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File: 1.14 MB, 1958x2739, Brandon_Sanderson_-_Lucca_Comics_&_Games_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21803500 No.21803500 [Reply] [Original]

What makes him such a manchild magnet?

>> No.21803502

Dat neckbeard

>> No.21803512

I bought the first book of his big fantasy series (not wheel of time) haven't read it yet so no opinion yet but I haven't heard anything terrible.

>> No.21803519

Unambitious competence attracts those who lack the latter.

>> No.21803523

he writes fantasy

>> No.21803595

You probably thought this was so clever

>> No.21803611

Give his work a try and you’ll find out.

>> No.21803632

That's pretty clever

>> No.21803640

No, it's pretty straightforward.
No it isn't

>> No.21803646

'member those anime and manga where the characters would spend like half a chapter explaining how their powers work and how the combat sequences are supposed to play out based on that, then proceed to shout jargon at each other while fighting? That's what his books read like.

>> No.21803655

his books have good forward momentum and an endless amount of boring details for nerds to memorise and debate over. they're also very sexless, tropey and uncontroversial so they have no chance of alienating his audience.

also the fact that he has a high and consistent output and he got a lot of exposure earlier in his career goes a long way.

>> No.21803659
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Don't dare besmirch a member of the lord's true church

>> No.21803672

I fucking hate this books

"I feel down into a hole that was filled with snakes.

Wait, what.

Snakes! I scramble to my feet and kicked the serpents away. Man, how did I end up in this crazy sitation?"

I fucking hate this guys writing style so much it's like trying to read terrible self insert fanfiction. I have no idea how this guy got any following, he's not even half decent compared to other fantasy writers. He must have connections or something.

>> No.21803685

every one of my nerd friends who reads gushes over his books. they also love videogame stories so it's not surprising because he writes videogames as books.

>> No.21803707

At the risk of revealing myself as a retard, is this an actual excerpt?

>> No.21803771
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I don't think so
Sanderson's exposition isn't great.
His greatest flaw is that character building isn't something that happens automatically through the characters acting. Character development can only, for him, really happen one at a time from the point of view of the developing character. Characterization and narrative substance swings wildly from internal development to external events with sharp, clear demarcation. With a broad, unfocused perspective it seems clunky and amateur, but if it draws you into the moment-to-moment unfolding then you can miss all the flaws

>> No.21803784
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No I was just parodying. But yeah his writing style drives me up the wall

>> No.21803794

I assume this is one of his children's books? I mean, still absolutely dogshit, but a little more forgivable at least.

>> No.21803802

>using "like" that many times
this guy definitely has some connections

>> No.21803810

This guy makes me want to see if I can get rich as a fantasy writer. I'm ESL though, but maybe GTP4 can help me to correct my mistakes.

>> No.21803834
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Ultimate white noise for easily stimulated pseud brains

>> No.21803880
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There's this from Stormlight Archive

>> No.21803891

His use of commas bothers me.

>> No.21803894

Dude he WRITES what he enjoys. Leave the guy alone. His books do exactly what he wants them to do and he’s consistent. Sanderson chads rise up.

>> No.21803896

For some reason, I wasn't expecting him to be so YA. I guess it makes sense, and I wasn't expecting him to be overly serious either, but I thought he wrote books for adults.

>> No.21803900


>> No.21803908

Writing erotic material makes little business sense. It alienates young readers and most older readers pick it up for the escapism and action.
Wheel of Time had implied fade to black, and Wheel of Time sold gangbusters, so do what sells gangbusters

>> No.21803914

Fantasy readers of any age don't want anything that gets in the way of their action scenes, info dumps, and quirky nerd dialogue.

>> No.21803916

Why the fuck do they talk so modern? I thought this was supposed to be a medieval setting. They talk like millennials in a romcom.

>> No.21803925

He writes for Reddit and Youtube addicts.

>> No.21803961
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they're supposed to speak fantasy language but it's auto-translated to current-year English

>> No.21804726

>I thought this was supposed to be a medieval setting
It’s not really. It’s more like as reddit as reddit you could get in terms of fantasy.
>The inspiration for shard suits was Ironsuits from Ironman.
>The Radiance are basically some kind of mix between Avengers, Power Rangers and The Gotei 13 from Bleach.
>The spren themselves are a bit of a mix between Pokemon, Digimon and the East Asian belief that everything has souls.
>Urithiru (the main HQ) is just a bit of Hogwarts if it was a Dark Souls hub, or like the main lobby of Crash Bandicoot or something.
>The Athleti (main race) are asians, wearing middle eastern inspired clothes with a European-inspired culture/history.
>The assassin guy at the start of the first book is just a bald white dude if he was ninja.

