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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.57 MB, 1441x1824, William.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21810445 No.21810445 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the most /lit/ name?

>> No.21810452

remove everyone but Shakespeare and it would still be the most /lit/ name

>> No.21810463

1st row: Marco Polo, PASS, Shakespeare, Keats
2nd row: Blake, Thackeray, William Cullen Bryant, PASS
3rd row: PASS, WB Yeats, Faulkner, Robert Wagner
4th row: PASS ALL

>> No.21810465


>> No.21810475
File: 48 KB, 640x853, Robert_Wagner_1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robert Wagner

>> No.21810489

Killed Natalie Wood.
Also y'all knew I meant Dicky Wagner.

>> No.21810495

I assume he's included because his middle name was Wilhelm and Germans use multiple honorific names.

>> No.21810502

Also fyi third from left, bottom row is William Lutheran Pierce, the secretive neonazi writer they parodied in that one Seinfeld episode.

>> No.21810504

I just realized what this thread meant picrel being all Williamses.

>> No.21810514
File: 66 KB, 710x528, c3cc5aa34f4623e47bbda4f318ffcc88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talking about Donald O'Brien leader of the Aryan Union and who some consider progenitor of the Alt-Right?

>> No.21810519

Who would have thought a popular name also has a lot of celebrities‽ Wow!

>> No.21810531

It's William Carlos Williams you homo

>> No.21810547
File: 106 KB, 800x1191, William_Luther_Pierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look kinda similar to me. This guy probably has a bigger impact on literature than whoever the fuck that guy is.

>> No.21810693

Mental illness

>> No.21810706

mine desu

>> No.21810718

It’s Ryan

>> No.21810757

I counted once in my Oxford Verse anthology, and the two most frequent names are William and Thomas.

>> No.21810766

I have unmasked
the Jews
that were in
the TV

and which
you were probably
were chosen

Forgive me
they were devious
so bad
and so mean

>> No.21810787

Who be the two left-figures in the top row?

>> No.21810797

Why is his middle name Carlos

>> No.21810808

It's George:
Hegel, Eliot, Shaw, Orwell, Bataille, Bernanos, Sorel, Perec, Simenon, Rodenbach, Ribemont-Dessaignes, Perros, Trakl, Simmel, Lukacs, Canguilhem, Borges, Agamben, Bassani, Manganelli

>> No.21810819

Eliot doesn’t count because that’s a pseudonym.

>> No.21810829

Starting backwards: Burroughs, Gass, Gaddis, Wagner, Faulkner, Yeats, Blake, and the “Hamlet” guy (blanking out the full name)

Wow I sucked at this.

>> No.21810834 [DELETED] 

F Gardner

>> No.21810989
File: 134 KB, 681x1024, Will+Annual+TRANS4M+Concert+Benefitting+Angel+S-0erKfLvNKx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21811412

me desu

>> No.21811426
File: 437 KB, 670x673, rudyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rudyard William Lynch

>> No.21811451

Only if they go by William.
"Will" is the ultimate pleb name.

>> No.21811454

what if they go by Rudyard?

>> No.21811458

I've seen it written before that William is the best name nobody goes by.

>> No.21811464

Then they should take a long walk off a short pier desu.

>> No.21812370

Donne, Milton, Keats, Dryden, Ashbery, Galsworthy, Dos Passos, Fowles, Updike, Banville, Le Carre, Betjeman, Bunyan, Tolkein, Webster, Buchan, Cheever, Masefield, Steinbeck
Don't make me include the 'athons'

>> No.21812547

had a hearty kek, thanks anon

>> No.21812983

Should hang yourself for not including Wordsworth.

>> No.21813188

Pass, pass, Shakespeare, Wordsworth
Blake, Thackeray, pass, pass
Pass, Yeats, Faulkner, Wagner
Gaddis, Gass, Carlos Williams, Burroughs
He did

>> No.21813486
File: 1.66 MB, 500x1637, f1755-will-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Will?

>> No.21813524

Too retarded to even use google

>> No.21813783
File: 555 KB, 1125x1419, F5F8CD20-67CA-493A-B7A6-5EA4522E2917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21813805

good list. I'd add Gadamer


>> No.21813831

Is the second one on the top supposed to be William Langland? Google images is showing me that image for him even though there’s no way that’s actually what he looked like. I can’t work out that image’s provenance.

>> No.21813965

Oh, I didn't recognize him. Image on my collected poems edition looks different.

>> No.21813981

Second row far right is O. Henry

>> No.21813999

If Willhelm counts as a William than Jean and Jonathan and arguably Sean count for John. So add Genet, Racine, Sartre, Rousseau, La Fontaine at least

>> No.21814431

You make the passes sound like they are my fault

>> No.21814483

Tell us who top left, 3rd on 2nd row and 1st on 3rd row are, OP