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21800892 No.21800892 [Reply] [Original]

The great american novel

>> No.21801016
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Sorry wop, you don't qualify

>> No.21801028

Take your meds, /pol/tard.

>> No.21801051

I just read this and found it surprisingly captivating. I never knew I liked this type of rambling story telling, I hope his other books are similar.

>> No.21801243

I really loved it and read it quickly. Libra and Mao II are my other favs of his. I think Libra is his very best, Underworld is a close second.

>> No.21801255

Patrician taste my friend.
Pre-Underworld DeLillo is really great. I think in many ways Underworld broke him. I can't imagine writing a novel that complex and long.

>> No.21801266

I’ve never read it. Is it deep?

>> No.21801423

Think he just put all his ideas into it. I liked Zero K a bit, though I found it slow going. Haven't read The Silence.

>> No.21802219

They don't want you to say it but it's true.

>> No.21802240

Literally nothing America has produced has surpassed Moby Dick. I have a sneaking suspicion that the one to finally do it is gonna be a verse novel. I think Melville was such an undisputed champion of prose that the only way to beat him is not using prose at all.

>> No.21802283

Yeah there is no way anyone will ever top his prose. I genuinely believe that it is impossible at this point.

>> No.21802959
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Pic related is better and I am sick of pretending it isn't.

>> No.21803061

Reddit taste.

>> No.21803134

It’s good but it’s not as good as Moby dick dude sorry.

>> No.21803159

Moby dick is reddit

>> No.21803165

It is better.

>> No.21803637

I enjoyed Paftko at the Wall but the rest of it is shit.

>> No.21803653

ruined by the judge throwing the puppies in the river. mccarthy always crosses the edgelord line somewhere.

>> No.21803675

>le Pupperino

>> No.21803702

puppyfucker detected

>> No.21803770

i don't give a fuck about dogs it's just stupid

>> No.21803783

Moby Dick is the best novel of all time. "hurr its not moby dick it sucks" is the most retarded take I've read on /lit/

>> No.21803805

I didn't say it sucks. OP said Underworld is the Great American Novel. I respectfully disagreed, as Moby Dick, in my estimation, is still the Great American Novel.

>> No.21803806

Moby dick sucks

>> No.21803835

Oh, and the guy just smashing two babies fontanels in on the edge of a firepit was just fine then huh? The point is that its supposed to disgust you like that

>> No.21804865

Started reading this and there's a lot of info dumping, dozens of different characters and constanat perspective switches. It's clear DeLillo is trying to juggle many different ideas and integrate his research. So far I prefer his more minimalist novels.