It’s actually the most annoying thing about Sando’s prose, or lack of it rather. Because he makes deliberate efforts to have his writing be “transparent” it becomes painfully obvious what’s he’s drawing and picking inspiration from. Like how Mistborn is just Ocean’s 11 and Kelsier is just a mix of George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

>> No.21804743

>Like how Mistborn is just Ocean’s 11 and Kelsier is just a mix of George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
It would be hilarious if a writer actually wrote descriptions like that though.

>> No.21804774

I think this is clever

>> No.21804988

from 1-10 how clever is this?

>> No.21805041

The books aren't bad. Can be a bit cliche. Wide appeal, but still good. Can be enjoyed if you're not just a copy of the Underground Man.

>> No.21805055

I read the first 3 books of storm light archives, i thought the first and second are good, not high literature, but a fun read, good goyslop to read from time to time, still yet to read rythm of war, but people says that is not that good.

Dalinar and Kaladin are pretty kino, at least in the first book, shallan is cringe, adolin is cringe but his brother is a based autist that will fuck her asexual cousin

>> No.21805089

Pick one

>> No.21805101

>the latter
Latter what? Competence is the only noun and unambitious is just its adjective.

>> No.21805867

Have you written a book? Look in Sanderson eyes and realize he’s more Chad than you.

>> No.21805879

you are wrong
Latter word? "Unambitiousness" is a valid concept separate from its immediate context

>> No.21805888

sorry renarin is a homo and wants to fuck the crab dude
hoid is the only one who will ever fuck jasnah while she stares at the ceiling and thinks about mathematical formulas

>> No.21805894

They don't also spend 20% of each chapter summing up the last do they?

>> No.21805928

>good forward momentum
>stories feature some of the slowest pacing imaginable with terrible word economy, terribly done and long exposition dumping, featuring loads of character "moments" that reveal nothing new or interesting about a character that go on forever
>good forward momentum

>> No.21805933

his books are appealing to tweens and teenagers for the same reason reddit is: it feels like you are seeing so much! You are learning all this and that! wow, look at all the things going on, and unlike stuffy old shit, i can just chew through these books.

Then you grow up and realize that easy to read does not equal good, i tried rereading stormlight when the latest book dropped and way of kings was decent but the rest blow. Same reason I dont use reddit anymore - i dont want pseudointellectual takes and stale opinions.

not that 4chan is much better but the difference is like ASOIAF to Stormlight Archive, one is edgy and dark and does make you think with all those rabbitholes and threads, and one is easy to comprehend, is worldbuilt to a an aspergers level so there is no sense of mystery, but its easy and cheesy.

Manchildren want the easy and cheesy, and his recent pandering towards los tumblerinos has exacerbated the situation. He is the avatar of artificing, who else plans out 5,000 years of story and forces characters to bend to that stories will? The characters should drive a story, thr setting is just that, a SETTING, brando makes the SETTING a centerpiece that character interaction and motivation remains simple and comic book like.

>> No.21805948

He's just popular. It's not a niche that filters on quality, so once you have your foot in the door, your success is guaranteed.

>> No.21805962
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haha yeah it'd be hilarious

>> No.21806383

Adults read YA nowadays.

>> No.21807015

yeah, prolly

>> No.21807061

ASOIAF is actual garbage fantasy. GRRM is an incompetent writer.

I want you to read Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams to know what GRRM was trying to ape and completely fucking botched.

>> No.21807506

>Same reason I dont use reddit anymore
If you didn't take the fascist pill you're still a redditor at heart.

>> No.21807511

I feel someone like Pynchon could get away with it, but if it's done without being aware of how awfully cheesy it is then it would come off like this >>21805962

>> No.21807717

Okay, bros, you convinced me. I'll take the Sanderson's pill. With which book should I start? Give me his masterpiece.

>> No.21808048

I dunno try Mistborn. It’s got that heist novel feeling in a high fantasy setting. If you watch his videos on writing it’s easy to see how he applies the whatever. (Sorry, incredibly stoned and reading at the moment.)

