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/lit/ - Literature

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21796866 No.21796866 [Reply] [Original]

"All great cultures of the past perished because the originally creative race died of blood poisoning." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11

>> No.21796870

He copied this from Arthur de Gobineau though. Entire pages from Mein Kampf are identical to the texts of Arthur de Gobineau.

>> No.21796875


>> No.21796876

Well, he did read Gobineau as a young man, possibly as a boy. Why wouldn't he reiterate the truth he'd discovered?

>> No.21796885

this meme was created by a non-indian

>> No.21796890

Gobineau was a metaphysican and possibly a narcissist. It is not known though whether his texts are some sort of Don Quijote on racism, a satire veiled under a non-fiction suit. I'm currently making research about this topic.

>> No.21796891

India was at its peak when caste system was unrestricted, and people could interbreed.

>> No.21796903

Obviously. A contempoarary indian would not be capable of creating a compelling meme.

>> No.21796909

He correctly observed that Whites (Aryans) are the most excellent race in world history.

>> No.21796922

No way Brahmins had blonde hair and blue eyes last century.
Last picture is accurate though.

>> No.21796928

Well,that's a very narcissistic thing to say. Gobineau pictured himself the Aryans as a group of absolutely perfect human beings. Slowly, their blood degraded as they went around the globe conquering other people's, to the point of creating the diversity of types that is seen today and civilizing the planet.

>> No.21796929

Didn’t you know? Everyone /pol/ likes is le Nordic blond. They would probably even quote some obviously fake quack sources.

>> No.21796932

>Slowly, their blood degraded as they went around the globe conquering other people's, to the point of creating the diversity of types that is seen today and civilizing the planet.
This is correct. Read Arthur Kemp. Whites settled in the Middle East, North Africa, the Americas and even China (Tocharia) and went extinct in these areas due to conquest and miscegenation. This isn't a theory, it's established fact.

>> No.21796952

Congratulations, you have discovered narcissism. It is not possible to you to imagine other nations being grand without finding a trace of you inside of them. In a nutshell,this is the entirety of what Gobinist thought entails.

>> No.21796957

>that's a very narcissistic
No, it is self incriminating

>> No.21796966
File: 127 KB, 648x852, Kalash-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No way Brahmins had blonde hair and blue eyes last century.
They are related to the Kalash, who were wiped out last; the survivors of the Kalash tribe were White. So even if they are mistaken on the details and the racism is not to your taste it is historical fact that some provinces of India used to be White in appearance, though closer to Russians and Poles in genetics than to Germans.
The closest thing we have to the truth is that they came from what is now Ukraine and settled in India. The local brown people already had civilization in the form of large structures but the wandering Aryans assimilated in and taught them how to write poems

>> No.21796982

What crime?

>> No.21796985

>It is not possible to you to imagine other nations being grand without finding a trace of you inside of them
It isn't narcissism, I just identify very strongly with my race. I wish they didn't go extinct in those areas I mentioned. It was catastrophic. These liberals who foolishly believe in linear progress should ask themselves why Egypt, Iran and Greece are no longer the centre of civilisation..

>> No.21796989

Tocharians were quite Asiatic, they did have common genetics with white Europeans, but to include them among some sort of ''pure'' (what does this even mean) race is retarded.
You know the formation of Europeans was literally a miscegenation of some main groups, right?

>> No.21796993

For me its the Death of the Kingdom of Kibi.
>Retarded Jap emperor imports a bunch of proto-Russians and Scandis to create an idealic blond village in the centre of Japan for his entertainment
>All the White slave boys die from diseases they aren't immune too

>> No.21796997

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.21797003

Holy shit you are a retard. Even if you hate Gobineau's Teutonophilia and racialism, he was massively innovative and ahead of his time in ethnography. And was a truly great fiction writer.

>> No.21797005

>(what does this even mean)
You know damn well what it means. Unadulterated genes and bloodlines.
>You know the formation of Europeans was literally a miscegenation of some main groups, right?
Clearly you don't understand that even amongst these major groups, there was broad racial uniformity. The Yamnaya, Northeast Eurasians, and Western Hunter-Gatherers were all of primordial caucasian stock.

>> No.21797006

Your race is already extinct. What remains of the blood of the whites is, among the whitest of Europeans, counter-balanced by the infusion of yellow alloys. You will deny this because of confirmation bias, but a keen study of physiognomy shows that Europeans lack, in general, the prominent noses of their white ancestors, have less muscular vigor and are less energetic, more passive than they were before.

