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21805802 No.21805802 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best books to overcome food addiction

pls reply

>> No.21805829

Bruh.... just put the cheeseburger down. Literally just walk away from the table, lmao.

>> No.21805841

buy lots of books, then you will have less money to spend on food

>> No.21805849

AI response:

There are many books that can help individuals overcome food addiction. Here are a few suggestions:

1. "Brain over Binge" by Kathryn Hansen - This book provides a fresh perspective on binge eating and urges readers to recognize that they can choose to say no to their urges and cravings.

2. "The Food Addiction Recovery Workbook" by Carolyn Coker Ross - This workbook provides practical exercises and strategies to help readers overcome their food addiction.

3. "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler - This book explores the science behind why we overeat and provides strategies to help individuals break the cycle of food addiction.

4. "Eating in the Light of the Moon" by Anita Johnston - This book uses metaphors and storytelling to help individuals understand and heal their relationship with food.

5. "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch - This book provides a step-by-step guide to help readers relearn how to listen to their body's hunger and fullness signals and develop a healthy relationship with food.

Remember that overcoming food addiction can be a complex process and it may be helpful to seek support from a healthcare professional or therapist who specializes in disordered eating.

>> No.21805850

Better yet, become a writer, become poor and eat less. Then get replaced by AI and become extremely poor and eat even less.

>> No.21805851

this, the food cannot legally enter your body without your permission, it's probably in your constituion

>> No.21805858

You should seek a therapist who specializes in reddit spacing

>> No.21805860

Meditate and take cold showers. Discipline sucks, gotta do it.

>> No.21805906

unironically start drinking. in the beginning it will make you crave food even more but after a while you don't even think about eating anymore. i haven't eaten in four days and i don't even feel hungry. i wasnt fat like a landwhale, just was a bit curvy. now, a couple years after rigorously changing my life for the better by embracing the lords gift of alcohol, i look like christian bale in the mechanic. i also managed to save a lot of money and aquire some nice physical things because boozing up is just that much cheeper these days than stuffing your diwgusting fat wormhole mouth. just don't overdo it and stay functional

>> No.21805919

I see...Wernicke's and Korsakoff's in your future...

>> No.21805943
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Forget everything you know about the body because you’re fat: I will be the gentle hand you seek but remember like >>21805860 said you will receive your hard slap from discipline too; like the yummy mashed potatoes with your healthy veggies. Soft gentle advice: when you’re struggling go for a run because it will reset your receptors, just like your food cravings, so they only point/align/geared about the immediate or “not falling down while running” “maintain the breath”. Ok firm hand advice: you spent so much time becoming a fatty. It could seriously take a decade to reform your body. Every soda is doing damage. It’s a shortcut to energy. Real energy comes from fitness. Anyway let yourself fail and be mindful of the failure. The modern world hijacks our CNS to consoom. Never forget this.

>> No.21805957
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-when-i-get-a-little-money-i-buy-books-and-if-any-is-left-i-buy-food-and-clothes-desiderius-erasmus-9-4-0467 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desiderius Erasmuspilled

>> No.21805964

i don't see a future for myself at all, but at least my life is bearable for the moment and that's all it needs to be for me to keep going

>> No.21805972

Sincerely, good for you. Best of luck.

>> No.21806001

from a personal experience, shame seems to work extremely well, i remember one occasion where i got hospitalized and i had to shit while in bed, i couldnt leave the bed for 3 months, there is basically a fucking shit shovel the nurse puts under you and you shit and wipe in your bed
oh and also i had to share the hospital room with 3 more people, im from eastern fucking europe this place is a shithole its not like american movies where you get a whole hospital room

so anyway, i basically decided to stop eating at this point and was only fed through the needle drip thingie, i no longer had to shit, problem solved, i only had to piss but this was a significantly lesser problem then shitting

been years ever since, im out of the hospital now, and i manage the metabolism by packing a massive amount of muscle
muscle tissue is metabolically active
meaning more muscle, more calories are spent
so basically just pack muscle
start lifting like a beast so you can eat like a beast

>> No.21806028

The whale by Brendan Fraser

>> No.21806070
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what kinda gay ass mfer describes himself as 'curvy'

>> No.21806090

if i'm being honest i tried to be funny and it made me chuckle

>> No.21806116
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I'm 300 pounds fat

>> No.21806470
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The Obesity Myth: Why America's Obsession with Weight is Hazardous to Your Health
By Paul Campos

>> No.21806605

uh oh now that that whale movie came out are we going to get flooded with idiots who think being morbidly obese is a "literary lifestyle"?