>> No.21808174

sandos books:
start with warbreaker and move on to elantris, by the end of elantris you will realise whether you want to continue reading sando or not

read the emperors soul after elantris (his best work, but novella) and complete with shadows for silence if you want to see his best works

stormlight archive is his magnus opus epic fantasy, mistborn was his first fantasy

>> No.21808740

i agree that the first and the second one are the best, and way better than Oathbringer and Rythm of War. I think that RoW is at the very least slightly better than Oathbringer though, it was a fucking mess

>> No.21808743

Try Stormlight archive 1 and 2. If you dont like those its not for you i guess

>> No.21808751

What were his credentials before Wheel of Time? Why did they give it to him?

>> No.21808758

The wife of the author liked mistborn, unironically

>> No.21808982

I generally dislike Sanderson but Warbreaker was such a cool concept. The execution was kind of lackluster, but if somebody insists on diving into Sanderson I tend to recommend they start there and see if they like his schtick.

Sanderson isn't bad for what he he is: generic, mass appeal engineered fantasy schlock, entertaining but ultimately superficial and vapid. It's like the fantasy novel equivalent of marvel. He's certainly got the formula mastered.

Im actually surprised his reddit crowd/generally liberal followers don't consider they are essentially financially backing the Mormon church buying his books. 10% of millions he rakes in from his novels gets tithed to the church.

>> No.21809061

holy shit he's a mormon?

>> No.21809156

Reminds me of Disc world

>> No.21809161

Aw hell no you didn't just say that

>> No.21809193
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>> No.21809199

he is extremely religious yes

>> No.21809218

Holy shit, that is awful. I always heard Sanderson was popular, but with shlock like this? If this is the current standard for publishing a fantasy series, it’s a wonder that half of us haven’t been plucked by Tor yet. I’m not even that good, and I know without a shadow of doubt that I’m at least four or five times the writer that Sanderson thinks he is. Unbelievable.

>> No.21809234

I'm ESL and I think I could do far better than Sanderson, but at the same time I suspect that what makes him so popular is precisely that he's not very good. If someone studied him and tried to do "Sanderson but better" I have a feeling it wouldn't do nearly as well.

>> No.21809355

Yep, his audience is Tumblr/Reddit fanfic readers whose only point of reference is teenage amateur writing on the internet.

>> No.21809800

this literally reads like a reddit post lmao

>> No.21810136


>> No.21810277


>> No.21811151

Emperors Soul is the one I always recommend first.

>> No.21811245


>> No.21811818

Holy shit this is really clever

>> No.21811822

Brandon Sanderson could never come up with something this clever.

>> No.21811891

fuck me this is painful to read, glad I dropped it early

>> No.21812033

just finished reading Mistborn
it's young adult girl's fiction written by and for highly autistic men

if you read the women he writes as though they're troons they're actually quite well written and convincing, but he can't write a passable woman for his life, which is extra funny cause he loves writing from their perspective
I'd bet if Sanderson was raised in our generation he would've trooned out on discord

He really didn't go anywhere interesting with the setting after The Final Empire though, Well of Ascension is the most autistic teenage girl romance dogshit I've ever read (and I'm drawing on a wide range of fanfiction read during a troubled youth) and Hero of Ages spends so long fucking around before it gets to the point that I wish I'd just been given the cliff notes for the majority of both and handed Hero of Ages at the final act
They could be compressed into a single good book but fucking hell the 2 latter books in this trilogy are weak as it stands

>> No.21812081

Woah, that's actually really insightful

>> No.21812088

Ill be getting a tattoo of this.

>> No.21812124

>fantasy author

>> No.21812154

I forgot about that guy. Tailchasers song was great, I'll have to read that too.

>> No.21812158

>member of the lord's true church
>founded by a freemason
Pick one and only one.
There is but one true faith and that is Traditional Catholicism. Repent now and convert for the salvation of your soul. God bless you brothera and sisters.

>> No.21812736

I assume there's some feedback loop where manchildren on Reddit read his books and write like that, he reads Reddit and adjusts his writing style, they read his books, etc.

