotten it from amazon

My "support local businesses"-phase ended right there on the wobbly scratched up wooden stool.

>> No.21816572
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>> No.21816575

You occassionally see these news stories about someone paying thousands of dollars for books they checked out decades ago, but I think that's just rich people making a performative donation. The library doesn't actually expect you to pay it.

>> No.21816576

kill yourself posthaste

>> No.21816657

>wanting to see women naked is gay
anon.... something you wanna tell us?

>> No.21816666

>spilling her spaghetti
She mentioned being a physics student and seemed kind of awkward, so this wouldn't be crazy. It would be nice for the other person to the clueless one for once.

>> No.21816675

that would be homophobic

>> No.21816700

>physics student

She was either autistic and into you or just autistic. Either way don’t worry about it anon

>> No.21816763

There was a time these two ridiculously cute girls kept following me and acting like they were reading whenever I glanced at them. They spoke loudly enough to make sure I heard them tease each other about not reading, or a certain book being 'too big, you'd never read that'.
It sucked because they looked about 13 and I'm not single.

>> No.21816779

Big if true

>> No.21816801

Nig if true

>> No.21816820

>walk by bookshop
>don't go in
>know it's all overpriced and shit
>go home
>read a downloaded epub or second hand classic I bought for £3

>> No.21816834
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, 1573571904379-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're 13
>you're not single
Anon, you're literally 250 pounds away from the most legendary anime trope of all time.

>> No.21816905

The only bookstore in my town is an adult bookstore that's somehow still in business here in 2023. The nearest one is about a half hour drive away, two cities over.

>> No.21816920

Minimum wage employees think they are above janitorial work.

>> No.21816932

That's because they allow you to steal until you reach felony levels. Then they prosecute you.

>> No.21816933

You two were retarded.

>> No.21816942

Do not worry, they are both vaxed.

>> No.21816963

>for $3.75
That's the craziest part.

>> No.21817008

That's gay, bro

>> No.21817136

That’s what I do. Most bookstores like indigo are just boutiques for women now and only carry a limited selection of actual books. Their online website/warehouse has 100000x the selection, which is still nothing compared to what Amazon offers. If I’m going to a physical bookstore, it’s going to be to simply look at books and pick one haphazardly, not with the intention of finding a particular book. This works best at used bookstores since the prices are much cheaper. Funny enough I also looked for Harlan Ellison books, but if his books are this difficult to purchase from online retailers, good luck trying to find it in a physical bookstore. Are the people of this board stupid? Do they not realize that the average person doesn’t read what we read? Why would a bookstore carry niche books instead of pop drivel that caters to the masses.

>> No.21817176
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funnily enough, I'm not even from here.
all these anti-north american insults I actually agree with

>> No.21817285

>libtard bookstore
>for black history month (not even the US btw) they have a ton of african american "literature"
>the only blacks I've ever seen there are mutts looking at the manga and comic department

>> No.21817359


>> No.21817438

>approach counter with wittgenstein's tractatus
>female cash operator: doing some light reading? (said with perplexing levity)
>me (mask of confusion): are you alluding to the thinness of the volume?
>female cash operator/potential mate: huh?
>me (teeth chattering): do not let the weight of the book deceive you as to the weightiness of its contents.
>future wife: ok
>me: (swallows)
>soul mate: are you ok?
>me: i want you to perform the transaction now

>> No.21817445

Harlan Ellison isn't niche...he's on the same level as Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert...

>> No.21817641

There is no difference between scrolling through a webpage of books and looking up and down a shelf in terms of adventurousness (? is that a word).

>> No.21817703

I don’t get the escalation of the wagie. Can you explain mate or is it terminal for me ?

>> No.21818106

>zoomers are so lobotomized that they think viewing the world through a VR headset and never moving is the same as living

>> No.21818539

>tapioca or popping pearls
gay af
get the red beans bitch boy

>> No.21818801

>Bookstore date
>Spill my spaghetti on the introduction
Were you slobbering all over a book's introduction page with a plate of sphaget in your hands?

>> No.21818811

You'll never know if I'm pro-mask or anti-shirts-and-shoes.

>> No.21818817

Nigger, just say 'man' or 'woman' or just 'guy'. What the fuck is a 'them'?