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/lit/ - Literature

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21804485 No.21804485 [Reply] [Original]

Which modern languages have the greatest liteature?

>> No.21804526


>> No.21804531


>> No.21804574


>> No.21804610


>> No.21804668


>> No.21804926
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not even a quuestion

>> No.21805093


>> No.21805096

>two flags for English

>> No.21805100

Two flags for Spanish also

>> No.21805105


>> No.21805108

I only see one.

>> No.21805122

Portugese is Spanish's retarded cousin

>> No.21805124

2 more weeks.

>> No.21805128

So it's not the same.

>> No.21805143

1) english (usa), spanish (spain, mexico, colombia, traces of argentina), french (france+some colonial places), italy (mostly in the past, not today).
2) german, portuguese, russian
3) Arabic
4) China and India

>> No.21805155


>> No.21805211

1. English, French, Italian
2. Spanish, German, Chinese
3. Russian, Portuguese, Arabic

>> No.21805351

switch russian with italian and your list is perfect

>> No.21805359

This. Russia has some of the greatest literature ever written, and a good amount of it was all within a single century.

>> No.21805509

name one italian book

>> No.21805581
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your language is disgusting and useless

>> No.21805970


>> No.21806032

The Geronimo Stilton series alone has over 100 books and could entertain and educate you for years

>> No.21806043

The Divine Comedy, retards

>> No.21806047

Russian for fiction
German for philosophy

>> No.21806336

Top(o) kek

>> No.21806418

Greatest poet of all time together with Homer was Italian.

>> No.21806785

Polish, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Armenian

>> No.21806974


>> No.21807093

Outside that century though? I mean, putting all the russian lit authors in my head it doesn't exceed past 50 classic works

>> No.21807871

Well this list takes into account ancient, but Portuguese, Russian, and Italian are the best to learn for modern literature.

>> No.21807875
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Here is the objective ranking of literatures.

>> No.21808495


>> No.21808820


A few writers:

Dante Alighieri
Giovanni Bocaccio
Francesco Petrarca
Ludovico Ariosto
Torquato Tasso
Alessandro Manzoni
Giacomo Leopardi
Giousè Carducci
Luigi Pirandello
Gtazia Delleda

> Russia
The most common in this country of cancel culture, are Tolstoj and Dostoevsky.

>> No.21808957

I can Read Japanese, English translations have a lot missing, like a really lot, frog bros.
The Translation of Makioka Sisters Suck.

>> No.21808968

What are some good works of Saudi literature (not including the Quran and hadith)?

>> No.21809028

What's some great works of literature from Germany?
I'm having trouble with their grammar and conjugation and I'm trying to encourage myself to push through

>> No.21809040

Good morning sir!

>> No.21809100

India is actually the last /lit/ country. Access to electricity only became ubiquitous like 3 years ago, so regular people still read a lot of books for entertainment.
Why is Brasil number 1? The Alchemist?

>> No.21809104

Putin lost.