>> No.21812771

>just finished reading Mistborn
>it's young adult girl's fiction written by and for highly autistic men
>if you read the women he writes as though they're troons they're actually quite well written and convincing, but he can't write a passable woman for his life, which is extra funny cause he loves writing from their perspective
>I'd bet if Sanderson was raised in our generation he would've trooned out on discord

Very much this. Sanderson can write some decent male characters, but he is convinced he's great at writing women when he simply isn't. Shallan is the worst offender, but Vin isn't much better. He also thinks he much funnier than he actually is, and when these tendencies combine it can get ugly. Shallan's stand-up routines are high art in that they perfectly capture the experience of listening to a coddled rich girl try to be entertaining, but that doesn't make them fun to read.

I don't understand why people like Mistborn. It has to be worldbuilding addicts who are satisfied with simple characters and don't care about plot at all. He pitches it as a heist but it just objectively isn't one. Kelsier "gets the boys together" for the first 150 pages then it's 300 of Vin fucking up and going to dance parties, followed by a sudden, bullshit ending. They never actually put the heist into motion, but Sanderson's fans somehow didn't notice.

SA has enough going on that I understand why people like it, even if the pacing is driving me crazy. I'll never understand how people put up with Mistborn.

>> No.21812816

Who's better Sanderson or Joe Abercrombie?

>> No.21812879

Allomancy is a cool concept but I ended up skipping most fight scenes because they just turned into a barely understandable clusterfuck of he Pushed this and the other guy Pushed that and then they Pulled on each other and Push Pull Push Pull and he burned this and that and Pushed some more

>> No.21812930

>Im actually surprised his reddit crowd/generally liberal followers don't consider they are essentially financially backing the Mormon church buying his books. 10% of millions he rakes in from his novels gets tithed to the church.
They do whine about it. You should know that these people whine about everything.
>yfw if you ever become a successful writer you won't ever be able to talk openly about your fascist values

>> No.21812956

Imagine getting filtered by brando sando

>> No.21812969

There's a scene in Hero of Ages where Elend talks to Vin about how she killed his father, his brother and his ex-gf, and calls it a "homicidal hat trick". A modern sports term. I don't mind the mediocre prose that much but that was particularly jarring

>> No.21812976

>hat trick
Makes sense. Only pseuds call it a hat-trick. If Sanderson had S0VL he would have said "un triplete".

>> No.21813004

I've no doubt that's what they call it in the spanish translation

>> No.21813085

What would it take to write "Brandon Sanderson but good?"

>> No.21813087
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>> No.21813177

You know, for people who supposedly hate Sanderson, you’ve sure read a lot of him

>> No.21813185

Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.

>> No.21813202

>quotes the villain in a great work of literature to justify reading guilty pleasure trash
unfathomably based

>> No.21813231

Seek professional help

>> No.21813271

commit sewer side

>> No.21814715

as a /lit/maxxing NEET I've gotta read a lotta trash (while searching for something good) to occupy the hours I spend not working

being bitter on image boards about how much time I've just wasted helps stretch each waste of bookshelf space out a bit

>> No.21814760

Does he have Downs syndrome? He looks like he has Downs.

>> No.21814765

He's just fat, anon

>> No.21814771

It's the typical mormon facial expression.

>> No.21814774

Ahahaha, fuck.

>> No.21814990

Every time I see his books I think they'd be a cool read. Then I see how many there are and get put off.

What's his best series?

>> No.21815650

>Who's better Sanderson or Joe Abercrombie?
Abercrombie. Not even close. I got through the entire TFL trilogy partially to take a break after getting through WoK. It's not that Sanderson sucks ass. He's just too wordy relative to how good a storyteller he is. I can count the moments in WoK which really worked on one hand (Kaladin in the high-storm, Dalinar fighting the chasm fiend, "I am an honor spren", Dalinar giving up his sword) but you have to slog through endless chapters of meandering bullshit to get there; and those moments are still only an 8/10. I can accept that in a shorter book but if I'm slogging through 30k of set-up the payoff needs to blow my mind to make up for it.

For all his faults, Abercrombie knows how to write a good scene. He picks out the most interesting aspect of a situation, zooms in on it, and keeps things fun. He's also not afraid to lean really hard in one direction with a character, which I appreciate. Glokta was a big risk, and no character in any Sanderson I've read comes close to touching him. Joe leans on stereotypes and makes side characters retarded so his heroes look smarter, but I much prefer that to half the cast being 20th-century Liberals transposed into a medieval setting.

My biggest problem with TFL is that the overarching story feels underdeveloped and it like a bunch of random scenes strung together without a strong sense of causation, which is one area where Sanderson excels, but I'm happy to give that up in exchange for fun characters and engaging scenes. Abercrombie is also productive without sacrificing quality. He's no literary genius, but he deserves all the success he gets.