>> No.21797007


>> No.21797011
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>Europeans lack, in general, the prominent noses of their white ancestors, have less muscular vigor and are less energetic, more passive than they were before.
Hmm, interesting. If only there were a political ideology which could reverse this state of affairs.......

>> No.21797016
File: 65 KB, 1252x788, Peter_Nicolai_Arbo-Hervors_død.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair it is connected to /his/. Though the OP pic is an illustration from a racist writer there's a lot of interesting /lit/ connections here. In the early days of India the conquering Indo-Europeans cultural interplay with the Indigenous conquered people created some of the greatest poetry that country had ever seen
I'm actually curious why other colonial situations never created such beauty, Anglo domination over India just caused culture to be lost

>> No.21797033

It cannot be reversed you idiot.

>> No.21797038

How is loosing a crime?

>> No.21797043

>Unadulterated genes and bloodlines.
What does it mean? Like EEFs spawned out of nowhere to their known geographical localization? Why do European people's genetic information shows a composition of EEF + WHG + some other different populations?

>you don't understand that even amongst these major groups, there was broad racial uniformity
Yeah, but nevertheless there were more populations than WHG and Northern Eurasians, and despite the similarities there were differences. I'm not saying this is the exact same kind of mixture as that of a Northern European and a Somali. Did not the North have much more contact with Northeast Eurasians, proto-Mongolian people, than the South?

>> No.21797044

>It cannot be reversed you idiot.
You literally don't understand eugenic breeding, do you?

>> No.21797047

Cloning the older fellers?

>> No.21797056

No and I don't care. Things are fine the way they are. I like myself the way I am and nothing is more revolting to me than to see myself as a sort of Uebermensch, superior to all, deluded of himself.

>> No.21797060

anglos are repulsive decandents of a isle that shouldve been civilized by romans for far more time
fuck the anglosphere, i fucking hate the perfidious albion so fucking much, fuck that we're only able to communicate on the internet because of english, fuck

>> No.21797067

>Cloning the older fellers?
For fuck sake. When the Third Reich was collapsing in 1945, they were still making super soldiers out of 10 year olds. These boys knew how to disable tanks and leap over ditches and build tents and forts and defences. They were trained for bodily efficiency since birth. If that generation wasn't defeated in war, what do you think they would've looked like, closer to us moderns or closer to the chiselled Aryan ancestors? You know the answer

>> No.21797071
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>Things are fine the way they are.

>> No.21797074

If you where white (spiritually) you would know

>> No.21797083

But anyway, you are not the kind of norditard who tries to claim the Mediterranean feats, are you?

>> No.21797085

Were their noses prominent (aristocratic) or were they pig-nosed (plebeian), though?

>> No.21797088

You mean a reflective ego? An ego that starkly reflects itself on to others, me being only able to see aberrations of myself on other things and persons? Become violent as a result, to finally succumb in a fight against the world itself?

>> No.21797094
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Pic rel is an example of an aristocratic nose.

>> No.21797100

>you are not the kind of norditard who tries to claim the Mediterranean feats, are you?
Nords and Mediterraneans are the same race, but the Nordic element was once highly prevalent in southern countries, as I mentioned earlier. And the biographies of the Roman Emperors, Pharaohs and Greek kings doesn't lie; the Nordic race administrated those societies for centuries

>> No.21797106

Can you summarize Gobineau in one sentence plz. What's his claim about race?

>> No.21797107

>You mean a reflective ego?

>> No.21797113

So Romans, Egyptians, Greeks were not Meds, but Nordics?

>> No.21797118

There was a group of absolutely perfect human beings in the past who lived among themselves until they stepped out of the place they came to be and what they saw was a bunch of ugly, weak and retarded mongrels who they brutally conquered and enslaved and used as a force to lead the luxurious lifestyle that they deserved and then they lived too long with the mongers and some of them took then as wives and then the race of super-humans became an average of them and the semi-them.

>> No.21797126

I don't know what you mean then.

>> No.21797130

Everyone was Nordic to these people.

>> No.21797132

Yes, I know

>> No.21797137

>So Romans, Egyptians, Greeks were not Meds, but Nordics?
They were both, but much of the ruling caste were evidently Nordics

>> No.21797153
File: 224 KB, 444x1457, F1AF8F01-3186-43D0-9DEE-9309C7E1F9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. The Caucasian race is diverse.

>> No.21797154

What do we do now?

>> No.21797156

>They were both, but much of the ruling caste were evidently Nordics
Remember when I asked you: ''you are not the kind of norditard who tries to claim the Mediterranean feats''? Why did you not simply say, ''Yes, I am''?