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21796252 No.21796252 [Reply] [Original]

You aren't reading it? I thought you loved him *sniff*

>> No.21796255

I feel like his books exist entirely for middle class Williams to read, and "hmm" over.

>> No.21796279

Is this negative or neutral?
A lot of attacks against him recently. I can see leftists in a few years pretend they never liked him (the same thing they did to Marcuse and other New Leftists).

>> No.21796289

>I thought you loved him *sniff*
go back to plebbit

>> No.21796420

Seems kinda icy, haven't read it though. I think sociology of intelligentsia is inherently catty

>> No.21796476


>> No.21796486

It's not deep. That's the point.

>> No.21796502


>> No.21796926

whats with the blue lighting on one side of face red on the other thing that a vague category of people do?

>> No.21796935

oy vey stop noticing

>> No.21797254

Chomsky BTFO Zizek though.

>> No.21797371

I know what Jordan Peterson shills, I know what Sam Harris shills, I know what ibram x kendi schills

I still don’t know what this guy shills

>> No.21797436

He shills that coffe without cream is not the same as coffee without milk, because the thing that you substratc away is initially present as an idea.

Let coffe be x, milk be M and cream C.

(x + M) - M = x with some implicit thing
(x + C) - C = x with some other implicit thing
x =/= x

No idea where this can be applied.

>> No.21797467

>You aren't reading it?
No, I don't like Zizek

>> No.21797480

I guess I just don't like midwits even if they're high-midwits

>> No.21798407

bisexual lighting

Does it say anything about how much he ripped off Mladen Dolar and Alenka Zupančič?

>> No.21798411

i do enjoy listening to his youtube videos

>> No.21798446

That's literally all philosophy post-1900.

>> No.21798459

And before 1900 it was made for high class Williams to read and "hmm" over.

>> No.21798585

>he doesn't spend his time going "hmmm"

>> No.21798731

I'm merely a low class William who goes "hmmm".

>> No.21799121

From what I've seen he's just another faggot that catches people who begin to wander off the plantation and leads them to nowhere

>> No.21799282

Zizek is basically Lacan for Dummies.

>> No.21799345

The function of ideology in the modern world. Not anything too revolutionary or ground breaking, but I would argue a lot better than those other charlatans you listed.

>> No.21799417

basically that modern capitalism is inherently unsustainable, but that neither he nor anybody else has any fucking clue what to replace it with.

>> No.21799444
File: 95 KB, 604x420, 1677004020425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what to replace it with.
Orthodox Christian monarchy

>> No.21799898


Thats where Russia loses it because they cannot into social engineering. They had it half-way with USSR and then they get to other traumatic stage by reuniting with christianity, but its supposed to be both combined in leading to the post-historical state. The Universal Empire needs to be both socialistic and atheistically christian, the national churches of Orthodoxy are its biggest weakness. Basically read Kojeve.

>> No.21799948

Yeah no shit.

>> No.21800338

That's all ecelebs

>> No.21800447

Pre-modern capitalism, we need to remove fractional reserve banking.

>> No.21800476

Communists have always been suspicious of Zizek because of his pronounced liberalism and role in the collapse of the eastern block

Anarkiddies, SuccDems and Trotskyites love him, which tells you everything you need to know

Zizek Is only good for movie reviews and jokes. Actual leftists do not engage with his psycho Hegelian garbage

>> No.21800515
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1650135886687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do leftists always type like this? Redditspacing, insane worldviews, retarded jargon... is it the childhood beatings? Trauma? Something inherently wrong with their brain? Lack of soul?

>> No.21800533

>What should be replace this economic system with?

Monarchy is a political system you imbecile. It cannot replace capitalism. If you were to be logically coherent, you would have to argue for Feudalism, in which you yourself would undoubtedly be a serf.

>> No.21800535


Cope harder frogboy. If this is too much jargon for you then you're obviously entirely lost, maybe try something more your speed

>> No.21800536
File: 154 KB, 833x768, 1646916557681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more redditspacing
>more reddit jargon
Something's definitely off.

>> No.21800539

It's a kind of colour design used to attract attention via selecting two colours from opposite sides of the colour wheel. You see it VERY commonly in film posters with orange and blue. This was also used in the game portal, lol.

>> No.21800541
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>orthodox theocracy
When you try to be smart but you're a forever midwit

>> No.21800680
File: 87 KB, 887x1000, Ezra-Pound-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a bot bro or just regarded?

>> No.21800686

Remember when ziz got stroked and half his face was paralyzed that was fucking creepy even for him

>> No.21800687

>even christ is rolling his eyes

>> No.21800693
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>it's a phoneposter

>> No.21800893
File: 83 KB, 1200x797, sloterdijk+Peter+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an extreme left wingist who supported feminism and homosexualism.
Also his real name was Lev Bronstein by the way.

>> No.21800934

You're the only one who didn't know he was jewish bro

>> No.21800952
File: 88 KB, 1000x581, Peter_Sloterdijk_l_utopiste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary I did know that. You will notice I mentioned his real name Lev Bronstein.

>> No.21801219

>role in the collapse of the eastern block
He literally didn't live in the eastern bloc. Jesus Christ.

>> No.21801531
File: 153 KB, 710x335, RobbedofJoy-WS-710x335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though I was going to get some Sloterdijk content.

>> No.21801560
File: 28 KB, 722x420, Peter_Sloterdijk.jpg_2132480986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Sloterdijk is based. He is against feminism and immigrants.

>> No.21801645

His thought is 150 years beyond where the anglosphere is right now.

>> No.21801692
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anglosphere would cancel him because he named the jews

>> No.21801839

>>>>>>>we have to go back

>> No.21802091
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>> No.21802215
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>> No.21802403

After his debate with Yuval Harari, I grew to hate him.

>> No.21802412
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>Yuval Harari
homosexual jew who wants everyone in the world to have biometric ID and mandatory covid vaccines

>> No.21802880
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he shills for himself

>> No.21804489

Thanks for telling us.

>> No.21804576
File: 571 KB, 600x580, gibgold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

primo stuff

>> No.21804615

I'm guessing they agreed on everything?