>You know, for people who supposedly hate Sanderson, you’ve sure read a lot of him
I didn't hate Way of Kings, just Mistborn. Overall I'm lukewarm towards Sanderson, but I have friends who love him so I keep trying to at least get through SA just so we can talk about it and shit. That reading two books feels like "a lot" is part of the problem.

>> No.21816477

we did it r3ddit

>> No.21816489

>lord's true church
Mormonism isn't Christian, it's not even a sect of Christianity

>> No.21816497

Book of Mormon is unironically better than anything Sanderson wrote.

>> No.21816512

Stormlight Archive is his magnum opus, but it's five tomes and counting. Start with Warbringer, it's a one-off and only moderately cringy compared to some of his other work.

Mistborn is tolerable if you skip past every scene where Vin and Elend interact at all.

>> No.21816981

I would be OK with this as a translation from their language to ours, but they also use for example modern psychological terms, which annoyed me a lot.

>> No.21817135

>read Stormlight last year on a whim, actually enjoyed it
>read Mistborn Era 1 after that, could definitely see the rough edges on that especially in Final Empire, still decent enough
>decided to culture shock myself with Malazan

do I sound crazy if I say that reading Malazan kinda made me appreciate Sanderson's writing more? not in a "uuuuh I hate how stuff just happens in Malazan, dripfeed me everything" kinda way, moreso that I can enjoy Sanderson's writing being clearly laid out, if wordy, while Erikson seems to go all in on "fuck you, my way or the highway", even if I understand what's actually happening like only half the time despite being slightly over four books in at this point

>> No.21817148

Technically speaking in terms of the cosmere timeline this is happening at the same time that other planets are developing cars and the widescale implementation of electricity, so presumably a lot of language could have travelled over from other shardworlds

>> No.21817184

Apparently reading the prequel of Malazan, soften the confusion of reading the main series; that is what I'm gonna do when I start this series. I haven't read any Sanderson yet, but I'm fine with starting with Malazan for my first high-fantasy novel. I don't like female main characters, and Sanderson seems to be into that, unfortunate.

>> No.21817191

>I don't like female main characters, and Sanderson seems to be into that, unfortunate.
honestly you could do a lot worse in that regard

>> No.21817284

>Sanderson but better
Isn't that just Rothfuss?
Anyways, half of Sanderson's appeal is that he puts no effort into his work, and as a result he churns out a book every 6 months, which means his readers never have to wait. "Sanderson but better" would require actually caring, which would defeat the whole point.

>> No.21817422

Iunno, people have been waiting for over a decade for the sixth ASOIAF book in spite of how trash the TV series ended up getting and Martin's name still got a lot of buzz being attached to Elden Ring, and on the other hand you got Malazan putting out books in the main series on a slightly slower than yearly schedule and I haven't really seen people accuse Erikson of not caring. This also only applies if you want to read every single thing he's putting out. I'm only really interested in Stormlight (and even then I haven't touched those interlude books) and I'm looking at one book every three to four years at this point

At worst I'd argue Sanderson cares about the "wrong" aspects rather than not at all, whatever that would mean in this context

>> No.21817444

Writing a book doesn't mean shit
Writing a good book does
And writing a bad book and then publishing it just means you deserve to be laughed at
Most good writers, the first novels they put out were already good

>> No.21817477

You can't really hate on an author without reading him, you know. It's just fake hate otherwise.

>> No.21817493

>go from fast-paced epic fantasy slop
>to slow-paced epic fantasy slop with cryptic writing and good prose
I mean, what did you expect? Neither are good.

>> No.21819172

Yes he likes to think he's breathing too

>> No.21819272

saved. cleverposters always rescuing Sandersoy threads.

>> No.21819298
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>> No.21819621
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The part about Sanderson that pisses me off is that in the Stormlight Archives, they're explicitly NOT speaking fucking English, they're speaking Alethi, a language which we've even seen drawn (it looks like sound waves) and have some examples of. It isn't English. It isn't even close to English.

But then they make puns that would only make sense in English. WHY Sanderson. You fucking hack.

>> No.21819661

It's like getting mad at MCU writing, anon. You're undoubtedly correct, but why waste the energy?

>> No.21819791

His YA shit is exceptionally cringe. I'm not sure why he even bothers, since everything he writes is YA anyway.

>> No.21820178
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>I'd always thought I'd make a good queen of the apes

>> No.21820323

He engages with his fanbase a lot so people form a parasocial relationship with him

>> No.21820354

>I wasn't expecting him to be so YA
every woman he writes is a ya protagonist, incredibly competent or powerful and their only flaw is being quirky, even when they do something retarded there's no repercussions. vin in mistborn and the super-intelligent scientist woman in stormlight are the same.

>> No.21820375

you're a jerk magnet

>> No.21820397

you didn't even read Tad Williams faggot. you just heard that it inspired ASOIAF and repeat like a good little goy. Otherwise you would know that MST is absolute definition of mediocre fantasy and not even close to ASOIAF.

>> No.21820410

MST is alright but the idea of it being anywhere close to ASOIAF in quality is ridiculous

>> No.21820798

That one writing general once recommended his lectures. Are those a waste of time?

>> No.21820815

>Are those a waste of time?
Not really. You will learn some useful things, like working with an agent, but he also pretty much explains all his formulas, and while I wouldn't recommend you to copy them, knowing those things can come handy, even if you use them as an advice on how not to do things.

>> No.21821038

>open pic
>see "Shallan"
>close pic
Don't have to read more than that to know it's going to be horrible.

>> No.21822290

>atheist gets assignment to cover Mormon fantasy author
>stays at his house, meets his family
>openly insults him for the duration of the assignment
>"Why are you such an evil Mormon and terrible writer, Brandon?"
>puts out hit piece on him five months later
what kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.21822339

faggot english major turned journo literally cannot comprehend having actual work ethic, seethes at a religious person having a successful career and loving his work for its own sake

>> No.21822347

the most common careers of failed authors are journos and english lit teachers

>> No.21822389

>soulless New Yorker kike journalist is a petty, greasy weasel who uses his third rate position at a perpetually unprofitable and irrelevant yet mysteriously never failing modern Encounter magazine equivalent to bitch femininely about a decent enough Christian man who hosted him in his family home

A tale as old as time. Hey Jason Kehe, when you google yourself today, this one's for you: fuck you you malding ingrate kike, you're why everybody hates your people.

>> No.21822454

>/lit/ hates Brandon Sanderson with a fiery passion unless a Jew is attacking him

>> No.21822462

I just finished Mistborn era 1 and have started era 2. I like the pacing, the story moves pretty quickly. The action scenes are well written. The characters are pretty shallow and only a couple are interesting. My biggest issue lies with something Ellend tells Vin regarding 3 important people she kills. He calls it a murder hat trick. Killed the emersion.

>> No.21822472

last Sanderson thread /lit/ loved this guy and dubbed him the Mormon Worldbuilding machine

>> No.21822473

My mom’s family went to the same ward as his family. My grandma gave him piano lessons. She says he was not good at piano at all. Take that for what you will.

>> No.21822552
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I have no problem with Sanderson or the jews, I just hate journalists

>> No.21822856


>> No.21822866

I hate his books with a passion. I don't know if it is the cheap generic YA fantasy setting, the stupid dialogs, the retarded info dumps that happen constantly through the pages, the pointless plot, the unnecesarily autistic descriptions of everything that's happening at every moment... It's like he writes books for retarded people.

>> No.21822917

I won't pretend I have any actual taste, I read what I like. What makes it hard for me to read Stormlight is the bad humor and the constant forced feelsbad every character is mandates to go through every book. By the end of every book each of the protagonists seem to have finally gotten over whatever their bullshit is, only to immediately backslide into depression at the beginning of the next book. I like the world building and the conflict, but I just started Rhythm of War and Kaladin is immediately back to huddling on the ground crying because somebody reminded him that life isn't fair. There's nothing wrong with some drama from trauma but Jesus Christ Sanderson put it back in the deck.

>> No.21823304

I hate Sanderson because his writing is bad
I hate journos who hate his writing for reasons unrelated to his prose and plots even more
simple as

>> No.21823312

the difference between a scathing critique and a hit piece is objectivity
writers of hit pieces are the scum that caused the death of journalism, simple as

>> No.21823540

Sanderson makes bank as an author and he teaches creative writing.

>> No.21823577

This is pretty clever ngl on god fr fr no cap

>> No.21823694

>no you cant use that term from the 1850s thats way too modern for your made up fantasy world!!1